Why Dark Skinned Black Women Should Not Wear Long Straight Hair Weaves



cashapp @Youknoeli

It'S been a long day today, not long but very interesting day. Shout to you saying everything is going great with your date with your day and if you just joined in this video shut the just to brat huh nice little conversation I got for y'all before the Sun Goes Down. Oh [, __ ]. I just run just move. It around nice conversation I got for y'all before the Sun Goes Down. That was pretty dope. Okay shouts, Misha, Misha love, shout Misha, love shout out, shout Jake leaves who's Natalie, shelter, energy, shots, erotic TV out of those that lose deadly, that I've seen. I think he meant to say hater Daniel. We have black men and black woman need to love and respect appropriately braces and protect each other daily basis, but I agree shots of my Rogers for that. Well, this is a video that I think a lot of people really struggle with, because they really feel this way and you're gon na really understand how I break it all down. I think you have a better understanding once not break it all back. You know I feel this is no [ __ ], there's no brown-nosing. I feel the darker a woman is the more natural her essence should be. I really believe that cuz didn't she. She can't play both sides of the fence. You know what I mean. I think light-skinned woman they could play the both sides, they could look white, they could. She could be mixed. You know I mean, apparently, if you like, you got something mix in you, but I feel a black woman there's no there's no substitution, and I feel that when black woman in a society that you know one side, we put a white woman ahead of a black Woman, I think, after this whole situation with this black lives matter situation with George Floyd. I think black woman, neither especially dark-skinned sisters need to go back to being natural, and this don't mean you rolling around with afro on your head. I'M speaking in terms of you know a nice style like I don't got nothing against no perm, but as long as your hair, you see the girl, that's in a picture. She got a sheet, she got no weave and I mean she got a natural style. Some women add a little piece to that, but in most cases there's a lot of things that black women are gon na, take offense to this video. It may take offense to me. You know I'm saying, and we just got to be honest to our [ __ ], but for one let me let me just be clear about. I think a lot of people have this misconception. They think that black woman can't grow hair and what people understand is you know a shout out to dirty. Rodney black woman can't grow hair to the ass. That'S why, when you see these black woman with long locks that death, that takes a lot of the reason why it's growing that lint, because there's no chemicals in that [ __ ]. So they could grow those long lips throughout the time and and grow it. I'M gon na tell you something man. I keep it real with you. I feel that weaves are made for white woman, you don't mean white people grow long ahead of us. Let'S just be clear with that I mean they do the hair grows faster. It does. You know so for some strange funny reason: that's just how it's been especially white woman. You know, but I feel that without black woman and right, my sister's like skin right. So if she wears a hair weave - and I hear nobody gon na know the difference - they're not gon na question them cuz - they feel that she's light-skinned so most likely she got a mix and if you got a mix, that means you could go in. That type of hair - you know it's long nobody's gon na question it, but when black man knocks sisters for hair weaves, not saying I'm not gon na, like a woman with a hair, we because you got a fucked-up weave too, but it's normally black sisters. I'M gon na tell you why it's normally dark-skinned sisters, because black men are not seeing enough black woman coming through styling a ham. They don't know that a black woman could stop her hair and ways and be more poppin dinner. What a woman waiting to the side and [ __ ] [ __ ] up with that natural duck doclet? Oh man, his phone's, about to [ __ ] up skipping over um, and these are all the ways I feel, but you don't. I mean I think that you're gon na be able to get some enlightenment out of it but um. I don't like seeing sisters my dogs getting sisters playing this game because 99 % of the time I feel with dark-skinned sisters. They can't get away with nothing fake. I could see a dark-skinned sister with a fake ass and it's like it's more obvious to me than light-skinned woman cuz, I'm like no. You know I mean you you supposed to have the biggest ass in the world. Dark-Skinned women got the most gigantic asses on the planet, so my whole thing is: how will you got a fake ass and your Doc's get like just stick with your natural [ __ ], because I feel your skin complexion is. Is enough, like? I feel that when you're that dark for dark skin you shouldn't mix anything fake because it's gon na make you look like you're insecure. That'S what I feel you know like some of the best-looking chocolate sisters. I know unnatural now when they put a weave in a [ __ ], I'm like I could even accept braids hair braids is cool because that most cases, hair braids women get hair braids for no numerous reasons when they go on vacation, whether they on vacation, whether They having a baby, you know they can't really get their hair perm, their [ __ ]. So they put the hair braids as a supplement, so they often run back and forth to the hairdresser. Hair braids are cool cuz. That'S that's still considered natural, even if you mixer some of your [ __ ] in there, it's still considered natural, a hair weave on a chocolate sister is like put in escrow on a dark-skinned brother. You know what I mean like not to say dark-skinned. People can't have hair like that, but it's like come on you don't I mean you have to embrace your natural essence more than anybody because of the fact that you are darker skin. I feel that why do something that a white woman could get away with? You know saying you're doing something that a white woman could get away with you're doing something that a Spanish woman could get away with light skin. You do something to light skin with even some brown skin sisters could Karen Rose can't go [, __ ] with him. A little bit, but I feel the darker you are that's like a do say he got tats all over his body and let [ __ ] get dark-skinned that [ __ ] just looks crazy, like how to [ __ ] the judas dark and you got mad. Tats on, like it ain't gon na, be like it is on the lighter skinned person, you got all these tats and yeah. I know the silhouette of it. Looking like a shady thing could be cool, but it's not the same. You know I'm saying in response that I feel that with dark, so I feel that dark-skinned woman need to understand that your essence is more powerful, that you think. For example, every white woman wants to be darker. Every white woman wants a tan. Every white woman knows that super white skin doesn't look as good as a woman. That has a tone, so that represents to the black woman. So, unlike black men, cuz there's a lot of dog skin dudes, they have a bigger impression on black society than then dark-skinned. Woman, like a dark-skinned man among black men, he's considered superior. You know, I'm sayin. Why cuz the ideal man is considered tall, dark and handsome right. So that's the key like tall. So that's you know I mean now you got dark handsome. So that's the epitome of every man wants to be that. Yes, there was a time when a dude was darks. Can they make fun of him, corn, spook and all this [ __ ]? But you know in the late 80s eighties, 80s 90s that she changed a lot of my [ __ ] actors got they wait up singers, God they wait up and dark-skinned [ __ ] been on top, since so with with dark-skinned woman. I feel in Hollywood they and get they credit, because now it's like okay, dark-skinned sister, you can style your hair ways that a white woman can't do it without putting no [ __ ]. You know hairspray and eyelashes. So you can't have such a dominant skin complexion and bow down and and use a [, __ ] hair weave that the average non black woman could get away with you feel. I'M saying like I feel as if you're just passing over natural hair, you, you you're, passing over natural hair to the deepest degree, whether it's, how you style your [ __, ], to dreads to a cut to a bob to twist curls. Not anything you don't. I mean I feel when I see a dark-skinned sister with a weave, I'm like damn boo. You know I'm saying you're supposed to be a black sister. Why why you feel you got to put that long, weave in your [ __ ]. You know your [ __ ] hair is not that long and you know what it grows that long. In most cases, it's natural, your hair, is not growing as a dark-skinned black woman to your [ __ ] ass on a regular basis. You know this. We know it, we know the average dark-skinned man doesn't have curly [ __ ] hair. Let'S keep it a thousand now the average dark-skinned man doesn't have curly hair yes course here, but doesn't have curly wet. Looking hair. There'S a few brothers that got that learn a lot very few, so when we see a dude their processes, his hair, will I come on be you know, that's not your [ __ ], but you don't see that often cuz. Now, das care brothers, ain't really well. Other than some brothers, they bleached a skin, but you got ta. Take he to everything that you put out you're, showing a motive and secured to you when you do it. Do I feel that black woman or any less with a long weaves and leaves? No? I don't feel that you're less, I just feel like y-you, don't mean you you, you don't need it. You don't saying, and especially now like to show your blackness is to be black right. So you you are black woman, so show your blackness by showing that you're, proud of your blackness, proud of your hair, proud of your black tone, hair that comes closest to your skin than anybody else. Um some women and feel like [ __ ] that I'm a rocker weave most, I feel they're light-skinned woman can throw a weave on the top of her head and look like [ __ ]. Dark-Skinned woman cannot do that. You know I mean she can't do it whatsoever, so a tight weave, which is rare and to many women you could actually say: oh [, __ ]. I didn't know that hair wasn't yours, you don't. I mean, because I feel that um. I feel that darker skinned woman are not taking advantage of what they have where they can only do you know what I'm saying like it's like a tall guy. He has a thing where, like I feel like tall dudes, this that Drive little little cars. It'S like you, don't need to do that; they don't need to do it. You'Re too [ __. ] short, it doesn't look right. You know, I'm saying we all know the only woman that's existing out here that is triple dark-skinned. I usually have hair to her. Ass is most of the time she's Indian. Yes, we have Indian in our blood, but we're talking pure Indian woman, most black guys, don't even like dogs and sisters in here wheeze, because they feel that it's fake, even though majority of the woman wear hair weaves that are not dark skin or not black dudes. Don'T know the [ __ ] difference, but they harder on a dark-skinned black woman. Why cuz? They feel as if why you feel you got ta, wear a weave, you don't I'm sayin, oh man, that bleaching skin shot the judge. That'S wursten man! I don't like none of that [ __ ]. I feel that they don't pull it off. I feel dark-skinned. Brothers could pull off [ __ ] that a light-skinned do I'll. Give you one good example. Let me give you a good one. Dark-Skinned brothers could pull off a grip, a beard, a salt-and-pepper. Excuse me a salt-and-pepper beard better than any man in the world. You know I mean I they can pull it off better anybody cuz they got the skin to match it. You, don't I mean, like the skin, complements the salt and pepper, but a light-skinned man was salt and pepper. Doesn'T look as distinguished as a dark-skinned man with some pepper in his hair. He just doesn't like the dark. It is the more complements you don't. I mean it's like you got a light-skinned woman with red lipstick right. You got a dark-skinned woman with red lipstick like I feel that darker skinned woman could do certain colors that compliment their skin. Color, like you, don't want to be red and look like a [ __ ], damn ketchup in a hamburger. You know I mean, I think God I don't think dark-skinned, guys appreciate the skin woman and as much as she does him. That'S the truth, but the reason why a lot of men don't appreciate dusky and sisters cuz too many green. Nobody looked the proper way. Capricorn Way says I hate. When black woman tried to the blonde thing, I could [ __ ] was short haircut and she, blinded that you know you wish. You could just know that it's hair, color, cuz, hair colors popular now woman's got blue hair red hair nobody's born with blue hair. So just woman, I hate with my blue hair, dark red hair. You don't mean so I don't really trip on the blonde thing a lot. I think I trip on it more with a blonde long, wig cuz. That'S not your [ __ ] hair. Like anything that I have to look at, I feel that I've had guys tell me: Spanish women, don't wear weaves. They really believe that. Why? Because it's believable, because they're Spanish and most Spanish people got a shitload of hair right and they got a different texture. So the light of the texture, the longer it grows right, but they wear weaves more than black woman. If anything, they wear that [ __ ] like a [, __ ]. I know plenty of hairstylist. They do this [ __ ] for a living, and I know this again. I feel that as a dark-skinned woman, she should have. She should be in touch with everything more natural, even if it's as much as switching the color up on her hey, I could deal with that. Cuz color. You can always change the back with the next day, but I feel the wig too [ __ ] long weaves, chugga, Vince, Camaros, um yeah black man with blond hair. Now that's just [ __ ] ridiculous. I don't think there's no dark-skinned man is she be rocking? No [ __ ] blonde hair. I just feel that y-you know like that's not even near believable and even those people in Bermuda. That looks like that where they got naturally blonde hair and blue eyes, but you don't mean I feel that darker skinned woman in society don't get the proper credit as it is. So I don't think you should come through with your fake, don't fake, [, __ ] comes in a lot of men, but they don't know how to break it down. So when they see a dark-skinned woman with a we like. Oh, that's all black woman wearing no and against it. It'S not that you see and that you see a woman that [ __ ]. I'Ve rocked this [ __ ] natural. Maybe she should have [ __ ] invested our time and got ta mean Barbara and do a cut charlton original made the fake dreadlock game come on and believe it or not. I got some news for you check this [ __ ] out. I feel that light-skinned dudes can't get away with no fake dress. They could get away with. They can't get away with fake dreads as much as the dogs can do. I feel that a dark-skinned guy he can get away with fake dreadlocks before my life's can do it cuz. A lot of these [ __ ] in the entertainment industry are getting these fake, [, __, ] dreads, and it's like come on B. You didn't grow that [ __ ] in two [ __ ] months. You know I mean black men are now wearing fake beard and weaves yeah. I know that they are. It is disgusting, like I feel that black men need to be more in touch with their natural essence as well to tatted-up women and men. I feel that that's not a dark-skinned person's thing at all. I'M sorry I mean anything that you body barely see the [ __ ] and night, that that doesn't make any sense. Was the point of wasting Sun? Don'T say it, but uh um for fun, I mean wit, was for funds about the fake hair. Now I feel darker dog skin black people should not [ __ ], with nothing for fun other than a little hair color every now and then hair color, like I said, that's trendy you could play with that. It'S not too much of a big deal, preferably you need to stick with your natural colors, but I feel that you don't mean look at the dude from Atlanta housewives. The older brother remember the guy used to be on there Peter come on man that [ __ ] was the [ __ ], with the beard [ __ ], big [, __ ] was great salt and pepper. All up you see a light-skinned guy, salt and pepper. You know I'm saying: what's the ball player, they do this. Always in these movies the lights can do it used to be married to Vanessa Williams. I think it just aged, like milk man, so yeah, but Peter guys, like that. You know I'm saying they can't [ __ ] around with that fake [, __ ], like you, know, permanent hair, and all that you can't do that. [, __, ] man, it don't look right, don't look right! Like you, you you as a black man. You can do more than us, yeah Rick, Fox Rick Fox, took a dump. He was rocking that og [ __ ] for a minute, but not a [, __ ]. You know I'm saying he's starting to look old as a [ __ ]. Now because he needs to change his look. Some guys faces are too young for gray hair. Sometimes some dudes didn't it incorporated, but some things have salt and pepper to make it look too old and somethings salt pepper, given character, Redd Foxx. I feel he just recently started taking a dump, I don't think he'd been taking care of itself, so his face been dropping and [ __ ], but putting on a lot of weight. So you don't got the same, I mean so we don't have no man to look up to with that. So I feel that a dark-skinned and his do not listen. It'S not saying to grow your hair that long, you know as a dark-skinned man or woman. It'S gon na require natural hair. Why it's been proven, but once you start perming that [ __ ] and [ __ ] around your hair keeps breaking off and now you put a weave up in there and now we don't believe you now you got a weave and I could tell I know Your dreads are fake. I know your Weaver's fake, you know and that's why a lot of black man put the sisters down so much because of the fake hair because they want to see real. So you look at a white woman. You, like all these white woman L, do that I'm like all right. No, they don't you think they don't, but they do it's just that it's more believable white woman could get away with putting hair in her ass. You know in one night the next day she could rock that [ __ ]. You actually believe that that [ __ ] was there, but the sister you like man, you know your [ __ ] ain't there long, even though the style want me to put more these. You know these are what you call, but you know lace, for instance, [ __ ], like that, it's like some people. Just on the grind. It'S like a black woman and porn being a milf versus a white woman. You know I mean it's just not the same white woman pull off the mouth, look more than black woman. They just do you know, I'm saying, is you got to know your lane? You know I'm saying like you know. I grew here, so I can style it. I didn't grow here to look like a Rastafarian. I grew here, so I could style it, and I feel that black woman, I say every woman should have every blood dascomb chef dreadlocks. I just feel that you should get more into styling, rather than bumping your hair doing all this [ __ ] to get this [ __, ] wash and set, and nearly 90 % of that [ __ ]. Not yours, like you know, dark-skinned women, corrupt, listen, Amber Rose. I can pull off that short haircut right. Amber Rose got a black head. She got a head, look like Kanye, so woman with a strong head. She can rock a short haircut. You know I'm saying short like amber rose and Rose, puts a wig on. She looks stupid. She don't look right with little head most black woman, especially dark-skinned dick a rock a [ __ ] Ceaser, is still effeminate. You know what, if some light-skinned woman look like a little boy. You know they can't rock that [ __ ], you know white woman, can't rock a bald [, __ ] head, you know say, and it just they just can't write. Women can't write little short hairstyle. You know they can. You know some part of Rican woman could [ __ ] with it a little bit, but when a white woman got out haircut bald versus a black woman, the white woman looks like a cancer patient, no disrespect, but the black woman you she. She just shaved my head: she can get away with it that airflow centric strong skull. It means a lot even if Amber Rose is mixed or not amber Rose's shown that not the average white woman could not do that. She can't so. I feel that Amber Rose. She she she had black looks she had a big ass. She had a short haircut, big thighs, big waist, even though she had work done. She still immolated a black woman. So if a black woman comes into the room, looking like Amber Rose, she's gon na blow Amber Rose out the water, even even if you look at her like something's in the light-skinned woman, but you can't [ __ ] with that chocolate, dark skin natural essence of A woman you, you just can't [ __ ] with her she's a whole entire different situation, and I feel that more dusky and women need to start getting on that. They need to really really really lay low with the [ __ ] weeds man, if she's so stupid, and I mean most even if I can sense your [ __ ] is real, not saying cuz. This is what it is. When a dark-skinned black woman got her long personal hair, now it's like she's one in a million in my lion, she got our own personal hair, now she's exclusive cuz. You could tell it's real, but dark-skinned woman cannot get away with the fake hair [ __ ], like all other woman. They cannot, they can't get away with it it just they can't get away with that. So the reason why they can't, because it's just it, doesn't connect it, never does it never ever [ __ ] does man, I've never seen a dog skin chocolate sister, and I could say that man that [ __ ] hair you killing that it's always hmm. You got it done good or it looks nice, but then in most cases I see the imperfections I could tell. I see the top of your scalp. I see the lump I paid more attention to them, because in most cases they are more likely to put in a weave and think they could get away with it. You can't I'm sorry, I'm saying you, you cannot. I'M looking at the pics of dogs get one right now from HT pumpers Yeah right you did. You go talk guys there you go dark eyes. That is that that's a great statement. She said straight hair, don't go with African features. That is the truth. Oh [, __ ], that is the truth and you'll hear black woman say well, they got black woman with straight hair, yeah, very rare, that's a rare essence, and you believe me when I tell you when you do see that you're gon na know it's real. You can't figure the saying it's like a [ __ ], trying to fake you know, body parts you could tell Doolittle steroids. You know I'm saying you could tell a woman got our butt worked. You see how a light-skinned woman with a big old fat ass. It'S believable. She got work done to it. I can't even use that as an example that that's because that could be that could be general speaking. Spanish um yeah. It'S um. If you show me a dark-skinned model, show me a Instagram model. I'M gon na show you right now: majority of Instagram models got fake, hair, fake body parts. You know I'm saying tons of makeup tons of [ __ ] work done, but showing me a natural black sister on Instagram. They got nothing but natural purities. I challenge you and then I could show you what a natural dark skinned woman should look like. I became illegal for black woman to be discriminated against for their hair, um yeah, but I was sort of dread, lock the lock situation. It'S not discrimination, it was yeah. It was discrimination because of a lock situation. You can't necessarily discriminate. Some woman is wearing locks stuff like that, but we need that power wide dark skin. Our black woman, like start getting into natural, like one of my homegirls, got her hair shut done. If you see the picture on her on the thumbnail, she got her sheets and I never forget that day. She was killing it because I feel that when a chocolate sister comes to it, a nice hairstyle and Oh making a stallion, she's fake, she got. You know she got a lot of hair weaves, there's not a female rapper. That doesn't do that. You I'm saying they all wear weaves, but I feel Nicki Minaj should have a short nice hairstyle um cardi B can get away with it because she looks Dominican. She is Dominican in Trinidad E. Yes, there are Trinidadian women such as ask Nicki Minaj, but come on Nicki Nicki rocks are weaving a wig to her ass. Remember to even name a woman in the game is almost impossible, so I'm just saying dusk and sisters try to build a style, make a style that you can do natural because black man don't like that [ __ ], like I'll, give you another example. You got a like skin homie with [ __ ] makeup. You got a dark-skinned woman with makeup right. In most cases, darker skin woman don't need it. You know I'm saying the skin is darker, so it's all even kiss Tito [, __, ] bags or dark dark rings around the eyes. The dark skin, like skin woman, tend to have that a little more. So that is something that you don't I'm saying it's about: natural natural, natural natural. You know I'm saying like it's all about being natural as much as you can. You want to be the one in a room that everybody else came through, what they fake hair, but you you bomb-ass cut. You know I feel darker skinned woman, karach, [, __, ] short cuts better than anybody. I don't think nobody can [ __ ] with them. Nobody here black woman too much way too much of makeup now, and I feel that I feel makeup is more of a white thing. I feel white woman could [ __ ], kill makeup. Nobody kills makeup like a white woman, let's just be fed, they kill. It got State thing, you know, I'm sad, they kill it like. We got to do better man, I'm saying you know, get involved and seeing like y'all, do you should you do this? You don't have to yeah shout out to FDM GI. I can't Megan, I'm gon na. Tell you why I can't get into Megan Megan is to [ __ ] Megan reminds me of a big she's, not feminine a black man on like she ain't feminine it up, she's just too big and doofy. She I feel that Megan being a big black sister, which she looks like she's, a big sister, I feel a woman, it's like six foot and think this certain [ __ ] they can't carry. I throw that mega. Shoulda came in a game as like the classy business, attire woman, I think Megan would [. __ ] kill that, but she came in here trying to wear tennis, shoes and leggings, and they just don't look right. You just we not entered. We not it's a scene of a black woman that has such a strong presence look manly. You know I'll give an example. Like you see a little Hispanic woman, spanic woman didn't wear anything because Hispanic woman could be feminine dressed like a boy. It'S like you, see a Latin dude right who makes the best looking north no disrespect to the gay community, but who makes the best looking transsexuals, you see my [ __ ] black dude, you could tell you see. A white guy tells her face. Is [ __ ] black man's faces the hardest, but once you start seeing a Hispanic, [ __ ] ain't even got an Adam's apple. They look like a female. You know I mean so they're like a female. More than anybody saw a Spanish female. Forget it. No matter how many you try to make her look, she's still feminine, you know Megan Megan. The stallion should have been dressed in her ass off or some real. You know, fly high heels nice long skirts. She could have killed it with that, but you seen this big old, [ __ ] jumping on stage. Nobody want to see no big six-foot-five want me to talk about big old freak, nothing, but a big old freak. That'S that's nasty! We don't like that black man do not like big woman that carry themselves as a big guy. That'S a it's to turn off. You know they don't like that! [ __ ], I'm telling you that's! Why I'm making the style? You don't have a big following of [ __ ], it's really into her daddy, just don't she's! 6 1! That'S a big [ __ ], so she's, 6, 1 you're, a big girl and you a rapper. So that's already aggressive. So I feel that Meagan these classes and becoming more feminine, I feel she's too too tough and she's trying to be feminine. Does that make sense, she's hold it down more feminine. Tell you see like Wendy Williams. Is she tries to be real feminine, but the thing is with Wendy Williams, Wendy Williams looks like a male transsexual or transgender, whatever they call. Wendy Williams doesn't look like a lady. She looks like a man dressed in drag. So that's why nobody's really attracted to her? Like that, you know most men, most men, most man, I'm not usually try - can't say nobody queen latifah too manly man, I'm saying [ __ ], don't like that. [ __, ] yeah rapidly tell him [ __ ] sup, but they too many female rappers. This even believe it or not, I think the best-dressed female rapper is Remy Ma and she's. Manley Remy Ma is [ __ ], mainly like a [ __ ]. She probably more manly than all of them, but she dresses the best yeah Wendy's Wendy Williams was cute in the night I wouldn't say sexy, but she was cuter. She was cuter, you know the older. She gets the worse yeah. That'S why you don't hear nobody, listen! Yeah Rhett Remy, just yeah, I like wimpy style, dress and while I was like they didn't hook her up like she was got an incredible stylist, but remy is too [. __ ]. You know I'm saying I can't [ __ ] with nobody like that cuz. You know I'm saying: is she too rough that black man don't like that [ __ ] your opinion, white male of that [, __ ], but black males love a feminine, find sexy, broad know, Simone Lewis, I now personally tall woman with runway bodies. I can deal with that because they're feminine, you know what I'm saying right other than a feet. Maybe too [ __ ] big, sometimes, but you can't get more feminine enough than a runway supermodel. I feel runway models of feminine, even when they try to be tough. They'Re feminine, so I could [ __ ] with the tall woman like that and, as you know, I'm the darker woman is in the model. That'S a great example. Even though ami Campbell, she was able to pull off some of the weeds because they had her dress. More like a costume boom, but we're talking runway but who's the biggest model in the game. It'S that dark that bald-headed chick. You said, I'm Sam white woman, don't look good in ball heads they just don't very few sand. They'D O'Connor some woman could pull that [. __ ] up, but most of them can't pull it off Naomi Campbell's, probably one of the best that did it. She wanted a bad. His dark-skinned sisters ever walk a runway. Wendy look like she just sucked a lot of dick. I don't think nobody trying to stick their dick in her when you probably suck on a lot of mean dick. You could tell Wendy swallow those licks ass everything she got. Ta be nasty cuz. Nobody want to [ __ ], her Wendy got ta pay, [ __ ], the [ __ ]. That curvy can be wrong runway models. They often shut out on the set him Simone. Louis shout Simone Louis I'm gon na tell you something. That'S a good point. You brought up, but I'm gon na tell you. Curvy models is [ __ ] at a game up, don't eat, they came a long way. I personally love cookie mothers. I love curvy, my I love big women. I love big woman tall. I love all, and I'm saying: Ciarra has male attributes and her weaves are terrible. Ciara just has male attributes. She just got. Manly looks man, I can't [ __ ] with Sierra. I don't find Sierra attractive at all. She liked a guy. She knew she danced like. A [ __ ] she danced like a male dancer like a male. You know a choreographer. I never seen. I think what video she like, a woman, and I remember the sexy video that was it, but I can't [ __ ] with Sierra. So when I think of a feminine woman, I'm thinking of her walking in a dress how she walk, I think Sierra just looked like she's got a strap-on me and her weaves are a horrible god. Damn like come on boo, how you Richie you [, __ ], you don't got a good dresser to make it look good. I like talking women too, but see Yara is just I could picture her and Nicky [ __ ] like and Siara being a man. You know see homages, I don't know, I can't get him to home and never Alicia Keys that but see Alicia Keys can get away with wearing a weave because she's half way she could wear a weave, a curly weave to her ass and we don't even know If Alicia Keys got ta add for Alicia Keys is is another one man I really wish Alicia Keys, Siara remy ma making a stallion. You know we just don't talk about those women, man, most [, __ ], just don't talk about them. They'Re! Never there's a lot of fans. They have all these women have incredible fans around the world, but your average man, that's into a sexy woman from head to toe these nutty's women, come up in a conversation yeah. I believe that judgment I wouldn't be shocked. I wouldn't be shocked to me. I think Sierra looks more manly than harm her husband, her husband, the evil he's a football player. He you know Sam, that's just to me, no not come out disrespect him. I just feel that CR I just got a real strong. Look, you know, I don't know Megan, I don't know make Megan gives me a feel of us. He stinks. I don't know what it is Eve. No, I can't [ __ ] with ee-vie them. I don't like Eve's chin her jaw. I don't like ease all this here. Her [ __ ], just [ __ ] up yeah a little mama got a man face little mama, look like a do like, but you know what [ __ ] little mama up. It'S not even the face. The face is a little rough, but she's got nobody man. She got nothing Nicole, Murphy. She just made it. I think, Nicole Murphy years ago, used to look like a guy, but I think she's gotten better. I think they're old in the cold, cold yeah, but Nicole Murphy can rock a weave to her ass and it will be believable because she's light-skinned she's a white woman - and you know I mean the lighter you are the more you could get away with a long [ __ ] weave Foxy Brown was hot. Yes, she was, you know what is with Nicole, so you got ta remember this is the deal the lighter. You are the more you can get away with being different nationalities. It could be anything the darker. You are you're not as open as you know, every every you when you're dark. You could get away with certain things. Light-Skinned people could get away with them. The lights can get away with, sir. I think the dogs get people get really yeah. You know, I don't even know, there's an attractive female rapper. I don't think you can be feminine and really be a female rapper. Not these days I mean if there's old, school rappers, maybe salt from salt and pepper. She was feminine. She was sexy. I think um what's-her-name was that chick young MA young animators just ugly, no she's. It'S not that she got a rough face, she's just atrocious, so she makes a good looking. Man like she could be a [ __, ] dude, cuz she's, your faces, [ __ ], shot mone love, but she had a [ __ ] up shape, though flat super flat ass, big tits, the brat is not attractive, said like blackmailing more soft. In her black woman well mentally, you know remember some of these rappers, we name in nobody really killing it, but an order for women to be popping left. I was sexy, that's a good one there, but remember she was also part of a singing group. Even though she was a rapper, she still moved craze phileas. She was very, very sexy. You know what t-boz always had a manly thing about her. She was tough and t-boz or her fine-ass self. That'S what's funny like a got it this masculine. For God he wants you to be pure black. You mixed with life skin, you soft, but when a woman is mixed with light-skinned black man go crazy with that [ __ ] is crazy. Man t-boz got word, I can't say fat. She put on weight because she's sick she's, actually sick, real [, __ ] she's. Actually, sick MC Lyte miss y'all with him. I can't [ __ ] with none of them. I just don't find female rappers sexy. I think that dominican chick from uptown it did a soul with meek mill's. I think she's a little sexy yeah. I think so, but I'm trying too hard. You know mary j blige. I agree with you. I think. Maybe he ain't blige's. You know I, like I don't know. Maybe she's blond just looks like somebody's sister. You know like she must be. Like being my sister. I never looked at Mary like that left eyes. Never we, when I left, I don't believe I ever worn a weave. She may have had a bomb connected, so [ __ ], which is still don't count as bad, because some people got to get a straight. We, what are you looking at? Don'T you like? No man staring at me, Mary doing it Mary's. Alright, I just feel, like Mary looks like everybody's cousin auntie, you know douji cat. She know she half white, so she'd get away with all types of [, __, ], curly, weaves straight. We, you know purple weave any [, __ ] thing. Let me take that back mary j blige is an attractive woman. I just never looked at her and said. I would [ __ ] marry you not saying, but I would left I was Honduran right. Is that true she just died outdoors. You left, I was [ __ ] super sexy. That'S one thing about that. That trio. I think the oil has something special man. He always just I can't get in the Iggy man I can't get in home. I can't get him Iggy Azalea either, because biggie is just she part of you know what I'm internet chill man I like a white woman. They got a real fat ass, that's natural Iggy by his fake. I can't deal with that. [ __ ] man, like I mentally can't [ __ ] with legit yeah Lauryn Hill, but see Lauren Hill, never had no long, leaving us [ __ ]. Not that. I recall Lauryn Hill was into her natural [, __ ]. You know, that's why I said my my dog skin sisters, man y'all, got ta y'all got to get it together. Man y'all got ta really get into this natural essence: [ __ ]. This is that's where it's really yet get into the natural man and natural is: what's gon na bring your father, your iggy azalea. She wants to look black. I don't like girls like that. You know, then, when you see a good shot of her, you know a bad shot. Then you're gon na see the fakeness. So I don't like that tikka something I don't know she remind me with Oreo, not in a bad way. She just doesn't. I can't picture tikka with a black man. I could picture her married to a white dude III. Don'T feel that and tikka got some pretty ass head. She got that red hair like she's, dark-skinned with that [ __ ], that's rare, yeah Sharda, but natural man he's a natural woman. We talking about female rappers can't be naturally all most of them. They trying to look like somebody, not lady of rage, see that [ __ ] too rough. For me, I don't know, I think white white man, like dominant white man, is into dominus [ __ ]. You know how white dudes are. I could be chained and spanked. This [ __ ] Aaliyah was was just taking advantage of man. I think everybody just [, __ ] walk Kelly took advantage of a damn. I just feel like everybody took advantage of a lea man and he gets put on the wrong plane. You know I'm saying it's just [ __ ], it all up. Kenya Moore. I used to love her but she's a fake [, __ ] Kenya Moore got a butt done, titties done, [ __ ]. She got a whole bunch of work done she's. Actually, like a man, hey Kenya, Moore was bad. Maybe that movie tois that b-movie trotty. Are you a menage-a-trois and she's fake now, and she was one of them: dogs and sisters. That was fire, like god, damn she was fire with a neck. She was able to get away with a hair weave, so bad cuz. She had these features that made her look European, so she got away with it, but she didn't need to. She was so fine. She rocked whole bunches, [ __ ], you know anything but as [ __ ] long weave man. I hate this. You know Chris, even if stinking ass ghetto ass ghetto, ass, [, __, ] curly wheels. Shits are disgusting. Man yeah, Iggy, Azalea yeah. She probably got her, but she listen if I'm gon na be with a white woman. Let me be with a white woman with a natural body. I gon na [ __ ] with a white woman with no fake body. That'S that's just me. It'S no sense! Knowing that these black woman got big asses now shot the flight, I'm the cute black girl from proms tell ya. She was a cutie, she disappeared. She was a nice-looking natural sister. I don't think she was pop, don't turn I don't got no issue it too much. Little hair perm. No, I got no problem with that's the weave. Oh, the numerical Fox is atrocious. She look [ __ ] up yeah the girls in belly yep, I forgot I mean but Kenya, Moore or maybe she was Miss America years ago. I used to love. Kenya, Moore man, I think the problem is dues. A Tony's woman like your boo rock your [ __ ] natural. Like you know, I'm saying don't feel like. I think people think when a woman wears I had Naturals just gon na, be like she ain't gon na comb, my hair. She ain't combing it to have a style wrong with that, but she just comb it and it looks [ __ ] up. Nobody want to see that I'm not going a lot, a white woman that I see are oppressive when they have certain little natural shits. I like about them little. You know big shapes when they got that sister shape it just it's just like the best of both worlds. I don't shout it's College, I don't like Eve. I think he was a dope dresser, but I think Eve I don't like Eve's jawline her jawline. I can't [ __ ] with her jawline, like she never got away from that look that she had from the Rough Riders when she first started with this longer short blonde hair, and she was a little thick. I don't like. I don't like. I don't like Eve. Keyshia Cole, the old Keyshia Cole does space in the teeth yeah. I like. I don't like the new Keyshia Cole. She can't even talk with her fake teeth, even like that Faith Evans. Now she just every time. I look at faith there because I think of coke. She just like she just took another coke all day, not a Capricorn way, a lot of white woman's born with these big asses and they don't sleep. A lot of them are born with these big asses, [ __. ] trust me. You trust me, you can see it when the young girls are coming from high school. Like it's natural, you know you ain't gon na be putting these things, no, not to be no creep but you're, not gon na, be putting you know these uh. You know openly you're gon na be putting these uh little kids and [ __ ] nice [, __ ] teenagers to no damn surgery. So you know it's not like the 1970s man. The average white woman now is actually growing up with some cakes. That'S why a lot of white women are into our culture now, because they grow up with rhythm. They grow with hips and ass. You know, Keyshia Cole had baby teeth, not anymore. She got her [ __ ], redone yeah. She got a [ __, ] redone, we'll put those thumbs up: people Rihanna Rihanna's, sexy Rihanna's Rihanna's sexy period, the end Lori Harvey yeah, I'm not into Lori Harvey in her mother. They I just can't get it to them, a just that black they're bad for black woman minute, just [ __ ], wannabe Kardashians. I don't like the girls like that. Like Kardashian's took black woman, [ __ ] and and made a [ __ ] Empire out of it, and here you got Laurie Harvey, that's just [ __ ] with Steve Harvey and pride sex. You [ __ ] with a couple of drug dealers, but you ain't lying as big as the Kardashians, your mother's, just teaching you how to be a thought they get money from meetings like be a bigger we making millions of dollars like these Kardashians Gayle King, if It was between Gayle, King and Oprah. You had to [ __ ], one of them. I couldn't I couldn't nothin [ __, ], McGill Gail be wearing terrible. Wigs a wig game was terrible, shall Derek Burt yeah. I can't I can't you know. I got this one dog skin sister now right I supposed to film with her this weekend, but I don't know. Last week she told me she had a weave. I said no, what are you gon na get the braids done braids I can [ __ ] with, but I can't film you with a hair weave [ __ ] like I need a dog skin, strong sister to film with that has her natural hair. I want to show people of the world these non celebrity, dark-skinned women again you rage. They give me more of a natural appeal than a long [, __ ] weave it's just sitting on top of your head and it doesn't look convincing Gabrielle Union where Zwack weaves. I don't like Gabrielle unions wheels, I feel Gabrielle's another one. She could get remembered, Toni, Braxton and Halle Berry. These woman were fire like they rap short hairstyles and they killed it and Halle Berry's half white. But I feel that when black woman don't have to embrace this fake culture, I don't believe none of them got any work done on anybody. But even me, along, like these, a woman that didn't have to cook like me, along with her weave you don't even look great we're not used to it number one and number: two. She don't mean it. I feel that the blacker you are, the less the bless you need a weave. Let'S just mine, think the blacker, you are the less likely you need a weave. You know you don't need a loan in especially no unlawful one. You better leave that alone. Janet Jackson and Janet Jackson went through phases. She wanted to be white black. I don't really know where I'm at but Janet Jackson, with a short haircut, incredible, incredible, incredible, incredible short haircut, a Janet Jackson, incredible yeah! Well, Michael Jackson, after his surgeries, he look more feminine like a girl or she clearly looked like her brother. Yes, she did, but you know I just. I feel that more black dusk and sisters a meal like she was half Spanish right yeah. I think I think a meal. I don't me like she was on drugs. Man she's like she was like on X, dope, user right, Nia Long looks better with short hair. Mr. Parker from Friday was hi to her peak here, Grace Jones. She Caracas. You know I mean you put a long weave on Grace. Jones looks stupid as hell. You got ta ride race gon na now cuz. She shook the brat is a good female, rapper she's, just not sexy. I feel women that are the least sexiest they Rock. We use the best chance at CEO it up to you yeah. You know that that's really on Wanda Sykes. Now I think I think that's why the sex makes a perfect lesbian. She really does, I think, she's a perfect lesbian. I love my natural quality like mine, that dated way up when I was natural yeah I mean even listen sisters just because your [ __ ] is natural, don't mean it look good even but have a natural look that looks good yo you're, the female rapper. She was always cool cuz. She always had braids so yeah. I can [ __ ] with a yo-yo sheep. I love LA woman. Oh Sam Lupita Nyong'o is pretty she's pretty natural sister. I feel that the natural Afrocentric look as a pros to the natural diva. Look. It'S a difference, light ain't, telling y'all to walk out here with seashells and your nose and [ __ ]. I'M just saying that if a dark-skinned black woman works more that pizzazz she can, she can pull off some [ __ ] that no other woman could do. I'M telling you I've seen it, but I just feel now. Lately I've been seeing dark and sisters. Wear weaves, I'm like man come on. Maybe I'll get that [ __ ] out of here that [ __ ] looks [ __ ] awful awful you're. Making good fell off, snarling fell off, making good is whack now she's weak. Two week note the good thing about wigs wigs came a long way. There are a lot of nice waves. A lot like a lot so II sedan is dope. Wan na have to stop trying to compete with other races, a woman to just embrace themselves, amen a man, a man that that probably ended the discussion here. You couldn't have said that any better. I can't top that you couldn't have said that yeah yeah. That'S that's! The reality, don't you know, stop trying to do. [, __, ] there white woman could do but stop trying to be white. You know I mean I feel that yes, a light-skinned woman, she could get away with it cuz she could get away with it. She just could you know I'm saying, but I feel that dark skin darker skin black women, it just doesn't carry and you could be brown this. This applies to you, brown, skin, dark skin, [, __, ], that weave [ __ ] man Tichina. All sexy Kerry Washington she's a cutie pie too. This is another one. You know I'm sayin, but yeah yo girl had Britton O'Neill got praise no more, but even now her hair shut cut short in the style. You know, I feel if you could go, get your hair cut the style you can. You know a weave is like. What'S the point, you won't get a [ __ ] leave and that shit's a lot of work too dossie a woman can really shut [ __ ] down he just they have a. They have a higher regard. You know and a higher responsibility to not try to look white. Like a white woman, be a white woman, let a latin want to be a white woman, let it be a Latin woman, but a light-skinned woman be mixed whatever she would you're a black. The blackest, like you, can't [ __ ] around Adeena Howell, was sexy. I loved she cut her hair to style. This is woman around my waited sister. She cut her dreads off and I was like. Why did you do that? Shouted the Dermott rich? What up bro? Thank you too big. So I appreciate that man. Thank you very much. Wow sexy lady for the Erica Mena, though she's remember she's Puerto Rican Spanish. She can get away with all that [ __ ] we talking about because she's she's Hispanic. You know, I think a lot of people just have to realize. Well, dark-skinned women are some bad [, __ ] they just got. I feel that they, you know what it is. I feel that a lot of dark-skinned woman with the right dude they could bring out a beauty out there. That'S beyond. I feel that whatever else can do they can't do it's the same thing I talked about earlier, like you got to know, if you're a big man, so you can't do a little [ __ ] could do you know I'm saying it's a brandy brandy from brandy. The original brandy, damn yeah, we need to definitely work together, hey feel my demon respond or you give me a mother after you could call me on Instagram. We need to definitely do some video work of photography and my prices are very affordable and we could really really get a nice situation going for you to bump this idea. Shouting I'm a rich man. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. Thank you for that. Incredible. Beautiful one donation - that's beautiful man! Thank you very much out to the Dumber rich man. My real ones that hold me down. Um, loving hip-hop is a [ __ ] disaster disaster. This [ __ ] disaster. They made those women up too much man.

Valley: I got locs 7months ago the best choice I ever made. I was already natural for years but locs are way more unique to me. I can go into a store and be the only Blk girl with locs. Lastly the way you drove off saying I don’t trust how they pulled up had my dying laughing

La Original: I don’t think complexion has anything to do with it. I think black women period should stop wearing weaves.

Clarice: I LOVE this video. You broke it down so eloquently. Thanks!

Eve: One thing I like about your channel is that you give honest advice to black women and you do not ridicule black women by doing so. So many black male Youtubers camouflage their hate for black women by calling it "help" when really they are simply using their platform to degrade black women while attempting to upgrade black men (though we are treated equally in this white society! Next, I absolutely agree about the weave situation. Pre 2000s, black women did not get weave to make it look like their real hair. They got weave so they could make different styles for example one week is a short bob with highlights, the next week is braids, and the week after is ponytail attachment. Now, too many black women want to imitate white / non black women which is why they started wearing only long, straight weaves. They stopped diversifying their hair styles because they wanted people to think those hair styles were all their real hair. Finally, black women do not need make up at all! We look like a man when we wear make up. Why? Our facial features are already so defined. Make up is to highlight features but all of our features are already strong: healthy cheekbones, long, big wide nose, big lips. The purpose of make up is to make these and we black women already have them! PS- Dark skin black women are black. Light skin women are not black!

Valley: My dad always said stop putting that shit in your hair . It’s definitely society because my mom never wore weave nor did my sister.

Eve: Tips for black women to grow our hair: 1. Do not wash your hair so much! For some reason, there was a LIE saying that black women should not use grease. Maybe they were referring to mixed women, but yes black women. We do need grease. We should grease our hair 1-3 times a week. We need that oil on our scalp. We should wash our hair at the most twice a month but really only once a month. Don't believe me? Here is an example. I was researching and discovered that the reason why Indian women have such long hair is that they rarely wash it. Indian women will bathe their hair oils every week. They literally saturate their hair with oil and wash their hair like every 6 months! That is a typical hair routine in India. I am telling you: a greasy scalp is like fertilizer. And no your hair will not smell! 2. Remember our hair grows out, not down. Stop trying to be like non black women. Our hair grows differently. Our hair has more thickness than length. Stop wanting your hair to be long down you back. Locks grow quicker because it is following a down pattern. Again if we just have our hair as it is, it grows out. So please stop over-processing your hair trying to make it bone straight. We have beautiful thick hair, not stringy hair. 3. Use a good shampoo and conditioner. I personally use Mane and Tail shampoo and I use cholesterol leave in conditioner. I personally only use leave in conditioner for my hair. 4. We should mostly wear protective styles throughout the year. Where your hair out only when necessary for example a wedding, an important job interview, or you want to impress a specific man with how beautiful and healthy your hair is. Every person does not need to know your hair is long to your shoulders or even past that. The beauty of your hair should be seen on special occasions. Throughout the year, try different protective hair styles. 5. Lastly, I know it is not easy but please learn how to do your own hair. Stop giving beauticians all of your money. Only go to the beautician on special ocassions. Our hair does not always have to be "layed". We just need a nice, presentable, shiny hairstyle and many of these can be achieved at home.

Ed 209D: Every white woman does not want a tan!! I love ❤❤❤ BW with natural "feature matching" hair!

Bridget Uchendu: Glad you kept reiterating that these are your opinions.

j 2020: Nickii minaj real hair is longer than Cardi B's hair .. do your research. Darkskinned women with hard features should skip the long straight hair

Chisom Okemadu: Why only dark skinned black women? It’s obvious it’s a personal hatred which is why you singled them specifically out.

blueguise23: They got those masculine features.

Abcdefg Abcdefg: Black women In general look like men with or without weave

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