Short Shag Haircut W/Curtain Fringe And Air Dry Styling

Today we're doing a super beautiful short shag haircut with curtain fringe that I air style bringing out the natural wave curl. Check it and see for yourself, you will not be disappointed.

White Comb -

Scissors I use:(expensive & professional)

Blunt -

Texturizer -

Oribe Featherbalm -

Non-Professional Tools(Cheaper)

Blunt Scissors -

Chunk Weight Remover -

Cheat Sheet to Face Shapes(FREE DOWNLOAD) -

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Welcome back to the channel guys, my name is jake thompson, hair, and today we are talking about short hair, we're going to be cutting some short hair, we're going to be cutting a lot of hair off. It'S going to be bad, honestly, stay tuned! It'S coming right up short hair. Why short hair? Well, you know what you might be done with your hair and you just want to cut it off and that's honestly, one of the coolest things ever it's kind of like a rebirth right who can wear short hair. Well, anybody can wear short hair it. It really just kind of depends on how short it goes. Right, of course, like, if you have a petite face, shape short hair is going to look really really good. If you have kind of a larger face shape, then you might have to adapt certain things in certain areas to make it look more becoming on you now, if you guys have questions about, is short hair going to work, for you guys, go ahead and check the Link below i have, in my description, a cheat sheet, two face shapes and i've designed two different things for professionals and then non-professionals so download, whichever one works for you and i'll kind of go into great depth about that. But in today's video i really just want to cut off some hair, so i'm going to be starting at the very top portion here on the top of the head. I'M going to take a mohawk section right through here, i'm going to be taking a little bit from each side. So if her part was where it was at and as you guys can see from that front view - and her part was in the center of this portion - if you can see that right in that area, so i'm going to be taking this hair right through here Now i just want to cut some of this hair off now. What i want to do is now i'm going to be going through and taking radial sections through here now, these radial sections - and if you guys, can see through this, let's bring this camera up on this top portion. So now radial sections. So i've got this now. I'M just going to be going all the way around, just like so and then i'll come back around this way, we're going to be keeping a little bit more length as we come out towards that perimeter. Now this is going to create kind of like this cool kind of cropped, look where we have a little bit more length around these side, areas inside and around through the back as well. So let's just go ahead and keep following this section right through here now, as you can see we're going to be creating almost like this pie section or a a pizza, so you can see how you can see my guide right through here. I keep sniffing with my nose. It'S really cold in my studio right now, i'm like i'm in salt lake city utah, and it is chilly right now. I don't know why i'm wearing a short sleeve shirt, but you know daddy's cold, just kidding, okay, guys. So now, what we're going to be doing is now we're going to start over here on the left side of the mannequin head and then we're going to make our way around to the opposite side. Take that up - and you guys can see that guide right through there now hold this up just like so, and i'm gon na be cutting that, and i even said before, like how i like to pull things towards me. So as i stand on the opposite side over through here i'll pull things through and you can start to see how my guides look just like that. Let'S see how take my guide just like that and stand over here on the opposite side. Take my sections and i'm just connecting and following along okay, so i am going to recap here, just really really quick. Now, as we start to cut through this center area, we basically cut this to where this is fairly short. Through this area, it's got a little bit more length as those around that kind of hairline. Now, of course, everything is kind of brought up to that top portion, for example, as you can see through this back area, all of this length now kind of travels. All the way up so, as you can see, that kind of travels all the way up into this area, so of course with it traveling all the way up. You'Ve got more length down through here and, of course, it's a lot shorter up into this area. The cool thing is that you create this kind of like cropped kind of like shaggish kind of thing happening, which is actually very hot right now, but the cool thing is that i'm gon na go through we're gon na let this dry kind of naturally, i'm gon Na go through, and i'm gon na start removing a little bit more of this length throughout the bottom kind of throughout this kind of side area through here, just letting some of this natural wave come out and then we'll style it after i get this length dialed In through here, i'm going to cut a little bit more through this area. So let's go ahead and do that now guys. So one of the things that i like to do is that i'm going to kind of go through and i'm going to cut a little bit of this a little bit shorter right through this front area. Now, what i'm going to do is i'm going to come in now, i'm going to use a little bit of a texturizing scissor and i'm just going to start by kind of cutting off some of this length right through here. Now i'm going to cut some of this length a little bit shorter in this center area right through here, and i use this like kind of like texturizing scissor, to create a little bit more of a looseness right through there and then what i'm going to do Is i'm going to take these side sections and i'm going to kind of push these over just a little bit and i'm going to start to kind of remove what you're doing is you're now creating this line, as this goes by just like that? Take a little bit more from this section over through here and as you guys can come over here on this side. You can see that so i'm going to take a little bit more of this section and i'm going to direct this over just like that, and i'm just going to kind of point cut right into that kind of soften. That up point cut right into here, soften this up, and i'm almost directing this right over the center of the nose softening this up now, what that does is, if you come in you kind of like mold, some of that right through there and what i mean By that and when i say mold, that is just kind of pushing that with your fingers and you could essentially create that uh that movement back just like that. So again, i started off by taking that little center area, making that a little bit shorter right through here we're gon na. Do the exact opposite over here on this side. Let'S see, i'm just gon na take this now you can see, as i take this this center area right through here. This center area is shorter. You can see that line just like that. Now. What i'm going to do is i'm going to take that and i'm going to start by cutting that line and just softening up that, just like that same thing over through here i'll take a little bit more hair right through there bring this forward just like that. Just soften up those lines so now, if you guys kind of cruise right around over here, i'm going to show you now this back bottom portion. I want to remove a little bit of length right through here now for this back area. What i want to do is i'm going to remove just a little bit and i'm just going to take i'm just going to start by kind of point cutting into some of this just to remove some of this. This length right through here now, depending on how you guys, fill because a lot of times when you're cutting some of this length. You could want this length to have a lot of strength to it. Now, if you want this length to have kind of like a lot of strength to it, you could leave it just like that right now, what i mean is like strength to where it doesn't look too thin. Okay, now the stronger you cut that line, meaning that the stronger you cut, that line more blunt or if you go very shallow point, cut or very deep point cut. Obviously, the deeper the point cut, the looser it's going to be the more shallow. The point cut the more blunt it's going to be so really it all basically depends on your personal preference on what you're wanting to do now. I'Ll, probably leave it with a little bit more strength. A lot of my other videos that i've done. I'Ve left things like fairly loose to where it looks kind of like a lot thinner. I mean personally, i like things that look a little bit thinner, but we'll probably leave it. Something like this to where it still kind of has a lot of strength in it. Right through there so, but i want this inside to be a little bit looser. It'S still looking really really good, but i just kind of want to loosen it up just a little bit more and what i mean by that is i'm going to take kind of like this mid area and i'll. Take my texturizing scissor and i'll just kind of go in and i'll just kind of soften it hit it once twice three times and the same thing you know i'll hit it once twice three times just like that, and just to kind of remove a little bit Of that weight and just to kind of soften that up - and it also just makes it that much more texturized when you go to throw in a little bit of product, it makes it like a little bit looser it just. I i just like how things look that way. Personally, but again it's your guys's hair, it's your personal preference guys, so you do whatever suits you, of course, with me kind of like brushing it like. I am you know it can make some of this curl. That'S coming out a little bit more puffy. So keep that in mind. We might need to kind of re-wet it just a little bit and what i mean is i maybe might take a little bit of a spray bottle. I might take a little bit of a product anything to kind of bring that curl and or that wave back into it. So if you're going to wear your hair, more natural, of course, you're not going to be doing a lot of manipulation with a comb. As your you know, you would essentially just be washing your hair, letting it naturally air dry and it probably wouldn't be as puffy. But you know, if you do put a comb through it, you just might have to re-wet it just a little bit, but the cool thing about when you actually shape that fringe when it's wet it'll kind of hopefully hold that shape as it starts to dry, which Is super fun as well, so we're going to kind of work with that? It'S got a lot of shortness happening like right through this area. Now, of course, you don't necessarily have to keep all of this length. Let me go ahead and add a little bit of moisture back into it, i'm going to add a little bit of a product, all right guys. So when it comes down to using a product, i would recommend using something really soft, something really light something. That'S almost going to give it just a little bit of a polish without actually you know weighing the hair down. Okay, now this is actually from orbe. It'S called featherweight. It looks like this. It looks like a cream. I'M gon na go ahead and put this into my hands now the cool thing about it is i'm going to go through and i'm just going to kind of scrunch it through now as you're kind of starting to see it's going to start to add a little Bit of definition, and knowing that i haven't like i haven't, actually gone through and put any sort of blow dryer in this like this is really just naturally how the mannequin head is looking now. The cool thing about this guys is that a lot of times people don't really realize how much like texture they have in their hair, naturally, because they're constantly manipulating it with some sort of like hard styling tool, whether it's a curling iron, a blow dryer a flat Iron, whatever it may be, so what i would encourage guys you know on a sunday, most people aren't really doing much on a sunday. But if you really want to see what kind of texture you have in your hair, let your hair wash your hair and let your hair air dry, don't put anything in it. Try not to touch it and just really kind of see if any natural texture is coming out. Is there any natural texture coming out in the back? Most people have like a lot of wave and natural texture back through here, but really just let your hair kind of do what it's going to do. Don'T do it on a day that you're probably going to see a bunch of people, then the next sunday. What i would recommend is take that and then add some product to kind of help kind of bring out some of that curl. You know so that's to kind of see, because you might have a really cool texture and you don't even know it then. The other thing i would probably recommend is that if you do have some natural texture in there find a hairdresser that can cut your hair to bring out that natural texture, because a lot of times people they don't have the right haircut, that's going to work with Their texture, it might be too heavy whatever it may be. So again guys. You know you might not realize you might be in your 30s, your 40s, your 50s, your 60s, and you don't even realize you're like man, i didn't know. I had natural like wave or texture in my hair, so i hope you guys enjoyed what we did today. Look how cool this is looking. It'S just got a lot of a natural kind of wave happening and again there's been no manipulation with a blow dryer and i'm just kind of scrunching this product in the hair and, as you can see, it has kind of taken away the puffiness. It'S got a little bit of definition and i'm trying to kind of bring out some of that kind of curtain-ish kind of style happening in the fringe, but guys, let me know what you guys think. I really dig it again. Super super amazing. Let'S go ahead and recap: bring the section straight up: everything's brought up to this area, we cut. This is the shortest portion right through here then, from there cut the fringe. You know have that angled towards the face angle, towards the face right through here to kind of help with that right through this area and then take a little bit of weight out. You can do that with a razor and or a texturizing scissor and then find a product, the featherweight from orbe. It'S going to be linked below check that out. You can use it on wet hair, dry hair. All that good stuff guys. My name is jake thompson. Hair, i hope you guys enjoyed what we did today. It is my take on a short medium, just a fabulous way to bring out natural texture. I will see you guys in the next video you

Stacey Altman: Thank you so much! This is an awesome tutorial as all of yours are! Im so glad i found you!!!! I love how you work with the hairs natural texture where there is minimal need for styling involved...i do the same and air dry and have a similar cut. Have been cutting hair since childhood with my barbies. A good haircut should require little to no work unless you want to do something fancy and you always show this to be true. Its hard to find a stylist who works with what you have and also your face shape! Great job and much appreciation for the education you give freely with fun! Now go get a sweater;) and know you have been an inspiration to me and many others! Take care and keep stylin

desifromitaly: I love it! Thanks! Would it work even on men (shorter in the back)? Could you also do a tutorial of your haircut? I really like it! :-)

FFMtnLaurel: Love it! Thank you.

Pam Short: I wish you were in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania because I'm desperately looked for someone who could do that cut you are truly amazing

Lisa Vivola: Love it!!!!!!

Carrie Cervenka: I WISH YOU WOULD CUT MY HAIR!!!!! This is exactly what I've been trying to get for the longest time and no one gets it. BTW - Your hair is cool!!!

Bobby Bobby: Great for my fine wavy hair


Urs: once again magnificent work!!

Vivian Mozart🤣: Me encantaaaa

Marilyn: Oh my gosh that haircut is gorgeous! But it gave me anxiety thinking about trying to do that to a customer with such layers layers!

Sharon La Tour: WOW! Thanks Jake! I have fine, thin hair. I have a long face, and I am of a ''certain age''. :) Would this work on me?

Bobby Bobby: Beautiful

Kendogg 817: That top first cut you cut long enough to basically lay at the height of the end or arch of the brow for?

sandra jackson-cornelius: In California, cant find anyone in my area for what you are doing. I would like to see you do that haircut but with shorter length. Thanks for sharing.

vagalume: In front and back, are stationary guides or travelling guides?Sorry for my question.Thank you!Great vídeo, as allways❤️

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