Wedding Hair Do'S And Don'Ts To Live Your Extra Bride Life

  • Posted on 25 June, 2020
  • Wedding
  • By Anonymous

Hi Beautiful! This is the ultimate guide to perfect, extra hair for your wedding.

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Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa

Don't Forget To Live Your Extra Life.

Hi beautiful, are you getting married or do you enjoy planning your wedding? That may never happen. Me too. You may have asked yourself well, how am I gon na wear my hair to my wedding? What'S gon na look the most timeless and the most important question of all? What is gon na make me look like. I am living my extra life while walking down the aisle. These are the three questions we all ask ourselves when picking our wedding hair. I'Ve worked on countless brides in my lifetime. Let me just tell you a lot of them get the wrong hairstyle. I do talk them out of it. However, a lot of them come to me wanting the ugliest I've ever seen. I don't like that. Let'S fix that. Shall we think modern, but timeless? That'S the goal we're trying to achieve with our wedding hair, we're gon na start today's video by taking a trip down memory lane just looking at some eighties wedding hair just for the folk of it, and I feel like we just have to remember where we came From and how much we've progressed and then after that we'll go over some don'ts of wedding hair, some things that I really don't like that people ask for all the time and it's just honestly a little tasteless and then after that I'll. Let you guys know what my opinion of wedding hair is and the things you should do to your hair for your wedding day. I also think it's important to preface this video by saying these are just my opinions, so don't get mad. If you disagree with something I said: okay, I love it. Okay, after you watch today's video, hopefully you'll be walking down the aisle living your extra extra life and that, I think, is really the goal of any bride. So with that all set, let's get it started. So, let's begin checking out some iconic celebrity wedding, hair from the 80s and also just a few Rando this I had some really interesting news. Ah here we are the first image if I were living in the 80s and getting married. I think that this is how my hair would listen. She went for it and I really appreciate it. She said, tease it and they said. Is that enough and she said no keep teasing and they said. Is that enough and she said nope keep teasing I'll. Tell you when it's done, and it was never done until the actual minutes, her wedding started and she walked right down the aisle, and that is how she ended up like this. That'S what I think happened at least these 80s bangs just the most wild thing. Just blown out in every direction possible, she was hit by like 80 mile-per-hour winds, it looks like and her hair just went all back and she let it stay there and then she Harris Brady, iconic she's, deafening her Extra Life. Now we have Princess Diana. Yes, she had one of the most iconic eighties weddings. She went for a simple look to the point where it almost looked like she wasn't attending her own wedding looks like the hairdo took three minutes to do, which I bet it didn't. I'M sure it took like ten hours to do this haircut God, the shaggy - I don't know it's kind of like a weird bowl cut like a mullet moment, I usually like mullets, but it wasn't really flattering at all. I would have liked to see it out of her face. I feel like it would have really opened up her face. This is just giving me nothing uh-oh, oh man, that's what I want it looks like she has a fauxhawk going on. I don't think that was the idea behind this. I'M sure, but I mean she said she's it's the gods, I want height and they said yes, ma'am I'll, do that for you and she got that she did that she has the flower crown with the obnoxiously large veil. It'S all just together, making this wonderful, 80's glam rock princess, wedding, hair and I'm here for it. Now we have Cindy Crawford, give me all the tool you have in this fabric store and they said, but that's a lot of tulle and she said I know I want it all and she got a girl. She got the entire fabric store of tulle. I mean wow, that's a dress, but we're not talking about that. Then she has this crown that looks like it's growing like crystallized salt formation, that's my best descriptor for that and it's going across her forehead. It just looks uncomfortable first of all, then we have this high high bun that looks like she threw her hair up in a hurry. It'S just making this entire moment even that more spectacular, because she has the most extra wedding dress with the most extra gloves. An extra jewelry extra veil and then her hair is just thrown up into a bun and she still looks gorgeous so listen if you're gon na do it might as well go all the way this woman said, let's take off leisure wear and make it into wedding. Wear um this sweatband she has in her forehead might be useful because she might be a sweaty girl in her wedding. I know it's a little stressful, I'm sure I'm sure you know - and she said, but I want a sweatband with a veil on it and she got that exact thing that she was looking for. You go girl and then we got this perms hair. That was then teased out to then create this kind of nest like a bird's nest. If you will on the top of her head, I love it now. We have Mariah Carey who did this down? Moment looks like she washed her hair, put a little curling, serum and and then walked out of the door which, knowing Mariah Carey, was not the case. I'M sure it took several hours to this hair and it was a flop. I mean it doesn't look good. It doesn't, I don't really have much to say about it, because it's just holy that dress is crazy. Oh my god that flower arrangement yeah that's Mariah, Carey, that's what I expected from her. It looks like she's trying on the dress for the first time and she didn't do her hair and she's just trying it on doing a fitting, and then she ended up walking down the aisle that day and getting married. I don't know it just looks like they didn't do her hair. I don't know this wedding party is looking like poodles. They look like poodles. I am NOT saying poodles are ugly by any means I wouldn't ever well, let's focus on the bride. The bride has this updo with this Snooki Jersey Shore pouf with the bun I actually enjoy that it's off her face. I think that it actually is quite elegant. In that sense, however, it looks like a mess in the damn back of her head again. Another bird's nest I feel like on your wedding day. Bird'S nest should not be there, but I actually think she looks kind of like the most put together out of everybody. We'Ve talked about so far. I like that little choker she has on with her beautiful decolletage out white elegant and actually what the [ __ ]. Do. I like this hair, I don't know what's going on right now, I guess it looks kind of cute for the eighties. Should we go with that, I don't know good job girl, you go girl and, lastly, we have Heather Locklear, marrying Rod, Stewart Rod, Stewart totally man you went for it honestly would marry him. It'S fine and then Heather Locklear said: let's do the least with my hair and I actually think she kind of killed it. Obviously, her hair is a little bit shrewd. She has a very, very short layering at the top. It has then blown out to perfection underneath this like cascading and crystal waterfall of a tiara crown. I don't know what you call it. It'S kind of chic. I don't know she kind of looks dope, it's fun I'll, take it. You know Heather Locklear, you look divine and those gloves now that I got that I my system, let's do some don'ts of wedding. Hey, don't do this with your hair when getting married. Let'S do the don'ts one of my favorite don'ts is braids, especially fishtail braids. Let'S keep the fish in the water babe, let's not bring him into our hair. It doesn't look right. I don't know what it is about. Fishtail braids, there are some things you can wear fishtail braids to you is festivals, but if you're a grown-ass woman wearing a fishtail braid, I don't know for some reason, I'm judging you, but also again I'll leave your extra life, meaning to whatever the want that makes You happy but fishtail braids braids in general, for weddings. It just looks like farmhouse vibes. I don't know it's just weird to me. Here'S a couple of images of braids, I hates we have this crown. Fishtail crown it's kind of like a cute when you first look at it, you know it's like, oh my god, so fine, but then you know she's gon na look back on this in 10 20 years and be like what the you. Let me do that myself, like it just, doesn't look timeless or elegant in any which way it just looks like you are stuck as a 12 year old girl, like you, had this imagination of getting married when you were 12 and having a fishtail braid and like You stuck with that and did it it wasn't good. Then we have this photo. It'S just like chunky fishtail, like laying on your shoulder, like it's literally a dead salmon on your shoulder. Like I don't know the braided crown area, it just screams childish and like daddy issues to me, I don't know if that's just me it possibly may be, but I just don't love it. Next we have the overly textured hair - it's mostly just updos that have way too much. Curl texture you'll see here it is okay. So this was a trend. You know ten years ago. It was cool at the time, but let's stop she's like I want to look like. I didn't do a lot to my hair, so let's make sure it's really textured, but then they just overdo the texture and it ends up in this like weird overly textured moment. It just has way too much going on it's so busy, it's like where the look like these little pearl flowers in her hair, and then she has this fun with the braids and the twisties and the texture. It'S like. I can't too much hair like that's what my reaction would be if I saw her hair in real life. Here'S another prime example of too much texture. It'S like they did corkscrew curls on our entire head and just pin that [ __ ] up and was like this is modern dude. This is some new stuff here and then I'm just like it's not you're, not doing anything, nothing about this, it's good. Then she has the braids going into the textured mess and I'm like whoa, pick a style and stick with it up. Next we have the bump. The bump is something I see nearly the most often I love every kind of ugly wedding hairstyle. The bump is always a driving force for those ugly wedding, Styles um. This is what I mean by the bump, the crown region. That is just so volumous. I get it if you have a bad head shaping or trying to correct something, but it's so weird. I don't know why drives me crazy. It'S just such a big like it's a good, it's a guy for a lack of better words, sort of like a tumor on the back of their heads um. I apologize. I don't want to offend anybody there, but it's the only way. I can really explain it. It just looks like a growth out of the top of the head, and I don't know why it's there, let's just flatten that out a little bit. Shall we again. This style is semi cube, but you lost me with the bump the big thump on the back of her head. For some reason, every girl just goes the bump when they're planning their wedding hair they're like I want the bump. I want more volume back here. What other day of your life, have you ever wanted that? Why, now, why are you now choosing to have a bump on the back of your head on your wedding day? You'Re gon na have to look at these pictures forever girl, I'm trying to save your life here now we have the tight curls, the crunchy tight curls. This is the result of showing a old-school hairstylist a photo of beachy waves, and you walk out of a salon looking like this and they say it'll drop it'll drop later. If somebody tells you your waves or your curls will drop later, they probably don't know what they're doing, because there's many ways you can make waves stay in the hair and not have them super tight at first. In order for them to drop. I used to hear that all the time this long by the time you walk down the aisle and your waves will drop like we'll, be timing. It their waves, gon na know when to drop like the wedding bells start going off. They started there just starts happening and the weights are like. Oh it's our time and they just drop down like no there's ways to make hair stay in place. It'S called hairspray, it's called the right products you got, ta have holding products put clips in before she walks down the aisle like this is what happens also when you spray the hair with hairspray and curl it, and it gives you crunch, the curls they're, just not Good there first of all get the bump and the curls going at the same time and a little bit of like a twisted braid on the side. It'S like good whoa and like ten pounds of hair extensions, but leave your extra life. You know I mean they. It looks like she was going for a wave moment and she got curls and she said well, I guess we're going with it. Now we have the overly perfected shinny on. It looks like a giant hanging from the back of your head. Why is your hair quaffed to perfection around a semi-circle sock bun, what the it looks like a shrub growing out of the back of your head? Let the hair move girl, it's so big like this! Isn'T the poorest photo? Actually I get where they're going. I don't mind very quaffed, hair, listen, there's, there's a time in place for it. This just doesn't seem like the optimal look for anybody. The weaves pieces on top of the extremely large chignon is a moment. It'S not a moment that I'm here for I'm sorry, it's gon na, be a no from me darling! It'S just a lot. Now we have the bad headbands. This just feels like culture appropriation to me. This girl just went to an Indian wedding and said that is my look and then stole a headpiece right from the bride. A white person in one of these, it just seems a little culture, appropriating it's all, just like nah, cute Kim Kardashian. Even did it it's a little bit better, it's not as a low. It doesn't feel as Indian wedding vibes to me, but it's still doesn't need to be there for any real reason put a tiara on ur a crown. I think that would better for you and last but not least, one of the all-time worst looks. Anybody can do themselves in their wedding day. Is the sock bun? Do you remember the sock buns? It was a thing everybody found out. You can use a sock to make a bun and every girl came to school with that, damn sock, bun and some of them even did it to their wedding day. They even tried to dress it up with like a little bit of hair around the sides. Just to like really make it wedding II uh and it's a flop girl, it does look very yummy like I would eat her hair. It looks like a mix between chocolate and vanilla and like a caramel swirl going on in there delicious donut, I would eat it. Um, but I would not put it on my head for my wedding and that's all I have to say about the sock, but I think that one kind of explains itself so that wraps up my don'ts for wedding hair glad. We got that out of the way. Now, let's check out the do's for wedding hair, let's see what we got the headband, the simple stylish headband. If you will it's dainty its small, it just adds a little bit of extra oomph to the style, it's beautiful, its elegant and just screams. I'M living my extra life, but I also look like a bad who knows fashion, and then we had this headband with the pearls. That is a legit headband. It just screams timeless beauty to me just has a sort of elegance that says again. I want you to look at me today because I'm gorgeous - and yes I am that so I am gon na wear a sort of crown on my head and you're gon na watch me walk down the aisle and you're gon na watch it glimmer and that's what That gives me I love a good dainty headband, it's beautiful. Now we have what I like to call the cool girl wave. Now this is a wave that is not overdone. She looks like she got her hair smooth out. However, they didn't overly style it overly curl. It she has the perfect amount of volume in the back to make it kind of look a little seventies, ish, still timeless beautiful and also she has that gorgeous dainty headband on and this whole look is just classic timeless and effortless, and I love it, and now This is even a little bit more wavy, but still effortless. I think it is very reminiscent of the time we're in right now. I think this could possibly not age well. This is the one that I think, maybe you might look back on and be like. Oh well, I look like I were all that bad, but it is a very modern and I think the less is more approach is elegant. The headband, I think, is important for this. Look because the look is so plain and simple. I think you need to dress up just a tiny bit with something you wouldn't regularly wear, which is the crystal headband or the pearl headband or a little tiara. You know the easy updo, the beautiful effortless updo. This is how you do texture without looking like you overdid it. You see that bit that is coming back from her face is texture, it's not perfectly smooth doubt, but it's not like curls going on the side of her head. None of that happening. I love this sort of creation they made with that pearl and almost like a necklace going through her hair. She even has a little bit of a braid in there, but I think it works and then the bun is just chill it's not so crazy over style. But it does look like wedding hair still, there is a fine line between a good low bun for a wedding and an overly styled one. This is how you do it right: another beautiful updo, not too much bump in the back. She still has that volume, but it's not like overly accentuated by this part and this part being pulled back tight with the really big bump in the back. It'S kind of like an all overall volume, and I love that she has a few pieces on the front. They'Re not perfect, they're, very tousled, and then the bun in the back kind of just looks like she threw it up, but that little piece of jewelry just really ties it all together and gives you that little wedding hairstyle. I think this is a very modern look. Well, it aged perfect. I don't know, but I do think is great for the time. Sometimes it's okay to dress for the times. I think we can all agree that, sometimes, when you look at back at wedding photos who the pears, if it's like ridiculous, at least you know it was of the time period, and I think that is what's going on in this look - I think it does. Look a little disheveled, but I appreciate it and I think it's a well done to shovelled low updo. Now we have the Shenyang, however, done well and a modern type of Shenyang. This is still elegant. It'S still very pulled back and tight and there's not a lot of messiness going on, but it's modern. It feels new. It is still very wrapped. It still looks like a small little turd on the back of her head, the most beautiful turd I've ever seen. You know um, I love the bit of crisscross enus, going on above the chignon, and I think it's so great how it's like laying on her neck. It'S very low, it's a beautiful style, and it's quite time wasn't my opinion. This one is even more sleek. This one is a great size. It looks like a small, tiny little croissant, you find at a French bakery and they say oui oui young and you say thank you. It'S elegant. It'S timeless! It'S beautiful with her hair color. I love the low chignon, it's not too big. It'S not overdone that they didn't try too hard this stylist. Whoever did this is great. Now, if you really want to live your extra life, maybe try doing the glamour wave. The glamour wave, I think, is a an amazing choice. It'S like an old Hollywood. Look. I think it is sort of timeless some people go really overboard with this one too, but we won't talk about today. The way it's done in this photo right here is perfect to me. I know some people really want that refined, look and I can get with that. But do it right do a relaxed wave and have the wave formation all the same and have everything very uniform sexy, smooth, silky shiny and that's how you do a wave correcting for a wedding here is a more toss old version of the glamour wave, but still Very much a glamour wave, she has a beautiful amount of body in her hair. I really do like the one side tucked behind the ear and then she has that really wavy look on both sides of her head, and I think this is just great. I love her hair length. It works perfectly with the dress and yeah. She could always put one side behind her shoulder and change up the look a little bit, but it's beautiful and I think it's perfect for the look that she's going for now. We have the low ponytail. I actually really dig a ponytail ponytails are great too, because you can really slicked back your head and give yourself a facelift with them. Hi ponies, probably not you're gon na lick, her out of workout class, but a low pony. It looks special, add a little bit of texture and a little bit of wave to that. I love the way she has this jewelry in her hair with a little wrap around and it's a very thick ponytail, almost a little bit too thick. I think it's good for her and, I think, looks elegant and classy while still having a Down updo. I think it's great for this dress. She picked it's showing her decolletage, but maybe she didn't want all the hair off of her shoulders. So she chosen in between - and I think it's perfect - and this is how you do a great low, ponytail, another great low ponytail, this one's, a tiny bit higher, still think it's great. I like the way they overlapped the hair and a little crisscross pattern. Did a soft wave on the ponytail there's not a heavy amount of extensions in her hair that makes her hair look heavy and, like lifeless performing a volume in her crown area and lastly, let's talk about the easygoing bun. This looks like her hair was thrown up. The most gorgeous way, you know those days where you throw up your hair and you look in the mirror and you're like oh did. I just do that like. Why can't I do that every single day in my life, why is this the most perfect messy bun? I'Ve ever done to myself: that's this bun sitting at the perfect height, where it isn't too low. It isn't too high. It'S still very sleek, but messy really says I care, but not too much that I'm not a fun girl and I can't get down on the dance floor at my own wedding. You know she looks like she can get down. She'S gon na shake her a little bit and she's gon na go home with her hubby and just you know those are mine dues I compiled that list to hopefully inspire you to make better choices on your wedding day, I'm just kidding those are just my opinions. Take it or leave it, you don't need to do everything I said, but those are my dues and I love all of those looks now that we've discovered all these beautiful fabulous looks. What'S the right look for you on your wedding day, consider the dresses detail. Is there a lot going on up here, other beautiful straps, you want to show off, or do you just love your decolletage? Do you have the perfect shoulders? Do you want to put a lot of like shimmer on your shoulders? Do you want to show that off? Do you have jewelry, maybe do a little shinny on maybe do something a little bit more edgy, like a messy bun moment. Do you want do a pony tail, but there's a lot of back detail maybe opt for a bun in that situation. Next, you want to choose hair, that's gon na fit the theme. Are you having a very ritzy ritzy wedding? Are you spending big bucks? Are you doing a quick, on-the-go wedding, you're gon na? Do your own hair for it? Well, these are all different things. You should look at there's different complexities to each look. Maybe if we're gon na do your hair yourself, you do just a very loose Beach wave or a very elegant messy bun. Those are pretty easy to do yourself at home and you can totally do it. I believe in you look up some tutorials or maybe you're doing top dollar spending all this money on your wedding, and you have the best hairstylist well, then see what they can do. As for their opinion, maybe do a look. That'S a little more complicated like some glamour waves or the easygoing bun. What I'm saying is dressed for the occasion. Even with her hair, you want to be glam, be glam. If you want to be chilled be chill, my next tip is longer is not always better. I'M talking about hair every girl says I need to girl my hair out for the next two years before my wedding. First of all, there's extensions. You can just tape them in for the night. They look very natural. It'S easy it's cute, but I think, having shorter hair for wedding day is severely underrated. I think a lot of the time. The hair is very overwhelming and heavy it's all around, just like a lot to look at and a lot to deal with and looks very uncomfortable, shorter is sometimes better and less hair is sometimes better. Don'T put too many extensions, your hair, please don't make it way down crazy and, like I'm wearing to get animals on my head, and one of my most important tips of all is to be you do what makes you happy. This is your day and your husband's day. Don'T forget that if one of the ugly hair cells would make you happy go for it. This is not my wedding. These are just my opinions. Whatever makes you smile, what makes you glow on the outside is all that really matters, so they opinions, and I got your back and I might roast you for it, but at least you were happy so if you're wondering now Brad, what would you wear for your Wedding day, how would you do your hair? Well, I'm glad you asked. I know if I was a female with longer hair. I think I would just like bohemian beach waves. I want to look like I didn't. Try, that's the vibe. I would go for all right. That is all for it today, guys don't forget to follow me on all the social media networks, including Instagram tik-tok and Twitter, at brahmano NYC. You can also find my Facebook page and my snapchat show under Brad mondo, and I mean to have a beautiful amazing, fabulous hair on your wedding day. You need beautiful, fabulous amazing products, and I got your back. You can shop ex mono hair linked below go for it. Have some fun do a little shopping. Let me know you got. You can also follow X. Amount of hair on Instagram to stay up-to-date with new product launches happening all damn time, and that is all for today guys. Thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra light on your wedding day. I'Ll see you next time, bye guys. This is glitterati, are styling, serum glitterati will deliver, hold shine and lightweight hydration, combined with the most beautiful touch of pink sparkle. Glitterati can be used on any hair type or texture. We'Ve also added argan oil and chamomile extract to help strengthen your hair and just make it feel and look luxurious.

Brad Mondo: Now go slay your wedding

It’s Hannah: Brad: don’t do fishtail braids because they’re so childlike Also brad: HEADBANDS

Jill MacDougall: everyone: omg wedding hair me the entire video: *trying to figure out wtf is on brad’s shirt*

Karisa P: When Brad says the hairstyle is awful: wait that's actually pretty! When Brad pulled up the first picture of the glamour wave: ew Moral of the story, everyone has different taste. Choose what you like best for your wedding, not what someone else thinks looks best.

K. T.O: Wish there was something for people with natural curly textured hair and beyond

Julie Pigeon: I think this is the first time I’ve ever disagreed with Brad. Most of the “donts” are lovely. I wore curls because my natural hair is quite wavy. I loved mine. These breezy, messy bo-ho “dos” are not very nice. You want your hair to stay put all day and I feel these look like “sex hair” but like Brad said, everyone live their extra life the way they want

Frankie White: Does anyone else need Brad as their personal hair stylist... I literally trust no one with my hair

Sigrid Hammond: I love Mariah's look. Her beautiful curls were iconic. I think she looks adorable and beautiful and free-spirited.

لَمَيّكَهْ🤍✨: Brad:”don’t do fishtails,you look like a 12 year old imagining your wedding and sticking to the hairstyle and actually does it at her wedding” Also Brad:HEADBANDS ARE IMPORTANT

Jesus Loves You! ❤️: The fishtail crown looks so pretty! Also I don’t think of fishtail braids as childish at all lol, I never saw any girls with fishtail braids when I was little

Lexy Bug: Any one else love the style where the curls were kept intact and didn't "drop"?

Paige CMB318: Shows pic Me: "Ooh, pretty!" Brad: "I hate it" Me: "Disgusting, hate it, kill it with fire."

Gabby: * Really likes the first fishtail hairstyle * “Just screams daddy issues” Me:

FrozenSunrise: Does Brad know what “timeless” means bc so many he said looked timeless were solely trendy, and others he said weren’t timeless were actually timeless.

Kuroe-Chan: Mariahs hair actually was my favorite. Her hair was naturally curly but I’d do her hair and dress before the other horrors imo. And I love the braided wedding hair lol whoops

Emmeline Lia James: It was common for Celts and Anglo Saxons to wear those “headbands” for weddings. In fact, Elvish tiaras were based on old European customs. Ps: I love you Brad, but some diversity would have been great

Ella Mae: “Planning your wedding that will never happen”. Okay I didn’t need to be called out like this

reptar_blues: Brad: "Braids are childish" Also Brad: "Blah blah blah HEADBANDS blah blah blah PRINCESS TIARAS" Lmao I dunno dude, wearing a princess tiaras seems so much more childlike to me than a messy braid ahahaha Also all those were so cute and I loved the don't more than I loved the dos

Zahira Bernardi: I agreed with all the Dont's except for the braids. I just love a good braid that is not overly exagerated. I liked most of the Do's. I do think more diversity is needed in the video, not just white women with naturally straight/slightly wavy hair.

Kayla Saenz: Am I the only one who actually liked the don'ts more than the do's

Kayla W: The 80's hair.. honey that hair wasn't just teased, it was straight up bullied. Y I K E S

Anna Anh Vu: Lol this could also be called “Brad Mondo roasting wedding hairstyles for 13 minutes straight”

CRuss44: Brad: “braids for weddings farm house vibe” Me: got married on a farm with a braid in my hair

NinaMariel: Besides the requests for POC inclusion, I also would have loved to see options for women with short hair!

Nancy Andrews: Brad: Those bangs are going everywhere. It looks like her hair was blown back by 80 mph winds. Me: *looks at Brad's bangs* ...

Ada: When you’re 17, single, not even close to getting married, but you watch every one of brads videos❤️

Melissa Bryan: Me, a 21 year old hairstylist who set a bridesmaid with pin curls this morning and loves braids and bumps feeling extra called out

K.C. Neill: So we should have some everyday hair on our wedding day? Oh okay.

Phoenix_Raven91: I had two of Brad’s “don’t”s in my first wedding. Now we know why it didn’t work out. Just kidding, there’s a lot more to it than that... but my second wedding was better.

marianamor: Me after getting engaged two days ago: YES BRAD HAS DONE A WEDDING VIDEO Brad: NO BRAIDS Me: ...oh ._.

FIX ON 99: Brad: Mariah Carey looks like she didn't even try, like she came straight out of a fitting, yikes also Brad: on my wedding? beach waves. I wanna look like I didn't try

Beth Distel: Love it. Simple but elegant timeless hair styles are everything.

Draconea77717: Braids for a wedding when done right can be perfect. Like for my wedding which was medieval fantasy seemed so I had a braided design over the back of my hair and it looked amazing and went wonderfully with my outfit. It gave an elven look to it

Shelby LeVell: Uhh yes Brad i will be growing out my hair to look like a 70s flower child for my wedding⭐⭐⭐✌ Also you should do a part 2 with natural/kinky wedding hairstyles, i dont get to see those hair types much for wedding hairstyles<3

ELana: Brad, I'm beginning to think you don't like curly hair.

Dai-yja Monae': Brad, I'm getting married in the spring and am planning my wedding now. I'm black and have naturally curly hair. Could you do a video for wedding styles for natural hair. Really need inspiration

cc.: I’ve just found you (yay!) and I cannot stop laughing out loud!! Like, keeps getting better and better!! I LOOOOVED this video!! Seriously Amazing for laughs AND fabulous photos! I beg you to make this a mini-series (or part 2 even! ;) Thanks for providing me with unexpected belly laughs

Laura Fiorie: I would really love to see a video like this for naturally curly hair!

Papakzwnoxkek: And this is why I love my grandma simple wedding hairstyle form 70’s! Like she looked gorgeous! She had her natural black hair but curled and nothing would look better!

Rysuh: I gotta say Brad's Dos fit the extra bridesmaids, and his Donts fit the extra bride. ya know?

Lexie Lyn: I think the ones you didn't like had the person's personality tied into them, though. The ones you do like may "age" okay, but who's going to remember them?

RMurrrrr: Short hair was great for my wedding! My husband and I moved our wedding forward a full year (yikes! I was trying to grow out my hair after I shaved my head!!) because we were impatient and tired if planning a big wedding. Although I don't recommend replanning your wedding in three weeks (yeah we were impulsive) I can recommend to skip extensions and embrace your short hair if that's what you're rocking right now. <3

Bernie: I wanted all of these for my wedding day my mum did my hair & she used hair spray while curling I had super curly ultra long hair that was twisted away from my face a sparkly clip at the back there the twists ended with a lot of shiny pins in the twists, but I loved it! Along with dark smoky eye & red lipstick. Lived my extra life ❤❤

Myname Isprivate: This video sums up my thoughts on wedding hair perfectly! My wedding was supposed to be April this year and one of the last things we did before the pandemic was the hair trials for myself and bridesmaids. Trying to get a chic, not overly done or fake messy style is difficult when Pinterest is full of bumps and braids!

Garbage Gorl: Me: ooh that’s pretty Brad: disgustang Me: DISGUSTANG

Lily S: The little band that Kim Kardashian wore for her wedding was to emulate the traditional Armenian headbands/pieces :)

Alicia DeMellier: Brad, I want to see a part 2 to this in 5 years when styles have changed again and see how much you stand by. ;) And to see what you think then!

Danielle Raso: The “overly textured updo” look he showed first is super cute to me! I kind of hate the first updo he gave as an example it looks so odd but the second is beautiful.

Kassandra Ambrosius: I loved seeing this. I am getting married one week from today and this definitely cheered me up with COVID having made wedding planning so much more challenging. Thank you Brad!

DimitriDeMeatTree: Brad should do a do's and dont's for MENS/SHORT hair. Because as a man, I refuse to have the same overly used fade that everyone has and I refuse to wear the basic tux/suit and tie. Show men how to be extra on their day too.

Danielle Dantzer: I have the most thick curly tangly hair so for my wedding last December I just wanted it straightened. Simple and new on me, and it was awesome.

Devin Norko: can you maybe do a separate video for POC brides? would love to have seen some styles for those of us with natural hair (and others want that as well, as i’ve seen from the comments).

Perla Ramirez: Would love to see more naturals featured in videos like this. Our hair is our crown

Carley Trout: On my wedding day my hairstylist had a medical emergency and couldn't be there. My bridesmaids came together and got a backup before telling me so I didn't have to worry- thank goodness! (Still worried about my hairdresser friend though, thank goodness he ended up okay) Welllll they definitely gave me a bump I didn't want. I wanted a little bit of volume so it wasn't just flat, but specified I didn't want a damn bump... nope, they gave me a bump anyway ‍♀️ ohhh wellll. Still the best day of my life

Abigail Bee: “It’s like a dead salmon on her shoulder” Also, I feel like every girl watching this is going to go back and quickly delete their wedding hair Pinterest board.

Sofia Emerick: Have I mentioned how much I love you?? You're so hilarious! Keep on living your extra life! <3

CeaCie Scoggin: I’m planning my wedding for this coming up March and I can’t tell you how happy I am you made this video❤️

Elyse Midgyett: Hey Brad can you do one of these for naturally curly hair for all curl types? I want to wear my natural hair for my wedding and honestly I trust your opinion because of how much you love black women’s hair

sarah: Before I liked the OTT messy bun and bump, now I’m in love with those Hollywood waves and the low ponytail thank u for stopping me from making poor hair choices for the wedding that won’t be happening for years x

Kyawt Zar: For some reason, I love waterfall braid and fishtail braid tho. Looks quite fashionable. But yeah, I also agree with "DON'T" for big bun and bobby thing.

Megan Sides: Wow, so glad my wedding hair is approved by Brad Mondo... Especially considering I've already sent the style to my hairdresser and my wedding is 16 days away

Lavvv: I love your personality! You have me laughing so much! i'm currently in cosmetology school getting my license and your videos really help me!

Oriana Nicole: I did my own hair for my lockdown wedding and I went for a sleek bun because i was wearing a sleek full satin dress you see the vision? Long sleeves, satin, plain AF, A line, boat neck, SLEEK bun ahh, happiest day of my life

Julianna Hany: Am I engaged? No. Do I have a boyfriend? No. Am I watching just to hear Brad call me beautiful while my hair is in a messy bun? Yes.

Dance 4 Life: Brad, on my wedding day I am flying to NYC with my wedding dress and you will be doing my hair to suit me and my dress PERFECTLY!

Brooke Does Science: 1.5 minutes left and I’m in love. Your energy is flawless today!

Laura: Definitely watching this ... after my wedding. I loved my hairstyle when I got it mocked up...and then the hairstylist really screwed it up on my actual wedding day. She didn't bring the right supplies to the venue so one of my bridesmaids had to run to the drugstore to buy her bobby pins and I ended up with weird bits of scalp showing in my photos. Yeah.

玉子焼きちゃん: He has a few very specific ideas of what a "correct wedding hair" should be and everything else to him is wrong. You need to feel special on the day, not feel like you got the correct answer to an exam question.

Aurora Campos: One of the “don’ts” is a curly girls dream! Curly hair is sooooooo unpredictable those clean messy updos are for us curly hair girls! No heat please

Rubina Hafeez: The first fish hairstyle was so cute. The bump I like it think it’s classy. The tight curls looks nice!

Jem B: If I ever get married again, I will totally be taking this advice. I look back on my wedding hair and I'm like wow there is so much going on!

rita alfalah: I agree with all except the braids!! Braids are gorgeous when having an outdoors wedding

Alexandra G_1994: Im getting married this year August 15, 2020! Perfect time to drop this video Brad! Taking your advice thanks babes! ❤

Nicky Nicks: I liked most of them, from both the “do’s” and the “don’ts”. I think the only difference is that the “don’ts” are more dramatic pronounced but the “do’s” are more suave and minimalistic or something. I personally prefer more natural styles with braids and small flowers. I’d really like to wear my hair like Arwen from Lord Of The Rings on my wedding

thePhoenixQueen: 9:30 I actually wore that hairstyle for my mom's wedding 6 or 7 years ago. I still think it looks pretty in the pictures.

mediocrepoetry: Omg...I'm getting married soon (now next year, thanks, Covid) and cannot with the Industrial Wedding Complex. I want timeless like anyone else, but I have a pixie cut and am living for it. Your comments on the fishtail are everything. <3

Hazy Dayz: Please do one for short hair!! For every day and for weddings. I was 18 before I had a "good" hair cut. Please teach me your ways!

Monica Clasener: My friend once got a perm (1st and last) end seventies and saw her shadow: a poedle. She immediately cut it and then there was punk. Yes, there were hours of searching (mostly walking after an two hour train journey) for that niche, little shop were they had green hair dye or blue, etc. Now all fun colours are back 40 yrs later.....

Courtney Womble: I will say on the note of “curls won’t drop”, as a hair stylist in South Georgia, the humidity alone 100% of the time will cause the curls to drop even a little. The SECOND you walk out the salon door.

RizGriz: I love the "rule" where if you normally wear your hair down, wear it up for your wedding and vise versa because it makes it more special when you look back on the pictures!

MissUtah2021: I literally loved all of his don'ts. I love the textures. I love the fishtail braids.. they remind me of Vikings and Renaissance which is timeless and beautiful.. and the bump is just so classy to me. To have a bump - maybe not a huge bump - but somewhat of a bump is gorgeous I think and it really accentuates the piece that you decide to put in your hair on your big day, like a wedding veil, or crown with a slight bump looks gorgeous to me.. I am shocked at all the don't lol... do I have terrible taste lol am I alone in this! I even thought the tight curls didn't look bad at all lol

Ilektra Repousi: My mom got married in 2002 and her hair and whole apearance was beautiful and timeless. It is one of the best if not the best wedding look I have ever seen.

Madison Mauldin: Getting married this Saturday! Perfect video for me, thank you!

s0fa: You can’t deny the artistry in some of the “don’ts”

Ashley Rose: i would love a video on best wedding hairstyles for each face shape!

ElsieLaura DippyDora: I just got engaged on June 1st and as someone who has zero ideas or knowledge about wedding hairstyles, this is very helpful and informative.

Antihousewife: So, I think my vintage-inspired updo would actually qualify as timeless. Though dated wouldn’t have killed me- there’s something special about dated wedding hair, honestly.

Morgan Taylor: I was in a wedding party like, LAST YEAR, and I wasnt so sure about the style the stylist chose... several braids going back into a highish bun with curls, this educated me so much while I was trying to figure out what in the hell was on Brad's shirt

Precious S: I respect Brad’s opinions on the Do’s most of them speak, “a little goes a long way” timeless simple and sweet

Amanda Morgan: My hairstylist best friend curled my hair for 3 hours and it was completely straight by the time I got to my reception

Paola Sol: I used to wear the sock bun everyday when I was a waitress, I can’t imagine wearing it on my wedding day lol

Syrisa: Thought it was bad that I look at wedding hair for my every day look. Then Brad showed me why I always did that. The brides are beautiful, but some of their hairstyles are more every day looks.

The Ebony Show: I can tell he’s a fan of “soft” looks. Don’t go to a black wedding, baby we’re gonna have some baby hairs, buns, slicked shit, junk curls, awwlll dattt ... I love this video tho

Shenique Francke: I really think you should do a prom hair styles.❤❤❤ BY THE WAY I LOVE YOU BRAD YOU'VE SAVED MY HAIR !!! ❤❤❤

Rachel Gallagher: All I got from this was that Brad would have hated my wedding updo but ya know I loved the volume and the structure of it suited our formal wedding. ‍♀️

SpookyScaryScouticus: incredibly trendy hairstyle: exists Brad mondo: is this a timeless look?

Justice Frazier: Hey Brad! I was wondering if you could put on a wig and do some cute bun tutorials! You’re just so good at teaching and for some reason I suck at putting my own hair in a bun! Love you!

Kevin Brunke: Brad can you please do a wedding hair tutorial for men with long hair!!! I need inspiration for the big day this spring!!!!

CharinaNKita: *looks through her wedding pictures* ... yeah Brad would have hated my hair... but i felt like a princess and I loved it... so that's what matters <3

hjikyo: If Brad did my hair for my wedding, I wouldn’t need presents.

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