Biggy Got A Mullet Haircut... W/The Norris Nuts

  • Posted on 30 October, 2022
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  • By Anonymous









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Nurse that's fashion. We designed this with passion, Norris nuts hi, I'm Biggie, and today something bizarre is happening. No, I will not be getting invaded by aliens, but I will be getting a mullet haircut. This is a really big day because I feel like a mullet haircut. Can go terribly wrong, but it could also go really really good, which I hope that's the way. It goes because I really want a good male haircut, because I've been thinking about it. I'Ve been looking forward to it for a long time and I'm just kind of Pumped. You know what I mean. The hairdressers is at 11 o'clock and in the meantime, I'm just gon na be getting ready. You alone on my morning, routine kind of thing, and it's going to be so much fun. You guys need to know what smell it doesn't work. No, I'm not gon na show you what the life looks hideous, ugly ugly. Maybe that's how my husband's look whoever's. The biggest regret of your life I'll grow it out. Probably I might wear a wig for the rest of my life. No, it does go wrong, then I can just try another thing later. You'Re, probably gon na see a lot of videos of me trying different haircuts, because mom thinks I'm gon na go bold like pretty early, so I might as well try some things while I still have it. I never thought there would be a day when I would say this, but I'm eating Auburn for breakfast. Yes, I'm eating a grandma cereal, so I'm kind of eating cereal that basically stopped constipation kind of thing. Let'S, just all imagine for a second, if I had a mullet, so I'll probably be like that, doesn't look too good. So do you think I'll suit a mullet yeah? I reckon oh, I hope so because that's gon na happen pretty soon yeah yeah, oh wow, in this Vlog yeah, oh sure, okay, so I finished my grandma cereal. Now I'm going to go play with disco and Chatham my two little siblings, so come along with me and let's go play with them. Also Legends. This biggie wants to say something to you. It would mean so much to me and everyone else if you would subscribe. So break that subscribe button with a hit we're gon na play foreign and I'm doing the dishes. So that's my job in the house, I'm very nervous. I'M providers, I just thinking around the go really well for rather like not. I. I really hope that it goes well and that I'm not regretting my decision of getting a mullet cut and stuff, and I'm also nervous about the other noise. I'M gon na. Think of how it works, because because that's a big thing too, like what do they think of the hair right now, I'm going to the pool to do a thumbnail for the myth, busting video, If you haven't watched that already, can you please go check that out? As you can see legends I'm trying to keep myself really busy this morning, so then I'm distracted and I'm not really thinking about the haircut because I'm kind of nervous it might not even look good to me but just be like ill woman Emoji. But you might go well, I'm not sure so. Saber'S helping me take out the best sister in the world award. Winkies came here to join us winky. If you fall into the watermen we're dead. So don't do that so Sabers down there getting ready to take the photo here. We go foreign. I think something like this would be a good idea. You know what I mean. I'M probably gon na get something like that. I think my haircut's gon na be like that yeah. It is gon na be like that. Here we go got myself some snackies ready to go in the car get my haircut. Do I have enough hair to get a Molly? Maybe I don't foreign? Do you know you like toss and turn between your options? Yeah, I'm definitely tossing to turning in between these pictures right here. I think we just do the other one part yeah. I think the other one's like a bit more hardcore. As far as like I like the Fades, and that would be crazy, that's what I think too. I think I think I should just try something and if it, if it's bad, then like oh well, that's pretty bad right might as well. Try it yeah it'll grow back, it's fine, yeah hair grows back Legends. Do I just wash my hair like once every day like it just grows back in like a week? I swear it goes really. So I'm gon na do this one. It'S gon na be even better to see mums and all the my siblings reactions, because they all wanted me to do a different one, but you know all right: you psyched up yeah where's your pictures. It'S on our family. Okay, then run over yeah biggie nearly died. We'Re right now in the waiting room, just waiting to get our Cuts, I'm very nervous, but I think I'm just gon na try it and if it doesn't work out then oh well, it's not a big deal, but hopefully it does. I think you'll be fine. I actually missing out on getting a haircut with you, because I actually like doing that. Oh no, that's it gon na look like. Should we get that one? I don't know It's Tricky, no, your hair's! So long! Now, man, it's gon na, be a big transformation. Can'T wait to see it. I don't know it's crazy, but I don't want the one with the face. Are you on the one with the Fades yeah? Okay, all right, let's see, I wonder, what's going to turn out like it's gon na, be a huge change. Yeah crazy we've got like kind of two options, but I was more wow, so thinking that one yeah is that right all that one. Do you like The Fringe of this is that is what yeah, but then you like the drama of that yeah. The back is a lot shorter there than what that is. Yeah. Do you want more of a obvious mullet or do you want it shorter? I kind of want a shorter yeah. Are you ready, yeah? I'M ready, I think Brooke thinks the biggie will go bold eventually. So she's probably thinking it's alrighty. He has a bit of fun with his hair now again and I take a shower, read a book and feel empowered, I'm more nervous now, because I'm more like I'm sure or something that like yes, I don't want to try it, but I feel like I should: Okay, what's on the top of my head, ladies, what are you thinking bees all right halfway, point big: what do you reckon gon na stop now? No, I think at the moment he looks very smart, like he looks like a nice boy at school yeah, it's gon na be so strange, like going in the pool or whatever yeah yeah, probably like fly now she's. So so weird, it's like this side. It'S kind of like oh biggie in this one is like a new biggie. What do you guess mum's reaction gon na, be, I think, she's gon na be like so much you're here see what everyone's reaction is. I hope it's good. I think they're gon na be shocked for sure. So I think maybe I think the most supportive person is going to be, I think, saber. I think saber's gon na be the most. Even if she didn't like it. She'D probably say it was still good mum's. So hard to predict, she could say she loves it or she could say she doesn't like it. So much um anyway, stick around for that, because it's gon na be crazy reaction. It does look a bit like like you at the top or something, but I have to see how it is in a few days time, because it always works out. It'S quite quick and then for me. The big reason why I did pick this big, bold, like haircut or something I really wanted to entertain you and I I have entertained you because I'd never be good content, so it would mean so much if you could yeah press subscribe. Okay, so Biggie's had his haircut really yeah. Oh sugar, you want to say yeah, I can say Biggie and Sabrina's just waiting there ready for the big reveal, which one do our school. Do you like it? Yes, that's good as long as you like it. What do you think I almost say? Well, I don't know it's a very big tank yeah, it's a big chance. I think everyone will just get used to it, but it's probably like a really big test, like you've always seen me with longish hair. So I just think I think it's like give us some time and it won't be a big. I mean big. He had a big transformation, he looks like a new kid. Do you like it? Oh no, do you like it? Yes, you like it. I love you. No matter how you look, no it's not fashion. We designed this with passion, Nora Snapchat,


Alexis Philp: I'm a big "99% of boys looks terrible with a mullet" but I'm sooo happy to say that you looks so good with one. I do personally think the front would look really good longer aswell but that's just my opinion. You look so pretty Bigs

Hannah’s random life 😜: I remember when biggy got his first haircut. They’ve all grown so much and come so far

Emmi HannahRae: Can we just appreciate how great of a mother Brooke is. My goal is to be like her as a mother. And not to mention. After having 6 kids she looks FANTASTIC love you brooke

Fox-Mann-Fam: Mullets can go horribly wrong, but this is a great attitude (can grow it out, good to try lots of hair styles to find what works for you). Glad you picked the more extreme version. It's been a huge year for hair changes for you. Long to shorter to this. It turned out really well, a very fun look.

C o n s t e l l a t i o n •-•: I love that biggy tried something new and i think he chose the right style, however i think it would look even better if the front was a little longer <3

Caitlin Parry: I love it how he makes everyone around him so happy and he tries so hard to entertain us and he has entertained me a lot with this and I love how Brooke is really supportive x

Erika Almodovar: I usually don’t like mullets but I love this look on Biggy! He looks so grown up!

Eliza Barnes: I think it looks great on Biggy! I love how supportive everyone was!❤

Wiktoria Abra: I love his hairstyle so so much, how lovely to see him in a new style. But let's appreciate the time and effort they put into their videos! xx

Nat Wright: Biggy looks so good with a mullet compared to other people that have mullets and it’s so nice that everyone said it was great even though they didn’t seem like it❤️❤️‍

Sienna: it looks sm better then any other haircut he’s gotten

Gracie: I love how short mullets look and biggy just pulls it off so well!! And it looks really good messy up top btw

LuvSxphiie: Can we just appreciate how much time and effort and energy they put in to these videos just so that they make us happy, I think that is just such an amazing thing some amazing people do I have been watching y’all since I was 6 years old and now I’m 12 thank you so much for always lifting my spirits when I’m feeling down I love you ❤️

Thandie Marinda: Can I just say what a great sibling Biggy is, always trying to make his family happy and always being supportive God bless him

Erika Almodovar: I usually don’t like mullets but I love this look on Biggy! He looks so grown up!

Sloth Crew: Biggy looks so good with a mullet, it’s suits him so well. Like the hairdresser said he looks older with it than before

zyva: the cut looks amazing mate! Biggy is so mature and thoughtful bless him

Bella Veillard: If I'll be completely honest, I'm not crazy about it but I do love how everyone was being super loving and supportive <333

SuperAvery 10: i usually don’t like mullets but this actually looks so good

Rana Yassine: This is the best haircut on Biggy yet lol. Actually looks nice and elegant!

Eternity DeLuna: Idk why but I love it when Sabre says "oh sugar" ♥️

hannah: i personally think biggy suits the new mullet, it’s definitely gonna take some time getting used to but i think he looks great. he also seems really to happy with the mullet and hair will grow back. i’m so happy to see him trying new things and exploring out of his comfort zone. love you guys so much!! <3

Kayleigh: I didn’t actually think it would turn out this good, looks great!

Emma: It looks pretty good, but i do think he suits longer hair. Like what he had before. I think his next hair cut should be curtains

jodikaeo: Biggy looks sooo good in his hair cut what a transformation I can remember him in the old vlogs with such long hair look at him now!!

Sadie Metselaar: When I first saw the title of the video, I was very i’m happy. But when I saw the results, it actually looked amazing! Stay safe guys! xoxo

Carlo Belperio: Biggys haircut looks amazing he looks so different and who remembers biggy had hair down to almost his shoulders it’s such a transformation he Looks so grown up proud you biggy for staying positive and always putting a smile on our faces

Lindsay Feavearyear: Biggy it looks AMAZING on you! Not usually a fan of mullets but this style really suits you!

aubrey: biggy look real nice in a mullet! it really suites him and i think he made the right choice! ❤❤

Eliana Falconero: Biggy’s hair looks amazing no matter the cut.

Ally B: You look great Bigs! I do honestly kinda miss the longer type hair though <3

Gemma Rose: Biggy can rock any hairstyle. He always looks effortlessly sharp. But thanks for the awesome content as always Bigs. Already subscribed!!❤️❤️❤️

Tia: Looks amazing Bigs! Just wait until it grows out a bit more at the top and it will look even better trust me xx

Audrey Scott: i love the mullet it definitely fits buggy a lot ❤️

Lamoo 🐮: Biggy looks amazing! I love his mullet :)

Jodi Hanley: Biggs the mullet looks absolutely amazing on you here in America its very popular which I'm assuming it is there aswell.. I think you should convince your dad and disco to do the same or at least disco he would love to twin with you

jadexariana: ok but the girl who did his hair is so pretty, i also love the mullet! just would’ve liked it more if the front was longer, but that’s just my opinion!❤

Notatmylvl15: Biggy looks legit amazing! I’m usually not a big fan of mullets but biggy really suits one. Also I love how supportive they all were of biggy.

Avah Anglehart: i love it so much!! But i appreciate on how much biggie tries to make a smile in every video ❤❤❤

Yuh: I personally love mullet haircuts and think most people can pull them off. Biggy, your hair looks great, wear it with confidence! :)

Legendunicorn: Aww can we just appreciate how much this family wants to entertain all the people who watch them no matter what ❤xx love ur videos ur so amazing hope u all have a phenomenal day and absolutely amazing hair cut biggy it really suits u and I love how u are always ready to take a risk if u want to lol thx so much all of u for the entertainment and laughter u give me ❤ u guys are amazing sont ever forget that and hope u find ur dream house bc u rlly rlly deserve it!xxx

Martin Lang Jr: anyone else just miss the old norris nuts how young they were the challenges those were best youtubers ever❤

Tdr Bruh meme gang: Biggy looks super amazing with a mullet and I personally think that Brooke was a very good mum for being super supportive ❤

Amou Ajak: Biggy is literally the best brother to charm and Disco and always gives them a fun time. Charm and Disco are very lucky(all the Norris nuts are) Biggy rocks the new haircut btw.

leslie campos: the mullet cut fits biggy so good i was disappointed in everyone’s reactions cus i think he looks great

emme marshall: biggys new haircut is gonna suit him when the mullet gets a bit longer i think

Amel Adra: Biggy thanks so much for caring so much about vlogging! Your family is so supportive and kind! You rock that mullet look! Love the legends ❤❤❤

Niamh Caitlin: Aw, Biggy is such a good big brother to Disco and Charm, they are so lucky to have him. I’m glad his haircut went well, it looks so good ❤ Edit: Thank you for all of the likes :)

Selah Wilson: I love the new hair Biggy! It complements your personality really well!

Molly Galler: It looks way different from when he had his curly hair but it really looks grown up on him ❤

Inky Wings Creative: Biggy, you look AMAZING!!! It's the first mullet I've ever liked.

Shannon McDonagh: he looks so good with it omg it just annoyed me how sabre said “well as long as your happy” and the way she covered her eyes it was so disrespectful and not something you do and/or say after someone gets a haircut because that could make them insecure

𓆩♡𓆪blushqfaeriiex𓆩♡𓆪: this mullet is actually so pretty ❤ it was a good choice that biggy chose it :) i like it aswell

🍁Kayden_and_the_jumpingpony!🍁: I normally don’t like mullets but I actually love biggys I love how it’s short! Great choice!

Natasha Collinson: There are people in my class that have started growing mullets, love you Norris nuts ❤

Terra: I loved the haircut! I thought naz and sabre would like it more.

Twitch Lachy: Buggy looks so good in a mullet I love the Norris nuts they are the only YouTube channel I watch

Erin Hughes: The norris nuts are honestly the most amazing people ever. They're so inspirational and kind. If all kids or people in general were like the NNs then the world would be a much better place . Brooke and Justin are the most amazing parents with the most amazing children. Sabre is amazing and so pretty and deserves her own room , Sockie is an amazing dog trainer, Biggy is an amazing brother to disco and charm and the rest of his siblings and naz is so so pretty yet she's so humble and kind ❤

Loutao: I actually love his new hair lol, i think it suits him a lot and he looks sm more older! Im thr same age and i think if we were put next to eachother id probably be told we look 2 yeard apart lol

Gamer Cow: I’m not a fan of mullets but this looks good on Biggy I love it ❤❤❤Biggy is an amazing person he is so kind and sweet he is so good to Disco and Charm❤❤❤

CALLAH ORYAN: OMG biggy! that haircut suits you so well< it really matches your personality! have a great day!

Paramjit Singh: Biggy the new hair cut looks so great on you. you love to entertain all of us and I love how everyone supports you .Brooke you are the best a good caring mom and really supportive. From Harleen❤️

rainbowbob: normally these type of mullet haircuts i don’t like but this isn’t too bad and i really do think biggy looks so different that im very proud of him and how much he looks like a grownup with this haircut!

Amaia Urrizaga: he looks so much older, i loved the haircut it rlly suits him

soph!: biggy looks like those trendy boys so any trendy haircut he can pull off ❤

CandyGamers: Biggy's new hair suits him SOOO much!

It is i: Looking great man! I love the new cut!! <3

Lingi Angeline: Biggy looks absolutely handsome ❤️. Always good trying something new

Jasmine S: i love the mullet on biggy i think it makes him look older and better he should stick to the mullet for a while

ROBLOXmEmEs: personally i dont really like the mullet but i love how u like it and everyone around u is supportive

Simpingwithstyle: It look awesome. It’s a huge transformation but totally worth it. As long as you love it, it is amazing to us. ❤

Bella Walks: I just want to say how caring biggy is and how he has grown up through the years. I’ve been watching since the very start . Keep it up Norris nuts

layla rose: ive waited for this video for years it looks great!!

Gamer Girl Mysm: It looks amazing better than any other haircut you've got in my opinion

Jennifer Hudson: Sabre you are so great in art, skating, beauty, and surfing and you are so strong and wake up every morning just to film us your day. Sockie I love how you don’t care what people say about how you dress or do things and you keep going to be an amazing women.Naz I love how you love you family through hate and love, you are amazing at art that I just can’t believe how much you are and you are so perfect in many ways. Biggy I love how you care about your little siblings and when people are down you cheer them up and I love how you would take the blame if it wasn’t even your fault. Brooke you are a strong women going through something and still doing YouTube and fun challenges that probably take a long time and I want to say I love watching you in among us how you get the imposter you are so funny. Justin I love how you would do anything for us legends and your family you take the little babies to the park just for a good video. I love you family and their little bonds together.

Official Renay: biggy would probably look good in “brown fluffy hair boy”it would look good on him and it would give him nice boy aesthetic vibe

Aj: When I saw the thumbnail I thought it wasn’t the best idea but after seeing the end result I loved it and I wish my brother would get one it’s looks so good . I love how Biggy got the haircut for good content.

OliviaNadia: Oh Biggy, I love how you always try new things!!! ❤❤❤

Andrew Albins: I love it Biggy!! It's giving me Bart Simpson vibesMama is Marge, Justin Homer, Naz Lisa and Charm is Maggie

Maya The best: I have watched your vids for ages Thank you for making me and lots others really happy♾️

Nieve Ashmore: I've been watching sincecsabre and the Norris nuts and it breaks my heart to see how much the kids have grown up

FUN WITH SARA: I love how everyone is so supportive and positive and Biggys new haircut looks amazing ❤

Hhwhwhauah Hahahhahzhah: I love how his haircut turned out like I don’t like mullets but it look like my hair

The Rolington Family: My boy... I love that the family is so supportive ( even if they don't like it )

AwhxZara: I actually really love his haircut ❤

Diana Palmer: Personally, I don’t like mullets, they look extremely scruffy. But Biggy actually really rocks it!

dove 🕊: sockie and sabre’s reaction was how we reacted let’s be honest

Morgan Taylor: Biggys hair suits him and looks so good on him!

BB: I was actually kinda scared, I didn't want him to get a mullet cuz I thought It'd look bad but it honestly turned great!!! Love u biggs❤️

tracy oneill: Biggy it look nice seeing you go from long hair to short hair to this showing you are growing up so fast . The main thing is that you like it x

Mimigetdonut: It looks a ton better idk why everyone was on the side of not liking it it looks great!

AquaWolf_07: I'll be honest, I'm not usually a fan of mullets but Biggy's looks amazing!

Christophe Balthazard: This one of the best mullets I’ve seen

Kylie Gibson: I’m not a fan of mullets, but, It actually looks really good on Biggy!

Leah’s vlogs: I love when Sabre says oh sugar it’s so funny

OddistyBlitz: I do think longer hair suits him better but it does look good, The lady did a nice job with the haircut

Gabriela: I dont really like mullets on boys but bigs looks amazing


★ xoxosabi!! ◡̈ !: You look amazing Biggy don’t worry about your siblings laughing at it :) ☺️

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