Live Haircut, Who? It'S A Surprise:D

  • Posted on 08 December, 2022
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  • By Anonymous

?? and me are doing a live cut!

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SHE GOT A GREY BUZZCUT. Bleach blond no more!

FRESH NEW GREY PIXIE! From long to ultra short

Hairdresser in the chair, she changed her mind!

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Takes a second go, live bam and works. I got a new email. Now live from the channel. Still there beep, I'm sorry guys trying to fix the audio, but we don't have much time so when this doesn't work. We'Re in trouble big trouble now, but this is too annoying select Source MacBook Pro mic yeah there we are yeah Taurus MacBook Pro mic, yeah yep starts well uh, it's not yeah. Somebody says audio repaired. Well, it's not the best audio, but you can hear us. We can answer some questions, so Allison is here for a live video. This is the second broadcast, so the whole intro is gone. We didn't discuss anything what we were going to do now and we'll just get started because we're in a little bit of a rush. So enjoy watching have some fun and if you guys have any questions drop them down there in the chat and, of course, we'll answer them ready to go to go uh, please cut my hair yeah. We came to the right place. Do something else yeah you should bring the bus back, but in terms of uh interrupting my hair yeah growing. So I'd like to leave this long um, don't see a different kind of story yet another time it's quite a bit longer yeah. So I don't know what what impact that I have. Why would you do on the sides and back but um won't touch the top. I promise please amazing. I should send me four shots. Um yep you as well. Yes, I always get a shot. When I see I woolly, the back of my head is and then you like meeting it is, I can show them and then, if I turn you around quickly, oh you can see it on my laptop, oh yeah, oh yeah, that's it yeah yeah! So we'll leave. So I'm gon na have to turn you around so you're facing them a little bit slightly closer one video for the tick tocks of Instagram. Yes, all set. How do you think about showing people all of your transitions if you have yeah? These? Are transitions live on camera exactly if you have a very short haircut or basket? How often do you need to have it cut to maintain the look so often buzzer, literally every 10 days, yeah, as in ideally like something like that 10 days, two weeks, um, it's a number two. You guys always want to know which numbers I use. Where is it yep um, but even now, because I got this done - I don't remember - is it a month ago - maybe yeah something like that, but I thought that I'd be able to keep this cook for longer before it like feeling out of shape, but uh already For the last two weeks, I think I'll be no baby; no, it must be more than a month ago. I think, maybe six weeks ago I don't know, maybe I'm not sure for at least two weeks now I've been thinking um. What is your angle if you're growing at the top, so I answers to that question one is that I just can't wait to be able to do like giraffe buns again yeah. Do you know what I mean by that yeah just on top? Well, they have like two, so I used to do that all the time with my other hair, like there's, two like little yeah like buns um, but for privacy, is what I'm exercising you're like chilling. I just love it, but that sounds like a real serious goal. That'S more of a kind of like if it's possible and and the Real Girl I have like a coat of my head like um, like a Shaggy curly kind of I don't know medium length: Okay, uh, we're free, yeah and side works. Well, when you put long hair and then we as long as it doesn't cost no, maybe we should ask the viewers whether I should have my long side review. They just want to see you, but this is a pole. We do a pole, sideburns and no sideburns. That'S an interesting question because there's something about uh right on their sideburns yeah, better already yeah amazing, although no this is the. What did I call it last time the like um, a military General look. Now it isn't it's more like a peaky blindness. Look now with the hard lines. This is a number one, they're always sweet. That'S one way to feel better on a bad day. Read comments well, yeah. Normally you know something that provided on YouTube. No, no! That'S true in my videos. I feel like 99. Actually, in old videos, it's already your videos yet yeah generally on YouTube. Now, oh there's a channel called hair Buddha yeah and it's a Belgian guy and he always reacts to haircut videos, that's what he does. These are hairdressers like Brad Mundo. He took a video of mine today, oh yeah, I got the notifications on Alicia. Here we go, it was super sweet. Usually it's not that nice really yeah, all right wasn't even it'd, be like you're, taking the the actual style yeah. So this is it, oh, my God, how can you do this? This is horrible and I wouldn't do it in this place. Yeah in terms of the actual technique called the hairdressing and the outcome right, but he was good by yours yeah. He was super sweet amazing. So I hit him up, but he doesn't react back. He'S got too much followers, so I asked everybody to attack me on those videos. No just to say there was something going on in there. Yeah 400 000, more than a million on YouTube, and does he also post videos of actually of doing hair, or is it all um God it's such a crazy popular Niche yeah. It is it's wild. I think I'm going to do the same thing in general there. I mean the whole idea of hairdresser videos yeah, so many views at all crazy, but I'm more than happy people watch it yeah. Well, I'd have to say it's a year and a half ago you told me that I would yeah be in lots of YouTube videos with, in my estimation, lots of views. I would be great, it's not really the thing I expected, especially not with short hair. No two years ago I didn't got even considerate of getting for him, and here you were buzzing it all off. No, I think you want to look back at them and be like that's crazy and then in a way that I'm super super glad yeah. But it's really uh yeah, still kind of somebody says so far. It looks very good. Yes, sir! So far, I think we messed up the stream a little bit so there's not that big of an audience as usual, a lot of news coming weeks after the stream yeah yeah people were like we're not here for this. For this buzzing, noise there's an audience for uh full videos, but the audience for a full video is smaller than for edited videos yeah for sure, because it takes too long, and these live videos are a perfect thing in between where you can have a chat with People and the ones that want to watch a full haircut. They can watch it from the start. To finish with every mistake and every thing I have to redo your steaks. Oh a lot. No, no! I just messed up the bag. Did you ever make a mistake with me? No that was too big too long. The first time and I agreed on the Sideburn here now. That'S how I make a mistake. That'S just acknowledging that you know the client is pain. Yeah. You are a queen find a queen, not working out yeah King Allison. How are you guys all doing? Let me know where you're from in the chat over here as well, I'm always curious where people are from I'm from Ireland. Ireland, actually, I'm not sure I've ever said that I'm your child, I don't know I'm from best, which is 15 minutes away from you, oh you're, so much better. The housing was so excited to come here. It'S fun, I think, the next haircut. We can leave the sides a little longer as well yeah, it's funny how that, like it kind of feels like it, goes in bits and starts, but I'm like oh nothing's happening with my hair and then one day I wake up and I'm like. Oh my God. It'S long now and again, it really feels like it goes from one day to the next, because it's like incremental change is hard to notice. You know like three months ago you live six millimeters for the last time. I don't know um more than a tree in August. I did my last proper Buzz, I think, and then September yeah for four months, yeah yeah, so yeah, that's true. It'S proper inch inch and a half it's growing in, but that's still it's not well. I couldn't, since I know on the top I haven't done it at all since then so yeah, that's not particularly fast hair growth. I don't think right. It'S so good! It'S like normal. I guess, but your hair is Curly, so it Folds in every direction. Is it straight still? The last comment is so far looking good, so there's not much happening. Usually the jet is filling up. Maybe they can't do this? No, I think, because this is the second stream we started. We lost a lot of viewers, but okay, at least you grew up with a proper hair. Well I mean listen, I'm happy, I'm sorry for you, it's a matter of trial. Now, that's the thing you got. Ta have some loads to make the highs really worth. I'M glad I discovered these live videos yeah yeah, so it saves me a ton of time and editing so for the people like me who just get the same haircut every time at the moment anyway, yeah it's also extra YouTube. Video for this card is a little boring yeah exactly and it's too much time it's consuming to edit, especially when it's the exact same product as last time. I was here that doesn't matter, but there's not that big of a difference before and after so that's the trouble yeah. I promise that someday I'll have a really exciting haircut again. It'Ll probably take uh many years, so I'm gon na grab Harvest. Although do therapy. I get one point: it's going to get kind of interesting to see how we go from short, hair salon. It doesn't like you know: it's gon na be like a Stager which I no longer have short hair, but I also don't have real hair yet the whole stage between short and long. What'S that stage called they're growing up today yeah, but if you trim it regularly, it still looks good, there's no awkward face. I mean, I hope I hope not listen. I really would have told you to that. Oh, but that's not the case. If you trim the sides in the back at one point, it reached your ears, yeah and yeah. Look s super cool, and then you trim the sides just up to here. So this can all grow in passes your ears and you stop trimming the sides. You just turn the back and it grows in the rows and rows and then at the point where it reaches the tip of your neck. You start trimming the back as well yeah and then you grow it in from above to longer hair sort. It yeah and it takes a little more time because you're going to grow a hot air, so you decided to show it again. The top is growing, but they look good is growing. I don't think I might so much. No, because the top still grows yeah. No, that's that's. Definitely. My kind of goal is like there's nothing coming in it's the street. I don't know where? Is it yeah see? We'Ve got 15 viewers - that's quite low for me. Usually it's around a thousand so something's wrong. Maybe it's my no makeup face exactly no, I think it's because the first stream broke down yeah. Can you send a reminder? Email, please. It was a time I was happy with 15 years high expectations. It is funny actually seeing your older videos yeah, that's fun and I'm thinking. Oh, that's bad at it and it's so slow. I would say you know just just less experienced, they know what it is. Now, with YouTube shorts coming up, you can make a short from a long form, video yeah, so there's in the YouTube app a way to just pick 15 seconds out of a full video, and you can make it into a short. So, within a minute, you've got a YouTube short and it links back to the full video. So that's quite cool. I did it with all my top performing videos, so it gets more views and then now I've got a drink. When somebody responds to a normal video and think, oh, this is fun I'll make a short out of that one, and then I have to re-watch those videos. Oh the quality is poor, so slow. Why is the camera in this position? Are you gon na shampoo at the end, no I've only ever we've already ever washed my hair for a time yeah after dying it yeah you're such a clean lady. I don't need to wash it well. I did tell you there wasn't going to be clean coming in here. It is, I don't know my the stuff I use the product. I use is pretty greasy, but it seems to kind of just fallen out of it, greasy at all perfect effect. So much better. We just love the need back. The Wooly back just really gets me. I'Ve got the same issues with the top. Oh me, no me, oh yeah, let's see I'd love a detail, not the woolly. No just kidding Tanya says I'm still here. That'S cool yay, and this is almost a private, show exactly yeah. Lucky time. Tell us something about yourself: where do you live? Do you have short hair she's from the states and she has short hair? Oh you know. You know yeah well acquainted Tony. I was here since day, one yeah yeah come visit, yeah fly over here come give us a visit, would be cool and you said she had short hair yeah. She has a short pixie. Well, everything actually do you have you which blonde? Why do you call this haircut again? This is a short crop. Have you had a short crop? Tanya tell us tell us yeah, and now we have to wait until the chat, yeah yeah there's one problem. We'Re finished almost your next one, damn freaking freshly. Definitely oh Tanya isn't telling us anything, oh so a private show for Tanya and then no answers yeah. She doesn't want to be part of this livestream like. Why did I turn into the subject? Come here. Follow us back yeah. The back starts. Always you do great backs it's fun. On Instagram, where you uh go to my real page, a photo page and a real page. I always post a photo of the back, so there's just yeah endless and the facts. I bet you can always tell him to from the back, though I think I can let's play again, I can even tell who's who were in the background, so I'm on a lot of these stuff Delilah. You know this one um. What do I say about her is color yeah. I love her hair. That'S also that's kind of similar yeah. I'M not here this one she's gorgeous she's terrible yeah, but see how much it has grown. Yeah. That'S wild yeah wow, but it's working out also like it um. You know what I mean like different languages, yeah on top, even with the sides. It'S almost finished, oh and you get a compliment. Yeah damn her neck is long and beautiful. Because of your hair. It'S not just the neck. I think it's the complete Allison, it's long and beautiful you're quite long ago, oh now, Tonya says she'd love to come visit and all the other questions Tanya by Dutch standards. I don't feel the whole nope. How tall are you foreign, intimidated by you, yeah yeah, like Irish fellas, I'm the I'm the same height as the average Irish man, yeah average Irish male height is five attack yeah, I noticed when we were there like. I'M almost yeah, like my full head, is sticking above everybody, yeah yeah, there's something you just don't pay attention to normal, here's, whatever you're used to and then every different country and then you're like oh everybody, yeah yeah and I have to catch a train back home And I have plans I need to be quick, then I can drop you off because I don't have a spirit. Oh yeah, that's it! Oh, my tablet is going damn. Do I get some of them yeah? Of course you get. Some stuffs Tanya very well done. Renee, a perfect Improvement in her looks: hey that's a compliment for me, absolutely yeah, Tonya says just cut the blonde off and our hair is pretty close to her cut now. Oh, then, you've got a super cool cut. I need an airplane to visit Renee's Place yeah. I think you're Japanese right is her hair, natural yep, all natural, oh dark man, though. Actually I used to be blonde. I don't think you can call this blonde anymore, but when it gets longer - and it sees a little bit more sunlight - see I'm Japanese. This feels like this is really my look. This is finished. That'S badass, yeah, that's wild Pizza, foreign. I have to say it is one of your good qualities that you're always really you make me really excited about the haircuts all the time you're always like. Ah, it's amazing, I love it looks so good, it's a trick. I learned I want to do Fair. It also makes sense because, like if you're, if you're already like um doubting right and the people in your chair, you're not gon na go to those, though that's not a trick, I'm always enthusiastic when I don't like a cup I'll tell somebody as well what yeah? Even if it was your fault that you don't like it, it isn't my fault, but if somebody wants something, I don't like. Oh no. No! I always try to be honest. So when I don't like a cut I'll, tell somebody yeah sure you want to do this because I don't think it's the best look for you and if somebody says yeah, one, two people wanted to say no yeah, and yet you didn't say that about the sirens. No but the sideburns look good at you, but it's just my personal preference. Oh it's time to be real. Can I be interview you want to be here to be real? Can we be real together? Yeah are your burials, always just like you making videos and you doing lives? No, no! No! I actually always try to do something stupid, oh and it isn't time to be real. It was just somebody posted late um, then we'll just wait until it pops up sure yeah to sit here online. Okay, don't be real! Sorry, anything new coming in is there a girl on that her shape of her head looks awesome. The compliments keep getting better and better. Oh fun fact put your hair short to discover whether you have a great shaped head, because that's what happened to me. That'S true, not something I would have complimented myself on before for the lemon balls. I think it's true yeah stay seated for a minute I'll show you the back of the mirror ism we're here. Yeah amazing amazing, yeah yeah, a lot, hmm nailed it, let's shoot some after content and then folks will shut down the live stream after that, if you have any questions, left drop them down there in the chat, we'll answer them in five minutes, the stream is gone, Shoot some Afters. Oh that's a cute, put your hands back, It's like because of it is there, and I think, like Wednesday, is all hot now right, yeah they they need a hand like this, but this looks fun thing is on your ass. That'S so weird! Maybe there's an audience for it red thing I have there yeah. Normally some of your photos no never been here in the dark. Ooh, that's exciting! Yeah. Do you actually do that? No, I hope that's it. I guess it feels like it bounced in the video. Is that not hard to do? No. It'S super easy. It'S like a filter yeah, but no, it's not a filter. You can just swipe it off, but if somebody has a little pimple or yeah, you can huh. That'S the only thing I added. I never added Out Lines or something in a photo. You better, not God, I'd be mad. If you leave a little line, some somewhere yeah, I notice it in photo. I'M not gon na shout that out yeah, it is wrinkles, oh yeah. No, I always wipe them off. I'M shocked YouTube. Photoshop me, my face is fine, decide absolutely. I would have makeup today. Oh my God. Oh wait. I bumped it on here. That'S it three boom. Ah, what's the longest length of the hair she had ever ever ever got it short? It was like to there yeah. The first time we came in was that here somewhere yeah super long, and then we went down to here yep with a little short nape and sideburns no side ones were the second time that was much later again. We had loads of cuts in between and then we went full-on six mil yeah, but that was such a cool video because of you, I'm blonde that was great. I'Ve seen I've seen such I've seen such assertive model in this Channel at the first. As far as I've seen huh I've seen such assertive model in this Channel at the first. As far as I've seen, maybe we need something. It was a native English speaker where here yeah afraid I don't get it her past night was so long. She looks so high giving them a great view. Yeah you better, not read. The comments. Cut, looks amazing, as always. Thanks Tanya, she looks so high yeah well stand up next to me. Wait that will compare. Oh, oh, we have to be here, see pretty tall. Okay, you're super tall, not at all my wife is down there. Hi hi. Are you even getting rainbows, see yeah from Anna thanks Anna and then we'll round off the stream? This is always such a uncomfortable moment. I don't know when to hit stop. I always I'm always scared to disappoint someone like somebody's dropping in a question then I stopped I mean I think you give them a lot of loud yeah actually more than five minutes ago. I think we can just say: bye. Okay, bye, see you guys,

El-C Vex: I'm catching up now - I'm from England and I have to say Alison is looking fantastic! (I follow Hair Buddha and Brad Mondo, I'll have to find the review you mentioned- there's no way anyone can dis you, your clients always look great when you've cut /coloured their hair

John Blakemore: Wow absolutely beautiful . Great cut on her . I really like the short nape and sides. Wishing you and your clients all the best.

Pat Ryan: She looks amazing

Buzz Cut: Very very beautiful. I really like it a lot

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