Natural Hair How To: 3 Updos For An Old Twist Out

3 updos/hairstyles to try with an old twistout, braidout, bantu knotout or wash and go

Is your style getting a bit old? I put together 3 easy and quick updos. Learn how I did the bun from this look and 2 more cute styles. Jazz up an ordinary bun or ponytail.

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Hey guys, here's a few looks that you can achieve with an old twist out, braid out or even a wash and go stay tuned. So here are a few things that you're going to need to achieve. These looks i always spritz my hair, this lovely spritz um. This is an old bottle, so this is not carol's daughter. I don't know if you guys can kind of see. This is not carol's daughter, leave-in, conditioner um. This is actually just aloe vera juice in this um. Sometimes i'll mix it with water. But this here is just pulled pure aloe vera juice um, my staple i love this. My camille rose, naturals, curl, love, moisture milk. Let'S see kinda um you're going to need bobby pins uh more than this. I have this and i have these, so you probably won't need like 35 bobby pins, but you never know so i have these bobby pins and then i also have hair combs, which are actually let me just take one of these out these this one's a little Bit but hair combs like this you'll need some of these. So let's get started with this. First look: shall we so this is my old, as you can see twist out um, it's a bit dry. I try to moisturize at night, but if you need some extra moisture, take your moisturizer of course start with the liquid and i'm gon na use my aloe vera juice and just kind of lightly spray. It use as much moisture as you think you may need. Okay. So now that we've moisturized our hair with our liquid we're going to take our cream based and put some of this on, for this is pretty thick. So i don't use a lot probably about that. Much just put it through my hands work it through just kind of make sure we get it all over the tops on the sides on the bottoms. If you feel that there's some areas that are still dry just add a little bit more, i start with a little bit and just work my way up, just so that i don't get any white buildup. That is usually the worst okay. So now my hair is pretty moisturizing you're, going to start this for all three or all of the hairstyles, okay, okay, so i've kind of revived my twist out as well anyways so for the first look, you're going to need at least three of these combs and As you can see, i've had wars with these combs three of these combs and about two to three bobby pins. So we're going to start with our biggest comb here. You can actually use any size comb, but since i have a lot of hair, i use this big comb for my first comb in the back, because that's what majority of your hair is actually going to be held in place by so you're going to take your Hair, i start like this and you're going to twist it, so it's kind of like a french roll big twist, whatever you want to call it and you're going to bring it up to about there and then we're going to take the comb. Whichever way you decided to twist make sure that it gets this top piece of hair here and we're going to push in, and it should be securely in place. Okay, see that doesn't move now. You have these bits here that are kind of flying out and what i do is i take push my hair over to the side. Take another comb and your combs always enter this way. So then, i'm gon na put that in place there fluff it and we're gon na do the same thing on this side and bring the hair over and insert play around with it. If you need to keep any other hair in place like if you need to keep this front hair in place, you can position a bobby pin and the same thing goes for the other side. If anything is sticking out, whether it's in the front, the back or whatever, i try to position my combs so they're as close to this one as possible. So if there's any front pieces that are still out - which i don't think, there's too much going on, but just in case just pin it and it kind of works um, you can move this comb down so that there's more flowing on this side. I'Ll show you how that looks. So if you position your comb, let's say like down there, you get more flowing on this side and then you just have to pin i'm going to pin this back piece here. Just keep that in place, but that's going to kind of go down to the side and you can pin anything that you may want to these side pieces if you want to keep those in place as well. So that's the look. This is the first look here. So you can see and then all of your definition and stuff is shown in the front now for the second look so for our next look. We'Re gon na need a handy, dandy, scrunchie and a few bobby pins. You can kind of hopefully see okay, so first, what we're going to do is we are going to split our hair right around our ear kind of section it off wherever you want to make a part, it doesn't have to be like fully defined and you're going To take the front section so kind of mid crownish and we're going to twist it so just like we were twisting before and you can make this as loose or as tight as you want it. I kind of like it loose because it gives me more definition and just keep twisting it all the way around place any bobby pins. Where you see necessary. I need one there and you can also add bobby pins at the end and we're going to take all the rest of our hair. Pull it up. Take our scrunchie. I do mine twice around just because i have a lot of hair and i don't like it super tight pulling on my edges and there we go so now. You have your ponytail with your front twist and it just adds a little extra to an ordinary ponytail. So, for the third and final look, you'll need bobby pins, see those a normal size scrunchie. You can actually use two of these, depending on like the thickness of your hair um, i usually use a headband um for most of my uh ponytails, so you'll be creating a bun with a side, sweat bang for this one. So for these, because i don't like to just like keep wrapping this around and it makes my ponytails looser and things like that, i start with it either double like this or i'll. Do it wrapped around three times and then i can wrap it around just once on my hair, for this look i'll start with twice and then keep wrapping as needed so for now, you'll take your first scrunchie and section off your front bangs. So those are kind of out of your way and you'll just section off about this much of your hair. Take this scrunchie wrap it around and wrap it around we're going to take this all of the rest of it and create a like midpoint kind of bun or ponytail for right now, we're going to take our doubled, headband wrap it once and then this is going To go around another time and we're good to go so now what you're going to do is you're, going to kind of find the middle point and flatten all of your hair out just kind of just like you would do a sock, bun but you're just going To flatten it out hold that in place, you may want to use three scrunchies for this, so you don't have to do this part, but now take this scrunchie off okay and we're going to take this scrunchie and place it over thick. All of your hair. In the back and kind of like tuck it, and it will like kind of move in some areas and just kind of like push the hair through this scrunchie all the way around tucking it in just kind of securing it in place and scrunching and moving your Hair just enough to create the bun and then just keep playing with the hair to make sure that there's like really no hair sticking out. If there's anything you can like pin it in place. This is where the bobby pins come in and this isn't going to be perfect guys. So you know that's why it's a messy bun and not just like a perfect bun, and i have one more piece up here, but as far as the bun is concerned. So if you have like little pieces sticking out, you can fix them as necessary. If anything like comes out too much on the scrunchie, just pull the scrunchie out and kind of like reposition it with the hair um. As so anything that's sticking out, you can leave it or you can tuck it in um bobby, pin it if necessary, kind of just to leave it in place. But it's not going to be perfect. So now you're going to take your bang to have, and you are going to split it in two kind of in half. It doesn't have to be perfect you're going to take whichever way that you're going to sweep your bang. That'S the side that you're going to take first and loosely - you don't want this, like this part too tight and you're, going to pin this part closest to your bun. Just like that. Now we're going to take the next piece and just go under that piece. So not on top of it, but we're going to go like next to it. Take another bobby pin and this side we're going to have to bobby, pin more because we want to get all of these ends to kind of stay down. Okay, so now those are all pinned in place again fix any loose pieces that you may have in your bun. You can just take those and pin them in place, and you can kind of pin this back just a little bit more just play with it, see where you want it. It kind of creates almost like a pompadour effect um. If you want your bang to come down a little bit lower, which i kind of think i want it to kind of move it a little bit, so it comes down just a tad bit lower. Then the result just kind of goes back a little bit more in these pieces. You can tuck them in. You can pin them. Sometimes i just like to tuck them just to leave it kind of loose, sometimes i'll, take out like the front little pieces a little bit more play with it. If any of your pins come loose, you can just secure them, and this is the finished look um. So this is just like a messy bun with a side bang and, like i said you can make your bang lower. Sometimes i like it a little bit lower, sometimes like this height, it just depends, and it's really just like customizable, how messy you want it. How neat you want it and then you're good to go and the style will last you all day, um yeah. So let me know how you guys, like these styles, if you guys try them. Definitely mention me on instagram um thumbs up for more styles, tutorials, uh fashion, hair. All of that stuff make sure to subscribe and check out my previous videos bye, guys.

Mercyme: I love the first two, thank you!

Sekhmet Auset Het-Heru: I love 1 & 2 so much ♡♡

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