Disney Wish Very Merrytime Cruise 2022 Day At Sea - Haircut, Dance Party, & More!

  • Posted on 04 December, 2022
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  • By Anonymous

We are cruising the Disney Wish Very Merrytime Cruise, and @showmelovejete decided to be productive today. We decided to both go to the gym, and get a cruise haircut which I was so nervous about. I hope you enjoy part 2 of our disney cruise vlog Follow me on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jojocrichton...

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Good morning, good afternoon, good night guys what's up it's Jojo and we're on the wish it is day at Sea. How was your night Sensational we watch Tangled Yeah. We actually did uh fall asleep watching Tangled it was pretty awesome. It'S my favorite Disney movie. Do you uh, like this view, it's pitch black when these curtains are closed and then I swooshed them open and it was just like. I got let him with all this light, but then nothingness just the ocean it's Friday, but it was a great shot in the morning. My life, something really interesting, happened on the live stream. Jeep just got the nickname of fairy godmother for some reason and look at this there's the Fairy Godmother they're playing Christmas music in the hallway. Normally I just do Disney he's, checking it twice: breakfast, oh gosh! Thank you. It'S time for breakfast at the Marceline Market, 7. Am to 10 45 we're good to go. I got scared that we missed it. Washi Washi, it's the subtle Christmas details. For me there is so much food here, especially at the chef's counter, but I'm more concerned about the Christmas look at that. Hopefully the orange juice packet here is still good. You can tell that orange juice is not good, sometimes because it's watered down, but this was looking pretty good. I ended up getting fried hash, browns sausage, cheddar and Sage flan and finally, eggs benedict and buttered asparagus. Look at the view we have it's even better. The jeet's just setting up his shot. Look at that man we're gon na do a Disney mukbang! Oh really, yeah, okay, cheers we're drinking all water. You got Mickey waffles! Now. Do you like the ones here more or in Disneyland? Oh yeah? Really I don't know what they make this with, but this ocean water and the ocean view. Did you sell them the ocean yeah? It'S beautiful! It'S incredible! I can't explain to you what this is, but last time I had it was so good. We'Re gon na take a bite right now and see if it has. Oh, my God, I'm losing my voice. I think what's so weird to me about being on this. Cruise is it like, I don't know geographically, like GPS, wise, like where we actually are right. Now, no, I didn't and that's what's a little freaky. Thank you so much. Oh man, I'm not even hungry anymore. This is what happens. Oh that looks so nice. I have a feeling this is from Rapunzel like the little Barbarian thing you know, I can see that I'm not sure, though, hey breakfast overall good bad, oh fantastic! Well, this like food, there's just something about it here. I don't know where it is. I like it. A lot we are headed to the hero Zone. I think that's what it's called. Did you get us any, even though we were late? Of course I got us in nice man, you think you're gon na school, all these kids. I don't know why. Oh man, we have a Hooper right here. Oh we're lucky in trouble: oh gosh gee. What do you do? Yeah Jason is putting some zest on it. Agreed agreed agreed. I'M not gon na be any better, though so, oh believe in yourself. This is for you Dad. Okay, are you ready, oh no? What is this form no way? I need you at least hit the hit the rim there. It is the most embarrassing woman, so that is the winner with 17 shots. We didn't even see it happen. How do you feel pretty good? Can I see your prize? Oh wait, that's kind of yeah. Let everybody know this room is dope too. I will defeat you POV, oh yeah, but yeah. Oh, I did it better than basketball yeah. Oh, oh one. Zero ah won the one. Oh yeah, one two one but yeah: oh yeah, oh yeah! Oh, oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I don't know if I'm getting old, but why am I kind of out of breath after playing then you're [, __, ] old uh? I won by the way. So you won in basketball, I won and What's this called again, this is how we will have our tiebreaker Jeet air hockey. Good luck, Jeet! I don't need luck! It'S over! Oh whoa! Oh my God! Oh gosh, okay, oh my gosh. Here comes the double whammy. Oh game point for all the marbles one to one: whoever wins this is the true hero of the Disney wish dang the game. It'S over. I'M gon na I'm gon na end him with one fail swoop. Let'S calm down a little bit. Oh that was so close. I am the winner: we have to buy the kids club air to have an open house right now. Oh, they have a Christmas tree. That'S cute look is that Spider-Man two, oh man, I'm jealous for kids, look at the atrium. It'S so gorgeous. It'S funny that last night we were just lying on the floor for so long and now it's filled with life and Goofy has a different fit on. Oh my gosh look at goofy in his hat. Yes, the snowflakes, That's so exciting! I love that he got that change he's getting some hot cocoa she's like what oh and then there's Mickey. Oh, my God, sneaking suspicion that we're not gon na wait in this. Do you want to wait in this line? No okay! I don't win any lines. It'S fair, but this is just the first day. You know everyone's excited to meet the characters, I'm sure on our journey, we'll have opportunities to meet them again and the line will probably be shorter. So until then, we should keep moving yeah where you want to go now something I can't look in the pool. The pool that sounds kind of fun kind of uh worked up a sweat after those riveting games. That'S what I'm saying, if you didn't know they actually on the app have like a whole itinerary for the whole day at Sea, so go ahead, check it out real quick booty Camp. I don't know boot camp Disney, wish it's your bread Tower. This gingerbread recipe was first invented during the 16th century. We got snowman one place, I've never been to yet is Nightingales, they do a lot of tastings in here and you can see they're prepping for uh chocolate and wine tastings, and it's very very pretty always making new friends we got. Are you having a good time? So far, yes, look! It'S the princesses hi Milan good to see you. She said hi to me: oh whoa, that made me happy yeah, yeah, she's, so cool, it's a competition. Now it's Tiana, it's called Cinderella's over there. So this is like the Royal like event. Oh there's Belle, we saw Belle on the first day right here, yeah, oh, you saw her last night. I love it. I know I love this little intro to God, oh man, so this is a event that you do on the app and unfortunately it was booked up It Books up quick. So if you're doing your own uh wish uh try to do this as quick as possible. If you want to meet the princesses, however, they do have their own meet and greets at different times. So how are you doing? Yeah yeah, that's good! It'S his first time sailing! This is my first cruise yeah. If you know I thought it would be okay, but you know once I looked out into the deep dark emptiness, I got a little scared. Yeah right things could be worse. Do you have any tips for sailing um? Is my favorite laughs, hi Tiana? Oh that's! So! Nice, I'm good, I don't know if you could hear, but she said: uh have a good day. My days are made. I was not expecting the princesses to actually acknowledge this, not not in like a bad way like normally in Disney World parks like when there is an event happening like there's a character meeting. Obviously they have to pay attention to the people waiting in line, but because we got here right in the beginning, they waved to us right because a lot of technical hasn't started to them yet yeah, because it's like East Princess in succession. Yes, if you haven't already make sure you subscribe by the way and uh thumbs up this video, who is your favorite princess? Who is your favorite princess Rapunzel? That'S no question. Wow, no question! No one! You wanted to watch the movie last night, yeah, it's a great movie, okay, what are we doing see we're at the gym? The gym we go gym. There'S a bourbon tasting, though we go gym pulling up for the guests play some Disney music, bro kind of sounds. Like Christmas, elevator, music, yeah, hey number two for the day and it's not even lunch time all day the other day and uh boom yeah boom. Let'S rock nice uh hat by the way. Oh, we can get JoJo world.shop JoJo's. What merch go buy some Sword in the Stone? It actually looks good. I think the white hat works better on you. I like me, I, like the Whitehead honestly, do you know where the gym is yeah? No okay, but you know who's bigger. I figured this. Is the first time I'm working out in weeks? Okay, not weeks, I worked out probably a week before this Cruise. There you go. I was working on all four of this course. I knew I had my shirt off in the pool and stuff. It might be. Some cute girls here - and I got here and I realized me and JoJo - are the only people who are age here. Yeah I can introduce you to a very pretty girl, slightly tore from the gym. It'Ll take two seconds come on just very pretty girl. You won't be, this is for a lot of things, but a girl, a pretty girl, all right, hey, we I got this a momentous occasion is happening right now. G, you know what that is, we are taking the stairs and not the elevator, I'm moving and grooving. It'S pretty huge for us yeah we're getting so fit. What is going on there's a lot of people over here. Oh my gosh. I actually feel a lot more Nimble. Also. I love the artwork that they have in each like hallway, slash staircase. They got frozen right here, but you're doing the frozen dinner tonight. I'M gon na sing our hearts out what the heck did you hear that yeah goats are dolphin hooks Barbie by the way. This is not where we're going to go first. No, I just want to see real quick if I can get a haircut, I feel like it went from such a chill morning to like a productive day. Like oh sounds like gym haircuts. Are we on a pool? Are we on a cruise or are we are just living our life on the cruise? Basically, there's three luck on deck suite life on deck, the most productive day I've ever had on the cruise for sure. Well, hopefully it all works out. I'M still trying to find this pretty girl for Jeet darn it everyone else heard about the prettiest girl on this cruise ship Chewbacca. Oh my God, I thought getting here. Well, I thought we were gon na get here, 15 minutes early and it wouldn't stop put along the line. The line is pretty long and normally I'd say: let's wait, but we have an appointment at one to cut our hair. Now. Oh yeah isn't that ocean crazy? Sometimes that's a whole nother World under us. Someone say that there's people down there who want to be part of our world wow wow because we're seeing the mermaid tonight get it dude. That'S Synergy! That'S retention! Right! There we made it fifth floor census, Fitness! We go gym, we go gym here is the gym. It'S so strange, because I've never been in here before yeah, it's very nice and you actually have this whole little area. They were doing an event talking about your feet, Fitness activities, and then you can run a treadmill and see the awesome view. My goal is to hit all the muscle groups today. You know back thighs legs a little bit of everything. I don't see myself going to the gym again tomorrow. Thank you foreign, so I was excited to get my hair cut, but now I'm worried wait. What is go away? A dance party we got ta go. We got ta go even though, even though the appointment's at one I got ta. Do this real quick? I look, it doesn't stop. Oh my gosh, it's a dance party come on. That'S awesome, you're killing a queen, you're, killing it hey yay! This dance party is awesome. Forget leg day, I'm so glad we didn't miss that yeah. That was the funnest thing just dancing at volume. I didn't get the dance and make your mini, but oh hey. I was like there's a video going: hi hi Ashley Ashley's dope she's, the one that, like I think, she's like the director she's the cruise director. That'S fire yeah wow, what a productive day, Cameo yeah yeah working out eating good doing leg day and now I'm getting my hair cut, I'm kind of nervous like the ideas she's getting his haircut too. He really needs it more than me. I'M worried because I usually trust my barber, but I wanted to do it so we're gon na. Do it are we late? We'Ve got four minutes, it's a good thing. It'S right around the corner. Okay, we have made it back to hooks Barbary, yeah yeah, we're getting checked in right now, appointments at one. So I think I don't want to do anything too crazy. Today, it's just it's pretty it's long, okay, so nervous, but excited nervous. Yeah no hold on like. I believe in you just I'm not used to getting haircuts outside of my regular spot. You feel me okay, but I trust him thanks. So much do you want High Faith at the both sides? Um sure also. I got a question right here right at the bottom. Two at the top, that is a fade. I figured it out how you doing G, I'm doing great. How are you doing good? It'S like that. One show that Jack does, or you got a haircut in the interview you know Barbershop. Is that what it's called? Oh wait: Shaq yeah yeah, there's that podcast, where, like oh yeah, it's a good question. You can ask me any question, I'm very relaxed after that dancing and working out. This is what I needed if you can marry any Disney princess. Who would be and why great question actually so Tiana's my favorite uh Disney princess wow you're the way to go, but no? No, I don't want to marry Tiana. Oh okay, um! It'S really stuck between you, like Belle or Jasmine Jasmine's, very confident in her abilities and likes to travel the world and always looking for new experiences. Oh Belle is very educated and like she would make a great mom. No, so you like, educated women. Yes, I, like educated, driven women, who challenge me to do better in my life wow, so JoJo's for the women wow, I mean see a go-to versus Ariel, but that's actually really about Eric, but like the immature girl who just got into college, you know she literally Left her whole home for a man, she just met, she had a kingdom a dynasty and she just let it all go. Oh man don't do that to your all. The girls are watching. Don'T leave your Dynasty for a man dude put that on T-shirt. Oh, my gosh, that's inspirational! Okay! This is getting heavy. Oh yeah, let's take a look. Let'S take a look, yeah yeah, not too long. Not too short, it's great work. It'S great work! Thank you. Thank you. Great looks great your turn. Okay, what's up boy howdy? What you doing with your hair, you know just taking a little short. You know line it up. That'S right! Here'S the thing! A lot of people. I can already hear the comments. Cheeks, you don't have any hair. What are you getting your haircut for me? Listen! It does make a difference, it's a subtle difference, but I cannotice it plus the lineup changes everything at the end of the day. If you notice it, that's all that matters, that's all it matters. Man do things for yourself, not for other people. Put that on a t-shirt, this is the longest G hasn't looked at me, but this music goes hard. I'Ve been dancing a lot. Music actually is really good yeah. It'S a nice change from the Christmas music. Don'T Get Around the Christmas. Music is amazing, but, like this is just you need a balance. You need a balance. Thank you so much we appreciate it. You did a wonderful job for both of us. Thank you. So much all righty daddy. Oh, my goodness, would you look at that man wow? We look good wow too bad we're trying to promote. You know my heart's hats. We had such a productive morning. Your Mickey waffles we went to the gym too. Does my hair look great you like my hair, I got a haircut, I don't know, I think she's just lying to you. What is the name of snowy brother? I don't know um. Olaf does not have brothers. We don't know that one. Let'S go to question seven. Each year, Disney nature releases a film in honor of what calendar holiday. I know this one, I think, excuse me nature birthday, good job, now goodbye. It'S moving on to our next question, which Disney classic has a Talking Mirror, which is ass, mirror mirror on the wall. Finish that phrase I think I will who's the fairest of them all right. The energy is immaculate energy, top tier top tier in which fictional country does Frozen take place. Oh it's Pluto, the bestest boy, that's so cute! Well, I want I want that. I'M actually curious in the comments. Does anyone know this no cheating? I know you're like on the internet. You can just Google search it, but if you know, let me know life, you got it, there's no high chance. We have the lowest score. We definitely had the lowest score. I got like two hours right. The hands keep your hands up. If you guys what about 15.? Oh I'm going to 11.. Oh, oh wow! Oh oh! Wait! What this one's 14. wait wait! I got a buttons winner winner winner. Unfortunately, it was level two yeah Gabby. I got two out of those 20 questions right. Thank you two. I thought I was keeping track. I probably would have tattoos we like we like we liked it. We like the entertainment. It was like a stand-up. Almost too got a good personality for it. You had the crowd going. I try taking the stairs again how we feeling cheat this way. Oh it's this way. Oh, you got all the energy in the world huh how you feeling energy levels. I need a Rejuvenation time like I need an app. I need a pool, I need a shower. I need to eat. I need to just we did do a lot this morning, yeah more than I've ever done on a cruise. Do you think it's a Jeep? We get things done productive day productive day. Indeed, oh my gosh a surprise for us. We got some chocolate covered strawberries. I believe Cheers Cheers I'm really excited about this. My sister might be jealous. She loves chocolate. Strawberries, oh oh, my God: okay wow! This is good issue about starting soil. Is that you get tired, quicker productive day leads to even more tired, Jojo and Jeet legit. You good he's on the floor, guys, that's how he's doing you got ta eat if we don't eat now, we're literally going to just fall asleep and then the money we spent on this cruise ship would go to waste. I was checking myself and it's only four. We still have dinner and the vents we got a lot to do and Silent disco again. Are you like? Is this all in one video? Are you gon na make two separate videos? You know as you're saying that I feel like I should end the Vlog here. Yeah, I make a part two to like the dancing, because it's just so much fun. It might continue into the other one. But regardless guys, if you enjoyed this Vlog, make sure you go ahead like scrap, share, ring that Bell uh, because yeah we're just getting started. Like it's going crazy, my next video I'm meeting Ray, which I'm hyped about, and on top of that I got ta, get some energy bro cause. I'M tired, yeah man you're trying to sound. Like me. I know I need an espresso Martini. It'S gon na get lit all right everybody's blessing to be live bye, guys who is texting you, oh, I was. I was trying to catch you off guard, but you still told your truth: yeah man, I'm open with my audience. I'M transparent me now we're trying to work things out: yeah, okay, okay, goodbye

TheFreedomgal: When we were on the Wish for Halloween the lines for Character meet and greets never got shorter but it was worth the wait. So great to see Jete’s excitement ❤ Jojo you are brave to get your haircut at sea.

Natalie Daniel: Watching your videos give me that Disney happiness I need everyday! Keep doing what you love, we all enjoy these videos

ramseycal98: The gaming session was hilarious. How can both of you be so bad at shooting hoops Olaf's brother in Frozen is the giant snow-monster Marshmallow. This vlog was great!

Brittany C: “Live your life for you and no one else!” Well said Jete that’s how I live my life! ❤

Amie Panzer: Love these videos!!!! I am home with the flu and it just was so much fun watching you guys, when you said you were ending the videos I was thinking noooooo *lol* I was enjoying it. There are friends you can just be yourself with and have fun and you two are definitely perfect for that. You guys are funny and it's fun watching. Jo Jo cruising seems to really be your thing. You glow and just seem genuinely happy. Can't wait to see tomorrow!

Al Davis: Now JoJo will have to get a murch hat with a basketball and rim on it.

flowerfieldd: im so glad you get to be back on the cruises!!

Colby King: Love the cruise vlogs Jojo ♥️

Mickal Wilson: Another great vlog. Your hair cut looks great Jojo. Jete got smooth lines now

showmelovejete: i’m still upset about how bad we did in disney trivia

Jenny Ellis: Lookin great with that new cut JoJo!! And Jeet heard dat. Gotta keep it fresh!!

Jeissa73: Nice ocean view!! Food looks delicious

TripN With Red: You always look good and getting a Disney haircut can never go wrong. You know Disney only hires the best cast members for everything. I love your cruise videos. You cover everything so nice. I want to do a Disney Cruise so much. The food, aesthetics, views, shows and just everything makes me so excited. I'm so glad you are doing another cruise video. They are some of my favorites overall.

eric zeman: You two embarrassed all men everywhere with those basketball shots

Jenny Ellis: Maybe have to pick a single princess hahaha! Home wrecker!!

Christine Gavin: Thank you for bringing us along to day two! It’s so enjoyable to watch you both have such a great time. Your excitement is real❤️

Tara Zapp: JoJo, your haircut is . I love the spontaneous vlogging when you come across activities/characters! Love your channel!❤

Kristin_e: Need more "Life Lessons at the Barber with JoJo and Jete." And I appreciated you guys hanging out at the hoops, air hockey, ping pong on the Wish -- no one else has featured it before, and that kind of chillin' is just as much Disney cruising as everything else .

Brian Sloss: Disney cruise line: disney wish: oceaneer club: Star Wars cargo bay now in the cargo bay is Star Wars costume characters Chewbacca and Ray and Storm troopers and yes creature

Brian Sloss: Disney cruise line: disney wish: oceaneer club: Star Wars cargo bay now in the cargo bay is Star Wars costume characters Chewbacca and Ray and Storm troopers and yes creature

China Doll Travels: 18:54 haircut ‍♂️ looks good at the barber

Its Tiffanie Not Tiffany: That may have been the most embarrassing thing in Jete's life but that dap you and that guy exchanged was everything

Mystic Parks: Definitely Cant Miss That Dance PARTY!! 100% Agreed I feel it was the best PART! :D

London's Wishes: That is a quiche at breakfast, not a flan. But still delicious!

Rob Marais: JoJo, this is another awesome vid on a Disney cruise! The interaction with you and Jete is hella fun. Tell Jete to keep eating, all the food is included so he has no excuse hah!

Cheryl B: This seems to be a more fun Wish experience than the last LOL. And thank God you, Tony and Liza were on that one, y'all were my real MVPs.

JosephFlint545: Please do not ever touch a basketball again. Your videos with jete are much more entertaining than with kyle. Keep up the good work.

Debra Smothers: I am enjoying your Cruise videos

James Dally: Nearly all the cruises I've been on have offered a 'real map' of the ship to assist in finding places and events on board. Doesn't Disney offer that? Or is it via App only?

Terri Connelly: Air hockey was so funny. Y’all make me want to cruise on the wish! So expensive though.

D stein: Mulan is my favorite princess

Jen Casella: Okay this is getting me so exciting for my cruise..it’s a little less then a year away (I’m going to Halloween on the High Seas) I have 312 days left!!! I’m beyond excited..excited for the rest of these cruise vlogs..looks like you guys had the best time

odd soda: LMAO I was on the Cruise with you you were so nice

P: Y’all have the best advice ❤️ love these cruise vlogs esp when you’re w friends!! I see bts of jojo vlog jete is awesome!

Ms. Yo Mom C:

Richard Scott: U should have seen the barber’s hair and ran ✂️

Tonym21: So glad that you extended your vlogs so much better to see you guys enjoy your time on (MY SHIP) lol..!!

Chris Boles: You guys both look great!!!!

Jenny Ellis: wooooo!!!!

Danny Grau: As of today Disney no longer allowes filming or streaming space mountain in Disney world. Do you think the other attractions are going to have to have the same policies ? I hope not.

Ashley G: you and jete need to make more vids together!!!

Jenny Ellis: Jeet best thing for you... Your hair style stays on point! No bad hair days EVERRRR

Brian Stevens802: Hi JoJo, you need to watch Jete with the dance moves with Daisy - Donald will get jealous. Your form in air hockey was truly interesting but it got the job done Rapunzel is my favorite princess & Tangled is my favorite animated movie. Hats off to you guys for working out - the most exercise I get on a day at sea is walking from the room to a deck chair

Douglas Vitrano: I hope Jete gets unbanned one day

smart think: Lmao at jete "noooo, i dont wait on any lines" lol

Texas Heat: Ashley is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FortniteFan: Amazing video Jojo have been a fan of the channel for awhile, can’t wait for the next day!

Rachel D.: Belle and rapunzel are my favorite pricessses

Jack The Bucket: Pog!!!! Let's go I love the cruise vlogs! Pls do more!

MissMeow: Loving these videos! Oh and Demi Moore voiced Esmerelda

Chance Mahon: God and Jesus loves everybody so much and if you are going though something hard in your life God and Jesus will always be there for you always no matter what God Bless everybody

Angie Hawkins: Demi Moore!

Jess Gott Disney: Nice

Irving Stokes: JoJo got my guy Jete walking around in his swimming trunks lol hahaha Jete bout to challenge Michael Phelps omm lol #DisneyworldFreeJete

Let the redeemed say so!: Ugh that man slapped that woman's butt for all to see. Save it for your room dude! I like Tiana, but why do you like her, but not for a wife? You know a lot about the princesses. I’m impressed.

Brian Sloss: The bald hair person talk about oceaneer club

CapybaraPlayz: Hey Jojo Its Shane if you don’t believe me check your last video and I said it was me before I was in the video

Robert Schlink: You two should have a comedy show. Bob S from Ct.

Let the redeemed say so!: I would like the food, but after that what else is there to do for grown folk? Jojo has some big guns!! Looking good, and Jeet is so handsome.

evelyn Medina: I’m the lady with the orange dress and American flag bag

Hub Grass: Olaf’s brother is Marshmallow, the snow monster Elsa creates to chase Anna and company away from the ice palace. Any snow creature Elsa creates is a sibling of Olaf so technically the snowgies are also his brothers but they are from Frozen Fever. Sorry, I have children who have been Frozen obsessed for 3 years.

Chris Chapin: Demi Moore voiced Esmeralda

Stephanie Crane: Moana

Melanie Morales: I was the 1k like

Chance Mahon: God Bless everybody

Jalene James: Now what if the boat just shook while you were doing this haircut

Thomas Connors: I can’t believe you you’re on the wish with pools and shopping and the aqua mouse and you’re playing air hockey going to a gym really OK you did do the dance party which was fun but what about the Star Wars lounge. Coming up there’s so much to do but good job JoJo and Jete

John Alvin Belarmino: Hahahaha

Richard Scott: Sorry but the hair cut , nervous yes very

Tonym21: Jojo stick to YouTube your ball skills is very lol but I did have fun laughing at you guys play sports!!

Nightmare Blaze: My fav princess is Kiri.

Daniel Pos: Those little kids are all what are we watching

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