"I'Ve Had A Lot Of Bad Haircuts" | New Yorker Gets Classic Haircut From Uk Barber

  • Posted on 15 January, 2023
  • Hot Topic
  • By Anonymous

Zac came all the way from New York to the Regal Gentleman Studio to get a haircut and advice after having "A LOT of BAD HAIRCUTS." He wanted a classic mens medium length scissor over comb haircut to transform his longer hair.












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Hi guys welcome back to the regular Japanese studio. Today we've got Zach in the chair. How are you man, how's it going man, I'm all right, I'm all right myself. So what are we doing today? Well, um! I'M really here, for you know a great consultation. Okay. I'Ve never had anyone truly professional, take a look at my hair and tell me just what you should do with it. This is where to park. This is your strengths. Okay, I've had a lot of bad haircuts in my time and nothing has really been confident. Okay, I'd love, something that's you know almost versatile too, where it's like. Oh always, you can tell I've worn my hair one way. It'S always just been back which I'm not opposed to yeah, but I've never had anything else. I'Ve never had anything different. I'Ve never had anyone say well, maybe you should try this or do this. It'S always been me just like seeing something on TV or seeing somebody wearing the streets and you're like how can I replicate that? Looking for you know, like you, a professional to tell me things that I can actually learn from and then expand on for the rest of my life, so no pressure on my end, then no, no, no! Well, I'm just looking. You know and experts analysis in a sense. Yes, someone can tell me something I can do so. I can take care of it too for the rest of my life as well. First of all, what would you say or when you describe a bad haircut? What would you say is a bad thing. Well I mean you can't tell what the hair I have now, because it's very long but my size in my head. They kind of protrude out a lot. So I've had a lot of haircuts. That give me like a bold look in my head. It just does not flatter me whatsoever. It does not look good yeah, you know, so I'm looking for something that kind of like shapes my head in a much more attractive way in a sense, and that's what to me it's what almost what a good haircut does yeah in a sense, I've had a Lot of bad ones, but do the opposite of that yeah yeah, so go away, okay, so so what what so? What basically makes when you feel that you've had a bad haircut? It'S something that doesn't sort of flatter your appearances, yeah and things like that. Okay, that's cool yeah! That'S so that's a good start to know and is the hair long for a reason or well um. So here's the funny thing I I very particular in who touched my hair a lot of times. Okay, so I've lived in many different parts of the United States. You know like eight different states, but I always go back to New York to get a haircut yeah, but I can't do that all the time. So sometimes it's like seven eight months in between cuts right where I'll have it really short and then I'm like well, I don't feel confident in going to someone just to get a little trim, so I'm gon na wait until I go back to that as well. Right now, it's just been eight months, really almost eight seven, eight months before I got a haircut, are you a blind canvas for me in a way yeah? I mean the only thing. I guess. Can I like a little constraints? Like you know, I guess I would say I have a natural curl to my hair and I do kind of like when it's a bit longer than shorter. It looks a bit better, yeah um, and you know I guess the only thing is as long as I don't have it super super short yeah. I'M really happy you know longer on top short on the sides is a way to help keep the shape yeah. But beyond that I mean, like I'm, open, I'm very open-minded, all right cool, because I think that the key word here is Vesta. That'S the key word and obviously, if we go to shorts, we lose all this exactly and, for example, like if you've got something like what I've got, my haircut is investor. It'S one it's one hairstyle and that's all you can go for so I think definitely keep more hair on the head is a better is a better option. I think instantly the the problem areas that I'm seeing now is obviously you've just mentioned the sides which, by the way, can I just point this out to the camera when what you've just mentioned me on. So what Zach just told me about the the size protruding is something that's always good. If you know your problem areas tell the barber beforehand, because I I can only see that now you point out, I would. I would have felt that, after washing, yes, but if you're a barber who doesn't wash hair unless you're Comfort unless you've got you've built that trust up straight away, where you can start going straight in with your hands, not feeling someone's head, which can always feel uncomfortable To a new when, especially when it's a new person, I wouldn't go straight in and do that. I'D always do that with the shampoo and just tell people that tell your Barber that tell your hairdresser that, because that's really helped me straight away, because I've already instantly changed my technique to what I was talking suggested, um, so, obviously keeping more hair on the top. You I'd instantly go for like a scissor cut right, but I'm probably gon na work through my fingers on the sides in the back now, because I can create. I can create and mold the shape on the sides, because I can feel where the the scalp, where their head protrudes out there you go. I can create the shape of my fingers more than where this is overcome. Okay, with your hair itself, when you're saying you've got like a natural sort of curl or wave to it, I'm only seeing that at the bottom yeah, I'm not saying much through the sides, it's quite straight, but what I've noticed. So your hair feels or looks quite limp now. Don'T say that in the negative way, what I mean by that is just a fine texture, but it gets weighed down quite a lot. So that's what I'm noticing now is that you, you know it's. It feels. Have you got any product in this is just it's just. I use a leave-in conditioner, okay, cool yeah, so there's no styling product in there, okay, so the leaving. This is probably not going to add too much weight to it because it doesn't feel as though it feels like it's dried out on the sides now already anyway, you can still feel there's a little bit through here, but what I mean by when I say limp, I just mean like it just drops: it's really heavy, but it's fine textured. So I think when we're looking for versatility, we need to look at a hairstyle. It'S going to give you again we're looking for face, shape, we're looking for head shape, but we're looking for something. That'S going to be easy for you to manage. So I don't. I don't want to give you something that's going to take a lot of time to blow dry. I don't want to give you something that's going to make you use two or three products I'll give you something. That is something that you're still used to. So maybe still something off your face, because you've got a good hairline got a really good hairline. If you don't mind me asking how old are you 26 26.? So what I would suggest is having a tidier finish on your hair, because I feel like that's just going to give you something. That'S going to give you a a better finish, especially for the curls at the bottom here, because when you've got a change of texture of hair, it can make the bottom with the curl down here can make it look messy and untidy when you've got a lot Of straighter hair coming through the top here, so I think if we can just accentuate sort of more more shape and more movement through the sides, it will give you a lot more versatility by having more hair there. In a sense. So I think if we can try and keep more hair through the back and sides, maybe while I say more hair, I'm I'm just guessing that you've had a short back inside okay. So I'm going off the basis of an eight-month-old haircut being a short back inside. I was thinking if we can keep some hair on the sides that you can still put product in, because in that way you've got more vessels. You could part it slightly if you wanted to, because I think your hair just fall nice. It was just a bit. Maybe over to one side from the right hand side here: this isn't how you have to wear it all the time I want to still allow you to still push it back, because that's what you're used to yeah, I always talk about autopilot. Now your autopilot is pushing your hip yeah. Okay, if you want to just show me what you do just straight up, like you just said, just yeah full hands backwards. I would struggle to get that out to you. Yeah yeah we'd have to wear together constantly to get to change that around. So I still want you to be able to start your hair like this, but essentially I want to give you like two or three different looks with the same haircut as I did. What I'd like, I always use my comb just to show people's uh face shapes off. It'S always a good one that you can. You can kind of do yourself. I think I'll. Let you see in the mirror. First, alternative camera. Okay, but this is the angle: you need to cut your head up: oh okay, straight straight up for my cheekbone here, pretty much yeah! Oh so you know we were talking about before about like if you get too too close down the bottom here. It creates this shape. That'S what it does, because your your hair doesn't want to be cut like that. It wants to be cut straight to bet the best out of the face, shape, look at mine, some more oh difference to the angle, yeah! Okay, all right! So if I just show camera this, so as you can see, what we were talking about before is keep a bit more length down the Bottom by the side bends that will create that straight effect that square shape on the sides. We don't want to do anything. That'S going to angle off like that, because obviously it doesn't want to do that, we're just using the cone to show us how that needs to be cut, but if you've got mine, my face is completely different sucks and it comes off right like that. Okay, so the comb is a really good trick, any beginner Barbers any advanced Barbers who might not know that that technique. This is brilliant, just for like the first time client, but it's always a good one for you as well. It'S always something that you can then work out how you should have your hair. So if you see someone going in with a with saying, do you want a skim fee, for example, that instantly wouldn't really work for you, because you need to be cut straight and it's very hard unless you're gon na do skin all the way up to Showcase That squareness off, so I think if we were just to wake it, so it whatever comes basically whatever comes into my fingers about this length here. So maybe I don't know half an inch in length on the back inside to be a good, be a good start. Then we can just keep something through the sides here close it around the ears taper the neck, a little bit, because we can create the angle at the back. So I'm going to show the camera this you head up straight for me. That'S the angle. I need to cut it out there, so, as you can see, a table would work really really well for the comb, because you need to come on this angle. So it's straight on the sides, but it needs to go shorter at the nape up to the crown and you see, there's not a top here is already a good length anyway, especially through that Crown bit there. So that's the angle. We need to cut out at the back, so keep it nice and square, and straight on the sides taper in the neck is always a good finish beauty that is get your details as well. I, like the idea of you, told me that my hair Falls each way: okay, yeah no one's ever told me that okay, so I was always like it like. You said it was always this way because there's a little bit more on the side, so yeah, but now that I know that it's both ways. It'S like you know, like you, said it's already, almost versatile, but um. I think we give it a shampoo condition. Let me get started: yeah alrighty awesome thanks, sir, so saw shampooing condition, I'm just going to spin you around for the camera. Now I'm gon na wake our horseshoe section in here now, because obviously we're working with a very overgrown hairstyle right. We'Ve already worked out what we need to do in terms of length and we're going to work on our Palm to Palm sections to the sides. Now this is really good. Actually, because look when the hair is wet, you can really start to see the head shape. I just turn off the camera. You can see the way it can caves quite low down. So there's the round of the head here, but it drops down quite a lot. So that's why working through my fingers and obviously working it straight, it allows me to build up the weight that we need it and also allows me to complete the length that we're going to go for as well. If I was working scissor overcome, I think we'd end up leaving too much weight at the corner. So I think working partner Farm really helps for this. So I'm going to start at the recession points I'm gon na drop it down a little bit towards the back and bring it around because we need to get that angle at the back. So we need to leave a little bit of length over the crown, because, again we're going with this tells these. We want to leave a bit of length towards the crown too. I come on around there. We go now just turn the client back. I always finished just straight on with the mirror. Now, as I lift it up, I can see both sides not the same there we go. I want to leave enough length in that the hair still flows backwards. Okay, like that, so I reckon if we were to cut we said earlier on before I reckon if we were to leave pop that much hair left on roughly that just just trying to do it very quickly. Now I reckon that'd be nice because that would still fall back just with his fingers, pull it out, and I take off about that much to start with. I reckon that would still let his hair fall back. I'M just working straight down my fingers. Okay, look at that section there that still falls back that way, once it's tidy off the ears and we've tied the side bends up, that's almost very smart, but it's going to again keep some length in there for Forza to still play around with. Oh, my God, you should keep my fingers nice and straight. So where are you from in the states then Zach, I'm from New York? Oh nice man, whereabouts! Oh just a little update from New York City about an hour north! Oh nice is that, did you go up there yeah? I did yes. What was that like growing up, then um? I don't know, I guess it would be kind of like living like an hour outside of this city. Oh okay, like a little like a sub airb, almost yeah yeah a lot of people. You know a lot of neighbors work in New York City still, so you still have that big influence, but you're not really in the city you're still in a suburban area. For a tourist in Manhattan, it's it's the it's, the movie Set, isn't it you know it's it's even I I I I I'd still do the Friends tour if it's still going, I'm pretty sure it is like, but I think it is too yeah. It'S very movie Set, isn't it you know what I mean, so it's uh, it's very different to feeling when you go there as a tourist that I'm guessing what it's like growing up there I mean it's, it's a whole different animal, because I've lived in a couple. Other major cities around the country and the New York just a different animal yeah. It'S I always like, like, I think, nine million people, nine, nine or eight million people in a square footage. That'S you know yeah yeah. So where are you living at the moment? Uh? Well, I currently live in Connecticut with my girlfriend, but I work around the whole tri-state area. There, New York, Connecticut Jersey. I work for a Cider Company in Upstate New York. Oh really yeah, I travel the country. I try to find them Farms to work with. Did you really yeah yeah, so a lot of my time is actually spent um in a car right before? What'S your day-to-day, you know operation, it's mostly in a car. You know I will get out and visit a farm and talk to a farmer, but then I'm back in the car another. You know 20 30 minute trip down the road to the next Farm, yeah yeah. So I'm guessing what you? What so, with your haircuts and your hairstyle you've got to have a hairstyle, it's gon na look good at the minute. You leave the house right because you're not going to be anywhere to be able to style your hair again or restart your hair. You know exactly you're, not in an office where you're not like weather resistant. You know what I mean in a sense like if that makes any sense, um, so you're getting in and out of cars go and see clients. All the time see your client facing again. You need you do need the versatile haircuts. I think what you asked for was the brief you gave me well, it was a very. It was a very, very sort of a small brief, but it was a good one, because I think that wear dress style really helped me um to decide what what we could or what I could suggest for. You really um, and do you find that when obviously client facing you are you suited and booted or are you more small casual uh? You know you're dealing with you know old men and women that own Orchards and Farms, so, okay, there's a level of professionalism. You must maintain yeah, but you know at the same time they don't want some. You know City Slicker, with a suit coming yeah yeah and trying to sell them, something of course, yeah. Of course, you kind of have to have to have this balance um. So you know a tiny haircut. A professional look is really the way to go, but at the same time you know I'll be wearing jeans and a flannel to kind of fit in a bit more okay, yeah, but, like I said at the end of the day, you know you're in the sales Business you're customer facing you got to be professional. You got to look the part you got ta look, you know well, kemped, definitely, definitely so! Okay! So that's really blended into to the the suggested haircut that I that we spoke about, because I want to give you something that is, your classes are smarter, um finish, which is off the ears. Tapering tape it on the neck. Now, when I talk about taper - and I don't I'm talking about tapering as in like the old school sense of taper, not as in like the modern sense of tape, room which is generally Clippers, kind of quite short and then kind of uh, you know normally Fade Out into nothing when I talk about tapering, which I I I've mentioned this quite a lot on the channel but um, if you, if you're unfamiliar with the with the tapering process, is that it's it's a lot of the time that the actual wear taper should stand For a reduction of unwanted and unnecessary length right a bit like a bit like a trouser now, if you think of a tapered leg and a trouser, it goes from why I sort of wired as a thinner, for example, or longer to shore. So, for example, right. It'S the same kind of thing is that you're just going a little bit tighter towards the bottom? That'S essentially all it is right, so it doesn't have to go down to like skin on the neck to create a taper. It just means that it's a little bit shorter than everywhere else, a little bit tighter than everywhere else. So I want to give you something that is like a nice classic finish, something not something that is going to be like drawn to attention away from the whole hairstyle um. I think if you went for like a really short like uh, maybe more of a modern taper as what you have your Google taper now you know you, you wouldn't get what I'm suggesting you get. You know a more of a model, yeah exactly yeah, exactly that. So you know that I think if we did, that that would draw all the attention away from the whole hair cutter right. Well, I I just want something to give you a nice clean finish, but it's a haircut that is gon na, allow you to style it very easily and again I I'm just imagining you get out the car and you're about to walk into the like see your Clients premises, you just run your fingers through your hair and you're done yeah. That'S that's what I'm kind of that's! That'S my that's! What I'm thinking about three o'clock in the afternoon you've been out since nine, you know, run your hands through your hair. Look in the mirror: that's it done right, that's right, okay, cool, so at least we're on the same page. Now we're definitely on the same page and I think again the consultation really really helped and you helped me, but I think, as we're just chatting now again, it's helping as well, because you're telling me what you do for a living. You tell me, you know you know, I'm just and then I'm picturing what you do you know what you do, maybe in my imagination runs a bit wild, sometimes but yeah you're pretty much dead on with it. Awesome, that's good to know. So how did you get into your line of work uh? Well, it's a lot. I mean I've always kind of worked in the craft, alcohol, business. Okay, I used to make wine and spirits for a small Winery in Upstate New York as well for a little while. Oh wow did that in Connecticut for a little bit and uh, you know. Actually, these guys here, they're called Nine pin cider up in Albany, gave me a call one day and said you know you worked on farms, you've been in sales, so we want you to kind of. You know run this operation for them, so wow they're, a hard cidery but they're actually making a sweet sparkling kind of that's non-alcoholic and then now we're just going around to see other Farms want to work with us. Oh really, because it's no alcohol in it, we can work with Farms across the country, so yeah yeah wow, and I just I like I like traveling, I don't mind driving yeah yeah um. You know we get to talk to real awesome. Salt of the earth kind of people yeah, I was gon na, say uh. You know 200 year old farms and stuff, like that, you know: 11 Generations, it's really nice, it's really cool and uh. You know I enjoy it, but, like you said it's something. That'S a interesting blend of professionalism, sales and then farm work yeah, definitely very unique, very different. I think I think the thing is, though, that when you, when you say sales, I think it's easy to it's easy to sell. Isn'T it to something when you believe in the product right, it's a lot easier to sell, because I've always said that I don't sell. I recommend I've always said that I've always when I was ever like working for brands or whatever I don't ever work for a brand that I actually genuinely could recommend to people. You know like if my brother-in-law came to me and said: oh, do you have a beer trimmer you like to you know you'd use all the time. Would you have a hair product you use all the time. I couldn't just like work for a brand that I didn't like, or I didn't believe in because then that way, I'm just doing it for the money. Aren'T I just that's what I'm doing it for and I think you've got to believe in it. So if you actually do genuinely believe in the product, then yeah it's you're onto a winner, really aren't you. You know absolutely I mean the philosophy I'm always trying to keep is that nobody ever wants to be sold on anything. They want to choose to buy something. Yeah exactly yeah and if you're, if you're bringing this product or this service to a person in the right way, then you'll never have to sell it. People will choose to buy it because it works for them 100 and that's a much more pleasant interaction in general. Back inside I've cut in the length that I like, especially through here: okay, okay, so we're going to go a little bit shorter towards the neck and then take it off the edge as well. So cut that straight in we're going to try and keep some length through here as well so head down for me, sir. Now I'm going to do the taping first okay! So I'm going to do scissor over comb on this. I'Ve got my guide, though, already so working from just below the occipital bone, which is here, I'm gon na start my taper. Now, if I lift this up, there's my guide that I can wait to either side. Okay, so scissors him angle, the comb towards me, Zach's, head slightly angled down as well, and I'm just gon na start getting closer and closer to the knee one. So I feel it's tidy we're going to want to take it off the collar it'll get rid of the curls that way as well. Here'S my guide just take a listen. I will finish everything off with the trimmers when it comes here, line the hairline and tidy that up a lot more. Yes at all, there's my guide. This is what we can see: we're not adding a taper to this, we'll just remove the length we're keeping everything, nice and full and straight and all we do tidy up around the edges. Hair falls back nicely. It'S working from the middle to the right hand. Side now same starting point, lift it up is my guide and then just get closer as we get to the nape. Now, when we talk about consultation being really important, so I know I'm I'm in a privileged position now you can see my work before you come in to get an appointment with me, obviously because of the channel, but I think when you do a consultation that we've Just done together and we've kind of we've bonded in a form, a way of saying it. I guess um, but hopefully Zach feels comfortable and I think when you talk about to go and see a new, a new Barber, for example, like I'm a new Barber to Zach, I don't want to feel nervous. Okay, now again, like I said, he's already seen what like my work, so I mean he's, he's comfortable enough to come and get a haircut from me but say, for example, I was working in a shop. I didn't have any content online. How would I put the clients at ease - and I think it's connecting at the very start, so getting the consultation right doing up doing a conversation to start with feeling like you can connect with the clients, in a sense that you know we're both on the same Page and then, as the haircut progresses chat to the clients gets the hair got even better, I think so, hopefully um. You know from start to finish on this haircut today. The constations being the key thing um on also getting to know. Zach has also been a key thing as well. Here we go now, I'm going to dry the sides in the back off now anything like this. This fire textured here when it comes to working with trimmers or Clippers. I'D always dry it off a little bit as well. Just use your fingers now just to make sure it feels dry. Let'S hide this one now so again, we just want to take this off the ear. Okay, let's lift it up angle, the teeth towards you, I'm going to get around sleep with the side plans a little bit as well. So how did you come across the challenge? Actually, my brother. Oh nice, yeah. My brother uh, showed me this uh. You know I was coming out here. I knew I needed a haircut um, but he also knew that I would you know, value a complication like this and try to use it. You know come on and I was like yeah. That would be definitely check that out and um watch. You guys, videos love the way that you know you were just talking about how you were consultation with your clients, how you talk to them yeah, but actually, I would say it's more how you listen! Oh okay and I saw that I'm like okay, this guy is gon na like listen when I have to say and work with it, and I can say no, that's not right or no don't do that, because that's you get that a lot. I think especially men get that a lot when they go to a barber. You know this is what I want. This is what I like a lot of times. You get now, I'm talking to work. I'M gon na give you this haircut because it's what I can do or it suits my strengths or whatnot we're here. Oh okay, this is a learning experience um per volt, and it's like that. It seems like a win-win on all regards. Well, that's that's pretty kind to say about me: I'm I'm gon na use that sound bite and send that to my wife because she says I don't never listen to her. So I'm obviously a good listener because you've said it so I'll use that. But it is it's key, it really is it's key to you know it sounds really cringy to say, but two e is one mouth right yeah. I think I think building a rapport with somebody. You get you, don't you don't just get the best out of the client, for example, but you get you, you build a longer lasting relationship as well, because I'm not I'm not just in it for the money right, I'm not in it. Just for the the the the sale should we say you know what I mean just like the the commission or whatever it is. I think if you, if you make somebody feel like, I wish I look at it as like a restaurant. You know if you go to a restaurant and you've been told the minute you sit down. You'Ve got two hours, I'm instantly annoyed yeah and I'm instantly like put off because I'm like, oh well, I'm gon na be rushed through here, because I've got to think about what I want now. I'Ve got to do this go. Do this, whereas I think if you just go in there and even you've only got two hours, you don't need to know that you're still going to have a good time, there's still ways around making. You still feel valued, even though you might need to be in and out. I still think it makes a big difference when you you feel valued. You know not just that you're on the like number number, you know 135 out of the 200. That'S in that day you know what I mean or whatever absolutely I mean that makes a big big difference. You know, I think you you build the trust and with with the clients, even better, but also you know you you can, then you can then put your own spin on what you want to do. So I think, if you're, if you're like, for example now so you weren't my clients but you've asked me for my opinion on something and I know what's going to work best for you, I can almost persuade you easier because we've had we've got a good rapport. You know that you're I've only got your best interests in the finished look. So it's a lot easier for me to suggest something that I know would work better and and build your trust and persuade you into getting something I know would work better than maybe what you would, because you built the Rapport absolutely and that's what it comes down To isn't it, you know, especially in my game anyway, you know that's what it comes down to. I think back inside the main bit is done, I'm going to thin these bits out a bit of texture and all that, but the main shape is done. Okay, now it does look very much like that, but the minute we connect the top in that's when it creates the same uh, the squareness on the sides, comb us all out comb it back, I'm going to connect in the top okay, so pull it straight out And using the guide from underneath to connect into the top there we go I'll show you sound like so same again same again, pulling straight out as you can see, by pulling the straight out, you're still leaving length of The Fringe, because you can see your curves Around that way, if you're still going to leave some length there as well and I'll pull right back into the sides - and you see you've got a nice smooth finish before we put any texture in that you can see the shape pull it out. So we start in the middle work to the back and then Focus all my attention at the front. Pull this straight out like so just off the center now hold on to the previous section, the sensor so same width I mean hey, you know what I was uh not too long ago. I made a trip out to Michigan - oh yeah, quite quite a bit of mullets out there um, but you know not in the really that North you know Tri-State Northeast area, yeah yeah. What'S funny you mentioned before. I think you said the 90s haircuts before but Leo. I think that's making a comeback, because I've seen quite a bit of um gentleman with those, including my brother, even oh yeah, that's starting to come yeah a little bit. You know the kind of the part in the middle - oh yeah, yeah, starting to come back a little bit. I think yeah, it's it's! I I think it's huge. The the 90s hairstyles are huge yeah. I got so many clients and who who actually talk craze, though as well. I think a lot of them yeah a lot. A lot of the hairstyles you see are are off Tick Tock. I don't think you know it's kind of like the the thing. Isn'T it really are they kind of style? So I don't think it's um. I think it's cool man, I I I've got to say it's always quite funny when anyone mentions curtains. I remember like a few years ago I kind of shuddered it's the thought of one of them. You know I was like because when I, when I started cutting hair they'd just gone out, so a lot of The Barbers like thank God for that, and you forget that you know 20 30 year Cycles, that's where they called that to mention yeah. It'S like the whole fashion cycle right, yeah, 20, 30 years, and something well always make a comeback eventually. Definitely now that's the thing I always say to people in the channel Lane to cut it. It'S like learning a trend to cut like starting your career off with a trend. It'S tough yeah. You do you do because when when longer hair comes back in you haven't learned it what'd, you do then well, that's the trend. You know what I mean it's it's. You have to almost retrain again then, if we, if you've been doing it 10 or 15 years, you can't really be bothered a lot of the time to learn something new with that age. You know I mean when you get a bit older, so I think if you can try and learn a lot of different types of or just techniques, just like the fundamentals, like everything I'm doing now. I learned about 15 years ago and I'm not doing anything different. You know I might have tweaked the hair and there, but again the fundamental is the same. You know Palm to Palm is from is the fundamentals since overcome is the fundamentals. Tapering is a fundamental: you mean they're, all they're, just Just A variation of of mixing up a little bit on the style yeah. You know what I mean. That'S all it really is is um. So you know if you learn, if you learn the fundamentals, no matter. What style comes in you just adapt it's a universal skill, yeah indeed style indeed, but if you've only learned to use clippers, for example, then what happens when you come into the chair yeah, I mean your hair doesn't require Clippers, as in like all right, the edges, Maybe, but all over what you do, then you know what I mean: it's like you, almost pigeonhole yourself a little bit uh. That'S why I always try and try and stress to especially to new Barbers starting off now is like China learn as many things you can technique wise, but while you're fresh and you're younger and everything else, not even young, just young in the game. If you know what I mean like not necessarily like you know, 20 years into doing a job, if you're you know, if you just started to try and learn as much as you cannot just of us but off loads of other people, because you know, there's there's Bits that you might pick up from somebody else that I might not do like I'm trying to turn The Fringe down now like so now, I'm going to put a little bit of saucepan just blast. It dry get my point cut into thin it out and sexualize. It a little bit and then all done. Okay, there's nothing else. I want to do to it. Okay, so make sure you work it into the back and size, because it's a bit dry, obviously on the backing sides like so make it into the hair high speed high heat, let's run it through: okay dry, it from one side to the other climb. One side like so secondary sheet now, so the primary shape is the thing that cuts the hair cuts into play. Okay allows you to see the shape of the hair, because, let's just see how it's going to fall, okay secondary shape is the thing that allows to fall better and sit easier and grow out better, and I pull my hair from the round of the head. Pull it out like so, and that point cuts are just above halfway. Okay, straighter like that, because you saw the fine textured here, but there's a bit of thickness buildup on the back inside. This just allows to thin out and also give a bit of movement as well, don't forget when we're working on primary shape, everything's blood, okay, especially through the backing sides. As you see I'll, pull that out very straight blunt Edge, I'll, create a little bit of movement and a little bit of texture on the edges as well, but also sit out a little bit too. And now that's a four and sit back a lot more shape. In there as well - oh you see there's that straight finish. You just cut before and I'm not going too short. So it's going to stick out again what your texture here as well. This is quite fine. It will sit a lot flatter but make sure to go. The more spiky it'll go as well, so I'm trying to stay away from that I'll, just kind of into comb left and right to work through and you go dryness a little bit of sunscreen there. I kind of want to take it too perfect, cool, random bits. So I'm sure from halfway up just gon na slide through like that, like that some bits sporadically pull it out halfway up because again, we don't want to do too much of that, because we still want the hair to lie flat on the top. We just want to give them a little bit of lift and a bit of height now blasted a bit of cold air. Again one side it goes in as well, but can you see the shape now yeah sitting there, nice and straight for you? It'S not gon na. It'S not doing this not doing that sitting perfectly straight. That'S one side about you, get a bit of height, that's the other side, you get even more height or you can bring it straight back. Okay depends what you want to do with it. Right, why do I get more height on one side versus the other, because your hair grow, because your hair wants to fall from one side so, for example, it once it grows with that kind of Direction? So when you go with it, it falls more natural. I see when you go against it. Ah, sorry, but because your hair is fine and when I dry it from one side to the other to them back, it allows you to wear it even more to either side. So why do you fancy yeah? And that's that's pretty much it me. So I just think you, I think the height is just a natural thing with a bit of heat, but it would just hold it okay, because that's a bit of salt spray, there's nothing else to it. Just a bit of salt spray: do you want to try it with something with a bit of holding? I mean I like it. The way it is like you said, I've never usually use a lot of power. That'S cool! That'S cool! There'S, a a wax! Every now and then when it got longer, I did because it was just so hard yeah in my face and you know yeah I mean because I drive around about mountains yeah and it was just it was hard but um. So now it's like it's not my face, which is amazing but yeah. So what do you call a salt, strawberry yeah, but that's it with your clothes online. So you can see what you came in very small, casual jeans, jumper and that's the sort of finish you can get on a completely flat back. If you want to like, so you can wear it to one side. You can wear it the other side. Whatever you want to do with it, you can. The main thing is it's the shape that we've cut into it. We'Ve tried to emphasize the face, shape more than it being too flat and duplicated of cut it in for you. So through the back as well, let me show you so through the neck, very classic finish. Nothing too crazy, nothing's going to kind of stand out too much, but just something that gives you a nice clean finish off the ears through the neck into a taper starts a taper. Oh I see okay, so you can see the shape that you can get with. Just the hallway the hallway - and it just falls into a natural finish on your neck. So nothing me nothing! That'S gon na, like when you're walking down the street you're gon na see that, like huge skin taper and that's going to draw the attention away. That'S just going to allow you to see all that flow and textures with the sides yeah and again, there's just salt spray in there and that's it. But I can imagine you just run your hands through your hand. It'S done yeah! That'S pretty much! It! Oh perfect! Yeah Talent, okay, oh yes, absolutely awesomely, yeah, the natural lift. I absolutely love about it because I feel, like I always tried so hard to get a natural lift, but there was nothing I could do about it and then by 12 o'clock each day it's done yeah. It'S back it's back down, so it's like. I only had it for the morning, yeah yeah, so it's good that you know something. That'S more natural too, to your hair, a bit of salt spray, a bit of heat. That'S literally it it's nothing else, so that you know obviously give it a day or two. If you don't wash it all the time, it will set a bit flatter. Okay, it's freshly washed. It'S got a bit of salt spray in there, but it's not hard to achieve. Do you know what I mean? That'S the thing. It'S not a hard hard look to achieve at all. It'S like, probably the simplest haircut, a hairstyles for cheap. You can ever get and again it's fair style. If you bought a better product, then you could change it around. If you put Maybe okay A little bit of clay, for example, you'd flop it down. If you want to. If you know me it's entirely up to you, however, you want to wear it. I just want to show you different ways to to be able to wear to kind of play around with football yeah. That'S it. I love it. Thank you yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Very much thank you.

agu: Dan lost that quarantine weight and is looking splendid. As someone who has roots in the hair styling craft (no pun intended) and cuts his own hair, this is quickly becoming one of my favorite channels on Youtube. Something about seeing a master of a forgotten, personal craft at work up close... incredible

Daniel Jaime: Can we just focus on how much Dan has changed! Truly looking great man

Rob M: Probably the best haircut he will ever have in his life

Some Boi Juice: What a tremendous character the American guy is enjoyed watching his conversations with Dan

Unity- X Fitness: You can see the genuine love care time and dedication that Dan has for cutting for hair, Been watching his videos for a while now as i’ve finally made the decision to cut my hair back to an undercut like Haaland from Man City and when i have it done i either have, a taper, low fade soft fade or a high taper and I use a scrunchie band to tie it up, One question for you Dan do you think a low high double or normal taper, or a low fade would look good with an undercut as a taper seems to be the only option for me?

jemand ᚢᛉ: Dan is one hair dye away from turning to an 18 year old

BT2020: Much better after. His issue with the long hair is that he has fine hair which has no volume and a wide bitemporal width so it makes his head look far too wide and sides fare out like the client said earlier. The after looks much better and the haircut is technically really good though I still think he will have some issues with the sides flaring out unless he blow drys the top to give it hold because he has fine hair and once he showers the next day that top portion is gonna lay flat and throw the cut off with the sides. Basically fine hair sucks without a lot of density sucks and limits options.

Old School: Dan definitely thought the client was older than 26

PQV: A great haircut can give a person so much confidence and self esteem. You look good, you feel good. And that was exactly what this client had with the master himself.

He who knocks: The look of absolute euphoric satisfaction in this guys face as you explain his ideal look is everything for him You can see his confidence boost to the moon even before you even start lol

Cazza A: He’s only 26 but his old hair style made him look so much older. Dan has turned the clock back for him for sure ! Handsome guy

Jen Barclay: I’m surprised that every guy doesn’t sit down and no matter what style they had in mind, ask for your cut and to look exactly like you sexy you!!

namkablam: Dan looks younger and younger every video! Dan is turning into Benjamin Button!

Donaldson Cole: All that build up, you gave him a trim !!!! We call that waving the scissors around !!!! Balanced cut without major skin fade followed by the predictable weed wacker finish that most salons perform!!!

JVL: dan is the albert einstein of barbering. his knowledge is beyond the norm.

Adam K: This is the most important video for all barbers and stylists in the US to watch. Dang we need more regal gentleman barbers in the US.

Rick D: By far the best barber I’ve watched

Better Than Ezra: Amazing cut for him! I always tell my wife having a good barber is a life changer lol

Christopher Morgan: I love the way he talks through everything

4Starr: Dan, how would I explain your haircut to my barber? I would like to get something similar for myself.

Jethro Jacinto: As a fellow NYer I would love to get a haircut from Dan some day

Fin Cox: What a good customer . Quality video as always!

Lee Brown: Wow, accentuated the client's good hair. Great cut!!

Swing66: looks great although he shouldve gone with a post-styler as it will likely fall into his face once he leaves the shop lol

Chris Duquette: If only there was a way to find a barber like dan in florida. I only always buzz my hair but i feel like dan would give me a 30 convo on how to do it better. would be a cool expierence.

YAK machining: I have a question. My black hair is short to middle length around 5 to 8 cm. When i always wash my hair and leave it to dry naturally, the next day it gets so flat and without volume that no styling is possible. i usually have to wait two or three days before the volume gets back. so my question is, what product do you recommend (no wax, gel or clay please) ?

Shaun West: Great cut Dan, always a pleasure

Zac Giaimo: Hey that's me! Thanks again Dan for a lot of great information and an awesome haircut!

Kalvin Patel: Regal Gentlemen/Dan: I know I've asked this in the past but how can I explain to a barber to try to lay my hair flat then do a horseshoe then trim?

JHP: Wow you lost a ton of weight. Love this channel. Keep going mate!

Kenia Benitez: Always very professional!!

130hengineer: Brilliant cut and the dialog is spot on.

Lee Petersen: Special shout out to Dan looking like Januarys hunk of the month.

Yovi Stanev: Dan, man, you look great!!!!

Listen While High: A low side fade would be more lean and flowless to his face shape from my restrictive. But hands own to you Dan awesome transofrmation!

Patricia Powell: Hi Dan. I was thinking he would look good in Johnny Depp style. Just an idea.

willbe939: Boy, Dan is looking great! Nice haircut and has he been hitting the gym to lose all that weight or just stopped eating fish and chips?

j m: Fantastic haircut!

BeardyBakr: as always more good vibes and videos! Great Job

Patricia Powell: Great cut. Its very close to Johnny Depp cut. You the best barber.

Ahmed :): I stopped going to cut my hair all together I'm tired of getting bad cuts.

Blayne: Awesome cut. Dan had me worried until he did the top ;)

Brendan Patrick: Dang! Zac is looking fresh!

DIDDLOTIC: At first I thought this was a super old video reuploaded. How did Dan age BACKWARDS?!

Clive Lethbridge: Great haircut Dan, totally listened to the customer and you can tell hes a no fuss and frills kind of guy, and wants a classic look. Looking good as well Dan, you look like you’ve got a summer body in spring

rd2 Fades: Dan is looking so young with no beard

Daniel: My favorite part is always the horseshoe.

Linda Anderson: Love your hair cutting style.

Patricia Powell: Really enjoys your videos. You look great.

JHP: Dan I have to ask. How did you lose weight! That’s awesome!

churd burglar: any chance you could you do a video on drying techniques for volume etc?

Billy Kidman: So what if he's had bad haircuts atleast he has a full head of hair

Sassy Classy Lucy: Dan what did you do to loose so much weight?

Dt Vt: Who else felt the tension ?? XDD

Michael Tobat: I like the longer back hair looks good thoe

John Michael: Now *this* is a haircut

Amessad: OK this is very impressive !!!!

Shweet Magie: Barber of the Decade

damian domalewski: Dan beautiful scissors, what brand and model are they?

Llama Baseball: dan looking wayyyy too good

Cristian Luna: Dan what hair product do you use?

James: What shears does Dan use?

damian domalewski: Dan what brand are your scissors? Mizutani 7 ?model ?

Big N: wow nice work there

martin vegas: Every Sunday without fail

Eka Kurniawan: Hope next video there's a man who wants wolf cut hairstyle

Elliot’s channel: I think perhaps he should style his hair with more of a fringe? Seems like quite a big forehead to me

Opr: 26 I thought he was 40

Flower Shaibi: Brilliant cut

Gem Schaeffer: This dude in the chair looks like stacey keach

Thomas Shelby: top class haircut

Sazza Mittendorf: I wish the camera guy did a better job showing the cut.

No59 Do: No pressure lol

Amadu kamara: Amazing vid!

Jack O'Malley: What scissors do u use

Erik Widlund: Wow ! Night and day !

aac480: Dope consultation

Seecked: You look like you lost a solid 40 pounds

Matthew L: 26 going on 40

Jeffrey De Jesus: Excellent

Robert Mayer: Díky!

WOW Yummyyy: L I K E ❣❣

David S.: The customer is obviously an American

Barber Elshad: your weight has decreased.

Tee: 26 jesus christ

RexLaurus: Americans just wont shut up...

𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗛𝗔: Heyyyyyyy reply

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