Highlights From "The Rickey Smiley Morning Show" (12/27/22)

  • Posted on 28 December, 2022
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  • By Anonymous

Here are some highlights from our Tuesday, December 27th show!!








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What up Ricky good morning, everybody, I have a question: is it bad parenting or are people overreacting now check this out? A mom posted, a tick tock video after her and her husband took their kid to Hooters for his fifth birthday. Some people think it's appropriate yeah. I mean the kid's name is Xander for what it's worth uh. He don't sound black, but you know it looks like he had a pretty good time. The waitresses did their birthday thing. You know where he had to stand on the chair and flap his arms. Like a bird while they sang to him the New York Post, they wrote a uh. They did a write-up with the headline mom blasted for taking her son to Hooters, but most of the people on Tick Tock. Their comments were pretty positive. A lot of people made jokes like living the dream. Well, they get or that Dad got to choose the restaurant. This year, other people claim this just a normal birthday uh in more rural spots that don't have a ton of restaurants, one person even joked uh the day, Xander realized video games were lame. Even the mom replied to that when and she laughed now, a lot of people in other countries have also commented, though, and seemed surprised that people would take their kids to Hooters at all. So was it inappropriate y'all to celebrate a five-year-old's birthday at Hooters? What y'all think? Yes, I took my son to Hooters all the time, so he can get the vibe hey bro, do what you gon na need. Yeah! You hear me, that's what you want. I mean it's in your mind. Grab your daddy would have took you to Hooters, you would have been playing football for the Atlanta damn Falcons. No, no I'm glad he didn't, because then that would have made me a sex addict you taking a five-year-old child somewhere like that. That makes him a sex added. You a thing honey. Looking at people, women hunting with their bruises. You ought to see, grace and grace and grace and be looking he'd be looking boy. When I take my grandson, he put that damn tablet down he'll be stunning: damn Paw Patrol Roblox well the food. They have good food at Hooters. They do um that could have something to do with it. Yeah you know. Sometimes kids are just innocent. You know I don't some five-year-old boys aren't into all of that, and you know I've been a Hooters, not all of the no, but not all of the people they hire have Hooters right. I haven't seen some lowercase a cups in there. You know what I'm saying. Maybe that's the one they went to that. Wasn'T so tempting, and you know Maria it is. It is some terrible Hooters out there, not everybody, making the cut they not like this boy. When I seen you, I seen a couple of Tasmanian devils walking through there with some Tyson. Okay, please thank you, hello, good morning, good morning this is Johnny Hurston. Your son woke up at the adapter at the factory at the chicken plant with my yes ma'am. He worked with my boy, Devereux, okay and I'm just trying to find out what kind of surge you got over there because he didn't got my boy devil in trouble because they were smoking out there out there on the bread in the break room and they caught. My boy with the weed and then they and they asked him who he got it from, and your son and confessing and coming forward because see when the supervisors walked in the break room. My boy had to weed in his mouth and your son. He had hid his weed and his booty cheek. He took it in reached around and put it in his booty cheek and then gon na pull it back out after the supervisor left and kept smoking. My son haven't been to work uh uh in in a month or three weeks baby. This was a while ago baby. He ain't been up there because he hiding from my boy and see baby. My son just got promoted to assistant chicken director there at the factory. They are trusting him to clean, to direct the chickens and and with great power, comes great responsibility just like Spider-Man, and he doesn't. He didn't need that on his disciplinary file. You know what sir, let me tell you. First of all, let me tell you something: I don't appreciate you calling his number one number two. If you have something to discuss with my son or me, you need to call it a dish, a decent time, baby number, three number: three: if your son is such a decent son? Well, God, why was he smoking weed? Don'T call him! Why was your son bringing the weed there hello person, you called, is no longer on the line all right. Let'S call Lashawn right, quick, hello, Marlin, Roy Wood, Jr, all right, hey man, she went off, but then she told me do not call again dude. If you could call it on three-way right, quick, okay hold on a second all right, hello, hey! You know that man who just called you yeah, Oh no, I got him on the phone. This Johnny Hurston baby. I had to call your son. Listen. Let me tell you one: [, __ ]: your son needs to use some discretion on his own. Please don't have me get to Ogden and cussing this time when I'm trying to refrain but your son, I'm a man of the cloth baby. I don't give a damn. What you is or what you said, your son needs to exercise some self-control and then, if he does that he can stay away from my son, that seems to be influencing him. Do you understand me? They were smoking weed in the prison. I don't care what they could have been smoking. A [, __ ] tree. Mister Baby. Don'T make me go to the trunk. You know what you know. What you can go anywhere. You can go any place. You want to go, buddy bring it to me. Okay. I call it TD Jakes because it makes you see Jesus goodbye, that's a practical joke! This comedian, Roy Wood Jr, how you doing this morning for every action that has a reaction. So I acted good morning Ricky good morning, everyone! So it's the end of 2022 and we are talking about Google's year in search top searches, news shortages, how to help questions and more so, as the end of 2022, come to a close. Google has released its annual year in search stats and in 2022 it was dominated uh by several terms that people were searching for uh. The top news stories were Googled uh this year, midterm election results, Queen Elizabeth's, passing, of course, Ukraine, Powerball numbers and hurricane in uh. Now also Ricky the top how to help other searches were how to help Ukraine, how to help abortion rights and how to help Uvaldi, the top, how to pronounce searches were uh were Qatar, Kiev, Omicron, and how to pronounce Encanto do any of those sample familiar to Y'All nah, not in Kanto. I never heard of that. Oh you haven't heard of that movie. It was. It was a review, oh really, good, uh! Oh, that was America. I don't know it's like an animated series right, yeah yeah. It was an animated movie. Encanto um. Also uh, the top near me, searches were gas prices near me at home, coveted testing near me, boating near me and PCR test near me when y'all are trying to like find different locations uh. What are y'all searching for near you uh, just whatever address, whatever the chicks in whatever apartment complex, you live in a 2008 Nissan Altima near me. That'S when I got that fire. Yes, sir, there were also our top five searches overall. This year, Wordle, have you ever heard of that? It'S like a Scrabble game. Um, you feel extra results, yeah a Wordle. Do you like playing Scrabble Ricky uh? I mean I'm a good speller, I'm a good speller, but don't give me no math games. Uh! Okay, have you heard of that? One uh, no honey. You know I don't have time for all that stuff y'all be playing Wordle and hurdle. No, you don't do boring games Gary. No, we used to no, we played trouble growing up and they got a new um. Put out the Monopoly, but I'm about to learn how to play it. I heard you, you didn't let nobody touch your Operation game, that's right, baby, sweating playing again! Oh, my goodness, I'm searching Ricky where Betty White, Queen Elizabeth and also takeoff, who passed away in November. Even though that happened in November, that was among other top searches for 2022 uh in Google, I'm sure that searching will continue uh in the new year. Hey thank you, Maria hold it he's hands. Man. Half woman is Gary. I wan na hip you to the team. It'S Gary baby Gary has at the end the color of the day. What up Gary good morning, Ricky Good Morning, America, good morning to you it's a beautiful beautiful day in the neighborhood and here's what's happening in celebrity news, Jacksonville very sad day, y'all for Kanye West - and we all know y'all didn't mind - is a terrible thing to wish. Y'All, but it's been reported out that Kanye West has lost yet another Accolade down. Following his anti-semitic remarks now they're saying that the rapper and fashion designers honorary degree y'all from the School of Art Institute of Chicago has been withdrawn. Y'All now they're saying Jordan, a list of acquaintances and endorsement deals that have fallen off because of his controversial remarks. Now, according to the institute's president, Elisa tiny they're saying quote: Kanye West anti-black, anti-semitic and incinerary statements, particularly y'all. Those at black and Jewish communities are disgusting and condemnable, and the letter also added as a community. We know that there are varying opinions, honey on what our school's response should be, even as we all agree y'all that his behavior is indefensible, and they also want to say that the um log moves yeah. This is the first time in the institute's 80-year history out that a degree of its kind has been revoked. Isn'T that sad, yeah how they could get something take it back, though. That'S what I already brought it on yourself. It don't matter with it brother when he said you gave me this and like I gave y'all damn donation. Can I get that bad? But when you put yourself out there as a hater, the way he has and and you violate so many people's sensibilities, then you got ta expect it's gon na be some backlash. Anybody smart think. So you dismissed cage remark. Man I mean well uh. Gary people want to distance, they want to distance themselves from Kanye because he's attached it so much to the controversy. So I think that's the main thing I just feel so bad for him, but nevertheless honey. They took his degree. So, let's keep our parties lifted up in Brown All Right, Moving On, In other celebrity news, y'all, honey. This is another sad story I mean this is for lazy and a lot of men out there as well y'all. It'S being reported that rap star cardi B has an eerie message out for her fans, considering following y'all hurting plastic surgery, um footsteps. Now they said during a recent Instagram live yeah the 30 year old musician explained y'all. Why she's an advocate for doing research prior to getting work done now? Additionally, y'all they're, saying cardi B revealed y'all that she recently reversed one of her major surgical procedures, y'all - and this is said speaking of why she decided once again to be open about it. She said this: she said that I gave birth to my son. She said my butt was real huge. She said my butt was huge honey and putting on their baby weight, plus them booty shots. She said a lot of people thought as soon as I gave birth that I got my body done. She said, but no she didn't y'all. She said, though she was born, y'all, belcarus amalazar. She was speaking about the birth of her now one year old son away, who she shares with her um husband Austin. Now she continued to reveal that she actually removed a significant amount of butt injections. Y'All follow her son's um birth. She said in August honey. She died this surgery and I did remove 95 of my um biopolymers y'all should say if you don't know what that is, there's bus shots. She said I was a really crazy. It was a really crazy process. All I'm going to say is right now, if you're a young girl, she said if you're, 19, 20 or 21 and sometimes you're um too skinny [ __ ], you don't like um, you don't like who your adventure they hunted, don't have enough fat to put in Your bush, you say: please don't do it y'all. She said she will never do that again. Enrique. This is a good message to a lot of people out there, men and women honey to stop doing it. I should say because it's just not worth it. So that's good cardi B is telling people to do this because a lot of people out there are insecure about their body. [ __ ], but please don't be insecurement Maria you're, a fitness man yeah, I'm all natural. So you know - and I got struggle jeans because you know my mama Asian, so I have to do extra squats over here, but I know that you know if you work your muscles. If you build them up, if you eat right, you know you can change your body composition. It may not be perfect, like the people you see on social media but yeah. I think it's a good message. Everybody, don't don't happen like us man, we just don't have to have no big booty, yeah right little booties matter, there's a such thing as too much yeah I mean we, we don't. I mean it's all about the personality and what your flow is like. You know what I'm saying is your: if your your body flowing man, you, we don't have to have too many women, feel that way. Yeah I mean making women feel. Oh, you got that that'd be in the music. So much you got a big bush got the big brother, like everybody, don't have the hair that man, I love. The itty bitty itty bitty committee come on is speaking out and letting the world know you don't have to do it. I don't know who's going to speak out for the men, but you know because men are doing it too now, but it's just a sad situation and hopefully some sexy women out here still wearing a training bro, I ain't mad at them. We take men and a big old beer guts y'all staying on top of your physical fitness, so men should accept women ain't, nothing, ain't, nothing wrong! With the little tiger stripe a little. You know yeah, but I mean have money they could afford to do that. They could buy what they want. Women can't. So that's what yeah spelled her name Patrice. Oh Lord Jesus. We need to praise Misty Jade on the hand you say Mr Jayden, on the lunch and say beautiful, mint green. That'S your color for the decoration of Bad Boys. Y'All, give it up a Gary with the team. Absolutely cannot use that's okay. What up? Well, the fellas don't care! What time of year it is they've been asking they've been asking hey man when we gon na hear about who got that fire today. We need to know people wasting a lot of time out here, chasing women, that ain't about that. You know that ain't got that right come on now, let's get to it. Uh Super Dave give me some appropriate. She got that there you go that works. That works. Listen up fellas these the ones you need to be chasing after, don't get it twisted if her car has a screwdriver holding up the window to keep it from sliding down. Yes, sir, on that passenger side no lies detected, she is in the struggle and she got that show. No if she go to church every single Sunday, but she still cuss a lot during the week. Oh yeah yeah. Now, if she used to be real fine in high school, but now she's about 39 40, she got five kids in that belly hanging over them pants, but that donkey's still fat, don't sleep on it, don't sleep on it! If she not dumb, if she not dumb per se, but she also not sure if Joe Biden is the president of the United States or the mayor of New York City believe it she know he won him, he either the president or the mayor of New York. She ain't sure she ain't, no conversation, we don't even care. If you don't know, no, I'm telling you and she see that she see the abbreviation for the state of Texas and she say you live in Dallas TX come on man. That'S right! All you see is yeah if she under 30 and live with her Grandmama. She got a grown Uncle to stay there too, but he sleep on the couch in the front room. I'M telling them. Yes, sir they'll be the ones boy and if you're gon na pick her up, you better go, you got to go in. There speak to her grandma, but that's for sure yeah, her grandma back in the back good morning, smoking a cigarette. How you doing Miss Tony! I'M all right, where y'all going going to Burger King I'll be back in a little bit. If she stay with her grandma man, you have to smash in the driveway if you can't right after you hit and she leave the door open. If you go to her crib and she only got one or two clean towels, when you look in the closet yeah and they both real thin yeah right, they got no Fabrics on them. The rags be rough yeah with a rough ride, but a rat a rabbit that number two in the thin a frazzle. If she got at least four kids and they all got different grades of hair and different last names. Smith Williams, Perez and Lee you're fired Rings about the morning show who is this? I'M not going to be there today, I'm just gon na tell you. The situation yesterday are really are really unsafe. Like um, I'm sick, I'm sick for real. Today, I'm not coming so you're, not coming no come from. I'M gon na go to the um [ __ ]. That'S let me know what kind of person you here. They say a lot about you! No, I went. I went yeah, I mean they're, trying to tell me who you is no word like like who I am I'm trying to like. We gave you an opportunity, okay, and I just said on six - I didn't even say well, what's wrong, you just you just go straight into question. What was yours because you just go straight into voice ain't? Nobody fussing, nobody, racist! I could feel it, though I could feel your energy. Your energy is very or negative right now, that's on why you didn't come yesterday, because because I had a situation, I told you where I couldn't. Why did you come? Why didn't you come Tuesday? So I didn't close that, because it was, it was another something something was going on: what about money? What about the start? The week I told you what was going on on Monday last Friday. Okay, why are you still didn't ask me what's wrong with me, why you don't you you don't even care how about let's talk about next Friday and Friday After Next she's right here? How are you feeling Tony hey? Thank you. Thank you. I'M glad somebody killed. I'M up here about I'm up here, sick, as I don't know what cause I'm real. You know what I did yesterday. They were going on a field trip to the uh to the dairy farm and I told them they needed a shop. I said I'm gon na go because I'm trying to be a good uncle. You know what I'm saying, and so I went with them and they were showing them how to milk them cows, and I was really impressed with that and I had stepped off to the side, and I said I was gon na go milk this one by myself. I wanted to be with fresh kind of milk taste like and I drunk, and I told the little white man I said, hey this though I said this don't taste like milk and he said well, first of all that ain't no cow hold it. You can't man, half woman is Gary baby. What up Gary good morning, Ricky Good Morning, America, good morning to you it's a beautiful beautiful day in the neighborhood and here's what's happening in celebrity news: y'all, Pastor, Jamal Brian, the ex-husband of Real Housewives and Potomac star Miss Gisele Brown y'all. He has a new idea. Y'All for attracting young black men to his church around a recent interview y'all with Mr Sean Ali Pastor, Brian, you know he and media that he's interested y'all in starting listening to this starting a cannabis business at his church. Now the pastor of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church said y'all. He said I'm looking for people that smell like weed. Now he went on to say yeah, that new birth is the largest landowning black church in America. He'S in my position to my deacons is y'all. Why aren't we not raising cannabis? Now they were saying that the 51 - you explain, he said I'll, be able to bring in black males they're able to do it legally. He said I'm teaching them farming, I'm teaching them to enhance the ecosystem. He said this is the kind of conversation y'all that people need to say. So, if the guy, the black boy here in Bankhead, he said they're growing weed at the church, he say where do where do I join? He said I don't need no pamphlet for him and he went on to say you know that you know this is a good thing and it's helping people and and it's legal, so don't y'all. Think that's a good idea. I mean I mean I mean if they want to make make some money off of it legally and uh, sometimes marijuana from what I've been told, help with pain, aches and and it's not being abused uh. That'S definitely, I think it's a good idea what you think Brent uh and you know I'm down for it. What what? Yes? Yes, yes, the main service, the dinner, because you know if it's there we gon na cook with it. You know we don't have a good dinner with it. Oh yes, then it's gon na be a little quiet rehearsal before the Sunday morning middle service and then we're gon na have a little night service and then right after the night search. We'Re gon na have a little night cap from Newburgh you're gon na move in the New Birth. What I'm looking for property already all right, honey there you have it honey, but moving on honey and I'll. Just celebrity news. Y'All, it's been reported. I remember last month, y'all Jay-Z filed a lawsuit against Bacardi out to get honey out of his douchey liquor deal well now. They'Re Sarah parody say do say, honey. Look at this, you said: douchey look like well, apparently they say Jay-Z tried to buy the brand outright for one billion dollars, but they say Bacardi said no. Now they're saying Jay's an illegal watch out with Bacardi hunting, trying to um Force the company to buy him out of that 50 50. Partnership hunting the luxury cognac brand, but according to the new um dog shot, they said it was Jay-Z honey who tried, who first tried y'all to buy avocado honey back in December 2021., now they're saying that you know, according to the document, Jay-Z went back to the Drawing board and then hunting in December, he offered to buy honey out his partner for the 1.5 billion dollars which keep him, which keep in mind that they said will still be three times what Bacardi said it was worth hunting now, they're saying no. No! No. Now, apparently, at the car, the car just said since honey it rejected the offer and that's why Jay-Z thinks there's something Shady going on. They say, but you just don't know the business honey and that's what people do here when they got a lot of money. I think because they have a lot of money, they could do all these different things. But they're saying people are speaking out there saying first of all honey, but Carter didn't want to sell they'll come, they said because they don't see anything wrong went back and they were saying honey. Everybody ain't for sale. Jay-Z did somebody also said that um they said just because they didn't want to sell out, like you knew, Negroes doesn't mean they're worth more or less. They say as soon as these knew, and this is how they spelled Negroes k-n-e-e-g-r-o-w-s your new negro, trying to get a little something they're selling it to the highest white building. They say how um long before puff sales revolved even Oprah soul on to Discovery. So there you have it. I hope that Jay-Z and Beyonce don't divorce behind this man. It'S really you know it's just not a good look honey. I feel bad. I really need them to stay together yeah. They need to stay together as long as they can honey, but um, I don't know, but speaking of staying together and who didn't stay together. Y'All Kevin Hunt is a mystery y'all Wendy Williams, husband, um she's. Finally, speaking out honey, they said she revealed that um. You know um, you know Kevin Hunter. You know he filed for um foreclosure because we didn't start paying his bills honey. Where they're saying his mistress turned baby mama Serena, Hudson yeah. She confirmed y'all that honey. How long did she confirm how long that she's been lurking around y'all in the background with on Wendy's husband? Now she put out on social media, which people say hey really sure really she put very proud of you and your accomplishments honey pass and current over a decade now she's been with him over a decade. She said I've seen you defeat the odds in this Supremacy work. She said honey, never not once honey. You allow someone else's opinion to remove your focus. She said your work will never be silent Sunny. So let your success be noise unquote and he told her back. Love you, she lived with him off of windy, money and stuff, and she decided she want to say something and people say that just disgust them that you know she would even say something like that. That'S a shame honey, but I tell you: people are crazy. Y'All honey, it's a mess, but let's just keep all parties lift up in prayer, honey, anything yeah get up and Gary with the teeth people are talking. Here'S what's trending on the Ricky Smiley Morning Show I'm listening a lot of stuff going on. There'S uh a New York Times, wedding announcement, that's getting a lot of retweets and comments on Twitter about a black couple who met at Pop. Why got to be black man at Popeyes doing the hype of the pandemic, and now they are freaking newlyweds? So listen now there are um. There are people who really want to see this couple win, but a lot of the comments are breaking down. This parking lot love story with people explaining why uh why they would have chicken out way before getting to the point of saying I do okay, well, here's the breakdown of the couple's Love Story, one they met on the Dayton app hinge in May of 2020. The height of the pandemic number two he's older than she is by 10 years and was previously married for six years. Three, the guy canceled their first two scheduled dates for the first date, was a eat up in a Popeye's parking lot. Five. He went across the street and bought himself a meal from KFC, because the line was too long at Popeyes six, the guy admitted to dating six other women. Seven, they had their first kiss sitting in the parking lot uh at sunset during first meeting uh eight. He moved in with her six. He moved in with her in six months, but as she requested uh nine, he proposed seven months after they met with an engagement ring that his homeboy bought for him. He has since paid his homeboy back for the ring and ten. They were married within the year uh and their story made the New York Times. So here's the question: what do you think about this whole thing at what point would you have chickened out or would you have made it to the altar hit us up at 8669? Ricky to share your thoughts, what y'all think they gon na stay married forever, because every they kept it real from the get. You know what I mean he told her look. I ain't got no money right now I mean they just kept it real from the get-go. She said, look move in with me. I got you, I think they're gon na stay married. Those are the best relationships, because if y'all can rough it, when you have nothing when the chips are down, then baby when it gets up and that money starts flowing and Life Starts. Looking good y'all really gon na love each other yeah cause if they made us all this. This is a lot and you, Mr got you know, got stood up for your first two days. Then you met in the Popeye's parking lot. He had six other women right. Oh, my goodness, it was just a lot going on. I don't agree. I think she was lonely. She was lonely. She needed a man, he came along because she knew this man was good and broke. It'S obvious. You have a little bit more than him because she had a place and she let him move in with her. She let him go ahead and move it or she gon na, be with him for a while, because she needed some attention and love and honey. When she get tired of him. Trust me he is going right back where he started it and that Popeye's [ __ ], but Gary that's what you want man. He was completely honest with her about everything all the skeletons in the cars and everything. That'S what you one. You want honesty from the beginning when you lonely on Route 10 honey. You just want somebody you're gon na accept whatever they say, yeah baby. Until you get what you need and honey, then you're gon na send them on there. Where I promise you tell me, Jerry, they're gon na stay together cause. She know his homeboy bought this ring and she still stay. He didn't even buy his own ring, but he paid his homeboy back. So he has some Integrity, oh Integrity. So at what point would you have chicken out? I I hit me up at 8669-8669. My thought is is fill me up twice. Oh no, that that would have been it it's over yeah. It is what it is. Ain'T, no uh ain't, no space, limited time limit on love. If they dig each other, they dig each other. What'S the problem, they did. What was right made it to the altar. Only God can judge what goes on in relationships and marriages and stuff. I don't think he died. First they'll be A-Okay, it wasn't for me. I was in the same situation I was broke. My husband was broke, uh, we started dating each other. We got married within three months of being together. Now, we've been together for 30 years. We just made the best of it, we're just honest to the end. I think they're going to stay together as long as they got red beans and rice they're gon na stay together. The true story of Mamie till uh Mobley's rentless pursuit of justice for a 14 year old son Emmett Till who was brutally lynched in 1955, while visiting his cousins in Mississippi and now already being called the next. The next year's Oscars best movie winner by critics and uh, so in the studio right now we have Jalen Hall who plays in in the movie uh Jaylen. Thank you so much for joining us live in the studio man Jalen. We are so happy to have you this morning. Uh. You know you 16 years old uh. So how was it stepping into this historic role of playing Emmett Till in this film? It was amazing um. It was such an honor to be able to do. You know a lot of people like to ask me like: was there any pressure, any fear, but, to be honest man? I just felt the need to do this for the world to see it. Yes, wow. That is amazing. It'S so great to see you and to see your work um. How was it working with such big stars like Whoopi Goldberg, who stars in the film as well as produced it yeah? No, she is um hilarious. First of all, I bet first of all, um, and it's like you know when you're around these people, you, like, oh my God, like that's, Whoopi Goldberg, you know what I'm saying, but she never made it feel like that. It was just you know. I'M saying we were all uh all here: um collectively making this story um for our community, for our history, yeah, uh, uh, to see and and to cherish. So it was amazing working alongside her and like everybody around just like helped motivate me um to Captivate this. Make this performance you know so authentic uh for Emmett yeah, so now Jalen I saw the movie last night, but before I go into that question, so did you feel that Ruby had on a fast suit, or did you feel that was her regular body? You know what no I mean because they was talking about them so Jayla. So no, I just wanted to remember. She'S been talking about [, __, ] or something yeah. I don't know the lady that asked her. That was not nice for asking her. Oh that wasn't! Oh, I was just trying to be messy, like she's doing it right now, and she made it clear that it wasn't a fat suit, Ricky and she had been sick. Like you said, oh, she was sick yeah. She had been in the hospital and everything we love. Whoopi, we sure do I love will be Jalen but anyways back to you. I saw the movie last night and I thought you did a great performance. It was a great, but you know I was watching and I said: okay, they even had you looking like Emmett. You know the young image from you know so do they have did they have to add some type of makeup or something like that or they just had you just go straight face like the way you were um, I'm just regular me. I mean like, of course, when you do production, you could like go through hair makeup and stuff, but it was just me that whole time, but they did put a wig on me, though yeah they asked me to cut my hair and I was like nah yeah Forever so, but but yeah they put the wig on me and like it was a, it was a crazy resemblance like sometimes like. My mom would like uh, put my picture and his picture together, and it would be like yo. That'S like that's crazy, oh yeah just gives me chills goodness, and you know the tragedy happened back in 1955 before many of us were even alive. Um, yes and we've heard the story, we've seen the the horrific photos. Yes, what do you think is a major takeaway for people watching this film actually seeing it played out on the big screen? Man? It'S like um, it's a number of things, it's educational because, sadly, like not, a lot of people know about the story, yeah or the events that occurred um. So this is like something for them to learn and because a lot of people they don't really want to. Like you know, look things up or read it or something yeah things like that. So when it comes to like the movies and stuff like that um, it's a more way to understand it and you know, connect with on a different level. So people will be able to do that and um uh one thing uh. Why are you thinking that Jalen? I got a quick question for you plan a role such as that that's got so much emotion and so much history behind it did it affect you emotionally playing that character? Yeah? Yes, because it because it kind of you know it brings you. It brings you closer to your family in a way and it changes your perspective um. My mom, my parents, have the uh yeah my mom and my parents have done a great job at, like you, know, kind of protecting me from um uh the horrors of our world, but being like you know, going through this first hand, because I I didn't go Through it, this was Emmett, but you know being like having to reenact it. It changes you know and then um and everybody goes to that point in their life. You know where they go through, something like super serious or like something super life-changing. They come out different for the better, and I feel like this was this. Was that for me, nice, so Jayden man. When did you start acting man? Where'D? You get your first acting role. I mean this is probably your biggest like breakout, but when did you get started from this right um? I uh I wanted to. I started. You know my my passion for acting at four right, but then I just I did Sports in between and stuff. I did like a little bit on. You know on the side um, but at seven seven is when I uh really got on um uh Nick, my God he um he. He found me um uh at AGI, this kind of training camp for me and then um uh. It'S a lot of gray area here but, like you know my uh Journey, uh paste and paste, and then I got all American um which yes, like yeah. That'S that that was kind of my first. Like really big thing. It was my first series um and then - and none of us knew that it was gon na blow up how it did. Yes, it did um get all that love um, but now we're on our fifth season. So yeah yeah. Congratulations! Congratulations on that! Absolutely man! So we are so excited to have you um. So uh you, you also uh! Oh yeah! You just talked about that. Listen! So man, thank you so much for joining us in 30 seconds tell people why they need to get out and see till and uh. How can people follow you? Yes, first off, you can follow me on all uh my accounts, that's Jalen and Mill Hall j-a-l-y-n-e-m-i-l-h-a-l-l, and everyone needs to see this movie not only to understand these events and learn something but take something away. Everything you take away is unique to you and it can inspire you to do some good. That is man so proud of you. Man keep doing what you're doing and uh. We hope that you uh get an Oscar off of this uh man. You know yes thank you and uh thank your parents and and everybody uh y'all, giving up and share your love right now for Jalen Hall coming up host people are talking all right. Rock T got three kids fish tank got four kids uh uh everybody got kids. I mean I got a bunch of kids: even got kids, but uh uh Rock T got a sweet tooth, so it's that time of year, where you were starting um, getting those messages to place your uh. You know your cookie orders for your favorite girl scout uh. In Thin Mints, Thin Mints are the most popular girl scout cookies of all time. I don't know about that. I got ta test that I got it. I got one the lemon iced yeah cookies. Now you know that could soon change uh. Yesterday, the Girl Scout the Girl Scouts just unveiled uh, their newest cookie or raspberry version of thin mints minus the mint part. Oh they're called raspberry Rally's and uh they're, bringing they're uh building them as a sister Cookie to thin mints. Now they look identical on the outside, but the inside is bright, pink foreign all right, I'm like fantastic all right! So now you can get him yeah! You can't get them yet, but uh they'll be joining the lineup next year and uh. You won't have to wait too long. Brett their site has a countdown ticker that says that they'll be out. Uh Brad get ready for this early January. Yes, it is they're, also uh and they're awesome right after Christmas. Right after Christmas baby, that's a good gifts. The girls got first online exclusive cooking. Now, I'm sure they are going to be great uh, but but that brings us to this question right here. What do you think that could be the thin mint as the greatest cookie of all? I do yeah the double stop baby, tell y'all something now everybody going for the bougie cookie, but I'll put them damn: uh uh, 7-Eleven, lemon cookies, the 7-Eleven brand of the lemon cookies and them cookies, what they got where they black on one side, buddy I'll put Them damn cookies up against anything and them cheating ones at a quick trip, yo those lemon Oreos, those are the ones those I mean you can't stop. You keep going and keep going until it's gone. Man there's two cookies out there that shuts the game down a good old-fashioned, warm chocolate chip cookie out the oven is number one and number two is this: you can buy all right, so we're gon na go over the whole house. We'Re gon na go with the Keebler fudge, stripe cookies. Greatest of all dresses. You have to keep them in the fridge, though. Yes, sir, you got to keep them in the fridge. Don'T play Hey, do not give me a cable or strike cookie if they know, and then they got the one where they dip the damn half stripe, and then they dip the other side in the damn fudge when we was young but but you can buy them, Oklahoma, animal cracker cookies are still good, though those little things go. The one in the little red box hold on hold on Special K. Come on. You got four kids are the ones the regular ones don't hit? No more, are you crazy, but I'll tell you what Brett went on them. Damn New Girl Scout cookies, with that raspberry filling in the Middle with that pink metal foreign, the chocolate chips they should have bought those back a long time ago. They were the bomb diggity. Besides the thin mint, you got to go to the Caramel Delight dosedos, the shortbread. I don't want minty chocolate, but the samoas, oh, my God, they are the bomb. I don't even like coconut and I'm eating them and spitting out the little coconut pieces. It'S like ain't. Nobody full so black folks y'all acting funny with Nutter butter y'all. I can find it with the ones that shaped like the peanuts. Just a boy can't get no love. The original Oreos didn't get no love. This morning, black people acting funny. What'S up, what's up ain't? Nobody said nothing about the vanilla wafers ain't. Nobody said nothing, oh okay, all right! What about the ground do Graham Crackers, what about the oatmeal cookie with the frost in them? Iced cookies. I know what you're talking about them: grandmother, cookies them Grandma cookies. If y'all, if y'all can win meals, win meals, wait a minute, do they still sell those I haven't seen them. I haven't seen those windmill cookies. You got ta, get an old school Outback Dollar Store. I go to a damn Piggly Wiggly to get the windmill. If you find a Piggly, wiggler or old Winn-Dixie, you can find them damn windmill cookies like like for real, like I am a a cookie uh, a cookie yeah, absolutely Drop it like it's hot Drop it like it's hard good morning, Ricky good morning, everybody! I'M your girl, Brad tat - and this is the hot spot where we bring you music movies and more Kanye West honorary degree from the School of Art Institute of Chicago has been revoked over anti-black and anti-semitic comments once again he's losing something else. According to TMZ Elissa tinney, the president of the school said that yay exhibited disturbing behaviors that made dangerous statements that do not align with our community values. She said it's anti-black, anti-semitic and incendiary statements, particularly those directed at black and Jewish communities, are disgusting and condemnable. His words and actions have been painful for our entire community, and particularly for those of us who feel that our identities and life experiences are under attack. She said, while the school grants honorary degrees to individuals based on their contributions to art and culture as of a moment in time, his actions do not align with saic's Mission and values, and after hearing from many of you and conferring uh with the Board of Governors, The honorary degree awarded to Kanye West has been rescinded. She explained there is no precedent in siac's, more than 80 years of granting honorary degrees for rescinding one. Well, I'm not surprised at that. Well, y'all cardi B took the Instagram live and she revealed that anxiety is holding her back from releasing a new album. She said I've been having a lot of anxiety lately because I know right after I dropped my album. I have to go out on tour and I have had bad separation anxiety from my kids. She said when it comes to the music. Like I don't like, I don't be liking anything I feel like. I got so many songs and I don't like any of them. I feel like nothing is good enough and I got so much money saved up and I just be like yeah whatever she explained that making music to hers become like a job that gives her anxiety because everybody just critiques everything that she does. She said it gives you so much anxiety, she'd just be freezing up, but she knows she got ta. Let that go. She has to release more music and she said she just got ta get out there. Wow, that's surprising, because cardi B is so dope and last but not least, Future Has announced his 2023 one big party tour. He tweeted Showtime I'm ready to bring one big party to your city Pluto. He said the two will begin January 7th at the Toyota Center. In Houston, he will also make stops in Charlotte Atlanta Chicago Washington, DC before rapping in Boston on January 27th. Now we don't know who's going to be on this tour, but I just think he's gon na bring random people from differences. It'S just going to be dope. Like surprises, I can't wait for this all right. Let'S get it it's the Rickey Smiley Morning Show. Did you see that post people are talking? Here'S what's trending on the Ricky smiling Morning Show! Oh, can you read the information? Oh it's coming. I can't even do it I'm going to sit on some tea um. I got you all right. No, listen! If we're honest about it. We'Ve all done something in the past that we know we shouldn't have been doing, but here's an example of a guy who had to know he was going to get caught. So he's a retail employee in Arizona he admitted to swapping out nearly 400 000 of the stores real money with fake bills that he bought online. The guy worked at the store as a vault associate, which means he was in charge of counting the money and taking it to the bank, but over the past four years, Ricky four years he has been switching out the real money for counterfeit bills over the years. The now former employee Adrian pinata bought 3 700 fake 100 uh 100 bills in 22, orders over the past year, totaling three hundred and seventy thousand dollars in fake money. Now the bank wasn't fooled, he was arrested, he admitted to stealing the money and he has agreed to pay it back and he's also looking at up to 20 years in prison. Now that was wrong, but we can't be quick to judge right. We'Ve all done something crazy, uh that we should have been doing and we got caught doing so. Let'S talk about it, y'all, oh yeah, uh, all the time I on the job yeah get on the job, but just something that you knew you weren't supposed to be doing. I can. I can name one for somebody because I, but they gon na get mad. Let them get mad Gary! Oh, don't even do that. Yeah and I didn't okay go ahead. Okay, we get him on the phone. We can get your general manager on the phone because you know he he work on on kid credit Morning Show what's his name again. I don't know: go on Ricky all right, we'll come back to you again. We'Re gon na come back because we're gon na we're gon na have to talk about it all right. So I had a temp job that was uh assembling uh setting up a store. One of the big National Men's Wear men's uh. You know Suit Warehouse, right stores and uh. We discovered that about three days into the job me and a couple of the other employees discovered that, if that the guy who was in charge, didn't notice, who all was there every day. So what we did was about three days in we would clock in in the morning leave come back around four four Thirty clock out, and we did this every day for life for, like almost a whole month, how did y'all get caught wow somebody told somebody told Other people what we were doing and somebody told and then we went to get a - I think I went to get my last check and the dude busted me out. Well he said that the big boss needed to talk to me and I said, okay. Well, let me take, let me let me get my check and I'll. You know I'll come back in and after that check them. Folks, ain't seen me since, oh, you didn't go back because you already knew what it was. I already knew what it was prosecute me. I I was left the emergency exit at um at Red Lobster and I had a bag full of cheddar bay biscuits and I just wasn't supposed to go out that door. I would ask I'm the fitness lady in Atlanta with Cheddar Bay Biscuits like. I just thought it was the side door and I was trying to slip out and I was so embarrassed. It'S not recent. It was like about two weeks ago about a week ago, Rocky man I was working for a grocery store. I was, I was one of the stalkers, so we came in you know after hours to stock the shelves and get it ready before the store opened up the next day and everybody was. The management was always wondering. Why wasn't the shells fully stocked if we had eight hours to get it done, and we was always back in the warehouse playing football and taking naps in the shelves? We just fall asleep overnight man and they pulled some surveillance and we denied it, but when they put them surveillance cameras, when we out there running post Corners curl rounds on in the house did y'all get fired, you sure did no, but you know with those surveillance Cameras, though, right here, are not always accurate, because that's what was the cause for with me and my situation hell so so Rick. I don't even know what you're talking about going in town yeah. Okay, I was, we were um at the time. I was working for Steve Harvey. We were having a concert at the um radio station in the gym. Well, there was some um listen and I mean Maria. I was very empathetic with one of the listeners because she couldn't win a prize. So what I did was I took took the prize out of the prize box. You went back in the promotions Department, yeah and took the prize out of the prize, but - and I gave it to the homeless, because I felt bad for her because she couldn't win the well them cameras like they were just talking about them. Camera tried to make like I haven't, stole the prize and gave the prize to the dog gon na listen and I'm like. I did not steal the price I just well. I guess I didn't steal the prize. I just gave it to her uh-uh so, but it was a. It was a video camera, because if you want to give somebody a prize, you would have gave him a radio station t-shirt and one of them little sponge footballs when 97.9 The Beat on it. But I wanted to have a nice prize because I gave her the prize and hunted the next day when I came to work. My key said girl huh, what's going on so he beat you when I was able to get in the station I got in and then we had to talk and stuff and they gave me a choice. It was George, it was George. We tried to call. George. Is a friend of ours yeah? Oh, that runs uh kid credit Morning Show! Oh, you know, everybody knows: George! Oh yeah, George, the one fired Gary. He gave me a chance to say you resigned or you're getting fired. But what really? But let me tell you something about the good thing about that situation. You know what really bother me see. I was with Jada at the time man we were together and she saw me get a thing out but honey. When somebody fired you, you don't breathe. Nobody else in your mess - honey - I'm not well. She was with me she started to do none of that. I just went ahead and took it yeah and went on about my business. So Gary did you walk out that door? Like a white woman baby, I went up the last white woman. I said her. Then I was cursing. While I was walking too Gary. Did you did you walk fast, but you did not look back like you're. Turning into a pillar of salt - and I was not about to turn into a pillow, so I just politely - walked on our child got in my car and you had your head up. You walked out with fried with pride at the end of the day. The reason the lord gave you another chance, because you did the right thing, you distilled the video camera for yourself. No, you got the video camera because you felt sorry for a listener. That'S right gave it to her and then Along Came a Spider. His name was Ricky Smiley. He came to the show to the station and then I started working for him. That'S how I still Steve Harvey was like hey. You need to know this dude. This is Drew uh uh. He won Gary with the T on Steve. Show your name was Drew, so they didn't want to have two gears, so they um Steve gave me the name Drew call me Drew, Drew interesting, trivia, okay, and here we go all right, y'all uh, all right, let's go to the phone good morning! Oh I'm! Sorry. What oh, okay, I thought I was taking count: uh! Listen. We got Ricky's quickly! Thank you for us for being so trans uh apparent, oh okay, yeah! Please throw that on there yeah, so we don't want to end up in HR. Thank you so much for being so transvestite. I didn't know what to say. I see that

Sherry Warren: 27:18 ❤❤❤I loved the highlights today !!! - Hooters.. we don't have a Hooters where I live.. but I'm sorry , I wouldn't have taken my kids there. They had their Birthday Parties at McDonalds. I got a kick out of Maria ... some have ** lower case "A" cups!!! Those were the days when I had that size!! - Kanye - I'm glad Rickey that not all men care about body shape.. that made me feel better. * we are not all Barbie Dolls. - News You Can't Use. ** girls with fire ** Hilarious! Rickey you were lovin it!! Your sooo funny!!! - Cannabis Church I do agree what you said Rickey..regarding that it helps with pain.. I use the oil on my knee. - Trending.. The love story. I believe they will last .. because they were both honest with each other from the start. I loved hearing about it. Sweet ❤ - oh !! I loved that Movie about Emmitt Till.. I learned a lot of things I didn't know. - Girl Guide cookies.. my Fave is Thin mint!!! Mmmmm! Also I love any cookie with Icing in the middle , plus shortbread and gingerbread!!! ❤ Thank you all!! I really enjoyed this. It's 10:25 pm here right now! Great way to end my day! Sleep well everyone. ❤❤❤❤

JustLaLa22🦋: 10:31 Real tears ...ANYBODY SMART THINK SO LMAO I REPLAYED THAT PART LIKE 3Xs omg Garyyyyyy

Mellow Vybes: Hey I grew up eating fig newtons. My grandparents ate them all the time. Nutter butters were prob my favorite. There was also a cookie that doesn't exist anymore that was shaped like a banana . It was the yellow cookie on one side and dipped in chocolate on that back. Can't go wrong with bananas in chocolate.

Peter Singleton: I don’t think I would’ve took my kid to. That

Rose Harrell: Those "Barnum" animal crackers ( that Eva mentionef) in the red circus box are still delicious. One thing though; Those cookies cost as much as the purchase of a small Condo! Also those "Archway" old school Molasses and Lemon soft cookies ( with the icing). Yummy!!

Kyle Anderson: Hooters serves great beer and wings. Spicy food is good for depression... My favorite hot sauce is Crystal's.

Mellow Vybes: "Anybody smart think so?"

Tracy Sidibe: Yes and no but as long as he enjoyed himself it was worth it.

Jessica Wade: Crazy thing is I think that that is a real thing because the Hooters in my city I see you little boys there between the ages of 5 to 10 celebrating their birthday all the time.

LoveandHopeCan...: Of course, now switch the situation and allow your 5 year old daughter go to a place where grown men in their tight speedos . What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I guarantee mom and dad will not allow it.

The Smoke 1 Show. Delores A Smoke on Facebook.: Gary what do you think about red phone booth in Atlanta I’m going for New Year’s Eve is it a nice place never been there

Linda Sohl: Rickey is so handsome

John Brown, Jr: 5 years old is too young. I’d say 10-11 would be more appropriate

Concrete Jungle: I think it was more for Dad really.

DeAnna Adams: Don’t forget ginger snaps.

Please Cheese:

printer_repair2014 :

Vicki Baggs:

Dorm: Nothing wrong with it

Bernando Turner: Hi Rickey Smiley


Jimmie Reynolds: Ummmm ole wrinkle but uuuummm still fine best believe that

Vicki Baggs:

Rod Cooper: Ol late posting azz


Loretta Stephenson:

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