Grey Hair Transition ~ Strange Things Happening While Going Grey ~ Curly Grey Hair

  • Posted on 05 April, 2019
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

I've noticed STRANGE THINGS happening while I'm GOING GREY, and I want to share them with you! My GREY HAIR TRANSITION has been interesting so far because of my CURLY GREY HAIR. My GREY CURLY HAIR is doing strange grey hair stuff...but I'm trying to embrace they grey. This is sooo weird.....take a look!








Hey guys welcome to my Colonels, I'm in my bathroom today, I'm getting dressed for work, and I thought I would share with you something I noticed about my gray hair. I actually saw it a couple weeks ago when I was editing a video I'd, never noticed it before super weird, and so I wanted to show it to you today. If you have not subscribed to my channel, I would love for you to do so. Follow me on my journey, I'm transitioning to my natural um, silver hair. I'Ve stopped dyeing my hair about five or six months ago now, and it's just interesting, I love to talk about it. It'S super unique because I have crazy, curly, hair, kinky, curly, hair plus. All this silver growing in so that's what I do in my channel. We talk about my hair lots of things that I love things. I can't live without and just kind of my daily life, but let me show you what's going on with my hair two things. So you can see all of this silver um. You know, like I said five or six minutes in this is what I got going on and I'm getting right here, a little thin spot. Now, how can I have a thin spot of hair when I got all this happening like I have all of his hair, and I got one spot where the hair is like getting really thin in this area? I don't know anyway, that's not what I was gon na. Tell you it's completely something else. So I have to wear my hair back for work, so I'm in here I'm getting ready to put it up and it's just kind of wild. I haven't done anything to it. Let me pop my hair up, so I can show you what's going on, I'm just gon na pull it back in a bun super quick, okay! Now it's up, so you can see how much gray has grown in it's kind of cool, because you can see the great trails with my brown colored hair. You can see my lot and see. I got a bunch of hair right here over here. I don't - and this is exactly where my hair naturally part, so I got this happening, but the the what I wanted to show you let me get to that is silver here. I have no gray back here and all my life, this side of my head has always had this section of hair right there. That has been super like kinky curly frizzy can't do anything with it can't make it form curls. It just went like this like it's just what it did, but this side over here was always kind of flatter and had curls so this side, which has always been crazy, look at it. It is silver. I have completely silver hair. I think what the heck? That'S not cool. This is summertime. My hair is up all the time, and now I have like a two-tone head like anybody behind me is gon na think. What is that woman doing like I get it then I'm gon na have areas of my head that are grayer darker, but to literally have a lawn down the back of my head or one side is great, and one side is not it's weird like. Why is that happening? If it's happening to you? I would love for you to comment below and let me know because I just think that's super strange, so I just wanted to share that with you and see if if it was happening to you, this is you know I'm kind of up in a bun, but You can really see all of the gray happening now. Let me pop this down real quick and I wanted to show you like. If I divide the hair, you can see how much is really growing out. It'S a lot guys, it's a lot, so I was out yesterday in fact, and it seemed that every where I went somebody either commented on my hair or asked me a question about my hair and I had a lady come up to me and she was completely Gray but super cute, she was working in a little clothing store and she said: oh, my gosh. Did you just stop coloring your hair, or did you put that gray in there on purpose and she just kind of looked at me and I said well, I stopped coloring my hair and she's, not my god. I love it. She said I did it to look like I'm all gray haired, and so we had this conversation, but then she said well hold on a minute. There'S another lady that works in here and I've been trying to get her to quit color in her hair. Let me go get her. She needs to see your hair so off. She went and she brought this lady back and we had this big conversation. So it's just funny people comment on my curls. They comment on the gray. I bet I got six different comments or questions yesterday, just from strangers, so it makes my day, but I hope, you're enjoying what you see on my channel, where we talk about silver hair. I love to talk about how it makes me feel and show you the growing out process and its unique when you've got curly hair, I mean there's lots of wow lots of crazy, strange things that go on when the silver grows out. I'M also learning that the silver is really soft. I guess because it's never had color on it and the color has made my hair course. Maybe but this silver hair is super soft and if you can tell it's really not as curly as my colored hair, so I hope I'm not losing my curls. I'Ve always had a really strong curl pattern around my face and you can tell like it's real strong and it stops right there and then my hair wants to come forward. Naturally, that's just what it does, but yes, so if you haven't already subscribed to my channel, please do so welcome to my curl. I would love to have you along on my journey so that we could talk about our silver hair. So until next time see you later, you

MichelleFromTN: We just never know what we're gonna get! I'm now going through a shedding and it's driving me crazy! The hair at my neckline is pretty dark, but it is dark on both sides! I love all the variances of your hair! <3

Ann Marie: Starting my journey next Sundat 4/14, day after my daughter's wedding! Getting my hair dyed this Monday for the last time! WooHoo! Very excited for wedding and journey! Wish me luck!

mary mulligan: When you finish the transition your hair will be friggin amazing .....I love your curls and your grey is unique..

Robin Clark: I have a silver “patch” at the nape of my neck on one side, it’s been there for quite a few years. Now that I’ve stopped colouring (3 myths in) I guess it will really be noticeable but I’m okay with that. I love your hair, it’s so beautiful! Thanks for making these videos, it’s inspiring ❤️

Julie Venus: I'm now at 10 months, curly (not as thick and curly -been following your journey )...all I can add is that my hair has been going through lots of changes, growth pattern, etc. I've also noticed that at 10 months, I'm finally getting new baby hairs, new growth in general because as our new, natural hair comes in, it's suddenly not being damaged by hair dye. My hair is actually filling in thin spots that was part of the damage from over 30 years of coloring. Give it time to just grow, and the best advice is just be gentle and use gentle products. I've watched your video on what products you use, and you keep it simple and gentle! ! So, I attribute my changes, and possibly your changes to just new, healthy, beautiful silver hair awakening and sprinkling all over

Europa 17: It looks just fine now but will look fabulous with all the variations once it's all grown out and with the matte, flat dye gone. Long, curly and gray hair is a great combination.

Angela Baljit: Your hair growing out process is nice, the uniqueness in the process is what it is "unique", that's why you're talking about it and that's why it is helping me. Thank you so much.

Jeannine D.: I've been dye free for almost 4 years and I'm very salt and pepper with plenty of dark in the back. I do have a couple silver clumps, my wavy hair is pretty straight in the back under the wavy part, I wear it up most of the time. Unique is never know what you will have until your finished. I'm looking forward to your videos

K Ham: I have thick curly hair like you, it takes forever to feel like you grew any length. I just found you, I am two years dye free! I get compliments frequently on my silver curls. Random people will comment, men, women, younger women. Its great! I am 54 yrs of life, and my silver is liberating, softer, freeing. Keep it up! My scalp was itchy when I first stopped dyeing, its fine now. I think your thin area will fill in. I know the two- tone feeling, its curious to have the different shades. Your final pattern will be uniquely yours. Put your hair up for work, tie a colorful scarf around like a headband. Choose some colorful cute earrings. You will be A ok :)

Moonfirepz: I’m growing out my silver too and I have to tell I could careless what people think of it. Do NOT CARE Even if it’s a compliment —-don’t care L❤️VE

Serena Garces: I love the way silver hair looks with dark streaks or sections. Im so looking forward to it

Yvette Hendershot: I"m excited to watch your progress!

sarah o: I’m growing my grey in too! 10 months out :)

Eristotle: is it actually thin, or is that a cowlick that's forming on that part of the hairline, now that you're not processing it anymore? anyway, i think it's really pretty, how the grey hair 'brightens' your complexion.

small footprint: I've heard that 1/2 of our body grows at a different rate from the other 1/2... Don't know if that's true, but I see a line down the back of my gray hair too. Darker on one side and lighter on the other. I missed the body that coloring gave my hair. It's not as curly as yours... I call it wavy/curly. It is what it is and I love not having to color my hair. I'll probably keep it about shoulder length, so it'll be easier to shampoo every few days. I see that you're doing a little of the Curly Girl Method. I'm just getting into it... Can't believe I never realized I have so much curl. Thanks for showing us what you're doing and your products.

V. 1954: I have a similar thin spot just where you have; I no longer where a my hair tightly pulled back-I think years of doing that, pulled my hair out. I'm hoping it will grow back but you and I have thick hair so it's not a disaster. I love your hair. Hoping to do this when the weather is cooler and I can wear a hat. Straight hair tends to get that skunk lline.

Chris Cross: I'm pure white at my temples and around my ears. But the top and crown of my head is still the dark brown it's always been. I'm growing out the dye but it's so interesting to see the colour variations of the new growth. I think I'm going to have the white temple streaks similar to the Frankenstein wife in that film. LOL. I also have thick curly hair like yours. It's really quite a journey, isn't it?

Frog Green: Hi, I let my grey grow out again. The second time, shoulderlenght, tales about 1,5 years. My hairs in the neck are less silver, b u t I know from the last time, that it still matches all in all as soon as all the dye is gone.

JR Pacer: Your hair is going to be beautiful when done with your curls Now I'm done growing out my grey and I have a dark patch at the nap of my hair in the back I was told it will always be there I love it it pretty with my white grey hair

Sharon Mierau: I am 67 years old and have never colored my hair. In regard to the thin spot at the hairline, I had one of those and decided it was because I always parted my hair on that side. So I started parting my hair on the other side and the thin spot has gone away. It has taken a while. I am just starting to get my gray down the middle of my head. That has stayed dark until this year. Your hair looks great!

sarah o: Love your channel Renee :))

Tif R: Starting my journey I will be 40 in June, I have 5 kids! I am going to try and highlight mine though, I've tried a couple times to just grow it out, but I have to take my picture a lot for work.

Michele Craig: Lol...unique. I have a reverse skunk stripe. Brown in the middle of my part and white on each side. When I put it up like you did, I have a brown stripe from my forehead back.

kiwigal: Cut it all off short, you can rock that look.

Adriana Ilvento: Oh yeah: dyeing is soo bad for hair: dries it out, makes it brittle. & then bleach blondes: most can't grow their hair past their shoulders because it breaks off. My hair would squeak when it was wet & I would comb it after showering. (I only ever dyed for fun.) So of course, natural hair is naturally soft .

Neida Rodriguez: The reason I all so stoped coloring my hair was because my hair was falling out and I said to my self I rather have grey hair than no hair and what also helped me was castor oil put on your hair and scalp I promise you it works get the pure African castor oil order from Walmart .

Maureen: You look great

Ty and Char: Jaimaca black castor oil ! Use it and it will fill right in. Mine did!!

WELCOME TO MY CURLS: Y' this happening to any of you? I would love to hear from you of it is!

Preston Towne: Doesn't look bad u have beautiful thick hair and your salt and pepper will be beautiful on u..

Wendy Noreiga: I am your opposite, my left side is greyer throughout.

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