Best Hair Colour For Your Face (It'S More Than Just Skin Tone) Facial Features & Structure, Sty

Hello peachies It's difficult enough to choose between blonde, brown, and red without having to consider the range of tones that exist within those shades. Then there's the question of deciding which of those colours is ideal for you.

‘Hair colour for cool tone skin?

‘Hair colour for warm tone skin?

‘Hair colour for neutral skin tone?

Such particular searches are normal for anyone who is considering switching their hair colour for the first time. Your complexion, however, may not be enough to guide you pick the right hair colour. Your skin’s undertone, facial features and structure, styles, as well as your hair condition are some of the other factors that need to be considered before you pick a shade from the hair colour chart. Before going through Pinterest boards to find your styling inspiration, it would be a better idea to get your basics straight.

Our video will show you how to get this started!

Please refer to the timestamp for different parts of the video:

0:00 Introduction

1:07 Part 1 Skin tone and Shade Intensity

6:42 Part 2 Facial features and structure

13:26 Part 3 Personal Style

15:48 Part 4 Tips you should know before dying your hair

18:51 End

Hope u guys will love this video!♥☺ pls enjoy peachies!

Background music: Chillpeach - Feeling Cozy:

Disclaimer: All the videos, songs, images and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them.

Edit: we apologise if there is any mistake in the translation but we are trying our best do leave your comments below if there is any correction that u wish to make we hope the message of the video will be accurately conveyed and ppl can understand them better!

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Hello peachies welcome back to dear peachie, it's difficult enough to choose between blonde brown and red without having to consider the range of tones that exist within those shade. Then there's the question of deciding which of those colors is ideal for you, hair color for cool toned. Skin hair color for warm toned, skin hair color for neutral skin tone, such particular searches, are normal for anyone who is considering switching their hair color for the first time. Your complexion, however, may not be enough to guide you pick the right hair color, your skin's undertone facial features and structure styles, as well as your hair condition, are some of the other factors that need to be considered before you pick a shade from the hair color Chart before going through pinterest boards to find your styling inspiration, it would be a better idea to get your basics straight. Our video will show you how to get this started. As usual, our video today will be divided into several parts. Please refer to the time stamps. For the following sections, first of all, let's categorize the hair color into two major categories: the dark hair and the light hair lighter hair means hair color that needs bleaching, which it will line your actual hair color into lighter shades such as the platinum, icy, blondes or Champagne hues to get a general idea of which hair color will suit your skin tone. It'S best to start by determining your master tone. Master tone is the overall complexion of one's skin. It can be categorized into cool, warm and neutral master tone, knowing where you belong on this range and selecting a hair color that complements your skin tone, will offer you better results in improving your entire look, if you're not sure what yours is. Please refer to our previous video here, which we have provided a very comprehensive guide in identifying your skin tone and depth. Now that you know your skin master tone, choosing a hair color to suit your skin is a much easier task. If you determine that your skin contains cool tones, look for cool hair colors to complement it. Just like picking up the perfect lipstick shade for your skin tone. Cool skin tone should look for hair colors that has cool undertone hues underneath their shades colors like platinum, blonde, ashy, blonde ash brown and ash purple. These use tend to be flatter. Those with cool skin tone, picking, hair colors with same undertone, can give great balance and harmony in the color tone of our overall look. If you would like to go, brunette try to gravitate your choice towards the cool dark brown, mocha, browns and brown with green or gray hues. Although red color is classified as warm color tone, but it can still flatter the beauty of cool skin tone. If you have picked the right type of reds, those with cool skin tones should opt for shades like merlot, burgundy or subtle shades of mocha for warmer skin tone. You can pick up colors with warm undertone for darker hair colors. The red and brown shades are very flattering options for those with ready, peachy or orange undertone. Warm skin tones tend to shine when paired with a warm hair color such as chestnut or caramel browns, reddish, browns, gold, browns and light auburn. If you're looking to go lighter pick blondes with blushy or golden beige or buttery blonde, these are shades that will suit warm skin tone better. However, you might need to avoid hair colors that are too bright or vibrant if you have warm skin tone. Lastly, if you have neutral skin tone, let me congratulate you. It was a known fact, agreed by most colorists that the neutrals have the most flexibility with colors. They can really do any type of blonde from super cool, platinum or pale beige blonde to a more golden blonde or amber blonde or browns and the red colors. You can run the spectrum from auburn or espresso to true black. Ultimately, all these so-called rules are just to get you started. You will need to experiment around until you find your perfect shade. Let'S take a look at the korean celebrities che yang from twice as an example. Che young has warm skin tone and if we go by the hair, color and skin tone guy just now, she should look great with any warm tone. Hair colors. However, there were mixed comments about her orange hair. In my opinion, i think the orange hair is able to help her to look more eye-catching among the others, but it didn't really accentuate her overall appearance. Don'T get me wrong, i think che young is very versatile when it comes to experimenting with different hairstyles. She is able to look cute and girlish in her long wavy blonde hair and looked more edgy, cool and baddy when she has shorter, dark hairstyle. The orange hair color is just not her best look. Hence. This can tell us that judging your best hair color by looking at skin tone alone is not enough. Skin tone is important, but we should also consider the intensity of our skin shade. It is commonly agreed among the chinese stylists that, if you have darker shade of skin darker hair color will look best on you. This is because there is lower color contrast between your skin shade and hair color. Hence it helps to bring out the natural beauty of your skin and features another example to further explain on this who also dyed her hair blonde few years ago. This hair color just couldn't bring out her beauty. Her beautiful skin was washed out by the pale hair color and failed to enhance her complexion. If we compare the light hair whoa saw with her other looks and darker hair styles, it can be clearly seen that she looks divine in dark hair who all saw slade with her long dark curls. These looks just live, rent free in my mind, if you too have darker skin shade, hair colors like dark brown, ash brown or reddish brown will add perfect amount of glow to your skin. On the other hand, for lighter skin tone, there are less limitations in the choice of hair, color, aiu, daiyun and tayonne. All of them have lighter skin tone, so they will have more options in picking the right hair color. If we are judging by the shade intensity. Only but why lighter hair colors don't suit some people even given that they have light skin tone. This can sum up a conclusion that skin tone and shade intensity cannot be the primary element that you should check. You will still need to factor in other considerations, such as your facial features and structure, your style and hair condition. Changing your hair color can change the impression or aura that you're giving out do. You know that different hair colors can create different impression too, and this depends on the visual weight of the hair colors as well. Do you still remember that we discussed about visual weight in our long hair short hair video, in which we described that visual weight means how heavy your hair style looks in that video? We mentioned that hairstyle with higher visual weight are hairstyles that is long and wavy loose and puffy, and in dark hair, colors, dark, hair color has higher visual weight and lighter hair. Color has lower visual weight, contrastingly matching. The visual weight of your facial features to hair color is the most crucial factor that you should not miss. Black color hair has the highest visual weight. The darker, the hair color, the more it will look more common, composed or mature, lighter hair color is categorized as lower visual weight. The lighter the hair color it will then look fresher, lighter and gentler. Darker hair color can bring more definition to our facial features. It creates greater contrast to our features and facial structure, especially at our cheekbones and jawline areas. It helps the facial structure to look more defined. Lighter hair will look less heavy on us, as it shows more texture of shines of our hair. Hence it softens out our facial features and highlights the roundness or the fleshness of our face shape. So how do we pick the right hair color that suit our facial features? Let'S take a look at the visual weight of your facial features. If you have watched our videos before you must be familiar with this term. If you have not, let me recap a little here: visual weight of your features here doesn't mean the actual weight of your face, but it's the structure of the face itself like how heavy the bones look or how light and delicate the bones look more prominent features Have higher visual presence and hence the visual weight will be higher in here we have put up a scale for higher to lower visual weight features on your left. We have the heavy visual weight features and on the other side, we have the lower visual weight features. We have arranged the examples in a descending manner. The visual weight decreases from the left to right, where it shows the change in terms of how prominent and sharp the features look and the visual presence of the overall impression before picking the best hair color. That fits you, you need to be clear of what is your goal? There are two main goals: one is to match your hairstyle to your personality or style. Second, to accentuate your facial features and structure. You will need to set one of them as your aim before. Finding your signature, hair color, if you would like to match your hair color to your personality or style, you should complement the visual weight of your facial features with the visual weight of your hair color. This means higher visual weight features should go for darker hair colors, while our visual weight features should choose lighter hair colors. This theory can be applied in the majority of the conditions. If you have higher visual weight features, you find yourself have more prominent features or with clear and sharp cheekbones and jawline darker hair styles will fit your natural style better. Just like nana, the lirabat or elaine john. Do you notice that they had almost never changed their hair color? It has always ranged from dark brown to their natural hair color. However, if you would like to accentuate your facial features, lighter hair color is a better option to enhance your face. If you have longer face shape, protruded cheekbones, longer ratio of midface or philtrum close set eyes or low brows, lighter hair color can add more softness to your facial features. Thus, it can make you look more youthful. Lower visual weight. Visuals are characterized with smaller and delicate features. There are blank areas within their face not only that, but they also have smooth and rounded facial structure too, for lower visual weight. Beauties, in contrast to darker hair color, lighter hair color will enhance your natural style. Better, lighter hair color appears to be lightweight and airy. Hence it gives a great balance to the fine and delicate features in lower weight visuals. However, if your aim is to accentuate your visual darker, hair color can provide more definition to your facial feature and structure with the small and delicate features and less angular face shape. Darker hair can create stronger brightness contrast between your face and your hair, so the outer line of your face shape will stand out better in other way round. It can help your face to look slimmer by adding more edges to the face, shape and features. Let'S look at some case studies we will take rose from black pink as the first example rosie's visual might appear to have lower visual weight at the first sight. But if you take a closer look, it may become a little bit complex before we proceed. Do you prefer rose in darker or lighter hair, which one do you think that she looks better in tell us in the comment section well to be honest, we prefer rose and her blonde hair rose has small and delicate features, but slightly long and protruded chin, sharp And protruded jawline her chin are characterized as high visual weight feature with dark hair. Strong brightness contrast will be created between her face and her hair. Thus, it has further highlighted her jawline. However, dyeing her hair blonde has really helped to tone down the contrast and is able to shift the focus away from the lower part of her face. Besides that blonde hair can easily gain people's attention, so naturally the visual attention will be lifted upwards and therefore rosie's chin will become less noticeable in this, we've got to say that her hair stylists are just so clever in styling her. They have put in way much more effort than what you've imagined here comes our second example: satomiya ishahar satomi's has big round eyes with plump and full lips. Her face shape is round, and she has fleshy cheeks and overall, her facial features and face shape appears to be more blunt and they have heavier visual presence. However, darker hairstyle did really help to elevate her visuals so by following the general visual weight hair color guide, the best hair styles for satomi is actually picking hairstyle with high visual weight paired with lower visual weight, hair color or vice versa. The balance of such hairstyle can bring more lightweightness to her overall look. This balance will be disrupted if she chooses a low visual weight hairstyle with low visual weight, hair color. This hairstyle will not be able to match with the heaviness from her facial feature and face shape. Hence it will look less flattering on her coming to the third part, choosing hair color according to your style, if you prefer to go for elegant, mature sexy or powerful girl, boss style, darker hairstyle is your best choice. Darker hair color will bring more contrast to our facial feature, making them look more prominent and eye-catching. It can help to bring your makeup look to the next level and unlock your beauty. On the other hand, if you tend to go for sweet, cute, trendy or girl group aesthetic, these styles will be best expressed with lighter hair color. If you're caught in the middle of both styles, your natural hair, color or any brown tone, hair color will look wonderful in this combination of styles, for instance, he, and i and taeyeon's light hair style, looks, are much more iconic compared to their dark hairstyles. In my opinion, they look great in dark or light hair color, but the blonde hair just give out that alluring vibes that made me can't take my eyes off them. Once you have identified whether you are suitable for lighter or darker hair color, you can narrow down to a shade from your preferred hair. Color chart every shades exudes different styles or visual impression, so hair color choices are not just as simple as red brown, black blonde. As many people would believe in, for example, if you look at the color chart here, there are so many different tones of red, the more vibrant it is the more vigor or youthful. It will look if we add more brown in it. It exude warmer and calmer style. Both of these hair color are quite similar. They too have the platinum blonde tone as the base color. The hair color on the left has more pink or red element in it, whereas the one on the right has just a slight tint in it. So we can see that the left hair style tend to give out a warmer aura which make it looks more egg-yo and youthful. However, if deep red tone is added to the blonde base color, it will look richer even warmer and fresher back to the color wheel. No matter which hair color you choose each and every of them has their unique aura first decide if darker or lighter hair suits. You better then match your favorite shade that best fit your style. However, keep in mind that the hair color visual weight guide should be followed during this process. With this, we are sure that you can quickly find your signature, hair color that can shine your beauty. Last but not least, the condition of your hair will always take top priority over anything else. Why hair coloring will dry out your strands and you will need to take extra care to repair them in order to keep the shine and color for your newly dyed hair? If your hair condition is less ideal to start with, and the hairdresser had to over process your hair, it will cause breakage and you end up with a poor color result. The effect is even more visible in lighter tones, so the darker hair color will do a better job in masking your damaged. Hair commitment is also vital when it comes to the aftercare. If you only visit the salon every six months for color chances, are the color of your hair will fade and it will look less appealing on you dying. Your hair, especially lighter or any blonde shades, will need two to four weeks upkeep. The constant retouching and investing in hair care products to take care of your roots will need not only commitment but money make sure you choose a hair color that fits to your budget. If you're more tight on your budget choose colors that require less upkeep, if you're able to afford to visit the saloon every month, then you have limitless choices. Well, if you still like to experiment with different colors without breaking your bank or damaging your hair, you can try to search for wigs. I am sure you can find them in various colors or lengths online with the freedom to change your hair color. According to your outfit, every day, wig seems like the best choice that we can afford, also not to mention that you can switch your hair color without getting lectured by your parents. That saves us up a lot of unwanted nagging. Besides that, there are some apps available that allow us to edit our hair color. Nowadays, you can try it out by taking a selfie or yourself in a well lit room. This can also be one of the ways to help you figure out which hair color that suits you. Some reminders, before ending our video, bear in mind that light hair colors, such as the blondes or ashy tones hair color, will only mostly look great with makeup and styling. Ordinary people like us might not be able to pull off these hairstyles. If you are not the type of person who wears makeup on daily basis, without the enhancement of makeup, your complexion will look pale and tired. In the end, these are just some guides to help you to get ideas for what you need to consider. The best part of hair color is that it's temporary and fairly easy to play around with, until you find your perfect shade. We hope that our video helps you to understand your own beauty and enhance it with the right hair color. However, the very best way to find your perfect match is to choose the shade of hair color. That makes you feel the most confident because confidence is beautiful. Thank you. So much for watching see you in the next video goodbye you

Zhi Su: Jennie's current hair colour is an example of not understanding skin tones because it makes her look so exhausted and pale. Colours that fit her best are warmish browns more than anything imo

notyourcupcake: A tip or comment for those with wavy/curly hair: Light colors will reflect less light on your hair texture and thus look drier than it actually is, so if you want a healthy looking hair I would recommend you to choose darker colors. I think I got that tip from Chahong's YouTube channel or Brad Mondo but I think it will help to avoid any unnecessary purchases since you may think that your hair needs more protein and such. Take care!

아이코: 11:40 i prefer rosé with blonde hair and light colors like lavender/grey in HYLT. it suits her skin tone better, matches her personality and makes her look angelic no matter the concept

KD: As someone who studied general color theory, I hate when people say "people with neutral undertones are lucky because they can go for any color. It's a myth. More specifically, it's a cop-out explanation of the true nature of neutral skin tones. It's not the fault of Dear Peachie, but it is still the wrong answer. Most colorists say this because the real answer is complicated for the average person to understand. I will try to explain it in a way that's not too complicated. Yes, neutrals are more likely to get away with a warm color than someone with a cool tone. They are also more likely to get away with a cool color than someone with a warm color. That's because they fall right in the middle of the temperature spectrum. The negative side of this is the fact that people with neutral undertones have a harder time finding the colors that work best for them. They tend to struggle with looking. "okay" in most colors, but they have a harder time finding a color that really compliments them and makes them GLOW. The best answer should be to tell people with neutral undertones that they look best in neutral colors. Neutral undertones are also more likely to look good in the muted version of colors. Saturated colors are more likely to lean very cool or very warm so it washes them out. Also, natural colors tend to lean slightly more towards one end of the spectrum. If someone is neutral, but leaning slightly cooler, they look best in slightly cool colors that are a bit muted. So if you want, instead of wearing black (which is a very cool color), you would look great in a charcoal grey. If you are neutral, but lean slightly warm (most neural skin tones lean slightly warm), then you would look good in a muted warm color. For example, instead of yellow, you probably would look best in burnt orange.

HanQ26: I love how this channel often brings attention to what style we actually want to achieve (e.g. mature, cute, sexy) instead of assuming that everyone just wants to look cute and youthful all the time. They also try to give as many options as possible to different facial features and skin shades. Not just limit us to one or two boring options. I always come away from their videos knowing more ways to style myself instead of less.

Kpop Drops: Girl no joke, you should definitely become a personal style guru. I would pay good money to have you analyse my pic and point out what I can do to improve my features. I have typical latin american features (long thick hair, dark eyes and eyebrows, tanned skin) so I feel like my options are a bit limited, however I could take your opinion on it anytime. You're just brilliant, thanks for always putting out precious content for us

Ida a: i absolutely adore rose in blonde, and especially silver hair. ofc she’s gorgeous anyway, but honestly don’t understand when people think dark suits her better, when she literally looks like she was meant to have silver hair. it’s crazy how good she looks with it. just my opinion :)

better best: You actually face more limitations with a neutral skin tone. Colors that are either too warm, too cool, too vibrant will clash with your complexion. You have to choose a neutral color to match.

May QS: I will keep saying this. This channel is just a treasure. I have learnt to be more aware of how even the little things have such huge impact on our total look as well as how Dear Peachie always reminds to be more confident in yourself which truly makes the most difference.

mybstisbts: Chaeyoung is neutral leaning towards cool. She isn’t warm toned at all. She might be confusing to figure out because she’s a clear winter. Clear winters like myself, have neutral skin tones with a cooler or warmer inclination. Joy for example is another clear winter but also leans towards warm (like myself) Hence why she looks good in cooler coral colours. Since I have the same temp as joy, I need some warmth, so I would wear a cool base lip with a warm base middle to balance out. Chaeyoung however, would need a warm base with cool point makeup which is why our type is really confusing. What matters is the top colour that shows related to our leaning temp, but we’re neutral so we always need that balance of both warm and cool

Meaningless Opinion: I personally think darker hair on Rosé just doesn't suit her because I feel like it overpowers her visuals as to where blonde hair puts everything about her visually all together. BUT she is absolutely stunning with whatever color her hair is.

Tamiris Y.: I love the fact you always take personality and style into consideration! And maybe it's just me, but I also choose colors to fit the season. I prefer to use darker and more neutral colors in winter, and a little lighter and brighter colors in summer.

MAEVE: I believe that with Rosie’s current face she will look so gorgeous in black hair. Because her visuals are kind of similar to actress Seo yea Ji. And seo yea Ji looks divine in black so Rosie will slay it too. Rosie looks beautiful in any colour. She goes more with brighter tones but It seems like there is a change in her face that will make her look different in black hair from her rookie days. Even as a rookie, with dark hair she looked so cute. I think that black would be so attractive and beautiful on her now. I hope she give it a try.

Kerang Putih: chaeyoung is on the cool tone side. she's definitely clear cool/ winter clear. that's why orange doesn't maximalize her aura. and rose is a light autumn, so light hair color (warm>cool) suit her the best. it's about personal color✨

Lunalia: I also prefer Rose with blond hair But honestly, I'm quite worried about her current hair condition. She bleached them a lot and she herself said they are now really fragile...

lily quinn: I miss Rosé with black hair but I believe the blonde (just like in coachella) suits her more. But I'm a bit worried about her hair and scalp. She said it herself in an IG live that it's dry, and she also said in an interview that she can't do any hairstyles because of her hair condition. I think she should give her hair a rest for a year or maybe two, and just wear wigs if she needs to.

TheMeowizer: About rose, i tend to belive sometime between the brown and blonde hair some surgery was made to her chin, and the hair color was changed so we would not think she has done something. But,in fact, blond hair cannot make your chin suddenly pointy. Only a doctor can.

Yuunarichu: I was planning to dye my hair a specific shade of cherry red like the Kpop idol Tsuki, but everyone told me that my face was too warm and hers was too pale for mine to look good, so I opted for a a browner shade of hair that she had dyed her hair. But the thing is, I still have yet to dye my hair, hopefully I can do it later this month ahha. Also personally, I think Dahyun and Jeongyeon looks best with their natural hair color. It looks weird looking at them with lighter hair, especially Dahyun.

아이코: WHAAA i’m literally in the middle of bleaching and dying my hair copper after being a brunette for so long amazing timing as always

cyb3rst4r: dark skin and light hair can look great just as light skin and dark hair can bc they contrast and complement eachother

2sep2002: I have olive undertone , sometimes i look red when exposed to sun, sometimes greyish....i look dead if i don't wear makeup.... i tried dyeing anything red but it looked so bad but black looks good on me ,i want to try different colors ,hahaha it's so difficult for me to find the right shade besides i have round face. I don't know what is the best shade for other than black..

Momo: I think the visual weight idea is very accurate. A strong jawline and such really suits dark hair, whereas a curved jawline and smaller features suit lighter hair

__—-_-___—: I LOVE Rosé with blonde hair but i think that she looked gorgeous with her black hair (pre debut) also i think that brown hair doesn’t suit her so much. I want her to dye her hair black so much

Paris ♡: My face color is literally a chameleon, she’s the color she wants to be in that day in some pics I look pinkish, in others yellowish and sometimes I look both, I never find similar shades to my skin color

Z: I love your videos, they’ve helped me so much! Please can you do a video on how to find which hairstyles suit you e.g high, low, intricate, loose, side-swept, to the front, back, partings etc?

Shree Kim: Someone said Jennie doesn’t look good with her new orange colored hair but what I think is she def slayed that hair color. It’s just that we’ve seen her in dark hair colors a lot, otherwise a celeb with personal hair stylist would know better on what looks good. Her new pics from Coachella shows that that hair color looked perfect on her.

samantha: Can you do a video on colors of the clothes that will be best for skintones, undertones, etc.? That would be very helpful!!♥️

Your Royal Highness: _Heyyy dear peachie, I hope you could make a video about outfits that suit certain body types. I have watched vids about it but still have a hard time picking outfits that suit me. My mom says the outfits I want don't suit me well. :< I'm kinda skinny, but I think I look like a matchstick sometimes. I also look like a clothes hanger when wearing loose fits. But I look like a bamboo when I wear fitted clothes. It's confusing and frustrating most of the time. Please save us some time, cause doing our own research is a time-killer. Thank youuu._

Preußen: Neutral undertone actually doesn't exist it refers to soft/muted coloring, you can be either cool or warm just not too cool or too warm. The "neutrals look good in anything" is just plain wrong. If you find you don't look good in either platinum blonde nor brassy copper pick a more muted hair color. It's also important to take into account the red/green blanace, if you have red in your skin you will pull of reddish colors being both C or W, if you're olive (lack of any red or pink tone) avoid reds and coppers, I'm light warm skin tone but look awful in those colors cause I recently find out I'm close to neutral AND olive, slight warm but muted look best on me, I avoid any redness on the hair which make my heur color look a bit ashy but still warm

tai: i love your videos so much, they're respectful and informative and very helpful!! thank you

Aliya Huet: Finally someone on the Internet has spoken about all the things I wondered about when looking at my skin and thinking of hair colours Also for people with dark under-eye circles, I assume that dark hair emphasises dark circles? I'm thinking of going lighter to take the harsh attention away from my dark circles

yuta n.: I think I will always stay with black, bcos of the fact that it’s just too difficult for me to maintain the color and vibrancy

Miriam Dragon: WHAT... I was just researching on what hair color should I buy since I'm dyeing my hair for the very first time. You must have heard me peachie❤️❤️❤️❤️

with love, shamma: One of my favorite content creators! your videos are always very informative thank you for that <3

teardrop: yesterday I bought a icy dark mocha hair dye (I have cool skin with pink undertones) and my parents kept saying it would wash me out, but this convinces me that it was a good choice :>

Kasumikat: "darker skin tone = darker hair color" me with my dark skin picking up my blonde wigs to wear because it suits me and love the colour but seriously I tend to like wearing brighter colour wigs rather than just the dark wigs (they tend to blend on me)

Trina2126: This video was really interesting to watch but for now im staying with my natural hair color as its quite expensive especially since my hair color is dark brown if i want light color lots of bleaching. Depending on the lighting it can look lighter or darker i have chameleon hair. My skin tone is pale cool undertone with pink.

seren131: Your channel is a blessing, makes me feel more confident thank you so much <3

Genesis: Thank you so much for this video!! Can you do another video giving examples of a low visual/high visual hairstyles?

Stella Müller: What can I do if I want certain features of my face to have more contrast (eg my jawline), but want others to appear less prominent (eg my nose); is there any way to contour or balayage the hair in the right way?

Jolin: I’m so lost, i have neutral skin (more towards warm id say) and deep dark eyes, my natural skintone is “tanned”. I feel like dark blonde/light brunette makes my body look better, my skin glows more but I wanna go dark brunette cause i feel like it enhances my face more and it matches my eyes and my eyebrows better but not the skin tone in my body and I feel like it makes me look more pale idk idk im having a crisis

submarooo: You can also play with gradient hair color or contrasting hair color which also affects facial weight and where the attention is drawn to.

Ana: Thank you so muchhh i love your videos so much, I was thinking that you could do a style study of Yang Wonyoung or anyone perhaps but I think that would be a cool video idea, I donw think other people have done it

Allie C: love that you mentionned hwasa! i base my hair colors /cut off hwasa all the time because she has a tan and pear shape body like me hehe

Wedang Susu: “Rules is just a way to get started” I love this.

listeningtothemoon: I thought Chaeyeon had cool skin tone, because she looks her best in either very light blonde and black hair

Des: Blackpink's best hair colors: Lisa: champagne blonde Jisoo: black Jennie: brown Rose: lavender/light blonde

oNLy bLiNk: Hey dear peachie, i love your videos they are really helpful but can you make a video on how to choose foundation according to my skin tone (I've seen your undertone vids but that doesn't help me choose my foundation colour)?, please Cuz I've looked over some videos but they aren't that helpful but your videos are on the next level, i love you contents that's why i am asking

tk: i have natural fine light blonde hair and (surprise lol) I have cool undertones. although my hairs pink right now lol but I've been wanting to figure out what color I should next so this video helped!

folktail: how did you know how much i needed this omg... your videos are like a beauty bible

Kimlan: love how you talk about budget and alternatives

Y. A.: 10:04 For some reason, Nana looked the best with slightly lighter brown hair. Lighter than these pictures. Almost-black hair like in her mermaid costume also looked good on her. I think maybe the perfect mediumness of the brown in these pictures is too bland for how unique her features are. Maybe it’s on purpose - she really seems to try to soften and round out her features.

no idea: I just thinking about dying my hair for the first time and it's huge luck to understand your video. Thank you very much

angie: any latina with olive skin tone... we have almost no options lol its so sad

M: Can you please do a video on what colours to wear to suit different skin tones?

emi: 10:15 haha i have got most or all of these features but didn't think i would suit lighter hair. i'm too scared to since i think i look best with my black hair but maybe one day. then again i can't figure out my skin undertone so it's hard to say if it will look good or not

Lucky: Thank you so much for this can you make a video about olive skint ones please, thank you

dimpled sunflower: is there no master tone for olives? I’m olive but my skin is yellowish in some areas and pinkish in other areas. I’m really not sure if I’m more cool or warm. I dyed my hair a rosy brown before and it looked good and currently I have my hair in a yellowish brown but I’m thinking of growing out my black hair and then dyeing again.

jewe llery: so lovely video and very clear! make me feel i wanna trying many hair color


ri72: what about light highlights on dark hair? i dont want any attention on my nose will the highlights enhance it or distract?

Rin Sy: I have pale olive ashy skin so any light blondes make me look sick. :c So now I'm stuck with dark ash brown - soft black. If I want blonde, it would be ombre/highlights, not full.

BP it girls: Funny how Rosé having a sharp jawline is considered something to hide by asian beauty standards while here in the west people actually try to have stronger sharp features. Maybe that’s the reason why i craving fro Blacksé. This was an interesting video

KingRichTDM: doesnt matter which race, or skin color u have neither ur head... no matter what u will look beautiful

michelle eshak: istg i was thinking of doing my hair and u post this right on time. i love this super power you have to post right when i need it

Kaiyi D. H: Peachie is my fav for beauty tips ty for another amazing video!

fox does makeup: I want to change my hair color but I'm scared of bleach ‍

mari: So does this mean pastel pink wont look great on warm undertone skin?

Minjae Do: Rosie looks so good with black hair❤️

Rose Tinker: althought i miss rosé in black hair, we can't deny rosé in blonde is legendary.

who: personally, rosé looks good with light coloured hair, her make up are always soft too, so it doesn't clashes her make up, but the way i see the thumbnail i think she'll look soo hot with black hair and bolder make up

hanjee: literally wanted to dye my hair and didn’t know what colour to choose haha

şevcorn: Can you talk about hair contouring?

glossed17: Omg Miss Roseanne Park in BLACK hair absolutely look's GORGEOUS.

emmy em: omg just when jennie dyed her hair orange

Kiril Velinov: Neutral skin tone:neutral tone Warm skin tone:slate,ash,olive Cool skin tone:rose,ginger,buff

Mihaela: jennie's hair color is what i want to achieve. does anyone know what that color is? is it ash brown? i have light skin color with pink undertones so i look best with cold colors, i have been bleaching my hair platinum/silver/lavender for most of my life, but I would like to go darker for a more mature look. I tried going brown, red and black here and there, but they're just not working for me and i always have to bleach my hair again to blonde... i wish i could find a darker shade that works well, bleaching hair is very damaging, time and money consuming. i have 5 types of purple and blue shampoos and masks at home, not even talking about the masks, conditioners, oils and leave ins.

Emma: aww hwasa i love her. i knew there had to be reason why i didnt like her with light blonde hair, it just washes her out.

OT7 Fan 💜: Unnie loV u so much I was thinking that I want to Colr my hair black cuz they r brown then ur video comes now I am satisfied with my decision Insha ALLAH my hair will look good in black

Klee クレー: Please if you ever have time I hope you make a video how to style full bangs or bangs in general!:D how to make them have volume or how to curl them so everyone can style them the way they want my bangs never go the way i want

Sophie Ahn: wish this included olive skin haha

MewSeeko: PERFECT TIMING I’m dying my hair soon <33

Nikki Tran: What if I have soft facial features but then my jaw is very prominent (blocky) and I want to not draw attention to it?

Tinarize: Oh thanks! I just need it❤️

Chipmunk Park: 11:36 This brownish color is my favorite hair moment from Rosie Posie...wish she can go back

Emma Roberts: You should do like a patreon or something where we can pay you to help us figure these characteristics out?? I would definitely spend $$$$$

Lisa's Celine skirt: Ohh, peachie coming right as i was thinking about my hair color after so many struggles!

crazypony98: so I have mid brown hair colour. My skintone is in beetween rosy and olive shades so I'll say neutral cool?? I have a round face, my jawline is not so prominent and I'd like to accentuate it but my cheekbones pretty much are and I hate it because it kinda makes me look like a guy. Since I do want to look pale, for personal preferences, should I go black???? I always wore short hair with no fringe/bangs and side parting but what do you think I should do to make my features look more like I want them to??

Sleeping Beauty: what about pale skin ? people always put that skin color away and it's actually different from fair

Haley: Chaeyoung is cool-toned according to TWICE's makeup artist, btw luv your videos

stella nguyen: Not a female celebrity but no wonder blond long hair made Jungkook look like a doll, so soft and dreamy and why he changed it in a flash too guy likes to show off his sharp jawline

Trisha: Hello peachie , if you take request .... Can you make a video about best nail color for you/r skin tone....Thank youu

MagiHiyori Yona_nanatsu: can you please help me ? I think I have neutral skin tone (people always say that I'm white but not pale. I have black hair with brown hair and I want pastel pink hair (the first in 15:20 ) , do you think it would be good on me ?

Jasmeen: 11:40 Rosé was born to be blonde!

velvet light: I have sharp features, cool pale skin, collar bone length hair and dark red hair colour

Un Haeng Il Chi is Art: what about two toned hair color like renjun/wooyoung?

Bryanna: I've wanted pink hair/highlights for the longest time but I have wavy/curly hair with slightly damaged slit ends...

mk: JIN looks sooooo good in purple

ΜΑΥ Ly: Bu- but if chaeyoung looks good in black and blond and she doesnt look good in orange hair.... isnt she cool tune then ?????‍

Emily Tan: HOW DID YOU KNOWWW?!?! i was literally searching for this on your channel yesterday

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