Short Hairstyling Tips : How To Straighten Short, Curly Hair

Short, curly hair can be straightened with a few very specific tools and techniques. Straighten short, curly hair with help from a stylist, artist and entrepreneur in this free video clip.

Expert: Tye Coe


Bio: As a visionary, stylist, artist and entrepreneur, Tye Coe, makes a lasting impression on all of her clients.

Filmmaker: Nathaniel Buck

Series Description: Short hair, whether it is curly or straight, naturally lends itself to a number of different hairstyles. Get short hairstyling tips with help from a stylist, artist and entrepreneur in this free video series.

Hi, my name is taiko, I'm a celebrity hair makeup and fashion stylist today we're at B su Salon & Spa here in New York City and I'm going to show you how to straighten short and curly hair, we're going to start with a one-inch section at the Nape of the head, we're gon na add just a little bit of straightening balm work it through to the ends. This will help in aiding the straightening process, make sure the other hair is clipped up out of the way and you'll need a styling round brush as well as a blow-dryer. Once you have your section blown out straight with the round brush you're gon na then separate the section and go back and with the flat iron to give it the extra straightness and smoothness before you Flatiron, add just a light bit of hairspray. That will help in keeping the hair straight and acting as a barrier for the heat. You'Ll continue this process throughout all of the hair, and this is how you straighten short and curly hair


Just Kyee: Just looked her up on Instagram. She's a life coach now. I guess this video made her think about her life.

Rickeshia Brown: Ummmm isn't hair spray highly flammable? Not a good idea before flat ironing, and her roots are still wavy!!!!

ASPÆD Music: Tye Coe, you gots to Tye go. That woman already has heat damage on her ends. Unless your straightening balm is a heat protectant, you are working backwards on the most important part of her visit. Hair health!

Princess Edwards: I can't trust a hairstylist who's hair is messed up

FindingDori: So are we gonna talk about how she bypassed this girls roots or is it just me

GoldenGloss: *How NOT to straighten short, curly hair I literally was like "nooo, what are you doing!!?" To this entire video

Ashiel Israel: This is one of the funniest tutorials I have seen LMAO!!! It's more hilarious because she is actually serious. Hair spray is not a heat protectant. This woman's hair has been fried too many times by her "celebrity stylist" seeing that the heat damage is atrocious. "As a visionary, stylist, artist and entrepreneur, Tye Coe, makes a lasting impression on all of her clients." LMAO yes she does with the heat damage on this woman's head!

Wanya 哇倪爱Oh 偶: ''the straining balm helps in the straightening process'' no it helps in the frying process!(good enough she adds a heat protector (or is it just some hair spray... no clue) after the blow dry...)  ;)

Angelique M: She took 5 minutes to turn on the blow dryer like she's never seen one before lol

Alice: I wouldn't trust anyone doing my hair if their hair ain't right first.

Amirah Tianne Gourde: Lol I don't think she's heard of a towel. You don't just wipe your fricking hands on your dress. 

Nicole Mitchell: for her to be a hairstylist I'm trying to figure out why her hair not done

Crystals Chaos: I watched this when I was like 9 and wanting my mom to do this to my hair. Now I'm back at the age of 14 and I can't even think of putting a straightener near my hair. I love my big curly fro. XD

Alyvia Russell: Top 10 thoughts everybody has while watching this video (in order): 1) Celebrity Stylist...hmm ok. 2) But the stylist's hair is barely done... 3) That girl in the chair has heat damage. 4) Straightening balm? Wait, did she just wipe that on her pants?! 5) No heat protectant tho? 6) Hairspray? Before flat iron? 7) Snap, crackle, pop! 8) All that smoke, smh. 9) What about pressing the edges? 10) What's the final look? BONUS: Celebrity Stylist for WHOOOO?!

Naomi Martinez: "Before you flat iron add just a light bit of hairspray" ...and at that very moment we all knew she done fckd up.

PredyJessica: flat ironing hair is easy as hell,now to avoid damaging it...


Aniya Santiago: I'm sorry but her hair does not look good for being a stylist. And then she wipes the product on her dress no ma'am. ✌️

Haley Knight: This how not to straighten natural hair

Alicia: I wonder who the celebrities are that trust her with their hair........

Cece Lopez: I honestly believe this is the worst way to straighten hair. First of all she never put heat protectant. Second she put hair spray before flat ironing, that is like the worst thing for hair. Hairspray in the first place isn't healthy for hair, and then applying heat to hairspray is even worse. Also, the hairstylist didn't even get the girls roots, if she's really a "celebrity" hairstylist she would know this is a unhealthy method to straighten hair

VeeRoyal Lewis: I almost took her serious until she wiped her hands on her clothing... ummm... plus the comments are Hilarious... ☕

Gianna: a lot of people don't know that there is a hairspray that you can spray your hair with before you iron it. it helps with heat damage and let's the look last longer

Nya Daniels: Hairspray gives you a good straightening shine but it's also known to fry your hair or make it unappealingly shiny or oily. A light spray over the whole head before you start the straightening process is best .

👿GiriGirl👿: This is a tutorial on what NOT to do to your hair! Look at those roots too lmao! They were not straightened at all. I feel horrible for laughing XDDD

Charles Sweeney: I think you did a great job, I'm going to try this on my daughter's hair.

Mercyl1704: All you who are complaining on wiping her hands on her dress. Y’all acting like you don’t do the same when straightening your hair. Honestly I’ve seen famous Youtubers do that. And for the hair thing, I personally believe the weirder the hair the better, because it shows that she has confidence in what she does and how she does her hair. She’s embracing her personality.

Lois Griffin: We have all been waiting since the Justin Bieber days (2011) for the final result of this hair damaging technique... The wait continues.

Pretty Girl Gang: I hate videos that don't show the end result -___-

Sharonda Tutson: That girl already has a lot of heat damage to begin with! Smh I cant!

mimi102239: Oh lord first,she should have sectioned her hair and blow dry it with heat protectant already on it..then straighten it WITHOUT HAIR SPRAY! 

Ashley Holt: Why was she so scared to touch the darn roots. WTF

Bre Shantrese: Absolute great job I recommend trying this on my clients thanks for the tip.

dunmega tate: Damn, that was so simple, I wish it were as easy 4 me.

Tyler Marie™: Haha....the client thinks her hair is short now...just wait till you see the results....of HEAT DAMAGE

katia garcia: tell me she did not just wipe her hands on her dress...

Yolanda Webb: this looks really nice I'm afraid to put heat on my hair like that

Brianna Inez: I'm hoping that by 'hairspray' she really meant shine spray cause if not, shawty is about to have a baldy.

iStyle-ish: Yall chill. Straightening balm IS heat protectant.

Pink Paradise: I started watching long to short hair videos and ended up watching how to do short curly hair knowing my hair isn't curly lol

On the move: I have never in my life seen or heard of a beautician putting hair spray on hair before straightening. That literally killed my soul.

Diamond Christian: Is the customer DEAD or KNOCKED OUT ????????

Ugo Uchendu: ......I now understand why we didn't see the end results.

Vally Baskar: I honestly love the stylist’s hair, why is there so much hate on it?

honeypancakes: Ugh this is what my hairstylist did to my hair since I was 6 years old and I'm now almost 20. Thank goodness I took my hair into my own hands a year ago. Stop frying people's hair! Use heat protectant and don't get so close with the blowdryer! 

Lawrence Sherrick: Inch partings are waaaay too big (quarter to half inch partings work best). Hair should be dry and "lightly" spritzed with a heat protectant before pressing, not drenched with hairspray. Where is your apron? Are you even licensed?

Lucenilde Do Nascimento: Ótimo Ótimo kk

Kormya Johnson: Why y'all hating on her like at least she doing something with her life❤

Toni Gallo: I come back to this video every now and then for a good laugh lol

Miilly Silva: sou do Brasil entendi nada mas gosteii do vídeo

charli: did she wipe her hands on her dress? if she did why didn't she just use a towel.

Taliana Elizabeth: Arent u supposed to blowdry all the hair before you start straightening it? And only do one pass on natural hair?

KuroKatana: If MY hair got that straight just from blow drying it I would never touch another hot comb or flat iron.

jay: When I meant nappy I meant that her hair was really messy and my definition of nappy is really thick hair with really really tight curls but I have thick hair that's curly but it actually moves around and I guess that's because I'm costarican and Costa Rican people really don't have hair that moves around as in you don't have to move your hair urself or it just moved quickly

Pretty Steena: These comments though I think everyone is thinking the same thing

nunu: I see this in most black women actually. You bumped her hair way to much! This is why now when she walks around and starts moving her head the hair on the back of her neck will start to stick up instead of laying down.

Gabrielle Jilana: I guess her dress is a paper towel....

Skye J: loving the hairstylists hair >.> need a color tutorial like yesterday.

Syd K: Why would you let someone who's hair looks like that do yours??

DREAMCAST: she over here popping pop corn and turned the kitchen into a salon

Via-Mari Boyd: Thank you but it also works with out hair spray but still thank you

Ada: I'm the only one that thought in a point in time in the video the girl fell asleep? XD

Bing Bong 🍃: Very professional

Cay Bee: She must style Donald trumps hair

Jessica Shemone: You do not use those brushes when blow-drying natural hair and who puts hairspray on hair before you flatiron it

QueenLivia1: Don't hairspray before using a flatiron. You're literally putting alcohol on your hair and then heating it; and what happens when alcohol is heated? It burns.

FieberJustinBieber: She didnt go to the roots. The roots are still curly

Issa Kween: this lady got jokes, ima subscribe just for that. she funny

Fran O: Wow! I did not know that hair spray could act as a barrier for heat! Looks like I didn't need to punches that heat protectant spray after all!

Raven Lemon: This is not right do not do this to your hair. Heat protectant? Too much heat? Hair spray? No maam.

Jadda Brokenberry: This is exactly how hair dressers do hair in Mississippi where I'm at. This is also why I now do my own hair

hernandez Zenia: Hola chica que aceite le hechas antes de pasarle la plancha ?

Treine Jones: Were can you buy the straitening bomb from

keshawn williamsbey: You had me until you said round brush ‍♀️

NIYASIMONE: I can't breathe these comments got me rolling

Nataliah Clark: So we just gonna ignore the fact that she spent 2 mins 18 secs ironing the same pieces of little bits of hair

Marianna: How you gonna put heat on her hair then put some stuff in there to make it curl back up then straighten it again? Givin that girl more heat damage

Morgan Burns: She has a FRO and she can get her hair straight I mean wtf!! <3

Kenzie Chanel: This just wrong lmao ... 1. She putting wayyyy too much heat on her hair & 2. She not even getting the roots straight they frizzy as hell

Mel S: wow her hair has heat damage... a lot of stylists don't care about the health of the hair only the aesthetic smh

Hunnah: baby just because you got a license doesnt make you a professional. hairspray is not a barrier

Brooke Tianna: her roots were no where near straightened omg !!

Kyriana Jefferson: Cool I got that flat iron laughed out loud

Davida J: These comments got me ROLLING! hahah

Zanna Blade: oh my goodness I remember the first time I use the round brush the brush was stuck in my hair I was mad

Adore Bxbe: what is the name of the straughting balm i am 11 years old and i love straighting my hair but i dont want to damage it.

Jessica: I find these videos satisfying

Chantel: damaged hair all over. it's always the stylists who can't do hair right

Anelise Munari Mab: Yeah i santé to know witch hairspray can i used to straight the hair like this ?? Or to not brook the hair edges

Imamuffin: 7 years later, I’m still ☠️☠️☠️☠️

Mandy Gybels: I dont use hairspray before straightening , it will damage my flat iron ..

Zandia Bell: Damn that's it …she should of showed us how it ends

Rashard Jones: my sister had heat damage so she stoped using heat and her hair is long and relaxed

Rashard Jones: my sister had heat damage so she stoped using heat and her hair is long and relaxed

K Moss: This video wasn't informative at all. For starters, it would be ideal for you to state the name of the products you're using as well as giving tips for types of brushes and combs to use. I have natural hair. It's still short but over the past year, it's grown significantly. However, I cannot use styling round brush. My hair is too thick. That being said, maybe there are other brushes that would benefit me.  Speak to your viewers. Show. Not tell. 

Erin Heisler: Love it

Damyja Ortiz: that was so good

Adrianna Parrett: Do it before you go to bed at night. Like wash it that night and then do that. So In the morning, all you have to do is style and go...

Rafael H: That girls sleeping and they fucking with her hair

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