How To Love Your Natural Gray Hair African American Gray Hair Transitioning Greyhair Journey

  • Posted on 24 October, 2022
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Has your hair starts changing and you are struggling with accepting your natural gray hair. In today's video I discuss how to love and accept your gray, grey, white, and silver hair and as a African American woman I know the struggle can be real.

Most women struggle with accepting their natural gray hair because society’s rule, “your looks aren’t good enough”and fixated on changing the way really look.

Gray hair is the new black and here to stay! Find out how you can love yourself naturally and accept the natural progression of life. Love what God is doing to your beautiful hair!

Foreign hi, ladies welcome to the channel. This is silver crown lady in today's topic. We'Re going to be talking about guess what gray hair the reason why I wanted to do this, ladies, because I have really wanted to be talking about like my journey, my transition time um, you know, as some of you might know, is that my gray hair started At a very young age, like I would say like definitely in my 20s um, I started to get this like little gray, hair streak. So you know so it's definitely been a transition. It'S definitely been a journey and I definitely want to talk about it because, as a modest woman as well as a traditional woman, a natural woman, you know my hair is natural. Um, there's been a lot of changes that has taken place so today we're going to focus on gray hair. So if you are interested in today's topic, please stay tuned. So the reason why I wanted to bring up the gray hair thing is because I started to transition quite early and it has been a journey that I have struggled with. I have struggled with accepting my gray hair accepting my natural beauty. I'Ve been accepting not you know, wanting to wear makeup and also the clothing, the conservative type clothing. So when you have all three of these things working working with you, then you know. Sometimes you really start to go through, maybe a dark period. So because you know a lot of people are cruel, they're mean they, they say mean things to you as well as your family members as well. Like you know your family members, your siblings, you know they may start to say things, especially depending on what type of woman you was Prior, meaning like for me. I knew all about doing hair. I know how to do all different types of hairstyles and and when you start to like change like from the so-called social norms, people start to treat you different um. You know they start. You know saying things like: oh you look older or whatever the case is, but I know I don't look older like if I literally dyed my hair, you probably would think I was in my 20s. However, you know the just the fact of my hair being gray. People and it's not a weave being gray people will, you know, think automatically that you're older until they look at your face and then they're like nah she's, not older, so because I definitely can't get the free stuff that the older people actually get. I can't get the discounts that the older people can get. So I know it ain't working with my face: um, it's just the hair, so it leaves people a little confused because they're not sure is she older? Is she younger? So it really just depends on what I'm wearing um. So that's why a lot of times? Yes, you know, so people would just assume that you're older, if they see you from the back um and that's one reason why a lot of people just do not want to go gray. So it's definitely something that you have to learn how to accept transitioning to gray hair starts not just from the outside, but really in the inside. You have to learn to love your hair. You know, God is obviously dealing with you in some way to take the time out to actually start doing your hair. You know for him to start to change your hair white. It'S just an amazing and beautiful thing, he's making you into something beautiful. So you know and it's something that the world. Unfortunately, Society is just you know backwards and mean and cruel, because you know they want people to stay. Looking like they're, you know 18 forever and that's just not the case. You know. So they put all this tremendous pressure on women, particularly women. You know you know, there's men that watch this channel too and yes, there is definitely times I'm going to be addressing some of the issues that the men face. But I know women face a lot more issues when they start to wanting to transition when they want to start having more Traditional Values: dressing: conservative dressing, modest. We start to face more opposition, more Prejudice, more stereotype, because you know it's all with it's all about the change. You know it's all about what God wants you to be, so this is why today I did you know a big hair, don't care type of time. You know my hair was in like little mini. Well, not many twists. They were just in regular twists and because I am going through like a protective styling phase, which, ladies, I will be talking about this whole. You know growing your hair out as well, because a lot of people also are suffering from their hair being short, which is also reasons why they don't want to wear their hair out um. Obviously you know there's a lot of things. That'S that there's a lot of. We as women want long hair. This is why why there's such a you know, billion dollar industry of people like doing extreme things to have long hair, even if it has to be someone else's so so definitely long hair is in a woman to admire and to whine I mean since the beginning Of time, since all the movies, all of the princess movies always portrayed women with long hair as beautiful um and all of the princess movies, you see the girls with long hair in some way, so it's always been since the beginning of time. Since the beginning of women's Beauty emerging that long hair was something of value to a woman, it is her glory at the end of the day. So therefore um, so one of the things I definitely want to talk about on this channel is how to grow. Your hair out long and healthy and strong, and also to not be ashamed of your hair. You know whatever texture or type or that you have, and also if your hair starts to transition like mine, you know, don't be ashamed of it. Ladies, you know this is what it is. You know, whoever you involve yourself with has to know that this is who you are. It is horror horrible. When you have to constantly try to look like someone else or try to be something that you're, not I mean how long can you keep that up? You know people get sick, they get. Sometimes you know you, don't. Maybe not have the money to go out here and go to the hairdresser go into the hairdresser nowadays is not the same way as it used to be. You know. People are spending 500, 600, 700, a thousand two thousand on these hairstyles, so I'm like, where is the money coming from, because I know I would not be spending this type of money, which is why I definitely am thankful. I know how to do hair but anyway, back to the subject at hand, so the subject at hand is all about you're, so relaxed. Ladies, when your hair starts to change, the best thing really is. The first thing really is acceptance. This is who you are. This is what you look like. This is what your hair is going to. Look like you know. One other thing thing you will know about hair silver hair is that it is more fragile. Not only is it more fragile as it starts to turn whiter and wider, depending on the what you eat your diet, everything your hair can become more drier as well. So it is very important to keep your hair very moisturized as your hair starts to change silver as it starts to lose its color, the color of whatever your your hair started out with. Then your strands is going to become more fragile and more drier. So it's vitally important: if you want your hair to continue to thrive, then you have to also take care of your hair. You have to learn that your hair is going to need moisture. You can't let it be all dried out. You can't just put on a scarf or a turban and or even a hat. You can't even put this on without protecting the hair on top of your head, so these are some important steps that will help you, your hair, your gray hair, become a lot more. You know beautiful and also thriving and long as well, because one thing about women, we covet long hair. You know most of us um and we want our hair to be thick and full and healthy. So the whole thing of growing your hair and having hair is, you know, a woman's Glory. So it's definitely something that is important and definitely something I want to talk more about on future videos as well. So so definitely, ladies, you know. In closing, you know, I really want to say that a couple things. Ladies, I definitely want to say thank you all to my new subscribers. Please leave a comment or any suggestions that you would like to hear me talk about more because I want to talk about the things that are dear to us. You know all of these transitions of leveling up, you know femininity and softness, and everything is wonderful, but there's also some real things that we deal with in addition to our hair changing and we also deal with spirituality. We deal with. You know, problems at our job. We deal with sometimes even people, and you know, people that treat us mean or cruel or bad, and and it's something that I definitely want to talk more about, because you know, as we level up, we want to have a much more. You know Kinder and gentle approach about life, you know and we don't want to be mistreating anyone. We want to treat our sisters and our family and our brothers and so forth, and everybody that we encounter with kindness. We want to treat people the way we want to be treated, so you have to have a great level of respect and a great level of admiration for yourself, so that you can treat each other kind. So again, ladies, I hope you were able to enjoy this little short video about accepting and embracing your gray, hair and again, don't be ashamed of it. You know sometimes wear your hair out full and thick. Like you know, I mean I'm gon na I'm on. Actually, a challenge - I'm not gon na share it. Yet because I want to see the end result and then I can share it with you. Ladies, so I so just stay tuned for future videos on the challenge, but I have started to challenge, but I don't want to tell you anything about it until I get to the end result that way once I'm like. Oh, yes, this stuff definitely works. Then I will share it with you, lovely, ladies and you could be on your long hair Journey as well. So thanks for watching - and I hope to see you on the next video and bye for now, foreign

Shades of Sage: Great video sis ! I love your grey hair, I think grey hair is beautiful . It’s a shame society says otherwise. I’m glad you talked about how your grey hair is different from before. I’ve been wondering that! Thank you for sharing ❤️!

Rochelle Morgan: Very beautiful Sis So true ❤️

Tiyaná Hicks: Oh my gosh love this intro!!! So beautiful

Kimberly Bowen: Yesssss Intro!!!!!

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