California Hair Stylist Sets Client'S Hair On Fire To Get Rid Of Split Ends

Hair stylist JR D'Angeles claims cutting hair with blunt scissors causes breakage and more split ends! The California businessman was recently seen rubbing a model's neck and ears with anti-burn protective cream before setting her hair ablaze. It's a technique he says leaves his clients' hair silky smooth. He didn't invent the method, saying he first saw it growing up in the Philippines, but hopes it catches on here in the states.'s Keleigh Nealon ( has more. #InsideEdition

Talk about a hot hairdo, this stylist's sweet creations are on fire literally 54 year old, j.r, deangelis lights. Women'S hair on fire to get rid of their split ends, check it out. Deangelis says this technique leaves his clients with silky smooth hair, even if it smells for a second, he rubbed this model's neck and ears with anti-burn protective cream. Before setting her hair ablaze, deangelis claims cutting hair with blunt scissors to get a look like this causes. Breakage and more split ends, but fire seals, the hair and bonds the ends together. He didn't invent the method saying he first saw it while growing up in the philippines, but he hopes it catches on here. Now, that's a hot new trend. That'S fair! Raising, i'm kelly! Nieland for inside

Farah101: For people who don’t want split ends, but DO want heat damage.

sergeant_salty: 0:55 i love his face right here. it's like even the stylist is amazed that no one is stopping him from doing what he's doing

Dan Hutchins: I’m a barber so not a professional with long hair, but you haven’t got to be a rocket scientist to realise how stupidly dangerous this is and not worth the risk

The Fog: Stylist: "Ok what can we do for you today?" Lady: "I want you to give me a new look that will set my soul aflame" Stylist: "Say no more"

Gwyx Nyx: As someone who grew up from the Philippines for 20yrs, this is the first time I've heard of this apparent method and I've never seen this here in any salons or barber shops. This is mind boggling.

KaylaR517: If you’re gonna show something like this at least don’t repeat the same footage 20 times, we want to see results

Tinker Quinn: Anyone who's ever had their hair burnt knows how crappy the ends feel after. As a hair stylist all I can say is: No.

Madre: Shocking!!! So dangerous on every level. He states it gets rid of split ends???? Yes it also gets rid of hair and an emergency visit to a hospital to the serious burns department. That video should be taken down in case someone tries this at home.

Santa: This is the worst thing ever , people will do anything for clout even if it means putting someone else in danger ⚠️ a big no no

Lucid Dreams: A stylist may burn the loose ends sticking out of braids with a lighter very quickly and lightly but not set someone whole head on fire like this. Hell no.

blue eyed siren: As a licensed cosmetologist of over 20 years this is absolutely ridiculously stupid

lovelyrosebw: This is so reckless and dangerous and under no circumstances should this be allowed as a way to get rid on split ends in any hair salon in this country cause in the blink of an eye your whole head can be consumed by flames and you could be seriously burned if not worse killed and this client was stupid as all hell for allowing a stylist to do this, idc how if said stylist is an expert in performing such a thing, you will not be setting fire to my hair while it’s on my head to get rid of split ends

Faithy: Imagine the hair didn't stop burning and her whole hair just went up in flames this is why this can be dangerous

Rachael LeAnn: Never would I ever allow anyone to do this to my beautiful hair. No way. This just stupid

Tamlynn: WTF This is insanity on a whole other level. Never would I ever! I don’t know whose dumber the hair stylist or the client that let him do this.

Gabriel Malefetse: He deadass lost control and burnt half the client's hair off and he knows it

Naia: I don't doubt that this works, I just doubt that he knows what he's doing lol. Mostly because I have seen this done before, but never where half the head is on fire

Arielle C: Every Hair Guru Ever: "heat will damage your hair" This Dude: "Nahhh heat is good"

Gaming With Abiha: Why do I love watching this over and over It's just too satisfying

Lauriston Smith: I've seen barbers do it in Italy, but they do it more gradually. In the 80s (UK) when I put braids in my hair the hair stylist would routinely burn the ends of my braids with a candle to seal the ends tup. So this isn't unknown to me. But the AMOUNT of fire was frightening though and I would've liked to have seen the end result.

Gitika Indigo: this takes heat damage to a whole new level

joel: This is one of the worst things you can do for your hair, and imagine the smell too.

Little Kitten: As someone who got hair burnt a bit by a candle, seeing this made me so disappointed. This reminded me of that horrible day.

kellyhowful: Never will I ever let anyone set my hair on fire. This looks so dumb!

Jesus Christler: BET HE LEARNED THAT FROM 5 MINUTE CRAFTS Edit one: happy one year anniversary thanks for the likes

James Brown: It is foolish to risk someone's safety like that. It only takes one time for something to go wrong. A person can be injured for life.

Donna Le Pore: This looks extremely dangerous. Putting Vaseline on her ears and neck wouldn't stop an accident from happening . It just looks too dangerous. Just recommend treating the split ends with a great conditioning product. I wouldn't want someone doing that to my hair.

Rachael LeAnn: Love how they didn't actually show him finishing the look. Bet that didn't go well tho. Yikes

Vanessa Olszen: This is what it means to not let people "play in your hair"!

Reena: Reporters: “he burns off split ends” Him: *burns off a random 3 inches in the middle

{•Hidden•}: That is plain STUPID. I would NEVER in my life let that man near my head

rebecca: Wouldn't this create more split ends and breakage? Not to mention really damaging.

ProudDeaf Mom: Yikes!! Someone who does that CANNOT be trusted!!

Darlene R.: I will take split ends all day, everyday, rather than risk being disfigured and left with scars and NO hair at all from being burned with fire

Shan f: I love how they never showed the end results lmaoooo

Sandra Elisa Ruggini: 01:03 yeah very professional work You can see from his smooth moves that he has everything under control

G Tron: So for anyone that that cares about reality and fact based research, hair exposed to fire causes damage to the outer cuticle which causes the hair to become more fragile. One of these days, he'll give someone the Michael Jackson burning head hairstyle...and I want to see the before and after of that client.

Tracy OfFaith: Reading comments Though I have to say, I accidentally set one side of my hair on fire in my 20's, too close to cooker flame. Immediately put it out, of course. It's been the best side of my hair ever since but I wouldn't deliberately do it.

peter8488: Just NO, the liability is far too risky to "get rid of split ends" the lazy way.

BSmoove: I’m not an expert but hair, fire, and a plastic comb seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

nari: her hair looks so damaged WHAT WAS GOING THROUGH HIS HEAD WHILE HE DID THAT... poor girl

the_Lena _girl: I remember watching a thing when I was little when they reported about some dude doing this to promis, but that dude actually knew how to do it and it didn't catch on fire like this. I think I can even remember the dude wrapping the hair that wasn't to get burned in stuff. has been good 10 years probably tho so i don't really remember

A S: 0:56 just look how uneven her hair is

Natalie Moraes: I'll never go to a hair stylist again and say..."idc what u do with my hair"

Life.: As a barber. I highly recommend y’all to NEVER do this. That is all.

Yuko: They should never do that, too dangerous.. She allowed him to do it, and she would sue him if something went wrong, "he didn't tell me I might get on fire..."

solar pony: BIG NO. I'm not paying to have someone get their fetish jollies at the expense of my hair

Chocoholic Malice: When I was like twelve my mom took me to a salon and my hair was super thick and nice and they put BOILING WATER in my hair, cause they said it was supposed to make it “nicer” it hasn’t been the same since and it’s about half as thick

Rever End: OMG! He could have given her severe burns. The fire could have ignited any product on her hair and could have been disastrous!

Molten: “He first saw it while growing up in the Philippines” Me, a Filipino, who has lived here all my life: where

Raffaele B B: ‍♀️Why they don't show the results at the end? This is so stupid. What is he going to do if things go wrong and the cloak catches fire or all of his hair? He's crazy.

Scopeyin: Doing that to a women's hair... That's playing with fire man... However u look at it

Lindiwe Nyamayaro: This is hilariously stupid and dangerous at the same time

riceandcheese: As a shop full of highly flammable liquids and canisters you think they would stop for a sec and think, maybeeee it’s not a good idea to make this a regular or encouraged thing

Rachel Guyer: I love how he completely ruined their hair and took off like six inches of length.

See Think Say: Can hardly even begin to imagine the smell of burning hair Besides, the volunteer was probably about to get a short haircut anyway I guess.

Julius R.: It’s just a matter of time before a major accident happens!

iOS xTrader: 1:03 It could’ve gone so bad! After all, fire damages your hair.

HunterCool22: That ain’t no stylist, that’s a maniac who preformed a freak accident.

Momma-Smashly👑: As a licensed cosmetologist and pro aesthetician of 16+ years this is absolutely absurd on so many levels! LADIES: PROMISE ME U WILL NOT DO THIS? Truly? I really mean it!

HunterCool22: Ok so if I beat someone nails with a hammer does that make me a nail artist? How does lighting someone’s hair on fire make them a hair stylist?

xxqueenxx Breexx: Ive been a cosmetologist for a day and watching this for the first time is absolutely positively ridiculously stupid !

LowYummy: This is anxiety inducing, isn’t heat damaging to the hair?

BabyWaffles9998: Can't imagine how bad it smells in there.

Lilith the Firehawk: My girlfriend’s a cosmetologist and this made her so mad it ruined her mood for the whole day.

Poseidon: This reminds me when I was younger I put a part of my hair on a candle and the part of the hair became black but I didn’t realize it, so my mom was trying to find it out until I remembered

Delicia Perry: When you literally want your hair to be "lit"

Breeze P.: I think this burns more hair than just the split ends…nope nope

Astral Oracle: People will do anything for 15 seconds of fame. Extremely dangerous and he’s going to have to use scissors to even it out after the fact

inglorious_Machina: Then he'll send her home like "stay hydrated and be careful when using a hair dryer, you don't want HEAT DAMAGE"

butlernov2006: Can you imagine what that smells like? I put one loose hair to a candle once and it smelled awful.

Joanna Vancouver: If this worked so well, why haven't stylists been doing it? Hair and fire have been around for millions of years after all. Plus it makes zero sense. He still has to even it out using scissors. Stupid, dangerous and undoubtedly very smelly. Waste of your time Inside Edition. I'm sure your story will now encourage this practice to be tried by others resulting in injuries and a lot of tears.

Boegey Man: Never give your hair to someone who looks like this

Barbara Roberts: What a great way to get revenge on a customer you always hated!

mkv 85: Lmao he looks nervous doing it, he's not even confident that it'll work lol

Sopamarucha: As a computer technician I recommend you guys to never do this.

Nik Nik: I use to burn my side bangs to get the correct look. It always turned out perfect! Scissors never gave it a good look but the fire did. Quick like and put it out as fast as possible. It can be dangerous!!!!

Filsan A.: This is literally what the term, "hair brained idea" was meant for. What the AF? Why would anyone willing set their hair on fire?

damsel72: It works. Cousin was doing this in the 70s . She was a gorgeous, long, haired model

Amy Fay: My fave part was when the fire almost got away on him and he had to slap that comb through her hair quick!

____________: Did he just burn more split ends into the girls hair? yea the methods clearly makes the hair so thin after that it will do half of anything with styling product, and if your lucky it might just grow back twice as fast but twice as thin ...Burning hair smoke not only smells bad but it contains chemical fumes

ColorOfLove84: I did this by accident trying to light something in my mouth. It sent my bangs on fire but when I put it out I noticed it only got rid of the dead platinum hair at the tips perfectly lol. I wont try it again though.

Adin Rich: I've set my hair on fire many times trying to smoke something. But to do it on purpose, That's just stupid.

Lily Gonzalez: Pure insanity no one should do this unbelievable.

Danielle Contreras: The face that there’s so many 200+ year old cosmetologist telling people not to do it makes me want to do it. Lol If it works for him and people wanna do it who cares it’s obviously working for him if he has clients and referrals. Don’t need to be stuck in fossil ways.

Aanya Sharma: Scissors be like: am I a joke to you

Proverbs 3:5-6: Evil manifests it self in ways only those with discernment can see. To the rest, “oh look at this cool new hair process”

Robert Trout: It is amazing we have lasted as a species this long.smh lol

Mr. NotSoCreative: Burning hair is possibly one of the worst smells on earth. I can’t even imagine what his store smells like

Ysaray: When you leave your scissors at home I guess this is plan b

SHADOWNINE79: Doctors on the burns unit gonna love him for bringing them new customers

Thundercuck: You let the heat from the flame rise up into the hair, not set it on fire. This guy almost had a lawsuit

Sumoores: That sorta seems too risky. He seemed to struggle honestly, imagine if he couldn’t stop that??

Katie 131: Yea he started combing a bit faster when the flame got higher though didn't he

Thalia Paz: 0:59 There is no such things like that here in Philippines. Never gonna happen.

Olive B: Imagine teens trying it at home. This is insane people!

June Bug: Women: I don't feel hot enough Barber: I got you fam

Kyle Howard: So he’s lighting hair on fire which burns rapidly…..using a plastic comb and not to mention the plastic cape that wraps around her whole body. Lmao someone will be looking like a Christmas tree if he’s not careful. Also looks like he burnt wayyyy more than just split ends in that video. He did a quick panic brush with that comb.

Gardenia: Well you can't have split ends if you're bald. I see no fault in his logic. ‍♀️

Truth Persists: Finally someone burned women's hair with consent. Brings happiness. Because earlier women thought hair symbolizes their beauty, now it's on fire. Very nice, Renaissance.

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