Hairdresser Reacts To Worst Bleach Fail Ever

Hi Beautiful! This must be the worst bleach disaster I've ever seen in my life. I didn't even know what to say.

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Hi beautiful, how are we today you look amazing. Thank you for being here. 20/20 has brought us a lot of things we didn't ask for, but some treats one of those treats being a lot of new hair, fast, really really really terrible ones. Actually, I'm pretty sure all these bleach pills are just getting worse and worse and worse, am I the reason for that we may never know so today I heard that this video is really wild, we're watching one person today and if you know my channel, I haven't Watched just one person's video in a hairdresser reacts in a long time. Well, maybe like one here and there, today's video is a three part saga and it gets wild from what I'm told by a lot of people who have sent me this in DM, and thank you guys for sending me really [ __ ] up videos. All the time, I really appreciate it sometimes they're hard to find - and I feel like today's is gon na - be really really interesting. So let's watch it and see what happens. Let'S get it started. Sorry wait hold on before we actually watch this video. I wanted to talk about something exciting when I was in her school I used to go to this show called the Beauty experience New York, it's a huge Expo of all hair and beauty stuff, and this year I have my own booths there for my brand X. Mondo, so if you guys would like to come and meet me and take some pictures, I will be there and we will be giving away free stuff. You'Ll have to come and see what that is, but it's exciting. So if you live around the New York City area, please come and say hi if you're gon na be there please come to my booth, I would love to see you and meet you and one other exciting thing is if you would like to go and would Like some free passes, I can potentially help you with that. You guys know I love to do giveaway, so I will be doing one for this. Also I'll be giving one person to free all access passes to the Beauty experienced New York to come and meet me. I'M gon na say: hi take a picture grab some free swag from X, mondo it'll, be so much fun and you guys know when I do giveaways they are so easy to enter. All you have to do is follow me on instagram grande mondo NYC and follow my hair care brand ex mono hair and just show me that you want to win in any which way you want that's up to you and the giveaway will close on March, 8th, Which is one week from today, so if you would like to enter get on it and I'll post the winner on my Instagram story on that day, and I will notify you if you win so good luck and I cannot wait to meet you guys at the Beauty experience New York, it's gon na be so much fun. It'S my first kind of X, mondo pop-up. So this is very exciting for me and very full circle. So I'm excited alright back to what you came here for alright. So the video is called hair bleach fail, and this is part you know this is by a girl named Bailey or baliya, not sure Bailey, uh Wilke take it or leave it. That is her name, and this is her video and let's see what that happens, I'm kind of excited but also kind of mortified and scared. Right now and we're gon na go look for some dye. Why are we looking for diet, Walmart, bye? What'S going on there? She'S really pretty hair she's about to fit. You know, I already know it, but this one is really bad. It'S gon na be really bad yeah we die. That'S it! That'S not how this works. It'S not you can't just dye it back and then there goes all the damage. It'S all gone and you know you're all good. All of a sudden. It'S not how it works. We love Alex, died, so she's like a level-4, and if you don't know what a level-4 is, it's just a very dark brown, hair, so shiny. It looks like virgin hair. We love some virgin, hair and she's about to bleach it with box, tae ha ha and she probably has no idea what doing not. Gon na lie are my way here, so we got paintbrushes because we couldn't find an actual thing. Okay, so this is the stuff for you. It says we can go from this color to this card. What world are we doing that with one box color one session? How are they not getting sued, left and right for these claims they put on box ties? It just doesn't make sense to me we're sectioning great we're putting foils down okay, that entire thing is gon na cover her entire head and that's not gon na happen. Okay paint brush, though okay foils, though actually not a bad technique. We know maybe a finger of course. It'S not the prettiest way of doing things. Of course, she's not doing it that well, but at least she's not going up to the root and she's using foil, which is good cuz. It'S gon na ank, you bate it's going to keep that heat in and it's going to process the ends much faster. It'S gon na provide a much cleaner lift. I would totally these foils if I was lightening at this girl's hair, because her hair really dark she's taking really big sections. Usually the sections would be extremely fine. There'S gon na be a lot of spotting, I'm sure the worst thing ever 45:20. Our we've been good. So far, it's looking so bad. I was so wrong. I thought it looked decent. We were onto such a great start and then she pulled out those foils and we now see the damage that has been done very difficult to reverse damage that she has placed on her head. It looks terrible, I mean she literally missed every spots. It is so dark in some places it is so light in some places and that's the worst position to be in it's really hard to correct. I don't have much help so so I'm gon na shower shampoo really hard. Don'T don't do that wash out the conditioner and I'll be back? Don'T shampoo! Your head really hard! Your hair was just bleached and you don't want to make little abrasions on yours Cup, yeah yeah, oh, I thought we skipped the roots. What happened? I really didn't think it was gon na come out this bad. This is really bad and it also just doesn't look at that light and I'm very puzzled by it because I feel like it was a lot lighter before we took the oils out. I don't know it just looks like awful, um sorry, but you're, letting her do your hair again Lexi. You should just stopped here bro and into my car, and this was her first time seeing my hair okay, okay, but we can fix it. Okay, so we're in Lexi's so confident I'm living for it. She has the confidence I aspire to have when I'm doing things that I have no idea how to do we're back at Lexi's around 2:00 yeah guys. We got three things for them later and yeah. So if Lexi doesn't apply this Lightner strategically and place it only on the darker spots, if she does end up overlapping on some of this really light hair, her hair is going to get fried. I don't know what developer is in this solution: they're using, but I'm pretty sure it's probably over 30 volume or 30 volume, and that over some of those light bits are going to absolutely fry her hair and I'm guessing she's. Just gon na apply the lightener all over the entire head and see what happens so yeah. I can't wait to see this application method where we go on we're right over the dam roots again what the bleep. Why are we doing it all over the roots? Again? Why are we doing that? She does look fierce as a blonde. I'M not gon na lie like that. Hair. Pull back like that. Oh okay, Lexi's, gon na take a look, see the progress. It'S been about, 25 minutes, confident Lexi. We love you girl. We love you! It actually doesn't look good Lexi um. It actually looks still very spotty, but I wouldn't leave it on any longer. Cuz. Her hair on her scalp was gon na come off because you just overlapped Lightner on her head. Lexi, God loves ya. She just started brushing it. Maybe this will help you. I am mad at Lexi. I say we give it like 15. More minutes. Okay, I love hair stylist Lexi. She is a pro, so I have yet to see why I'm not ready. I am not ready, I'm not. I don't think it'll be this orange, like it almost seems like they're pranking me, but I know they're not. I know they're dead, serious, listen, crop love, you I'm sure you're watching you you're fabulous you beautiful, but um, conditioner mmm, it's not gon na say. If your hair, right now, it's not you're using conditioner twice, it's not gon na make your hair blonder your hair is wrecked. There'S no! Like brown spots. You know that's good, that's good! God dammit! Why didn't it all turn out like this? Okay, because to be doing correctly yeah we got ta, wait till it dries. Do you hate it? I'M like kind of thinking, I'm a ginger right. I hope when you're doing it this chief of the wrong, I mean it's definitely a look. Okay, I feel a lot better now that it's drying yeah, it looks a lot better. Oh yeah Loki. Why am i kind of Ivan yeah, I'm obsessed with how optimistic they are I'm obsessed with them? It'S not wet, but it's like damn damp. I don't know if we should try and start straightening my hair now, so they start straightening or wet hair. It actually doesn't look horrible. This lighting, I've not seen it in other Lighting's, but what I can see from my phone right now. I would give it like generous: we love a generous sister. No, I just I just it just need time: okay, yeah, okay, maybe we'll a new who knows orange in natural light; okay, so that was the end of part. One there's three parts to this whoo, I'm feeling like this is gon na. Go really juicy. Basically because the thumbnail says I'm bald okay, so we have a little bit more going. You can already see my roots are already back in. It'S been a while Johnson's here, but yeah we're gon na fix my hair. This girl don't give up, and I kind of with it so now we're here applying more of the box bleach onto the same hair. She just reached twice and the hair that cannot handle any more lightning it can't it can't handle it. It is gon na snap off and it's not gon na be cute. This is gon na be a disaster 100 %. We are reapplying forgetting record, but right now she is toning. My hair toning - I don't know, but something is going on that head and it looks not safe. No, it looks like it's t18, with probably 30 million, which, oh my god, oh my god. I can't believe how much bleach, how much lighter she's put on her head - and this is gon na - be definitely one of the messiest moments we've ever seen on a hairdresser iax, I'm already calling it out. I feel this is gon na, be tragic. Okay, guys we're back at it, don't tell me, don't tell me, don't just touching up the roots and then she's gon na go over pieces. That, like need to be, I don't know, are you doing and then yeah and yeah. We just found a chunk of hair that was like out dude. Her hair, like finally looks decent. We are now on the fourth round. I actually thought that the last time would be the last, but I don't know if this is ever gon na end. I really am just not sure at this point: you guys you can't keep putting Lightner on that hair. It'S going to actually fall off. Your hair can only get so light, especially when you have really dark hair. Typically, it stops at a yellow-orange phase and kind of never goes beyond that. It'S very hard to get platinum, platinum, blonde hair, when your hair is naturally really dark and there's little ways of tricking the eye with owners to make it look like it's platinum. When it's really not, we are applying more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more Lightner all over her scalp. Why are we putting it on her scalp, though, like that's what I don't get, because the scalp was the lightest part of her hair? What makes you think you need to keep putting more light nur on the scalp, I'm now we're doing the whole head again. She literally just pulled a piece of hair out of her head. While she was putting color on her hair and kept going. Can we do a rewind to that qui show that again she just pulled the piece of hair out and kept going. Why would you do that? Why would you do that come on? I joke a lot, but I'm actually like. Why are you doing this? Why is this so like such a joke like I, this is terrible. I wasn't concerned, and that is why I didn't tell you what part about that much hair coming out of somebody's head, while you're lightening their hair is not concerning leave a comment below and let me know, do you just see how much hair is coming out when She did that this is the most expensive shampoo I've ever frickin bought in my life yeah. I don't know it's this hemorrhoids now her hair is extremely porous and then she's gon na use shimmer lights on top of her extremely porous hair, which is gon na result. In our hair turning purple in some spots, I'm sure it's gon na be very uneven. Apache, it's going to be terrible. I already know it. Oh my god! This was not the length of my hair. This is all probably gon na come out because that's not relate to my hair yeah. Oh my god, I'm getting chills dude. My entire body has chills. Oh my god. Sorry. I have nothing to say this. Like isn't funny to me, she said: why is her hair? Still orange, that's because her hair can only lift to a certain point. She is Asian Asian hair is known to not lift. Well, it's a lot more coarse. It'S very dark! It'S very difficult to live. You can only push it to a certain point. Oh my god. You can see how scared she is in her eyes. She'S bald Hailey's was at the top right they're putting toner on her hair with more developer. Oh, my god, I think it finally said over she's so upset it wasn't gon na happen either way you could have had the healthiest blondest hair possible. If you took the right steps. Unfortunately, you didn't, and you ended up with this. I don't mean that to make you feel bad. I just want people to know that was not what happens when you bleach your hair, your hair doesn't just fall out, definitely a trooper and she is gon na get over it good. These friends are just rubbing it in stop brushing your hair. Oh my god, you guys. I think that this is the worst bleach fail. I'Ve ever seen stop brushing your hair when your hair is lightened to this state, it is so fragile. You have to be so delicate with it and when it's wet, it's even more fragile, you need to let that dry as much as possible before brushing it. That way. Your hair fiber is at least strong enough to just stay in your head because at this point it's really compromised and at this point you should probably do some protein masks. You should probably do some really heavy conditioning treatments and get it back to health, but don't overload it with protein, because your hair will also snap off from that, because, right now your cuticle is just blown open. You need to add back some of that good stuff, but not too much of it or else it'll get overfilled and it will snap off again I'm so used to your black hair. Sorry, I don't mean to make you feel more bad, but it actually couldn't have been worse so now we're cutting it. Sorry I am like so in it and eight days right now. I just can't fathom what just happened, and so now we're going in and we're cutting it. I hope we're just cutting it all off how the hell is. This girl still smiling how I aspire to be more like you, I aspire for the world to be more. Like you, this is one of the worst things that can happen, and you are just saying: they're smiling, oh my god. Now we have an undercut. When did that happen? What is this? What is happen? Okay, actually from their front, it doesn't look like totally horrible. She actually that's really cute. I don't know how they pulled that off. Okay, so we end there. She didn't really show her hair, which is really annoying. They ended up like covering it a bit with the style, but this is a month. This is like a month later or something and she's gon na get a haircut. I just want to see what's going on we're just gon na watch, this really quick and see. What'S up, okay, let's see what's going on. Oh, she has some roots. Her hair some house on her had - I really don't know how good? Why are you still not in a salon? Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I really believe that you would look so incredible with a shaved head. I think you should just go for it. I think that is gon na, be so stress, relieving for you to just shave it all off start brand new grow out your natural hair again, and do it right next time, if you're gon na, do it next time, which I wouldn't because I would just stay Away from the bleach at this point, but I think you should shave it off, I think you're so pretty. Naturally, I don't think you need hair. I don't! I don't think anybody really needs hair. I think it's a cool accessory, but it's just unnecessary suicide. I'M so sorry babe, I don't mean to make you feel bad like I I don't know I feel bad. Why is it like this girl gives know she's like yo, just keep [ __ ] up my hair? Who cares at this point just who cares actually so much better, but that looks so cute. I wish she had really. I wish she actually had a hair in her head. Oh my god, it looks better. I don't know that's sort of where it ends and you've heard everything I have to say already. I don't feel like repeating myself. That was quite horrendous. That'S my conclusion that was wild. I am gon na be thinking about this video for a while now anyways, all right, you guys that is it for today's video. I am at a loss for words, it's very rare that I am taken aback by these videos. I'Ve seen obviously so many over the years now with you guys - and this was probably the worst I've ever seen. Congratulations. You really threw me for a loop on this. One don't forget to follow me on instagram at brahmand. Oh my see follow my hair care brand ex mono hair for fabulous amazing haircare products. The website will be linked below also so check it out and don't forget to enter my giveaway. If you would like to come and meet me and get some free hair products, that is all for today, guys. Thank you so much for watching, don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time bye guys. This is VIPRE, smoothing oil. This oil is a combination of all of my favorites. It has Bo bap oil, argan oil carrot seed oil. Now what sets its oil apart? Is it really penetrates the hair cuticle? It goes deep inside instead of just laying on top of the hair and adding a greasy film, it's gon na actually go inside help, supply nutrition, hydrate and add a lot of shine.

Brad Mondo: I cannot believe what I just saw...

Litalici0us: you can tell her friends are so excited and are living for that girl embarassment...

Victoria Howe: that second friend asking “why is her roots still orange” then laughing at her without a care in the world that her hair was falling out, is the type of friend i never wish on anyone. she was EXCITED to see her ruin her hair.

ingrid freitaSS: her friend actually studies about hair, she knew what she was doing... they were wanting to make that poor girl look bad since when it started

SA: Brad getting mad towards the end. Like yeah this isn’t even funny anymore. That “friend” was sabotaging her it seemed.

Maddie Romanoff: The microaggressions and ignorance in this. Poor girl. This is traunatizing

midge kg: When your 'friends' look sadisticly happy that your hair is falling out, it's time to find new ones.

MountainTop: It’s hard not to see this through the prism of an Asian girl really wanting the disrespectful and mocking white girls who treated her like a pet to like her. Then with the black girl who didn’t harm her at all and actually tried to help her, she had no trouble assertive herself and giving orders without any kind of the same friendliness. Growing up isn’t all fun, but I hope there were lessons learned, about both hair and friendship.

Bum K: I had a former manager who wanted to go dark brown to full platinum. Her expensive hair dresser she had been seeing for years was trying to lighten in stages, giving her hair breaks between treatments. She decided he was going to slow and went to someone who said he could dk it in one treatment. The next day she came in with 1/2 inch long hair, it fried her hair so bad when they went to remove the foil all the hait stayed on the foil. If the guy who has years of experience says no, dont go to some hack its not worth it people.

Whizzabelle: I'm not a jealous person, but even if I was, I cannot imagine being so jealous of someone I'd try to make their hair fall out - that's some psychotic behaviour right there

Chelsey Jianni: Yeah, these girls are immature as hell. The fact that they could destroy their friend's hair and act like it's some kind of joke is just horrible. This is tragic.

Sam Diego: The girl who was doing her hair at the end was a true friend. She wasn’t getting off on seeing things get worse and worse. She genuinely helped. The others are truly toxic. Avoid, avoid, avoid.

Golden C.: The second girl with the eyes too close together *relished* in destroying this girl's hair. At one point Brad paused the video and it was on that girl's face and it just looked like she enjoyed hurting people. She likes being mean and she did this on purpose. She's a terrible friend and a bad person in general.

theresamakespaper: I’m shocked her hair held up as long as it did. These women should be ashamed of themselves for doing this to this girl even though she was being so good natured about it. This was ridiculous. I hope she found better friends

Ingrid A.K Klevstuen: I’m a hairstylist, this hit me straight in my soul. I literally have no words.

Carrie Paul: Poor girl. Her “friends” are toxic. Why didn’t they stop her?!

Kaela Castro: This was so hard to watch. Those lil “friends” of hers ain’t really her friends. They were laughing as her hair was falling out.

Michaela McDonald: These are straight up BAD friends. My friends and I used to do each other’s hair all the time. One time our one friends hair began getting compromised , we noticed. Washed off bleach IMMEDIATELY and ran to the store and got a bond repair and mask for her.

Camdyn Amanda: As a ✨teenager✨ and someone who has worked in a hair salon for 4 years… this makes me so angry. You can tell her ‘friends’ knew it was a bad idea to keep going. They pressured her into fucking to her hair because ‘hey! Bleach is all fun and games when it’s not your hair being ruined.’

Danielle Phillips: This is the first hair dresser reacts where I got genuinely mad instead of laughing I can tell that Brad was mad too. Those “ friends” especially the ones in the 2nd video are NOT your friends sis ! Edit : The queen in the last video was the only one who was genuinely trying to help her with a salvageable hair style

Amanda Straight: I’m literally speechless….one thing I will say is this poor girl needs NEW friends

CHELS: I’m sorry but did anyone else feel like she needs new friends...

KWEK^2: My friends dyed my hair and when they saw that it was too light, they ordered me to wash it immediately so that it won't do the damage. Now that's what real friends are.

Christina Vergara: After watching this and reading the comments, this really does seem like some cruel prank from these girls.

Brian Salazar-Prince: 21:30 - Brad gives up and tries to sell somebody on a shaved head. It's just hilarious to me to see a professional who's like... yeah, that's a dumpster fire - put it out and start over.

Mahreen Athar: It's been 10 minutes since I finished this video, I'm still here at this page, in shock. I can not believe what i just saw. Those are some of the most horrendous "friends". I just..I just have no words. I'm shook.

Amy W: I can’t be the only one who thinks her “friends” purposely sabotaged her

milliasian: I feel terrible for her :( I’m a licensed hairstylist and Brad literally said everything I was thinking hope her hair is better now and she has better friends now

Vegas Zen: With "friends" like hers, who needs enemies? She needs real friends who aren't merely yes-people and are genuinely interested in her success.

Mauricio Aular: I've been watching A LOT of hairdresser reacts videos just to make myself feel better from the ABUNDANCE of hair that I have been losing for the past 2 months now as a result from catching Covid. I've lost over half of my hair volume in this time and epic fails like this have been making me feel better. My hair is one of the few things I like about myself physically so it hasn't been easy. Thanks Brad and thanks to everyone who's failed for our entertainment.

AmayaMaka: "I don't think anybody really needs hair. I think it's a cool accessory." Can I just like.... I love some of the thoughts you have. They seem so radical (Can you be radical about hair?) and also they are so awesome.

Catanalina Cazenave: I hope this girl saw this video so she can see how thousands of people notice how horrible her friends are. Like girl you deserve better.

Toni Hunter: Nobody can convince me that this wasn’t kind of on purpose from her “friends”

peytonnn: yea no, that “friend” purposely sabotaged her she was laughing while watching her friends hair fall out. like are you kidding me I hope she sees this and understands that she is not a friend. I wish the best for her and hope she’s able to fix it damm was that fucked up

SIR KANE SADDINGTON: This brings back great memories of the time I made a woman go bald. I warned her not to do it. But she insisted. I warned her what would happen, but she didn't listen. She demanded I use her 40vol on already blonde THIN hair, so I obliged with even more repeated warnings. Her hair instantly had that slimy "I'm dissolving" feeling, which I pointed out to her, and warned that she should wash it out straight away and not continue. Apparently I didn't know what I was talking about. 45 minutes later, I had a wet bald woman in a towel screaming at my door that I had ruined her hair. Zero compassion or empathy was given, though she was thoroughly laughed at. I do not regret the loss of that 'friendship'.

Kioko Koffin: This really broke my heart. She deserves good friends- not these awful girls.

Dominique Everett: I like how she has so much to say when the dark skin girl was doing her hair but was a mouse when the other girls deep fried her hair off ‍♀️

putgordon: I just love watching you. I'm also a retired Hairdresser. I had to stop because I started getting really bad headaches on days I worked. I was having reactions to all the chemicals in the shop.

Cori Sedai: Any time my friends and bleached and dyed each other’s hair we were so carful. The fact that her friend kept going AFTER her hair feel out while bleaching it… they should know better. Having fun messing up your hair is very different then it being damaged to the point of needing to shave it.

Louisiana Lady: I would have been crying with tears of GRIEF if my friends did this to me! I'm so sorry!

Monique Robledo: Ok it’s time to bleach the other girls hair and see if she’s laughing then

L Lawliet: She's so rude to the one girl at the end who is genuinely trying to help her. I don't feel bad for her anymore.

graffitiwomen: I'm 45 yrs old, and I've gotta say I've never even seen anything like this, and my younger sister and I were CONSTANTLY dying our hair. Though big props to my Mom, who had a very idgaf attitude about hair, she said a)we were the ones who had to walk around like that and b) that it's just hair, it'll grow back. She did rescue me once and got my hair fixed by professionals, when I tried going strawberry-blonde over dyed black-brown hair and ended up with an inch+ of orange roots(probably because she did the same thing herself when she was young). I appreciate her not making a fuss in retrospect because it really is just hair, and it really will grow out, regardless of cut, color, etc. You make me smile! Thanks!

Jimena Jett: If a friend asks me to dye her hair I would say "No, go to a hairdresser" that's what a true friend would do..

Deja Lei: Watching the way her “friends” reacted to the situation; it is apparently clear that Those friends are not her friends!! Seeing the way they treated her was infuriating. I hope she’s happy now and surrounded by better people!

anonymous cool dude: she trusted waaaayyyy too many of her “friends” with her hair and now it’s literally ruined. the girl with the black hair should never be allowed to touch a persons hair ever again

Davarra Shayde: ....omg this reminds me of when i was younger and my older sister who has a natural brown hair color, not super dark brown but definitely not a blonde-ish brown either...she was sooooo set on being platinum blonde that she did multiple peroxide treatments, oil treatments while out in the sun, as well as having me help bleach her hair multiple times...ultimately over the course of months of this her hair was FRIED...when she would get it wet it felt like really squishie mud....i refused to do any more of these bleachings and told her that she needed to stop because her hair was dead and honestly would have been better to cut it off...she eventually just let it grow out, slowly cutting the dead fried blonde parts off and leaving healthy hair she hasnt messed with sense...but was BAD....

potato pirate: I hope she has left these friends, and gone to therapy to figure out why she's so trusting of people who have proven time and time again that they don't know what they're doing and have zero concern for her feelings apart from how they reflect on them.

Abigail Benvenuti: "That looks so cuuuute.... I wish she had hair on her head" .... I'm actually laugh crying Love your videos!!

Influencerzwerg: From time to time I like to come back to this video to remind me that, whatever I have done to my hair up until now, it's never been that bad and every time my friends helped me, they did an amazing job

J Bock: Low key her friends hate her. There’s no way they thought *any* of this was ok

biggestrebel: I havent even finished the video and I'm shocked by the difference in Brad's reaction to this girl's "friends" reactions. I bleach and color my hair at home (trauma associated with people touching my hair, working on it in therapy, and I think I might make my first salon trip next year in over a decade). However, I did a lot of research (and of course watched Brad's video eventually!) But if I ever did burn off my hair or anything, my friends wouldn't LAUGH. They would be as concerned as Brad and do as much as they could to help. Its so heartbreaking to see her go through this ugh. Ok on to the rest >o<

Sabrina Toner: As a hairstylist I can honestly say that watching that was an experience that will haunt my soul forever.

Kristi Nicole: I just want to say I used colorista on my hair and it made my hair so damaged I’ve never had my hair break off the way it did when I used this brand. Super depressing.

Lyss VanEssen: Brad when I tell you this is THE most stressful video I have watched in my ENTIRE LIFE... My heart may never be the same.

Alex Rodriguez: Brad showed her more compassion than her “friends” did

Laquanda Lutrell: Thank you so much for this video!! I am a stylist for past 8 years I've always known damages from box dye and bleach overall..but I've never actually seen hair fall out instantly. Lol most blondes are addicted...YouTube's please at least watch videos of how to retouch lightened hair before applying omg

Kimberly Patterson: You try so hard to be kind and helpful even though we know that you’re dying inside! But it’s obvious that you care very much about people and want them to feel beautiful! You have a wonderful heart ❤️!!

Misty Telling: This poor girl got done so dirty! I'm not going to say what I would do to those bullies for doing that to her on purpose.

Morgan Burdick: I am in shock like most people that her "friends" kept talking her into doing more like that's so wrong.

Rana Rana: i can agree with some of these comments saying her friends aren’t FRIENDS. Brad i think you should make a vid of you giving her a new look.. that would be amazing to watch!!!

Jordan Ross: I don't know her friends or their intentions, but i do understand the adrenaline that comes with making irreparable mistakes. I don't think they were laughing at her because her hair was falling out and they were HAPPY about it, I think they were laughing at the absurdity of it, the fact that none of them had any idea what they were doing and the knowledge that there is literally no going back. It's like people that laugh before they know they're about to die. Or maybe they're just assholes, impossible to say.

Felicia Almèn: I don't know anything about hair, and still, I love watching your videos! It's so fun seeing someone talk about what they love!

Whitney Santos: I got highlights before covid-19 started and it all grew out, the salons I could find wanted way to much money, so I found bleach at the store and was deciding to do it all myself with a friend. But after watching alot of bleach fails videos, I got scared and decided to save up for the salon but I'm going to get my hair fully bleach and dye (light pink).

Casaundra Reed: This would've been a hair fail, if she'd done it herself. This was sabotage!! To see her still letting Lindsay, anywhere near her head is just Baffling !!

W W: Seriously broke my heart how all her “friends” kept laughing at her when her hair fell out. She needs better friends!

Laura: Brad Mondo ,just saying thank you for being so nice and encouraging, no matter what video you're doing.

Panda Luv: LOVE YOUR VIDEOS. You are so funny. I used to be a hairdresser and watching these videos make me stretch lol. BTW you are so cute and funny you make my day

Caitlyn Lewis: I would live for a video of her going to a salon to get this all fixed. I want my happy ending lol

Melody Grim: She was putting on a good face in front of her friends. I'm sure when they weren't there her smile left when they did.

Maya Callaway: She literally looks like she wants to cry and her “friends” are laughing at her. I feel so bad oh my god

First Name Last Name: I'm so glad that she has one good friend (the person in the last video) who wasn't laughing at the fact that she ruined her hair.

Moth Turtle: I'm having traumatic flashbacks to when a friend convinced me to bleach my hair when I was a teen. I bleached it twice and it was fucked for years. She felt pretty bad about it though, to be fair.

Diana: I am traumatized by watching this mess, but it's over a year ago so I'm hope she went to a salon since then and got a proper cut by now.

Puddytatpurr: I actually felt sick watching her pulling it in the shower! I suffered from post partum hair loss six years ago and I was devastated

Jenie Dot Jet: It's astounding: she did every single thing wrong. Like, at no point did they even accidentally manage to do anything right. At all. Amazing.

Krypto’s Art: these videos and my sister ruining her hair with bleach when I was young is the reason why I went to a hair dresser to get my hair bleached. I’m naturally blonde but have been box dying my hair auburn for years. When I went in they managed to get my hair close to my natural first session with toner. I go white (or close to) next session hopefully, I won’t be mad if it takes another though, I don’t want this to happen lol. The hair stylist specifically said if anyone told me they could have gotten me to white that day to run far away haha.

Breonna Hall: Holy wow... I'm speechless. Just... Wow. Poor girl! I aspire to have that positivity too. Fail on the hair, but goals on the attitude!

Maggie_O 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿: I'm so glad I did 2 years at the hairdressing college, my daughters don't have to go through these fails

Vickie Polley: I simply wanted to say thanks for your very helpful info on hair bleaching...I was just fixing to bleach and then dye it Blue dreams on my bottom part of my hair with Purple to Stars on the roots and it's the first time by myself,I'm afraid if I hadn't gotten on Google to find out the basics so I didn't wind up going bald or turn brassy green and and I want to thank you so now I'm going to slow it down and do it right...from Jones Mill Arkansas...Stand Strong

Azaraya Raakbar: the moment her hair fell out and she didn’t tell her, is when i saw the toxicity

valerie guzman: I remember when my friends bleached my hair and it turned noodle. They where so worried one even went back home crying those are real friends not ones who laugh at a disgrace like this. Btw mine was in one bleach sesh and out “teacher” was watching and supposedly taking care that everything went right. My teacher was more to blame as she was being selfish that day. She had our partners do a perm on her and when my friends needed to rinse because enough time had passed she made them rinse her hair first. Her self being was more important

Andrea Plummer: I had my hair (3C to 4A curls) straightened with the CHI method like 20 years ago. It broke off like that. I was so devastated and I feel so bad for her!

Gemma Bailey: 10 MILLION VIEWS! omgggg smashed it much! I must admit I love having a Brad mondo binge when I feel like if I was American I’d love to come to one of your events or meet and greets or something your personality is seriously infectious!

Oblivious Prime: That 2nd friend was just evil. The first friend kind of botched it and made it look orange, but it was still relatively healthy and all still on her head. The 2nd one, why did she keep bleaching when clumps of her hair were starting to fall out?

Kate Messer: Her “friends” were definitely too happy that her hair was ruined. Screams silent jealousy to me.

Psychedeli: Some of my hair fell out the other day, I almost cried, now that I've watched this that extremely tiny amount that fell out does not matter at all to me

Mistina Branham: I don't get why she kept those few long strands for so long! I would of cut it off as soon as I lost the whole back of my hair the way she did. I don't understand what she was thinking by keeping the long pieces... that drove me crazy, lol!

Christina F: I fried my hair to the point it was coming out because the place that I got my color from told me that I could dye my hair multiple times to get the desired color. Needless to say, I now only go to a beautician to get my hair dyed lol

Rose 258: You used the absolute best accurate words to describe this whole situation.

Cosmic Rogue: This poor girl needs some friends who will respect her. They aren't empathizing with you, you're an amusement to them. You deserve better, honey.

Leticya Castelo: i can feel the amount of stress this man is under

Kitty Cat: This reminds me exactly of when I would bleach my naturally dark brown/ black hair after years of black box due back in 2005 (before YT) to get to platinum blonde and ended up with a fried orange mullet where my all my hair fell out. Did it stop me from continuing to bleach my hair? No it did not.

Charisma Bambina: Wow. This girl learned the hard way . Her poor hair . I felt more scared for her while watching this than her “friends “ that did her hair

Lia Yesung: We just experienced BULLYING. IDK why not even Brad sees this.. THIS MOTHER should get sued for what shes done. It was intentionally bad what she did.

Kr_Kohaku: As an Asian and as a trained hair stylist I just have no words.. I'm so sorry for her.

Saved 1978: Some people laugh out of fear; when she realizes, "what the hell" there's no fixing this, she won't be smiling!!! This video made me cry; felt so bad for the girl! The audacity and ignorance of her friends, would give an aspirin a headache.

Charlotte Alexander: ♥♥♥ I love your vids and I want to be just like you when I’m older. Oh and you are soo funny and so is this girl!!!!

Cali Charron: As someone who uses that box dye often, it’s pretty hard to fuck it up. She did that on purpose, and she also only put it on only PARTS OR HER ROOTS??? WHO DOES THAT TI SOMEONE??? OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD

Noah: the last girls hair actually looks so good with the short hair and frosted tips!!

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