Taking Care Of Gray Hair >> Dealing With Natural Gray & White Hair

  • Posted on 14 April, 2022
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Maybe you are thinking about letting your natural gray / white hair grow, or perhaps you just need some inspiration if you are having a bad hair- day (we have all been there)...In this video I share what I do (and do not do) to my hair and how I maintain it. I talk about how I continue to deal with gray hair related issues too and what you could expect might happen if you decide to let your color grow out.

I hope to help and inspire you, as always :D

LINK to the video I mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OocuZn...

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#Grayhair #GrowingOutGrayHair #GrayHairTransition #TransitioningToGrayHair #TakingCareOfGrayHair #DealingWithWhiteHair #WhiteHair

Hi there and welcome back to kindred spirits. Today'S video is for all of you gray-haired, ladies and guys, i guess out there um or people who just uh like to listen to gray-haired videos um, because they are inspired by it or are thinking of letting their natural colors show. So i promised a viewer. I would uh make an update video uh. There was request to make more videos on gray hair. So, as you can see, this is currently uh since i haven't made some videos in a while. My hair has grown uh somewhat um. The streaks are still in the same areas, so it's very visible up here on the side, um and yeah. I usually do wear my hair with this little clip. Just because i mean i love the thought of having bangs like cute things um, but i'm just one of those people who, like doesn't like anything in my face. I'M sure a lot of you can relate um. So i often wear these clips at the front. Just to like keep my hair out of my face, i had a question from a viewer as asking which products i use on my hair and, to be completely honest, i use products which are um natural, so i use products which are natural but like which are Meant for hair in general, not just gray hair. I know that for gray, hair or white hair, a lot of people use purple, shampoo and similar, and i did do that when i had blonde hair um before i let my natural hair go. That was bro. That was the last phase. If you don't know my journey, i will try to link a video down below or somewhere over here. I haven't learned how to do that yet, but i will try and um you can see my journey of all the colors. I was and then the last color before i cut my hair was blonde and i didn't use that purple shampoo. However, i used it too much and my hair started turning a little bit greenish, but after that i decided that once i cut it and once just like go natural, i i also wanted to get back to using natural products. So, usually, what i do sometimes i will buy like um bottled shampoo, like liquid shampoo, um fewer the ingredients, the better. You know i wanted to be natural origin, but i also wanted to be good for our hair, but sometimes i do travel um and for that it is amazing. So i just have like an old um container from a hand cream. I took off the labeling, so there's no branding um and basically i don't have the original packaging uh from this, but basically i bought this uh uh. What is it called in english, hard shampoo? So this is not soap. This is actually shampoo and if you could, you could see closer there, we go um yeah this one's uh with uh, i think uh orange and i think it's a little bit of lemongrass in it. I forgot what it was exactly because i usually rotate between two or three brands. I don't really have one brand. I stick to um. I must say that the availability of heart shampoos in croatia is literally limited to, i think, five brands. I can count on my fingers yeah, it's literally five brands um, so i i buy the the one that is um price, wise, the cheapest. I buy it in a store. We call here dm um, it's actually a german store, i believe uh german-based uh, meaning trogeria mart like a drugmart um. So i mean i would love to be able to. I don't know what it's like you know in america and other places, i'm sure you guys have a wider variety of availability, but recently um. I realized that whenever we order, i've ordered a few things so online, so things that weren't accessible in croatia. But we have this new law where, although on the website, when you purchase it, it says no additional fees or charges once it arrives here, you do have to pay an additional uh fee uh they do charge you uh, especially for things coming outside of the eu. So it's not really currently worth my while to order things online um because, like you'll end up, sometimes paying not just double but like a lot more. So i'm sorry, i can't help you with you know which brands i use. But the point is, i just try to use um products that are natural, that that are, you know easy. You don't need to like scrub. Your hair, i mean yes um. My hair is not the same as used to be when i was younger. Definitely it was shinier and and gray hair on its own. You have to know that it is a little bit more like brittle like dry in comparison to like just you know, hair that is colored the strand that is uh that has pigmentation in it. But i don't find this to be an issue i mean during the winter months. My hair is a bit more dry, but then again so are my hands like? Currently, i don't know if you can see that like they're really bad, i was just cleaning the lights today and the apartment and i totally have to put on some cream. So there we go um. I guess i can do this while i'm talking um so yeah. I don't find it to be an issue. One thing i would recommend for not just people who have gray hair, but if you have um dry, hair in general, um and and people have normal hair. It'S much healthier if you dry your hair. Naturally. So if you just let it dry as is, and do not use a blow dryer now i know this is not possible. If you live in a super cold climate or you have snow currently and you just wash your hair, you have to go outside. Obviously, then, you have to use a fan, but i wanted to bring you mine to show you it's no use. If i don't shut, i just trying to hide the brand um okay. So, as you can see, for example, on this van you have, there is like off so zero a light fan and a strong fin. You can turn it on to the strongest, but here this is what's important, so this dries. It'S not really focusing this dries it on. Basically, the air um temperature, that's the temperature, that's in the air, so not cold, not hot, but it just pulls. It just pulls in air uh. At from like your room temperature and cools it that's actually the best. However, if, if you're in a rush and like i said you live in some climate with snow and you have to go outside, i understand that you have to dry your hair. I recommend them. If your fan has this echo setting that you dry on that, it's not as hot as the normal, like the old fans, just had this hot setting um and it was like super hot. However, i've realized that my hair is much better when i use when i just like, let it naturally dry or during the winter. I combine the middle one, the echo one and the cold one. So a little bit of a cold one and the echo which is like a warm one, but it's not hot for your hair and that has helped tremendously my hair even used to get. I think, more greasy. I felt like it was greasy like it would be dry, but then i'll go lay down and because i guess it was still super hot from the fan or whatever it would like get greasy and and more often than when. I don't use the hot setting. So yeah, that's just one thing. I would recommend to everyone regardless, if you have gray, hair or not, i do not use conditioner, my hair, you just it's it's i think normal to greasy. So i don't need it like. I said some strands. You know the white ones are more brittle than the other ones like dryer. If i were to like super analyze, it um, but i don't think i don't think i need it like if it's super dry i'll, just put something on my ends, but now that i've cut my hair a few months ago, it really got rid of a lot Of the split ends and that um, so i don't know if you really feel like you need conditioner you can just put in conditioner and then rinse it out or buy those like those like spray mist things um with natural oil in them. So, basically, to get some of that back but um, that's basically all i do i it's really. I'M i'm really a low maintenance kind of gal nowadays, so um, i don't. I don't like using a lot of products and mixing a lot of products uh. You know and then traveling and having to have all of those things. I like really simple things and - and i took the advice of um of a lady, a blogger was like the fewer ingredients are sometimes better. Sometimes you do need like there's a period of adjustment. If you always are used to using certain like creams that are very saturated with scents or or shampoos that have, i don't know silicone and other things, there probably will be a transitional phase for you and so uh. I did want to reflect on perhaps a few of the things that people might be interested um when it comes to dealing with comments. I do have a whole video dedicated to like the most frequent comments that i received or have received and how to deal with them um, but yeah. Even up until this day i will still have people. You know like very closely eye me and observe and then ask me the question: uh are those streaks like do you color your hair and creation? Yes, um and then that is the point where i will say: no, that is my natural hair um. I have gray, hair and yeah i'll still get a lot of those shocked faces uh and from from even from clients, uh and uh friends of friends. Just being like, you know, well wow, you know you're 30 years i mean you're 10 years younger than i am for, if, like someone's, older and just their, you know shocked expression that i'm, you know too young to have gray, hair or like how do i have So much because i'm you know so young um and then i always have to you know kind of kind of you know say: well it's genetical. You know everyone in my family has gray hair. For you know um since they're, you know 18 20 kind of like went up around the time where i got it from you know my mom's side uh and you know i'm okay with it um it's fine. You know we're just reassuring them that uh. I am aware of it, and you know this is how i choose to i choose not to dye my hair. I mean i, i have dyed my hair for a decade over 10 years for sure, and it's just something that i don't want to do anymore. Um feeling like i have to hide myself again, if you want to dye your hair, that is totally cool. I mean i love seeing colors and hairdos on people. It'S just something. That'S not for me anymore um. I used to be that girl, but i also there was a part of me that also felt like i needed to do it it wasn't. It wasn't fun, it was like. Oh, let's hide this, so i don't know no one. No one sees no one, thinks you're old and that's that's. Never a good. You know feeling i mean you have to be kind to yourself. You have to be. You know, okay to yourself. First and foremost, so don't ever forget that um, if you like to do it because you know you like the changes, that's great, but if you're doing it because of society. Well, you know because you feel like you have to because i mean yes people. It'S still, at least in croatia, not normalized, so that's why they are so shocked. That'S why it comes as surprise, and maybe it even feels some people feel better about themselves if they are older than me and don't have as much, because some people don't get gray hair until they're, 40, 45, 47 or later you know it all depends on your Genetics and the input of the environment. How much stress you have in your life, i guess and other stuff um. So just remember at the end of the day, is your choice. Now i will try to go in the light um just so i can see. Show you guys how gray i am okay, because in some of my previous videos i i explained i i used uh some lighting filters to try to make the videos look a little bit better. So i i don't know if you could, if maybe it wasn't as visible um or i don't know so let me just go outside on the balcony. This is natural light and i can barely see anything okay, i hope i'm getting it on camera. Okay, that's way too bright, but uh yeah, it's um, a literally almost salt and pepper anyhow, if you guys uh, don't have the support that you need but want to try going gray. Please write to me: i i know what it's like going through it. I know what it's like, not having the support of your family members, because let me tell you no one in my family, my blood family blood, relation um, supported me. When i went through my journey. It was all shock. It was all it looks bad. Why? Why don't you want to color your hair? It was all you look better with your hair colored, you look old, i mean the only support i had was myself at that point. I didn't have my the support of my wonderful boyfriend because i hadn't met him yet and he met me with gray hair, which he says he loves, and he says it's a part of me and i hope he honestly genuinely does. But all i had was myself. So i had me and my encouragement, and that is quite hard when you go through it by yourself. The only inspiration i had was from other people online who made videos. However, like i mentioned in one of my videos, most women were older than me, so i understand what it's like to be younger younger than 40 and want to go down this journey, but not to have any support or friends or people that you know go through It so like i said: if it is something you want go for it i'm here. If you need support um, i will always support people who just want to be themselves who feel like they can't do something because of society and norms. This is the way those things are changed. It has changed, they are changed by normalizing things that i think should be normalized things that are just part of you know, human nature. We are all humans, um and i think a lot of things should be normalized. So, just taking the first step to helping other people out, there is one of those things all right guys have a great day and i'll see you next time. Bye,

Rita Aman: Thank you for your support! I made the same experience. Even an other hairdresser in my salon came to me to tell me that I should dye my hair, otherwise it would not look nice… I didnt particularly like him before. I dont want to have chemicals on my head to be accepted by anyone. Its almost a year I last dyed my hair and will continue. Our society has to get used to grey women. Im looking forward to your next film! Have a nice weekend, best wishes vom Germany (too)

Andrea Basaure: I'm in the process of going grey. 2 to 3 months in. I started seeing grey hair when I was 18. I kept it natural until I was in my mid-thirties, but the bullying was so hard that I ended up dyeing it. I don't regret it, I had it orange, blue, purple, red, irregular bob (the famous Karen or I wanna speak to the manager haircut), pixie, curly bob, modern mullet, you name it. I'm South American, so I understand what you mean by not having much support. You know, they have the old-school thought of "letting yourself go" when you have grey hair.

pretty_life_and_love122: I love grey hair...i am in the beginning...iam Salt and Pepper too...Regards from Germany...

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