Hairdresser Reacts: Black To Orange Hair Using Box Dye

  • Posted on 08 March, 2020
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Hi Beautiful! Orange hair is not for everyone, but some of these girls actually rocked their new orange locks I have to admit!

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Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa

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Hi beautiful, what's going on today, we're watching some people go from black hair to orange hair. If that sounds wild to you, then same I've only made a handful of people orange in my life, not something I usually see. People don't really come into this on and asked for orange hair. They actually asked for the opposite they're. Like can you make sure my hair? It doesn't turn orange for a select amount of people in this world. They actually want orange hair, and today we're gon na see what all the hypes about for that select group of people and I actually didn't realize how popular orange hair was until I started searching for it on YouTube, and there were just so many videos and I'm Like oh, why don't just make an entire video about black to orange hair, so tonight we're gon na watch a few girls dye, their hair from black to orange. I'M scared but excited. Let'S do it so. First up we have Heather de roche, and this is called dye, my hair from dark brunette to intense copper at home. Let'S see what happens. Heather we've been on a bit of a journey with my hair, since last everything have we. What have we done? I uploaded a video and dye my hair Ginger's, I might have for the first time by myself. Since then, I went from ginger to a bright red color like a deep red and then to a really dark brunette and since then, I've been trying to strip the dark brunette from my hair and as you can see, it's now like this. It'S still a dark brown, but it's a bit of a lighter brown color and I've made a decision that I want to go back to being a redhead specific yay. I'M gon na look really good on her. I'M not the most and of complexions and I do have Scottish heritage, so I think I get my paleness and the natural red tinge to my hair from my dad's side of the fan. Thank you, Dericks, fellow I'm trying to get my hair back. You got the box and the box, we got it. We got it great previously on my hair to try and get it to that ginger color, but this time round I want to take it one step further and I'm gon na try and lighten it before picking the red on. Yes, so wait before you all panic and I was already packing. It'S not gon na go as light as this lady on the phone. Oh, it's not it's definitely more, not and it's basically a lightening product, so this is designed for light to dark brown hair. So my hair color and it's supposed to take your hair and up to eight to nine shades, lighter now having other people down my hair and whenever I pee blonde color on it, it's never gone as light as what it has done on the box or it It would never go straight to this. Color doesn't work like that to get that light of a color its sessions on sessions and sessions, honing its bleaching, it's lightening it's highlighting it's a lot of stuff, it's not just during a box down. If it was that easy, don't you think there will be no hairstylist? Don'T you think that do you literally think we walk into the color room, we mix a box out together and we put on your head if we just plop it on all for the best? No, it's a lot more than that. Well, we're gon na do and I'm gon na. Take you on this journey with sweeties in this video. I won't be sat here. Looking like this anymore, I hope I'm hoping I'm not gon na completely ruin my hair phase. One is going to be to lighten it with this and then phase two, it's gon na be to gender it up with this. So this is the Garnier olia intense pop-up. Well, it's definitely plan. Is it a good plan? Health? No? Is it gon na maybe work yeah? Maybe okay, we're mixing up the bleach here. It goes. Here'S the application well actually she's, using very small section she's starting on her ends and she's, not putting enough light nerve at all one day. Somebody is gon na use enough light nur. I would even consider that, like a coating of liner, that's literally like just dried out light nur, that's not gon na do anything. It needs to be caked on come on. Man. Take it on okay, typically cap off, to have a little look. It'S so spotted up very much certain breeds. Obviously the ends they're not gon na like him as much, and it took me a little while to apply them after applying it. I'Ve left it on for about another half an hour, this leaf it's 20 to 90 minutes. I'M not trying to go to blonde, because I think I'm gon na put the intense copper on good idea. They have gone very they're like see-through. I will see what it looks like underneath. Let me take the clean power actually in seconds. It'S gon na be hard to see out a minute because the dice like still on that, but you can see it - have lightened quite a bit the roof very much so but and yeah yeah see now when you have pre-existing color and you're trying to lighten it Again, it's gon na be very hard to do because you know there is already color lodged into the cortex of your hair very hard to get that out. It'S much easier to get natural pavement out of hair than official. Unfortunately, it's gon na be a struggle yeah. So I'm gon na just jump in the shower and just wash this all out. I think because this I don't want to leave one any longer. No, we don't we're gon na get the off that head. Okay, I missed a crucial step in the application process, which said wait 50 minutes before applying to you'll. Read off these. We provided everywhere else. So wait what the whole time that box died, that people use all the time. It literally says to not apply to your roots. First ever says, apply after you've done your ends and none of y'all read the directions. Nobody reads the directions now, one person; okay, so she blew dry, her hair and now we're left with this blonde root. Orange mids red ends and that's gon na be kind of difficult for her to correct unless she's using two different box colors. Well, I wouldn't recommend using box color at all, but um if she were to use a darker orange on the top and a lighter orange on the bottom. She would get kind of an even look because we're trying to counteract that lightness going on in her route and bring that way down. You always want to have a darker route with a lighter ends. That'S what's gon na make your hair look nicer and more natural by any means, but have lifted the color for me. So hopefully, when I put the red on which I'm going to just do in a minute cause, I can't believe we're putting the orange box dye on now and you don't oh there's something lifting agents in box eye that you don't need because you've already lifted your Hair with Lightner right, so why are you gon na then put a lifting agent on top of already lifted hair when you could just put a toner that has no lifting agents in it and they're just gon na bring your hair down to that tone. You'Re. Looking for she's applying girl she's getting in that in there we'll see if this is gon na, be enough to fix everything, that's going on right now, I have a feeling that the roots are gon na, be really bright, so we're gon na see how that goes. I did leave them a lot to do in my hopes. They might be tunes from risin, but I think I've got everything covered, so we will see how it turns out. Once I push down, I'm gon na go and dry it and see Harlan. I think it's somebody in tiny bit patchy and I have a feeling that in a few weeks again just try to even out the color a bit more, but there's a few kind of patches. Where I don't know. If you can see like there and then a few here to be honest with you, it looks a lot better dry. That'S for sure, um patchy! Yes, fixable! Yes, let's look at it a little bit more and then I'll give you the breakdown. What blonde! So? What I think I'm gon na do is I've gone out and bought another box of the copper and, like I said, my hair is really thick: hmm when it gets damp or when I'm doing my hair, it clumps together. Quite a lot so - and I picked the top because I start from the underneath - the top layer obviously went on last. So I think I need to put a little bit more on just to try and really cover this blonde okay, so you join me for the finished result of my hair and right. Then we start with the elephant in the room and it was not curl properly. Possibly because my hair is just to think you look stunning with that color I've got rid of some of them, dull, patches, where the collagen quite take to the blonde yesterday and so overall, it's a lot more of an even color and I thought I'd come and Sit here in front of the light just so you can kind of see it so yeah. Aside from how scraggly my curls are cuz, my hair just didn't want to curl, I'm very pleased with the I'm really happy, it's very bright. Oh my god Wow. How did we get here that looks so good? It doesn't even look that patchy like against you a little bit, but honestly, I think it looks great. I don't know how we ended up here, but, oh, my god, her eyes. Look amazing with this color. Her skin tone looks amazing. She looks healthy, she looks vibrant. She looks like she's glowing. She looks great, I'm so happy for you, Heather. That looks amazing. You pulled it off somehow. I don't know how, but congratulations all right. Let'S move on up next, we have Ruth the truth, and this video is called dyeing, my hair Orange. What the Ruth the truth, let's see, what Ruth the truth does a door. You know I don't really use that color line a lot but see, and this one is 56 Cajun spice, I'm gon na make them together. I'M gon na get this bomb color, like you better turn out right, so we're using b/w awesome is battery acid. I mean I way I like be nobody, it has its applications in life. However, BW is pretty much the strongest Lightner you can use, and 40 volume is also this from this developer. So that's a lot of strong all-in-one is what I'm saying I wouldn't use that, but all right, probably 35 would've been better but playing it like a burp, orange-brown, huh. Okay, I think you're gon na get later than that. But okay, my head is looking real hot. Okay, so we are beginning with very dark hair right she's at a level four looks like her natural hair color, so that's good at least we're starting with her natural hair color. It'S a good palette to work with um. Also, her hair is very curly, clearly very dry and we're using 40 volume developer with a b2 a2 okay, so she's, mixing that together, she's sectioning her hair out she's getting ready to apply it and we're just going in that. There'S no technique they're just going in. We are avoiding the scalp. Are we? Are we? Oh, we are we love that you know why guys, because the heats from the scalps, your parkas, this is no colorist fasters, but we really need to just be taking couch sections that are smaller than that. Please next time let's do a little smaller section and she's gone blind great! Oh! No! No! No! No! That'S so not good! That should not be that strong take sections next time. Booth. The truth needs to take sections of the truth. Oh wow. Okay, so we are developing, we are processing, it is looking at white blonde. Actually does it looks body gasps does root the truth care yeah? Probably the processing cap is gon na make the heat stay and make sure the lightener doesn't dry out. It'S gon na be great and I'm gon na say talk about vomit. I don't want to see in the camera right now because because I look so bomb me, I'm so scared because I'm really so tended to come out here. Cut it. I'M finna just say: forget it and it all. So I had this thing for a good minute. I probably should have watched her like a couple minutes ago, but I'm gon na and it look good to me. What is this look you're? Talking about? What bob has look? Do you have going on now? You have lightener in your hair, it's not that bomb. Looking, I'm sorry, God took the bleach better than normally. I would be like holy. I would say: she's screwed at this point, but here's the catch today she is trying to go orange and her hair is orange. When you're trying to go orange, you don't want to lift your hair pass the orange States, because why would you do that? Because you're trying to go Orange, so you don't want your hair to be white, or else when you put the orange on it'll fade really fast and you'll end up with haier. You wanted to lift the hair to the orange states and then put the orange toner over it, so this is actually really good at that. Her hair is still really orange because she's going for orange, however, the roots definitely over-processed, but you know you win some. You lose some, I think, that'll be a good color. I'M actually really hopeful for this. I feel like it's gon na go very well. I feel like this is gon na. Look really good. I'M glad she's, starting with her route, that way those process of longer than her ends, because her roots are really yellow and light. And you want to let that color still know the longest, because that'll darken it the most and it's always nicer - to have a darker route and lighter ends rather than a darker and lighter route that just doesn't look natural or right. This, I feel like is going to be really good. Actually, her hair doesn't look that compromised. Her wave pattern is still intact. I promise it looks more orange in person like this camera makes it look great. It looks Orange okay, she washed it off and now we're gon na see. What'S going on, oh okay, I want to see a dry, but her ends definitely look darker than her roots, but we're getting a little bit of a Cheeto vibe going on. I'M not gon na lie, though different like it looks good. I just wish it was a little bit darker. So far, very boo, I like it. I do. I just wish the fruits were darker. I'M gon na pictures because, like for real, it looks so different like like in the mirror and person. Don'T want camera, okay, okay, over Red, Violin camera, and I don't like this - I mean at least she loves it. Am i obsessed with it? No Ruth the truth. Listen, you did a good job. Was it a great job? No, could we have definitely done a bit of a darker route? Yes, again you win some. You lose some I'll. Take it. You didn't totally bought your hair. So that's good. Our next video is by Alou BIA, Oh combo Wow the names just get harder and harder uh-huh. This video is called back to orange hair in less than 24 hours as well. Come to my channel. My name is UB, I'm just a cube yeah. How I got from black to copper, orange hair in less than 24 hours, we're using BW and 30 volume and fairy a box dye, can mane and tail shampoo. Great great. I mean 30 men BW. It sounds fine. Actually, I'm very a box diet, not so much. Okay and her hair is very dark, looks like it's been colored before, so we're lifting out pre-existing, color and um. Hopefully she can get it light enough. Ours are real hair, no way no way. Only its extensions, okay, great and her hair is broken, and now we're gon na color it Orange. Oh, my god, Wow literally her entire head was extensions. Oh my god! Oh, my offense is bringing back to high school when every girl would have like one inch of hair and the rest extensions, hey. So we're mixing a V Lightner and 30 volume and we are getting ready to apply that and now she's putting mane and tail shampoo. In so she is doctors doing a bleach bath. I don't think a bleach bath is gon na be enough to light in her really dark hair. To orange I mean I don't really just see the point of doing a bleach bath like this. Actually, the table is back to orange in less than 24 hours, so she did probably just put like a permanent color over orange lip hair last night. If the color molecules haven't really like set in fully, then she might be able to get it out with a bleach wash also, I mean what happens when you put shampoo in bleach aise, it actually just to loose it. So she's gon na bring that 30 volume down to like a 20 volume, probably and it'll probably still work. I don't know how much of that black she's really gon na get out 30 minutes on the clock. Let'S see what happens? Oh, it actually lightened. Oh, why? Oh, my god, her poor hair, though oh my god and she's going or ranch girl like bright orange. I'M actually excited for this. I feel like this is gon na, be pretty good for her okay, so she's using four different colors. It looks like one's purple one's red to orange - I don't know, that's a lot of box dye would have definitely liked her to use a toner instead of permanent color over her already of damaged, lightened, hair pointless to keep damaging it. You could actually make it healthier with some toner instead of using permanent color, but who cares right? I don't know at least she's going in precisely and she's hitting all the spots. I actually think this is gon na look really quite amazing on her. What color no way we're coloring away we're coloring our hair, we're doing it we're doing it. Boom boom boom boom boom boom, color it away 30 minutes on the clock. Let'S see what happens? Yes, oh my god. I mean the extensions obviously really help the situation, I'm so surprised how much they blend, but her color looks great. I really like the orange more on her than the black. It adds that punk rock feel that she has it's just like fun on her. I don't know I really like the orange. I really like the orange a lot. I actually really like orange hair after watching this video queen job blue via via via great job. You look amazing Wow in your complexion, looks so beautiful and healthy. With that orange hair. I love it. Alright, you guys so those were some iconic black to orange hair transformations. We saw a lot of good stuff happen. We saw some bad stuff happened, but mostly pretty good. Actually, I mean most of the time people end up accidentally making their hair orange when they lighten it. So this was fine because they were like oops. I made it orange and oops. I actually want to be orange, so it's fine. It ended up working out for all of them. That looks great. I'M happy with all these transformations. Nothing was really like too bad for me to be like, oh, my god, they're it's a good day here at the mono household and don't forget to follow me on instagram twitter, tic, toc at brat, mondo NYC and follow my hair care brand x amount of hair For amazing, incredible hair products don't make your hair feels so good and look so good and looks so healthy and feel so both just luxurious, I love, and that is all for today. Thank you guys so much for watching, don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time. Bye, guys, hi beautiful! This is Project X. Our everyday conditioner Project X is gon na. Give you that basic hydration, your hair needs with all the necessary nutrients. So it's still nice and fluffy, it's still beautiful and flowy, and has that lightweight, hydration and shine your hair is craving, and this is Project X, our everyday conditioner

Brad Mondo: Is orange hair a vibe?

holly: idk why so many people don’t like ginger hair it’s so gorgeous

Brigid Perez: I love the fact that Brad always has nice comments to say as well. He doesn’t completely roast them just throws gentle shade lol

Sponty: Box dye also comes with gloves, so every time someone isn't using gloves, that was a choice. I bought a heap of food handling gloves just in case (the ones that come with the box dye are too big it can get annoying) and they are so useful.

Rielly dredhart: I’m a natural ginger and I got bullied a lot when I was younger due to being a ginger so when I was old enough my mom let me dye my hair. I enrolled in hair school in 2014 and they stripped my hair from black back to well close to my natural and I haven’t dyed my hair since! I’m now almost 27 and ABSOLUTELY love my ginger hair. Wish I could have loved it when I was younger to.

Harley Quinn: Question: why do people always wear white shirts when dying their hair.

Teresa 11: This natural dark blonde color makes him look so healthy, glowy and mature, i love the platinum but this one is so much better.

kas47: Maybe I'm crazy but I loved Heather's hair even before she used the box dye. I love that peachy gingery look - I don't care how her blond her roots are. But I also love the way it turned out.

Katherine Halling: Hey Brad, not sure if you'll see this, but I just want to say thank you. I used to not really care much for my hair or appearance in general. I left home at 18 and was homeless for a while, got an apartment and my fiance moved in with me, and some time later we were both homeless and went to a shelter. During that time, I wasn't able to care for myself very well. We did have showers, but they were cold a lot of times. For whatever reason, it was super hard to get a comb or brush, and as it was a night shelter, it was hard to hold on to anything. There was a lot of drama and theft. My hair got super frizzy and was this weird mix of curly, wavy, and straight all at once. Sadly there were bed bugs at the shelter, and I got head lice and had to chop my hair off. My fiance and I both got jobs, but it soon became clear that we'd never find a place in that college town. We took a huge risk and moved cross country, closer to some of his family. It worked out well and we're in a nice apartment. I'm trying so hard to grow my hair back!! I missed taking nice baths and feeling so clean and beautiful and confident! I discovered your channel recently and love your kindness and positivity, and I'm learning a lot about how to take better care of my hair so it grows back strong and healthy and I never ever want to have to chop it all off again! I've learned a lot from your videos so far, like the right way to wash your hair (you really do only need two dime sizes of shampoo) and what the right brush for me actually is. I feel so much better now that we're in a good place and I'm actually able to take care of myself the way I never thought I'd want to. You are such a positive influence and you cheer me up so much and just thank you for existing.

jacintha harris: The most disappointing thing is when you've binge watched all of the Hairdresser reacts videos and now you're just stuck on deciding what to watch next.

Isabel Lengruber: it's incredible how green eyed people look so good with copper hair

Savannah Edwards: He really missed an opportunity to name the title, “Orange is the new”

SuperLady: I love how Brad freaks out and predicts utter failure, but still has the grace to admire surprising successes and give the amateurs props!

kayla harney: I’ve literally watched nearly 30 straight videos of brads throughout the last week. I’m obsessed, and not sure why I didn’t follow him sooner. He does a really good job at just making me so happy and calm. A good escape throughout these crazy times! A total queen, I love.

Jennie Wright: I wanted ginger hair a few years back, the hairdresser not only called me strange, but decided she was only gonna do blonde highlights because apparently, of shed have turned me ginger, I would have regretted it. She literally told me I would hate my favourite hair colour I'm pale and have blue eyes, the copper/ginger colours set my eyes off. The highlights we awful too. I'd never been so upset. I also got charged £190 for it I still don't trust hairdressers, being told I was strange and wouldn't look good ginger genuinely hurt, I know it suits me, I adore my hair when its ginger, but I'm too scare to ask someone again lmao Also, I didn't want a ginger like the first girl, I wanted a darker ginger, but apparently I would regret it

Lady Nephthys: "One day, SOMEBODY is gonna use enough lightener." Me: challenge accepted

zakyah jones: what i want brad to realize is us girls that bleach and dye our hair at home are just looking to have fun! yes it’s going to be patchy we know it won’t be perfect but that’s okay. I’ve realized some of my best mistakes with my hair was the best things i could’ve done!

Valentina Ochoa: I didn’t know that ginger hair could be considerate “strange”. I’m from Medellín Colombia and actually right now here is a trend (sorry if my english is kind of bad, i’m learning )

Apollyon&Abaddon: The last time I bleached my hair (at home, box bleach) I was genuinely shook to find that it bleached to near platinum and very evenly. I felt a lil bit bad about dyeing it red after because it was a look

Cayla H: Oh my gosh Heather looks so pretty with that hair color!! Brad you are so funny. I love your reactions!

Zoe: me: oh, that doesn't look too bad! brad: that is the worst color i've ever seen me: oH yeah totally

Valerie Anne: Wow Heather's hair came out STUNNNNING!! the red is perfect for her skin tone she's beautiful!

Kelly: Can't wait to hear when you get your own reality show! Your personality is so magnetic and entertaining. Please don't ever change

Liz Chick: Actually I really like Oila box dye. It's literally the only permanent hair dye that doesn't make all my hair fall out and believe me I have tried both box/ professional hair dyes. This is the only dye that works for me. I don't use it to dye my hair intense light colors so not sure about those lol.

Juno Leigh: The thing is about being naturally copper, is that it's all fun and games until you try to do funky colors. I have only ever lifted to a 7, even with multiple salon appointments... Thankfully I can have pastel hair with lace fronts! ❤️

Anozira Erised: I think orange/copper is the best natural colour on me. I've also had it unnatural neon orange and got so many compliments. I love orange hair

Angie's Town: I'm surprised how many people don't like orange hair. every time I've dyed my hair it's been purple and safety orange and I love it. I want to try new colours but I keep going back to orange because it's safe and comfortable. also when I'm drawing I have to physically restrain myself from giving every person orange hair. it just looks so good with all my other favourite colours

Emi.Hope_: Watching Brad be completely shocked by the outcome after gagging during the process is hilarious

Laurel Wing: I’ve been bingeing your videos over the past few weeks and I have come to the conclusion that you look younger with brown hair than with the blond. Love how hair can be the fountain of youth.

Emily Mather: Brad always compliments us in the intro and ain't nobody doing it back .. so ya know what hiiiii brad mondo love your hair and your personality ur videos are amazing thank you so much for making them

ScandiRokka: thanks to binge watching Brad, I managed to dye my hair the perfect shade of ginger I think I'm gonna have a lot fun with this colour.

Reese Alexandra: Brad: Hi beautiful! Me: haven’t left my bed in 4 days due to quarantine and forgotten what the sun looks like, Hi braddddddddd!!!

Esraa Salah: I just got my extremely dark natural hair with some old dark hair dye at the ends dyed brown orange and it worked like a dream because of your videos thank you Brad

Rebecca Currence: I’ll say this: i use olia dye and it’s been a lot gentler and doesn’t do as much lift as some stuff. It’s been the best stuff I’ve used as far as box dye

Briannatty: “It’s better to have darker roots and lighter ends rather than lighter roots and dark ends” *billie eilish has left the chat*

Hannah Eldridge: Your videos give me life my mum and I used to box dye our hair then started going to the hairdressers to get balayage or highlights, our box dye days were never this bad I’ll leave the bleaching to the experts though ‍♀️

Chloe Ray: Hey Brad! Love your videos. I'm a natural strawberry blonde/red head and would love some videos relating to that. You never see much dedicated to red hair and it's hard to follow along with routines for brunettes and blondes sometimes. Thanks for all the entertainment and love you put in the videos.

Heather Wright: I cannot stress enough how absolutely BANGIN' the new hair is Brad, so glad you gave the platinum a break!

Beth S: I love that you give positive comments and when they do wrong you give positive critiques and advice not bashing them

mia: My friend, who had orange hair, dyed her hair black so we started calling her "orange is the new black"

IamElisabethH: How do some people just take a box dye, don’t know anything about what they’re doing, it seems to go horribly, then they dry their hair and it’s magically super pretty. How? I feel like I’m trolled or they secretly went to a hairdresser before the reveal.

Tiffany Shelton: I love how down to earth you are. Just because you know it all, you don’t act like it. It’s cool to see someone not totally 100% bash someone when they are honestly trying. You’re real and I love it!

Claire: I went from dark brown to orange in 6 hrs, hairdresser did it though and I AM IN LOVE. didnt think i would ever suit blonde and wanted a change and always wanted to be ginger

Melody Wolfheart: "I'm so tempted to cut my ha-" Brad: "CUT IT"

Brenda Milla: I WOULD LOVE to see a video explaining Do's and Don'ts on bleaching hair at home and which products and why. Another video suggestion is going "undercover" at Sally's and doing what the staff tells you It is inevitable to have people not dye or bleach their own hair, I do it every once in awhile but I follow my hair stylist suggestions, so it would be fun to see something like that as an informative video.

Tree Witch: She called bleach “the dye”. This is the issue, they think bleach is dye. it’s not lol I also use the brand of colour the second girl uses, Cajun spice, I used it to brown up my red hair to make it auburn. It’s not very vivid, their other colour called “paprika” is much better.

Lisa Zehr: I’ve been using the Féria C74 since it came out. My hair is naturally blonde (ok, probably a lot of grey now). It’s a beautiful color. I use that as a base and go to the salon for highlights/lowlights. The stylists next to us we’re surprised to find out it wasn’t my natural hair color.

Nathalie Knutsen: The first girl doesn't even look like the same person after putting on makeup

Aelswith Haugen: I did the same as the first girl except I put the bleach on my ends first, waited 15 mins then did my roots . I was brunette, bleached my hair then used that exact colour. Went her final colour first time! Absolutely loved it but the upkeep was a swine!

Megan Thurman Ewing: I meaaaan my natural “red” hair is definitely more orange than red and, while I hated it when I was younger, I’m constantly being told to never dye it because it’s the color so many women try to get by coloring. So I’m sad seeing all this orange hating in the comments.

Anni Mau: I had orange hair for years. Like bright, bright orange and I loved it. Also great if other people try to find you in a crowd! My natural hair is a dark strawberry blonde and now I have a more natural ginger colour but I do miss the vibrancy sometimes

Ayşe Akımsar: I really like you being so supportive, this is so cute

Nikki Moremon: Not going to lie, I watched this video when it first came out last year and this is one of the reasons that I dyed my hair orange! Still don’t regret it, still Orange a year later!

Anne Chenchar: I must admit, I love having copper hair! But going from an espresso to copper again (with my beloved stylist) took about 9 months. But properly done reds are a vibe

greencarpets: if anyone wants to die their dark hair orange, they should just try bleaching their hair at home *oops meant dye

Ximina: "No one really asks for orange hair" As a natural ginger, I'm triggered.

Lois Bonsu: The thing with afro hair that I've noticed. It takes bleach very easily because its soo fine. She could have literally used a 30 volume and would have been fine without the extra damage ‍♀️

Krista Lynne: Enjoy watching these videos. You have alot of experience for as young as you look. Luv the expressions you have. I admit, I do color my own hair. It's always interesting what I get. Nothing too drastic... I do go to a professional every now and then for highlights. It gets expensive with my gray that comes back to quick. I have always tried to keep up my appearance. Lots of others I work with in retail, don't seem to care,, and I get different attitudes from them.. I have learned you can't impress everyone,, and try to be happy for yourself.. My family always makes comments about me not going to professionals for my appearence... We all have our own beauty in our own way...Keep up the videos....

Jaimie Ann: I think your channel is great! Just came across it and I’m hooked! I’ve made many of these mistakes until I learned the hard way. I actually had a hairstylist melt my hair it’s finally growing after YEARS!!! Years of $300+ salon trips and treatments ‍♀️ smh. Anywho! Love your channel!

Claire Mae: i’ve been dying my hair for 8 years straight until last year i decided to grow it out. this quarantine has me so bored im tempted. but these videos always change my mind. ima continue to grow it

Jessica White: I wish I could post a photo of my amazing transformation. I went from long brown to purple ombre, to short orange locks and it changed my life!! Ginger is the way to go! One color off my bucket list!

Return Tosender: I’m 57 and a natural redhead n very proud of it n my hair is slowly fading n turning white making it look like I have highlights n I don’t think I’ve ever seen “ fake red hair” look natural. We have about 5 different shades in our hair naturally. I cringe at the thought of me eventually having to color my hair. Omg lol

Amanda Serrato: Wow..... I would agree she looks stunning with that color of hair! Thanks for posting this video!

Lee Nicole: The look Brad has when the box dye comes out... he looks like he’s being personally victimized by Regina George !

Black Cats Tho: LOL I love these videos!! It makes me want Brad to critique my hair dyeing process likely result: slightly patchy, ya get what ya pay for. No neon roots though!

Katherine Rose Art: I've had mine a bright orange before! looks great on natural redheads because we already have the coloring for it. the only problem i had is it sure faded fast.

harmony: could you do a tutorial on how to go from artificial black hair to orange? I want to do it the best way possible

Natalie p: I love him so much! So polite and positive! Watching his videos are just my favourite time of the day! ❤️❤️❤️ would love to get my hair done by him!!!!!

fish sticks: Most of these girls will be like “I regret it I'll never gonna do it again ” and then a month later they are gonna be dying their hair purple

Gabriyona: Compared to other box dyes I’ve used Olia is less damaging to my hair. It also doesn’t stink like ammonia either.

Marina: Love your videos! I went from black to orange a couple times and each time it was amazing! Then I went from orange to purple. Then purple to blue. About to go from turquoise to turquoise and green!!!!

Paula Cajal: I had my hair orange for a year but I think it was a phase haha this month I came to reason and now I'm blonde. I HEARD YOU and went to a salon . Love your videos, seeing you from Argentina sorry if my English is not the best

Kiri Leatherland: Brads reaction to Heather is literally me every time I do my hair at home

A-Rae Gun: As someone who has been coloring her hair orange for the past year, im so happy to see it!!!! I never wanna change it

Holly Drucker: Hey Brad I had ginger hair last year just dyed back to my light brown hair with blonde highlights. I will never be orange again. Love your videos and your shampoo and conditioner. Take care

More of That Minecraft: Brad that color really suits you (shirt)

Kimberly Cervantes: I watch your videos to learn hair knowledge and to be called “beautiful”

Spencer Cobbs: saw this comment on an older vid: "Brad, you should do a series were we send in pictures of ourselves and you tell us what cut, color and, style you’d do if you did our hair!"

OnlyAyia: I'm so happy that Ruth bleached and dyed her edges, I feel like black girls always miss their edges but colored edges look so cute. She did so good

pierogiprincess7: Oh man, I totally did this a few years back and mutilated my hair. Hot roots, black/cherry mids and red ends. Was so embarrassed going to my hair dresser, cost a fortune to fix but ended up with a lovely color. Last time I try to go lighter from dark myself.

Lina K: Recently found you I've been obsessed for weeks! Love your videos and your personality

Jelaire Golightly: The first girl ended up with a color fairly similar to my sister's natural hair color. The variation looks quite like my sister's does during the summer if she spends more time outside.

Amanda Doll Rey: One of my best friends in beauty school had traffic cone orange hair and our teachers let us sneak in pure copper pigments to school to make her pop more and God Damn did she glow with her pale skin and green eyes (a natural redhead)

Larissa Hostetter: Ok the first one, her hair turned out amazing at the end! Wow. That looks so good on her. That color was made for her. WOw! I. am. shooketh! Lol she looks amazing.

Capricow the Unicorn: See Brad’s the one who inspired me to do the crazy colors that I have right now and like I feel like he’d be extremely disappointed that I used Splat- like 3 boxes in one go- no bleach tho

DianaD1011: As a hairdresser I love how people assume we go in the back and "mix a box." And when we finishing mixing the client always asks "well whats the name of this color?" I find myself explaining how lightening and levels work to clients 4-6 times a day. I love love love these videos because it shows the reality of how a hairdresser thinks when a new client comes in.

Ehrman Ehrmann: I don't dye my hair but I can guarantee that if I did decide to dye my dry naturally blonde curly hair with random chemicals I bought from the shops in a box I would certainly at least read and follow the directions that come with the box of chemical burns.... I mean prepackaged box hair dye!

michal: "it's always nice to have a darker root and lighter ends" .... Billie Eilish is quaking

K A: Do you recommend any kind of colour remover to use before lightening/dyeing hair again with a different colour?

Courtney Allison: I had orange hair for many years. Honestly it was a vibe, but it made me look very young. I just went a honey brown, and I think it suits me.

Britt Brat: Just discovered brad from a few Facebook videos and I’m so addicted I been binge watching all his videos , love you brad

Estephanie Alba: Please never change your sweet personality. Your videos really helped me cope with my depression even if they were about hair somehow they kept the negative thoughts away.

Ophelia Ross: My friend and I dyed are hair blue like a year ago! And we watched like 20 brad Mondo videos the night before and while we where dying it. It turned out really good! ( even tho we did turn a lil blue )

EverGlow: Tangerine hair color was my absolute favorite made my green eyes pop, I haven’t dyed my hair for two years now but that’s the one color I miss so much fun.

Chelsea Lauren: Haha Brad your reactions in this particular video is SPOT ON. My tears are falling from all of the laughing.

Nare Shahnazarian: You made me laugh out loud so many times in this video!

gigantsquid: How to bleach your hair: 1. Sit down 2. Let your hair dresser do it.

ananya's paint brushes: Brad is so much adorable and kind him

Fizzonion: Omg I LOOOVE watching all those videos! Especially after messing with my hair for over 10 years hahahah (not that professional colorists haven't completely ruined my hair...)

Walwal: after reading and watching cheese in the trap, I've wanted to have ginger/orange hair. I've also seen artists with dyed orange hair and it's so pretty it's one of the hair colours I want to try when I get to dye my hair lol

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