Rey'S Triple Buns | The Force Awakens | Star Wars Hairstyles

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Today we are showing you how to create Rey's Triple Bun hairstyle from Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens!

Rey is a young scavenger girl, barely making her way on the junkyard planet of Jakku, who helps someone which then changes her life forever. We saw the trailers, and the behind the scenes footage and found these triple segment buns are her signature style.

To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHReyTripleBuns

The triple buns are super easy to create, and can work on medium to long hair. Because the buns are nicely secured, this can also be a great athletic hairstyle.

Please be sure to give this video a BIG "" if you loved it, and leave a comment below telling us when you are going to see Star Wars VII -The Force Awakens!

's -Mindy

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 1 small hair elastic, 3 ponytail holders, 3-4 small bobby pins, hairspray or spray wax {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes

Skill Level: Easy


We post a new hairstyle tutorial every Sunday night {7pm CST}!

So, please don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel...






FTC Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored video.

( dramatic instrumental music, ), Hey everyone, I'm Mindy from Cute Girl's, Hairstyles and Ryland is helping us out today. To show you guys how to do the Rey triple buns from the new Star Wars movie The Force Awakens it comes out. This week., You guys, are gon na love. This one. Hey before I forget the twins are doing a giveaway over on their channel. You can find the link in the description box below it's for two, not one but two laptops. So be sure to go check that out and give us a thumbs up.. Now, let's go.! Okay, when you start this hairstyle, what you wan na do is take a comb and just create a little part line right here on this side and on this side, so it forms kinda a rectangular shape on her head.. You don't want this to be a huge section of hair, just because in the trailers that I've seen it looked like it was just a really small section., Like almost like Rey had bangs or something, and they needed to just kinda keep'em out of her face.. So it doesn't need to be a giant section.. Then you're going to take an elastic that matches the hair, because we want this to be hidden.. You know virtually unseen almost. Comb, any baby hairs back into it., Then secure it. Okay.. Now we're ready to create the rest of the hairstyle.. We want to do this by going at the tops of her ears and we're going to take our fingers and just go straight up to the crown and meet in the middle., So that you can see kinda that sectioning. And then you can take some dry wax. If you want or hairspray if you wan na just slick these up and comb'em even tighter., We meet Rey in the movie, she's been runnin' around like crazy in the movie fighting and stuff. So her hair is all kinda like windblown and billowy looking.. Then you take an elastic and you wrap it around the hair and on the last wrap you can see, my fingers are at the top. The hair is going to come mostly through, like maybe a third through, so I create this loop.. Now I don't want the loop to just stand up on the top of her head, so I'm gon na pull it up just a little more till it starts drooping a little bit. When you start to see that droop, then you're done don't touch it.. Now, if you have shorter hair than Ryland, what you can do is take the ends and wrap them around that elastic and bobby pin'em into place. If you have hair at least long enough to get to here on her head, then I would suggest doing it like I'm gon na do with her. Leave'em like this., Then we're gon na create another ponytail, section. (, fun, instrumental music ). You can go back and fix these by just taking your fingers and popping them in the hole in that little loop. There, you go. And don't worry if stuff like this starts happening like with Ryland it totally will'cause. Her ends are popping through we'll fix those in a minute. And, last but not least, we're gon na. Do it again on the third ponytail right here at the nape of the neck, with anything remaining. And you'll, see that now I have these little ends kinda popping out right here and there's no, where for me to put'em, so I'm going to take my fingers and Create a little tiny space right here under the elastic., I'm just creating a little tiny hole and then what you do is just take those ends tuck'em in and I take just one bobby pin just to make sure they don't pop out throughout the day and kinda. Like push those ends up in there, tight. Nice and secure., Okay, now, if you have hair like Ryland's, where ends are popping out like this, You can always just take a bobby pin like on this middle one right here so I'll take these ends grab the ones That are loose., Just wrap them up and under again take a little bobby and pop it up in there., (, fun, instrumental music ). And when you finish that you are done., You have a really authentic, looking Rey hairstyle with the three ponytails and elastics and done.. So let's do our final spin on the Rey triple buns., Very cool. Ryland wore this to school yesterday. What did everyone think They thought it was co cool. If you like this hairstyle, give us a thumbs up, don't forget to subscribe to our channel right here or you can click the info box right here and subscribe there as well and leave a comment telling me When you're gon na get to go, see Star Wars., We'll see you guys next week, bye guys. May the force be with you.

SweetTreats: This look kind of reminds me of a faux mohawk, lol! Rylan rocked this hair-do, awesome video as always :)

Carl the Crusher: Love it! I like how it has a Mohawk feel! -Jinger

Princess Hairstyles: Mindy, your make-up is gorgeous in this vid! Cute hairstyle too ;)

The 15: I'm an 18 year old dude with some sick locks, and I'm totally going to do this to my hair.

Danceaddict0: This is really cute! I'm going to have to try this on my sister's hair! I really love watching every hairstyle tutorial !

Melanie Silva: I'm gonna be completely honest, the first time I watched Star Wars, all I could think about was how badly I wanted to see cutegirlshairstyles create a tutorial of Rey's hair.

Emily Kars: My family has been watching all the Star Wars episodes for a few days in anticipation for the new one! I will definitely be wearing this if we see it in the theaters. Thanks Mindy!

Maddie West: I'm super happy you guys did this tutorial. I've been trying to find one so I can do Rey's hair when I go to watch the movie and now there is one!!!

Diana Goodsell: I love Star Wars thank you for doing this hair style!!!

Kassiejohnson: This is so creative and simple. Rylan's hair grows so fast! Love you CGH -Kassie

Roselina: Hey Mindy, these hairtyles are amazing (as always!) I love watching Cute Girls Hairstyles, and BrooklynandBailey! Love you♥

JennyPorgProtector: Thank you !!! I've been meaning to do that for so long ! Definitely will sport that on Thursday at the movie with the rest of my costume !!! Thx xx

Ellen Wiemann: I like how simple yet beautiful this hairstyle is! Do you think y'all could do a frizzy or curly hair tutorial or hair care for it?

Skylar Randall: I really love the hairstyle and how you do them and come up with how to do them is AMAZING! I am defiantly going to do my hair like this tomorrow!

Grant Morgan: I love how you guys do tutorials on hairstyles from movies ☺ Keep up the good work!

Susana Rivera: Love it Mindy. This looks so cute and its easy to recreate!!! :)

Anna Larsen: I LOVE this hair tutorial and am SO excited to use it this Halloween!!!

AC6797: Hey Mindy, My hair is medium/long length, but when I put my hair into a nice high pony tail and braid the ends, bits pop out as if I have layers in my hair, which I don't. Do you have any tips to stop that from happening? Thanks

Anna Watson: Love this! Rylan looks so cute! Also, you're so close to 4 million!! Early congrats! Love your family Mindy!❤️

Samiha Rahman: I love the star wars theme!!! I'm glad it works on short hair! Good job Mindy love u and ur fam it would be awesome if u keep making hairstyles for short hair!

Mal xx: I learned how to do it easily by myself. Now I can do this hairstyle for my rey outfit for hc week. Thanks!

leah meg: I'm going tonight! I'm SOO excited! I love this hairstyle, I'm doing it tonight! May the Force be with you! 12/22/15

a Goth and a Jock: Yes! I love how little girls want to dress up as Star Wars characters! Well done Disney! David

Shaila Furtado: So cute! Could totally use this hairstyle for work. Thank you Mindy!

Taylor E: Hi Mindy! You guys recreate hairstyles so well! This is a great tutorial! Love your videos! Please respond back! Merry Christmas! xoxo Taylor

Ratchet Ass Vlogs: Mindy you are so good with hair!!! This is so easy, I'm going to wear this to school tomorrow! ~Kimberly

valaney dilley: I have been looking EVERYWHERE for Star Wars-themed hairstyles! Thank you sooooooo much for posting this! :D :)

Jazmine D: I love this it's perfect for a Halloween costume idea

laurenmcquilty: I saw it today and OMG loved it!!!!! gonna try and recreate Rey's hair style now!

Daniella Tsang: Hi Mindy, I LOVE you're channel, my sister and I use some of these styles for our competitions. Ignore all the haters, we love you guys!

no scope: I did this hair style today and I love it so much.

Sadie N: I saw Star Wars on the 17th of December. SOOOO GOOOOD! I'm being Rey for Halloween 2016, so this is totally helpful :)

Sivanna Ledesma: this hair style was amazing, i tried it out on myself it looks awesome!

Maria N: when I saw the movie I immediately was crazy about Rey's hair and needed to find a tutorial asap thanks for this xo

Sofia Welch: Hey Mindy, I know this usually isn't something you do on this channel, but your makeup looked SOOO pretty in this video!!! Can you PLEASEEEEEE do a tutorial?!?!? It is sooo gorgeous! It's something that would probably look great for something like a holiday party. Ily, please do this!!! PLEASE PLEASE reply if you can!

Serena Irani: Hi Mindy I love these buns and definitely want to try them out before the movie. Please if you can try one of Princess Leia's hairstyles I really want to try how to do some of those(she had a LOT to choose from) love your videos btw I'm still a beginner braider

Anna and Olivia: I always try your hairstyles on my mom! This is so cool, I'm a huge fan of you guys! ~Olivia

Taiylor Leigh-Anne: love the hairstyle can't wait to try it out!

Cassidy B: love this hairstyle! Rylan rocked it!

Jess V: Love it!!!! ❤️ Great job!

Alenis Chavarria: I'm always amazed how you are able to do so many hairstyles!! Good Job!!! May you always have more hairstyles so i can use them for school ! ( Self-braider )

I love fashion!: Can you please do a tutorial on your ponytail?!? It looked different than a normal one and I love it.

Bugs Bunny: I love how you guys are so creative with the Hairstyles

Shannon Calantone: I love it! Can you do more Star Wars hair tutorials?

Jannah Hameed: I watched Star Wars and thanks to you I knew how to do every hairstyle!

angel: This is so cool! I suppose that with books and movies coming out, you'll never run out of hairstyles!

Vilma Ervasti: Can you do any of Padme hair styles? :)

Mia Mahaffey: My mom just did my hair for Halloween and this was the best video we could find and it looks so good

Lauren Belanger: I love this... It's sooo cute!!! ❤️

Makenna Harris: I actually just got back from watching it. It was so amazingly awesome. I dressed up but didn't do my hair.

Sophia B: It looks so good!!! You are so good at doing hair!

racho: Can you guys do simple some more hairstyles that are good for sports? Love ya!

Laurel Cooper: Every move she does is perfect... then there is me

Jessica Rottner: I love your hairstyles. Because of this channel I was determined to learn how to do hair and now all my friends ask me to do their hair. I have always wanted to know how keep curls in your hair for a long time. When ever I curl it the curls fall out in 10 minutes. Do you have any advice?

Anne Marie: OMG!!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! I have star wars day on Thursday, and I had no idea what to do! Thank you soooo much! Totally doing this!

Lulu Bird: Love the video! You keep brining new and fun hair styles! Never stop the creativity Xo annie

Grace C: I've never seen Star Wars but I love this hair!! ❤️

Riley Atwood: I love your channel, also B and B! Can you please do Princess Leia hairstyles? That would be awesome!!!♥️♥️

Savannah Lorcher: Love you guys so much!! The highlight of my year was meeting your family at CVXLive ♥♥

Emprendimiento HND: Holaaaaa.... me encanta todos tus peinados , sobretodo las trenzas son lindas y me ayudan mucho para innovar en el salón de belleza. Te felicito por tu trabajo a parte que tienes unas niñas lindas y se nota que muy bien educadas. Lo que si te pediría si pudieras poner traducción como eh visto en algunos de tus videos por favor. Con eso sería ya lo máximo. Gracias y saludos desde Lima - Perú.

Alexandra T: This was super creative! Love you guys!


ALLTHINGS KIDS REVIEWS: I love you all so so much!! Could you do hair styles for short and/or thick hair?- Ofeina

Kristin K: This hairstyle is so cute! Your girls are so pretty! Each of them have an unique personality.

Rosa Cuesta: Super cute hairstyle!! I will try it!!

Hannah Green: I like this hairstyle a lot! It gives a cute look but still very warrior like! I'm so excited to see the new Star Wars movie! Love you guys and see you next Sunday!

Alexandra T: This would be such a cute hairstyle to wear to the movie premiere!

Amelia Shrader: This is so cool Ryland. Looks great in that hair style

Ela: You can also wrap the end bits that come out around the hair tie and then bobby pin it in place!

Piper Oliver: You should make a series of movie/book hairstyles!

Hannah McKay: So adorable I love it! Thank You!

Ellie Allegro: Rylan is getting so big! What a sweet, beautiful girl. We're seeing Star Wars on Thursday night, although my Cute Girl is staying at a friend's because it would keep her up long past her bedtime. She will definitely want this look when it's her turn to see the movie!

Tia Baby XOXO: Hey Mindy! I've been watching your channel for a while. Can you do another diy hairstyle? I do gymnastics so something athletic maybe? Just a suggestion:)

Hannah Palmer: Can't wait to wear these to the movie and to school thanks so much for the hair idea!!!!

Bex Marie: Could you make a tutorial for Leia's hair in this movie please?

Crafty Art: Omgthe video was great✌️ I'm Emily and I really love watching your channel. It's so fun! Your daughters Brooklyn and Bailey are beyond amazing

Sh: Looks awesome!! I hope y'all get the chance to come to Louisiana! I would definitely come! Love this video. Also, do y'all think y'all could do more pullback types of styles? I wear those to school, so it would really help!!

Catherine Grace: Omg this is so cute!! And your family is beautiful Mindy

Ann Schein: Rylan looks AMAZING in this video! Ily guys so much !!

Payton Chiasson: This looks so good on Rylan!

Aliaa Mahgoub: I looove your videos but can you please sometimes make more easy hairstyles like this one.

Helaina Gilmer: Get to see it in 2 hours!! Wearing this to the movie.

Karolina Kepa: OMG! This is the hairstyle I have been waiting for!

Cora Baldon: I am seeing Star Wars tonight! I love the hairstyle!

Hannah Phillips: This is so cute! It would be fun to wear to go see the movie!

Kotago: Actually I don't like Star Wars, but I love your hairstyles! This looks awesome. Also, Rylan is getting so big. She is beautiful

Jenna: Definitely wearing my hair like this on Friday!!!!!

Carmina go_lo: I loved it it's so easy.

Valencia Riyait: can you maybe do some more hairstyles for open hair please? Thanks

Ann Le: Rylan is so cute! She definitely has the force!

Honey Camomile: Hi Mindy! How often would you recomend to use hot tools on the hair? Thanks

Stormie: I'd love more short hairstyles. I recently cut 8 inches off and I'm having a little trouble coming up with ideas.

Amy Crevino: You combined two of my favorite things! Star Wars, and Cutegirlshairstyles!

Sarah Beatty: you and your family are amazing! thank you for posting mindy!

Serpentina: I'd love to see a video of you doing Paisley's hair.

Kendal Wooley: this is awesome! happy holidays to you and your family ❤️

Tammy Stickel: i just started watching your videos. i do have a well will all these braids work on thin hair with layers.

arataki numero uno itto: Wearing that for Star Wars day on Wednesday. Love love love love

SweetTreats: Hey Mindy! It'd be awesome if you could do a review on the Wet Brush. People say that it's the best detangling brush for wet hair, and that it works for every hair type out there. Hope you try it out! :)

Amanda Lounsbury: We are going today. I'm wearing Princess Leia buns, and my daughter Amber is doing this!

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