He Wanted A "Clean" Low Fade Haircut With Length On Top

  • Posted on 30 October, 2022
  • Hot Topic
  • By Anonymous

Samir came to the Regal Gentleman Studio for a clean low fade with length on top.

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All right guys welcome to the new Regal gentleman Studios. Today, we've got Samir in the chair. How are you guys, I'm good? Thank you. Good yeah, good man, good nice to meet you uh. What are we doing today? What'S the plan, so we met here. I'Ve got two kind of styles that I'm thinking of, but I want you to kind of give me some suggestions of what you think, so this is literally just washed natural. I didn't touch it, so this is how the style I was looking to go for like this one without the line - oh well, okay, yeah. So I had it done at Barbers like a few months ago: okay, yeah yeah. So it looked pretty good, but I don't really blow dry, my hair, okay, yeah. This is without the blow dry, yeah yeah, yeah yeah, and then there was this kind of style that I was doing came out. The shower one day. I was just gon na play with my hair for a bit and then I found out this kind of style. Okay, I kind of like that style as well, but it was not really caught. You know to that shape: yeah yeah, it was cut to the other style, the other style yeah. I was just kind of stuck between that one. On that one um. I think honestly, that one looks better yeah. I think the other one is two. I mean, for example, like if you're not gon na blow dry it it's gon na be absolutely possible to get recreate that style again yeah, because it's such a disconnection, it's like basically the site. It'S like it's two different haircuts. It'S a fade on the side and then it's kind of almost like a it's like quotes from like sort of the round of the head here, yeah, which it's kind of it's not really the way. I work that type of style. That'S that's it. That, for me, is a style when there's no connection in into it, so it's not like an achievable style every day for somebody yeah, that's kind of our way. I mean I'll. Do it obviously I'll do it for you, but the way I kind of work is I I could do that style for you that you could recreate. Do you know what I mean so, whichever one you prefer to them, I could do them to a standard which you could then do yourself, because at the moment you've basically got two partners either side here yeah and it's rolled over into one right, yeah, which instantly Isn'T easy for you to do, but also it's it's very hard to maintain as well yeah. So why not go for something similar just with a connection, whereas, if you connected it in from the round of the head and then cut the shaping that you want on top whether you want it to come up or back yeah, it's up to you, just I Having a connection the haircut cuts into that style, yeah yeah, but you can achieve it at home, so it still look the same. Yeah it'll, probably look better because you'd be able to recreate it yourself. I think, in terms of the the manageability and the sort of low maintenance elements of what you need or what you want, the one you styled out the shower looked great because you've done it with water yeah, the other one. You know your Barber blow dried it for you, you know it's not something that is going to be you can't and if it's not styled like that, it does yeah exactly very messy yeah. So why don't we do something similar to the fair to the second. Look that you had yeah or connect it in. So you haven't got that that big, like like a lot of weight on top and then you've got like you can still have to fade on there. But we just blend it into the top and create that that look, so you can still keep it nice and square. We can still have that length on the top, but you'll be able to do that every single day without having to worry with these bits, go again again low maintenance. But with that look I think you'll shoot it a lot. I thought you shooted it on that picture, so the only thing that that didn't look right was just that it was just kind of horns hanging over, but if we do the same kind of thing, without that it's gon na be ideal, great yeah yeah sounds good As well, isn't it that's fine yeah same same faders that we'll get started right guys, so the first thing we need to do is I want to connect in from the round of the head to the length we've got now. That'S the first thing I want to get there. It'S the Horseshoe section in I want to connect in the sides that we've got get rid of any of the unnecessary kind of overhang that we don't need for this look now and then we'll start on our fade and then that way we're connecting the top. I was just saying that as well to submit this is our finished fade in our studio. So it's quite it's quite a privileged me I'll tell you yeah. It is it's an honor for me to have you into this lovely skeleton and I hope it's a privilege for you to uh to be the first ever faded person in the studio taste. The hairline I've been there around it down like that. Happy with that. So I'm going to start off by connecting in this bit to the hair underneath okay, so we want to really work on see exactly how much length we've got to play with and we'll work on the feet. So I'm gon na pull that down and just connect. The overhang this is also creating a nice sort of guideline for my clip away to. I still want to keep like. We want to take some length off the top, but we also we've got to remember we're, pushing it back or over to the side. So, given some air some options where, if he wants to wear it to one side you can like he said he was a bit confused, which side it went. So it looked it's hard to say off the camera. I don't know if it went to the right. I think it went to his right hand side, but I'm not sure that that was filmed on the front-facing camera or the back facing camera because it spins it around. Doesn'T it so I'm not too sure, but we'll have a little look when it comes to actual style and we'll see which way the hair grows, see, which way it falls better, but I'm going to cut it so it falls either way and I think that way It becomes so easy, you know I'd like to love it like. If that was the way you could do your homemade just a bit of water every morning. That would be the idea I mean I think I've made it then mate. You know a little bit of water done right, so there you go so that is connected in, as you can see, that's the level all the way around. It'S also going to allow me to connect in the tops of there as well. Let'S start with our feed. All right guys, so I'm going to start with my number two I'm going to work up to the lime just cut in okay like so I'm going to drop it down at the back as well. Just to give me a little bit of wiggle room at the back, because you want this hair to come over the crown. Now we're going to move on to my one guard, the lever pulled down, so it becomes a one and a half and we can just open off before we get to that number two line. Okay, so how did you come across our videos and I've been trying to look for Obama for years all right, okay, yeah and I didn't know where you guys were based. Initially, oh right, uh and then you're thrown off by the accent. Do you think it was up north somewhere or no? I just didn't know where you guys were very sad um. I kind of used to my friend used to cut my hair for, like the last five years - oh yeah and then recently when he got married and had a baby. We came more busy right, so I was trying to find a barber shop and of course, while I was finally I was watching your videos, oh nice. So when I started watching the videos I was like wow, I really need to get my haircut, but you, you know exactly what you're doing. I know, and you know I've seen that before and afters. Oh, thank you very much man and then we apply for the video yeah yeah. Definitely yeah. Definitely that's a pleasure of you. It may say something: it's gon na be a really cool haircut. Man yeah, it's gon na, be really cool. You'Ve done, you've done all sorts. I'Ve seen them like the long hair, the short tracks because yeah you don't like part things yeah, so Jack of all trade Master enough. For me, you know that's what they say right yeah. I know it's um yeah, it's just you know. I think it's just years of experience and also uh being you know, this job is a hobby. You know what I mean. It'S like. It'S not just a job to me. You know it is you know it's a hobby that makes me money. That'S the way. I look at it, you know I mean it's, it's good fun um and I think that's. Why that's why I care so much. You know what I mean, because I do really good. I do really care about about what I do. I care about my work and stuff. You know yeah um, it's very hard to to not. I don't know why. I think everyone, everyone just gets passionate about something in their life right and yeah. It'S just seems to be mine, so this is like you know. Anyone who's got like a career, whether it's like Hands-On to the public or whatever. I think they just probably meant to do it. You know yeah. It doesn't always thought that this is just my one. You know right so I'm just putting this one half on the two into the length just a little bit above before I start with the fade. I just want to kind of figure out where I'm going to go up to in terms of the connection or the transition, as I call it into the top I'm using this clip of Comb because it goes to one half. So I just thought it would be. One of them, you can go right down press the cone right against the scale until I go any shorter than the one and a half. So it allows me to blend that one off perfectly into number two foreign foreign, mostly the side, parting, yeah kind of a side point. I did try to do like a slickback okay from both sides at one point: yeah yeah, but it wasn't a big fan. So um, I think the Sci-Fi looked pretty good right it just it just wasn't like you know, he said it wasn't cut popping into shape um, but then that was again quite hard to maintain yeah, but it did suit. Me did look pretty good, but I just thought I want something: that's going to look good, but also that's not too much effort yeah. It'S all I mean bro totally, because I think the thing is - and I know only talking for my own experience, like I'm quite lazy when it comes to styling my hair, I just like a haircut that works. It looks nice and it's it's achievable. You know I. I my mornings are quite busy, so you know I don't really have time to stand there blow drying it like unless you putting any effort into bow drying anyway, I can blow dry it just blast it through finger dry it for example, but yeah. You know. If I was going out, I could spend a bit more time on it, but most of my days is spent. You know kind of learn about. Basically, you know yeah, so I don't really don't really know need to get sort of too dressed up in the daytime. Yeah um, but I still want my hair to look nice, but I don't want to spend a lot of time on. So it's a bit of a kind of you know you're asking a lot, but it is doable. It is definitely doable. You know get a haircut that looks right, it's balanced, it's cut. In correctly, it works for your face shape. These are things you have to take into account right. Definitely so that, where we Blended, that too, is exactly where we need to you've got a very diamond and slightly oval-sided Diamond face shape, push it more oval. Actually, so you need to keep that weight through here and that's what will keep the squaring Us in the top? All right so go tight on the fade as well. I think I think medium medium to low is good or go too high, just because of how wide your your cheeks come off. It'Ll just go out and then in again up here, so you want to try and maintain that length at the top as well foreign. So again, when you do anything like this sausage Ram, this kind of haircuts you've got to kind of step away from your way to just check how it looks, because when you're so close, you can't see it what it is and I need to step away a Little bit and just check that the lines looking right stuck on the right height, just double check, because again we need symmetry for a fade. If you go too high or too low, you can really tell especially like when I've just done then on the sides. I just checked then, on the sides there to make sure it was at the same height, because if it isn't, it really looks you can really really tell, but it doesn't mean that the temple is going to shape the same. You have to then shape it yourself. Maybe take it a bit higher up on one side or take the angle in a bit tighter to make sure it works, but you've got to get the Symmetry. Otherwise, it really doesn't look right start just to adjust temples here and, as you can see, smear's beard is very chic. So I want to kind of arch this into the beard as well and cut in the shape that it's going to fall into smell of the best, as we hook it around just slide across I'm going to move just to the top of the beard. So I'll do is I'll, just shake the back. You'Ll need to shape just a little bit down here, for you find out your cheeks like that perfect shape and then have the back on it. It would be a bad thing not to do okay, so the skin vaping something you've been getting for a long time now then mate, yeah, yeah. Well, I've never gone out the sides too much yeah. No, it looks a bit funny. I tried it once yeah been like a forest. My hair goes pretty quickly. Yeah, I mean well, you know what that's the thing about fade, though, is that you notice how fast it grows out. Don'T you you know yeah. You notice that you know within like a week. You have to go and get it done again. Yeah. I normally get my haircuts like every three weeks, every three weeks, yeah nice glad you left it for me, though, so it's good. We'Ve got a good good bit of length in there mate yeah. It was a bit harder yeah I can imagine. I can imagine right, definitely worth it. I hope so. I hope you think so I think it is. I think it looks gon na look so nice because it's gon na look like like what you want, but just a really easy version for you to do. You know yeah, so I'm hoping that it is what you want so guys what I'm gon na do. I'M going to stretch this blend out, show off the height of the skin, fade and also wake up into that length, as well so head over for me just break through the lever so that down. Thank you, foreign into the one and a half foreign foreign around. The head just for this connection, Point underneath there coming in so we're still working with square shape. I'M still using that horizontal section that we cut before the very start of the haircut to kind of estimate our guide and also to to work down into a from the top into the transition. So again, that was the one of the most important part of the the haircut was to start with and we cut it into the the blend, the transition, I'm not sort of looked too late. You like the way. I look, then, do you like the Pomade look or whatever the water does yeah. I like the kind of the the natural look more okay, um, not too too um wet, okay, okay, yeah, but they're not too dry, either, not too dry, either: okay, cool yeah! That'S fine yeah, yeah yeah. I get that kind of in between natural shine kind of thing. Yeah everything looks a bit more natural looks like you've made an effort, basically yeah. Definitely yeah. Okay, cool products are quite cute. You know a key to sort of um whether you're going to enjoy your haircut or not. You know whether you're going to use them or not, so you need a product that is easy, washed out yeah. That still gives you the same effect that you're looking for um yeah, there's there's a lot of products on the market. Now that are water soluble. You know I can still give this exact cloth that you're trying to achieve so well, I'm definitely opening to it. I just have, I don't think I've found the right product, probably why I've been a bit hesitant yeah, it probably is yeah probably is, but hopefully you will find one again. It just takes a little bit of air experiment. I'M ready, you know, foreign was cutting. So again, if you've got a haircut like you're you're working on like what somebody had when it came in, don't forget it's it's the left hand, side or the right hand side's a bit. Longer. Probably you know you you've, you've still got your guide. Follow your guide. I'M just waking up into the center we'll be soon just quick enough past the center as well. So you don't want to create a center part. We want to be part of either side. So I'll answer and to do a few, you know different looks. If you fancies went over to one side, you can, if he's having a bad day and or a bad hair day, you should have say, and it won't go the way you wanted to it'll fall in another way. You know that's what I want to try and create for for Samir today. So hopefully this is a. This is going to be a good one. For me, last section now, plus the sensor, it's working at your back, we're using again the horizontal section we cut in before to to start that blend on the sides, we're using that as our guide. So it's sitting just right on the occupone. What you'll find now is that we've got a nice. This has a ridge for it to sit really nicely for the silhouette to the side of samir's head as well. So again, it's not about what looks good straight on. So it looks good for everyone else from different angles. So it's the final piece now just need to match up to the side. There we go not much. I just put coins to that as well. Just add a little bit choppiness to the end. Just connecting to this parts of the phones now last but not least, should have went through the back now physical sections just to make sure you've connected in once you finish off it look. This is overcome across the blend, soften the blender backwards, nice and thick right. So let me start this off, for you know me: okay I'll, show you what to do so. What I need you to do is put your glasses on for me. If you don't mind yep, so that's like what you showed me on. The video except you've got a connection now all right so about my insult spray, maybe eight or nine pumps of that and then what I'll do is I'll fingers right for you all right, and I want to show you what it looks like with that. Probably be nice so dry, the dry, the actual um salt spray in okay, now choose your fingers. Your fingers in just use the nozzle you're doing it on yourself. 10. If you watch me, hold the hair dryer like that, so you're holding it almost at the bottom. There and then you use that to style your hair, all right, your hair will go either way. Whichever way you want to okay, so which way would you prepare today, whatever way yeah, you can go buy as well? If you want to I'll do that and now let me talk to you about the product as well. Okay, so I'm going to use the um label uh label and matte paste. Okay, it's a really nice product. Again, it is. It is a map page, but there's there's an element of like a natural finish to it. Okay, so what you do I always layer this in, because it's quite strong, okay, so rub it into your hand like so warm it off a little bit first, okay! So I've used about maybe a pea size amount. It'S all you're going to need. Okay, so we're getting to the palm of your hand. First, I'm gon na make sure it gets all rubbed in and that's the finished look you're going to see, see that little slight gloss yeah. So whether you see the look in the hand, is what it's gon na look like when you hit okay. No, this will be like a shampoo, so this is the application. This is not the style: okay, yeah application first and then snail, I'm going with where your part wants to fall as well, which is just there I'm just using that as a can of something make it a bit more sharper for you. Actually, I think it'll look. Quite nice, this is where your part wants to sit, and that is your basically what you showed me on the video or just with a connection, and I fade down the sides all right. There is your favorite what's in, for you really nicely, I like it. Nice anyway, see the shape of it now, so it's all got that blender, it's clean yeah, it is, it is one looks good. Thank you, man. Thank you very, very happy, yeah cool thanks. A lot mate foreign. Thank you.

CutsByClay: It truly is amazing what your doing Dan! Sharing valuable information and expert techniques for free. You’ve taught me so much and because of you I’m confidently and consistently giving great cuts and building clientele. I’m not even licensed yet, but because of this channel I’m passionately mastering my craft! Thank you Regal Gentlemen. Much love from one of your biggest fans!!

tarek R: I would dare to say that Dan is the best barber/ hairstylist in the world. I hope one day I get a haircut from him

Unity- X Fitness: It is truly amazing what you’re doing Dan! Sharing valuable information and expert techniques as a few of your videos gave inspiration to me to try and grow my hair to shoulder length but i came so far until i made a decision to have an undercut taper but i am now deciding to either mix it up with a taper or one of the haircuts that do you did previously like the 1 or 2 on the sides with a taper you did in the Regal Gentelman studio! Your videos have truly inspired me and making me watch the videos is one of my favourite hobbies to do because i enjoy watching YouTube and the regal gentleman channel! Thank you Dan! Best wishes from one of your biggest fans!!!

Fronze: Love your videos Dan. I’ve been cutting my own hair for about 8 years and your videos have been an amazing tool to help me improve, so thank you so much❤‍♂️

Elika Gerasina: Adore how Dan is doing a consultation with the customer during work. Deserves 1000/100 points

Consolt090: The degree of difficult of this cut versus how insanely well it come out is honest breathtaking. Really incredible.

Oleg Yabchenko: Hello, Dan. I watch The Regal Gentleman videos every day. All the process which started with a consultation and ended with a nice haircut and smile on people’s faces is extremely great If I’ll be honest with you, that’s my aim. I want to achieve it with all my heart I’m doing it right now That all about real passion and obsession too. Just hi from the pretty young barber I was born in Ukraine Respect to all ❤ Great job as usual

mike adriano: That is one very satisfied customer, look at that smile at the end. He'll be back for sure Great cut as always.

Donaldson Cole: Sharp old school haircut, and the low fade seals the look !

Rucky: Great cut as always! I love that scissor flick Dan does, he’s like Arnie in Terminator 2 reloading the shotgun

mario guzman: ive never seen a barber take in so many factors to tailor a cut for someone as dan

Scott Beswick: Bloody love this Dan!!! Absolute genius

susan smith: I'm a hairdresser and it refreshing to watch a video where you use the Same techniques I use, in recent years ive questioned my barbering skills as I dont work in the same way alot if 'modern' barbers work but watching you work is exactly how I work and has helped give me back my confidence ....... Thanks

barry maple: Same old same old QUALITY AS EVER . This is barbering excellence.. the consultation to the finished silhouette/ shape you know this is what we all need. #loveit

Paul Smith: It's all well & good Dan cutting hair on people with good hair because that's easy to cut, needs to do more cuts on people with problem hair to see how good he really is!! Let's see!!

Crunch Games: Bro was so excited at the end it was contagious

Crestfallen: As always a flawless haircut

Mary Elizabeth: Sometimes I see men that have such beautiful hair like this but it's not styled or it's really messy. I don't think that men don't care, I think they usually haven't found a stylist that is professional and this talented. This turned out fantastic! ❤

Blayne: Wow. Excellent cut for this client. Suited him perfectly. Also, I appreciated the shorter consultation.

Nimish Mithbavkar: So neat and clean. Awesome

Venom Wolf: When i described to the barber pompadour with hair shaved at sides like in undercut, she made the same haircut and left top much longer. The worst haircut i have had in my life, but You made it work for him :)

Jerome Trickster Harte: Lovely content as always! Fella on the seat is a gentleman too

Oscar: Great cut, neat style ❤️

Thomas Rijvordt: He is basically the best hairdresser

willieboy: Absolutely Perfect Haircut!

Gerard patrick aspin: Dans the man when it comes to cutting hair.

Andie: Great haircut! I think he looks better with hair on the sides, but that is the patrons call, so excellent hair cut!

Bounced Tuna: Love how you spin the scissors really cool

Jordan Pound: The way he attacks the hair with the lever open is next level

pimpmyride: My favorite you tube barber has slimmed down!!! Just what he needed… to look even more devastatingly handsome.

Barber don #1: Dan put the fusion blade on that ergo it’s the best blade I’ve ever used makes fading seemless

Catherine Bell: Very impressive results!

Robert Reyes: Dang, know that’s a stylish haircut!

Виктория Загадка: Я ваша фанатка! Учусь по вашим видео! Нравится ваш стиль)) да и вы красавчик)))

B T: Step 1: have incredible hair genetics

Tyler Bielinski: Audio and video have been great in the new studio

Yeah buddy: That suited him really well

Stephanie Hamilton: He has gorgeous hair

Deepu Aster: Hatoff of your work no words super bro

amy: Great cut. Wish u would cut my hair. How much is a cut like this from yourself?

Kevin Anderson: What is the white powder being sprinkled into hair?

Fratboy Fitness: Great cut

Random: Boy looking clean

Made in Italy ASMR Official: Am I the only one that thinks he had better haircuts in the pics he showed?

Josefine Vesterlund: amaziiiing as always

Z H: Smashed it

kmitchpg: Nice!

UnderRated: Wow.. d back of his head looks so smackable now

centenoj85: The GOAT

Royaljelly: Feels like every other guy on here is Pakistani/indian lol

Davehiphop: What scissors are those?

AP 6+2= • 8y ago &: My man looks like Gigachad

Craig: How much weight have you lost now?..

Robert Mayer: Díky!

Silk: This just another bot haircut. Nothing new, nothing innovative. My friend can literally do this and he cuts hair as a side hussle.

Ranjay S: Sanjaya raebareli up

Jahangir Khan: First

Bill Donato: what in the hell would you cut the hair so short above the ear line......looks horrible

timesuck13: I've never seen a hairdresser congratulate himself more than you do. If you were to say "you look good" then you're complimenting the customer, but you always say "it looks good," or "that's like the video you showed me" it's not up to you to decide if it's like the video the customer showed you, it's always up to the customer. They do pay your rent after all, or have you forgotten that? This level of conceit is ridiculous. Congratulating yourself on your self perceived job well done. And have you never heard of using a brush. I'm no stylist, but even I know a little proper tension helps smooth and sculpt the hair into a much nicer style. I suggest a bit of humility my friend, for life up on the high horse is never a long lived one.

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