Hairdresser Reacts To Girls Going Red To Blonde And Blonde To Red!

  • Posted on 28 April, 2019
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous


Hi Beautiful! This is my actual worst nightmare. Girls with pretty blond hair going red. I've seen it happen way too many times and I've had to reverse it so many times. I'm over it. Let's just not anymore. THXX












What is a beautiful, how you doin so today, I'm about to watch my worst nightmare happen three times way through different videos: three very interesting blonde red stuff that has toothed blonde going red, going blonde blonde going red red to blonde ombre. A lot of things are going on stays the video and it's very juicy, and let me just tell you a quick story. I know you guys hate intros and you hate when I talk a lot and you just probably hate me in general, but that's fine um. Thank you for being here, anyways and putting up with me I'm very much appreciated, so I had this friend her name's Megan. She I'm kind of tortured me. When I was younger, I would spend about 20 hours making her blonde, because she has like this much hair on her head, like in a ponytail. That looks like this much, and so I would completely make her hair platinum blonde and then she would always be like you'd. Be such a good idea today Brad to make me red and I'd, be like oh hell: no, let's not do it and then she would go and do it herself, then guess who would have to fix it. Just take one little guess who would have to fix it after me? It was always me you guys, I don't know it's weird, like people that are blonde, just like think they should go red for some reason and then, when they go red they're, like I hate everything about this, and I want to go blonde again you're, like good Luck and I'm not doing it now that I got that off my chest. I feel a little bit better. Like I said before, I have three videos to watch with you guys they're all very transformative and juicy, and I am ready to get it started. Let'S do it. Okay at our first video is by Gabby Warwick, and it's called how I went from red to blonde hair transformation. Part it's 300. We had a recap, thank God. Thank You, Gabby, okay, so we're starting off like sort of a pinkish red moment going on. It'S not like super dark. It doesn't see make the most impossible thing in the world doesn't seem like the most possible thing in the world either, but I'm very excited to see how much she can't lift this right out of her hair and see if she can really like platinum blonde, because I'M really excited for that. I hope she can. I have never done a vitamin C thing before doesn't look a whole lot different to me. Gabby doesn't look like it did much. I'Ve honestly watched a lot of people. Do the vitamin C thing and I feel like it, doesn't really do anything. But again, that's just me: you'll swear by it, but like it's just my thing: don't knock it till you. Try it right! The like knock knock. I haven't tried it and remove that top layer of color from the hair. A lot of the color is deeper in the hair follicle, so you're not really going to get a lot a lot of lift off a bleep wash unless the colors didn't penetrate your hair. Cuticle, typically, the color is in that cuticle. So when you do a bleach rinse, it's really just getting that top layer of color off, but it does lighten it. A lot and lanes are very quickly. It'S a very effective way of getting color up getting color out of your hair, and I used all the time on clients see it looks good yo yeah I'd love to do a lot. Ok, well, the roots didn't left, because it's a healthy as part of her hair and a red color molecules have a lot of stuff to grip onto a lot of healthy nice hair. So it's not just gon na come right out like it did on the poorest posterior. Oh, yes, bleach! Watch, I'm going to apply it to this dark section, apply the bleach watch everywhere, so these can keep yo she's being very thorough. I'M very impressed with her application process. It'S going great daivi is doing amazing. I decided to go ahead and put bleach directly on. No, you can still see the difference. It'S like not a cute color, it's not the worst color I've ever seen close okay. So now this is like the third I think process she's done already and she's gon na. I think she's gon na. Do it a lot more and she is committed to this come on Gaby. We love a committed girl like you're gon na hit the roots Jack and don't you come back, no more, no mom, so she's going in once again all that hair with were bleach, and I mean I think that she's using at the very low developer, because she's Thomas home Beach, I'm and her hair's not falling off and doesn't that damage or damage of all nearly the same Wow so light Gaby. I have the perfect product for you. Oh my god, I'm so glad you asked me what it was. Oh, my god. It'S glitterati my ex mondo, it's my own product, you guys when you want it, you can got it. I don't know this is t-38. You can't see that sighs good night to you, girl, good idea using permanent color is kind of iffy. I would have you. I would have rather her used just like a conditioning toner, because her hair's already damaged and very porous and blonde. She didn't need that heavy Wella toner on top of this hair, but it'll, probably work anyways. You did a really good job for that home. However, Gabby that was actually you take, have a great job prop, maybe not being a professional. I don't know if she is or not, but she honestly kind of slayed that knew what she was working with and did a really nice job. It wasn't like perfect: it couldn't use a little bit of work at the end, but very happy for and her hair looks nice great job Gabby great job, and why don't we move on to something a little less great? This one is called red blue blonde ombre tutorial to me that sounds terrible um. This is by Renee Elizabeth. Why don't we watch your video and see what happens 7r. Okay, okay, Tolly show up. It'S like a six. Are five are on her hair. This is so porous and any kind of red hair dye, almost flat, okay and teased by the roots, because that's where I'm gon na put the color first kind of messed up the hairs and make sure that the colors come out in a straight line. It'S gon na help blend it together. I'M sorry Rene, I'm about to come for you, girl, Rene, the Tahoe works baby, cake mm-hmm. We don't tease the hair and then put color over the T sections. We tease the hair and color the ends and that way, when you comb the hair out, you have all different variations of color going through. But you don't tease the hair into a nest and then put color over the knots, because that's you're, just gon na get spotting all everywhere, and it's just me a mess, a technique, wrong execution on this one we put 7r and mixed it with splat. For some odd reason and then used to ten-volume, and then she did something else, here's me doing the back without looking. You should look next time. I kind of be pretty dad the red and running a little bit down to the next color and I mean pray dude. It'S like a prank video and she made this to told me what is going on right now. Why are we teasing your hair before putting this damn red on what is going on in your life away, honey? We not gon na talk about this Renee. Are we gon na just skip right over that as if it didn't happen, I want to know what's happening right now, because something is wrong with your hair and I know I'm not the only one who sees it Renee. This is what happens when you put knots in your hair and then put color over it that ain't it okay. She took that pumpkin color that looks, live on camera and then two seconds later it's gone. Oh my god really really teased and it doesn't look like. I teased a lot because maybe this will save it and my camera died at this point. Here'S the finished result. Thank you guys. So much for watching and I'll see you next time bye. Is it the worst thing I've seen? No is it even close to the best thing: Rene, I'm sorry, but it's gon na be a no. For me, this is not the red for you and this application process with a little out there. A little strange, I'm not gon na lie, don't overcomplicate it. Next time, that's my advice, just don't, tease it and then apply the color just apply the color. Do it feather it nicely? You can do the same kind of application. Just don't tease it before you put the damn color on it. Just doesn't make any sense and maybe trying to use the same color line the two products in the same color line instead of mixing Splatt with, like whatever other color line you used. This is my recommendation, but if you're happy I'm happy so actually am i. I know if you were happy than you, then you could be happy. Bye, Cheryl, Cheryl wool Brad make faded mcfadden I'm over it. So she has this blonde hair sort of blonde. It'S like brown blonde. Alright, I don't know exactly what that color was or what was going on there, but she is just going in with that color and 20 volume in her roots - and I don't know if she didn't say what she's putting on her hands. Unless I wasn't listening, which is definitely possible cuz, I don't listen to lot in my life very bad at listening right every couple weeks or so, which is it too bad? I think what I'm gon na do to maintain that is, use a coloring and instead of using a developer tool, if my hair, I'm just gon na deposit colors, maybe just do a conditioner or something a little research on that. Yes, she knows exactly what she's talking about. Listen to all you guys out there who are using permanent color over and over and over again, it's not necessary. You want to just revamp your color that you already have in your hair and you don't want to lift anything. You know you're not trying to like fix any roots. Your channel, like deposit, more of that red tone in your hair, just used to be preeminent color. You don't need to do primary color or firming Claro recover. Actually, you should doubly not do that because your hair will definitely be damaged, but she's, not she's, saying it. She'S, like listen, you're gon na, have to color your hair over and over again just keep that red molecule in your hair. It tends to slip out very easily out of porous light hair, and it's very hard to keep your hair red is one of those colors that needs to be done over and over and over again in order to really stick in your hair, because you're just gon Na keep on getting rid of that red when you wash it and the sun's gon na naturally bleach it out so you're, not gon na, be able to keep that red in your hair that long without a fading. It'S just how color works, but it's also the fun part about color, because then you get to change all the time without being too committed to it. You know. Oh it's giving us luck. Oh, she honestly looks way better with red hair like it suits her. So much more, it brings out her scamming. She look very fresh young and vibrant and healthy glowy and fun, and sexy and glowy these girls. They nails today, I'm very happy for them and their hair. It looks dope, except for that, one middle that we watch, but we're not going to talk about that by anyone. Alright, in the past, all right - all I'm gon na say that it's all for today, you guys like to purchase glitterati, like I said, like I mentioned before, it is link below and thank you for all your support on glitterati. Follow me on instagram follow. I come on instagram for updates. Thank you guys so much for watching today. Don'T forget to leave your extra life

Brad Mondo: Thanks 4 watching, beautifulness

paige: i love how brad doesn’t roast these people but actually gives them tips and says what they’re doing right or wrong

Goddess of Light: “People who are blonde just think they should go red for some reason. And then once they’re red they hate everything about it and wanna go blonde again” *sits shamefully with red hair contemplating going back to blonde* ‍♀️ ***two years later and I’ve done it YET AGAIN ‍♀️***

Alana Banana: I love how the second woman treats it as a tutorial when she has absolute no fucking idea what the hell shes doing

GiantSlim: I'm no hair stylist but when the girl said " I'mma tease my hair at the roots" brad and I had the same face expression.

Elise: I feel bad for the people who might have followed the second girl’s “tutorial”

Willow Spencer: To anyone wanting to do their hair at home: Notice the girls with the nice hair did their RESEARCH!!

Amiliana ford: Brad: “oh no she’s teasing it again!” Me:”w-well at least she’s consistent”

Markell Garcia: Her: "here's me doing the back without looking" Brad: " should LOOK NEXT TIME" me:

Ray-Ray: The first girl had a lot of patience and didn’t try to get the color all in one day

Samar Jubeen: The girl teasing her hair was giving me the most anxiety... oh my god...

Mia Cassady: The first girl did a really good job. She didn't go right into like most people do. She was EXTREMELY SMART with the bleaching. I give her a literal 10/10

Stephanie Jane: I love how he always walks off set as if hes going somewhere then comes back to sit down and start the video hes the most adorable person ever!

MomoThePoet: Even when Brad is reading you for filth it’s so so gentle that you’re not even offended. There is no one on this planet I love more than Brad.

Isabel Amelco: How can someone hate him he calls everyone beautiful even if he doesn’t know you or has ever seen you!!!! I definitely don’t hate him in fact I LOVE him!!!!

Simply Halie: I went from natural blonde to bright red. Back in high school. My sister is a hair dresser. And I absolutely loved it. And I haven’t been back blonde since.

zillailluhr: Not sure why that second girl did a “tutorial” . Ma’am who lied to you ?!

adriana denoriega: Who would hate you? You’re a burst of positive sunshine I swear!

sweetSid: I love watching you with my mom b/c she’s a hairstylist too & seeing you guys both react the same way to something is so funny

denise mendez: I died when Brad went “Well you should look next time!!” I LOVE YOU BRAD

CP: Can you imagine Brad as a judge on a hair styling version of X-factor? I would LIVE for that.

Chelsea Yamashiro: I was born blonde but got married in Red hair and LOVED it. I have gone through pretty much every color on the rainbow, a cool red or a violet have been my absolute fave.

Negar Madison Zarkeshvari: Just wanted to tell you , i watch your videos when I’m feeling down , not just because it’s fun to watch but also because of the positive vibe i get from you

Ashley Graby: I was born strawberry blonde and went blonde blonde for much of my from age 14-22. Then decided to go RED red on a whim and I LOVED it. I may have to thank my strawberry blonde complexion for it looking so good and natural on me. Now over the past year its faded out and I'm back to almost my natural warm dirty blonde. So glad I can pull off both colors but now trying to decide what I wanna do with it I need a change. Either blonde blonde or red again (maybe warm purple if I can pull it off)

Erin Ashley Allen: The commentary he has for Renee brought me to tears

megan nicole: the first video is RARE in mondo history......brad accepting and loving an at home dye job

Destinee Hope: First time I did my hair, I accidentally bleached it to a level 9-10 (level 7 naturally) and immediately went red. Loved it

doodleartlover: The girl in the middle who was teasing her hair and attempting to ombre it had me laughing my ass off! I haven't laughed so hard at one of these videos in a hot minute. Thank you, Brad, for making my day with this video, LOL! ✌️

Allison Bierman: Brad: and GUESS who would have to fix it?? My husband from across the room: Brad. Brad would have to fix it.

É a Iza: There's a 30% chance your hair will come out decent if you bleach it at home and 150% you'll mess up and pay a shit ton of money to get it fixed. Just go to the salon and get it bleached.

hannah lou: "I know you guys hate when I talk a lot and you guys probably hate me in general but thanks for being here and putting up with me" *speech I give to my friends every time we hang out*

zi gi: I feel personally attacked. I’m naturally blonde, with hair down to my butt, and I’ve had the itch to dye it red for sooooo long. I had it red before and it was great but didn’t work with my natural colouring so I always had to wear makeup to make it look right. Every time I want to dye it I remember how long it took me to grow out my natural colour and I stop myself.

Addison Sherman: I absolutely love your videos. I find myself watching them at work... in the bath... while I’m making dinner or while I’m feeding my kid. Ok I legit watch them all of the time. I LOVE your personality and how you give tips etc. thank you for always brightening my day

Stephanie Bateman: Brad! I've been binge watching your channel. Have had some bleach fails but have learned so much from your expertise. You are amazing and just keep being you babe! Love love love you!

bythewayxily: "people who go blonde just think oh i should go red and then they're like oh i hate everything about this." lmao, i totally bounce between red/orange and blonde. i love both. but a lot of times in the summer i prefer blonde and the winter i go orange/red. always professionally done, and they're spaced out months and months apart so the transition usually isn't too hard for my sylist. lol.

Treytino: The first girl is the best at home hair colour ive seen anyone do

hearther kline: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE watching your videos. You are awesome Brad. I sit drink my coffee, put my makeup on, every morning while watching your reactions. Xoxo

Random Shuffle: I like how Brad call us beautiful at the beginning of his videos. I like his videos, they are fun. I usually play them when I'm drawing or cooking. He gives great advice.

M: Brad thank you for being so positive and polite you're helping me so much to get through being sad and having stomach aches. Have a nice day everyone!!

evenstar4712: I literally just finished watching a great video before this one that give a fantastic recipe for stripping color out of your hair. I don’t remember every product she used or actually maybe I do (or atleast most of them) but you definitely want to use baking soda and peroxide and dishwashing liquid. I think the girl added some Ola Plex in there as well. All I know is it worked really really great. It was on Lola Caits channel. Oh!! And a purple shampoo!!

Frankie Renea Ward: What’s funny is that second girl talked like she knew what she was doing...and Brad’s just like....nah girl....that’s not how you do it Poor Girl.

Deanna: I'm a natural blonde, have been my whole life, always played with color but NEVER died my whole head cuz I get board quick and I love my blonde I just like to add fun streaks, etc. 4 years ago went half red and half my natural blonde in a split dye, best choice I ever made!!!! Love it!!! Been doing it ever since

Julie Cordova: I just want you to know that the vitamin c with clarifying shampoo really does work. I had bright copper and it lifted to gold with no damage to my hair at all. She didn’t leave it on long enough.

Sarah Bryant: You are pretty much Amazing. I Love your videos. You are hilarious, sassy, but so kind and helpful. I love that you're consistent with teaching during the videos, and you're about it all. Anywho, I would probably die if you did my hair. Lol ✌out Beautiful

JessTheOctopi: I went from red to blonde last year but I got it done professionally after the disaster of when I tried to go from black to blonde at home. It took 2 paid sessions that were a few months apart. The first time my hair was bleached twice and then toned. The hairdresser was impressed how well the red lifted first time.

Daniela Latorre: Renee: “Here’s me doing the back without looking... hehehe” Brad: “hehehe... maybe you should LOOK next time!”

Sophie Moores: When I had super dark cherry red hair and wanted rid of it I was advised to rub biological washing powder into it, as it contains enzymes which supposedly would help. It definitely did, (made my hair a bit er.. dry..) faded the red to just light blonde peach, and within a couple months I was more or less blonde again. The red dye was Olia which I really recommend. Never seen anyone else suggest this method, has anyone tried it?

KK Spencer: I love your videos Brad!! You crack me up. I'm a natural bronde with natural red highlights. I went vintage red using a box dye. I have natural curls. My roots grow fast. Instead of touching up, I just do all over color every month. I think I'm trying my hair ... Lol

aly murray: i had red understones in my hair and going back to blonde was so hard because you have to cancel out the red with other colours first :/ i learnt that the hard way.

BeautifulDisaster: I used an ash dye and turned my roots green. The vitamin c method really does work but you have to leave it on 45 minutes to an hour. Best mixed with clarifying shampoo but dish soap does work too. Also put a cap over your hair so it doesn't dry out. MAKE A VIDEO TESTING IT OUT!

introvert_who?: Evey time I say oh her hair cute Brad be like: that's Terrible Also me : Yeah that does look terrible.

Jannie Hoffmann: I have never dyed my hair, and I'm soooo toying with the thought of going red. But I am definitely spending the money to get a professional to dye it for me

NYAN CAT 🛶: I love u!! And love ur videos! since my severe massive Hemorrhagic stroke last year!! Watching ur video's beings so much joy in my life! I actually was a full headed brunette and now a blonde. Killing me leaving children BEHIND was the worst feeling anyone can go through. Ty so much for the utube!

Amy Solley: Brad, Chroma are colors that are designed for dark hair. Also might I suggest you check out the Zotos Ultra Bond bleaching stuff? It has the protein re-bonding built in. Good stuff. I got rainbow hair with it.

Ace Sings: Y'all if you're thinking about going red, just keep in mind that I've spent 40ish hours tryna get this red out of my hair and it hasn't budged even with doing everything the first girl did plus like 4 color correction treatments and so much more

👁ShatteredScry👁: I went blonde/blue/red to all over red. After I had a hint of it on my bangs, I became *obsessed* with it. So over a month’s time I started fading the blue, then bleached it, and now I’m a red head forevvvvaaaaaa ❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍

Amanda Courtney: My natural color is blond, I tried "unnatural" shade red box dye a couple times over the years...I did like a dark auburn that I tried but they all faded fairly quickly which I hated. And there weren't a lot of natural red tones available in box dyes. I started using henna a couple years ago and I love it so much, I have a nice dark copper color, it doesn't fade. I only have to touch up the roots, and my natural color is about the same level without the red pigment so my roots don't show up a ton until they've grown out a decent amount. This color feels so much more comfortable to me than blond!

Shelby Sterling: I went from red to platinum in a salon and the bleach bath was traumatizing lmao they did it four times and let it sit for up to thirty minutes so my scalp was on fire. Learned my lesson! Lmao red is NOT for me!

Yuliya Tskhe: I've been dying my hair bright lollypop candy red for 4 years straight . And yeah. Maintaining this kind of color when you live in a country with hella lot of sun days is a challenge lol

Alijah Gopalakrishnan: girl: i did the back without looking brad: wELL mAyBe YoU sHoULd Lo0K nEXt TiMe me:

Dante Ferrise: WOOO GABBY!! I thought it looked dope after the 2nd bleach (or 3rd if you count the vitamin c thing?) and it just kept looking better and better and I kept getting more and more nervous because your hair looked so pretty I was scared for you haha

Kate Mork: I’m a hairstylist I went from level 4 red-violet to level 10 blonde, and it took 6 months, and 7 processes.. it’s a process guys, it takes time and patience.

Amy Vaccaro: Love you, love your introductions, and I can’t wait for the next video!! Thanks B!

sarah kamala: I am literally SICK from LAUGHING OMG THANK YOU ...nice to know I am not as bad as the tease girl! BTW I do honor your education as a colorist.....I just never could spend the money, although certainly you are worth it.........

Dean Clover: I love how happy and excited he gets when people know and understand what they're doing. It's adorable

Sincerely, The Narrator: LOL. I was a blonde that went red, and I LOVED it, kept it for a whole 2 years and now only just going back to blonde. Slowly and gently, remember bleach doesn't lather!

Charlotte Rath: I used to work at a hairsalon and I worked with vitamin c powder a few times. In my experience it only works with really fresh colored hair. It already works less when it’s been like a few hours since coloring. We sometimes used it to correct colors that became too dark after toning for example. Don’t think it will work on someone who colored their hair like weeks ago.

Zelena Lopez: I'm totally a new fan and binge watching his videos atm but I love him so much. He doesnt have a mean bone in his body and doesnt ever really throw shade even when some people royally fuck up lol

Roberta Luce: This is literally the story of my life. I'm a naturally blonde and since I started dying my hair, I kept going from blonde to red, then from red back to blonde. In a continuous loop with some breaks here and there, in which I'd go crazy and dye my hair weird colors (currently green). And every time I'd call my hairdresser to ask her to get rid of the red she'd just sigh and say "again?".


McKayla Cavanagh: You’re literally so entertaining I could binge your videos

ruby rydinghood: Natural blonde here. Went red 10 years ago. Sick of the upkeep and going back blonde. Watched this for fun and actually learned! New subscriber here! Brad is buckets of fun!!

sarah kamala: you are freaking making my day!!! Hiarious!!! I am 51 and have been box dying my hair for 25 years. I lost my sensibilities and now have salt peppa roots bleached blond 2 inches after that and I various shades of dark to light red. I am so screwed.........

Ashley Webster: Honestly having the time of my life rewatching Brad Mondo vids with my fiancé. We are 10 videos in and the smirk he gets on his face when someone mentions T18...YOU ALREADY KNOW!!

CylieJean Johnston: Red is definitely hard to maintain, even as someone with natural red in their hair. My little trick is I put a bit of the Demi dye into a hair mask and once every other week or so I will throw the mask on and leave it on for about an hour and it refreshes it back to being nice and vibrant, I also just don’t wash my hair very often since I have dry/course/wavy hair

Michele Doenges: My class learned the backcombing technique at cos school in 2011. But--very BIG BUT--we did tiny, controlled sections and separated each section with foils. However, that technique is meant to be used for a very subtle ombre, because result is a little mushy otherwise. Definitely not for bright red to blonde.

April McPherson-VanRaalte: Gabi's hair looks more vibrant after the c treatment. Looking amazing!


InsomniOwl: The first lady, OMG that strawberry champagne color, before the second bleaching, was so pretty! I really liked it.

Joanne Swizenski: I love watching you. You make me happy .your so sweet the world needs more people like you lol

Courtney: I was blonde for almost a full year and one day I made an appointment with my hairdresser to go red. I've been red before and I loved having red hair. Also .. I was having a mental breakdown and wanted to do a big change. Ended up changing my Appointment to go to from blonde to red. Instead I went in for blonde to purple. I loved it. For a month and a half. Then went back in and got it touched up. Then I hated it. I wanted so badly to go back to blonde. But couldn't yet because they "locked" the colour in. So what I did thinking I was going to like it better .. I CHOPPED ALL OF MY HAIR OFF ! My hair was to the middle of my back and I chopped it to my shoulders. Needless to say, I cried for days. Ended up going back to blonde after the purple washed out enough. I'm blonde now. But because I have dyed my hair and bleached it so much my hair is breaking. My hair is so thin now. It used to be so thick. Now I hate my hair and don't know what to do with it.

The Inflatable Sea Lion: Haha I dyed my hair red right after I had it blonde and IMMEDIATELY regretted it. It took me weeeeeeeks to get all of the red out of my hair and my blonde was never the same again

Brittany Yow: Aww I got sad when Brad said that he thought we didn’t like he talked too much and hated him. Brad I just want you to know I love hearing you talk and I absolutely would never hate you, your so awesome! Love you ❤️

Annalisa: Brad is the only person who can call me beautiful and have me believe him

torisaywhaat117: I was cryinngggg laughing during that second video thanks for keeping me entertained during quarantine!

Mizz Laura: I'm so happy that Gabby didn't immediately throw bleach on her hair and she attempted other methods first, I also would've suggested hair colour removal for the stubborn darker red parts and it would've evened everything out with the rest of the hair that's what I did when I removed red from my hair, she looks so good as a blonde BTW like wow

Brenda B: I love u brad for being you and living your extra life!

Susan TheSweet: I can’t imagine anyone hating Brad! He is such a bright light in the world! And I love how his hair matches the fringe on his jeans jacket. I want to see his tee shirt. It looks like it must be cool.

Victoria S: I would definitely let Brad change my hair to whatever he thought was best

Mikayla: *watches girl who was doing all the teasing give a tutorial* Me: So we’re just giving tutorials on how to ruin your whole life now, eh? Excellent.

Pamala Darsow: You are so sweet . I love your videos . You are never mean , give encouragement and advice without being a jerk . Love you

Kitty Lynndale: I’m a natural strawberry blonde (medium) and I love going coppery red. I think it’s because everyone else in my family is a brunette and they insist ongoing blonde (and then claiming that they’re natural blondes). My hair HOLDS red color until I chop it off. I still have red from two years ago.

JustPeachyEly: “You should look next time.” HAD ME ROLLING. Brad, you’re the best.

Inger: I'm alway impressed with the audacity of people labeling their vids "tutorial" when they don't know what they're doing, aren't trained or skilled, and have never done it before

Katelynn Lemos: When brad said that thing about blondes wanting to go red and then regretting it and wanting to go blonde again I FELT THAT. I’m in the same situation rn. I went to hairstylist and she gave me blonde highlights, but then I bleached my hair impulsively and I’m a mess.

Abbey Neumann: I’ve went blond like white blond to semi permanent brown, then the blond came right back through then dyed my hair to bright red... then I took it all out 2 months later:) and then after that I went to very dark brown, and now I can’t tell if I wanna go back some what blonde or black haha I love these thoughts in my head about dying my hair

Maria Grace: Love you, Brad! You're the best! I don't know if he did this already, but are there videos about brunettes dying their hair purple or a reddish color?! I've seen some but I want Brad's opinion!! ‍♀️

Andria Maxwell: Never had a problem going red. I didn’t hate it all. It was just a lot to keep up with. People were shocked when I went back blonde after years of red.

Mal Bridgess: hey brad, i had colored hair with blue and the vitamin C and dish soap thing works, but needs to stay longer and do it more time. it is long process, but it surely takes the color off after time

Galaxy Hope: Vitamin C helped me get a lot of my bright red out and I was left with a variety of colors from yellowish blonde - to copper. :) I did this method 3 times — and it worked. However in her case I didn’t notice much of a difference, she probably didn’t crush up enough vitamin C pills. When I did it I went in an used about 8-10 crushed up with conditioner.

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