Seminal Retention = Gray Hair Reversal? How Excessive Masturbation Could Cause Gray Hair

  • Posted on 28 July, 2021
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Hi all! In this video, I talk about the benefits of seminal retention and why excessive masturbation can lead to gray hair. Although I am not a sexologist, I was known as the 'High Priestess of Sex in China' according to the Corriere della Sera


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Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and all of the content in my videos consists of my own research into scientific matters as well as my own experience experimenting with what the science suggests. It is very much what I believe the science is suggesting but of course everyone has a number of factors that affect their health, which is why I always like to say that n=1 i.e. what works for me might not work for you.


Hey everybody leslie here and today i want to address a really important topic that doesn't get enough light of day, but it is very important for us to consider as we age and that is sexual intimacy. Now i i'm not a sexologist, i'm not a doctor. However, a long time ago, in the late 1990s and the early 2000s, i had an online matchmaking site in uh, hong kong, china, india and i was known as the high priestess of sex in china. According to the corriere de la serra, that's a large daily newspaper in italy and i think the italians know a little bit about romance. So that meant something to me and the international herald tribune called me, the dr ruth of china. So i'm not too squeamish about these very primal topics and just wanted to discuss something that i've had people write into me about, and that is frankly masturbation so does masturbation or excessive masturbation. Does it have any side effects, for instance, for a guy? Does he lose his essence too much of his essence such that it could create premature gray, hair or could he feel tired or depressed or even less manly the next day? So i want to go through all of these things and, first of all, the answer to the gray hair question is yes, too much. Masturbation could potentially lead to gray hair and i'm going to tell you exactly why and then i'm going to tell you what you can do about it to make sure it doesn't happen to you. So, let's break this down a little bit and let's talk about some of these messages that i've gotten from women and men, older women who are say in their 50s and 60s like me and have started after a divorce or having been widowed they've now partnered up With someone else and they've noticed, actually, my new partner is spending a lot of time masturbating and i'm not sure if this is healthy, so they're asking me at the same time i have a lot of younger guys who are experiencing premature gray. Hair who've told me that to relieve stress they have noticed that um they resort to this more frequently than usual, just as a stress-busting mechanism and are there any downsides to it? So i want to start first with what exactly is in seminal fluid just so that we have a better idea of what a guy is losing when this happens. So because of the fact that semen is so important for preservation of our species. You can imagine that there is tons of good stuff that goes into that, and so, when a man manufactures this, it's actually quite a stressful process for the body, because it is quite precious and it's important and a lot of reactive oxygen species actually occurs because of The process now inside sperm, you have vitamins and minerals. On the vitamin side we have vitamin b12, which we know deficiency in is correlated to gray, hair, also ascorbic acid, vitamin c, and then there are a lot of minerals such as magnesium, potassium and zinc. Zinc is famously known for being important to male fertility, but with regard to magnesium, that is another important mineral that will help you sleep at night and which is also very important for various functions throughout the body. As a matter of fact, it's a cofactor in about 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, so it is indeed really important, but there are also things to help with that reactive oxygen species that arises when the sperm are manufactured by the body, and these are antioxidants that You'Ve probably heard me talk about in other videos like superoxide, dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, that is my favorite one of my top tips for busting, stress and reversing gray. Hair is glutathione. If you look at my other videos over the last year and a half you will see, i talk about glutathione glutathione, a lot so um. That is also in semen and you're, going to lose a lot of that as well. But let's not forget hormones when a man is producing this and when he ejaculates he actually will deplete his body of testosterone. So if we talk about what the eastern sages have called a man's essence, i think that testosterone comes pretty close to what we all feel is a man's essence, and there have been studies done which show that immediately after ejaculation, a man will lose testosterone. His testosterone levels will drop the more that this happens, the more his testosterone levels drop. Finally, another thing he will lose is spermidine and, as you know, i because i've done some other videos on spermadine and the fact that i also have brought a supplement to market that has both spermidine and spermine. Two very important polyamines spermidine triggers autophagy. That process of cellular renewal and recycling, but it also keeps hair in the anagen or growth phase for much longer, and it is only in the anagen phase that melanogenesis or hair pigmentation actually happens. So if you want to give your body a greater chance of being able to create pigmented hair, you need to make sure you have enough sperminine in your body to keep it in that antigen phase. So, let's now go through all of the things that are in semen, that will be lost when, when a man ejaculates, so i've talked about the vitamins and minerals. I'Ve talked about the antioxidants. I'Ve talked about testosterone and i talked about the polyamides now which of these things actually contribute to to gray hair. Well, we've talked about vitamin b12. We talked about the antioxidants in particular glutathione peroxidase, sod and catalase. Testosterone doesn't necessarily correlate positively with pigmentation, but it will definitely correlate with mood just like low vitamin b12 will correlate with low mud and then spermidine and spermine will absolutely correlate with a deficiency in those two will absolutely correlate with lower chance of melanogenesis or hair pigmentation. That also means hair loss too, by the way, if you don't have enough spermadine - and i didn't even mention the fact that spermidine and spermine those two together will inhibit seven of the nine hallmarks of aging everything from dna methylation impaired protein folding inside the cell, telomere Lengthening to impaired nutrient sensei, so i hope that this video um, if you want to top up, then you can simply increase your body's intake of foods that are rich in some of those antioxidants. So cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cabbage but also avocados, have a lot of catalase as well. You could take other green, leafy veg. All of the antioxidants i've talked about will be in there sod and catalase. You cannot easily supplement, but you can supplement with liposomal glutathione. You can supplement with spermatine or you can get it in your diet from things like a fermented soy called natto from wheat germ from peas and then, with regard to vitamin b12. That'S a pretty easy supplement to to take in same with vitamin c, zinc and magnesium. So those are some of the things that you can do to top up the things that you lose. There are also some ancient taoist breathing techniques that you can engage to to make sure that your guy or if you are a guy, you yourself, if you feel the urge to orgasm um, but you don't want to lose that essence. What you can do is take some of those ancient breathing techniques clench your buttocks, just like women's kegel exercises, but these are for guys clench your buttocks, just as you feel the urge to ejaculate, and then you will find you have what's called an internal orgasm and That'S a little bit it's a different feeling. I have heard you know, obviously i'm not a guy, so i'm not gon na i'm not gon na know, but i have heard it's a little bit of a different feeling. However, the more practiced you are at it, the more chance you have of learning how to achieve multiple orgasms. Now. This is something quite elusive for men, quite normal for women and it does take practice, but there are a lot of things that you will gain if you can master this, so i hope that this video has been helpful and illuminating if you've got any other questions. Please leave them in the comments below i'll do my best to answer them going forward. My policy is, i will definitely answer the first 10 questions, because sometimes i just get so many questions if you'd like me to respond, definitely leave the questions in the comments, as opposed to dming me or sending me emails, because i am just flooded with messages. Thank you again for watching and if you like this video and would like to learn more about how to age better, then please subscribe to my youtube channel. See you next time.

Dumb Genious: She’s made so many videos on reversing grey hair, but honestly there’s so many lies out there about this industry. *Can anyone reply to me who’s tried any of her remedies and let me know what your results were?*

Alexandre Schwob: Hello Leslie! Thank you very much for your great videos. I have a question about liposomal glutathione to deal with grey hair. According to another youtuber, it is pointless to take it against greying because glutathione does not reach the melanocytes as it is only internaly produced. This is why he says NAC with enzymes such as taurine and folate work better. There are also other things like ubiquinol (bioavailable form of CoQ 10) that seem to be promising. What do you think about these imputs ? Thank you very much in advance!

Carm: Hi Leslie. I’m going off topic here, but I’m hoping you can help me. I am a female, and I just started taking glutathione from pure encapsulations thanks to you and your wealth of knowledge. I was wandering how many capsules should I take , I am in my early 50s in menopause. Furthermore, should I also take NAC as well. Lastly, I have thinning hair and my cortisol levels are high can you recommend something for stress, nothing seems to be working for me. Thank you

jatt: Hi Leslie, in your previous videos you highly recommended the NAC for reversing gray hair but that supplement is banned now so can you please some alternative supplement?

CJ Zanders: When people on Quora or even doctors online say that there's no way that seminal loss contributes to any hair related alopecia, hair loss, or grey hairs, I do not take their word because scientific conclusions aren't based on gut instinct or personal theory. The science is not out on this subject. I think the most science based answer is to tell people to try it for themselves and see what happens when clinical testing isn't available. Telling people to take what they say as fact is not science.

graemx _: Hi, I once used "Roaccutane" and it contained "Iron Oxide, red". My hair turned red, true. So now I am looking for that ingredient, "Iron Oxide, Brown". Do you know where I can buy such an ingestable compound? Many thanks and your channel is great!

MadMax1984: This is very educational thank you!

Nazia Begum: Hi Leslie, If you have stress then can you reverse the grey stress hairs with vitamins and others? x

PJ NYC: Such amazing content, thank you

Z B: You should write a book about your discovery, and I do know there are also genetic factors that contribute huge impact on our health conditions.

Betstradamus Picks: Fascinating information. I’ll definitely keep this in mind

Sabreena Subhan: Hi! Does Covid cause grey hairs too?? Iv been getting new grey hairs every 6mnths from past 2yrs.. went through a divorce prior so stress level n bad sleeping since then...d3 , iron levels have been corrected but still on lower level of normal range. B complex is normal, vit e , copper and zinc test is tooo expensive because they are done rarely but once i got zinc test done n it was normal. What can be the reason?? Bad absorption? Bad sleep?? Few strands do get black again and some go black annd grey again.. I'm confused n so sad. I'm on multivitamins with 10000mcg biotin, 1000 mcg vitc and iron syrup n started salmon fish oil.

missing1person: with internal orgasim you will still have a cortisol response. I believe the best approach is to have less of it and eat more antioxidant and miniral rich foods.

Mr Ram: Glad to see you back with a great topic.

Fabien Dass: Well...we need to find a different way to cure gray hair, Leslie! This is a bad way to stop gray hair, !

Jb_Insight101: Masturbation is unhealthy and catabolic. Exercise and semen retention or celibacy is anabolic.

Coco Chanel: Would taking a glutathione injection be better than oral liposomal glutathione?

Jose El Marijuano: I been fappin 1-2 times a day for the last 5 years and I have a lot of white hair . I always wondered if fappin has triggered my greying .

dan1993968: Hey Leslie, I'm a 28 y/o guy who has been increasingly getting grey hairs since about age 25.. I have 8 hrs sleep a night, exercise, eat fruit and veg, don't smoke, don't drink much, I keep stress low, take NMN, resveratrol, vit D, zinc, and have just started taking vit B, I also have started rubbing ghk-cu into the areas where there are a lot of greys, and am currently getting tested for H. Pylori, as I do have some stomach issues too. I should however point out that ages 18-25, I did experience a lot of stress, and also didn't sleep as much as I should have.. However none of this seems to be slowing down the greying! ☹ What would you recommend I do next? After watching this vid I will be cutting back on sex/masturbation too

Golu Yadav: I have total 50 grey hair how much time it would take to reverse it please reply ❤️

Ciaara T. Paen: Hi Leslie u r a lifesaver!!! I am hopeful now and drinking morning and night blackstrap molasses ( organic) 2 tsp in warm water. I observe white hair after I used onion juice on scalp and 2 other products too ( acid fulvic liquid spray, a moor mud bar of skin cleanser like soap using the foam only) Will the white hair drop off and black hair regrow ?

Prerna Gautam: Super excited for this

Lan tran: Wow...really good info.

CJ Zanders: High priestess of sex. Stress busting… These are some interesting topics with Leslie lol

zakarayaful: True. Releasing is number 1 cause of almost all male problems.

Brett Lewis: Thank you shows why im all gray now!!!!

CJ Zanders: Does a person save more spermidine?

Mikey Cortez: I was smoking weed almost daily from a vape. I feel like there was a correlation, do you think?

Curtis Hawkins: Hello. I got my blood tested and I have low vitamin D. I wish I would have gotten my blood tested years ago. Don’t guess at what you are missing from your diet. Go get tested

Living Dead: I just got so confused many advises many ideas tried nac didn’t help tried all advised and got more gray hair ! Until I followed Online scientific methodology

World games: Hope u to find the reason of grey hair

Arun Kumar: Is there any suppliments for this!?

Backstage With PILU: How much time will be take to reverse???

PE9041 - Sadiq S: I want to see how much your grey hair turned black.

vlogs: Is that true of i cut my gray hair well grow more gray hair like 1gray hair =10 gray hair..?????

quakerlyster: On the other hand, withholding ejaculation or going too long without release can cause prostatitis symptoms. Also, semen is another channel for getting rid of toxins.

Mirza Irfan: Where is clinic

Sanna Mati: women talks about semen ?

محمد علي: @Leslie . Are single ?

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