Curly Hair And Vintage Styles - Ask The Editor Ep. 4

Today we look at natural curly hair and vintage hair styling.

Can you do vintage hairstyles with curly hair? Also, the dimensions and simple instructions for making your own head scarf as seen in last weeks Middy Haircut and Setting tutorial!

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You welcome back to super kawaii mama sense, I'm Candis Deville and today I'm answering for you one big question which is curly head, naturally curly, hair and achieving vintage styles. I would specifically sent this question by my nerdy, who has naturally curly hair and has a lot of trouble doing vintage styles on her hair. She says that she needs to straighten her hair in order to achieve any vintage styles. I asked miner to send me a picture of her hair, so I had a bit of an idea as to what she meant by naturally curly hair, because of course, we all have different variations on that. I myself have what I'd call a wave. Others have a very tight curl spiral, curl, ringlets and so on. The main thing to remember is if you have naturally curly hair you're, actually already ahead of the game when it comes to vintage styling. So here's here you can see that it has a fantastic curl to it and a lot of body there she's told me it's quite thin. However, the thing to remember is it depends on how you want to style it. There are so many amazing vintage styles that look fantastic with natural curl. These rely heavily on how it's cut and how you brush that out. Remember that choosing vintage styles doesn't come down to just pick one you like, and it will work for you. You need to find the style that works for your hair type and for your face shape. There are so many options. It wasn't until the 1970s that straight hair became invoke so prior to that. The idea of having curly hair was much more covetable. Hence the reason that ladies, would go and have their hair permanently waived. Some of you or your grandma's may remember the trauma of the early salon perm. However, the popularity of the at home perms such as the Toni perm, meant that women could have their hair, curly or waved so their sense would last a lot longer and be successful pen or the permanent wave wasn't designed as a wash-and-wear pen. So for those of you that remember the tragedies of the a teaspoon, this is not what we're talking about we're talking about giving a movement and a wave to the hair that enabled the women to actually then set and style their hair into the shape that they Wanted it seems that there's quite a misconception out there today that if you get a perm, then you're going to end up like some kind of poodle, headed tragedy from the eighties which, depending on what you ask for, is not always the case. What you're really looking for is a natural style of body and movement in the hair that you can then set into the vintage shapes that you want. So for those of you with naturally curly hair. This means that your hair already wants to start curling in different directions. Having worked with so many clients that have naturally curly hair, I find that there is one big thing that they have in common: that is a total nono. When it comes to vintage styling, they don't brush their hair. Now I can understand that if your hair is quite curly, naturally the idea of brushing it and turning yourself into a huge frizz ball is not a very attract. Think about the old brush. Your hair hundred strokes every night that wasn't just to keep the children entertained. It did actually serve a very important purpose, and this is something that it seems most modern women have forgotten by brushing your hair you're. Looking after the health of your scalp you're, stimulating the natural oils and the process of brushing is actually working, those natural oils down the hair shaft, the more you can do that with your hair, the more under control, it becomes one of the issues that I see In a lot of people with naturally curly hair is that they aim to wash it a couple of times a week, but don't brush it or comb it in between mainly for fear of ending up as a total frizz ball. What you should be doing is actually brushing your hair every night and, looking after the health of that, the more that you can work the natural oils through your hair, the better and more manageable those curls will be. If you're able to do that, then you can start setting them into the shape that you want to achieve your vintage styles for a lot of people that actually have naturally curly. By doing this of an evening, you don't necessarily need to do much in the way of setting to get it into a good shape. The next day, it's simply going to be a matter of learning how to pin into the style that you want and being able to brush out and work with some kind of pomade or serum to smooth the look that you're after you'd be amazed what you can Actually achieve with naturally curly hair, if you've ever seen a chap with a much shorter haircut, who does have naturally curly hair when you see them brush that into shape you'll see a pattern appear in the hair, that's rather like the Marcel or the finger wave. This is what happens when you brush, naturally, curly hair together you'll find that those curls will want to come together into a good pattern. It'S just a matter of having the patience to see what you can work with. I'Ve tried to find an image of what I'm talking about, but it's proving to be very difficult. You can see here that wave at the top of the man's hair it can be achieved with finger waves, but for those who've, naturally curly hair. This is what happens when it's brushed. This is my last tutorial that came out last week on the mini cut and how to style it. A lot of you have asked me about the headscarf that I use. It'S really really simple, something that I've just whipped up at home on the sewing machine and something that you can do. Some of you have asked me for the pattern. Well, there isn't really a pattern for this, but what I've done is I've shown you the dimensions and the best way to cut this. Even if you don't own a sewing machine and you can't fancy up the edges, you can still just chop one of these out of a piece of cloth. Of course, the fancier the better, if you're, going to wear it outside, but it really isn't that difficult at all have a look. The best fabric to use for your headscarf will be a pure cotton or perhaps even a linen something that has good absorbency and breathes. Well, the long side, measures, 43, inches or 109 point five centimeters, the other sides, measure 28 inches or 71 point five centimeters. The best way to get this exactly right is to simply fold it in half to make your template, when you're cutting make sure that you've placed that fold on the folded edge of the fabric, and then once you open it, your triangle will be perfect. This is how we finish the edge just simply a stitch. Thank you for watching this week's episode of super kawaii mother says I hope you've learned a little something about curly, hair and vintage styles, but of course the answer is different for everyone, because we all have different hair types. I wish that I could invite you all to the salon here to come and see me and have a one-on-one session so that I can help you with that. Sadly not, but if you leave me a comment or a question here on this video I'll, do my best to try and help you out make sure that you subscribe to this channel, because I have some absolute cracker tutorials coming out in the next couple of weeks. I'M actually headed over to the Philippines this weekend, so before I leave I'm making sure that they're all done and ready to go for you, please make sure to subscribe to this channel for more fantastic vintage and retro hair makeup and beauty tips as well as, of Course, your weekly episode of super kawaii mama says, if you haven't already make sure that you share these and tell your friends about it, because the more the merrier and, of course, the more questions that we get asked the more solutions we can give you, thanks for Watching bye,

Vintage Current: Thank you! I'd love to do even more tutorials, but I find it takes ages to make good ones, so this is the best way to answer questions in between. And it's great to get to know you all :) xx

gene vestal: This was just wonderful!! I'm an assistant stylist, and while some of the color trends are spectacular I feel that the world is missing out on some glorious looks by not going back to actual hair "dressing/styling" with beautiful roller sets and perms. Thank you for your great videos.!!!

Vintage Current: Thank you Gene! That is great feed back and I'm in total agreeance with you. I quite often find it difficult to explain to people why what I do as a "stylist" is a different specialty skill, and why I don't cut or colour. I like to leave that to the experts in that field. :)

TULIP: Depending on what look you are going for and how you are doing it, even very curly hair can achieve these or similar looks.  If you simply do a search for "natural hair vintage style" (black in reference to african americans or mixed raced people) you will get a decent amount of styling ideas that are pretty and more healthy for even moderately curly hair types.  As someone with highly textured hair I can say that it works even better than with straight hair just because you get great volume without all of that infernal teasing.

maryvannotes: Thank you so much for this helpful video! I always thought to achieve vintage hair I would have to straighten it and pin curl it, and all those steps really discouraged me from doing it. Plus if I tried curling it after straightening it would lose curl so quickly! I'm excited to hear about Ann Miller too, and the comment you made about men's hair is so true! So to be clear, you're recommending that I brush my hair in the evening then do a wet set over night, and brush out in the morning?

mitchellhp: Thank you so much for this video. I wish I could see you for my hair too lol Do you have a reference site for vintage hair styles with naturally curly hair? I find that's something I usually have trouble finding, as when I look up vintage styles, they're usually the usual barrel rolls, pin curls, etc. Especially for long curly hair. Thanks so much! And PS: Yes the thought of brushing my hair when dry kind of gives my nightmares haha I do it occasionally, but never when I have to go out.

Elin: I love how regularly you upload videos now, I've missed you in my subscription box! This concept of Q&A is lovely

83croissant: There is no possible way I could just brush my hair every night!! When I was a teenager, my hair started getting coarser and curlier, which made me sad. I would brush and brush my hair each morning because my Mom (who has wavy hair) believed this made the hair calm down -- yet it would get really frizzy and fluffy not 30 minutes later. Now I only brush my hair in the shower, with detangling conditioner, let it form natural curls and air dry. It's very thick, and a bit curlier than Mona's.

Nicola: What sort of haircut would you recommend for someone with naturally curly hair for vintage styles? Would the middy work? I like to style my hair at the weekends but just throw it into a bun usually during the week so would still need to be able to do that

Tiffany: I have been on the hunt for some high waisted trousers, much like the kind Lucille Ball wore on I love Lucy. I have accepted that I'll have to just buy a vintage pattern and sew them myself, but I was curious what kind of fabric you'd recommend to get the best look? I want them to still look classy, not necessarily homely. Do you sew your own clothes? Any tips would be appreciated! Thanks :)

Kari Steer: Brush out your curly hair before washing ie: DRY. You’ll have better luck setting it while it’s damp, so use a wide toothed comb to section it. Use a hood dryer or difuser attatchment to speed the drying if you can’t air dry. Also use larger curlers and bigger hair sections to avoid tight curls in the front. A pomade is great for getting smooth hair once curlers are removed and using fingers to “relax” fullness before resorting to a brush. You know your hair better than anyone else, experiment to find what works. You can always wash it out! I have a mix of 3a ringlet and s wave curls and it’s a daily struggle. Best of luck.

Mona Biljeek: Thank you so much for the video, can't wait to see more turorials :) the brushing issue is very true, just the sight of a brush gives me nightmares! oh well i'll try to get more friendly with my brush then ;)

Mia Baca: Hey girls. I have naturally curly hair. I have many types within my hair as it spirals as well as some looser sections. I do have bettie style bangs so from day to day, I rock my natural curls and blow dry and straighten my bangs. When I go out or just want to do a vintage hair look this is what I do: my goal with my vintage style is to get a somewhat page boy, or flatter at the top with curled ends and face framing (depends on what my hair wants to do that day). I find that what helps set my hair is a foam roller wet set. I begin with day old dry hair. A gentle brush out of our hair with a wide tooth comb. This is the best way to detangle as our hair is stronger dry. If you want to be even more gentle, as curly girls need to be, you can even detangle with your hands if your curls aren’t as tight. I then proceed to section my hair to start rolling the rollers. With each strand, I wet it with my liquid setting lotion. Bc my hair is dampened with the product, my curly hair flattens and I am able to wrap each section around the roller. Bc I do find that I need to do wet sets bc of my curly hair, I always need to sleep with them in order to have enough time to let them fully dry. At the moment I use 1 inch diameter foam rollers. I get tight curls but with enough brushing it softens so much. I may try using a bigger roller to see if that is something I prefer. So yes, wet set, a good setting lotions, sleep with scarf, and brush out with help of smoothing with pomade. For me, brushing out my natural curls does not give me the control, bounce, and there is no resilience of the curl, so I am really left with a puffy head of hair. I have always looked everywhere to find someone talking about vintage styling with already curly hair. So I thought I’d like share my experience

Ladymusiclove: This is such a good video and I'm really, really happy you're addressing curly hair! Most other videos I've seen ignore curly hair, as the person will straighten their hair or use a hot tool. Would it be possible for you to do a video tutorial with someone you know who has curly hair? Showing how to achieve a brush out and a vintage style? Thank you!

kennerzzz: My curls are a bit tighter than hers, and I find that it's easy to achieve a vintage style from cold-setting my curls in rollers that are around 2" or larger. They can be quite a pain to sleep in, though!

83croissant: 2. The only kind of vintage hair I can manage to do is a sort of late thirties finger wavy bob with fluff curls, something I saw on Ginger Rogers once. On very wet hair, I work in some product and comb the top of my head. Then, I accentuate the natural wave pattern with my fingers and some wave clips. The hair at the bottom I either pin curl or let curl at random. This takes forever to dry, overnight and then some. When dry I comb JUST the wavy sections, and pull apart the curls by hand.

LisaFreemontStreet: Ann Miller was a prime example, and I may have said this before, but she was constantly having her waves harnessed through brushing and setting. So jealous of her hair. :)

Vintage Current: v8vable - Yes it is good for you too. A big part of the benefit of brushing is how it massages your scalp. This improves the circulation as well as the movement of the oils. It promotes stronger, healthier hair over all. :)

lolsies32: im in high school and because i love vintage, i would love to incorporate that into an every day makeup routine. how can i get a vintage makeup look but still be wearable for school?

TheEudaimonya: At first I thought she meant that all curly chicks have to do is brush their hair and it comes together in vintage style waves that you just kind of shape and viola! done! Now I realize, since she mentions straightening, maybe she means brush it instead of straighten it, then do the pin curls. The pin curls are smoother and more even because you brushed the hair first, but the natural curly texture will hold the shape of the curl better. Maybe? Because I tried brushing it just now and ended up with silky straight fluff, not cohesive waves. I've pin curled one small section to see if they're any different than when I don't brush it first. My hair is thin and fine with the illusion of volume provided by the curl so it doesn't stand up to vigorous handling. Maybe with the addition of product (which I normally avoid) the curls would actually stand up to being brushed but I doubt it. I have yet to be able to brush my pin curls out and style the hair. We'll see.

Vintage Current: HI Steven, thanks for all your lovely comments. No, I'm neither an actress nor a T.V presenter; I'm just me - Blogger, YouTuber, Vintage Stylist and all round extrovert. I do a lot of public speaking and presenting as part of my job though. I'm based in Melbourne and work all over the world. In fact, as I answer your question, I'm sitting in a grass hut on a very remote island in the Philippines! :)

Eliza R: thank you for this video. Also, will the same thing apply to girls with a natural wave, like me?

snowtravelful: Hi, I have a few questions. My hair is very thick, and wavy it also goes frizzy.. What is the best product I can use on it? Thanks Tanya

Vintage Current: :) You're welcome! And you know what? Now that you've asked, I'm going to add some new reference sections to the website. I'll let you know when they are live :)

Amber Rose Theron: I have super curly hair and I just put hot rollers in and it works a dream.... Which lipstick are you wearing? You are stunning xx

Vintage Current: Lolsies32 - What are your school regulations around wearing makeup? (I remember back when I was at school we'd get sent home if we even wore mascara!)

ArchieAndOswald: Just to let anyone with very naturally curly hair know... please don't brush it! I'm mixed and my mum had the same idea about the brushing and the clumping and the wave, but what it actually did was get extremely damaged with huge amounts of breakage. It makes logical sense to brush it, but the finger waves will only appear if your curl pattern is extremely repetitive and loose, in which case there would be little need to brush it. I've seen my fair share of vintage tutorials (I love Super Kawaii Mama!) and I think the best think to do is fashion rolled up-dos, or leave the back of the hair down and curly with the front pinned into victory rolls or faux-bangs etc which have been slicked back by a densely bristled brush.

Lulu Willi: You're gorgeous! :)

Emily Payton: I've just found this now - are you still answering questions?!

Abigail Gentry: Um brushing curly hair damages it immensely. Wet or dry, brushing it causes a lot of breakage. Curly girls don't just not brush their hair because of it being frizzy, they do it because it's healthier for their hair

Shannyn Tyler: Wow an Aussie Awesome. Whereabouts in Oz do you live?

Rose k: Don't listen to this girl. She doesn't have curly hair and no idea how it works.

Zeffy: ah the perm i always debate weather or not i should get one as my hair is dead straight, fine but a lot of it. could you do a video on perms and what to ask for are they really bad for the hair?

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