Red Hair Man Do Good At Game. Red Hair Man Overcome Problem Rank

  • Posted on 22 December, 2022
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  • By Anonymous

Live Stream On Youtube Everyday. Testing out times so make sure notifications are turned on to get a chance to catch a live stream. #valorant #riotgames

Okay, see if I can get my Valor to start today, if you guys are watching the replay make sure you click the like button, make sure you drop a follow if you're new notifications turned on we're out here every day. I just want to apologize for the people that don't like me um, you don't know me, you know what I mean man, I'm pretty. Okay, guys sometimes are we live in this B foreign? I apologize for the fact of misconception. What'S on my holy [, __ ] dude, I mean the internet is soft man. I really I really I'm telling you like it's it's like uh. I can't even make a little joke, not even a big joke, but I can't even make a little joke match found. You know whatever they'll get over it Shirley I mean well seriously. I really do mean well sometimes like that last video we posted, like I thought, was just funny. You know what I mean and there there is some truth behind it. Like I yeah I mean warm-up. I think if you're gon na play rag, then if you're in like ascended, three you're Immortal or whatever dude you should at least have the bare minimum of your mic. I definitely believe that oh yeah Katie see you Katie most of these Tick. Tock comments are coming from half yeah sure, hey man, not very nice, all right guys, another day of Our Lives. Let'S do this fight quick feet. It'S like every day. It'S just another day. You know what I mean. You guys ever think about that. Isn'T it crazy? How that works? Dude, it's like it's just it's every day, nice try another day, foreign you're, losing your mind. What do you mean bro, we're about to hit 60 000 Subs on YouTube, bro, I'm very blessed, I'm in the right state of mind all the time. I have one goal. I could care less about this game bro. I I mean seriously. I just play it for fun. Bro. I don't take it! It'S not that deep, making tips and trips video what's up guys today, we're going to show you how to use the Vandal. So what you're gon na wan na do is take the reticule and uh aim. It at the enemy taken out come over valleys days. Oh my God bro. I just had the best [ __ ] idea - dude. Oh my God bro. Oh, thank you for saying that bro I just had the greatest idea: bro dude! You know you know those! You know the, I don't know if you guys use the internet, but you know that Trend where, where where it says something sad and it goes dude. I think we should do that Trend, but like there's so many people that are like, I can't play Belle anymore. It'S too toxic or something and just like you know what I mean you know what I'm talking about. Does anybody know what I'm [ __ ] talking about dude, that's genius dude holy [, __ ], don't [ __ ] steal my idea, bro dude. I think I think that's genius bro is that not a [ __ ] genius bro cause. Everybody says that bro they're, like oh man, the community's toast-toxic. I can't play anymore and it's just like come on. Man, like you, shouldn't, be taking it that serious anyway, just mute people right like no matter where you go in life and you're gon na find this on all corners of the earth. Bro everywhere you go, people are toxic, I mean it's just humans, it's not the game. Bro, it's it's just people. People are just toxic dude. It'S just that's what it is dude. I wish it wasn't like this, but it is what it is dude. I can't change what is so I can just I can just I can change what is for me and and so can you and you can quit too, but I'm just saying like you guys, should it's not that deep? I don't know why people take it that deep, but it I mean yeah that would get big views. True match 100 would blow up foreign you hit 60k, I'm excited yeah. I mean I'm ready to hit 100K dude. That'S what the goal is and we're we're not close. I mean we're one one thing at a time for sure, but I mean it's just the grinds just getting started bro. You know what I mean like this. Is I do this every day? I I do this. Every day and I I grow every single day like a [, __, ], plague, dude and it's uh. Eventually, I I feel, like I mean I'm gon na hit a wall right, eventually we're going to hit a wall of growth. But until then, whenever I mean we already kind of have hit a wall of growth, I'm basically a 60k yeah, we'll be at 60k in, like whatever amount of time. Maybe some new type of content Suffering From Success is Right. Always if you think on my YouTube channel bro, there is like I have like I don't know, I want to say, like 40 million views like think about how many people have seen my face dude and on Tick Tock. Who knows how many million views and on Facebook there's a few million too and like think about how many people have just seen my [ __ ] face dude people just like whether they know who I am or not whatever dude but like there's so many people That have looked at my face and I got so much hate and controversy and drama and, like I'm still just this dude playing this game bro like people, people take it like way too far, then I don't even care bro, I mean like seriously like I figured. I would already be dead by now, so we're gon na go all out. I'M not gon na be afraid of anything that the future holds. I mean [ __ ], it dude. Whatever happens, bro I'm here. For it I mean we only live once truly bro. I might as well just get famous and whatever happens happens. I mean I'm literally out here: bro, there's people that go to school for marketing that can't reach the same amount of people we do organically. They can't even reach these numbers with paid advertisements bro, so uh yeah we're just out here. You know just me and myself, so I have to offer really it's nothing special foreign now there's just one thing, but I only do it because I enjoy it. That'S the reason that I do it. I know I could make more money and get more views doing something else, but this is just what I enjoy to do. That'S why I do it bro we have a flush. Then I hear you, I think one's dish, one's two dishes already got ta Look Away. There you go locations here, one enemy remaining. Can you hold that charges you're mad? What do you mean? We did good there. Didn'T we win around and stuff? No, you said. No. You said: can you hold that it was your name yeah yeah? I didn't okay, let's say my bad all right! Okay, this is awkward bro. I don't even know why. I don't know why she made that awkward, but I I feel uncomfortable now. Um we got it. Bro we're a family, some people have sex and make kids. This is what it is. You know, I think we kill the Spade, probably hiding in the closer right Flushing. Isn'T it crazy to think about that your parents had sex with each other? Oh my God. That'S nasty dude, what a horrible thought one enemy remaining if they try something like think about every person, that's alive, okay, guys! Let'S wait for the fan to push out. Let'S wait for someone, they always push out and break the tripwire or just hold them. Don'T make any noise everybody acts so like proper and whatever dude, but everybody's banging dude. That'S one thing, that's for sure! Right there there you know everybody tries to act all respectful but deep down, we're all just a bunch of like we're all just a bunch of like monkeys trying to bang dude at the end of the day. I want to stop John over here one's outside over. Here somebody is that what I'm saying man, I'm sure, let me know what is this - wait, wait? Hello! Oh I'm! Sorry! I didn't hear a lot. I just saw you drop it, oh about that, I'm not even trying to be rude or anything like it's just a fact. I don't know why it makes anybody uncomfortable it's like the truest thing. I'Ve ever said, remaining players standing, hey guys, oh my God, you're. So, hot I'm sorry, I'm sorry dude! I shouldn't have made it come down to that, but top 10 Legend codes with Valerie yeah dude. It'S not even like I'm trying to be weird. It'S like literally just a [, __ ] real thing, man, whether I talk about it or not. It'S still true so tear them down. I might all. If someone else, I have the spike. What is in me, understood, he's never seen titty in his whole life, saying nice nade to me. Ah I'll drop, yeah flashing, three, two! Sorry, I'm wild in today, bro, I'm sorry bro! I don't know what the [ __ ] wrong with me come on. Get me in the line of fire um, I'm just uh, I I don't I'm just a world gang. You know what I mean: [ __ ] world gang dude from Mumbai to the rest of the world. I am the Raja you're giving it to me. I'M done good luck out there. What'S so fun, dude awesome! We just had such a good time back there when I was sucked and that was so fun that part of the game. Oh sorry, let's go save holy [ __, ] bro, no dude! Nobody Got ta Kill by like seeing an enemy, everybody just sprayed and killed their whole team. It was crazy, honestly, yeah foreign. You can technically time travel. It won't take long to move to another hole, so you can just go from there like. We could probably tap it closely. I mean, I don't think you have to go all the way to the North Pole. There'S like three arcade. You could just take a plane across the world and you'd technically, like you know what I mean, I'm just gon na plant right here. The ones drop go, get them Trevor, easy win. No, we actually, probably [ __ ] lose this game. Bro. Have you have you seen Valerian played before you break that boombox, it's [ __ ] wild out here, dude watch out Albert Einstein said that yesterday, oh dude, I thought that was Abraham Lincoln. That said that what the hell cite your sources - bro ain't, nothing, but a heartache. There'S not up here! Hey! You want to play. Let'S play: oh okay! Oh my God. What a dirty dirty boy speed! That'S great! I think they should both be I'll. Take that fight bro, I'm not scared of a knob s, all right guys! I got little. This is crazy. It feels like we've been doing this. It'S like we've been doing this forever. So do you guys just play? Do you guys? What do you guys? Do you just play valerian you're playing bowling right now? I do other things I do. Other things tell me, I sleep, that's the whole thing it takes like six. Eight hours, oh you're, stunned. You wasted two smokes. Let'S go here, go, go, hey! Go away who died bro? What the hell is that all about? Thank you it's my turn. I'Ll have my smoke! Oh, my goodness, ain't that a stinker dude wait, look away way! Oh, my goodness! If you do new stuff all the time, doesn't it get boring? If you do new stuff all the time, though, that's a good [, __ ] point bro, that's a good! That'S a good ass Point! Dude! Think about that. Come on buddy, ready, ready, ready, go! You'Re here, wait! Nevermind! I thought she was. Am I getting light on? Wow plants plants, sorry bro, shut up, I'm picking up again, okay, raise kills one and then all both of them. I wonder if I should know, I think they can see you bro. How did they see me there bro? I thought if I couldn't see them they could, I think, it's better not to crouch, because their butt sticks out. Hey yo, you scratch, your body gets wider's still ringing. So much better. I plan on my own or if I got my orbital okay, I can alter it. Can you guys subscribe to my YouTube? No, that's YouTube, please no um. What is it again I'll think about it, I'm trying to hit 200 Subs it's hard. I got you bro. You see this oh [, __ ], outside reloading. My ultimate is ready. I'M not saying one two three: both of them are made 80. 80.. That'S my stuff as well, I'm playing reggae at normal resolution. Oh can I get a box. I think I'm just the sugar daddy of the game. This is not usually how my first games go: dude winning yeah, oh wow foreign. Did you like that or under Neath imagine last round before the switch it was solid, play solid, shot lately running down to the rip time, making my way through the dark side? I wan na, be your left hand, man, I love you take the bomb. I mean prepare for help s one side, one side, my balls are too big dude. I thought you thought you were switching sides Gear Up, stay safe, you're, going back in I'm too cocky bro, it's my worst [ __ ] downfall. Ah, look at all the lonely! People who is it for all the lonely people where do they are coming from? Ah, only people shut up one enemy remaining. I thought someone was dropped. I was like what the [ __ ] ing people. Are you guys want to push down because that flashy Flash and hello you're ready yeah yeah? Where are you oh guys, can you subscribe to my YouTube? Oh my gosh shut up. Let'S win this [ __ ], please dude, I'm [ __ ] done all right, guys! [ __ ] stop player standing sir, and look at all the lonely people dude Patty. What is popping man Spike planted [ __ ] having hella fun dude, that's how it is every day bro. I don't even know what to say anymore, there's so many I make so many people angry that I've just I've embraced it dude I mean. If people want to make me out to be the bad guy, then you know [ __ ] it bro foreign guys. How do we toss that now we can run out because we're on a stage, let's all push-up Sands, I'm trying to hit 100 subscribers on YouTube guys. I it's my dream. It'S been my dream, since I was a kid, can you please give me a song? Okay, so you're gon na tell me it's all pushed out because now we are on a save. If I tell you, will you subscribe? Of course thank you for joining me Bridge. Oh no, I'm gone! Oh! No! I'M here what the [ __ ] wait. Wait! Wait! Wait wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Are there any guys, yeah hey there, who is this dude you're funny bro? Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh guys funny bro he's got a check mark he's. [ __, ] hilarious where's, your name. What'S going on guys, pushing 100 hold on drop and drop and drop? Oh man, this is a nice Smurf YouTube account holy [, __, ], dude, right side. It'S okay! You said he said: 100 yep. I forgot my two. I got my two guys, I'm proud of you, son, um, yeah, I'm gon na buy this phrase. Bad guy looks so good. Oh [ __ ] come here bro. I just. Can you just stop talking to me? Bro, I'm upset right now all right ready, you uh. What'S it called, I don't have I don't have to, I don't have to I. I would have did it, but I just don't, have it bro? Maybe we should have one more hey. This is kind of [ __, ], crazy. No I've ever got us see. Oh under hey, yo Phoenix come on now yeah we're kind of gon na lose this game. No! Oh! It'S on that race. I feel like they're gon na rotate to a bro. I can just be getting carpal tunnel bro, okay, yeah! I think it's a I can fit my toes the Rotator just now rotating heaven wow out of charges, the [ __ ], you thought bro damn what are they doing 30 seconds left before you're on uh? I'M tired he's in our spawn anytime playtime playtime 10 seconds left. You hear him dude, perfect, right, you're, so good. I know, but like there was time for him good job, good job yeah. We all did the right thing there all right, guys you're going to push a main cause. Why not no yo? What'S up John I'm with my boy Phoenix I'm coming with you, I mean he has a phantom sir. I had a oh yeah by the day. Oh, oh three, there three there they're spawn on spawn s down and now we push here we push here now I don't like you, dude Phoenix, stop bro Pokemon dude like just don't even start bro. Sorry what we like. We all know what we're all thinking so like I'm, not even gon na, say it bro just like log on no go ahead. No, I don't talk to people that don't go positive, [, __ ], but now he's about to be pause too soon. I'M flashing, OverWatch sounds disgusting. Bro don't die wow, I'm leaving get this. It could be here. Yeah yeah, 30 seconds left, don't die, don't die. Then I think he's able oh, what 10 seconds left all right. I know where you're going Spike planted. We almost got out, it was close. Come on. Anyone have anything I may have dab of my fingers. Multiple fingers monkey looking man am I monkey. Looking hmm, I love monkeys. Dude. I like honestly monkeys are [ __ ] awesome. They like they jump. They look like they have so much more fun than I do. Hey, let's play they eat like monkeys, have a lot of fun. Dude monkeying around honestly deserve to lose holy [, __, ], bro, yeah Savage, to say here nah I mean it's just like you know. It'S OverWatch man, I've played it a million times. It'S like not much different from OverWatch one, and I didn't mean to hurt anybody's feelings by saying that. But what are you paying? Dog? Oh 80, yeah. Damn 80 on 30 seconds left, oh wow Spike planted agent is Viber, it's not true. The most played Agent is uh or was chamber, I think, or no I can't remember. Oh, it was Raina that was it that's what it was last player standing. Isn'T that funny? How do I climb? Well, you just have to win more games than you lose there. You go all right, you guys all right guys. We can win this man foreign. This is don't put it up yet, oh out, outside off your feet, yeah, it's an egg guys! It'S an a it's an a h: oh [, __ ] yeah check that out yeah. We should just save there now foreign, damn they're so low for real now forever. Oh you're, talking about your most played Agent. Okay, okay! Can um Bridge you stun this little like two seconds after the round? I throw a nade, we went easy, they have the momentum and the guns yep a boat Jesus Christ ready here. I don't know how to use my brain bro. Oh hey man wait. I think they're real cheating, forever 30 seconds left, I'm Rachel um. Okay, just play time 10 seconds standing. What is mine? Oh there's time classic dude dude holy [, __ ]. He should just blind them there dude. Then he kills them all purple, arcade, plain old, fart. Okay - let's just save this one rounded by not just like the same thing, you can like pretty stun that or we can walk up and we walk up and I'll stop yeah. Let'S all, let's all walk up and everybody come. You can take your take your stuff. So I'll just walk out we're gon na throw this game boys. I just want to mentally prepare everybody for that. No first time I go back out there. I think we Sanders them here, guys dude, I'm clicking it man, one [, __ ] numbers. We have Phoenix, though I don't know what I don't even think. I meant to throw the second Satchel bro my brain just shut off, I don't know okay yeah hold on. He does have time to take the rope and go drop guys just saying nope you're the best we're so good, we're the best guys good game, everybody dude. I don't even know where I don't need my fingers are so fat dude. It'S not my fault. I don't know how I hit that I I'll I always hit the Satchel Bro [ __ ], ing people, what the [ __ ] in an hour. Thank you. Can we go like four or is that too early? It'S a storm tomorrow, Jesus match found. I was gon na unsub dude. I was gon na unsub too bro, damn bro. Why is it got a snowstorm yep dude, I'm so sick of this God? Damn snow on this goddamn plane, bro holy [, __ ], it's just like the sky, is falling. God bro, who invented this bro terrible invention, snow. I might have to leave early because [ __ ] dude, damn it dude the goddamn snow bro. I can feel, but I'm mainly play right now, number five. If you want to play like a duelist or something I can switch um who's your agent. Oh, let's go dude snow. If you guys aren't missing, you know how people are like. Oh, oh, I wish I could see holy [ __, ] dude. You guys! Stop that! You are not missing anything, I'm telling you and my life would be so much better if just snow didn't exist. Honestly. How many must I kill before I restored? Damn Graphics turned off. I can't see the snow foliage god dude snow, just sucks the fun out of everything. You know how, like you know how life is like beautiful and it has colors and you know everything's. So great the roses are red. You know everything's vibrant, not when there's snow around. There is no colors. It'S just plain blank white sheet of paper. All the beauty of everything is just kicked Away by Death. Are they taking place um? I think so whistle here Jets here. Another one is just chill. We have numbers here speaking this whole maze. Man, one enemy, remaining, heard him step to your left. We don't have to do crazy. You'Re, [, __, ], crazy, dude, bro hug. You all die to like one guy here, no man take it easy man chill! Oh worries. It'S not blaming anyone that was hostile bro. I got scared. I don't like your tone. We almost threw the others. This is the guy on the robe [ __ ] flying around dude you're, lucky he's ass. Ah, they won't expect bro after he kills. Maybe we we thought that he wouldn't expect us. Maybe he thought that I thought that we thought yeah, that's what I'm saying revealing area. I can't help I'll beat you I'll be for you I'll, be with you. Okay, can I have this gun bro? I forgot to buy you like that perfect aim, my accuracy there. I did just made one movement to his head. There dude I mean damn that was hot, honestly yeah that went up or down. I don't know. I think you went down what the [ __ ] yeah, born in one's still inside. I saw one East Side. Oh he's here, one enemy remaining strike of their weed plants, we're actually rich a bonus. Okay. What are they laughing at me? Are you playing on top of the box here all right? They they okay I'll play there. Now I'm gon na smoke it I'm gon na smoke, I'm from Maine bro, it's probably terrible scanning ahead. I'M leaving hit them with a little drone action. Viper is honest. They'Re on the same planting, I'm super low Spike planted this man just under under he's talking in his own personal font. Somehow both of them are here two, both under screens 55 screens, 55 screens he's going heaven for after you hear him yeah, you have a smoke. Okay, no, he made that so hard. That'S my fault! That'S my fault! Oh God, you're Aspen, my gun had more bullets. Oh God, if I didn't drop down into two people, I would have won the. I would have aced them one two yeah. I think he did I'll join it. I have a heroin, I mean oh yeah, he's in kitchen, for you, careful, hey, bro yeah, they could be like you could walk up on a kitchen. I think you just dropped, I think didn't he or am I bugging? Oh, my God, I know exactly. There is too much places bro Spike planted in kitchen bro he's swinging you that sucks dude. What'S going on yeah, I'm dead man last player standing! Why don't you just put the sage ball in tube? So, like a normal, it's usually what people do. I mean I tried walking down too, but I died. Yeah cause your ass, oh good man, you gon na, do that [ __ ] and do that it's our home, keep them out. I'M Gon na Leave. Wait. I have I have okay they're already up man. Renaissance grounded my alt's ready here. Yes, she's got ta, be nice; okay, I'm gon na peek undertube this round foreign like three times in a row, yeah they're, definitely gon na go here. I need some help. Yeah bro! I'M about to alter a h, I'll, kill you foreign, that's gon na be a hard game dog. How do we die in p-man yeah right now? You want to switch it up. Yeah I'll play. Okay, you want to destroy this door by any chance yeah. Where does he died to the place? Oh, I can't see you dude. All he's got to do is hit him dude. It'S so freed in my mind B is clear, maybe not well. I [ __ ] missed they're on set on rafter she's gon na push me yeah bike plan is lurking mid night. Take Me Home Country. We are strong because we are together. Don'T forget, I'm gon na use the vandal wait. No, I'm not honestly! I'M just gon na play with you guys, yeah, I don't know, I don't know right now. You hear them pushing just smoke it and hold it. Dude here start again hold on I'm drowning, careful Arena likes the lyric mid dog Cyprus here so this year, uh they could just leave here. One mid excellent spawn. They were both. I started them both at it's yellow. They have to be like in their spot or something oh yeah. It'S gon na go belt. These guys, bro. I keep dropping frames right bro that [ __ ] arena is a little red. [ __ ] crashed up in the corner there, they're gon na go in here bro this guy. This guy keeps uh lurking, I'm sorry we're getting oil dude he's having a blast. That'S all that matters. I'M gon na try to destroy this. Drawing for you. Their spawn is clear: either they're all a or right going towards B, itch foreign standing ahead. I'M sorry you're still ringing. I mean I don't get streams. I mean I do but there's a 30 20 second delay. So it's kind of hard to scream snipe a little bit but foreign welcome to my world. Wait. We have razors, I'm telling the team bro you're gon na [, __ ] cry s dudes panicking for his life. He'S like I know, I know holy [, __, ] bro, the team doesn't know he has a boom bot like I'm saying it, so they don't go in before the boom bot and they still lost it to 1v3 bro. I I don't know this dude's like insane man like I'm telling Rays. Like obviously Reyes knows he has a boom bot bro. Why would I be telling him I'm like telling the team bro and he's having a mental [ __ ] breakdown he's like I know, bro shut up, bro holy [ __, ] dude. It sounds like he's in the [ __ ] trenches dude. I don't understand how they're taking me they just Dash them backwards. It'S kind of [, __, ] running it down a again. It didn't rushed eight. This might be a fake wall. You know yeah, it could be everywhere scanning ahead, yeah watch out B. I can all and they're small enough. It'S just sleepy, be careful like it's a cipher camera. How many kills I get from that same spot dude? How do they die to it so many times she was built Spike down a I'm lighting. My ass off man cut it out all right. I'M gon na die, I'm gon na fall back. We have the bomb uh. If that's okay, to say, bro, I'm not trying to stress him out. We have the bomb, though, like I'm not trying to [ __ ], you know what I mean: I'm not trying to switching stop stop if he used his mic himself, like I'm literally using his mic for him. That'S what I'm doing when i'm talking. He should be like guys. I have a Boombah, don't push this like. I shouldn't even be talking, but he's just sitting there silently like like just letting it all unfold and they still lose the 1v3. I mean [, __, ] man. Let me dirt mm-hmm revealing area. I messed it up: 60., close, yellow um. What 60. one enemy remaining race it to the spike side to the place you think they force off. No his whole team is understanding ahead. Just tries his little cheeky plays because she's ass, one enemy remaining could be flame. You know I killed one flake, it could be, but dude I mean I get called Ed Sheeran like 3000 times a day, bro, it's like nothing new. You guys pick a or b right wait. Can we can? We like smoke? Man run under tube Sage wall here and plan for Mid kinda. You want me to DART. First Orange, yellow could be here could be here good one's yellow, careful Brian likes to push mid too he's yellow he's, yellow snowman man Chester last player. It'S not it's not bad for you. You have a need grenade. You saw him to the right yeah. He went right, foreign's about to break nice. That wall breaking just saved. You then holy [, __, ], honestly dude after that ground that they lost. I thought I thought it would be over because I thought he would like tilt out, but he's he's collected himself. He just had a little uh. That'S a small little episode he's good to go. Now. I don't know what she's doing yeah I don't know. I don't have a riot buddy bro, I'm not in the cult I didn't make. I didn't fit the criteria crazy, you're insane. How dirty I got this I list they could be close. I think we lived it. I think they're stacked, yeah yeah foreign foreign starting here. They broke it, insta unwrapped her, something I'm holding flank loading, one more roster, it's nice, one top one top here, and here I have done three just chill: yeah they're, both there. Oh I messed it up. Hey we're chilling 120. back up. When did I hit Rayna guys, I literally don't remember, they have five volts yeah they're kind of broke, though yep first time watching the stream. Thank you for being here. Man don't go too aggressive. This round. We got ta try to get their oats out instead of just up here. She might Alt. Thank you. Try my angle against me bro how foolish how foolish thank you bro yeah. I was literally expecting to see four four red Arenas up on the right. Dude'S, like hey, I want to try that yeah, hey that looked like it worked out pretty good. Let me give that one a try, okay, oh she hid behind the wall. She'S still behind the wall, he's still behind the wall. They'Re, pushing up hid from the dark behind the wall, he's closed. What the [ __ ], what a [ __ ] play. Let'S let them try try anyway, because there's no way they do the same: [ __, ], [, __, ] up, there's no way he's like honestly. If she does, if you see a wall like that just back up because then they don't have a wall to hold. If, if we see that wall, I'm tping yo, I got ta be in economics, yeah nice. Are we gon na? Do this screen? Look at that a take. Bro he's. Definitely playing yes! Oh you want him in. Oh next Point guys if somebody works it Riot. Does that make them cool anybody, yet I'm just curious or or Sova. Thank you yeah. I got you. What do you think all right? Let me buy you bro G honestly, fast recipe, all dirty, let my Dart it first that they might look away from you for a second okay, let the dart hit, and then they might look away from you. It might give you like a little help. Oh Jetson already take a fat dump right now, it's funny because uh I don't know, I don't want to ruin the mood. I guess I won't talk about it. Oh my God, was it not looking good? What are they talking about? Oh, I lost Immortal too. Last week, bro we're just you know, we're climbing out of the gutters. We went all the way down to ascended one from Immortal, two West Virginia Mountain Mama. Take me six first Bloods dude and like five of them were with the Marshall. You know what I mean dude like who are these people? Well, that's the question like these people that we don't know everybody's like looks up to, but we don't even know who they are. They could be the weirdest people you've ever seen in your life. How do you play against snipers? I just I mean I have a 20 second delay or I just lose. I mean it's one or the other. I mean this. 20 second delay helps, but you definitely can get some early information. I'M not saying they are. I'M just saying like I'm people are like, I talked to a developer and it's just like you know what I mean like. Who is this guy? Who is this? They have like 30 000 employees. Don'T they like? Let'S do it with Pokemon it's a great idea. So did I bud so, did I bud hope and run into you? Oh um, I play on East I play on Central, I mean ting, The Ting goes. He asked about a player with a sniper or not a stream sniper. I don't know bro it's hard for me, it's hard for me to pay attention. Pay attention match, found all my memories gather round her. Oh dude. This is the guy that dude you guys. This is that guy. That was I, I muted, because he kept asking me to make gay daddies yeah dude see this guy's ass, this guy's, absolutely a weirdo bro. That'S the thing we played with him the other day and he just [ __ ] boys. You guys remember yesterday, um, don't you worry about it? I was thinking like this yeah. I feel like you're goed it on Cipher. Now me we'll play two games ever. Is that what you want? I mean I want many things I can play it whatever you guys want. I literally don't care if you play Cypher, hey okay, he's like giving his Mike gal guck all right, good talk! I can play in this if you can place right here. Do you guys remember this? Guy from yesterday my daily Watchers remember he kept asking me to make monkey noises. They'Ve got one ugly, looking crew, no offense to any of us five minute, a yeah he's gon na beat me I smoke dash out. I don't smoke and let you die and let me push him. I come here um. What did the monkey say to the other monkey dude? I I can't I'm gon na just that's the second cipher so far, yo otherwise deciphers. Now I've played with this guy before I had to mute him last time, and now he just like makes noises the whole game Beacon. Here I am all for good fun. You know yo Sky flash ready, get ready for Sky flash. I call one I'm not like. That'S a [ __ ], Flash Evan, heaven, heaven two two Heaven one door drop drop one Heaven one door, one: Heaven one door, outdoor outdoor, Jenny, Jenny, you've, cam on him. For top my accommodation, I don't know my brain turned off there for a second. It rebooted, though uh us guys saying sorry come on Cypher bring him back. I don't know man, I I think I I can hear everything we won last time like it's, not anything, not anything against the guy bro. It'S just like. I can't hear I can't sit here and listen to it. Can I get a ghost a ghost? Let'S go uh he's saying he promises. He won't make any sounds from. Mid-Match drop, the bottom Spike drop. That'S a spike they're, pushing your heart out, uh, Silva and babe were over there. Your flashes are literally useless one enemy remaining door-to-door history right here right here, stairs having stairs heaven, I died. That'S a bit he's lying guard Jets kind of [, __ ], not gon na, allow him to respect it. Have you seen these guys flashes? Have you seen these guys flashes? Oh, they were not blood that is [ __ ] cap, oh, is that freaky bye. It'S Sheriff, please I'm Berkey! Thank you. Thank you. Our Sky's begging you to unmute him it's on his hands and knees. It really doesn't matter. I can. I know, what's happening to take it down guys this guy can heal you heal up Squad player, standing interesting. What is that bro, I'm gon na unmute him and not tell him that I unmuted him. I learned something I think if we slow down and take a bit mid control here, we didn't have guns, so I usually just fill I like playing Jet and I like playing Sova, but I usually yeah all right, except for gon na yeah. It'S okay. We don't all need to funnel down the same spot. Okay, I admit I admit it start. We can hide from that. We can hide from that yeah. Just wait for me to get close could be shoddy in here. Okay, then, now ready molting, three, two one. Nothing close, I just sucked bro everybody. When are you broken down 80. 80 on Cypher and then and then the players realized? Maybe we shouldn't all push in the same spot? Do you light up they're, leaving so you're? Actually crazy, Crouch yeah, oh you're! On top there we go even better. I like them good again. I need this hello. If you don't mind telling Show and Tell I don't tell that. No, no, thank you. Yeah, we'll see yeah. To be honest, oh all of us all of us think you're cringe. Okay, nobody likes you. No, I don't like myself. Oh [, __ ]. Nowhere to Run oh, what's up, we go, we go. We go Cypher and Sova. Here I have no more smokes. I don't know. No. I don't. I must wait a moment. First, here NCT dude [, __, ] friends to my Molly, what a loser still alive yeah I got pink for me: man, [, __, ], chickpea foreign, I'm just wondering bro. I was just you're just a little too much dude! No! No! But when did we play yesterday? No, I know, but what but I'll break I break. I break okay, we got ta go. Thank you! No! I'M just dead because there's a phantom on my body over there. How dark you don't even have the pizza, the flanky. That'S, like you mean snipers hello, that player standing he's gon na have he's gon na have at least right right this game, this game, honestly dude, honestly bro, this game, sucks dude like honestly, like dad's, [, __, ], ass bro, like that you can be. You can be any rank like you could be any human and win that round dude like literally no actually, you can't Lim still knows Molly line up. So not the average human doesn't know Molly yeah, but it like takes five seconds to learn how to do that. Bro, like it does yeah it is way too effective. It is just so effective line. It'S like it's with Viper. It takes up so much. Could we be main right and they're out? I'M darting, I'm good one ct2 uh one CT to another dog. You guys got ta get outside. Why is he there? Why, for what reason he just sucks? No, he doesn't Mark it and he runs a man better of them. You guys like how I'm not even putting the trips on our flank dude, I'm just like putting them like for post plant. Instead. Can I go to buy soccer no drone dice? I can drone all that. Just let me drone thank you after they break my drone smoke, one shot you're here, oh dude, really not out yet my camera is destroyed. Oh yeah play as long as you can 50, though, can you go off tap off both of them for 80.? One enemy remaining - oh my God, oh my God, bro clutch! You don't even got to worry about it. Can you do your cringe shut again? I was tabbed out if you're not a good shot. Today, you don't understand this guys are IQ way above yours like not even fair. Imagine if everybody just played brim like this most people, just don't even bother with that kind of [ __ ]. You know with what, if just every Brimstone just played like this Brimstone wait? Who actually did we win? I don't know it's just like yeah. I think I have like a 70 win rate on a sin right now and there's there's a reason for that. Every other map is like holy [, __ ]. How do we lose that's? How we lose. You probably are having nothing just better, Gamers, just better players, no one's holding your Mane. Look at that time. Just hey buddy! It hits there just look uh dude! I even knew we won that round. I was like bro, they have no guns. Still, we can kill all the guns like no way they were not I'm a Viber. Now, can you buy her? Can you buy our amazing Cipher uh? So if you can come with us, please it's over by him all right. Let me jumpy yeah. I like that yeah he's gon na get a line on my side 120.. This [ __ ] is so crazy, bro guys that was so cringe you guys. Can we all agree that that was so range? Wind show me where to go sure I've been talking about rank. He was really talking from round one he's like green, ranked. Let'S take here uh. I think we have to save for last time. Oh yeah, I'm counting very poorly right. Now they left a. If you want to come back. I love them, but I'm in boring bro what woman's so fun I'm drown attached. He had one back cat. I probably have his one sitting dice good round. I got molly one enemy remaining um um. Why did I pick up this stupid commercials? I think omen's, the most fun games holy [, __ ]. What are you saying right now? It'S like the fifth time around. You did tell me help me please. I swear to God um, which I destroyed. Yeah you pick off that go, you have to be. We have to pee yeah. Can you guys chill? Why are you guys? You guys are tweaking bro they're, tweaking bro, chill bro switching sides, I'm not worried. You guys are too worried. You guys are holy words in my entire life. Are you one of those people that is like dude, I'm like two percent Native American dude? What are you doing? No one here is mentally. What are we wait? What are we all about? How did this guy? What is this guy talking about like this man just starts talking to himself bro like it was so irrelevant one of those white people who has these two percent Native American? What'S wrong with being [ __ ], jumping Bridge dude, this guy's made it racial. He made Valor and racial dude. I don't know type of people bro. Excuse me what the hell whoa whoa. What does that mean this guy's racist bro against what that's, what I'm getting out of this dude Silva, subscribes to eugenics all right. What is he talking about? Bro, are you fighting five of my two men? Oh that's, not good. Bro he's, like you know what I want to argue with somebody smoke. Somebody you talked to me about something weird, no one's closer one bullet two boys did I hit 81 in Silva 96.. This is garbage literally just saying words seriously. I know I shot Faith three times, I'm forcing bro. We have to win this round shut up. You do what I'm arising B, man they're gon na die. Can we can we talk about this openness? Five of them any special need s like no he's, not he's. Not no he's not talking. I mean he's, not stop talking. I don't want to kill that Immortal, one dude. What is his Peak? Bro pull caps, you're dead Silva good night yo, so you kind of suck not gon na lie to you before w-4s stairs what two lane two lane: whoa whoa whoa whoa. What are you aiming? Oh, he stuck me in the basement bro this man stuck my face with that snobball guys. Can we win guys? I think we don't play solo on site, but they actually go B because they're like oh, my God, I can play video. You think we'll just burped in my ears like that all of us. Thank you, please, okay! Yes, this should. Oh, this is a nice spot. Okay cage triggered they're Molly foreign. I just get running good. I actually lost [ __ ] here somewhere, I don't know. Okay. I have no updraft is meds. Well, he holds on top and I'm standing there. That'S fine decipher! I'M gon na be honest. What happened to my my camera and he also walked up to where I said, I'm [, __ ], and then you got ta [ __ ] yourself. I was trying to help you. I need help, I'm 30 health and within areas I'm dead. I was gon na heal you, I felt like a team player there, but yeah whatever money - man. Oh that's! On forged. This is a 9-3 card bro just like that, um at all right his body's fat as close nine three years that is so brain dead bro. He dashes from you to here who does that the fight you're also spamming tree door. You can tell me to not break it and get a chilled. I just saw you shoot it with me, so I was like okay. I guess we're doing this listen Smoke's down. I hear a caught one cage 120 on them. Like we wait. Two minutes we're going man going mid 121 seconds. Man wait. Uh stuff is awesome. These kids are so brain dead players standing he's already out, [ __ ], oh my God, Spike planted. It'S ready. My dude just killed me while he's running bro. Are we throwing it uh? Let me play B and someone play a. I think, that's the play, I'm good! No, you don't want to do that. What okay? Why not? I just need whoever's be with me not to just run up and die. I don't care who it is just save save for next dude Swift, so stop pushing Pizza, filming TV back site, yeah, probably backside. No, he canceled there. That would be oh nice good shot. I'M going for that gun. Where is everyone hiding my drone? Wake up calculator cap all right, peeling over here? What'S going on cut noise cut noise? It'S supposed to meet again! I'M gon na have Darkness get ready. 30 seconds left. I'M done nice remaining, probably 10 seconds planning B man bike planted lemonade, my bad, I wasn't there yet you know he's gon na post. You can't just sit on, so it won't be. Three people in this rank never do that. They always just like push. Try to get it Thrifty, a big cyber round - man, big big uh Sheriff around who wants us one out there. Someone here I just went off that round bro! No, I don't think they leave you in here. Oh jet Dash is broken. She dashes straight from the barrier to you. Okay, this goes here, be quick, be quick, absolutely shut up, shut up, let him cook! Now it's gone now we show now we chill. Okay, just landy's Lane he's yeah he's on side he's inside. I just don't need the mic spam from aceite like we're literally yeah. I don't know it made me, feel more powerful. They have to do this cross and we're shooting them right. So I'm telling you I don't know, I don't know guys. Why are you so hostile man, I'm just explaining why I said, shut up because that's a rude thing to say, but it was needed pneumonia you have been. You have been pretty hostiles games. I was just funny while I was hostile there, you were like calling me white earlier. I don't know what that was about. That was a joke. They smoked mid, I'm gon na rotate, dude Omen and gentlemen. We really don't need to be dying Midway as well. We got ta just not like I don't know. This is not worth it like. This is this changes the whole pace of the round when you die mid, dude yeah, because I'm playing boat too, and so when I he dies mid, I have to go and run and close the door and - and we have a pick like we have the advantage And then you take a solo, 2b1 fight mid like it's just not worth it. You know I'm not trying to be toxic. I'M just saying yeah. This goes here, it's not! Where is it it's cringe because he got me killed uh, someone breaking the door for me. Please please, I don't know, I don't know where it lands to be anywhere. It'S elusive man bro. We just retake a bit. Yeah they're, probably going to be anyways that sucks. I'M gon na watch your mid too much uh they're, not out here one's Market one's Market. In Market to Market supposed to be man, three unmarked one enemy remaining last ones are close to you. I still have ulti. I still have all teeth. Uh, my assumption is they're going to go a and flickers yeah. I I think they're going to go there guys. According to my calculations, uh, I don't think you play outside. You know just in case for The Rush who's that this goes here. We go. What website Plus mid tiles too? I should might have only been one all right, so there's one nude they're gon na, so they love to go mid here or something else. I'M stuck down dude. I can't see through his traps what it was like here. You could go here and see it. I know it's exactly where like: why do we have three people on a and I'm the only one swinging main bro yeah, but they they have to still walk all the way out to peaky, though like they killed you right here and then, and you could have Just talked, but I I didn't know you were gon na swing, you could have said I'm gon na swing or something, but I thought you were just gon na stay touched that I'm just telling you what happened. That'S what happened? I'M not trying to hurt your feelings. I'M just saying yes: no more charges left wow, blinded, okay, oh you stepped in front of me yeah, I don't know. I have no money, bro yeah, that's they default every dude honestly, because I don't know why we're throwing bro, we know they're not pushing Spike planted. So tired of this [ __ ] bro, so [ __, ] annoyed uh, soba's, really upset but Smoke's down. I'M deafening, okay, yikes bro! That'S ready! No more doubts we're rolling! While we're broke. They probably just go ahead: dude why'd! I stop using stretch because my computer, like won't, let me use it for some reason: okay, what the [ __ ]! It'S like right on my Crosshair line, it'll work all right. We have olds for retake man, I just let them have us yeah they're. Definitely walking up the or mid right now I guarantee you they're, making a [, __ ] ton of random noise increase. Your fears, one enemy remaining could have walked up through, could have gone anyway, you're alone, seven 30 seconds left. You'Re deaf here is your Cipher. Last player - oh my God, bro he's just gon na, not pee how much how much, how much I'm shooting for Spike planted. Oh, my God, I don't even know what the hell this game was. Gg, I just want to say: uh, not even close Silva is wild. Then bro uh, some of his [ __ ] brain dead. I don't know why he's acting up, I'm deafening. I'M definitely I'm definitely guys. I can't handle it. I really take. You got ta, make a move to a town, that's right! For me, oh boy, he didn't expect me to go: hey man dude, that's what happened there. He just didn't expect it dude. I want to keep playing guys, but I have to go on an adventure in real life, but we're kind of cooking. You know what I mean: oh wow, that big dealer guy was on my dude. I mvp'd wait a minute what team was acting so hard, but literally it was me. You know what I mean. I was the real hero. Dude I'm in green rank, but I played with Immortals. You know what I mean, so it's kind of unfair. Who was he on this yeah? He was our Sova on this game. I remember that, let's see, how long does a game never take? How? How long does a game normally take a Valor guys? How long was this game? Where is the time? Does it say the amount of time that the game was 39 minutes? Yeah man, [, __, ], that's a long time this one 30 minutes yeah. I think I might just end it here guys. Let'S do let's just hang out for a second ask me, your questions, dude, let's do a q, a you have my full. You have my full attention. Q, a why so early because I got ta, drive two hours and go somewhere. What'S your favorite agent Silva? Are you human, I think so? Which map do you like? Most, I pretty much like every map, but my favorite map would either be like Haven or Breeze or I, like long range fights like I I really enjoy that maps that I can opt. I don't mind ice blocks. I know a lot of people hate icebox, but I actually enjoy it. I think it's fun. When are you going to retire to be a professional retire of b? I I'm never gon na retire dude. I don't know what the question is, but how much money have you spent on Val, probably like thousands of dollars, I use a wireless G Pro or wait super light. I use a super light now. Are you only still looking to Immortal or will you do it once in a mortal? I know I I play with people sometimes, but I think I do the best when I'm solo, just chilling to your highest rank Immortal three 200, something RR. What do you do for a living, I'm trying to be a content creator? Bro. Do you like anime? I don't like anime, I mean there's some animes, that I don't mind, but I'm not like a specific anime enjoyer. This is my job. I I make multiple forms of revenue from streaming by making content and people being members and all that advertisement Revenue. So this is my job. What was the longest win streak? You got, I don't know you don't make a lot of money from Tech. Talk no degree. I'Ve never been to college and there's no money on Tick Tock. Unless you're selling a product keyboard you're using - I don't know, I don't think keyboards matter - is I've had this one for a long time the buttons are worn out. They'Re my favorite Valley streamer, does YouTube feed the Red Bull addiction yeah. I also make money on Facebook too. I'M partnered with Facebook and I make money on Facebook too, not as much but that's what you want is just residual income, multiple sources of income. So you can live it's important. I do pretty okay, I I survive. I do good, I'm not rich, but I'm not.

Zach Prynne: It’s easier to hate than love in this world. Keep walking the right path HP❤️

Georgette Liu: NOOO it ended so early

hellofriday99: what happend

Thanos Nuzi: Oh man

Thanos Nuzi: Wait did I join late

Thanos Nuzi: Oh replying

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