Half Up Half Down Hairstyle

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INH 22 INCH 220G Hair Extensions



Oribe Fine Mist hairspray



Baddie B Lashes

Coupon code: JENNY69



Coupon Code CHEETOS


Hey guys welcome back to my channel, so, as you guys can tell by the title, yall already know what we're gon na be getting into today. So many of you guys were telling me on instagram like please do a hair tutorial on the hair you're wearing another day on instagram the cute little half-up half-down. So i say you know what i haven't talked about. My favorite extensions that i've been so obsessed with. At the moment, these are the inh hair extensions. These are the 22 inch. This is how long they are and pretty much I'm gon na be taking you from this really really short. Ugly-Ass showed hair. This is literally what my hair looks like you guys. My hair is so short, it's super thin and I'm just like so over the thin hair, like I'm ready for the thick volumous luxurious kind of hair, and these extensions will definitely give you guys that look. So I'm gon na be talking a little bit about inh, hair and hair extensions in general. So that way, you guys can get a little bit of like knowledge on how hair extensions work, because I know that that they are expensive but hair extensions is such an investment, especially if you guys don't really do your hair and things like that. Like I understand it's like okay, like should I spend my money on makeup. Should I spend my money on hair product, or should I spend my money on hair extensions, but trust me? Your life is literally going to change once you start wearing hair extensions, so I like to use different extensions depending on the look that I'm trying to achieve. These are the ones that I've been using for the past three months now these are actually 220 grams. So this is their biggest line that they have because they do have a smaller density, so pretty much. What grams, memes and hair? For those of you guys who are new to hair extensions. It pretty much means how much amount of hair that the extensions have. So the 22 inch hair extensions have 220 grams of hair, and this specific package comes with nine clips of hair. So it's a little side note for you guys to know before actually ordering you need to make sure how thick your actual hair is. So if you have super duper, take care, you want to go with the 200. If you have thinner hair, you can get away with using thinner, but I would just totally recommend for you guys to get the highest density, which is the ones that I have on right now. If you have really short hair like shorter than mine, you could get the 18 inch extensions. Obviously, the 18 inch are gon na be shorter than this, but they're still gon na give you length just because you need to make sure that your hair is at a good length for you to be able to rock the 22 inches without your hair. Looking super short and super noticeable, so that way you guys don't over, spend your money because I know hair extensions can cost a lot of money, but let me tell you something: hair extensions literally are the best investment that you will ever make. I am the type of person that has really thin hair and I just don't feel cute with this little little hair and I love to wear her extensions for obviously length, but you can also use hair extensions for volume. So if you already like the length of your hair - and you just want more volume, you feel like your hair is really thin. Extensions is something you should look into. I am excited to finally do a tutorial with this hair, especially because I do have a coupon code with them as well. You guys, so you guys are able to use my coupon code Genny 69 at checkout to save some point on your hair. Now, if you guys are scared that one pack might not be enough, then I would recommend to buy two packs. So since I do have short hair in order for me to blend in these hair extensions and make it look, nice and effortless like I woke up with this hair, and I was naturally born with this hair. This is the trick that I've been doing for years. You guys I've been doing this trick since I used to work at Sally's and it's funny because I actually started getting into hair extensions hold on really quick. I started getting into hair extensions when I was working at Sally Beauty Supply. So that's where my love of hair extensions started, so what we're gon na do is you are going to part your hair and we're going to split this in half break this up and pretty much like hide this hair away. So that way you go! Oh, my god, I will drop the curler. Oh my god, when you clip in hair extensions right, especially depending on what kind of hairstyle you're trying to do, no matter how sleek and straight you keep straightening your hair. This is always going to peak through. So you know we just want to make sure that this hairstyle is nice and cohesive. Is that even a word? I come with Rosie in vocabulary. We just don't want to see none of this okay, so this is a trick that you guys can do. It'S super duper simple, so I have my little rubber bands here and I got this like Desio Desio dye. So it's so simple! You guys literally you just braid this up. My hair has been growing a lot and I just made a promise to myself that I'm gon na grow out my hair cuz, I'm just so tired of wanting the long hair and not never, because I always cut it [, __, ] and also because a lot Sorry, every time I see people with like blonde hair amazing, oh, I want blonde hair, but it's a girl. You need to be about Hills because it's gon na damage, your hair, and you know right now. My hair is really healthy and I love that I'm able to style my hair on my own and not have to do the most, I'm also trying not to be super lazy. I know you guys have been waiting for this hair tutorial for a minute, but I've just been going crazy with this Quarantine. You guys, like honestly, okay, so now that we have these two braids we're gon na use these special bobby pins, to pin it to our head and please make sure to not skip this step and trust me. If you do this step on my gosh girl, your hair is gon na, look so bomb, whether you curl it or whether you straighten it or crimp it, especially if you're doing a straight hair style. You need to meet make sure that your hair is locked away and secured, so the bobby pins that we're going to be using for today are these ones here, I'm not sure what the exact means of these are, but this is like it works easier than using The regular standard bobby pins this because these ones split open and they eventually start to like fall off. So what I do is I crisscross my hair extensions, so I'm gon na try to do this. All you guys watch me. Do it from the back? Okay, we got one down. What I did was like I kind of twisted it on, and then I just turned it to the left so see how we're just kind of like looking this it. So when you put this part down you twist it like this, so it's nice and light very, I pretty much just keep securing it with bobby pins until I feel like it's nice and on and depending on, like what kind of event that you have like. If you just have to run some errands and you're not trying to keep this hairstyle in for a really long time, you can honestly get away with kind of keeping it a little bit loose. But if you feel like this [ __ ] needs to be won on like all day a lot, then you figure it out, but pretty much. This is what it should look like. It'S not gon na look the best, but it is what it is, or the bottom of my hair. I like to use a three clip like this, and what you're going to do is you're going to clip it not like this like standard like how you would we're gon na flip. It upward like this. You can do it the other way, I'm just so used to doing it upwards like this, because sometimes when I don't do the braids, or at least I used to try not to do it with the braids. If you flip the clip upside down like this, it kind of hides the the short hair as well. So that's kind of how I touched it in from the back, so it should look like I'm gon na. Take another three clip the hair extensions that I have laid out right here. I think it's like two packs that are mixed, so I can't like fully say if all of these are gon na be in the pack, but I know what the hair extensions come with. Nine clips, okay, so when I clip it, I clip this part in the middle first and then I clip in the sides. So this is what it should look like. So when you put this stone, you see how, like you, can't, really see a lot of the hair, at least from the bottom. So now we just use the rest of the clips to blend in the strip the hair, and this is what the back looks like. So it's not gon na look crazy in the back. The braids, or maybe it's gon na feel like oh, like baby back here, but you're not gon na, be able to see it once everything is on. The next part that I do is since we're doing like that half-up half-down kind of look we're gon na go ahead and do this. So I like to go up this section above the ear, and then I part this like this, so that we have enough hair yeah. Let'S make it thin, because we're not gon na be able to put as much Clips up here, because we're gon na be we're. Gon na have to hold this up here, so all of this hair - that's like leftover, it's gon na need to be enough to be able to cover the clip. If that makes sense, if you guys are new to hair extensions, you're, probably like what the [ __ ] are you talking about, but if you're not new to hair extensions, you know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about. So let me turn around. So you guys can see I'm talking about so I like to kind of feel where the line is, and you can tease your hair to like make them stay. But honestly, I don't that's what it should look like the fourth clip, so the four clip is good to apply like in the middle part of your hair, because that's where you need the most coverage, as you start going up, then once you go up to like The top of the head: that's when you would use like a three clip. You know so I'm gon na use another four clip because we are starting to get to the top and then we're gon na do two clips on this side. So we're taking another four clip and same thing. We are going to clip the two middles right here and then on the sides like so and look at how gorgeous this is. Looking you guys, like hair extensions honestly, really make me feel like that. [ __ ], like you, would think makeup makes me feel like that. [ __ ] and it does make me feel like that: [ __ ], but there's just something about hair. You know like you, could still do your hair, even though you're not wearing makeup. You could still do your hair like a cute little hairstyle and still still feel [ __ ] hot okay. Now, what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na just gon na kind of like start parting, the part that I'm gon na use for the actual ponytail that we're gon na be doing for the top of the hair, and I'm just gon na put this in A bun just so that way I can see how much hair I have to play with on these sides of my hair so now you're able to see how much, how many more clips that you can put here on the side so for the actual ponytail we're Gon na be using two clips like this, so it needs to be white. The part needs to be wide enough to be able to withhold like hold these two clips, so we're gon na save these on this side and then we're gon na use. Some other two clips and clip these right here and for those of you guys who do want to see how to tease some hair, because some of you, some of you guys, might have like thin hair and that could affect you know the hair kind of lighting Off so what you do, I'm gon na be using my favorite hair spray. This is the Oribe superfine hair spray and it smells so amazing, like literally so bomb mmm, so you just spray it a little bit and then you just start to tease it up. Just like a little tease and what this is gon na do is just gon na give you a little bit of grip to be able to sew that hair extensions have something to hold on to. You know like that. So now we're gon na put this hair down, and you see you just want to make sure that you have enough hair to be able to cover the hair extension. You always want to make sure, and even when you're out in public, if you feel like your hair extension, is showing just kind of like feel it. And then, if you feel like, you feel the clip just slice, your hair back here and then just clip it down lower girl. So this is how this side should look like. I actually think I'm gon na do maybe one more clip back here. But, to be honest, I don't really have that much hair to be able to hi another piece, like maybe like one piece, maybe yeah. I could probably do like a one piece from here. These are the one pieces. Those are the little pieces of hair where, like you, would think, like. Oh what the [ __ ] are these little pieces gon na do but dude. These are sometimes like the life-saving pieces that just add a little bit of the love a little bit of extra volume, and what I did right now was, I literally just grabbed at the hair, and then I twisted it to kind of tease it and then clipped It on to the little part that I teased it up and, to be honest, I guess even if it shows back here at the ponytail once it's like right here, it's gon na cover it. What I also like to do is like I like to grab a mirror, and then I like to put all my hair back like this and then look at myself in another mirror like another perspective and be like. Oh okay, like it blends in or maybe I need to add one more clip or you know what I'm saying. Can you guys believe I'm doing this hairstyle to go to sleep? It'S like 9 o'clock right now. Well, I'm literally not nocturnal! You guys. I go to sleep like a round 4 a.m. cuz. That'S when I like. That'S what I have my knee time. I don't know, there's just something about wanting to see because Maddie's, asleep and Manuel's asleep, and it's just like my me time and I just love having any time I teased at this part a little bit it's coming along, yes, and then we okay, so now that We have this going. I think that we should start curling. This is the curling iron that I'm using. This is the baby list, Perot titanium, and I believe this is a one and a half inch iron, a one and a half or a one inch. Can you guys, let me know, because I'm not exactly sure, and then it has like a little twist but anything here. I wouldn't recommend to use too much heat on your hair extensions cuz. We want to make sure that you keep them nice and healthy. Let'S start with the bottom first and you don't have to slice it perfect and just be careful not to your breeds. So I'm going to split it in half and I'm gon na get like one inch section of hairs or you can like mix it up and then I just start curling it like this. I start from the top and then I slowly start to go down like I don't really feel like. I curl my hair, the greatest like it kind of curl it kind of sloppy, but and then once I wrap the ends around, I just leave it in. For about 15 to 20 seconds, you know my Baba's are like went crazy. I moved I'm so excited to [ __ ] get my toothpicks cuz. This ship is looking crazy and this is what the curl should look like whoa. This is technically the hardest part, which is what takes the longest okay, so I am going to spray my hair, really quick Buddha like oh, I didn't even cruel. Oh well, oh well! I don't hide between those little hairs, so I'm just gon na go ahead and spray. This hair a little bit just to have a nice light told and then we are gon na comb through it. I think I might add, like a little clip in right here like a one-piece, I'm just gon na. Add it right here and then I'm going to recur this piece like so, and we're just gon na blend her right in okay, so add a little more hairspray on this sign. Okay, I'm gon na! Let that cool down before we start to run our hands through that. Okay. So now we're gon na go ahead and do the ponytail. So I feel like this is kind of the hard part just because I feel like I don't know. Sometimes it can. It can get worn so depending on how Y do you've done it. Hopefully, this Wednesday, you need to make sure that you measure your extensions, so we're gon na add a piece back here, so so we're gon na do with this. So that way, it doesn't get lost with the hair in the back. We'Re just gon na make it into a chongo back here. I'M going to do is you're going to grab a little section of hair right here. So that way we can tease this part. So the the little hair extension has something to hang on to so we're just gon na spritz this right here and we are going to tease this so now we're going to be clipping it like this way upward like so so be honest. I can't really see. I didn't clip that right. Okay, I can't sleep clipping this right here, like so okay, so now we're going to slice this in half again this and hold this back, and I hope that we have enough hair well, we won't be able to know until we actually start to lake coming back. So we're going to use a little bit of this. How we're gon na do the same thing that we did here to clip the front piece, but make sure you still have enough hair here at the front to be able to cover it up and you'll know what I'm talking about or not. So now we're gon na bring all of this back. So what you're gon na do is just pretty much comb everything out and you can make this as high as you want. If you want it to be high like this, so that way the hair kind of flows on the side - or you can do it more backwards like this like that, but I just I don't know I feel like I like it better upwards like that, so I'm Gon na use a little bit of this Johnson spray to kind of just pull the little hairs back and I'm just using this little toothbrush comb. Okay! So now that you got it nice and slick or as slick as you possibly can now we are going to a legal on this. So now that that's on you can make it a little bit tighter or less tight. Normally, this kind of takes a few tries for this to like be nice and neat. So this is how I did my hair. I'M gon na go ahead and curl the rest of these pieces. This is perfect for that Instagram selfie or if you're going on a date with someone or you just want to look cute, you can also get creative with your baby hairs. You can do some q edges. You can glue some little serve Ross keys like honestly, like it's. The possibilities are endless. So what I like to do on like the little flyaways is, I love to use this kenra platinum, texturizing taffy, and it smells so good. They saw this at Alta and I love to use this for my flyaways and like this is my favorite product. My hairstylist Tony is the one that got me into this and it's like a really sticky like texture. Do you guys see this? How quiz that - and it goes on like it's so weird cuz - it blends really nicely into the hair, and you can't even like see it and it doesn't turn flaky or none of that. So I really love how this works. I love to use this for my little flyaways like this. I guess you could say it's kind of like an edge control, except it's just its own kind of vibe, because it is a taffy texture. So it almost feels like a candy that I'm putting on my hair, I'm gon na go ahead and turn around, so you guys are able to see what the back looks like most of my hair is pretty blended in the back. Obviously, there will be some short hairs. You know that are gon na be visible, because, of course, I do have short hair, but for the most part I was able to blend in these 22 inch extensions, and this is how long they are very sexy. It makes me feel like such a [ __ ] baby. Yes, if you guys do want to check out INH hair extensions and want to get yourself, some cute little clip ends be sure to use my coupon code, jenny 69 at checkout to save yourself. Some coin girl, if you guys need help on the website, they do have like a little chat thing, so you guys can help be color matched and also, if you do order the hair, please don't open the pack of hair. I think that you can open up the little sample piece, which is why they send you the sample piece. So you are able to test out to see if their hair matches you or not, and also, if you guys don't know if, between two inches you're going to blend into your hair, you can order an 18 inch pack and a 22 inch pack. So you can kind of like clip the 18s at the top and then keep the 22s at the bottom. That is a great trick to do. If you guys are scared that it's not going to blend in and if you feel like you're super scary, then just stick with the 18s grow your hair out and wait until you get to like a longer length of hair. Until you can grow into the 22 inch hair extensions, yes, I'm so feeling myself! I can't leave that. I have to go to sleep right now. Y'All, like I think, I'm gon na take a few Instagram pictures to kind of like make it worth it. Thank you guys so much for watching, and I will see you guys all in my next video bye,

Angelica Aguirre: Her contacts make her look like I completely different person she looks really good

Yolanda Jimenez: Am I the only one who believes in Jenny's tips? Cuz I feel like she's like my homegirl trying to put me on and like she's not gonna do me dirty lol ♥️

Melina Anahyy: Tell me why I feel like like Jenny should start her own hair extension brand


the better mariah: Girl yazzzzz. I’m going through post partum hair loss so bad right now, I’ve lost about 50% of my hair in past 2 months and it’s so mf hard to be confident with my hair. I’ve been thinking about getting hair extensions to kind of help my confidence and this video solidified it for me! I just bought some extensions with your coupon :) I’ve also been taking Halo Beauty HSN pills to help with my regrowth of my hair so I’m excited to see what my hair journey is gonna be like for the next few months. Thanks Jenny bitch ❤️

짱대: Who else likes her style!!‍♀️

Victoria Romo: This look on Jenny is everything

ellegee91: I love how she doesn't care about what people think. She literally still has her chipped veneer, her armpits all hairy and her other hand isnt even painted. Hahah love her!

br. dgettt: This made me want to place an order, I love my hair length-- but the density could be better! Thanks for sharing your advice babe, love you xoxo

diana ochoa: Wow this eye look is everything!! We need a tutorial!!

Israel C: Jenny! Omg this reminds me of when you did the review for the Luxury for Princess hair extensions and you curled your hair with the Conair curling iron. So proud of your success ❤️

Odalys Hernandez: Jennnnnnnnny I love you !! I’ve been waiting for you to show us your go to extensions. I bought some at a local hair store here and Dallas and let me tell you , I fucked up foooorrrrsssuuuurrrreeeee lol oh and thanks for the coupon code. I love you girl

Aimme Ruiz: I can’t stop looking at u in this vid Jenny even with the short hair this look suits you soooo well

INSERT NAME HERE: Yaaaaaaaas! So happy you love your extensions Thank you for the love and support

Giselle Ayala: I cant believe there's people that actually click on the thumbs down . This is actually very helpful ! Love youuuu jenny !!

Monzeratt Hernandez: Hey Jenny!! Another trick I learned so that the bottom of your hair doesn’t peek through. Clip the first set of extensions underneath the your natural hair then clip the rest on the top of your hair. MAYBE YOU’LL SEE THIS AND IT’LL HELP!!!

Ale Xx: You look so cute with those contacts!! Loved this tutorial ✨

Kathleen Williams: I also where 22 inch extensions quite often. A tip I use to avoid having to braid the bottom pieces is just flip your head upside down and apply a band of extensions the opposite direction (place the clips upside down) and then when you flip your hair back the bottom short pieces will be concealed and the extensions will be the new bottom layer of your hair. I hope that makes sense lmao

Sayana Al: Your hair looked so beautiful before ! Thanks for the informative video Jenny!

LC: I got the exact same ones and they come in this week! I remember you mentioned them a while back and I was curious to try them out

Ariana Romero: I think we can all agree that we need a tutorial of this look :)

Mix Arcamo: i LOVE how this is giving like old youtube vibes & i'm here for it 100%!!!

Shadey Perales: Love it ! I used to so this style all the time and the iron is a 1 1/4 I believe :) makes the perfect curls/waves

Kylie Delgado: Hey girl ‍♀️‍♀️ looooved this so much!! Please please do more hair tutorials for us sending you heaps more support and love your way girl ❤️

Gizelle Strangis: I’m nocturnal too!!! My husband doesn’t get it! This looks Thank you for this!

Pamela Vega: Can I just Jenny gives out great reviews because every single time I watch others I feel stupid sometimes lol. But in other words thank you Jenny for you and your content.

Lana's Brain: Those contacts with the eye makeup is giving me Teresa vibes

Alexis: Just wanna say THANK YOU!! I’ve never invested in hair extensions but when I saw your video I bought them and I love them!!! Also your discount code gave me a GOOD discount, gracias muchacha

Destiny Partida: I love that you break down every step! Much love Jenny

Bonnie Sue Leathers: I just ordered some! thanks for the code bish <3 I haven't worn extensions for a long time and really need them now that I had a hair botox and my hair got so thin :(

Vianet Vargas: I’m honestly living for YOUR hair and length - looks chic asf

Cyn P: Omg Jenny I was going threw my line videos and saw one of your videos on there from 4 years ago it was the “what’s in my bag” video I’ve watched you on YouTube since then and I can say you haven’t changed the way you interact with your subscribers in your videos! You’re so humble and I love your vibe it’s nice seeing you grow now you have your cute family and your son manny ❤️ I feel like I’ve just been your friend threw these videos thanks for remaining true and creating your plate form and just being you god bless you and be proud of yourself you deserve everything and more ❤️

Nataly Ortega: I’m living for this whole look those contacts make you look so bomb

Lauren Nh: Yes queen thank you for keeping us entertained love you!!!!

Makeupby Amor : i have to come back to say girl you better do a tutorial on this look I'm in love

JordanT: omg girl we need a tutorial on this makeup look!!!

Cristalsworld__: Omg I’ve been dying to see this tutorial. Love it

Stephaniee: love the look on you! literally can pull off anything!❤️


Zaylin Ramirez: YOU LOOK SO GOOD!!!!! I love how your hair came out ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Isa: volume is working fine for me!! love all of your looks queen

samantha lopez: Jenny is meeeee forgetting to shave and not caring

Cathy C: Your hair looks extremely healthy and shiny. Give us some product tips pleaseee! ❤️❤️

jennifer ramirez: THANK YOU, for this hair tutorial I’ve been meaning to do my hair like this forever. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Michelle Mendoza: I’m going to do this for my bday pictures love it !

Leslie: I naturally have long hair and I don’t wear extensions anymore but I still watched this whole video it was pretty interesting and satisfying to watch ☺️❤️

Julissa Alvarez: I needed this tutorial so bad Jenny!

Selena Bertadillo: Jenny Looking fire she makes me want to dye my hair black

Bella Marie: Jenny you are so beautiful. With or without extensions or contacts or anything. You’re heart is gold and i wish i had someone like you in my life. I’m going THROUGH IT right now and this video even it seems small to others is everything right now. Te quiero Jenny!

Ashley Rivera: Love the hair!!! Thanks for the video girl ‍♀️

adilennnexo _: I LOVE this hairstyle on everyone else BUT me. My hair is finally long enough to do it, So i curled my hair and did it yesterday. I felt like i was 9 years old again I couldn't stand it lol

Arlyn: Wishing i could do this hairstyle but my hairline fucked up

Wanda Velasco: I Love it, intentaré hacerlo tengo 2 paquetes de extensiones y no sabía cómo ponerlas bien

Kat M: I love your hair extensions tutorials! ❤️ I still watch the ones you did from the luxury for princess extensions lol

Jess Martinez: Love the long hair but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR NATURAL HAIR WAY MORE!!!✨

a x: GIRLLLL THANKS! I want to buy hair extensions for the first time and by watching this video you did good on showing us step by step. Btw you look like a bad ass bitch with black hair and those contacts

Lili Ramos: The trick with the braids! I needed that! Thanks so much!

Luz Ariana: I just bought some and used your coupon code! I'm so freakinggg EXCITED to try them out!❤️ i got the 22 inch in champagne blonde❤️ ya me boy a sentir bien perra lol

Sandra: Wow it’s insane how color contacts can change someone’s whole face! You look beautiful love

Arlet Avila: I loved this look especially on you!!

First Name: I actually LOVE how your natural short hair looks

Ana Svt: Girl you’re so perfect I order some contacts because of you !

satanicroyalty: the best look you have ever had. love the contacts!

Nathalia Medina: We need a tutorial on this look.

Briana Al: Okay but I’m in looove with this look and the contacts!! You look good af!! ♥️

-: Nevermind the hair extensions. Girl what PRODUCTS?? Your hair is so sleek and shiny and just... so healthy looking

Celeste Carrillo: Love you Jenny I hope you’re doing good during this time ❤️

Daisy Gonzales: I’m loving this hairstyle ‍♀️❤️ such a beauty!

Aimee X: I’m loving this tutorial

Avery Gutierrez: Jenny we wanna see a makeup tutorial on this loook!!!! Please! ❤️

anacelli: girls really be doing it all, having all our hair in our face and still achieving the look we want w our hair

monica ortiz: You should totally do a Make up tutorial on this look !!! I loveeeeeee

PurpleDancer87: This has been life changing. Thank you!!!!!

JenGaga’s World: This look ... I cannot wait to get my lasik done because when I dooooo oh man... come on colored contacts!

Bella: Damn, I just purchased the hair extensions I love the look

Yaslin Morocho: This look totally fits you girl ! Matter factt EVERYTHING

Noemi C: I love makeup Jenny!!! With the contacts! So pretty!

Alydia Maldanado: Please do a makeup tutorial on this look I’m obsessed!!

Krystal B.: I actually like how jenny looks with short hair it gives her an edgy look I have super long hair but it’s so thin and it used to be so thick. Any tips to get thick hair?

abc C: She looks great with short or long hair. Also those contacts are beautiful

jacob sanchez: I love Jenny so much. I’m a guy with short ass hair and having no interest of getting hair extensions, still here I am.

Chelsea Victoria Patino: I love this look!❤️ estás hermosa ❤️

Emilyy Rodriguez: I love this look on you

Adi'el Ginez: This is Maria Palafox's signature hairstyle lol, I love it

Kaytie Romero: sis I recommend putting castor oil in your hair it’s just a very thick and sticky consistency but you can leave it on overnight and then wash it off or whatever its up to you but in my Personal Experience it has really helped my hair grow & its helped with thickening my hair a lil more

Adam Franco: We NEED a makeup tutorial on THIS LOOK!!!! ✨✨✨

Brenda Tena: I love your eye makeup, can you do a tutorial on how you get that Smokey look

Fresa: My aunt who passed away had green eyes and you look so much like her in this video

gxbbii estrada: I’m living for the eye contacts

xXDaniellaXx: Thank youomg since ive had my girls my hairs been thinning out like crazy.. i needed this video

Makeuplover_Maribel: Makeup tutorial on this look Jenny!! You look so pretty love the contacts and this makeup look on you!!!

Lovely Daisy: My hair got so thin after giving birth and I was thinking of either buying wigs or hair extensions. Your extensions look amazing

K Oro: Def need a tutorial on that look contacts and all

Valeria Martinez: LOVE YOUR LOOK JENNY!!!

weezeldiesel: your hair looks so healthy, tell us your secrets in a video maybe? :)

Alondra Sauceda: You made me buy them extensions!!!!! Girlllll I love you❤️❤️❤️❤️

NatXO: You look soo good in contacts Jenny ❤️

Raquel Magana: Omg I’ve done this hair style on myself but I have short hair so I look like a 12 year old lmao definitely need me some hair extensions & the curler you’re using is a 1 and 1/4 inch I believe

Anahy Hinojosa: Love the contacts !!! You look muddle eastern <3 LOVE IT !!!

Laura Adorno: love the look Jenny!!

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