Sls Seattle Prelims (Gifted Hater Stream Highlights)

  • Posted on 20 August, 2022
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  • By Anonymous

Freakedoutchild on the mix

Tommy finn's, like the i don't know, he's like designed to be not memorable. You know what i mean he's like a he's like a c-list a-lister he's always around, but he's never really doing anything he's switching it up front. This is a good run, though. Please do this, i don't [ __ ] with andrew cannon. Come on dude, hey here's the visible replay once it knows it's a lot better than an invisible replay. What'S with the house, painter hat visible yeah, i don't! I don't know he improves it's weird right. There, tom he doesn't have a day job, does he, i think dom walker part. Was nuts jackson dude. I don't know tom walker. He'S he's good, but he's like he's so [ __ ] sketchy he's so sketchy. He looks like he's about to fall off his board. All the time i don't know he doesn't have x factor invisible mobile. Is this weird with all these phone companies like making secondary phone companies like? Is this some way of circumventing the anti-monopoly like bill? Oh, this thing's gon na [ __ ] die. Oh cameron's not available. I'D have to stop streaming my camera in color. Why you look like a 1800s victorian child? It'S just uh! It'S the logitech british jeans detector. That'S the latest software update. Any british people just appear in black and white on logitech cameras, yeah dude nigel's dead. He died so andrew. Oh that's! A nice got some potted plants on the course. This is a weird looking course they're trying to change it up, which i like the thing that street league did have before that looked good was like it was like very balanced. I, like that they're doing different stuff, but the course kind of appears to be lopsided to me. Why is miles silvas there? I believe he's there because he's a professional skateboarder - and this is a competition for professional skateboarders. What are even the benefits of getting uh of getting partnered? It just sounds like they're gon na try to control me more. Look at me right now, i'm just i'm. I had to set up a vpn to even watch this. Oh that was so cool. More more features, i don't even have emotes really, so i like this obstacle, that's sick! I wonder how the judges are going to score it, though, ultimately like none of this [ __ ] matters all this cool stuff. If the judges don't give them any points get there, i do have some emotes, but i i don't know i just hate all like the fidgeting and [ __ ] whoa, okay, so they are rewarding people for hitting different [ __ ] uh. I sent a donation. Why didn't it go through? I don't have my donation thing set up see. This is why i don't partnered blah blah blah. Are you did you send me three dollars? Yeah. Okay, let's see hello. 1. 800 nipples! Oh, that's! That'S not you or that's what paypal said to me. I don't i don't know what you said, but thank you for the three dollars. Take another look. Do a vlog with garrett jenner! That'S a good idea! Oh man! Oh both shoes hold the jake brown on them. When jake brown fell from the top of the [ __ ] rafters at x, games and his feet, exploded, sweet tupac, collab, big boys and uh tupac long sleeve, you don't know i forgot. I was gon na do a segment about the tupac, collab and hate line, but i was like why the [ __ ] i feel like i would take it personally if they um, if they put my face on a t-shirt and wrote primitive above it. Oh, my god, thank you double t. How much money are you spending double t? I'M just gon na not even make youtube videos. This is so much easier. It sounds like a [, __, ] casino in here, yeah flick. It so nicely nice. What are those are? Those nikes: how do you expect to make that trick in one try, i don't i hate those like how do you expect to make it in one? Try it's like. That'S like a full sending trick. It'S not like a big flip back tail. Big flip out. You know he's like kick. Flip nose grind. It'S like i don't know you have like a pretty good chance of winning that first try as well as you do like fifth. Try. Do you look like you're in a haunted photograph? Yeah? Oh get [ __ ]. Okay, all right, how do i mute this [ __ ] dude? Oh, my god, i can't shut the [ __ ] stream, audio off that's going to get like a three who's, the surfer guy, three switch! Oh, oh, my god shut up. How do i turn this off jesus christ? Oh my god! This is actually so [ __ ] annoying yeah, it's [, __ ]! That'S it you bit [ __, ], no more! It'S just gon na feel so empty without nigel dude gon na suck double teeth. Thank you dude. I hope you're like an oil prince or something this dude's australian. I got married recently and i had a kid recently. So did some some live hammers and it's been good. It'S incredible life hammers and landed, and i didn't know if i was gon na get a nine or not, but when i got the nine i'm super stoked because yeah first one and i've been in street league for about six years. Thanks. Imagine you talking to somebody and they're, like i just had a baby, i'm so excited what a [ __ ] life hammer. What did you say? He does seem nice, though he seems more cracked out than i am. I think he's been mainlining those a shock, energies off stage. It was truly mind-blowing, i'm from melbourne and have never heard of life hammers. I don't think it's an australian thing. I think it's just a fried skater thing. This battle, xqc baby, is just like the perfectly little crafted slender warrior he's the perfect combination of muscle, lean muscle, get well that thing that he posted was so [ __, ] funny it's like an unreal post. Oh there he posted another one he's milking this [ __ ] for all. It'S worth baby he's really enjoying those sympathy likes right there, yeah dude, he hasn't been doing so hot on the likes. Let'S see! Oh no, this one did well okay. 438. Look at that face baby, oh my god. That would be so weird if, like my nurse came in here and like oiled me up, maybe it's crazy in a split second. Life can go from feeling, so good and right to so [ __ ] wrong. I was feeling stronger than ever then ever wrong one then ever uh going out less started going drinking more and going. What is that drake song started wearing lesson going out more um drinking less i've been so juiced on being on my board that the only thing that's been on my mind day after day is the next big spot to hit. Unfortunately, i'm not someone that thinks everything in life happens for a reason. I think life can just be unfair, sometimes and bad things happen. There'S no positive way to look at this situation. Damn he is not taking this well um. I tore my acl sending doing what i absolutely love the most in life. My heart and dedication of skateboarding getting buck is there until the end, and i will come back strong heading into surgery. Rn, damn doc said surgery went better than expected. Somebody'S got to teach him the the difference between then and then jock said. Surgery went better than expected than expected. What i appreciate y'all and thank you d, warren g. Oh, is he tagging his doc? Oh [ __ ] yeah, no wonder he was making that that face and uh in his little bed. Oh dr warren come fix me. I fell. I'M just kidding um get better soon. Nigel um he'll be fine. Oh she's in his house - oh yeah, i'm sure she's gon na take good care of you. Nigel! Are there any hot blonde doctors yeah i'm gon na need some some care from home too. Oh sauce on him. Is he really wearing empires? There'S no way. I kind of thought i saw that, but is he he's actually are those empires what a legend putting on for the the [ __ ] impoverished empire community nice, that's the highest. Why does he do this thing with his little caller? Now this guy calvin's a machine? No, oh, no he's still a person, he can fall and he's always good to come back. Why wouldn't he be a person? What is that supposed to mean? Has kelvin done anything outside of sls? He'S probably has a horrible dslr video part somewhere, but i've never seen him put it together, wow and held on, and then that's so amazing. That really didn't seem like that good of a run. He just did a lot of easy tricks: speed, 6.8 yeah. That seems about right. You got to do something better than that if you want to soars looking kind of hot today. Oh, is that a square rail? What the [ __ ]! Why did they do that? That is so unhinged nice, big spin. Those pants are pretty bad. It'S weird, like the reverse, the dark to light fit. You know. Usually people do light to dark because it just makes you look top heavy. If you go light, then you go darker than light. He'S got a weird thing, with his knees where they like bonk, together, like before he pops it's like a little like a baby animal knock kneed yeah, oh hell, yeah, that the crowd is he in the little dunks, the le conchs. He is dude, no shoe spawns. Jacksonville here in seattle, i guess nobody wants their shoes like on top of that heinous [, __ ] grizzly grip that he rocks now not good optics. The guy's out for a leisurely stroll yeah true, he doesn't seem to be terribly yeah five seconds worried. How great would it oh take home an sls win? That would be amazing. It ain't happening, you know, he's he's only like 30.. I googled it two times yeah. That was the that was not a great run. He'S 32. he's just been in the game forever. I thought he was like in his late 30s, but now all the za has aged him. Yeah he's definitely been hitting the the patchouli. A little too hard for show matt looks like his board is. Is too short for him? That'S one of the things i realize that like upsets me about his skating, it looks like he's skating, a tech deck with like really tight trucks. Look at that thing. How look how [ __ ] small? It is how i don't get, how he's comfortable on that thing at all, there's a lot of big ones. Why does this girl course look like an urgent care center? That'S the funniest [ __ ]. I'Ve ever heard really good. Oh my god, with the fake plants. It does have the same exact like faux corporate aesthetic as like all these, like new medical, urgent care places, i've been to a couple of those like um, oh, that was wet um carbon health. I'Ve been there, it looks exactly like this [ __ ] place and that's not really. Oh mickey mickey get out there little man, i'm talking about. Imagine yelling mickey if your your sexual partner's name was mickey. Oh mickey, unfortunately, look at how well that was caught. So he's getting a blank board with a blind sticker on it. What does that mean? Here'S another 50.. I love mickey papa. I love everyone. Seven yeah! I think that was a 8.0. He did a [ __ ] clean ass burial heal urgent care center. That is the funniest. It'S all those [ __ ] plants around too it's kind of bizarre and the visible logo. Those pants are a little too big for my boy such a hard trick. Oh, i would have believed it going for a shove out of stuff. In a run is like i don't know, i feel like it's pretty bad idea because, like shoving out of stuff, just has such like a big room for error, because you're coming out of it you're going so fast, i'm getting taco bell. Should i spend 30 dollars on a quesadilla afterwards, yeah? That is weird. It'S like one of the most overpriced items i feel like. How is a quesadilla taco about like four dollars? Meanwhile, like you get a dead cow meat, [ __, ] sandwich and it's like a dollar, it makes no sense. It'S like the only one of the only edible items. I think that's why they charge four dollars for it. Skate wine response. Dude, i ain't i'm. I ain't watching all that [ __ ], happy for you or sorry that happened to skate wine. He also did it, like i mean remember when meek mill and drake were beefing and then like meek mill, waited like six months before he [ __ ] responded. This is like the beef is already over, so he has a sticker that says g-zone. How can you name your [ __ ] g-zone? I mean it's just like obviously begging for g-spot jokes. Do you know where the g-zone is? Do you think sora knows where the g zone is? I thought the g zone was where all all the homies hung out yeah. Now i actually i don't know, i don't know if yuto does know where the g zone is, he may not. Youtube looks like he doesn't have time for that kind of [, __ ] yeah. In my mind, uh yuto is a virgin he's incorruptable dude. That was ugly, oh my god. What'S gotten into this guy, it's funny for, like somebody that smokes a lot of weed, allegedly tori like rarely looks relaxed to me. Oh he's too high. I got it he's constantly in a state of reefer madness, just greened out all the time. Oh jesus christ, two clubs, his name perfectly suits him matt berger. If you never saw him in your life and and someone's like imagine a matt berger. This is he is exactly what would pop into my head. Matt berger, i'm i'm visualizing somebody who's sponsored by etnies and whose pants are a little tight. There we go he's out. Come on. Dude people paid good money to see this [ __ ] the chance front. Hurricane was good, really does make such a huge difference. That was pretty swag right there till the end with the chain. The 420 club, another guy with a chain contest skating, is fascinating. It'S like they're, like such a little small group. They all end up like copying each other and [ __ ]. Someone should conduct some scientific experiments. Why are those things on his shoes dude? That is not why they didn't give you a better score last time it's like well, if i did a laser instead of a varial heel. Oh my wes! Here'S that tray! Oh my god! It'S so stupid. He left that leg in canada. Oh the official enemy of the bunt [ __ ], mickey papa. He is. He is just the way that he moves as a human being. It'S just not not very smooth. Before we get and that's okay trick says a ton tyler peterson, no slouch. Oh that's my that's one of my pet peeves. I used to watch a lot of melee stuff super smash brothers stuff and, like the amount of times the commentators would be like this. Guy is really good, but also his opponent is no slouch. It'S like. Oh my god, can you guys [ __, ]? Think of something else he's no slouch. That'S such like a gamer term too multiverses makes me want to blow my brains out. It looks like fortnite fighting game. There'S a smash journey going on right now. Dude, i'm, like smash players, are just massive [, __ ]. I hate the way that they communicate with each other on twitter. Sorry for everybody who doesn't know what i'm talking about but like they're, so annoying nothing worse than someone saying a twitch emote to you in real life, yeah! No, really he did that so well. I wonder why he did that. Well, it's like one of four tricks. He knows even on even on discord, if people like say emotes like this kid that i hung out in a discord with a bit would say stuff and then he would say smile afterwards and i'm like what are you once like the actual skaters start skating, then They'Re gon na get some really high score, as if kelvin is getting an eight and a half for the same trick that he's been doing for five years yeah. I noticed kelvin skating aces too. He should be skating thunders or something easy like i don't. Why would a contest skater skate aces like what do you? What do you need to turn for i'll [, __ ] off dude? The hubba does seem like it's made of like something weird. It'S it's. It'S like really hollow-sounding the breed of humans that are from the varial heel, flipping tribe or like a a cursed group, mickey papa and uh. Sorry, i drank a bunch of alcohol last night. What'S the other guy's name with one tooth: santiago, manny? Santiago! Thank you andrew. What the [ __ ], i feel like that's like a 8.4 or something being a varial heel. Guy is like a it's weird because you get like rewarded for your, like first four contests and then everybody's, like hang on a second he's burial heel flipping, because this is the only thing he knows how to do. Okay, if ver, if mickey got an eight point, it's like okay, nine, then he'll, flip back tails like a 9.2, that's good! You should be rewarded for heel flipping. Now, that's like a 9.3 or four he's looking when he lands he's looking based, dude [, __ ]. These idiots mickey papa, gets a [ __ ], a better score for a burial heel. 50 50. they've been biased against felipe, like i don't know why it makes no sense. They [ __ ] him over every contest. He like he literally did the same trick as somebody else like last contest like kickflips. No, it was, i think they gave rice allele like a [ __ ] 8.0, for like a trick like a kickflip front board, and then he did kickflip back tail and they gave him like a 7.8 or something. And yes, the men's and women's contests are supposed to be scored the same. That'S [, __ ]! No, nobody does heal flip back tail and i don't know why the commentators aren't complaining. Yeah jeff would be like back tail. He'Ll flip. I simply don't agree with the judges. Sorry, my my jeff impression. It really is really bad. If i don't hear him smelly, fart and the judges table yeah him in like big cat and like mike moe and stuff. You know the problem with the judges table is: there's no diversity, then they maybe judge things a little more fairly kelvin takes too much now. What does that mean? He takes too much all right. Do something where you don't pop fakey, you wiener, oh nice, damn how do you the way he locked into? That was bizarre. It wasn't even like pinch that was weird as [ __ ]. It was like kind of pinched, damn nightclub bloggers. It looks like that hub is being a little grabby yeah. The hubba seems like a piece of [ __ ]. It seems like it's aluminum, where the the main, like attraction, doesn't work. You think teapots likes being called t-pud. I i think he's called teeth. Hugs. I don't think do people call him t-pud, t-puns t-pod sounds like you're, making fun of him or s4 pro, maybe you're a season. Four pro right now is a 3.8 dude. Why do these guys? You know why part of why nige is so [ __, ] good is because he thinks about the [ __ ] that he's doing if you have an 8.7 and an 8.1 and a 3.8, and you need to drop a score. Just go for a [ __ ] like seven you're, so much better off like with those four extra points or whatever or like two extra points than risking it, because people are like not really crushing this course that well, i would have played it safe make this Trick, oh yeah, he's gon na get like doc two points for that one for each hand. What trick do you think for sure is a seven. I don't know. That'S like that's a good question because, like i actually don't even know what felipe can do. Besides back tails, maybe yeah, actually i don't know, i don't know what felipe would do and the judges might be like so hard on him, because he only does back tails. He does like back tails and front blunts. I think he's gon na get docked and i think the crowd is gon na boo. It yeah he's gon na get mega docked. It'S gon na be like a [, __ ], six max, don't [ __ ] out guys. You know the rules, don't give it like a nine or an eight or some [ __ ]. Don'T give it an eight. It'S not an eight. Oh, my god. They didn't dock us yeah. I don't even think it should be that high. If you double tan touch. That'S like big points off really relied on his hand. I think the judges hooked him up yeah to see him move forward. Exactly he's a good he's, a good finalist, so they [ __ ] boosted. His ass now he's in second was that npc crowd yeah. I hate skate. Events are annoying, sometimes with that kind of [ __ ]. There'S just no rational thought. It'S so. Oh [, __ ]. I thought he touched balances right there wow he is. He is [ __ ] right in the g zone on that. That was really good respect for the novelty of that too. I think he's sitting there yeah that's sick, a little bourbon mid sesh. He seems chill yeah, he does seem chill. Doesn'T he judges by the way kelly hart billy marks jimmy garecki, big cat and mike moe? So you know whatever whatever the scores are: they're solid. These dudes know t-pods come on, get it yes, wow. What is he? What is he getting for that? They should give him like a nine and washington. Oh big boy fell over trying to get torrey, pudwell skateboard. Oh really guys [ __ ] four-year-old got squashed. No oh [ __ ], damn they like took it from that dude. That was awesome. That'S so embarrassing to [ __ ] fight over a skateboard like that. That'S one of those situations where, like you get home and you have the skateboard it's like well, i now have a used skateboard. Do you think it's going to go for like 800 bucks on on [ __ ] ebay, when it probably would go for like 200 max yeah he's, probably just gon na skate it yeah? He has to put this down two hundred dollars dream big. I don't know if you could say like torrey pudwell's skateboard, if, if, if mike moe can figure out how to sell people clips of video tricks from video parts as nfts, then yeah, i think you could get 200 bucks for a [, __ ], torrey pudwell skateboard. The course sucks it's not quite it's not quite right; they did try some experimental, [ __ ], which i do like. I like the long rail. It is just kind of ugly the guy earlier who said that it looks like an urgent care, i think, is the most accurate analysis of it with all like the fake grass and the plants and [ __ ] 18. Why are you wearing a sweater he's [ __, ] hot as hell in there you can tell mark suchu was the skater of the year recently. Thank you snoopy. That is a fun fact for everyone to uh digest recently yeah, as in last as in last year. Yes, wow interesting, globes, okay, every contest when they just do a bank to bank these guys just get so horny for like sending trey flips over throw in oh these um. These hubba's grind, like uh, like signs like when uh. What'S his face was grinding the blockbuster sign and [ __ ]. Oh those look a lot better from far away. I don't know that's gon na work. That'S a little rough. I think sean malto into the booth joining. Oh thank god in seattle. Once again, the two he is like one of the most consistently good skaters for so long. You know what is true. I think that usually the guys that are consistent have always been that way. Oh, i nobody gets randomly consistent. You know baby that tre flip was wet as hell the crowd loved it. They don't usually give good scores to that kind of [ __ ] 8.3 yeah. I love that man, the judges are see. Where else do ryan desenzo and mark suchu shake hands. That'S why a street league is a a beautiful event. I always crop top good angle. That was easier. Oh okay, i think he's wearing like golf pants. He looks like nike golf pants. Oh that's a good run! Oh my god he's so [ __, ] hot yeah. That was beast as hell. Everything was stomped. He didn't do any like super hard grind tricks, but he definitely sauced it out. Talk us through these replays yeah laser flip, the bumps beautiful kind of shows his gnarliness yeah. It does dude. I need a smirnoff smearing off ice smash immediately. I wish gustavo wasn't on kariuma. Why he's perfect for them? I think started solid the momentum. I hate that trick. Man he's wearing dickies with the [ __ ] top flipped over. How is he comfortable with that? Knowing that he'll be on television, he does all like the [, __ ] horrible contest tricks to me, like bigger flip front board, like has a massive boner for the crooked grind flip out. I just don't think that he's at all, interesting or or like really does any different tricks in the contest scene he's just like a filler person. In my opinion, like yuto's yuto's got good style and yuto does like new tricks. Youtube. Does [ __ ] that nobody else can do gustavo just has like a genre of like life. Lame ass contest moves he's on his shirt. I thought his gon na board was gon na snap into a million pieces. I mean this has a real chance of being the highest scoring line. Is he skating nobody else? That'S not a ic board. Is it tire line, so he could not be gassed? No, i don't play hollow tonight. I don't know if he's on uh illegal looks like polar that's. The next move: okay, bestie yeah. I love that mark suchu skater of the year he looks like he's been reading in a basement and - and he is one of those skaters like you were talking about he's just so good on a skateboard. He can also skate a contest he's not somebody he such has one of the worst pushes all the time period he's crushing right. Now, though, oh oh, oh, i thought he was going to hit the rail he thinks his push is good. That'S why it's bad yeah! Exactly he does a lot of like fake stompy stuff. In his run, i think he apparently has like a mob like a friend group of like yes, men who, like never question him or anything chase, just in the [ __ ] the plant pit. It'S like a two thousand dollars worth of plants down there. I like the way they're like kind of awkwardly like it seems like there should be a lot more of them, there's like a very awkward amount of plants where they like try to get a lot in there, but then we're like. Ah, we're spending too much money on this vince, so we'll just like fill it up halfway, they should get something more exotic in there. You know, like some color, those look like the cheapest ones on sale. He'S crushing that kick club could be lava instead of plants. That would be good. A lava pit at street league, maybe an alligator pit, who knows maybe that'll, be the next dime glory challenge. Oh you're [, __ ]. I think he did fit it in or are we gon na have a lava pit and a snake pit? Look at us. Oh they're last resorts on the street league courses. You know what word i think is like an instant tell if you're an old head is, if you say, rad like who the [ __ ], that is under 30, says rad right here, like oh, that was rad, dude you're old for saying swag. No, i'm not [ __ ], you swag's a cool word. You know, aren't you like? 32 bro yeah nice, the way he lands he just has like such a powerful stomp. It'S like a real athlete. Oh baby yeah. He is like a real athlete he's, like kind of looks like a [, __ ] running back or some [ __ ]. Oh, i actually think sean is right. He is like a real athlete. He like moves like an athletic person does. He is definitely one of my favorite skaters right now, like a lot of skaters. Don'T look like athletes, even if they're, really [ __ ] good, like deshawn, looks like his body has been like trained in a like sort of a traditional fashion. He'S a super good dude. He seems like it what the [ __ ] is his tray flip. Some of these flip blows me away. You know what you know. What'S really annoying is like how rushed he obviously is through like that last section and then like sauces out a tray flip like he doesn't give a [ __ ]. You know, that's always what's bothered me, i think about like the contest tray bomb. It'S like it's not on it's, not on the theme of what the last like 30 seconds of skateboarding, i just watched. He did three trey flip themed moves, that's like his that's that he only gets a 6.9. For that i mean i didn't think it was good, but not even a seven for that [ __ ] that was [ __ ] up. He felt like three times. I wasn't paying attention all right. You guys can take the timer off he's not gon na. Do anything that's the most awkward thing ever. They have no nothing prepared if, if the guy decides to quit the technology ain't there yet yeah, oh my god, so creative mark sutra's, like he's like the most creative guy at trade school like all these dudes, are here to like operate forklifts and he's like yeah. I, like also have a soundcloud page. That'S like mark sutu in it like against these dudes he's [ __ ]. I can't lie. I keep giving. I keep trying to undermine him, but he's skating well about the end. They probably will give him a [ __ ] knife have such a mark every time he skates. He got a seven nine on that. First, one i feel like. If you don't cheer, if he lands something at a park, he kills you. He has one of his goons like [ __ ] like tap you on the shoulder like cheer, clap, dude, that's mark sutu. He won skater of the year recently he's the donald trump of street league. I don't know about that analogy per se. Weird judges are deshawn's. Logan scott, if they give this better than desean's, i'm going to shoot myself in the face he pops out of it properly, [ __, ] you! These judges literally, are just wasted in the booth they're, absolutely [, __ ] off their asses on a shock, energy and [ __ ] smearing off ice crusher, whatever the [ __ ]. Let'S give that one a 9.2. Oh, i think that bumped bar is so much [, __ ] cooler. That was insane well. He did it too 7.9.9. So this heat really really doing it. Seven. He doesn't even get an eight. I just got ta say after the fact like i was surprised, then i'm even more surprised seeing this now a 7.9 for gap to back noseblunt. This is one of the weirdest scores i've ever seen after watching street league for almost 10 years. This actually like doesn't make sense. Are they like trying to give youtubers content right now how the [ __ ]? Is it not even eight to back nose blunt that rail, absolutely [, __ ] deplorable, so 7.8 see the problem? Is they just [ __ ] up you on that one boy, you can't say that word sorry, jesus christ, midler alex midgler. They just [ __ ] him over. So they can't. They can't give sutu a fair score either. Ah [ __ ] it. I don't care anymore. I hope i'm done deleting vodka. If you can't handle me at my, then you don't deserve they just love it. If you do a little flip with your board. Oh my god. That'S so beast switch burial heal. So what did alec majerus get for that back nose? One? Does anybody know because they were saying he got a good score. We got a low eight if he makes out their back knows once like did somebody just drop a tutorial where everybody was able to figure them out now that just honestly now that trick is really easy. It'S it's an easy trick. It'S kind of cool to do on something long though it's easy, it's really easy to tape. The legend the front side, king he's, comfortable's front side crown. Is it like the the kick flip front, lip fakie and the kick flip front tail on different, like is there? Does it matter different enough? I feel like i feel like two is: okay? Two'S? Okay, if you do three front side, flip tricks, then there's too many and they should dock him, but i think you you're allowed to have two little air [ __ ] lionized. I love that [ __ ], that's a deep cut dude. I wanted to make a lionized sticker in the fa font, but i couldn't figure it out too moroni [ __ ] though oh pretty generous. I don't think i think the judges are like playing too many mind games with themselves. That'S like what happens when you start [ __ ] up, judging like you start have to like excusing, like other scores, you've given stuff and then it affects. Like the other scores you need to like put them in first they're botching, it i think the first play. Oh, did he hit the tail on the stair, oh in first place, wow he's been a good i like how alex was getting in on the dancing too. He loves to party, oh, he did tap the [ __ ] out of that regular laser is the hardest stance for a laser. Oh i mean i wouldn't know. I think i've done a laser. I don't think i've ever done a switch laser. So when was the last time you saw someone switch lasers, i mean it makes sense hypothetically because switch heels are easy, but i've never seen a switch laser before the classic mid hungover midler street league performance he's in sixth. I hope he can get something here. Oh jesus christ sexy, i just hope on the next one. The judging in this has been a [ __ ] train wreck whoa that would have been sick. I like how the biggest reaction from the crowd was when hoffler did his stupid. Fakey double hand drag, but they just didn't bat an eye at a back nose blunt. I thought he was going to die mark winning saudi was like biden winning the election. Very good. Thank you for that. Jordan not finished. Did you yet that noise he made? He went finished yet he's so you listen to world genius while playing minecraft, that's you're our ideal listener dude, i'm sick of his tray flipping ass 9.2. For that crook, flip was just the most cursed [ __ ] thing ever he's such a loser. Lol yeah gustavo is such a loser. It'S such a crazy thing to call somebody like. Do they not look see how big that bump to bar is sean got one. Eight four like that thing is huge, so they'll likely dock him a little bit yeah. Why? What did he do? I'M sorry, what's the problem with it, what you don't dock, what did they give to sean's 8.4? You have an 8.8 same okay he's going back. I need some attention. Did people never land those so like? On top of him, just sticking that logo is so bad, it's like too small for the hat too. It looks like they didn't finish it. It looks like they were designing a logo and then they like accidentally deleted 80 of it and they're like oh. No that looks good. We got another heat for sure we haven't seen or does yuto auto qualify? Oh no there. He is that little [ __ ] hello, oh not this guy bizarre set. They they did. You can help me find a trick like this. I'M gon na have to find it myself kelly's, really selling this wow loved ones. This [, __ ] could change your life yeah. I don't think kelly, [ __ ] either ollie, he seems maidenless. Oh my god he's so perfect. He gets a haircut once a day. I bet keep it the perfect length. This is for him here he goes there. We go nice opener the military fit. I feel like i'm stealing valor when i wear green pants and a black shirt loose switch ollie. This is a weird line: forced switch ollie right there. Oh, that was gon na, be a spicy heel flip. Yes, it was. Why is he meowing cool that was pretty clean? He is murdering the baby section. Pants adjust switch back, tizzy come on dude nice see. I don't know how to feel about that. He did a lot of tricks. Didn'T really do any super hard ones should get a good score for it. Yeah dude luann just he disappeared and then he came back and he looks like he has seen some [ __ ] like he just has a different look on his face. Now we need to get oh, my god. He didn't lose his flick, though, and that's obviously it's kind of weird to see him in in pants that aren't super tired. The only man on planet earth still wearing janowski's respect is weird because i i had to approve a message that said crazy white boy, but i i don't have to approve a message that says molested like what. What is the? What are the rules on this stupid website? Absolutely delusional white boy, this white boy is delusional, that'd, be a sick, rap name, delusional white boy. I don't you know what it's like. Oh it just looks like nothing can go wrong. Little suburb, that's pretty hard comfortable little burb mc trust fund. That'S pretty sick, too young boat, shoes, young silver, spoon right, so yeah, pretty good, i'm sure you're right all right, sexy, okay, nice, that is awesome, nice, solid, run, dude he's doing a lot of tricks. He'S got to do something sweet now, though, how sketchy is it to utilize solid run than the first one? That'S for sure, okay tell us about what just happened: sean andrew cannon and sean malto just get in a car accident. They come to like break that down. For me, sean sean's like well, we got t-boned and then an suv hit us from the other side and then we both passed out and the engine is on fire. So if we don't get out of this car right now we're both going to die andrew huh. Six times awesome or he's watching a car accident from the sidewalk and he's like that was awesome all right, such a good spot. Let'S see it, oh what happened there team on course, nice yep yep. The way that car flew was mind. Blowing, oh that frontside car flip was mind-boggling. I love that he does the classics. He is such a little [ __ ] with those big spins hurry hurry. Oh you botched it. Dude yuto just looks so comfortable out there on the course. You don't give a [ __ ] anymore. He knows he's the best. Now that nigel's dead, i mean there's nothing stopping him. Does he have miss sean? Yes, he didn't even try on that switch tail. He literally didn't try to see utah's literally [ __ ] sleeping through this. That'S not even the real yuto he sent his like prelims uto cloning. The real yuto isn't even required for this yesterday, but yeah. He should just start skating. The prelims and sunglasses trick is impossible, like he did at the contest that is so sick he's. He put the x games medals on his snorlax in the back. Look at that what a [, __, ], mind-blowing collection - oh that was awesome. I just saw three people die. That was awesome. I just witnessed a natural disaster. It was a tragedy. He just has like a stupid little list. Does anybody do this better than this guy in the world? Does anybody get thrown through a windshield? Oh my god. Cool thing about you, you know we talked about that. We want to see like sideways on it, i'll just play it when it's nobody's, that's a weird trick to score for sure feebling a square bar is so awkward. I used to feel my pink zero rail. All the time, i don't think it'd be a cop out if he did that to regular that'd be cool what wow! This is weird. I thought that was gon na get like a [ __ ]. Seven. They give this a nine. I mean it's a cool trick. It'S different but like midler didn't even get an eight. Did he for back nose, one they urgent dude, they are actually like completely wasted. Remember pop the smearing off. I have nothing to say for sure all right. Yes, i would i would. I would be like. Okay, eight makes sense. I can understand that he got the whole rail all right. I mean whatever you say. The other weird thing about that trick. Is that like, if another person does that it's immediately gon na go from like like, if, like four more people start doing it it'll go from like a nine to like a 7.1 like in the course of one contest, because there's no [ __ ] way that You can tell me that that doing a back nose, blunt is is easier than that. It'S only the novelty factor that he gets a nine for it. So it's like i don't know. I think a nine is like a completely inappropriate score, but you get points for novelty for sure, but if it's a trick where everybody can like instantly just start, [ __ ] doing it and blow it out of the water, then like you should get a nine For it, because the level of difficulty is not high enough, i don't know what they're going to give this. They obviously have a [, __, ] foy boner, though, what nine again bro this is completely ridiculous dude if he did the whole thing, then i'd be like. Okay, like a 9.2 or something, but he like did like half of it max. I don't. I don't understand this. This is [ __ ], insane back nose, tbh, not mad, rather watch jamie do things than seeing big tricks, meta yeah, but it's like it's. It'S not really a matter of like what you'd rather see all the time versus like it being unfair they're, really like rewarding him for doing different [ __ ] like over, compensating for it. In my opinion, oh my god, he just big dick that stair set up. I know it's hard, but it's kind of like kind of nollie heel and then no slide they're, giving him points for that. [ __ ] he's at least getting a [ __ ] like mid eights yeah yeah. What do you think? What do you think they'd give jamie foy if he did that if jamie floyd did that [ __ ] they'd give it a 10 and a half? Oh my god! Oh no wait! He didn't even qualify with two nines. This guy sucks tommy finn more, like johnny sins, pretty good. You got to give him more. Oh he's not going to qualify, oh well, just from a caliber of trick perspective. It'S not there! No, but it was awesome to see that i understand how great he is. Just fine all right, we'll see you tomorrow, buddy right there, the switch heel front tail the jaw slide in the next heat. Oh there's, another heat jesus christ. I would have had chipotle delivered if i knew it was going to take this long. Job burst through the door with undertaker music andrew got excited because he thought it was a smearing off crash like no. No, it's a smearing off smash, dude dude, the t-shirt. The vintage tees with the [ __ ] monster logo are just the weirdest thing. It makes no sense, but it's i love it. Oh my god. What happened to manny's head? You got it abducted by aliens and they left him with a [ __ ] bright red head. This is an awful color. Oh my god, it looks fake. It looks like cgi. Does it distract you from the missing tooth yeah the missing tooth strategy? What are you talking about? My hair is black, representing this fool's 36. he's the ultimate sender chris johnson looks like he rides like a dirt bike professionally. He doesn't look like a skateboarder how's, chris only 26.. He got chris got into the game. Young chris was like doing his best skateboarding when he was like [ __, ] 21. yeah. He also had a kid early too, which, like made people, think that he was a lot older than he was nice to match the kicks wow. This is, this is beautiful, see my my question is: what was the order of this arrangement? Do you think he had the shoes first and then chose the hair dye afterwards, because that's that's a perfect match this neon orange red toxic cheese puff orange hot cheeto puff nuclear reaction red that buzzer threw his ass off. Oh, it's! He freshly dyed it. You can still see some of it on his skin if he starts sweating. It'S going to get all over his neck and stuff. Now give that hair that hair color a 1.9 pressure. The cut is [ __ ] too yeah. That'S pretty bad was a third place. Oh, what the dude that was sick, held that 5-0 grind y'all, would probably rock the monster patch for less money. The monster patch is so [ __ ] ridiculous. The way that he wears it like combined with his like bob dylan t-shirts and [ __ ]. It'S kind of funny last last contest where he [ __ ] was wearing the joker t-shirt. I mean that was beyond hilarious, monster patch x, joker team. I think that's a little low yeah me too switch back. Five is sick. That hat is so big like shaquille o'neal's head would fit in that hat dude. His stomp is hilarious. He'S actually looks upset when he lands his trick. Those are the tricks he needs to be making. I like, whenever, like people, do like insane [ __ ] to their hair, it's like he's he's being himself or something it's like. Is he being himself? Does the real version of manny santiago have a bright orange head? Let'S hope it's just a phase. Am i being your myself? No, you guys would shudder if you ever met the real me he's really. The real me is: not t.o.s, society wouldn't be able to handle the real me, so i have to wear a mask to blend in that'd, be a sick, skate park review, fit just be a furry, see i like when people come in here and say like who? The [ __ ] is this guy me or the is it me or the guy whose name is on the screen? Oh so, sick, joe sounds like a name. You'D give a rescued ape. That'S pretty much. What i am! Oh classic vintage joslin baby. You got ta love it. Oh that's! So! Sweet, oh he's! So happy he's like a little kid. A little airwalk, caveman air, one of the rails whale tail baby, amber maddox, was making a gene that had like two little loops to try to prevent the whale tail and they marketed that so funny that skateboarding was there. It looks like he got the haircut like in in the backseat of a car no way that was that was andrew's. Most excited he's gotten, thus far. Really i wouldn't even given that a nine, i don't think. Ah, okay, 9.2 yeah. I'Ve been complaining about the commentators for a long time. I don't even i honestly, don't even care if, like andrew cannon gets like excited about a trick. I just it's just the fact that they like can't be objective about anything. You know if they have anything like sort of remotely like if they question the judges or something most of the time, sean kind of questions them sometimes but like if they say anything they have to like tiptoe around it too. You know - or they can't just say like that, was a low score or like carlos is really not skating. Well, today, they have to be like carlos looks like he may be experiencing something that is making him not land the trick or some [ __ ]. They just can't speak like human beings. It'Ll look bad on tv. I guess no, it won't. A lot of sports have commentators that speak like human beings. It'S just the culture within skateboarding has evolved this way because it's small, so you don't want to say anything mean about anybody. Oh look at that that was swag as [ __ ] 8.5 chris. This pool still has braces it's funny because, like all the all the guys who actually do try to, like you know, add some more cynicism into the commentary like those dudes never get put on consistently like jeff rowley. He only gets like one a year pretty much. If that they've been letting shawn on a little bit more, but that's just because he has a sexy voice, no chris, i, like chris cole too, chris cole's good chris cole's, just like a good guy. You know i like him a lot manny doesn't have any tricks. He only knows how to burial he'll flip 5-0 and verily he'll flip people grinding [, __ ], oh god, damn that red hair and he's not even gon na make it to day two. Oh, he got a knife, oh he's! In already okay, i was like what the [ __ ] just skated. Well, oh save that for tomorrow, my legend, the top eight final standings deshawn jordan. Up on top you two origami chris joslin finish this brian internet video

Alex Scott: “Joah sounds like a name you would give to a rescued ape ” I’m dead

Sam.G: I met Tommy Fynn in the elevator at the 2019 Los Angeles sls, he was one of the chillest guys I've ever met

Dielitjr: I like how the judges score a clearly sick and hard trick really Low as if they can get on their board and do it

Jason Ladewig: This is the perfect time for Nyjah to read a book.

daniel _: Man that heelflip back tail was so sick and deserved way more than 8.7

Raphael Bailey: I would love to see your sub alert noise just say "that was mind-blowing" or whatever it was

Dielitjr: I like tre flips but theyre so overused and once a kid learns a tre its hard not to get addicted to them and just center all your focus around 360 flip themed tricks

Maurize: 19:37 that Geoff impression actually was pretty spot on xd

PICNICSINSPACE: HAHA the skaters should have put on a doctors fit to skate that course in. Imagine Yuto in the lab coat and Felipe in scrubs haha

Anton LaHeyyy: You pretty much have to flip in or flip out to get a higher score from these dudes, doesn’t matter how gnarly shit is you didn’t do the flippy thing

Ian Reger: I met Andrew Cannon’s cousin at my local. Felt compelled to say he’s “Awesome!”

Dustyyshellz: 6:02 damn that kid looks so bummed I nearly shot my drink outta my nose when I saw it and switch laser is actually pretty easy, at least the rotation part, landing it’s a bit harder

Spencer: Keep up the good work!!

RKWDBMX: pretty awesome, mindblowing video

calvatronic: I didn’t think I could care less about Dashawn and then he put on a crop top

Andrew Percario: just had a baby I am so excited what a LIFE HAMMER

Happy Bowser: Decenzo did good!

BREAD.: bro the funkadelic music with the nyjah and the dr bit had me in actual tears.

Ivan Cadena: I’d rather watch this then Street League haha the observations are spot on

Robert Casey: This guy looks and sounds like every nerd in a movie ever.

Pikachulova7: 9:25 steeziest bitspin I've ever seen

NotGhastly: the judges are off their rocker

jjamie.mooore: Funny story, I went to see my sister's graduation and this was the same venue it was hosted, it's not even in Seattle it's in Everett

Ej Peterson: Lifted gets bricked up when he starts talking about yuto

Honey Errl: 3:18 finally a good quality jake brown clip

Sean: I used to like those tres with the straight back leg that you catch with the front foot but now they look super whack for some reason.

LP: Is midler still on IC? or he gunna jump with Nak and Tyshawn?

Barry Hackintyre: these highlights are so fucking good damn

Calvin!: totally agree with the melee comment there are so many unbearable figures in the space

losewell: so glad you discussed the plants

01000010 01100101: 3:40 Is that Chase Gabor!? _Hide all the Screwdrivers!_

yofkwhat: 19:30 The men and women are actually not supposed to be scored the same anymore, they each have their own scoring system

Sean Miller: No lava pit but a water gap or a debris gap would be cool.

Sellout 8k: omfg when you started talking about smash LOL, as someone in the community (not really active anymore) people in that community are awful, huge degens. there's obviously some really good people and ive made lots of good friends but for the most part the community is half filled with creeps and predatory people. 2 out of the top 5 smash players in smash 4 got outed as pedo's

jamiebrrr: this was fucking high quality commentary

Pikachulova7: Could not be more wrong about Dominick walker go watch the part yall hes ridiculous

Evan Cervantes: the patch on the vintage is crazy

Prismo: For real why are quesadillas at Taco Bell so expensive?

Henry Hochschild: this is gold lol

HD: Gifted hater out here with the Strobeck facecam

DECIDE: actually u can't replace a run score with a best trick score btw

Jonny C: u can’t deny a crook nollie flip a 12 set

Dream Jackson: Mark sucius does in fact have a sick mumble rap flow

Josh Douglas: 8:15 that’s his mom fam

LP: Dude your comment about Luan i sspot on....he fr looks like he saw the other side and came back....still skates insanely well but the look on his face

artur dickson: he sounds like my mom getting annoyed that shes getting too many messages with the ringer on


Ryan Dunn: Midler was skating a Real 8.5 Full SE board. Ive got the same one

PICNICSINSPACE: Manny is going down the Dennis Rodman road hhaha

Wallace: So many laughs during this video

Jared Davis: lmao at the Yuto getting a haircut once a day comment

GarrettBeckerMusic: wtf is Big Cat doing judging a skate contest?

Oliver Garden: What did he call Alex Midler lol? 35:48

Roving Mauler: Sora looks like the toothless kid from stranger things

Drew Farrington: 7:45 you a fool Hahahahah

working on it: haters. Dashawn should've gotten at least a 9.2 on that fs 270 lip on the fat gap to rail

Aubliz: man i wish them beef burrito's were still a dolla tf

Reese: I keep looking at the vid cam and thinking it’s some kind of flashback gimmick of some kind

IIIIIIIII: Lol @the jake brown shoes

Clockwerk: His sticker says O-zone lol.

Derrick Oneal: 49:10 foy even seems appalled he’s bein scored that high

carson ketcher: Good stuff

Paul Brackett: pulled a jake brown on em lmaooooo

Archie Butterworth: That was nyjahs mum ahahah

DECIDE: crazy u didnt know tommy fynn is from australia

Roving Mauler: 00:40 Harry Potter sighting.

steinar slettedal: GH got a major crush on yuto

1ok111: he won skater of the year recently

01000010 01100101: 50:57 Is that Gabrielle Carteris?

augor masterson: Does Deshawns sleeves seem too long for a crop top to anyone else?

01000010 01100101: 6:40 _Homophones be damned!_

Joe Rotil: Bro that’s nyjah’s mom in the 3rd pic, he tagged her

yuck: they’re not fuckin with midler cuz of the shoo away he did to the cameraman

Roast Beefy Weefy: what skateline beef was being referenced at around 13:20

usernamed: I’m Drunk rn

Gforgamer//G4G: Post joas reaction to the bryan arnett video pwease

cleb: dont know why hes referring to himself as british we dont want him


Liam Rendall: Swag

Mox Fulder: judges are fried

Matheus Souza: kelvin hoefler is a weirdo trust me bro

What Memories: They’re all the same a bunch of jocks hiding behind an alternative ethos!

Hayden Mick: Was the Kelly hart commercial narrated by the voice of the bronze 56k radio?

counterclockwise_spiral: mark suciu - the donald trump of skateboarding - won skater of the year recently

Ryan Dunn: Torey Pudwill needs to just stop embarrassing himself out there.

Jacob Jerde: Twitch incel streamers lol … go outside !!!!!!!!

augor masterson: Is Frankie and Thiago the only people on primitive not in sls?

Samuel Dahl: Is that channel allowed?

Heroic Squirrel: Gustavo ribeiro is pretty awful to watch I have to agree, he’s got robotic fake steez

yuck: Nick Holt

Ej Peterson: KEKW at joa getting mad a donos

Nitro Kidd: They need sun big fake trees

spooky boi :D: dude that guys right regular lazer is the hardest lazer ever i can sw lazer and nollie as well and my regular heelflips suck bro

Lykos: Vlog 23

pure gold: gifted hater and his fanboys the type of people to hate on skaters doing tricks that they couldn’t do themselves on this course

DadMadeDinner: The scores are so low because mike mo is thinking “I did all these tricks better 15 years ago”, which he did

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