6 Attractive Facial Hair Styles That Women Love | Courtney Ryan

In this video, I go over 6 attractive facial hair styles that women love. This is something that I get asked about quite frequently, so I thought it was time to make a video! Please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you found this video helpful and also leave a comment down below!

5 Men's Hairstyles Women LOVE (2021):



Instagram: @courtneycristineryan


EMAIL/COLLAB: [email protected]

Hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new, here i'm courtney, ryan and today we're going to be talking all about facial hair. So i did a video all about hairstyles, that women love and today i'm going to be going over some facial hairstyles that women love as well. So not only are these some facial hairstyles that i absolutely love, but i also texted some of my girlfriends and asked them as well and they all said pretty much the same thing and they also told me some of their least favorite facial hair styles, which i Will be revealing at the end so make sure you stay tuned until the very end, so you don't miss out on that, be sure to like this video and hit that subscribe button to be in the loop for when i release new content. If you haven't already, it means a lot to me and i really do appreciate it number one. We have the five o'clock shadow, so this one is just effortless: it's timeless. It'S classic! It'S something that pretty much looks good on any guy. So it's really easy to maintain as well, so this is going to be after you've shaved a couple days go by. Maybe you haven't shaved again and you've got that little shadow that little stubble growing back. I absolutely love this one. It'S probably honestly, my favorite on this list. It reminds me of george clooney, adam levine, a ton of celebrities rock this one, i'm also thinking of the guy from mad men. I can't think of his name right now, but he always has this and looks incredible as well. So i love this one. This is great for you, guys that are back in the office and you don't want to necessarily shave your face every single day. I don't even know if that's a rule in the workplace anymore, but i know you used to have to kind of be clean-shaven all the time. So the last year was really kind of the time to try new things with your hair, with your facial, hair and just kind of spice it up. I love the five o'clock shadow. I know it's timeless. It'S nothing new here! You guys have probably seen this one. A million times, but i absolutely love it if you're someone that's going gray, definitely don't be afraid to grow out your facial hair because i think facial hair on guys that are going gray. A little bit of salt and pepper, always looks super sexy number two. We have the short boxed beard, so this one is going to be shorter than a longer classic beard, but still going to be really well maintained. Trimmed have good shape. I think that's an important distinction to make here is that this one is still well groomed. I like this one, because it's a perfect middle ground, if you don't necessarily want to commit to a long beard, i'm sure that can get annoying, i'm a girl. So i don't know, but i know that that's probably annoying to have a very long beard that gets in your way. So this one lets you still grow out your facial hair, but not to the point where it's getting annoying. I think it's also great because it still has some shape to it, which adds shape to your face. Obviously, if you're someone that doesn't have a great jawline growing, your hair out is awesome, especially if you're going to be shaping it, trimming it and keeping it well. Groomed this one looks very masculine to me as well, because of the shape that it has so definitely keep that in mind. It'S a super sexy one. For that reason and number three, we have the classic beard. So this one is the beard. That'S a little bit longer. I think this one has gotten extra popular the last few years, and especially this last year with covid and everyone kind of just letting their hair grow and be a little bit more natural. I really do love the look of a classic beard on a guy, especially if he grows out facial hair really well, it just gives off a very masculine kind of i can fix anything sort of vibe, which i know, girls, love, but a tip here for guys That are going to be growing out their beards, a little bit longer make sure that you're taking care of it. I think this is the biggest mistake. I see guys make get yourself a nice beard, oil make sure you're brushing through it make sure there's no dry skin and flaking happening. I see this mistake a lot and you guys should really try to avoid this. A nice beard. Oil will definitely help keep things. Moisturized and make sure that things aren't getting very dry under there as well and another pro tip be careful after you eat, because i've definitely seen some guys walking around with a little bit of leftover lunch stuck in their beard. So just be careful with that. I know it's probably really annoying when you're eating and have a beard, but something just to keep in mind number four. We have clean shaven and this is honestly another one of my favorites. I think a lot of guys look great with facial hair, but i also think a lot of guys don't and the guys who maybe can't grow facial hair as well. Maybe your facial hair grows in a little bit. Patchy things aren't even it's just not working out for you. Don'T worry, you don't need to have facial hair and i absolutely love a guy with a fresh, clean shaven face. This can sometimes make guys look a little bit younger, especially if they have more of like a baby face. But if you're, someone that has a very nice jawline nice bone structure, clean shaven is the way to go. It looks so sexy. If you have that nice jawline flaunt it and show it off, because that's a great quality to have number five, we have the beard stash. This one is awesome because i see a lot of guys rocking this, like kind of mustache look and well, i think some guys can pull it off. I think the majority of people cannot so this is a great way to incorporate a little bit more facial hair with also that mustache kind of style, so it just makes things, look a lot more cohesive and nice and less creepy, and something to note here, if You don't really want to grow out your mustache that long, i think, honestly just trimming the mustache to be the same as the rest always looks really great too. I would just recommend trimming your mustache so that it doesn't cover your lip. I know girls don't really like to kiss guys that have some hairy lips going on, so keep that in mind. Just keep things trimmed keep things tidy. It automatically looks so much better when you just take care of it and number six. We have a faded beard. I love this one so much as well. This is awesome for accentuating that jawline, depending on where your fade starts. It can really just add a very sharp line, a lot of structure that draws attention to your jawline and your chin. If you have a good one, but if you're someone that doesn't necessarily have a great jawline, i think this one is awesome too, because even with the haircut, it just kind of adds shape to your face that maybe you wouldn't have had before. If you're, maybe clean shaven or you have a beard or something like that, adding that shape and structure looks really nice, alright guys. That is all i have for six facial hairstyles, that women love so now for the ones that the women do not love, or at least the women that i asked told me that they don't like were a chin strap. I think this one, it just looks really outdated, maybe early 2000s. This was cool not so much anymore. Maybe it'll come back, i'm not sure, but it just is really hard to pull off and often just looks kind of odd. Second, one was the little soul patch, underneath your lip. It just looks like it's a catcher for food, like it just looks like all your food's gon na get stuck there, and it's just kind of odd to have nothing else. Besides that um they didn't really like the goatee that much either. To be completely honest, i know some guys completely totally rock a goatee, but i think it is one of those things. That'S a little bit harder to do and just a all-around tip for every single guy out. There do not have a neck beard. Whatever you do, keep it trimmed on your neck. You don't want to be getting hair all the way down here. It'S not a good! Look on anybody. I promise all right guys. That is all i have for today. If you like this video or found it helpful, be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for when i release new content also be sure to follow me on instagram at courtney, christine ryan. I love connecting with all of you guys on there as well, and i do a lot of q a so if you're, someone that has some questions for me and you want to know the best place to contact me, instagram is definitely the place to do it. If you'd like to do so, thank you all so much for watching and i will see you all next time.

HumbleFamilyTravels: The 5 o'clock shadow, alternatively called the afternoon shadow, is literally that. It's the appearance of new hair growth about 6-10 hours after your morning shave. It's the point when your new growth is at its sharpest and you can feel it more than see it. More so if you rub against the grain of the hair.

adam _97: Also for people struggling to grow a beard, derma rolling worked for me! Lockdown is the best time to do it, I just let the hair grow and derma rolled x2 per week. My beard was never full on my cheeks, after two months of derma rolling and using a beard oil its a lot fuller. When I trimmed it back down to a short box beard there was definitely a noticeable difference, it's worth a go!

GojiDefTool: Major kudos to her for speaking positively about us dudes who have grey hair in the beard, it's nice to know even the younger women think it looks good. I for one absolutely hate the greys in my beard, I think rhey make me look way older than I actually feel and as a result I usually don't have a beard.

Andre DeGiant: Just wanted to say how much I appreciate your channel and advice Courtney! I kinda backtracked and let my depression get to me after lockdown and I've had to re-learn some things. I want to work on myself a bit more before I start dating again but you've already helped me get back on my feet and feel confident again, thank you

Josh Woods: Unlike many Asians who usually go for clean-cut, I've been growing a short boxed beard since January, having consistently grown short stubbles in the last few years (shown in my avatar), complemented by a side-parted hairstyle. I find a beard makes my smile a lot more attractive, while a clean-shave just loses something for me!

fredsfreshbeats: I grow my beard out in the winter, and keep it at a 5 o'clock shadow during the other seasons. And, the trick to growing a good beard is don't shave anything for a solid 2-3 months. The hair on your neck gives your beard volume and makes it look more full. So, the only thing I do to my neck in the winter is give it some beard oil every day. During the other seasons, I shave it once a week.

Matthew Jarrod: Started growing my mustache out while keeping beard at 16-20mm. I trained stache by splitting in the middle and combing laterally using wax, I did this at night to train stache. After stache longer I combed(dry) laterally using a good 4-5in comb, next I combed each side straight down. Combing sideways then straight down feathers the ends of my stache making the stache stay split in the middle and interlocked towards ends.

The Cognitive Rambler: 5 o'clock shadow always always always for me. Thanks for the vote of confidence! Best part, it's the absolutely easiest sytle to maintain (again, only for those of us with thick enough stubble to pull it off, patchy should just clean shave). But seriously, just get a beard trimmer, keep it on the shortest setting, and shave like once every 4-5 days. :) No thoughful grooming needed. No beard oil. No shaving cream (and cuts). Easy, and as Courtney herself said; timeless look.

Andrew Belokur: Excellent video. I've been watching the men's fashion and style videos over the last couple of years, and just recently started watching your channel in the last few months, and I must say it's nice to get a fresh female perspective on the various topics that interest me. Keep up the good work

A MELENDEZ: Thanks Courtney! I’m 48 yo and sometimes I feel insecure about my beard... hearing your opinion was a relief... I use a 5 o’clock since last year and thanks for your advice! Keep going!

Mitchell Brown: Straightforward, analytical, but nonjudgmental and kind. As usual :) Thanks again for the great tips!

Godzilla: This is great summary. Saved my time looking for styles. I love how women are much better on styling decisions

Abe Haile: Thanks for the advice! I was never able to grow a full beard in my 20s/30s until I started taking a collagen supplement recently at age 38. My cheeks really filled in and I have a solid beard now for the first time in my life!

NCICRESQ: Courtney thank you SOOO much for this video. This past year I recently grew a beard and been trying different things with it and getting mixed results. Being 66 I have A more critical audience. But it also helps me narrow things down to what I want thank you again..... Jeff

abu yaska: I have full beard and recently had a buzz cut #2 on top and #1 on the sides. Last time i had a buzz cut my beard was short but now it complements each other. Great content courtney

JVLIAN REYES: Hello Courtney I thought I’d chime in through your video. First congratulations on the 82K subscribers, you are stones throw away from 100K. You Earned it. You deliver informative, clear spoken wonderful well prepared message in your videos. I have always preached the beard to everyone I come in contact with provided you have the genetics to grow one. It is the ultimate bastion of manhood to have the beard.But just as you have your car and you have to maintain it with oil changes, so to the beard needs lubrication and maintenance. It’s not difficult, but the pay off is 100 fold. I have had a beard for 38 years, survive quite a few marriages LOL. So I can talk a little bit on the subject. My young son wanted to be like me, and he wouldn’t wait. Got some rogaine and dabbed it on. Next thing I knew it the next following months he had a full beard. What I would add is that the 5 o’clock shadow looks fabulous, but it has the texture that will make soft skin rash. Be mindful of that, purchase the beard oil. If the beard oil becomes too expensive, coconut oil is a gift from God. A good washing also every couple of days to build up the oil’s in the beard. Once you have the beard it gives one self confidence and combined with a fantastic cologne, and the style tips that Courtney does convey. It’s a powerful powerful thing. Just my take on things. Remember for the younger people, When passing another gentleman with a beard, the one with the bigger has the right of way. At least it breaks the ice for a good conversation. Many blessings for you Courtney.

GEORGIO ARCADE: Good Friday blessings Courtney. Ironically i naturally have the 5 o clock shadow facial hair style. I feel having a full beard makes me look unkept and older than my age. It also makes my face feel itchy lol. I have sensitive skin which is why i don't have it. So it's either clean shaven or five o clock shadow with a mustache. Anyways thanks for the tips

Grettir Asmundarson: Classic beard for the win! I keep mine trimmed, oiled etc. When I get tired of the upkeep, I buzz it down to a 5 o’ clock shadow.

J Mock: Beard oil at night and a quality beard butter or balm in the morning to help moisturize and shape the beard. Definitely have to make sure to work it through the entire beard and into the skin and then use a quality brush and comb to distribute evenly. Nothing plastic.

Bearded Accountant: Courtney I love your beard related videos, well done.

Connor Harootunian: Courtney, you have changed the YouTube game of Men's Fashion & Lifestyle! I've been a sub for some time and have noticed your videos are REALLY improving month by month. Keep up the amazing work! You're extremely talented in what you do. PS - I'll stick with the 5 o'clock shadow as that's all I can really grow lol

Elliot K: Great video as always! Thanks for all the content. Excited for your next wardrobe makeover video. This channel is going to popular quick

BeardedWombat: I rock a full beard and curled mustache. I keep it maintained, clean and very well groomed. I oil everyday and condition it. Most people love it I get tons of compliments which is always nice but it's not for everyone. You definitely need to find the style that fits you and then rock it.

Robert Baldwin: Haven’t put a razor to my face since 2012. I do use clippers to shape and clean up the lines on my cheeks and trim around my lips. Pro tip: when ordering chili dogs ask them to put the chili/mustard/onions under the dog. You’ll get way less in your beard. 100% agree with the beard oil tip. I use argan oil without added fragrance. I use pine tar soap to wash before bed. I use argan oil shampoo and conditioner in the morning.

A Fridge Too Far: I used to have a long, full beard. Now I'm clean-shaven, and loving it.

Incognito: I wear a Johny Depp style goatee as my facial hair is kind of weak and this is the only place where it has a little thickness. I gets a little shadowy at the back so I keep it for a few days and then I shave it. I think that it helps with my baby face. I've been complimented before, so I guess it's a style that you either love or hate.

Andrew Eggebrecht: Thank you for somehow reading my mind when I want advice on literally amything. You keep coming out with videos at the perfect time for me. Any other dudes feel this way about Courtney?

John Escolero: This was great thank you so much I've been looking for a new beard style since I ditched the chinstrap(I rocked it until I didn't) lol. I'm looking into that boxed beard one though thank you.

Dmax 99: I know a lot of guys (my younger self included) would grow a goatee and/or moustache because they didn't want to risk cutting and bleeding around their lips and chin. A rather difficult spot for beginners to get a good shave

Karan Saini: So Courtney, although my profile pic here shows that I do have a 5 o' clock beard I gotta admit myself I do sometimes like that kind of beard on me but I mostly prefer to be clean shaven whenever i go to some special places to meet great people. Great video as always dear bestfriend! What according to you should i go for: The "5 o' clock" beard or the Clean Shaven?

Patrick Smeaton: First of all, I LOVE your voice! Anyway... Most of my life (I'll be 50 in a few days! ) I've been either clean shaven, or had a 5 o'clock shadow. I had no idea I could grow anything worth growing. Well, my fiancé hates it when I'm clean shaven. So, I decided to grow everything out for a while to see what I've got. Well, lo and behold, I can grow a wicked mustache! There's no way she'd be seen in public with me if I'm sporting just a mustache and besides, I don't like the look on me either. So I tried a few different options, as I just don't have the density on the sides to grow a full beard (), the beardstache seems to be the perfect compromise. The fiancé loves it. I would've been pretty devistated if you didn't approve!

Checkered Life: I keep my beard short to medium but not the stubble or 5 O'Clock. My wife always complains it scratches her face and inner thighs.

Backpacking Tony: I'm Asian. I can't grow any type of facial hair that looks good not even the 5 o'clock shadow. Clean-shaven it is! Happy Easter Courtney!

Bill S: Honestly, I think Courtney knows way more about men's grooming than we do ourselves lol.

Valkenier: Good video I enjoyed! I honestly don't even care about dating advice I just enjoy listening to you haha you seem genuine. Keep it up!

Douglas Strother: I grew my first beard in 1980 during my Senior Year in High School, not a 'chick magnet' but my face didn't bleed. I've been sporting an increasingly salty goatee for the past 20+ years; it looks like I'm *still* not a 'chick magnet'! ;)

Admir Barucija: Ooh I’m intrigued about this because I usually don’t let my facial hair grow much! Hope you have a great weekend Courtney

Vineeth Vish: I keep a 5 o'clock shadow stubble with a fade. I keep a bit more on the chin to give a square jawline effect for my round face.

Heed the Seen: The *5 o'clock shadow* is a few hours worth of length by definition, while the *designer stubble* is a few days.

Kung Fu Mantis: I have 6 month beard, well maintained and shiny, I think you'll love it Courtney

snakesandsticks: I've recently found myself accidentally rocking the beardstache, and though I'd like to think it looks good, wearing my mask everyone makes it hard to test that hypothesis

Ryan L: Ironically I’ve had more success with dating since I started rocking a longer beard. For a long time I went with stubble or a short beard, occasionally even going clean shaven. Given my recent luck I plan to stick with the longer facial hair permanently.

Lyle DeColyse: Really well thought out and delivered. I agree that the box is a great classic and manageable choice. I will give this a go and make sure I see my barber once every week or two to make it look just right.

Soul Assassin: Hey Courtney, Always appreciate you and your friends comments to help us out. Thanks to my barber and Pete & Pedro hair products and beard oil, I’m on point!

FH 29: The only facial hair I could grow out right now evenly is a van dyke. I do like the others options lots of nice styles to consider . One day I will master them all

Bill Huss: With Great beard comes Great responsibility

Francisco Miranda: Team clean shaven for the win! Story time - I used to watch my grand dad shave as a boy in his backyard. He had the whole set up: the mirror, the hot water, the soap, the brush, the strop, and the straight razor. And every morning, first thing, he’d walk right out there and do his thing. I asked him years later (before his passing) why he never let his beard grow, that women love that masculine lumber Jack look. His response: what’s more masculine than having cold, sharp steel graze your neck from ear to ear each and every morning and live to tell the tale? So yeah. I clean shave. It’s very meditative, too.

Kevin Mayo: Coming from a guy that only started growing facial hair this year , really needed this! Appreciate this Courtney!!

Ruben Diaz: You just gave me a confidence boost thank you

Kevin Wood: To any guy reading this, grow your beard the way you like it the most. Girls like confidence and if you like how you look they will be able to tell. This goes for all things regarding your appearance. Be yourself!

Joe Sh: Thank you Courtney!! Loved your input.

Farhan Binraihan: the video is really informative keep up the good work

Matthew C: As someone who has patchy cheeks, I was hoping for some forms of goatees on here. I can do clean shaven, but shaving (at least a wet shave) is kind of a hassle.

Abn: been having a beard for 5+ years, its either short - classic - long depends how i like it, but for the love i cant get a moustache or side of mouth beard, i do get hair there, but just NOTHING on or around my philtrum + my beard are red, so it can look thin, so guss non is for me :D i got my beard when i removed my hair at age 25 tips is spot on, keep it clean after eating :D

jose romero: It's not about the hair, it's about the confidence in our survival

Ash priyam: For months I've been trying to grow some nice beard . Thanks for some info Courtney

Хз Ди Вайо: Honestly, when I'm with a pretty bold beard, women who know me, they love it. But those who don't know me, i feel they are scared of me:/

FISA Court Judge: I fluctuate between 1 and 2. Doing at least one thing right! Nice!

With Pikachu: I only had facial hair when I was 18 because I wanted to look manly. All the girlfriends of mine asked only for clean shave.

Redouku: for guys who cant grow a beard and have a baby face, i recommend 3-5mm with trimmers and then shave the neck hairs into a good shape. don’t do this if you’re trying to attract under 21s though as statistically they prefer clean shave

FMFDoc BOTL: Spent a lot of my adult life in the military so I had to shave and when I retired I didn't shave for a year, the only thing I trimmed was my stach so I don't get food all on it. Now I either do a goatee or something akin to it. I also shave my head so it's one of those things but when I do clean shave, people think something is wrong with me.

Jordan Thomas: I'm gonna grow out my neck hair for the next few years and shave everywhere else. :) Girls love my confidence more than facial hair.

L: There were times i had a very short beard, but honestly there nothing like a clean, silk smooth face

Ube Ube: It depends on the region. For example, in the Philippines, most filipinas prefer clean-shaven men.

Kevin: Im #2 here. Im happy that in general women (and courtney) loves that style, because I dont pretend to shave in quite a long time, lol.

Art Altman: Maintaining the “5 oclock shadow” does require shaving around it daily.

Cuenta 18: 1. 0:41 The 5 0' clock shadow. 2. 1:54 Short boxed beard. 3. 2:47 The classic beard. 4. 3:54 Clean shaven. 5. 4:34 The beardstanche. 6. 5:20 The faded beard.

Maestro -FIFA: I rock a beard with my Manbun and honestly it gives me confidence

Ivan Ramirez: In the fire service, we can’t have any type of beard because it’ll mess with our respirators BUT we can have mustaches lol I guess clean shaven it is!

Jim D: No facial hair or torso hair in the Summer. That's a compulsory rule!

Timothy Armstrong: Here is my dilemma...girlfriend loves the 5 o'clock shadow look on me vs clean...hates the feel of it when kissing vs clean...look better vs better kisses! Women I tell ya!

Curt W: My long beard never gets in my way in fact you don’t even know you have it if you keep the hairs near the mouth trimmed. I have a very full classic beard.

Seb Marshall: Create sourcing of info and interviewing in previous vids! I would love to hear the girls opinions on Johnny Depps style of beard. That clean look. anchored beard and tash.

Calum Mitchell-Miller: I have a neck beard at the moment and it’s coming off after watching this, thanks Courtney ❤️

Malcolm Jones: I got respect for this girl. The true MVP.

Jonathan v: Didn’t even know this many styles of beard existed

JCBrad85: Thank you again for the video. New hair color? Looks great!

ItsAbraham: Easily one of my favourite YouTubers. Happy Good Friday Courtney!

YourDaddy OP PapiSensei: Having the beard in not the annoying part... it's the washes, conditioners, oils, butters, waxes, trims, brushes, combs, etc... if you want a good looking well maintained beard, you need alot of tools.

Max the Maltese dog: Thank you Courtney !! Some much great info . ❤️ from van city Canada .

Beardbrand: That's our Jeff Buoncristiano at 4:47. Nice. Great list Courtney.

Dale Coolbaugh: I don't grow hair. So this video was really important... Thank you CCR

CCA Nick: I'm a Mailman and my facial hair gets rough at times because I get so busy lol. My mustache starts looking very luigi

james canfield: Ok..question. Do you like beards strictly for aesthetics? Or...do you actually like kissing a beard? My wife is not a fan of kissing a scratchy beard, so I don’t have more than a goatee.

Underthegun897: How do you feel about grey hair in beards? I have a noticeable amount and am only 29

Roger Jaramillo: Great topic. Thank you!

akamoe: This is a Video i needed on this Channel Thank you Courtney

Kudmond X: Have a good looking face and you can do anything with it. Hobo beard, tattoo etc.. doesn’t matter if you’ve got that prerequisite locked in

Arteris Dewberry: Nah. I don't like having a bread or facial hair. Every time my facial hair grows, I'll shave it off right away. Not only I like to be clean shaved, I also look much better and younger when I have no beard.

Ricardo Galindo: Well...I grew a goatee, can't grow a beard or mustache, due to having been born with a small cleft lip. But! I've gotten good compliments with it. I think it's cultural? Compliments have been from Latina and Mexican American women.

gale212: I think Courtney needs to come around on the mustache with everything else cleanly shaved.

Mr.Avid Outdoorsman: If growing a full long beard, don't touch your neck line, it will eventually be what fills out your beard and helps to keep in from being see through

ElRaY: if i get rid of my neck beard...how will i be a sweaty gaming nerd...(looks at hair trimmer *cries internally*) but for reals thank you for the advice you posted, the timing of this video was great...ill leave the "chin strap style" back in 2000's

Roselan Araf: On behalf of all the men carrying lunch in their beard, accept this apology.

Mohammad Razif Abdullah: She knows what she's talking about. I subscribed

BBC doosra.: Thank God I have a good full beard...thanks for the genes Dad

Nate: Your content is solid. This was a good vid.

Cory Ames: Look we cant all have Chris Evan's or Hugh Jackman beards lol. I like having a beard when I keep it trimmed. Hopefully a woman likes it too lol.

vibhor borkar: That's great input. Very useful.

Asaad Wahid: Great video! Fades for Days!!!

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