Hair Trends Will Make You Look Older/ Unless You Know This!

  • Posted on 13 December, 2022
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Hair trends are exciting and there are new ones every year! BUT, if you don't know what I'm going to share in this video, hair trends CAN ABSOLUTELY make you look older. Maybe you're excited to try the Bixie hairstyle or the butterfly cut or the wolf cut. Maybe you're curious about the Mixie. 2023 hair trends are coming and I want to help you look amazing, feel amazing and ROCK whatever trend you want. If you want to ensure your picking hair trends that will make you look more younger, the 5 steps I share in this video are KEY!

***If you want to be considered for an upcoming video in this series just click here to submit your photos:

***Check out my wife and my brand new Adventure/ Travel Vlog Youtube Channel here!

***Can't WAIT to get on the road and meet some of you awesome folks as well as have the opportunity to cut some of your hair! If you want to stay up to date on where we will be, when and how to connect for a haircut near you, CLICK HERE:


Email: [email protected]

Justin Hickox

621 sw. Morrison st.

suite 150

Portland, Or 97205

Below are my favorite products and tools!



-Hairstory dry shampoo

-Bumble and bumble styling cream


-Amazon oil


- L’Oreal Hairspray


- HairStory



-Infra shine





-Dyson Airwrap



-Dyson super sonic blowdryer

-Chi Touch 2

-Chi Rocket Search Amazon for the best price. I’m unable to find a link for it but it’s on amazon.


- Wet brush

- Volumizer

- Olivia Garden Round Brush



Collaboration: [email protected]

Okay, the new hair trends are here and I know you're excited, but let me tell you this: they absolutely can make you look older unless you know what I'm about to share with you in this video now, every year new hair trends come out and you get Really excited about trying them, or maybe you just want to learn what they are, or maybe you want to just make sure that you're up to date or current in your fashion and that all makes sense. But there are some things that you need to know. Actually, five things to be exact to make sure that they don't actually make you look older because they absolutely can and even more than just looking older. They may also just make you feel kind of uncomfortable and you might not know why. That is why it is that you know you've worn this before you love this shape. Why doesn't it work for you? Well, I'm going to share exactly why it might not be working for you and some pretty easy fixes to those concerns. So uh yeah don't make these mistakes. Let'S dive into five things that you need to know before you try a new hair trend. Okay, now before we dive into the actual concerns things you need to be aware of, you first need to understand, really kind of where Trends actually come from, because I think a lot of people kind of miss that Trends are just basically remakes of styles, that we've Already seen or trends that were popular from decades ago, so maybe you're familiar with the old shag haircut from the 70s and then last year you probably saw the wolf cut. That was very popular, which was basically just a remake of the Shag slightly modified, or maybe you remember, the 80s, with the mullet this year, we're moving into something they're going to call the Mixie, which is essentially a mullet and a pixie mixed. But if we're honest, let's just be straight and call that a modified mole or maybe you've heard of the butterfly cut, which I can't even begin to tell you how many Renditions of the butterfly cut have happened in the 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, Etc. So all of these styles are styles that you may have seen before, and it's likely one of the things that will draw you to one of them in particular many times. I find that people gravitate towards new trends that are very similar to trends that they loved while they were growing up or at a certain time years ago, in their life. Now the crazy thing is this love, or this draw could be the exact reason that, if you do this out today will actually make you look older, and you just don't know why. That is where the five things that I'm going to share with you today are going to come into play so that you can actually not only potentially wear that new trend, but also rocket look amazing in it and, most importantly, as I always say, feel absolutely incredible. Wearing it, okay, the first thing you need to know is what I call dress the trend. Now, let's imagine that you're looking at the mixi right now and you love this style, and some of you are probably thinking. Why would you love a mullet? Hey, I'm not here to judge I'm just here to say that it is an option and you might love it and there's nothing wrong with that. But if you were a mullet in the 80s and now you're looking at this Moxie saying wow, it's finally back, I loved that style on myself, let's dive back in and then you do and you're confused about to why it doesn't work. It'S most likely. The fact. The likely that you're, 10 or 20 years younger and you're, just in a different place in your life and in your career and all of the things and the large part of what makes Trends, especially trendy cuts work well, is not just the cut. But the overall look, it's the whole thing put together. So if you look back to where the way you dressed back, then that all kind of pulled that style together with that mullet, then you look at yourself today and say well, I'm in a corporate position and I need to dress a certain way for my career Or just my time in my life, this is the way I feel most confident if that doesn't make sense, speak the same design language. If you will that made sense for this particular Trend that you're moving into, then it's not going to make sense overall and what you'll end up looking like is it'll. Look like this style is wearing you and you're not wearing this style. That'S where things kind of go off the rails and all of a sudden, you start feeling a little bit less confident and then it's all kind of downhill. So what do you do? Instead? It'S pretty simple. Actually, you look at the style that you loved in the past. That'S drawing you to this new trend and you think what did that style say? What did my clothes say at the time? What did my overall look say and does my overall look without this trend today say that same thing, because the trend still does remember it's a remake of an older style so that new trend many times speaks the same language that it did 10 20 30 years Ago the question is: did your outfit speak the same language and if it does fantastic rock that Trend, however, if it doesn't, how can you make what you're doing today, with your clothing speak the same design language as this hair trend? Does that make sense? Okay? Now, let's move on to number two, oh and if you're new to the Channel. First of all, thanks for hanging out thanks for checking out the video, my name is Justin Hickox I've been doing hair since 1995, and I prefer to take you on adventures. While I teach you about hair, that's what you see me out here and not in a salon and if you're confused as why you would listen to some random guy on the woods talk about hair uh. Well, I actually do get those questions quite often and uh I'll. Just tell you, you probably shouldn't listen to me if that concerns you because well, we all know that everything I've learned over the past quarter Century of doing hair. I forget it the minute I leave the salon, so there's that okay, the second thing is what I call Body Hair Connection now as we age, let's just all be on the same page here and admit that more often than not our body shape is going to Change in some way shape or form like take me. For instance, I used to be 220 pounds and six foot three looked like a Greek god today, I'm five foot, seven 165 pounds and looked more like Greek pita bread. No, but to be all In fairness, we do have a tendency to either put on a little bit weight as we age or in some cases, even lose weight as we age, but regardless we need to make sure that the style that we're moving towards that. Maybe we did love on ourselves before does work with our newer body shape so, for instance, one style that you're going to see a lot of is the boycott, just a very short cut. Now, let's imagine that 10 years ago you had this style and you absolutely loved it, and now that very shortcut doesn't quite make as much sense with the body frame. Now I've done a video. It talks a little bit about kind of how body shape plays into our overall hairstyle. You can go ahead and check that out right there if you want, but at the end of the day it may be a situation where that short haircut just doesn't quite feel right on a little bit larger of a frame or maybe you've lost a lot of Weight and now you're looking at this longer haircut and it just overpowers your now smaller frame. The point of all of this is to pay attention to what your body frame is doing now and how that plays into the new trend that you want to move into. Now number three is what I call Face the trend so, as I think we all know many times as we age our body frame, isn't the only thing that might see some changes. It'S really our face shape that I feel like has one of the larger changes that happen for many of us. If we gain weight or lose weight, we see it right here or we start to see some sagging happening, which really starts to bring our face down. So when we're thinking about moving into a new trend, we need to pay attention to the way that Trend functions today versus how it would have functioned 10 or 20 years ago, when her face was maybe a little bit different. Here'S the best part about all this. Much like my last point for this one, you absolutely can modify where you leave volume in this new trend that you want to move towards to modify your face, therefore, add lift to areas where you might want to add, lift or take weight out of areas where You might want to take weight out of, or even maybe add, some fullness to areas where you want to add some weight to and so paying attention to what your face shape is now and how this new trend is going to work best for your face, shape And having it cut accordingly, it's going to play a huge role in this new trend, actually making you look more youthful instead of making you look older, oh, and by the way, this is the perfect time to say, if you're getting some value out of this content Or you've been here for a while. Do me a huge favor hit that subscribe button at the end of the day. Just helps me out a lot, so I appreciate it. It'S totally free to you thanks. Number four is what I like to refer to as texture. The trend: okay, what this means is, as we age one of the largest changes overall, that happens when it comes to our hair is our texture. Our texture will change for a multitude of different reasons, and this can be due to what we're doing in regards to color or how we're styling the hair or hormonal changes or, if we're going gray and we're covering that up. How long we've been covering all of the things? Okay, there's so many different reasons that our hair texture will change. So one of the things we want to pay attention to when we're looking at new trends is how our new texture will actually affect achieving this trend. Now, while this may have worked for us in the past, it may not work for our new texture now or it may still work for our new texture. However, to achieve that look, it may require more day-to-day maintenance in terms of styling. These are just things that you want to pay attention to, so that you don't find yourself looking at everything else saying well, my clothes match right. My face shape will work. My body Frame Works. Everything is golden - let's rock this haircut, because I loved it, and I love this new, take on it and then get into it and realize that your hair texture doesn't really match, and you don't have the time to achieve this. Look now to get your hair texture to actually make sense. Now, that's all just a loss so pay attention to the texture, texture, the trend that is such a dumb name for that, whatever that's beside the point number five, okay, the last and I would argue the most important thing I'm going to share with you today - is What I call the feeling effect this is absolutely crucial to take into consideration when you're thinking about a new trend or really any modification or larger change to your hair in general. The question you have to ask yourself is: how does this make you feel? Who are you doing this change for? Are you making this change for yourself or are you making this change for maybe a family member? That said, remember when you had that style man that looked good, you should do that again, but the most important thing you can do is make sure that this trend makes you feel good. Now. That means that, even if other people don't like it, if you feel good you're going to feel confident and you're going to rock it now the reason that this is so vital, we have to remember that Trends typically are a little bit on the outliers. In terms of the different styles they're a little bit more on the edge than something hyper conservative, so if you're going to move into something, that's a very trendy shape. You have to recognize that if you don't feel good in it, it's not going to look good on you. You have to feel confident in what you're wearing it's just as I said before, if you don't wear that Trend, that Trend will absolutely wear you. I know we all know somebody that wears some outlandishly ridiculous hairstyle and maybe hair color and somehow it just makes sense and you look at him and go. I could never do that, but man you're killing it. You look incredible in that. It'S because they're wearing that Trend, or that style it's not wearing them, and to the flip side of that, I know that we also have all seen somebody that did something. That is a cool style, but it didn't just quite make sense on them for some reason, and more often than not the things that I explained today are exactly why all of those things add up, and then you take this fifth one into consideration and boom. Doesn'T quite make sense on them. That is. Why does all that makes? I hope all that makes sense, because it makes sense to me but hey. I hope that this helped you kind of understand exactly what you need to pay attention to when you're moving into one of these Trends. Do you want me to make a video that actually walks you, through all of the trends coming up in the next year? Is that important to you, honestly, honestly, don't don't know so let me know otherwise hey. I appreciate you hanging out oh and uh, by the way, if you're new to the channel do not hesitate or if you're old, to the channel, if you're a veteran the channel - and you have not subscribed yet come on - we need to do that now right. It'S about time I feel like it's: do we not have this it's this isn't here we need to do hit. The button hit right now hit the button. Okay, all right now, I'm going to enjoy a mountain that you probably can't even see really back there in this shot, but there's a mountain right there and it's a rad view, so it doesn't suck I'm gon na enjoy that you uh go watch this. You have a fantastic afternoon. I will see you next Tuesday. Take care now bye, yeah, that that doesn't suck there's two mountains. Actually, no there's like one two, three, four five. You can't see because of trees, but my Lord. They are kind of amazing foreign

Justin Hickox: Ok folks, which tip helped the most?? Love to know!

Andrea Long: Justin, you nailed it! Menopause middle, wrinkles, change in my face shape, and even my hair texture (now curly after years of being fine and straight), have forced me to rethink my entire style choices. After having everything from a cropped pixie in platinum blonde when I was turning 40 to a long shag either in blonde highlights or my natural medium brown color, the hardest thing has been to embrace the change in my hair texture and seeing myself in curls and finding petite clothing in a style that pulls it all together. I am now 63, and looking for a "fresh start".

Watchman 72: Hello from a fellow stylist! The texture the trend is my fav, my wavy/ curly hair just won't do most of what I like as a trendy always ends up looking dry and brittle from the heat I have to apply to achieve the "look". Even as someone who has been in the industry for over 30 years, it's being realistic with what kind of hairstyle fits all of the categories mentioned.

Julie Petersen: Yes, please share new trends! I’m guilty of being worn by a trend! Last year I wore a shag because I liked the retro aesthetic to it, and at 51, I thought it would make me feel young. It actually had the exact opposite effect!! I felt like an old lady with my hair like that!! It also didn’t really match my clothing style, which is feminine and timeless/classic. So, I went into a wavy bob with brow-length bangs. I think this style is flattering on me and matches the rest of my life. Also works on my maturing face and body, because even though I haven’t gained weight, things have still shifted unfortunately!

Shelley: Great tips, and perfect timing! I have a haircut appointment in 2 days. I’m currently growing out a “too short bob” that just didn’t look right on me. Also, I am 100% here for the hair tips in the middle of the scenic wilderness! Although, a little dose of Kevin now and then also wouldn’t hurt! If I could subscribe again to help you cross that 300K mark, I totally would!!

40bdg: First of all, I love that you do these videos outside of the salon! Great tips. I would be interested in seeing a video on the individual style trends. Thanks Justin!

Andra: YES!! This entire video was awesome! Especially #5! My husband always wants me to cut it super short like I had it in my early 30s but my face has changed and my body has changed and the trend would definitely be wearing me and me not wearing the trend and I wouldn't be comfortable with that style any more. Great job as always!

K Hall: I loved this content. I’m at exactly that point of how to progress with changes in my over all look now that I’m in my 60’s. I’m healthy and active and have recently spent last 3 years improving health in all areas and health of my thinning hair. It’s all begun to pay off the last 6 months - really noticing improvements. During all this time and thru Covid I let my hair grow long and was wearing wigs until my hair thickened up. Here we are now with no wigs, thicker healthier hair, lost 40 lbs by improving diet and exercise/ movement…. But now what to do with my hair. It’s longer… straight…. Parted slightly off center fine texture and in same style as in high school (long straight, naturally blonde with no gray and all one length) So …. I needed this video. Still confused a bit, as of what to do… how to move forward- I want to have all 5 areas jive when I go forward with this new hair

Miriam Thompson: I've been getting a shag haircut for the past year and I absolutely love it. I think I am rocking it better now in my late forties than I did when I was in my 20's. I think my hair texture changed a bit, but not too noticeable. Thanks for the tips, they're very helpful for the next time I change up my do.

Lori: My favorite tip was how it makes ME feel!!! My husband ALWAYS has something to say about my hair when I get home from the salon. Something always a little wrong. But as for ME....I felt great. Now I'm learning to rock how I feel and not let it bother me. I want him to always think I'm pretty, but at the end of the day, if I look in the mirror and hate what I's not worth that. And seriously..........that Redwood!!!!!! How beautiful!

D. S.: Hey Justin! Absolutely enjoy you giving an outdoor adventure while dishing on the latest hair trends. What about styles that work well in humid places ? ️

Katy Did: Great video! I found the tip on texture the most helpful. When I was in high school my sister's best friend, Michelle, graduated from cosmetology school. Michelle wanted to try out a new cut on me. It was a solid 10 out of 10 cut on me! I remember going to school on Monday and my French teacher was so taken with my hair that she sent me down to the Art teacher to check out my hair. I got compliments from strangers. It just fit me so well. I felt like a rock star in that sassy bob with bangs. My hair has changed dramatically in texture since 1989 and that cut would not work on my now wavy and graying hair. I feel like I'm chasing a dream trying to find another rockstar cut. No cut or style has thrilled me like that one did.

Nan: Yes Justin, I would love to see the hair styles for the coming year. Love your videos! Thanks

Holly CAMPBELL: “The whole package “ is very true - hair / clothes / shoes/ makeup / and keep in mind certain styles are more flattering than others. ❤ always love your videos❤

Jenn: I would love to see a trends video! That's always fun! My hair dresser gave me a fantastic shag cut on my curly hair. It's my favorite style I've ever had in my life and I get so many compliments!

Michelle P: Perfect video! Sometimes I feel my hairstylist isn't listening but it's really hard with today's costs to switch. I've often told her my body shape does not fit a style and she disagrees. Thanks again for the truth! Love to hear about new trends too.

Rachel Jones: Great tips Justin!!! I’m a poster child for all the above!! I miss my curly hair and it doesn’t hold salon color sooooo I bought the box stuff at Walgreens and my stylist was not happy . The color holds but she said it has un even deposits and so on ‍♀️

Linda Marocco: I love that you always show Grey, salt and pepper, etc!…you never disappoint my friend!!!…love seeing all the places you guys are!…gorgeous every single time!!!…I love the tip about doing my hair for myself!!!!…I finally gave myself the confidence to do me!!!…love my grey, never looking back!…another awesome video, Justin!!!!

Tia Lory: Justin, my hair texture & hair volume hair thinned both ways from prior thyroid/hormonal imbalance. It’s fortunate I started out with about 3 times the volume of hair that most women have because it thinned a lot. However, those 2 changes finally made me realize that my old & very flattering layered style was no longer looking as it had. I learned so much from your LOB series, thinking that was going to be my style. Then I found a blunt cut & back-beveled bob that I love & works with my texture change. My advice is do your homework. Understand the mechanics of cuts (watching your YouTube’s, ) & collect photos of what you are drawn to, & then collaborate with your stylist.

Gina Tate: I love the butterfly cut! So gorgeous! Would love to see a video on all the new trends!

Diane Morgan: Great video! Great points! Great scenery! As always, thank you Justin! I’ve been wearing my hair in the same style for easily 30 years, longish blunt cut with bangs. Entering my 70s, it’s time for a change but I’m not quite ready to take the leap. Your makeovers are terrific because you listen to your clients, incorporate their thoughts and then offer great curve balls. Thanks for your weekly dose of inspiration. ❤️

Dee Johnson: Justin, you hit so many nails on the head! Last year I loved the new shaggy style and wore it until I lost half my hair due to CoVid. When it grew back, I chose a pixie style because my new hair was of course shorter than what was left of my old hair. Looking back at pictures of when I had the shaggy style, I'm not that crazy about it anymore and will probably keep the pixie for a while longer. I have very fine curly hair, so maybe that's why the shag didn't look so good. Yes, I would love to see the coming trends! And, if you can, would you please include styles for us with fine curly hair? Thanks so much!

Gayle Suggs: Thanks for this content. Recently, I ran across a photo of myself that was taken about 30 years ago and I LOVED the hairstyle! I have thought seriously about taking the photo to my hairstylist (who wasn't my hairstylist back then) and say, "here - do this!" But, I really have second thoughts about that as I have gained weight since then and my face is fuller now. I also have gray (and I don't want to color my hair), but the gray isn't uniform over my head. So, I'm afraid this style I loved so much long ago will accentuate the patchiness of my gray and just will end up looking CRAZY on me now. I think you've confirmed what I've thought about revisiting the past.

Jade: This was so interesting and very helpful. #4 for me stood out. My whole life I had super thick, straight hair. Pregnancy made my hair wavy. Now as I approach menopause (and for a variety of reasons) my hair is thin, weak and very wavy. It's been a learning experience to figure out how to work with a hair texture and lack of hair I never had before.

Debbie Salerni: I love this video because it’s is exactly how I am with my hair. I did many of the trends in hair but my favorite is the 80s big hair! Through the years I’ve had many health issues most recently breast cancer where I lost all my hair. Just having a hard time growing it back,I always had longish hair most of the time past my shoulders, although have rocked shags, pixies, etc. I can’t seem to grow at pass my ears. I’m 67 years old and my hair is now dry no matter how much conditioning and treatments I do, so I’m keeping it short. Not always loving it and I always have to tease the top of my hair because I feel I need volume because my face has gotten smaller and to me it looks rounder, although everybody says I’m nuts. To complicate it I have multiple sclerosis and cannot do a lot with my hair so my hair style has to be simple. My husband helps me everyday, and tells me he is not a hairdresser. Any ideas would be helpful. Thank you

Freedom Through Spirit: Well done, thank you. Definitely helpful! I've always loved a layered bob and it 100% originates from my 1980s teenage days. Luckily, it seems timeless enough to pull off in a nice way with my natural fine-textured wavy curls IF I get the right cut. But I'll take all your advice to ❤️ before I leap in to consider Very helpful! Edit: I don't care about trends, but do like seeing style/cut options.

Steph B: These are such great points. I’ve always thought these things in some form, but you’ve put this into words that makes so much sense. One thing I’d noticed over the years with regard to hair texture (that may or my not apply to other people) is being aware of your genetics. Look at your mom, sisters, aunts, whomever in your family and take notice of their hair as they age. That might be an indicator of where your hair could be headed and how to mentally prepare for issues such as styling, maintenance, coloring, etc. In my family, the women tend to get thinner hair as we age. I’ve found a style (and a great hairstylist) that works with my thinning hair. In my opinion, it’s a style I like, looks good for my face structure, and is mostly on trend. Just a thought. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

Loree J: Hi Justin! I’m 64 years old. My hair has always been super thick . I’m finding now that when I shampoo or style my hair, I’m loosing quite a few strands. Can you recommend a shampoo and or conditioner to slow this process down? Thank you, Kim

Genevieve Doyon: Hey Justin, been watching your videos when you had 10K subs so congrats on the now 300K! I don’t care what other people think about « a guy talking about hair in the woods instead of a salon » to me, you’re a breath of fresh air… literally!! I would love more videos on that topic, specifically on hair texture. My hair texture changed a lot due to hormones and going gray. I had stick straight hair before and now, it’s more brittle, it has some wave and frizz… ‍♀️ I really love what you do so thank you and keep up the great work!!

Angeli Rohival: I just really love your channel! It’s sooo, so helpful! Happy Holidays to you and your family, Justin!

Lori McCool: Makes total sense AND I actually appreciate that you're not in the salon. It's less intimidating somehow as someone who is just a client and not a stylist.

Susan Craigo: I have many of those changes listed. My hair has always been thin, but even thinner now. It's so frizzy and coarse so it feels like I have to style it with heat everyday now to get it to look decent. If I pull it back, my face look even more cubby. The struggle is real. Thanks for your tips.

Andrea Yanochko: Yes, share the new trends in hair. I look forward to your Clips every Tuesday. Keep them coming!

Kimberly Hart: YES!! Sir Justin, show us your thoughts on new trends for 2023!!!! I’m grey/almost totally white/platinum…I need updated and ME hairstyle yesterday Loved to know where the beautiful places you film so we might visit there, also, one day Keep it up, bro You make my day when I see your videos Your wife showing up occasionally is great fun, too Have a great Christmastime ♥️

Rae Edelman: Loved this! The only thing that I didn't get is the texture. I can't remember my hair texture from X amount of years ago. It's a great point though! Start teaching them young ones that they should keep that in mind for the future! Maybe every 5 years or so have them ask their stylist about what type of texture they would say you have :)

Virginia Gross: I really can’t change much in my hair. It’s curly/ wavy, super thick and a little coarse. So layering is the best option. And I love my hair but would love to experience straight hair without so much work. What do think of a Brazilian blow out? I love your videos so much! And your nature walks. I wish I could have you cut and style my hair.

Leslie Woods: Yesss!!! You are the first stylist I’ve heard to address all of these super important elements. Great content! Yes would love to know the upcoming trends for 2023. Enjoy your hike!

C. Miller: You're the best! I look forward to your videos every week. I've learned so much from you. I've taken your suggestions to heart and am happier with my hair now than I have been in the past. I really appreciate your positive approach!

Debbie Salerni: I love this video because it’s is exactly how I am with my hair. I did many of the trends in hair but my favorite is the 80s big hair! Through the years I’ve had many health issues most recently breast cancer where I lost all my hair. Just having a hard time growing it back,I always had longish hair most of the time past my shoulders, although have rocked shags, pixies, etc. I can’t seem to grow at pass my ears. I’m 67 years old and my hair is now dry no matter how much conditioning and treatments I do, so I’m keeping it short. Not always loving it and I always have to tease the top of my hair because I feel I need volume because my face has gotten smaller and to me it looks rounder, although everybody says I’m nuts. To complicate it I have multiple sclerosis and cannot do a lot with my hair so my hair style has to be simple. My husband helps me everyday, and tells me he is not a hairdresser. Any ideas would be helpful. Thank you 12:15

Debbie Salerni: I love this video because it’s is exactly how I am with my hair. I did many of the trends in hair but my favorite is the 80s big hair! Through the years I’ve had many health issues most recently breast cancer where I lost all my hair. Just having a hard time growing it back,I always had longish hair most of the time past my shoulders, although have rocked shags, pixies, etc. I can’t seem to grow at pass my ears. I’m 67 years old and my hair is now dry no matter how much conditioning and treatments I do, so I’m keeping it short. Not always loving it and I always have to tease the top of my hair because I feel I need volume because my face has gotten smaller and to me it looks rounder, although everybody says I’m nuts. To complicate it I have multiple sclerosis and cannot do a lot with my hair so my hair style has to be simple. My husband helps me everyday, and tells me he is not a hairdresser. Any ideas would be helpful. Thank you 12:15

Lou ann Huber: These are all great tips. Hard to face we don’t look as good as we used to with all the changes to face and body. Before we take the plunge we have to look at the total package (and lifestyle) when choosing a new hairstyle. The good thing is over the years we’ve had a lot of experience with different styles. By now we ought to have some idea what would be a good look and what would be a mistake.

melinda ferreira: I really appreciate your explanations, it all makes so much sense and a money saver also not to mention confidence booster!!! Thank you.

Emily Evans: Another great video! Would love to see upcoming trends video! I’m in shape! My shape is ROUND! Seriously, growing out a pixie—good grief it’s hard! Hair going gray—everything changing! Oh well! Main thing: If I don’t have another opportunity, have a happy Holiday Season! Wish you and family health, happiness, and prosperity in the new year! PEACE!

Chicks Grow Too: I think it’s refreshing to walk with you outdoors while giving great advice. Haters gonna hate… Rock on with your bad self baby!! ❤❤❤

Karen-Lyn Penton: Trends videos: I'm a sucker for them all when they pop up on Facebook BUT they rarely if ever explain what they're best suited for: face shape (jowls), texture, body type, glasses, etc. Please include all that when you feature styles. Thanks for taking us "hiking" with you.

Nancy Dann: I can't say which tip helped the most because all 5 work together... In my teens and 20's in the 70's, I had very thick, wavy red hair that was past my butt. It was a major part of my identity. At reunions, my old friends would say, "Why did you cut your hair?" and my first thought was, "Seriously?" I worked in corporate America and it no longer worked for my life. Skinny jeans were a wardrobe mainstay for a decade, and now they look out of date. The trick to being current is paying attention to ALL the trends. Lucky for me, I have a daughter in her 30's who's there to help when I'm not sure!

Connie McKinley: This is SOOO true! I've repeated hairstyles I've had through the years that I loved then, but didn't work years later. Weird!

Melissa Gurney: Would love to see this year's upcoming trends. I love changing my hair up like I change earrings. Your texture tip helped me realize why I used to could rock a style I can no longer. Currently growing out a shaved side would love to see what's next!

Cathy Kovacic: I would really love to see all of this information now applied to a client in the chair- it would help tremendously- thanks - yes I would be a willing client!

Monique Teal: Texture is everything !!! That is sooooo key to hair styles working and not working . All the tips are valid and on point ... I really enjoy your videos. They make me feel sane ... that someone thinks about hair as much as I do Also, could you make a video about never making a hair decision on a bad hair day !! Bad hair days are REAL !! Those days are not new hair style , cut bangs , dye job etc decision days ... Only make hair change decisions when your hair is looking it's best and then decide if changes are truly wanted and not out of frustration Just a thought

Kathy Snyder: Yes please!! I’d like to see a video on the current trends. Enjoy your videos ❤

Angi Catron: Love all the info you share, helps with making style decisions so easy. Thank you! Yes the views are amazing

Ri P: Excellent info! I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this big subject because each of those points are sssooo important. You said & explained them succinctly. Great job. The scenery is spectacular, always choose that background type of background. That is just as important for me as the hair topic if I'm going to be honest. Again, thank you. Can't wait for next edition....

Deborah Graham: Would love to see the new upcoming trends for 2023

Rose-Marie Karlsson: Great tips! Yes please the new trends for 2023 and how they can work when you are 50+

Marie Amaru: I love that you are in nature, screw the negative weirdos, it’s great that your not in a stuffy salon. Good on you.

Bernita Jenkins: Good morning from , Justin. I was sick of my wispy fine, after a wine or two (let's face it, I was pissed), I cut my hair into a lob. It could have ended in tears, BUT, I've never had so many compliments.

Shelly Bissonnette: Another great video! Thank you. I’ve learned so much from you. I’d like to see a video on the upcoming trends.

joann orlando: Always love your videos! have gone back and forth trying to decide if I should keep my bangs. I do keep them because I have a long, thin face. I do have a bob hairstyle and I like it, it’s a bit cropped at the back. I’d love to video again on bangs. Thanks for your amazing work ! ❤

Amy: I love that you speak about hair with us from nature

Debi Hanford: Yes please! I would love to see some new hair trends for 2023! Especially for short and medium hair lengths! Thanks in advance! Formally from Bend, Oregon, your background makes me a little homesick!

Mylene Valderrama: Thanks ❤for the five tips, only an expert can deliver such suggestions. Yes 2023 new styles for different face shapes

Maellen Blodgett: I’d totally be interested in the tends. I don’t change my hair a lot, but like to “suggest” the trend with what I wear and with my hair. Lol- but also while following your guidelines for how to lift the eye etc.

CA Oh: I love that you shoot your videos outdoors!! Pretty sure that's how I found your channel. And combining hairstylist tips too is a nice bonus.

Jean Johansen: Great video Justin! It would totally not suck if you did some more videos about 2023 hair trends. I am 63 years old and was considering a shag cut. I had one last summer, but decided to blunt cut the bottom of it when my hair was due for a trim, thinking that would make my hair appear more full. I do like the shag though and am now growing my hair longer, so the next time I go to the salon I can get a shag that goes a bit below my shoulders (perhaps to my colarbone). Decisions decisions...

Koni Bridgham: Great video!! The general public (including myself) does not take into consideration all the points that you touched on and it totally makes sense. BTW, gorgeous scenery and I loved that tree, the bark was so different. Thanks for sharing with us!

mimzy c: Very Helpful video. So many trends through the years that just keep reappearing. Never had a shag and always wondered if I could. After many pixies and bobs I've let my hair grow and now have layers and love it

Jan: Very helpful! Thank you so much! I’d love some elaboration on these- Also, can you do one on best hair colors for face colors? Specifically, best colors for washing out ruddy complexion? Thanks in advance!

K Q: Yes I’d love to see the trends

Joanne Miracle: Great video!!!! thank you!!!!! Question: I am transitioning to gray for 18 months now and have lost a tremendous amount of root volume. I have tried TONS of product...Any recommendations?

Rae Cunningham: Yes! New trends, please! Merry Christmas to you both!

Medha Shelke Yadav: Great tips from you inspired by the wilderness. I had a mullet on my shiny healthy head when in my 30’s that actually turned a lot of heads then but not so sure of the same now with greyed frizzy dry hair so been keeping it very short since my entry into the 60s. As you rightly say ‘we shd wear the right look’ not the other way around.

Rara Avis: Hahaha. Yes. Had a super short pixie in my late teens/early twentieth. Back around 2000. I looked very edgy and sexy and have the pictures, to prove it. I also had the figure of a runway model and wouldn't have been caught dead without makeup or wearing glasses outside the house. 20 years later, 20pounds heavier and with chronically dry eyes, I went back to my beloved pixie cut...after more then a decade of wearing my hair long. I looked like a soccer mom . So yeah. Your old haircut won't magically make you look like your old self again! I now have a layered bob, that ends just below my chin - a haircut, I would have considered beyond boring back then. Looks fabulous. But those were a long 2 years, getting it to that length again!

Sandy Snyder: Yes, please show all the new trends. It would be soon much fun!

Susan Chaney: Great advice! I keep trying to curl my hair with a curling iron for that "beach wave" look and I look ridiculous! Are you ever coming back to the Portland salon??

TinaD: What I miss from the 80s was that texture was okay. Hair didn’t have to be ironed or siliconed or otherwise glued to your head. I have too much hair, and too much wave, to pull it off. My husband, who complains that I never change my hair, calls my usual bob “a cross between Marilyn Monroe and Doc Brown.” I’d love to mod up with a piecey pixie (blue, in fact), but my face has gotten squarer over the years and I’ll likely end up looking like a man.

GracieLou: I have just turned 73 and my hair is thinning and it’s gray. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with my hair. I don’t want the typical light bulb shape and I think swing bobs should absolutely not be worn by seniors. I may have to get a topper or wig. I’d rather have my own hair. Thank you for your channel. Love your mom. She’s so cute.

Vanessa Kirchner: Yes, I would like to see the upcoming trends!

Debbie Daubert Anderson: Please make a video featuring the newest styles. I would love it!!

Peggy Travels: Another great video about making any change in hair style. I had not considered them and can see why they are important. I think a couple of the styles wore me…THANKS again Justin

High-strung Deb: I loved the picture of the Asian guy dressed in a suit. Very funny. You have a way of getting your point across ,without upsetting people. Indeed, trends are a topic worth discussing for the young crowd , and older crowd. I grew up in the late 70s and early 80s, so I experienced 3 trends and later adopted a 4th( the bob). Now I'm on a pony tail trend, I like it ,but I'm trying to break out of it too. It's conveyance is great. I love the shag and bob alike. Maybe you could also discuss pull back styles for long hair and styling options more. And color is always fun! One trend I disliked some because I couldn't rock it was the straight, sleek trend. Too much effort for me, a low maintenance type( although it is beautiful) Great podcast here!

Donna Roney: You are bang on about body hair connection. Too often stylists suggest styles from the neck up and don't take body shape and clothing style into consideration. it's not about looking younger, but looking fabulous!

TexasStardust: I detest most trends .... everything is ' a Trend " these days. I know what I like on myself... I like my hair long , I like my hair layered , I like bangs .... I like a certain look for myself because it's what works for me. I've tried different hairstyles in the past and this is what I always come back to because it's flattering and if something is flattering for someone they shouldn't feel pressured to ever change it due to" Trends " or the " no really long hair over 60 ".... ( I am in my late 60's) .

Tanya Maxfield: New trends please. Love the outdoor videos.

Kathie Rogers: I just love your knowledge filled videos.

Kathy Sarmiento: Yes- I’d love upcoming trends

Jennifer Broyles: Hey Justin! Yes, please make a video about upcoming trends

Lynn Bittner: Thank you, great info as ever your videos

Mary Carroll: Well, I'd like to see a whole video on the different bangs? My kid sister says things like "oh, you need curtain bangs"! Or, "you should do side-swept, layered, chopped!" WTH? And I try googling but I don't see anything helpful! PS: I love all your videos and the make-overs are outstanding! More of those too please!!!

Susie Simon: I like your video's very much and thank you for sharing your knowledge. I would soo much like to see you do the fan cut , I think it would work for me, yet no one seem's to know what I'm talking about. It was the basic cut I learned in Cosmetology school long ago. Yes Cosmetology,as we had to learn Everything, including the nervous system, poly peptide bonds and chains.. thank's

Julien Arbor: Yes please…I’d love to watch a video of new trends.

Mela Roper: another excellent video!. The most important , I think, is #5. However, sometimes it goes too far. i used to rock the "Dorothy Hamill"s" hair style. Would love to know the modern version of it. Can you show that?

Ann: This is excellent. Thank you!

Debbie Bishop: Justin, have you done videos for hairstyles on older women with frontal hair loss? What styles could hide hair loss issues better? If so, I can’t find one, lol. Thanks for the tips!

Brenda Serafino: Absolutely spot on! Thank you❤

Kimberly Elkins: As gray slowly comes in I really liked the texture part .

Brittney Russell: What I want to know is who determines what comes into style?? I get that they are variations of old styles but WHO brings them back? How did these old styles originate and catch on to begin with? I've never been one to be trendy with hair styles or clothes. It takes me years to settle into a new look. When things come into style I always think "I will never". Then a couple years later I finally accept it as normal.

Tammy Frank: Yes, please make a video about the new trends. Thanks Justin!

K Q: Love all the points, great video

Cari N: This was very good for me to hear. I keep wanting to go back to what worked before, but I have changed-- all that you mentioned. I wish there was an all in one style shop where you could get a total look-- instead of just hair and or makeup (a Find Your Style Store). It is definitely more challenging to look good as we age -- at least for me. What you say is so true and I can SEE it once you say it. It helps having you put it altogether for me. :) Thank you for caring and helping us. That really comes through in your videos.

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