The Truth No One Told You On How You Can Grow Your Hair Faster. | Bradmondo

Just being real with yall. This is how you can actually grow your hair faster.

















What'S up my beautiful babes, so there is so much [ __ ] on the internet on how you can grow your hair faster, quicker, easier like it's. It'S almost be honest with you. It'S all just people trying to sell their products to you and usually it works. So I just wanted to come on here today and you know spill a little bit of tea or maybe a lot of tea. I want to tell you guys what I believe will actually make your hair grow faster now. This might not be exactly what you want to hear. So if you don't want the truth, then don't watch this video, but if you do then girl stay tuned because you about to hear the truth. Hi me, oh good, oh good. So if you're still with me - and you want to hear the truth on how you can grow your hair faster, then let's get it started. Okay. The first thing I want to talk about is the fact that hair growth and how fast your hair grows and how much hair you have on your head is 90 % genetics. Okay, that's just the truth. It'S genetics, a lot of people that don't take care of their body. Have nice, hair and a lot of people do take care of their body. Don'T have good hair it just sucks! That'S how life is. I know it's stupid, [ __ ] up what that's just life and I'm sorry, but that's just how it is well listen. There are ways that you can promote hair growth, even if your jeans are like no girl we're not growing any more hair on your head. Okay and I'm sorry, if that's too harsh, but it's seriously the truth and nobody, I feel like nobody online ever says that, but it's the truth. Okay, we're gon na start off by you know, sifting through the bullsh, if you will, I just did a quick Google search on how you can grow your hair faster and I'm reading this article - and you know one of the first things it's saying is to eat. Gummy vitamins, you know those hair and gummy vitamins that are supposed to miracle e grow, your hair by eating a candy. This is bullsh. Why? Why does anybody believe this? I'M sorry - and I know probably a lot of you out. There are eating these stupid candy and you think your hair is gon na grow from it. I'M just gon na tell you now: hair gummy vitamins are a placebo. You only think your hair is growing faster, because you're told that it's gon na grow faster from these vitamins. In reality, though, it's not growing any faster, it's just your imagination, playing with you. I promise I swear, and I know I'm gon na get so many comments. Being like, but I took these gummies in my hair groups, one faster I like girl, I can guarantee it's not a real thing and if it is, I don't know anymore. I don't know what life is anymore, if that's a real thing, and now I'm reading food that makes your hair grow faster, eggs and milk. So if you didn't already know, I am vegan so this it makes me it just drives me a little bit crazy. It also says um, salmon, pork and cooked liver makes your hair grow faster. What what? What I just have a really hard time that unhatched baby chickens and a baby cow growth hormone, aka milk will make your hair grow faster. Okay, there is just no way in my head after doing tons of research that milk and eggs will make your hair grow or it will make you healthy and bring on the hey. You guys just leave those comments, saying you know egg protein protein protein cookies milk protein just do a little research about it and you'll realize that you actually don't need very much protein in order to live a very healthy life. You need very, very little and you can get that from so many other thing that are natural but anyways, so I'm done with that little rant, but basically I was just saying that eggs and milk and pork and cook, liver and salmon are not gon na help. Your hair grow. It'S just not it's awful. To be honest, and now I'm reading about how you know all these oils, like coconut oil, can help your hair grow and there is maybe a little bit of truth behind that. It'S not complete bullsh, but there's definitely bullsh in what they're saying basically they're like you know the fatty acids and the vitamins will help nourish your hair. Basically yeah, I mean they're gon na help. Your ends stay intact for longer and help your split ends not get worse and I think hair oils are great and I use it on all my clients and I love parallels. I love hair products in general, so it is gon na help. Your hair strand stay intact for longer. Well, listen! It'S not! Gon na make your hair grow faster from this scalp. The oil is not gon na go into your scalp and then into your bloodstream and then go back into your hair follicle and promote keratin growth. Like that's just not gon na happen, we don't have that advanced of technology, yet one day I'm really hoping we will, because I do not want to go bald and I don't think I'm going to, but I'd better, not because I would not look good bald. I do believe that hair oil will help your hair stay intact for longer, which is gon na. Let it grow longer, but it's not actually going to grow out of your scalp faster. You feel, and then of course we have you know, cutting your hair will make your hair grow faster and again, like I said, with the oil, it will help your end stay intact for longer. If you have, those split ends cut off, because what happens is when a split end starts and you don't cut that off right away and make it up. One end again: it'll actually keep splitting up your hair shaft, which will end up making your hair break off faster and will not allow your hair to grow super long. So definitely a haircut I've seen great effects from doing a haircut and I've seen people that could never brother a hair, long cut off their dead ends and it grows way longer, but that's not doing anything internally in your body to help it grow. That is just like cutting off a dead end. They don't get worse all right. So now, let's talk about stimulating your head with brushes and you know gadgets that will get the blood flowing in your scalp and get your limp your lymphatic system moving. I do believe that will help you a bit. You know getting the blood moving and the lymphatic system moving is going to end up. You know having a healthier scalp and promoting more blood flow, which is gon na promote better hair growth, but I you know, I don't think it's like the cure-all. I mean definitely do it if you want to grow your hair faster. I think it's great, but I don't think this is like a miracle. You know they also say you know, washing your hair with cold water will help it grow faster again. This is it's gon na help, your hair be healthier, but you know this articles titled grow. Your hair, faster more than one inch per month, girl girl, I see you Goldwater - is not gon na help. Your hair grow faster than one inch in month. That is not gon na happen. It'S just gon na make your hair healthier in general. So now after we made all that [ __ ] out on the table and I'm sure a lot of you guys are angry with me, let me now tell you guys what I truly believe will grow your hair, faster and listen. You do not have to agree with me of any of this. You don't want to get mad at me about any of this. Listen, we all have our own opinions, and that is what's so beautiful about the world. I believe that everything happening on the surface on your skin, with hair growth is all because of what's happening inside of your body. So if your insides, your gut health, is well, then your hair is going to grow faster. Your skin is gon na. Look better. Your nails are gon na grow faster me personally, and I know a lot of people are gon na disagree with me. I believe that being vegan really helps with skin health and hair and now health, and I have a lot of reasons for that. I have struggled with my skin my entire life and I finally gotten hold on it in the past couple years that I've been vegan and it has helped me tremendously. I mean tremendously and when it comes to my hair growth, when I first began being vegan, I noticed a humongous difference with how fast my hair grew and how healthy it was and how full it wasn't how shiny it was. It was crazy and I could go on and on and on about how a being vegan will help your skin and your overall health and your hair growth and your nail growth. But I don't want to bore you and there's plenty of videos out there explaining it better than I would, but I truly believe eating a plant-based diet will effectively grow your hair so much faster than if you ate dairy and you know stay away from packaged food From junk food, from sugars from energy drinks from coffee, all of that stuff is gon na slow down. Hair growth. Okay, definitely make sure you're drinking so much water. I know that everybody always says this when it comes to hair growth, drink a lot of water, but literally nobody does it never be like why anything you're not growing girl. Are you drinking any water, probably not, and once you start drinking a lot of water, your body will be so much more dependent on the water and you'll crave it so much more often. I know this because I used to not drink any water like so gross. I was like always nasty and dehydrated and like it was not a cute look and then I made a commitment to drinking a gallon of water a day girl. I was peeing every 10 minutes. It was a struggle, but then you know your bladder ends up expanding and you can pull more water at a time. So, if that's your problem, if that's your Excuse like I can't go to the bathroom too much - I drink too much water like your, your bladder will expand and it will adjust to that. I also want to mention and drinking tea ginger tea, all those any enemies. He really and the herbal tea really is gon na, be great for you and is gon na make the insides of your body healthy, which is gon na promote hair growth exercise. Okay, these are, I know, you're like basic things that people already know, but I'm gon na tell you that if you're really committed to growing her faster or growing your hair back from it being lost from - I don't know like old age or like cancer or whatever Getting your body moving at least walking walking is great, just make sure you're walking a lot get outside, get some vitamin D honey. So the greatest part about all these things, I'm mentioning is that not only is it great figure, a hair health, but it's also great for your overall health and is really gon na affect your life in a positive way and make you feel so much better and Girl that hair is gon na bow like Rapunzel, okay, and then we have, you know some basic things you can do to help promote your hair to you know not fall off or break off, while you're growing it out, which is you know what I mentioned before, With you know, hair masks, you can do hair masks. Those are awesome. You can get a trim once in a while. Just to make sure your split ends. Aren'T splitting up your hair using heat protector spray. Try to not use heat on your hair. Too often. You know these are all obvious things, but of course they are gon na help. Your hair stay intact and stay on your head for a longer period of time, which is gon na eventually make it look like your hair is growing faster on your scalp, but it's really just staying on your head for longer. All these things that I mentioned, I have done myself and has helped my hair growth dramatically faster. So, if you're seriously committed to growing your hair faster and healthier and thicker and shinier, give these things a shot, you know at least drink more water that'll help a lot. I really hope you guys can take a thing or two away from this video and try it in your own life and then today's Instagram shoutout goes to Anisha. This is her Instagram name, and this is what she looks like and she says hey. I love your channel on YouTube and I literally watch everything you do. Thank you you're, so savage and I love it like you, sly you're such a queen, you're, always behind your crown, keeps lying. Thank you. I want you to I've, never done my hair and I really want to change what color or style. Do you think I should do okay? This is gon na, be the most predictable answer. You guys know me, you know how I, like my blondes, but seriously with your face, shape your makeup. The way you you know present yourself, you would look just so good blonde, platinum blonde. I'M sorry you guys it's just. It would just look so good on her. Like come on, come on, give tell me it would tell me: would I loved your hair long? I also think a bob would look dope on you, but I think you should keep it long for now and go platinum blonde it'll. Look so so good on you. Please give it a shot, and the fact that you have a virgin hair is amazing, and that means your hair is gon na lift. So perfectly amazing and bright and you're gon na have little problems with lightening it. So girl, you are the best candidate to go platinum blonde if you have virgin hair. So you better do a girl and thank you guys so much for watching today. Don'T forget to live your extra life and I will see you all next time. Peace,

Brad Mondo: Where my vegans at tho?!

Aden Campilan: To be honest, Brad is the only person I trust with my hair right now

Deanna Schroeder: Brad: "hair growth is 90% genetics" Optimist me: so you're telling me there's a chance....

Lily Behan beer: Brad:90% of hair growth is genetics My dad ‍ My mom ‍ Me: well I’m screwed

ThunderKathryn: Question: so is like, black coffee bad for hair growth? or is it just all the creamers, milks, and sugars that we put into coffee bad for hair growth? I just started cutting all that junk out of my coffee and already see a noticeable difference in my own health and energy levels. but I don't want to keep drinking black coffee if it is the coffee itself that slows hair growth.

Tímea Time: We often put lenght before health, but honestly, it's much better to have healthy hair than long but damaged hair

Sel 88: (For those people who just came here after cutting their hair in quarantine and are instantly regretting it) your hair looks fine if not great. You're just worried because it's a big change and it's human nature to worry about your appearance undergoing a big change. Your hair is fine though and even if you still don't think so, who cares? You made a brave choice, itll grow back. Stop worrying about what others think so much

Diane Moreno: I don't need my hair to grow faster. I just need it to stop falling out

Shona Harris: Hair growth: leave it the hell alone. Don’t stress it. Don’t wash it every day. Don’t over chemicalize it. Trim dead ends, nourish with coconut oil occasionally. Done.

Charlene Mattice: I am studying Anatomy & Physiology in school, which in turn we studied the Integumentary system aka skin/hair/nails. Which is primarily made up of Keratin. And as the old saying goes.. You are what you eat, so on a biological stand point, I'd say taking vitamins or eating a balanced diet does help hair growth. Dont forget your carrots folks! Not sure if that's gonna promote more hair growth than normal, but it will make your hair and skin healthier.

Chris Fogle: I ADORE YOU!!!! You are so brave and you put it out there. You are living your best life. I love your videos. I'm a beauty school drop out and its something I haven't ever really come to terms with. Watching your videos, getting updated on new styles and hair care and still learning from a trusted source really brings me joy. Thank you for all the videos and info!!!!

Char: I’ve been using biotin for the past like 2 months and surprisingly my hair actually grew a good bit. My edges had kinda gone in the front and now their starting to grow back. And my hair had become damaged from relaxing it 2 years ago in 6th grade and so I cut it twice and the pills helped it grow in length. I was so happy to see the growth and I’m def gonna continue taking them!

zoya ziad: "Hair growth, texture and thickness is 90% genetics." The truth has been spoken! Life's tough guys! Just stay happy, healthy and simply (avoiding aggressive hair treatments) and that's the best thing you can do for your hair!

BlackBeauty Girlie: to me it helped: -workout/yoga -biotin -healthy foods -water -hair mask -tea -rice water (once a month)

Rayne Tatyana: "Stay away from sugar, energy drinks, and coffee" Me: I guess my hairs not growing

LaVerne Musser: Gah I wish there were more hairdressers in this world like you, damn it!! Love this!❤️

Milenka Janssen: Honestly, I’ve been taking biotin pills since april and I’ve seen great results. My hair was dry and thin from wearing extensions for 2 years. It was a little past my shoulders but very brittle. Right now it is almost near my butt and it is a lot fuller. I’ve been mixing castor oil with almond oil and coconut oil and did that in my hair once a week and slept with it. Took biotin pills and stopped washing my hair every other day. I always braid my hair when I sleep to prevent damage.

Maja_ _: What has helped my hair grow thicker (and unfortunately longer, I like short hair lmao): -massaging aloe vera, castor oil and hemp oil into my hair the night before washing -eating lots of healthy fats and protein -never touching (aka brushing or rubbing) my wet hair, no heat styling, just leave it alone -using a GOOD shampoo that fits my hair type -drinking heaps of water and matcha -taking a supplement containing biotin, other B-vitamins, vitamin E and zinc

Tristen and David: As someone who has never cut her hair before but it all got damaged and I had to repair and regrow it back down to my knees, I can 100% confirm that everything he is saying is the truth ♥️

Domenica Laraspata: My tip to grow hair: Do not think about it

Silvija Andonov: To put aside hair growth, can we all agree that Brad is so funny? I'm watching his videos and dying!

Micah Renea: What helps me is …. -protective styles that help me leave it alone -not putting products in my hair (only water, oils, and Shea butter) -not washing it all the time in order to let my natural hair oils reach my hair strand this is my natural hair in my picture.

Peggy Terry: Thanks for the honesty! It is easy to get sucked into the marketing! I do take biotin and it seems to make my hair loss lessen (a lot is ptsd induced). It is great to have someone you can trust who gives you the real!

Reecey Peanut: This is great advice, i do all of these things. Patience is a big part of it for sure

Coco D: I love how bluntly honest you are from the beginning!! Saves me so much time from unrealistic expectations

Brittany Terry: This is one of my favorite videos!! Thank you for this straight up information!!

Estrella Bibic: Now that I watched your new videos and old videos back again i really can see how u grew as a person , don'y get me wrong I'm a fan of yours in every way but its just nice to see the difference ❤

Isabelle Mendez: Thank you Brad, you are so knowledgeable and I love your teaching style. Thank you for posting videos. You are awesome. ❤️❤️❤️

Cactii Jade: Always keeping it which is highly appreciated thank you for keeping it real

Meriska Theunissen: Hey Brad Mondo, I had incredibly beautiful thick and silky 24 inch long hair, but one day a hairdresser screwed up and cut my hair down to 10 inches, I cried and my heart was broken, I am literally trying my best to grow them back to how they was, they are now 16 inches, but it feels like they are stuck on that length

Fun Fitness: 8:35 I used to eat eggs a lot and I didn't know why my skin was getting bad day by day Once I stopped consuming dairy and eggs My skin started clearing up And thank you for this amazing useful video

Emily Sheppard: Brad: drink more water Me: *looks at the half a glass of water on my desk* *Chugs it right away*

miranda mcguire: For me, this is what worked (interested to hear Brad’s thoughts): 1. Drinking so much water a day! 3x full water bottles 2. Eating avocados and salmon 3. Using deep conditioner, leaving it in and then washing out 4. De-stressing! When I was not stressed, my hair grew a lot. 5. Exercising 30 min a day 6. Sleeping an excessive amount. I’m talking 10-12 hours a day 7. Biotin pills, hair skin and nails vitamins 8. Subliminal messaging for hair growth

Danielle Woolhiser: I've had a short Pixie cut for almost 5 years now. I'm ready to grow it out, so of course I scrolled until I found my trusted Brad Mondo. I'm not vegan, but I don't eat red meat. I do need to commit to drinking more water a day. I'm so glad I watched this video.

Michelle Farris: I have found that Viviscal hair vitamins help hair growth (I've taken them for 8 years) as well as massaging your scalp daily for a few minutes (while bending at the waist with your head upside down) DOES help with hair growth. Vitamins DO help, along with good nutrition--getting enough protein, fat, and carbs. I agree with drinking more water as well as exercising and getting enough Vitamin D.

Georgia Sarah Jones: I have actually noticed a HUGE difference in my hair growth, BUT I do natural have fast growing hair, it’s a decent thickness etc I just wanted to give it a little boost so ‍♀️ might be why it did grow faster, idk lol

ODESSA Lewis: I come from a family that is mixed and have rapunzel hair. Growing up I always had long hair. But I search for other things that make my hair grow faster on YouTube. Even though I don't have a problem growing my hair. So thanks for the advice.

Kara R.: Brad: "Stay away from coffee..." Me: ▪screams and throws phone out the window▪

Maria Cuddemi: I used to be vegetarian but I didn’t get enough protein due to being allergic to a lot of things! Protein is what feeds our adrenal glands. I lost scary scary amount of hair because I wasn’t eating enough of protein, but I totally get what your saying queen

Mayara Ribeiro: I'm vegan for 5 years now and even my hairstylist (who takes care of my hair for 10 years at least) noticed how my hair is growing much more! The benefits are endless! I'm healthier, stronger my hair is shining like never before! Go vegan for the animals, for the olanet and for your hair girl!

PaquesBass: My hair used to grow really fast when I was 10-17 years old as I'm over my 20s it's starting to grow slower, my hair ends split so fast now. I am still growing out my bleached hair tho. It's taking soo long. It's the first time I had ever bleached hair and sometimes I just want to chop it all off but my face would look so big without the hair

V: Ok, I just have to say, if you have a vitamin deficiency, which isn’t extremely common here, and the deficiency has interfered with normal hair growth—which it can!—, correcting that deficiency can restore hair growth to normal. And a bottle of vitamins is like $6, so why not? I agree with you about everything else.

Maggie Sparks: From a girl who lost a LOT of hair after losing weight and has been working on growing it back: supplementing your body with the nutrients necessary for hair growth WILL help. I would actually recommend taking a prenatal vitamin as a sort of multivitamin. Also taking biotin and collagen has really helped me as well. And your hair is basically made up of excess protein, so making sure you’re getting plenty of protein is also important. Also not sure why he said to avoid coffee, a lot of studies have shown that caffeine can actually stimulate growth. Also some studies have shown that caffeine can actually block a hormone called DHT which is the hormone that is responsible for hair loss. So, I don’t think your daily cup of coffee will slow your hair growth. Pro tip: add a bit of peppermint oil to your shampoo. When you wash your hair, the peppermint oil will stimulate your scalp and make more blood rush to your hair follicles, which will encourage hair growth :)

sapphiccasino: i don’t regret my cutting my hair at all, it’s just that my face has gotten chubbier i guess and i think long hair would even the proportions out

Renee Kersey: How did I not know that you were vegan?! Yesss! Love you even more! Being vegan helped my skin SO much. And of course there’s all the other benefits too. ✌

Phoebe McHugh: All your tips are totally true. Water, good diet, and exercise does help because I noticed my hair improving.

Aubrey J: I never really bought into those fast hair growth claims, so it’s nice to hear that my skeptical nature paid off thanks for confirming my suspicions

Sadaya Larson: Can you do a video on managing damaged hair? I dyed my hair too much and too often in my teens and ended up having to cut a bunch of it off but it’s not nearly as strong or soft. Seriously LOVE your videos❤️❤️❤️ Slay

savannah w: “You know, those hair gummy vitamins, that are supposed to magically make you hair grow by eating candy.” I feel so called out rn

Angela H: This video cracked me up. I have done a ton research here's what I found: all those things are goofy for "quick growth" these things are good for strength and health. I take biotin (Ive had many surgeries made my hair thin) it doesn't make my hair grow fast but it does help it get stronger I lose less due to surgery. I mask my hair in aloe and all the hair oils it doesn't grow faster but it makes it strong and shiny. I don't think anything with make your hair grow faster.

Asma Cherif-Zahar: Personally, I have a slow growing hair and there are some days in the year where it kinda grow fast and then just stop right away, but I really believe that fermented rice water works pretty well, maybe it's just " in my head " lol but I really feel it's effective idk

Cláudia Matias: this is the type of video I like. straight to the point. this is what I want in any type of content I search for. thanks. I loved the video and it was really useful ❤❤❤

Kristina Lopez: I HIGHLY recommend going to the doctor and getting your blood levels checked. I was shedding more than normal and my hair and skin were not what they used to be. I actually went for another reason, but found out that I am 1) iron deficient anemic, 2) vitamin D deficient, and 3) not getting enough trace minerals in my diet. Brad is obviously correct in saying that those foods won't grow your hair, but your hair WILL grow in its own optimal level when you are not deficient in essential vitamin and minerals. Mineral and vitamin deficiencies are one of the main reasons disease and other ailments occur in the United States and continue to make us feel we have to rely on those stupid vitamin supplements. I'm finding I feel so much better and my hair isn't shedding as much once I began taking my doctor prescribed (do NOT take iron without doctor prescription) iron and D3 pills. Just a heads up b/c we as woman have a higher rate of deficiency for obvious reasons and it affects us in our hormonal and lymphatic functions, directly affecting our hair. Much love to Mondo peeps!

Dunmeri Secret: My hair when I was raised vegan: Scalp visible through hair, frequent hair loss, ending with hair completely falling out in my early teens. My hair after stopping veganism: Scalp invisible through hair aside from my part, hair about halfway down my back/bottom of my shoulder blades, minimal shedding, and you can never tell I had such severe hair loss.

Tania Derolus: I agree that hair growth is genetic, honestly this is something that literally everyone is ignoring, you can help retain your hair growth by treating it well, using good products, but you can’t make you hair magically grow faster. That just how thigs work ‍♀️

Elisabeth Charlotte: My hair grew like crazy whenever I was pregnant (got three kids), but after - like a year - so much hair fell off. And after three kids, my hair quality changed. From completely straight to curly and frizzy and I was left with 1/3 of all my hair. But I'm okay with that now. Sono contenta. I took several years of whining, groaning and whatever... Regular haircuts helps with getting a healthy hair and I'm just trying not to cry too much when I have to cut more than I like. A scalp massage is nice though. I do it because it feels great. I never use warmth on my hair and I try to wash it only twice a week. Sometimes even once a week. Vitamins helps sometimes (perhaps not in hair growth) for staying healthy and since I live in Sweden, vitamin D is VIP. Especially during winter. You always look great, Brad. Love from Sweden <3

Rose: Whilst I am not vegan I do agree with this about what you put on the inside definitely reflects the outside, and I respect your opinion Brad! Love you

Dawn Pool: Thank you for being so honest. I’m vegan too and I look awesome. I’m almost 34 abd people think im 25. Looking fresh at. Getting in that water. I watch your vids so much and I respect you so much for making this video.

Josie Avian: I actually agree with your last statement. My cousin when vegan for literally a week, and her hair looked so much healthier, and her skin was so clear, (she also has an acne problem) so going vegan really helped her and she also lost some weight, but then she gave up because she wanted to start eating meat again. But yes, but definitely agree that going vegan helps you grow you hair thicker, longer, and her skin was song and beautiful, and she lost weight.

Amber-Sky Marais: I had stunning blonde virgin hair that was so long I was able to sit on it, I cut it and tried dying it blond it then went orange and my toner wasn’t working so I dyed it dark brown and cut it - now I regret ever doing anything to it and am trying to grow it out desperately

Katrina Spencer: I really like watching these videos, but I have to say something, you have to remember women’s hormones, I had a baby and I suffered a lot of hair loss, my hair was so slow at growing, so I tried the hair burst and also started vitamin D, and it’s working, within a week my hair has grown half a cm! I know this because I have highlights and can see re growth! So it may not grow faster than usual but it’s helping it grow at Normal speed that mine wasn’t doing. Don’t knock it until you try it! Much love from the UK!

Cyber : After turning vegan I've noticed my hair had become SUPER dry. No matter what I put on it, it'll always be rough. Came to find out I wasn't eating enough fat so I started talking flaxseed oil and OMG it has changed everything!

Elena Sanchez: I think i’m going to start eating a vegan plant based diet more often , honestly I keep seeing my favorite fitness people are vegan and I keep seeing videos pop up so I’m going to start trying to eat more veggies , even though I already do I think if I eat more it would be much better for me and overall my health.

MetallicaLarsUlrichFanGirl: Brad you are a God send <3 and I don't care what anybody says. You know hair more than ANY hairdresser I've ever encountered, and that's a true fact I appreciate your straight forwardness

Lia Rempeters: Hi, I have one question I couldn’t find an answer for in the internet : does using a silicone mask once per week cause too much build up to prevent natural oils and hair products like castor and olive oil to nourish the hair ? How often should one use silicones but still give other natural ingredients the chance to nourish the hair ??

Elle Littlefield: Totally agree. I went vegan 10 months ago and my breakouts went away completely within the month and my nails are strong for the first time in my life! #plantstrong

Eli Resurreccion: Ughhh thank you for being the one person to talk about the actual heal aspects and not just throwing products at us

Sara Kjeldsen: If you're lacking in a particular nutrient that influences hair growth, a supplement could help, but in general hair masks, nourishing conditioner, etc. are just as important for hair as nutrition and it's true that hair length and thickness are mostly genetic.

Pupu: When he talked about genetics,he was right.I had 4a hair and brushed and washed it everyday with fricking soap and a boar bristle brush cause I thought it was frizzy straight and it grew so fast I had to shave it almost every two months.

Aimee Dacosta: I fully agree with this video. Being healthy on the inside helps the outside and mental and emotional health.

Doodledaisiesandink Creative: Love your videos! When I took prenatal vitamins, it made my nails and hair "stronger", but that was about it. Hair grows in time. Patience is key ❤

Jaz98: Brad: "hair gummy vitamins are a placebo" Me: *chewing my biotin gummies"

Shelby Barnes: I’m vegan and I use biotin and since I’ve been vegan my hair has been less frizzy and way more shiny and has just been better and I have had a bowel movement everyday sometimes a few times a day sorry for the TMI but it’s true I love being vegan no matter what anyone says I do drink coffee but not as much as I used to and I drink so much more water and I feel so much more healthy hope y’all are having a great day God bless

Neli Mena: This is so true period. I was healthy for a whole year .. then fell off and so did my hair !! I’m going back to it

Vegan 4life: I came across your video because I have kept my hair short over the last few years, I found your video cute and refreshing. I assume I'm probably older then your target audience, but i love watching you and have derided to subscribe to your channel and kudos to being Vegan, I been Vegan for 2 1/2 years. Being Vegan has changed my life.

Naomi Williams: My dermatologist said that those supplements (the reputable ones that contain what they say do) can help your hair and nails but ONLY if you are deficient in the nutrients in them. Your body will only adsorb what it needs. Most people get them through their diet so they will see no effects or only placebo effects.

Vane Mb: The time my hair grew the longest in my life, was when I put birth control pills in my shampoo. I think the hormones in the pills stimulated hair growth. And I was very young and did not take good care of my hair or my body at that time, so definitely it had to be the pills.

Panda Corn: You are so right I was blessed with thick healthy hair trying to grow it out faster I hope this helps me

J Saul: Brad is always here to set us straight <3

Aminah S: 100% agree with you! Also I used to be on this vegan juice plus program and when I was I was never healthier. Water too.! I never drink that much water no matter how good I know it is for you. I need to commit to that one gallon a day. your awesome! ❤️

VeronikaK: I was just literally thinking about how to grow out my hair faster and Brad just uploaded this video ❤️ omg, if this isn't a destiny than what is?

¿¿: Ok but the odd feeling of relief when brad said genetics ??? Thanks brad for always filling in the blanks and informing us

Fides Annika Balmaceda: i keep coming back to this video whenever im feeling impatient about my hair growth

MERŌN: Love your channel!! I saw you know a thing or two with natural hair! I’d love to see more videos on that. I just started my natural hair journey :)

Mikala Jones-Fielder: this is absolutely true-- when i was healthy and working out regularly my hair was thrivinggggg. I WILL DO ANYTHING TO GROW MY HAIR besides drink water and eat healthy lol

Summer Valentine: Who else picks on their scalp like crazy ? I try not to, and when I don’t my hair looks so healthy and good but then I end up picking on it again and you can just tell I have my hair gets so bristley and falls off

FRIDA NASSU: Thank you for being HONEST!!!! You are awesome and are right!

Christin Joy: I’m here bc I tried to go blonde from black in one day and still recovering ‍♀️

Peka: Tip for any growth in your life: Manifestation

Rin Salamander: I was on a vegan diet for almost a year and saw no improvements in my hair or skin, and just a little in my nails. I've been vegetarian for about 2 years and not much has changed either. I'd say it's more about your body and how it grows your hair, rather than something you can have a significant effect on. But, being vegan or vegetarian is still beneficial for health in many other ways.

Bethany: Honestly I'm here because during quarantine my hair has grown quite a bit and I haven't really realized until recently and am curious how I'd be able to make it longer and when he said its 90% genetics I got excited because my mom has like down to her butt length hair when she wears it down and I hope maybe I can too one day lol

Mariah Hayeslip: Yeah omg I benefit way more when I eat more natural and rarely drink coffee and barley eat any meat. Like you said it’s genetics I really think diets work well for your genetics. This was pretty helpful you broke it down. I need to get my thyroid tested lol. Thank you.!

Nane: I'm vegan too, and I grew knee length. You don't need all those smelly eggs in your scalp, it's unnecessary. Try to invest in rosemary oil, (a study confirm that it truly works for growing new baby hairs, and it can be used to treat alopecia) ;)❤️ you are welcome luv

June Ponce: My genes have failed me. For many generations, both sides of my fam have thick hair that grows quicker than weeds and out of all my cousins even mine is thin and (literally) takes years to grow to my shoulders. Thanks for the video!

小天使: I don’t know why but I’ve been losing hair since 5th grade till now- it’s been 4 years and the amount of hair lost is so scary. I had really thick hair when I was younger but now

The Immatur3 Reviewer: The trick to hair growth is keep it moisturised, seal in the moisture and then leave it alone. Dry hair does not grow. Moisturised hair grows when left alone. And make sure your scalp is ok!

Sara .b: Actually, you need vitamins for your hair and when I say vitamins I specifically mean Vitamin D and iron (Fretinin level), you also need to check your thyroid. That's why when people eat a certain type of food they associate it with healthy hair. So the vitamin part is not completely false. Healthier body= Healthier hair = normal level of hair growth. Also being vegan is not always the answer, every person is different, for example in my case I need to consume certain types of dairy products, or otherwise, my stomach will get irritated very fast. Also don't forget external hair care oils, bleaching, heat and etc..

Haylee Mae: So people. I have a problem. I’ve been getting my hair bleached professionally every 6-8 months, and it never has felt damaged really or unhealthy. I also use heat pretty much every day but I always have. In the last year and a half my hair has lost probably over 6 inches and I haven’t cut it other than a tiny trim when it gets dyed. My hair is growing because my roots still come in like normal but it’s just breaking off or something. Howwwww can I get my hair longer?

Cantalope Pizza: I feel like as hairdressers, hair growth is as controversial a topic as religion or politics.

SILKY MILKY: ✨As an African American women I must say I *ALWAYS* get longer hair when I take hair vitamins Hairfinity & Mane Choice in particular. With my relaxer I can see the growth clearly at the roots every month it's actually shocking. Just my 2 cents ‍♀️.

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