How To Cut And Style A Mullet | Female Mullet Hairstyle

  • Posted on 12 July, 2021
  • Hot Topic
  • By Anonymous

Today we're talking mullets. This extreme mullet is absolutely beautiful, and I'm so glad they're coming back into style!

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Welcome back to another edition of it's gon na be a great day in the hair world. In today's video, we're gon na be talking about mullets, extreme mullets, we're gon na be getting nuts with it. We'Re gon na do a little jazz. It'S just gon na be so much fun stay tuned. It'S coming right up before we get started. I want to share something with you yeah. I do have a mullet. You know what i mean like it is what it is melissa in my wife's, like you actually have a mullet. I was like yeah. I know you know. Is it a show, though yeah it doesn't really matter? But yes, i have a mullet. It is what it is: okay, let's get started in the party, so i want to walk you through the parting really really quick. So we first found where the actual fringe is going to live, which is going to be right through here, there's a little bone on the side of your head right through here. This is essentially where that line is going to be so if you have not or you don't know how to do that, i'm going to go ahead and link another video, it'll kind of show you how to get that. Then from there we actually have this sides where, from the top of the ear, if you can actually swing right over here - and you can actually see from back behind the the back of the ear right through here, this is going to be considered the side portion Right in that specific area right there now, of course, let's look at the top view from here. So now you can actually see where this is happening, so you can see in the very top of the crown. Let'S go all the way to the back of the ears and you can see where that triangle is, then let's go ahead and look exactly where the back is at now, where you want to take this section. This is going to be from the top of the ears right through here so from the top of the ears right in this specific area, and this goes straight across. So this area is going to be considered like the mullet right through here, but then this area, you know right from the top of the crown down to - and i would say this is about like the kind of mid occipital bone right through this area. So that is exactly where you want to start your parting when it comes to this haircut now, this parting is going to look very similar right through here. Why? Because i just did a wolf haircut, if you want to know where this parting kind of originated from you know, because again, the wolf haircut is a combination of a mullet and a shag as well. So this specific area, if you want to know how i went and cut that i'm going to go ahead and link that right over here. So at the end of the day, guys, let's go ahead and start this haircut and we're going to be going for extremes. Extreme length and short and long: let's do it now, okay, so i want you guys to really pay attention here, as i was starting to cut this fringe. I brought this down and i elevated this at exactly zero degrees and then the second section i took i elevated that out to about, i would say 30 degrees and then the third section i took out. I elevated that to about 45 degrees, you're, actually building a little bit of graduation through here, because again i don't want this all to be one length, we're going to go ahead and we're actually going to be layering through here removing a lot of weight. So i want to start to kind of build that graduation up now. What we want to do is we're going to be cutting the sides and we're exactly going to be blending right from that shortest point in the fringe. So the other thing i want you guys to pay attention to is exactly how i was taking those sections. This way it was exactly matching those three sections i took in the fringe. So again, i was elevating that up just a little bit to kind of follow that same consistent line, okay guys. So the really really cool thing is that what we have right here is we have something you cannot hide behind like this is opening up the face. 100 right through here so again, you can see how taking down that fringe, slowly building a little bit more graduation and then those same lines follow this exact same line through here as well. So as you can start to see, we are going to be creating again. This really kind of short stuff right through this top area. Opening up this face super nicely, but then this area right through here, is going to be blending from these shortest points right through there, because again we want to have this long kind of mullet. That'S why we're going to keep this out of the way, so let's go ahead and cut the rest of it right now. So when you get done doing this back portion right through here and again, this is all elevated all the way straight up and just cut straight across just like so at this area, so you're, taking from your shortest point here and you're, just going straight across there And i basically just took pi sections all the way around to kind of blend that now, when you overall look at this shape, you can actually see this, and if you can look at this from the from the front area, is that you can start to see How you're already starting to see this mullet shape come into it because again, you have all this short hair right through here, and you have this long bits down through here and i have not taken this hair out yet like this hair is still clipped up. So i'm going to go ahead and take this out right now and we're going to go ahead and just brush this out now. The thing about it that you have to understand is that now you can start to see how extended and how elongated all of this is. So again you can see how concentrated, but then you see how long that length is so now we're going to go ahead and start to dry this i'm going to kind of smooth it out. You know i'm going to kind of rough dry this, because i actually want to keep some of this natural texture in here, but i'm really going to be pushing a brush through this area to kind of smooth this out, because we still need to take out some Weight and do a lot of refinement up in this area, so let's go ahead and get that started now, but you can see how cool this is looking, because you have that extended like that short hair, but then see how long this is back through here. This is a fashion mullet. This is super super dope and again i like how open the face is so again, let's go ahead and try this. Let'S do that now. The thing about styling that you got to keep in mind is that this doesn't have to be perfect when you style it. I just need it somewhat close, so i can really get in there to refine the hair. That'S super super important so again like because i want some of this texture to come out and again, like i decided to kind of smooth this out just a little bit more right through here, i was going to leave it a little bit more natural, but i Didn'T smooth this out as much as i did right through the top, so let's go ahead and refine this and just remove a little bit of bulk and just really make this kind of come alive. So before we start to remove a little bit of weights, full disclosure here again like if you guys are liking more of like the actual bulk kind of like effect to it, you don't have to remove out much weight um, really at the end of the day, Guys, like hair dressing, hair, styling, hair cutting really comes down to personal preference right and now, when you are consulting or if you're doing this on yourself, you got to look and see like where. If, if it's too bulky, it essentially can look too amateur or essentially the bulk can make it look really professional, so you really have to know kind of how far to take the hair, so i personally want to remove a little bit more weight. That'S just me! That'S my aesthetic, so let's go ahead and do that right now, but you know you might want something else so with this i want to. I think the length is absolutely perfect. So now, really what i want to do is you can start to see right through here because all of this hair, because it falls all right in this specific area. So what i want to do is i actually want to go in, and i want to remove quite a bit of hair, so i'm going to go in and i'm just going to cut underneath just like this now. What that's going to do is that you can start to see a lot of those short hairs right through there. So i'm going to come in here and i'm just going to start to cut out some of this hair and the same goes like right through this area, and so you can really start to see how those sections become like a little bit more see-through. Now it's like now that short hair is gon na, allow some of that texture to come through. So let's go ahead and do this section right through here as well and i'm gon na take like these pie sections and you can start to see. I just take out and i'll work like one little section just like that. I'M gon na come through here and we take a little bit more out right through there get rid of that. So you can see that and cut that bulk out right through there. Now the cool thing about this is that you're going to start to build a lot of texture right on top of itself. Now, as you can start to see, that short hair goes to long. Just like that now we want to do same kind of concept right through here, get that out of the way, so you can see i'm gon na, be i'm gon na be doing this all the way right through that kind of like front portion, you can see Where those sections just kind of fall just like that now, as you can start to see that texture really just kind of adds to the actual shape itself now, let's keep going over through here now that we've actually cut that inside texture. Now, we'll kind of make it to where, like there's a little bit more texture happening throughout this, which i really really like, and when you cut some of that short hair, it's going to encourage if you have a little wave in there, it's going to encourage that. So you actually get a little bit more wave and texture throughout there, which is actually pretty pretty awesome, and so now i'm just going to kind of go through here and just kind of lighten up. Some of these ends all right. So now we actually want to remove some of this bulk in the back. Now. What i'm going to be doing is i'm actually going to be using a scissor that looks a little bit more texturized just like this, and so i'm going to be going in here and i'm going to be cutting through the same exact way. I actually did in the front, but i'm using a different, different scissor and so you're actually going to get a little bit of a softer texture because you're not cutting as much hair. And so since i could actually hit that same amount of hair. Over and over and over and over again, you know you're actually going to help kind of create you're not going to see like these like crazy lines in there. It just looks a little bit softer because we essentially want to blend a little bit more in that back area, so i'm going to go ahead and do this just around the back right guys so now to the nitty-gritty of the front. Okay, now a lot of you guys might be like all right cool the front's cool where it is. I want to keep it kind of bulky. You know that's cool, whatever we're not going to do that. So what i want to do is i really want to kind of open this up a little bit more in the front and again i'm going to be going in with one of my favorite scissors. It'S a texturizer from bmac this thing's amazing. So i probably use this i'd say maybe 60 in the salon. I absolutely love it. So what i want to do is i want to cut, and i want to start just kind of opening up some of what's what's happening here. So i'm just gon na go in and i just really want to create a little bit more space and so where you can actually start to see a little bit more of that hair right underneath right underneath where that fringe is at. And so i'm just gon na go in and again just remove a little bit of hair take out any sort of bulk, that's kind of happening, i'll kind of shake it a little bit more i'll kind of look at it, and i just really want to see What is happening here, because, when you're actually doing something like this, you know the person that's probably requesting something like this is not going to be afraid to cut their hair in front. And so, if you're doing this on somebody, that's a little bit more kind of shy of showing their face, they're, probably not gon na like it, you know like you, might have to go a little bit softer with something like this kind of technique. But again somebody. That'S looking to rock this kind of style, they're. Okay, if their fringe is like super super short super, disconnected super choppy whatever it may be. So and again i'm just usually going in and i start to just kind of remove a little bit of hair in one specific place and then i'll move on. And so you can really start to see how you can start to kind of separate that, and you can start to really create cool choppy kind of chewed in fringe just a little bit. I hope you guys enjoyed what i did today as far as a fashion mullet. Now this is on the extreme perspective, i'm not even really going to touch this bottom hair that we had clipped up underneath there. I really like, where that's at, because again that just shows how fun this could be. I mean some really cool things. When you go to color this, you could have this be like a completely different color. You could have it melt to something else. I mean the texture: that's coming throughout this top area, now look and see how that fringe is looking. You can see how open this is right through here, there's no product in here. So again you can. The cool thing is that when you start to cut that texture in here, it can look super super fun. I'M gon na go ahead and apply some product just to kind of bring out a lot of this texture. And again you know what you mean like. I personally love love love. This right, like mullets, can have a really bad name. But again, if you approach it nice, it can be super feminine, it can be super sexy and it can also look super trashy as well, but again um. I did another video on mullet's actually how to achieve a miley cyrus mullet. If you want to know how to achieve that, go ahead and check that link out right there, but again, let's go ahead and finish this off. I'M going to use one of my favorites, the bumble and bumble of visible texture. This stuff is amazing, so again we're going to go in we're going to spray this we're going to add and we kind of want to. I want to bring out. I want to encourage some of that curl to kind of come back in the back back through here. So i'm going to be spraying this and kind of twisting and just kind of building this texture in here, because i want to kind of bring a little bit more of that wave back into that right through there. But you can see how that that stuff, that we really just that texture, that we kind of cut throughout that front area really kind of shows off, and i like some of those long bits with those short bits. It'S really just about when you're cutting texture in the front, you know don't ever cut off like those long bits are the point when you cut a really short hair right next to it. That'S what makes it look super, unique and super fun. I mean it just kind of brings out and you can kind of scrunch and encourage. I mean this is looking seriously dope. I hope you guys dig it seriously. It is so much fun all right guys. I hope you guys really found value in today's video mullets. Can be super sexy guys they can be so fun to cut. Even if you guys are looking to do it on yourself. It can be a game. Changer man, it can be like a rebirth. You know you could just be like it born again, whatever it is, but just born again new look. I have a mullet. Mullets are hot, my name is jake thompson hair. If you guys aren't, subscribed, go ahead and subscribe. If you are thank you, if you guys haven't liked this video like it and share it honestly, i would love it if you share it guys from one bullet to another. Thanks for hanging out, we will see you in the next video

Jillian M: This is it. This is exactly the tutorial I've been looking for. Thank you so much. Beautiful beautiful cut.

Matthew Alexander: Second time following this tutorial, and absolute favourite of mine! Rad job!!!

Desert Explorer: I want my hair like this!!! Sooo dope

Evie Spencer: this is the most beautiful haircut ever

David & Sue Ellen: this cut ✂ & style. Thanks Jake for the tutorial Sue Ellen from WV

Jordan Bailey: I just followed this plus suicide bangs and it brought back my curls I love it so much!

Mariela Hernandez: In love with the cut end result !

Melissa Byrd: I was picturing this cut but with black hair and a v shape fringe. The vampira mullet. I'm pretty sure some girls would love it.

Edny Oropeza: I NEED this cut! I have very long hair up to my hip bone, with straight bangs. Would it be possible to achieve this cut with that extreme length?

Doña Macabra: Amazing job

Idathegreat: You got to have the right size and shape head for a mullet. And most of all the personality to go with it. As usual brilliantly executed.

Serene Pedersen: Suuuuuch a great mullet! You’re a master.

Amelia Bacani: Could you do a tutorial of the same haircut but without losing any length on the sides and keeping it somewhat the same length as the back and just cutting the top portion short?

Ashlee Olsen: I want this haircut SOOOOOO BAD, but I have an undercut with hand tied weft extensions. Would you be willing to do this cut on me Jake?

Aquila the Red: That's the seriously dope rock and roll that i really want to go to.. extreme as hell! I Want to be remembered lmao!!... I'm not a long hair styler.. I'd always rock a pixie, but i have like hunch back problems and like too thick of a neck these days- so this has to be the ideal perfect to frame my nice face and rock it out dragon ball z still lol- if i don't go all the way.. im not happy! Thank you!!! You rock, secret mullet guy... i see you lol

Ashlee Olsen: I want this haircut soooo bad but I have an undercut with hand tied weft extensions. Would you be willing to do this cut for me Jake?

dave Cartia: I love this unfortunately I can't find anyone around me that knows how to cut that gonna keep looking

mabel: Me ecantó. ❤

AC Haley: Super Dope Indeed! Thank you SO much Jake! I was dying to see this! You da ❤️

Stefanie Geiger: Hair Goal, love it!

Judy Albert: U really nailed this one

Emiliya: Looooooove it. ❤️❤️❤️

Blanca Paniagua: Great cut, my only disappointment is that cutting the fringe part was not demonstrated (which is very important?

Tara Lynn: This is great. I just wish you wouldn't speed up the actual cutting so fast. Its really hard to see.

Leyya Lodewicks: My previous style just with a lil more of Mal Gibson

hunting aliens: Why aren't you in my country. No hairdresser here dares to do this and always keep my layers long and beautifully connected. I am looking for this amazing disconnect. I think I have to do it myself

Ezekiel Presentacion: i want to have this type of mullet

Tarah Yazzie: I want this haircut

serena69able: Super!!

luigina bustillos: You are awesome.

Maria Alma: I like it : );

Judy Albert: Would this cut b appropriate for a young girl like 12?

Tracy Harding: Bowl front mullet

Florentina Miron: Cum se numeste tunsoarea? E foarte frumos. Vreau si euu

Pear I: Hi from south korea wish keep your health..^^

Yolanda Montalvo:

Edie Ratcliffe: P

Edie Ratcliffe: P

JesusLovesYou!: To whoever is reading this— God loves you so so much,He wants to make everything okay with you❤️He knows your pain, He knows how you feel, He loves you so much and for that reason He sent Jesus (the worlds savior) to die so that we could all be made right with God if we asked for forgiveness and to start again through Him (because the thing that separates us from God is sin, which everyone of us has done, BUT God loved the world so much that He sent His Son to take the punishment for us & so that through Him we would be forgiven and have eternal life)He loves us so much that if we ask for forgiveness and a new start He will give it to us!His love is unconditional, His love is never ending, and His love is for you! He loves you just as much as anybody else! One of His promises is that He will never leave us, He is always going to stay by our side and in fact He always goes before us to work everything out!You matter so so much to Him, You are enough for Him, You are never to far away from Him— He loves you always! And the cool thing is that He wants a relationship with you! He wants a relationship with every single person, and He wants to make us all okay again!

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