What If Naruto Red Hair And Rinnegan Eyes| Part 1

  • Posted on 30 November, 2022
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  • By Anonymous

What If Naruto Red Hair And Rinnegan Eyes | Part 1

creator of the story

by: PK Samurai

FanFiction link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8963527/7/

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Hey guys welcome back to the channel, this is story about what, if Naruto, has red hair in the Rinnegan part one, if you guys enjoy this, what if and want to see part two comment down below and let me know before I start please do support for More awesome, content and leave a like and don't forget, to subscribe to my channel and also share this video with your friends and check out the description and check out my playlist. So let's start the video by the time Uzumaki Naruto had turned five years old. He had come to realize that a good majority of the people in his village hated him. That was not an immediate realization as the haze of colors and sounds called infancy slowly but inevitably passed. He first came into the awareness of his individuality looking down at his stubby toes and observing how they wriggled it as every command. He saw that he was his own person. His body and mind belonged to him, and only him, and as far as he could tell, every other person that he saw possessed is right. All of the people in his village were the same as him. In this regard, however, he gradually began to see differences between these other people and himself. When Narito first visited the village playground at the age of four, he saw many other children running around in the dust Another young boy was chasing the making threatening, sounds and Naruto felt rather frightened. However, the other children were laughing as if they were having fun when he asked another child. What was going on? He looked at Naruto strangely and asked him if he'd never played tag before but Naruto returned to his home that evening and asked his caretaker a stern-faced woman with dark hair about the game. She merely slammed a bowl of rice down on his table and told him to stay away from the other children. They didn't understand why the other children could play tag together and why he couldn't, but his caretaker's hand was even faster and sharper than her words. So he shut up and ate his dinner, but from then on, though he didn't approach the other children. Narito did start going out more by himself. He was starting to get sick of the tattered book of folk tales that he had thumped through, since he was two and felt that he was a bit too old for the cracked old wooden blocks, he'd once fondly stacked for hours before he was a whole five Years old after all, and besides, he quite enjoyed the the feel of the Sun and wind on his skin. The few times Naruto had been out in public before he had usually been with his caretaker, who always insisted on him, covering his head and lower face with a scarf. She told him. It was so that he wouldn't pick up any diseases, but now that he was exploring the streets of his village, he was beginning to have second thoughts, because wherever he went inevitably he was followed by an intense storm of heated Whispering. He hadn't realized at first even following the realization of his individuality. He'D never thought of himself as particularly unique he'd read before in his book of folk tales that no two snowflakes were like and as such, so were people, but in the winter, when snow covered the village, there were so many snowflakes that he couldn't possibly distinguish between Them this, he realized could be the same for himself and for everyone else, and yet somehow these people managed to point him out a single snowflake in a flurry of snow. They pointed him out with barely disguised grimaces. They ushered their children away from him, admonished them for walking too close to him and chased him out of their stores. The first time this happened, Naruto wondered if they wanted to play tag with him and was about to open his mouth to ask when they slammed the door in his face sending dust flying in his face before he could get up. He heard a spitting sound and he felt a warm sensation on his face when he touched his face and looked at his hand, it was wet. They immediately returned to his home afterwards ignoring the dinner. His caretaker had left out on the table Naruto crawled into his bed, with the lights off and the blinds to his window closed shut. He stared into the darkness for the rest of the day, trembling all of the following days that he went outside ended. Quite similarly, as time went on, even the other children began to notice him and, unlike the adults, they went out of their way to taunt him. Verido observed this all in every night, stared into the darkness. After the initial shock had worn off, he began to ponder his situation, trying to find an answer to the question of why he as an individual was targeted in such a manner. He wondered if it was because of his appearance. After all, when he ventured outside with his scarf on nobody treated him like an aberration or even worse, pretend he didn't exist if they accidentally bumped into him, they apologized and if he bumped into someone they pet his head when he apologized recently, some of the other Children had started to call him tomato head because of the shock of red hair that framed his thin face, but he did not think that could be why he was singled out so much. He had examined his features quite closely. At one point, his hair color was a bit unusual, but he had seen others with brightly colored hair in the playground quite a few times, and nobody ever glared at them or said unkind things to them. He had blue eyes a quite ordinary trait and though he was a bit small for his age. He was in no way deformed. He had counted carefully. He had one head a face with all of its features: two arms hands and feet, and ten fingers and toes just like every other child. Some of the adults sometimes were missing a finger or limb. In fact, the only really unique thing about him was the pair of faint whisker-like birthmarks on his cheeks Naruto had noticed that some of the village Clans, like the indiazuka clan, had physical markers for their members. So sometimes he liked to sit in front to the mirror and imagine what it'd be like to have other people who had bright red, hair and whisker marks on their faces and then inevitably his thoughts would turn to his dead parents. They knew that he was an orphan and that they had died on the same day he was born. His caretaker had told him that much this situation was fairly common following the third Shinobi World War and the attack of the nine tails. His apartment was not too far from the orphanage which teamed with children. In fact, Naruto hadn't even realized that he didn't have parents until he saw for the first time an adult picking up one of the children at the playground. Looking into the darkness. His Thoughts unimpeded by jeers and glares Naruto eventually came to a conclusion having compared his behavior to that of other children. He knew that he himself could not be at fault for the behavior of the Village People towards him. He never asked for anything that he didn't need, he ate almost all of his vegetables and he always obeyed his caretaker. He briefly wondered whether he was just ugly but upon hesitantly, asking his caretaker she'd snorted and told him to stop asking her stupid questions and to finish his soup, so Narito finished his soup and after tossing and turning in bed that night decided he couldn't she ping Mode control, whether he was ugly or not, and anyone who thought otherwise well, they were the stupid ones. Despite his Brave thoughts, however, Narito didn't go out the following morning and instead remained curled up in his bed by the time he finally got up and pulled up. The blinds the afternoon sun was high in the sky as the summer glow warmed. His face. Narito dully listened to the sounds of the Village People passing by below the chatter of their daily life resounding in his ears, the cup some eggs from the market bumps stepped foot in the library. You know these go on for a week to win country. Burrito'S eyes flew open wine country, while he knew that he lived in kanoha, the hidden village of fire country. The thought that there were other countries had never occurred to him. Yet thinking about it now it seems such an obvious thing: they never left the village himself, but he'd seen the gates, opening and closing many times and seen The Travelers and Merchants streaming in and out, though, the small glimpses of the outside he managed to get through The gates showed only a forest, he realized is now those people must have been headed somewhere. It was then that a sudden, terrible amazing alien thought came to him. Maybe he could join them. It had never even been a possibility to Naruto before, but he felt himself quickly. Warming up to the idea, since the people in his village didn't want him. Yes, why not? Maybe he could just leave a faint shadow of himself, began to play before his eyes. They could imagine it an older version of himself stepping with confidence through the gates and traveling through the forest after a while he'd find another Village and be welcomed with open arms and to the sound of cheers and - and maybe he'd even find other people there with Red hair and whiskers on their faces, and but the loud resounding sound Naruto slapped his hands on his face furiously he shook his head. He was being stupid. He was an orphan, he didn't have any family members elsewhere. His caretaker had made that clear enough, and if he was this hated in his own village, when he'd done nothing, what were the chances of his being accepted anywhere else burning his back on the sun Naruto, let his face cool in the the darkness, while it had Sounded like a great idea, maybe leaving the village wasn't the answer, but if that wasn't then what was was there anything else he could do? Sometimes he wondered what it was like to walk outside in the sun without being jeered at it would be nice. He thought to not have to wear his scarf and sometimes when he saw the other children leaving the playground holding their parents hands something throbbed within his chest. The leaves of the trees in the Hills had long since turned orange and red before the answer came to Naruto from a rather unexpected Source. On the morning of his sixth birthday, he woke up to find the room cold and with no breakfast on the table. This caretaker had always made him three meals a day, washed the dishes after him done his laundry and cleaned his small apartment once a week. She'D never had a kind word for him. In fact, she'd rarely spoken to him at all, but she'd never made him starve before literally staring at the empty table, as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Naruto didn't notice the masked individual that suddenly appeared on the open windowsill before he could do much else. The man had forcefully picked him up and jumped out the window at first thinking that someone had finally decided to attack him in his home. He struggled in the strange man's grip clawing at the man's chest, but he then realized that the man was wearing a porcelain, animal mask and metal chest armor and relaxed as much as he was hated by the rest of the village. It was common knowledge that the strange animal masked men worked for the Hokage sure enough. He was dumped unceremoniously into the hokage's office. Narito didn't remember ever having been in here before, but he could read the characters Hokage on the desk in the middle which his top was overflowing with stacks of paper and Scrolls. The Hokage himself stood before him his age countenance and wise and form almost belied. The strong unwavering eyes that observed him from below the white hat Narito quivered and began to look away, but, unlike the villagers, The hokages Gaze held no animosity or hatred. So he met the Elder, ninjas dark eyes with his own and for a moment he thought he might have seen a flicker of the motion within them, but then it was gone and he turned away. Naruto learned several things that day, though he'd never really, he thought about it before he now learned that the Hokage had been his benefactor, paying for his caretaker and that now that he was six, she would no longer be coming by. We would receive a monthly stipend from the Hokage, but he would have to prepare his own meals and clean up after himself and finally, he learned that he was to attend the academy starting immediately running as fast as his legs could carry him back to his apartment. Naruto was so excited that for once, he didn't even notice the glaring that followed him. After all, the academy was the Holy Grail for the children at the playground having a sibling in it gave you automatic bragging rights, and if you were going to be joining it yourself, uncontested rights to the best swing bar, nothing for the first time in his life. He felt a rising Airy sensation in his chest that he didn't know the word for, however, that evening Naruto watched the sunset from his window and with the growing Darkness, he began to feel a niggling sense of doubt. He'D never been allowed to join or be a part of anything before when attending the academy really changed anything for him. He'D always admired the ninja. Their mystique and power May made them just like the heroes of his childhood folk tales, but could he become like one of them and if he did, would people stop hating him or was he doomed to be hated for the rest of his life? His fingers rested on the windowsill clenched into his palms, leaving behind red marks. No Narito decided none of that mattered. He would just become a ninja that they couldn't ignore despise. He would become so great his red hair. His whisker marks, wouldn't matter whether they thought he was ugly or stupid. None of that would matter. They would become the most revered and respected ninja of kanoha. He would become Hokage even if he couldn't own their bodies or their minds. He vowed he would own their hearts. The next morning found Naruto scanning his own appearance before the mirror. If he was going to become Hokage, he knew he should at least have the ability to make a good first impression on his teacher and his classmates. Thankfully, his caretaker had at least done the laundry before she left. Now he was wearing his best or rather least, Red Bear clothes. This hair, on the other hand, was a completely different story. It was a spiky red Mane that hung down to his neck rolling a lock of the bright hair between his fingers. Naruto wondered if he should trim it, he glanced out his window and let go of the lock. He could see the Hokage Monument from his apartment and if the busts were accurate, the second third and fourth had all had rather crazy spiky hair. Clearly their hair hadn't impeded their rise to the top and he figured that he wouldn't either. In fact, he thought in a passing way the force Harry even rather resembled his own. Nevertheless, he dug out a brush that hadn't seen the light of day since it had been bought and dutifully tugged it through his hair. Finally, with one last check in the mirror, smoothing out a non-existent crease in his shirt, he left his apartment and headed to the academy before he entered the building Naruto paused and looked up at the circular sign that proudly hung in the niche above the doors, the Character for Shinobi was emblazoned on it in bold ink, and he knew enough to know that it was made up by the separate characters of Blade and heart. Together, it meant endure. It seemed appropriate considering the goal that he had in mind, tracing the character with a finger on his palm. He took a deep breath. Instead, up through the doors, the classroom was large with a high ceiling and filled with rows of desks stacked in an increasing Rising order like a staircase, but Naruto Walked In following his new instructor, a man with an old scar across his face who had introduced himself As Yumi naruka, a palpable Ripple of surprise swept through the room. The noise level in the class sharply dropped as dozens of pairs of eyes turned to observe him. Naruto didn't see any of their narrowed gazes but stood awkwardly in front of the Blackboard offhandedly. He realized that he recognized one of the faces that stared back at him. It belonged to the girl with a large forehead who he noticed getting picked on a few times in the playground. This is Uzumaki Naruto Haruka, introduced in a ringing voice at the sound of his name. Some of the children began to whisper amongst themselves, he's six years old and he'll be joining our class from today onwards, so make him feel welcome. I hope we can be friends said Naruto, forcing the tips of his lips up into a smile. He'D never had much of a reason to make one before, but he had observed from afar house miles could lower people's guards. They thought he heard some Snickers and maybe even a muttered tomato head, but for the most part, the children only stared back at him, sullenly considering his introduction, largely a success. Naruto found an empty seat next to another boy, with a dark countenance who idly rested. His head on his hand, it turned out that the class had been going over how to read and write several basic characters that he already knew. So, for the first hour, Naruto had the unhindered liberty of observing his new instructor Veruca had seemed courteous enough when he first introduced himself outside of the classroom, but he wondered what the chicken truly thought of him. Baruch certainly seemed jumpy about him in the last 10 minutes alone. His eyes had flickered four times over to where Naruto was sitting and he had stumbled over his words each time. Judging by the sheen of his face, the man was sweating slightly as well, and Naruto had learned from first hand experience that if it wasn't from the heat it indicated they were nervous from his brief personal interaction with the instructor Naruto could already tell that. Aruka was usually a proficient teacher discreetly, looking around every time, aruka fumbled over a sentence he saw, looks of puzzlement reflected on the faces of his classmates, confirming the fact they returned his gaze to the chicken, just as the man in question looked up at Naruto and Their eyes met for a split. Second Haruka gave no visible signs of reacting and looked away almost immediately, mistakenly writing a different character on the Blackboard as he did so, but Naruto already knew, though it was just the smallest glimmer. He had seen that same strange. Look of fear and revulsion that everyone else in the village had whenever they saw him the spirits beginning to sink. He wondered whether he would be kicked out of the academy. After all, after the lesson on reading and writing the class moved on to chakra and suddenly Naruto found himself out of his depth. Apparently there was something called a chakra point and a person had 361 of them. There was also something called hand: seals and the 12 basic ones were named after the horoscope animals, but not knowing what chakra itself actually was. Narito could barely follow the discussion, let alone participate from the sounds of it. It sounded like magic, but he'd always thought magic was mere fantasy see. So what else could it be an hour of torture? Later the class was over and the students were given a short lunch break as most of the other children filed out of the room. Naruto dawdled at his desk before approaching the instructor, who was flipping through a Sheaf of papers on a clipboard Veruca Sensei Naruto began in a low voice looking down at the ground. Most adults didn't like it when he looked at them directly. Yes Naruto. He heard the rustle of paper above him, heruka's tone was casual, but Naruto thought he could detect a note of tension. Could you tell me what chakra is when the man didn't answer right away? Naruto looked up and hurriedly added, the discussion was very interesting and I wanted to join in, but I'm still not sure what it is and where it comes from to his relief Naruto observed. Some of the tension leave the instructor's face, though he still looked perplexed, while Naruto chakra is a form of energy that all living things have. The energy is a mold of physical and spiritual and goes around your body in a network. We ninjas can use this chakra to perform techniques Haruka paused. Before adding do you know what technique is? Naruto shook his head? No, the technique is a skill made possible by chakra with effects like walking on water, exhaling, fire and creating Illusions. There are all kinds of techniques such as Ninjutsu, tujitsu and even the most basic one requires you to mold. Your chakra. Usually techniques require a certain sequence of hand seals to demonstrate he put his two hands together and quickly made some signs. There was a burst of smoke and suddenly someone who looked exactly like Naruto was standing in front of him, letting out a small exclamation of Amazement. He stepped back. There was another burst of smoke and aruka was standing before him again. That was the transformation technique. It'S one of the most basic ninjatsu techniques and we'll be learning it when your class is a bit more advanced eagerly Naruto put his hands together and mimic the man's hand signs to his disappointment. Nothing happened thus doing the Motions won't be enough. I'M afraid said: aruka with a smile, narito's eyes widened at the sight and the smile slid off of the man's face like sap, he coughed well off. You go now Naruto left with his heart pounding. He couldn't remember anyone having never smiled at him before and unlike the smile he himself had given the class. This hadn't been an offering of Goodwill. It had been a genuine article feeling, like a large burden, had been removed from his shoulders. Naruto began to wander The Village looking for a place to eat that wouldn't chase him out so long as he didn't get on aruka's bad side. Maybe he would be able to learn everything he wanted about being a ninja and then he would be that much closer to becoming the Hokage as Naruto passed by a small restaurant, a ninja with a face mask stepped out from under its flap as the flap dropped Down the most hauntingly delicious Aroma he had ever smelled came wafting out freezing him in place. There was a big paper lantern hanging outside. It, said Raymond ichiraku and bold red characters as though entranced before he knew it. He had lifted the flap and stepped in several of the villagers were already there eating and at his entry they looked up at him, reacting on Instinct Narito, tensed waiting for them to glare at him, but instead their faces group hail rising to their feet with a Clatter, they all left in a hurry, leaving behind an array of empty stools. Well, that was a new reaction. Even he'd never cleared a restaurant out like that before feeling a chill run down. His back Narito turned to the counter to find himself face to face with a stern-faced man and an apron. He waited for him to respond angrily, but instead the man grunted, whether you have fake in the back Naruto's eyes, flickered over to the menu and he stammered out the first item. He saw mizo Raymond less than 10 minutes later, the most majestic bowl of noodles. He had ever seen in his life was placed in front of him slowly. He raised his Chopsticks to his mouth and his warm spread through his body. His Chopsticks picked up in Pace and soon he was inhaling the rest of the bowl. It was not too late, however, hearing the stools beside him clattering. Once more, he looked up and almost choked on a noodle. They were a Rowdy group of children. He recognized from his class at the Academy hunching over his bowl. He tried to shrink in on himself, but without his scarf there was nothing to hide his hair. Well, what do you know? Hey look everyone. It'S tomato head said one of the boys jumping up from his seat. His friends joined him and they rapidly spread out around Naruto to surround him. He said stiffly, my name is Naruto. What was that tomato head? The boy said in a loud voice, cupping his ear as if he hadn't been able to hear him when Narito didn't respond. He dropped his hand and glanced over at his sniggering friends. Nogi here says she heard you asking aruka Sensei about what chakra is the a Sensei couldn't believe it chortled a pudgy girl. He told us after you left that you didn't know anything in that she sniffed. We should help you out all. Does the little baby need his diapers changed, the boy crowed he leaned over and swiped narito's Bowl. Does tomato head want his mommy? Oh wait. He laughed and lifted the bowl to his lips. You don't have one blinking Naruto watched the bully slurp up the remainder of his Raymond out of the corner of his eye. He saw that the owner of the restaurant was preoccupied with another customer. It'S not nice to make fun of people about their parents. He finally said in wild tone that belied the increasingly hot fire that burned in his belly. What would you know about being nice? It'S not like you ever had parents to teach you scoffed a girl. My parents told me to stay away from you cause you're bad added, the boy with relish. I'M not bad gasped Naruto before he could stop himself. You are too no, I'm not R2. I'M not are two damn tomato head. No one wants you here. The boy lifted his hand, up with the bowl still in hand, not comprehending Narito watched dumbly as The Bull flew through the air and hid him on the chest. With a crash spilling cold liquid, all over his best clothes hey, the owner had finally noticed what was going on, but at the sound of his voice, the children all scrambled out the restaurants flap swinging emptyly in their wake Naruto stood Frozen for a second watching with Wide eyes the oily liquid dripping from the ends of his hair. There was a big black splotch now on his favorite orange shirt that he knew would never come out, but gaining shopping mode control of his body. He slowly bent over to pick up the bowl which had, thankfully, not cracked, placing it back on the counter he hesitantly peeked up the owner stared down at him with a twisted look, he didn't understand and flinching. He apologized before lowering his head back down again putting some coins down on the counter. He left not daring to lift his head back up. He raced back to his home, though no voices called out to him the whole long way back. He thought he could feel glares burning into his back once he was home. Naruto robotically began to pull out some of his more worn spare clothes from the closet. All he could think about was how he had to quickly change and return to the academy before the lunch break was over or else he would get in trouble on his first day if he was to become a great Hokage, he couldn't get kicked out. That was only when he was zipping down his ruined hoodie that he noticed that his fingers were trembling and then, as he wondered why they were doing that. He also realized that he had lost all strength in his legs, letting out a small o. He fell down on his knees in the dark room automatically hunching over on his hands. Naruto felt something warm and wet streak down the sides of his face and land with a plop on the floor in a detached sort of way. He realized was surprised that he was crying he had observed before from afar people crying for a variety of reasons. Sometimes people mostly children, cried when they weren't getting their way. Once he'd seen a girl about his age burst into tears when her mother refused to buy her a stick of candy and observed how the mother had given in, but he experimentally asked his caretaker to buy him a stick of candy she'd wordlessly stared at him coldly. As though looking at a particularly disgusting insect on the backside of her sandal they'd, never asked her for anything again after that. Most of the time, however, people cried because they were in pain or because they were sad when a child fell over in the playground and began to cry their mother. Father would frantically look up at the sound of their voice and run over when they saw that the child had only scraped a knee. They would laugh in relief and place a Band-Aid over their injury. Then the child would feel magically better and go back to playing with their friends as he wondered which emotion he was feeling Naruto began to feel even more strange. There was a hazy sensation, creeping up his body and taking over over and then suddenly against his will. He collapsed down completely with his face pressed against the ground. Someone was making a terrible moaning sound and for several seconds he listened an alarm as he looked for its source before realizing that it was coming from himself. The mixer of snot and tears was streaming down. His face and he began to worry about how he couldn't go back to the academy with a splotchy face when suddenly he realized that he didn't care, he wasn't sure what this heaviness in his chest was, but he didn't want to feel it anymore and if crying Would help him lessen it? He would do it after all. No one was there to hear him if he wanted to become a strong ninja. He knew he could never let anyone else see him crying, because the heroes in his book had never cried, but right now he was alone in this cold dark room. Just this once, he thought I squeezed shut and tears dripping from his nose. The cold and detached part of Naruto thought that he should be pleased to have this privacy, but at the same time he had never felt so alone before he felt like he was the only person in the world and the winner is Sasuke, as the watching students Cheered Naruto lying flat on his back looked up at the sky. It was a nice day. He thought with only a few clouds in the sky. After a few seconds passed dredging up the last of his willpower, he clambered up to his feet, ignoring how sore his body felt brushing the dirt off of his pants. He walked to the edge of the wooden platform and leaked heavily down. The next bout will be between Sakura and Eno. He heard a rook a call out and two squabbling. Girls jumped up to the platform nice one Naruto, a boy called out without responding Naruto passed him by, but not before. He heard the boy ad. You lasted almost 10 seconds up there, the children standing near them laughed and feeling the tips of his ears, beginning to burn Naruto abruptly, picked up, pace and ran back inside the academy building. His footsteps pounded loudly through the hallway and even though he knew he should be practicing how to run without making a sound. He couldn't bring himself to care the door to his classroom, opened with a clatter and straining on his tiptoes. He grabbed his bag from his cubby near the end. Merido knew it was wrong to leave when the academy wasn't even over, but the only thing they were doing for the rest of the day was one on one to Jutsu fights. No one would notice him gone, except maybe nogi and her friends anyways, just as he neared the open doors to the front exit. Naruto heard the sound of adult conversation and skidded to a halt, his heart pounding in his ears. He looked right and left looking for a place to hide as the sound grew closer and closer. He chose the first thing, he'd noticed dashing into the niche between the door and the wall. The students coming along they're very promising we're conducting this year's first to Jutsu tournament today and they're all performing excellently Naruto's eyes widened as he recognized iruka's voice hadn't. He just been back at the arena. What was he doing here now had he noticed? Naruto was gone. Unable to put aside his Rising curiosity, he put an eye to the crack of the door and then seeing the person beside aruca. He felt his heart skip a beat. The Hokage was standing right in front of the very door he was now quivering behind. Ah fugaku's younger son is in your class. No quite precocious, isn't he actually, while I'd hate to see him go? I think that if he continues to perform as well as he is doing now, transferring him to a more advanced class wouldn't be out of the question. They are brothers, after all, the Hokage chuckled. There was a short pause as the Hokage seemed to be surveying. The academy building for a horrifying, instant Narito thought that the elderly Ninja's gaze had paused on the sliver of his face and had to fight the urge to run. But then he turned away and Naruto felt some of the feelings begin to return to his face. They resume talking but began to move away in the direction of where the other children were, and, after a short while Narito finally came out from his hiding spot this head. Turning back and forth rapidly to survey the empty lot, Naruto ran as fast as he could. Only coming to a stop when he reached the cover of a patch of trees panting, he rested for a few minutes against the trunk of a cherry blossom tree two weeks had passed since he joined the academy and Naruto had quickly learned that it wasn't just basic Ninja knowledge that he was behind in many of the other students were from Clan, our head ninja relatives, and they had been training since well. Before joining the academy. That was all Naruto could do to keep up with the daily physical exercise, and he was completely out of his depth when it came to actual tujitsu. But all the other children were flipping through the air and flowing from one stance to the next. Naruto was still struggling to follow along without Landing flat on his back. He desperately needed more instruction, but aruka only had so much time to spend on him before he had to move on to the other children. Barucha had told Naruto and the few others who hadn't ever received training before that they would catch up soon. But lately he hadn't been able to bring himself to even look up at the Academy, sign he'd sworn to become Hokage, but the way he was now he thought he'd be lucky to even graduate, if only Naruto thought, if only he had someone outside of the academy To teach him then, maybe he wouldn't be so behind. He shook his head wildly jumping up to his feet. Naruto smacked his cheeks with his hands. If he had time to feel sorry for himself, he thought he might as well spend it practicing drawing himself up to his full height. He turned to face the tree. He had been leaning against emptying his mind. He felt his body relax, adjusting his footing and planting them firmly into the ground. He curled his hands into fists the way he'd learned in class, and then he punched his right fist into the empty air, then drawing that one back. He punched with his left fist right left right left over and over Naruto punched repeatedly into the air, pushing his body to remember the motion. Until suddenly, he realized with a jolt that several hours had passed, the sun had set and the temperature had dropped. He was rummaging through the bushes looking for his bag when he heard the sound of footsteps and froze reacting on Instinct for the second time that day, Narito ducked trusting the Shadows to complete his concealment. The his dismay, the footsteps stopped to the place not too far from where he was hiding. This looks like a great place to talk. Doesn'T it izumo? It was aruka again and compulsively Naruto stepped back even further into the Bush's Shadow sure it was an unfamiliar male voice. This time, what did you want me before? I was just thinking. It'S a Pity. The kanoha archive library is close to civilians, isn't it what of course it is. We wouldn't want sensitive Village information falling into the hands of just anybody, but it's not just that right. There'S a section with Scrolls onto Jutsu Ninjutsu! Well, yes, but civilians would just hurt themselves without formal instruction, but if that section was open to say Academy students that it helped them with their studies, don't you think, are you feeling? Okay Haruka? The voice sounded annoyed. Of course it's open to Academy students, not that my little sister seems to care, though yes, I forgot they'll need an academy, instructor's permission for more advanced level Scrolls, but basic and fundamental scrolls are freely accessible to students. The kanoha archive Library sure comes in handy. Don'T you agree azumo? What is the weight? This is kotetsu, isn't it said the other voice suspiciously? Was that supposed to be your impression of Veruca? I'M right. Aren'T I uh you, you caught me absolutely terrible man, I'm a bit Rusty, I suppose Rusty that doesn't even cover it. Haruka doesn't stomp around like that. He kinda walks with with his hips moving like this. There was a rustling sound uh like this yeah exactly spot on see you can do this, the voices faded away after a few minutes, his heart's still fighting in his chest, Naruto finally jumped out. It had been nerve-wracking hiding the whole time, but he couldn't believe his luck at coming across such a vital piece of information. The library that was it is mind racing with the possibilities. Naruto rushed home if he had stopped even for a minute to retrace his footsteps. He may have found the conversation rather odd, as though performed for his benefit, rather than a truly organic dialogue. Instead, he turned in for the night extra early, practically flying under his bed covers in his excitement. As tends to happen, however, he found himself watching the glow of his alarm clock for half the night, willing time to speed up the whole, while and and when he finally woke up the next morning, not having even realized when he had fallen asleep. He bustled around his apartment, getting ready with more energy than he'd had the entire past week combined bad day's Academy lesson was thankfully conducted indoors, with a primary focus on Reading Writing and maths, and as soon as classes were over, Naruto was the first one out the Door they'd seen and passed by the entrance to the archive library before, of course, it was near his home, built right under the Hokage Monument, but the sign had always looked so official and the long doors were too foreboding climbing up a stone stairway. He hesitated before the entrance reaching out with a hand. He pushed the doors and, despite their size, they opened silently inside a board-looking. Chicken was sitting behind a black counter and beyond that, Naruto felt his eyes widened, as he saw a huge expansive bookshelves with tomes and Scrolls crammed into every open space from top to bottom. There was even another stairway that led downstairs to a whole other floor of bookshelves that stretched from wall to wall pass the chicken in grunted not looking up from the book in his hand, burrito froze his hands tightening over the strap of his bag. He looked down at his toes wondering if he'd misheard, a Ruka or katetsu he supposed that he started out at the sound of his voice. The chicken looked up and his recognition flitted across his face for a second Narito thought he was going to yell at him to get out. But to his surprise, the chicken put down his book and scribbled something on a piece of paper before ripping it out and giving it to him. Here'S your Academy student pass. He said Naruto hesitantly reached for it wondering wildly whether the chicken Inn would snatch it back at the last second with a sneer but his fingers wrapped around the paper and the chicken let go. He returned to his book. Slowly, Narito turned around looking out once more. At the bookshelves first floor, only the chicken added in his bored voice nodding Naruto, shot off before the chicken could take back the pass with his head wrapped in his scarf he'd sneaked a few times into the public library before, but that had held nowhere near the Amount of Scrolls and books that he saw here and it was far quieter here - there weren't any board mischievous children parked here by their parents or feeble old woman yelling at the librarian that their dog was missing. Laredo came to a stop before a bookshelf, marked Academy level and craning his head back to scan the labels on the Scrolls. He let out a slow breath. He'D learned the characters for tujitsun and Jutsu and jinjutsu just a few days ago, and they were all here spotting a stool nearby. He dragged it over and climbed on top on the very first shelf. The very first scroll was to Jutsu for beginners Narito, reached out and pulled it out and was surprised to feel how heavy it was gingerly. He unfurled the thick paper and let out another shaking breath at the site of the detailed illustrations. His gaze raced from each stance to the next taking note of each individual adjustment of the feet and hands. Arudo began to shake and not trusting himself. He carefully rolled the scroll back up his eyes felt hot and he had to remind himself that ninja didn't cry, but it took all the willpower he had to force back the tears and only when his eyes were completely dry. Did he allow himself to open the scroll up again the new? Now these Scrolls would be his teachers, his parents, his friends. One year later, the next bout will be between Naruto and nogi. The girl wearing her hair back in a ponytail stepped out nervously onto the wooden platform. The platform which had been smooth and unblemished at the beginning of the year was now scarred with numerous marks of past fights, serving as a reminder of how far they had come. Since then, opposite her, a young boy with red hair leaped lightly onto the platform making only the slightest sound as he landed, he stood relaxed and comfortably with his hands hanging in front of him. His name was Uzumaki Naruto nogi hated him at first. It had been fun just because he was so easy to make fun of with his stupid hair, and she never got in trouble for picking on him, because nobody else liked him either. When her papa came home, late, smelling of beer and yelled at her mama and told nogi to pick up her damn toys, there was nothing that made her feel better than running outside and taunting him with funa and yasu. Burrito never said anything back, but he never cried either. So it was easy to pretend that he wasn't well one of them. He was weak too nogi, always relished her matchups against him into Jutsu and always used extra Force than necessary when pushing him down to the ground, even though she always got in trouble with aruca but gradually at some point over the year, nogi had suddenly found that He wasn't quite so easy to push down anymore. His awkward movements at the beginning of the year were gone and one day he even managed to connect a kick that was stronger than she'd expected and she was sent flying off the platform. Her friends were immediately at her side helping her up, but when she looked up, Naruto was already getting off the platform without a second glance at her nogi hated him. That was now the end of the year to Jutsu evaluation. She lowered into her preferred starting stance. A compact and defensive one that still gave her enough maneuverability to jab out and go on the offensive in an instant. She hadn't fought against Naruto since he kicked her, but she knew that she couldn't underestimate him anymore. The only one who seemed to be able to knock down the boy nowadays was Sasuke and well. Nobody beat Sasuke begin nogi, 10 stop ready being herself, but to her annoyance, Naruto didn't move. He just stood there watching her with a blank look on his face and after a few seconds, she couldn't hold it in anymore, his red hair taunted, her filling her with anger and she charged at him. Their hands were outstretched and she threw herself forward when he stepped aside. She felt something smashed down on her back and grunting in pain. She fell flat on her face before she could get back on her feet. She felt Naruto kicked down on her side and shove. Her off the platform she landed roughly with a loud thud and coughed as a cloud of dirt erupted around her. The winner is Naruto nogi forced her sore body to turn around and seeing narito's back as he walked off the platform. She felt hot tears begin to form in her eyes. She really hated him after the year's evaluation when aruka took Naruto aside and asked whether he wanted to be transferred to an upper-level class. He answered yes without a second's hesitation, instead of being in the top of his class as he was now, he would probably have to return to being in the bottom most rung again, but Narito didn't mind. He knew that with patience and hard work, his teachers would guide him once more. I'M glad it worked out was aruka's. Last remark to Naruto, though he didn't quite understand what the chicken in meant that winter Naruto spent even more time in the archives than before, determined to get an early start on his studies. And finally, when Springtime came and the academy opened again, he found himself standing before yet another class of strange faces that looked back at him with Sullen eyes, stealing himself with a blank look. He prepared himself for yet another year of insufferable, snickering and taunting. However, to his surprise, his new classmates were slightly different. They were older than him being 9 or 10 years old, and he found that to some extent they had grown out of the ignorant cruelty of their childhood. They were at the age when they began to think for themselves instead of blindly following what their parents told them to, but at the same time nobody approached him. Naruto wasn't an outsider, but he wasn't one of them. He was just something that sat beside them in their classroom and sparred with them outside. Well, that was fine with Naruto he'd gotten along just find without any friends in his first class, and the Newfound piece in his current class was more than enough for him. He had his teachers in the archives, they taught him and kept him company, and even more than that, they were his friends and Narito didn't have to hide anything from them. Naruto had two secrets that he'd never told anyone else. The first was that he felt two types of chakra running through his body. Of course he couldn't see any of it, but if he had to describe them in terms of how they felt he'd say the first one felt yellow and that the second felt red he had never tried directly using the second chakra he'd found out early on that. So long as he focused on his yellow chakra, he could easily direct it together wherever he wanted. The red chakra was much Wilder and much more stubborn and sometimes disrupted his chakra, making his Ninjutsu fail. After some deliberation and several headaches, he had put aside his red chakra, focusing instead on controlling his yellow chakra. The second secret was that when he nudged his red chakra, a curious black seal appeared on his abdomen. It looked similar to the symbol on the shoulders of the Ninja uniform, with squiggly lines coming out like the Rays of the Sun, but there wasn't much more Naruto could decipher about it. After all, in the academy they hadn't learned anything beyond the Bare Bones of conjutsu. Let alone anything about putting seals on a person the implications of there being a seal on his body were initially chilling. Why was it there who had put it there and what was its ceiling? Was it perhaps the source of his red chakra to his disappointment? There was nothing useful on the subject of advanced konjitsu in the archives and when he tried to reason it out in his mind, all it did was give him a headache. Thinking about it rationally Naruto would have expected himself to do everything that he could to figure out the seal, and yet, strangely enough he felt no compulsion to do so. On the contrary, he found the topic of the sea leave and slipping from his mind, sometimes to the point that he had to stop and think about what he was looking for in the archives. It was a strange thing, but, aside from the occasional headache, it didn't seem to affect him in any tangibly negative manner. Nor was there anyone he could have asked about it in the first place. In the end, after several weeks of frustration, he put it aside for good and stop thinking about it at all, and so the months passed every morning, Naruto woke up early and after his routine sets of push-ups and pull-ups, as recommended by a body training scroll. He practiced building up chakra by walking out the walls of his apartment. They also began to spend his mornings meditating and concentrating on feeling the flow of his chakra running through his body. It was hard to believe that there had once been a time when he didn't know what chakra was. It was the spirit of his very self-circulating throughout his body in the afternoons Naruto attended the academy and learned about chakra and hand seals mastering basic techniques. He studied how to set traps, how to disguise his own presence and how to eliminate as much sound as possible from his movements. He learned how to detonate explosive tags remotely with chakra and could release himself from all Basics. He was smaller than everyone else in his class, so he didn't win quite as easily as he had before, but he made sure none of his losses were in vain. Instead, he learned how to weave in and out to confuse your opponent and how to use his opponent's movements and body weight against them and in the evenings Naruto hurried to meet his teachers and friends in the archive library in return for his loyalty they granted to Him their secrets, teaching him the lore of how one worked of how one used hand seals to manipulate how much chakra one used to fuel a technique. He learned that, while the academy taught them the traditional way to use seals, a true master of ninjatsu could perform a complex with just a single hand. Seal Naruto had become such a frequent visitor at The Archives that eventually the chicken had stopped paying such close attention to him. He didn't want to lose their trust, but sometimes when he thought it was safe. He slipped out of the academy section and went into the higher level shelves. It was there that he discovered that a technique called the cage. Bundchen Shadow clone technique existed, which is useful. This far outstrip that of the simpler version they learned in the academy determined to master it. He slipped it back with him into the academy section. Then he quickly read through the instructions, hiding it behind a scroll about the applications of water and agriculture reading through it. It became readily apparent as to the reason why they didn't teach it at the Academy. Unlike the illusionary Clones, the shadow clones took up substantially more chakra. It was an amount that the typical person couldn't afford to expend. However, in his experimentations, with his different types of chakra, Naruto had come to realize that his chakra reserves far exceeded that of any ordinary Ninja's levels, and so with extensive practice in the forest, he was eventually able to successfully summon several Shadow clones furthering his studies. He also began to read about chakra theory. He read about chakra affinity and from a test with special chakra paper, learned that he had affinity for the wind element from then on. Following the rather cryptic diagrams provided in the Scrolls, he began to experiment with molding his yellow chakra, observing how its properties changed, depending on how he manipulated it. But Narito first succeeded in changing the form of his chakra into being as sharp and thin as possible and then released it. He found himself being blasted off of his feet as a strong gust of wind exploded in the area around him, though it was exhausting. It was also exhilarating and the reader resolved to add Elemental manipulation to his daily exercises, determined to master it in this manner. Three years slowly passed but Naruto was 10. He graduated from the academy at the top of his class and was put into team 7 with two other Jennings, a girl named mayukamizuki and a boy named dry hagging Mayu, a small forgettable girl with brown pigtails, was timid and seemed entirely too afraid of Naruto. To talk in his presence, instead, she hid behind their other teammate Rai, a tan dark-haired boy, whose face was somewhat marred by a scar that ran strikingly across his left cheek. Neither seemed altogether pleased about being in the same group as the village. Pariah arjunin teacher was the renowned Shinobi copy, ninja Kakashi, leaning against the railing of the Roof Garden. Kakashi looked down in silence at his new gen and team. Their facial expressions and the way they had positioned themselves was very telling. The girl, kamazuki Mayu, was biting her lower lip and looked like she wanted to be anywhere else, but there Kakashi wondered for a moment how she had passed the academy test. She had gotten one of the lowest score Wars in Ninjutsu and the de facto lowest into Jutsu, but the forgettable looking girl apparently had a bit of a flare for and had even managed to conceal her presence from the chicken instructor, which was impressive. Indeed, at the moment, however, she clung onto the arm of the boy sprawled on the ground. Next to her hagging Rye, when Kakashi LED his gaze Linger on the long scar across his face, the boy scowled fiercely he glanced away, it seemed that kotetsu's younger brother would be a handful indeed. Finally, he let his thoughts rest on the third genen use a Maki Naruto. He was two years younger than the other two and yet had passed with the highest total score on the exam, his new hitai gleaming on his forehead. He sat noticeably apart from the other two though Naruto's blank face was rather more difficult to read. Kakashi could make out a note of determination ingrained in the boy's eyes boho. He had to wonder what exactly the boy wanted to prove so much despite his best efforts. Seeing maruto's face up close like this Kakashi couldn't help but think of his own Sensei. The boy may have had his mother's hair, but everything else was his fathers. While he had been under strict orders from the third Hokage to not approach Naruto. Until now, he had seen from afar just how much the boy had suffered at the hands of the ignorant villagers. The third had said that the experience would make him strong, just as monado had wanted, but Kakashi couldn't help, but think that his old Sensei would have been furious at him for letting his son grow up without knowing how much he had been loved at long last. Kakashi clapped his hands together to get the attention of his newest team. I am your nude instructor had a Kakashi so that I can know you better. Let'S go around in a circle with your names. You can also tell me your likes dislikes hobbies and your dreams. The three Jennings stared, silently back at him and Kakashi, had to suppress a sigh. How about you go first, he gestured towards Rai who scowled again but acquiesced the names hagging Rye, the boy grumbled. I love anything to do with weapons. My goal is to become the best weapon specialist in kanoha and he glowered at Kakashi. I hate being ordered around the handful Kakashi thought to himself now the girl he ordered Maeve stiffened under his gaze and Kakashi noted with concealed interest. How for some reason, her eyes momentarily flickered in Naruto's Direction? My name is Mayu. I like birds and, and I dislike it well, my hobby is looking at the sky and my dream is to work with orphans one day and improve their lives.

Corey Shell: Please make a part 2 of this story it's really awesome

Killmonger: I love fanfics where Naruto has red hair.

nelson paulino: Part 2 please we need it

Androx tempest: So this story is pretty much if naruto had the physical traits of nagato ie the red hair and rinnegan

marko bleach: Many fanfics have what if Naruto had sharingan or rinnegan but those storys are always canceled.

story Shinobi12: Part 2

Pawan Nagre: Where is rinegan

talk all day and night: Part 2

Frank Bergman: P2 pls

Phoebe Haywood: P3

Phoebe Haywood: P2

Phoebe Haywood: P2

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