The Most Common Hair Loss Mistakes You'Re Making Every Day!

  • Posted on 13 April, 2022
  • Hot Topic
  • By Anonymous

The MOST COMMON Hair Loss Mistakes You're Making EVERY DAY! Here are 10 things you do every day that causes hair loss and hair loss treatment and remedies to prevent hair loss (alopecia), hair fall, and going bald. This is everything you need to know about hair loss and balding. Are you fighting male pattern baldness or thinning hair and wanting to know the different reasons for hair loss? What is the main cause of hair loss? Today Doctor Wagner, a real life emergency physician from Experts React on Gamology will be breaking down hair loss mistakes you make every day, how to stop hair loss and receding hairline, how to stop hair fall and grow hair faster, and effective hair loss treatments. What about a hair transplant or minoxidil? You can try to regrow hair if you stop engaging in these hair loss causes. Today Dr. Wagner looks at rumored hair loss causes: genetics, medications, infections, hats, diet, birth control, stress management, hormones/thyroid, autoimmune diseases, and trichotillomania. It's important to understand that some people go bald because of alopecia and trying to promote hair growth and reverse hair loss might be very hard. Be sure to comment below any other medical topics you'd like Dr. Wagner to cover in-depth in a future video and reply to. Also don't forget to also give this video a like if you want Doctor Wagner to cover more health and wellness topics.


@Logan Paul - Logan Paul & KSI Went Bald For Prime

@Doctor Mike - Doctor Reacts To Worst Jackass Injuries

@Dr. Eric Berg DC - 12 Home Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss and Regrow Your Hair

@BluMaan - Mens Hair Loss Treatment | Hairstyle Transformation - Does it Work?

@Dr. Gary Linkov: City Facial Plastics - Microneedling / Derma Rolling for Hair Regrowth

@BuzzFeedVideo - The Try Guys Go Bald

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Doctor ER Dr. Jordan Wagner, DO



Everything You Need to Know About Hair Loss | Healthline

Hair Loss | Harvard Health Publishing

Hair Loss | Medline Plus

What's to know about alopecia areata? | Medical News Today

Hair Loss: Common Causes and Treatment | Am Fam Physician.

A review of the treatment of male pattern hair loss | Expert Opin Pharmacother.

What's New in Hair Loss | Dermatol Clin.

Male Pattern Baldness | Healthline

A review of the treatment of male pattern hair loss | Expert Opin Pharmacother.

If you feel like you are actually experiencing a real-life medical emergency, immediately stop watching and call 9-11 or contact a medical professional. The information in this video is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace an appointment with your own personal doctor.

Unsuspecting things that could be making you lose your hair right now.. A lot of you have been requesting this hair loss video in the comments, but did you know that there are a number of everyday things that people do or do not do? That could be straight up making you bald, What exactly is alopecia and does what I eat, or your hormones really affect one's hair loss? How about wearing hats, or is it all about bad genes, We'll be discussing that plus other unsuspecting things that you didn't realize could be destroying your luscious locks. Number one genetics., You may have heard it called male or female pattern baldness before or maybe even androgenetic alopecia. Hereditary pattern, baldness is the most common cause of hair loss. In some people. You can recognize it pretty quickly, because hair is lost in a well defined pattern, beginning above the temples and over time. The hairline then recedes to form sort of an M shape.. Others may notice a widening of your part or thinning on the crown of your head.. This natural occurrence and condition is caused by some combo of genetics plus hormone levels. Called androgens can come into play here as well. Number two medications and other drugs.. Certain ingredients within the medications could be toxic to your hair, follicles or cells that are responsible for hair growth.. When these follicles become damaged, the normal hair growth cycle is disrupted, leading to hair loss. So which medications are commonly linked to hair loss. Here are just a few blood thinners like warfarin antidepressants like Prozac or Zoloft, beta blockers, cholesterol, lowering medications, acne fighting scripts like accutane and even immune suppressing drugs like those used to treat autoimmune conditions like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as the more obvious ones like Chemotherapy drugs can all cause hair loss.. If you are concerned that a drug you're taking may be making you lose your hair, ask your doctor or pharmacist for a complete list of potential side effects of your medication or ask your physician if you could possibly reduce your dose or switch your medication for something That has less impact on your hair. Line. Number three infections: viral fungal, bacterial, no matter the type of infection they all have. The potential of wreaking havoc on your hair, line. Ringworm, for example, is a fungal infection that is especially common in children and athletes.. Ringworm of the scalp called tinea capitis can cause your head to become scaly and your hair to fall out., Usually in patches, but luckily this fungal infection is easily treated with antifungal medications, which will also stop the loss of hair. Another one. I see a lot in the emergency department, COVID and other types of viral infections like a cold or the common flu causing possible hair loss. Anytime. You experience a fever or illness like this. It could possibly affect your hair and thin it out more than normal. Over the next six to nine months after recovering. Number, four wearing hats or beanies., Although it's a bit unlikely to be the main cause of a person to go bald, hats can speed up the balding process, especially if it's already happening or if they are predisposed genetically.. When you put on a hat or take a hat off repeatedly, that could have some serious consequences to the hairs on your head.. If the hat doesn't fit your head properly, you could be pulling out hairs on your head that are already loosely attached.. If a hat is too tight, it could also cut off air and blood supply to your hair follicles, making an already bad hair loss situation even worse., Maybe don't wear it. Every day. Give your scalp a little time to breathe. That way, you don't cut off. All of the blood supply to your hair, follicles. And hats aren't the only culprit.. This goes for wearing different, tight hairstyles as well. Think of someone who may wear a tight ponytail or maybe corn rows or long hair extensions. Over time. Certain hair habits could put you at a high risk for developing traction alopecia.. This type of hair loss occurs when your hair follicles are pulled too tight for extended periods of time. In the same realm of hair, styling extreme and vigorous shampooing or blow drying too frequently or repeatedly, using heated styling tools or just washing your hair with too hot Of water can lead to putting too much stress and tension on your hair follicles, as well as causing them to break off falling out or being pulled out over time. Number five diet. Poor nutrition and unbalanced diet, restrictive fat diets, protein deficiencies too little iron, too much Vitamin A for instance.! All of these examples can most certainly result in your hair, thinning, hair loss or even baldness.. If you want the best possible chance for good hair, make sure you are getting a good, well balanced, diet., Number, six, pregnancy and birth control., They say pregnant people get that pregnancy glow.! That'S because pregnant individuals experience higher levels of circulating hormones in their bodies, estrogen and androgen for example.. These hormones can prolong the hair growth phase, resulting in less shedding of hair and thicker healthier, hair overall.. After a pregnancy, those same hormone levels can suddenly drop off in the body which can cause hair, thinning and hair loss.. The same could go for discontinuing oral contraceptives as well.. Immediately after stopping birth control, it is common for one to experience more than normal hair loss or hair falling out.. This sort of hormonal stress or imbalance of coming off the pill or post-pregnancy hair loss is called telogen effluvium. And could last for months or even years, afterward.. The good news is that this kind of hair loss is usually temporary or reversible., Meaning the hair typically grows back once the hormones in the body go back to normal level. Number, seven stress. Anything that can cause serious physical stress on your body absolutely has a potential To disrupt the natural cycle of your hair, growth. Losing big clumps of hair, more strands of your hair coming out than normal, you may wan na evaluate the stress levels in your life. Then. Talk to your doctor or some sort of other mental health professional.. It'S truly important to manage these stress levels because it could have major implications on your health in ways that are far beyond your hair. Loss. Number eight hormones and thyroid problems.. Your thyroid is a small little endocrine gland situated at the base of the front of your neck. Hormones produced by your thyroid can have enormous impact on your health and effect many different processes in your body.. Whether one has an underactive thyroid, a medical condition called hypothyroidism or an overactive thyroid AKA hyperthyroidism. Both situations can cause a hormonal imbalance., Very broadly speaking, hormones regulate nearly every function in our body, including, but not limited to, hair growth. Symptoms may show up in many different ways: anxiousness trouble sleeping sensitivity to heat or cold as well as on your scalp.. Maybe you notice all around thinning at first, but then it could progress into patches of hair. Missing.. Definitely talk to your doctor. If your normal hairs don't seem to be replenishing themselves or if you're experiencing any uniform hair. Loss. Number nine autoimmune, diseases. Autoimmune diseases affect anywhere between 14 and 23 million Americans. In these types of conditions, one's immune system, mistakenly attacks, its own body and a whole array of side effects or conditions can occur., One of them being hair loss.. In fact, one of the most common reasons behind hair loss, especially when it happens to people under the of 50, is having some sort of underlying autoimmune. Disease. Lupus diabetes, Crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis., The most common associated autoimmune conditions or byproducts with hair loss, alopecia areata.. It affects around 6.5 million people in United States and more than 145 million people worldwide.. This is when cells in your immune system surround and attack. Your hair follicles., This attack causes the attached hair to fall. Out. One might notice the patches at first of hair loss, but it can progress to a complete hair loss on the scalp or alopecia totalis.. If someone has even more severe case, it can evolve into hair loss on the entire body or alopecia universalis.. Sadly, there are no FDA approved medications for alopecia, but there are some injectables and other topical applications that can help with this condition. Number 10 trichotillomania. Trichotillomania is a hair, pulling disorder in the obsessive, compulsive related disorder for grouping. That is characterized by the repetitive pulling out of one's own hair.. There are other self-grooming behaviors that can fall into this category as well, such as picking scraping or biting your nails, your skin, or often hair, that results in damage to your body. Without treatment. This tends to be a chronic condition that may come and go throughout a lifetime. Prevention. As I said before, most baldness is caused by genetics.. This type of hair loss, unfortunately, is not preventable, but other types of hair loss can be reversed or at least slowed down with different forms of treatment.. You literally wan na get to the root of the problem, so that you can try to reverse the hair damage. If possible, and to make sure that the hair loss isn't a sign of some greater underlying health conditions, deficiency or hormonal imbalances., Remember to be gentle with your hair.. Don'T do things like brush it or tug on it in a way that may create tension on the follicles and stay out of direct forms of sunlight or other sources of UV light and definitely stop smoking if your hair loss is a concern to you.. Some studies show an association between smoking and baldness.. If you want me to do an entire video on ways that you can help grow your hair more or slow down the hair loss process, please let me know that too, in the comments below.. Also, please make sure you subscribe and turn your bell notifications on. When you do that, and you hit that like button you, let YouTube know that you'd like to see more videos like this one.. Thank you so much for watching and stay healthy. My friends. ( upbeat music, )

Doctor ER: Are you guilty of making any of these hair loss mistakes? ❌ Don't forget to smash that *'LIKE'* button & *SUBSCRIBE NOW* so you don't miss Friday's new react video! ➡️

afibuffygirl: I lost all my hair at 14 from radiation treatment. My hair grew back but I do have a permanent bald spot on the back of my head from the radiation. I learned long time ago to not let hair bother me

MKF30: Great vid. Yes do a hair growth video please. My hair over the past few years have been thinning in the front a little I take a beta blocker...and I've been super stressed thanks to covid....I think the combination past 3 years have been the culprit. I'm hoping a dermatologist can help.

Alex Terra: I’m a huge culprit of stress, and I mean huge. Almost every day at school I get stressed, but I never knew it contributed to hair loss! I’ve been working on my stress, so I am still mostly fine.

XAutumnXFlowerX: I definitely had issues with my hair when my anemia was really bad. Now that it's almost back to normal it's much better! It took like 3 years to get to normal but apparently my body doesn't absorb iron well.

Chayenna: Great educational video like always!

VigilantKnight005: #2: I've been on a prescription meant for stress since late in grade four. First, it was Effexor. These days, I take a generic version called Venlafaxine. I must take it every day. #7: I believe that, knowing that Shelly Duvall's stress in "The Shining" caused her to lose some hair. I've been under stress growing up, too. That's why I needed the medication.

Renz Davis: Would love to see Doctor ER doing an episode about virology and zombies/ contagion movies. Stuff like "the crazies" , "TWD" and "28 Days Later"

-Ryugaknight -: I’d certainly be interested to hear your thoughts of some of the methods people use to try and regrow hair.

Mr. Andy: Very interesting video, as are all videos you do. One question I have is what's the recommendation of washing your hair? Is once a day good or bad for it? Thanks Doc and keep up the great work!

Rowan: Great video. I'm 37 and already few years ago my wife and others told me I'm losing hair at the top. My mother told me I must have gotten it from my grandfather as he was already losing hair at a young age. Now, I am going to try this microneedling roller and see how this goes. Got oil for it as well. So yes, please do a video about how to get more hair back.

Mada-ryu: I'd absolutely love a entire video of making my hair stay the longer time possible

Marco Hissink: I've been balding for about 10 years now and i'm turning 40 by the end of the month. I have no autoimune disease that i know of but i would love to see a video of how to slow down hairloss for sure

Nicolai Veliki: Male pattern baldness is prevalent in one of my ancestral branches, and also phenocumarin medication (which I've been on since I was 19). So far I only have slight thinning in my mid 30s at the temples

Researcher Chameleon: Some medical scenes from Mighty Med, a show about 2 kids that become doctors for superheroes, that you should watch are season one, episode one, 3:07-3:29. 5:04-6:00. 7:03-8:14. 17:38-19:04. 20:37-22:08. episode 2 0:50-1:48. 5:20-8:38 ( this one is 2 scenes in one). 9:29-12:04 I think that might be enough for one or two reactions

Kendelai Garner: I would love a hair growth video

Shane Leonard: I totally had awesome 80s hair. Started thinning around 39-40 goodtimes.

RynKen: I seem to have a pretty common version; an M-shaped receding hairline and a little bold spot on the very top. Lucky for me, I don't really care enough to want to stop it and just cut my hair really short to make it less blatant.

Freddy Maf: How informative. And so what you're saying is that virtually anything pertaining to life makes one's hair fall out. Thanks a bunch. Now we all know perfectly well what to do to ;keep our hair.

TheGrace020: Would be nice to hear preventative measures aswell can be good to keep in mind even if not suffering from hairloss

Aleenah Gaudet: Though I am sure that this falls under the category of heat (after all, you did mention that heating tools and heat from the sun can cause hair loss) Radiation (and I am sure chemo) treatments. I went through radiation treatments many years ago and I was told that I was going to lose some hair. It's also very interesting how wearing a hat could protect our head from the sun *AND* cause hair loss.

Jenn Barlow: Soooo informational! Thank u for making this hair loss video, I definitely had my hair fall out when I was stressed, can you make a follow up hair replacement type of video

Craigy2818: My dad was put on anti-androgens, while he was in ICU, with COVID, to stop his immune system attacking his organs. When he came home, he'd gone totally grey and the anti-androgens made his hair grow more wavy.

milham975: Have been taking Finasterid pills 1mg for at least 3 - 4 years, it seems to have stopped the residing hairline as far as i can tell, hard to tell if it would have gotten worse without the medication or not.

Leslie: Yes please do a follow up video on ways to tackle alopecia!

Balanc-Joy918: Oddly enough, I've been losing hair recently, in the past couple years I've gained bald spots (I'm currently 26). My family just dismisses it as "genetics, runs in the family" and there's no chance at fixing it. Thing is, I bought some shampoo that is supposed to reverse it and have been using it...and now the hair at the edges of the bald spots is sprouting back, at least from what I can see. The part that I lost at the very front-center of my hairline pretty much has grown back completely, or at least I've got a notable patch's worth of it back, and growing out already.

Tim Clark: I've been so worried about my hair receding that I've been using Alpecin caffeine shampoo + caffeine liquid on my head and scalp for over 6 months now

Blake Tindle: Love the Dr Steve Brule gif at 9:00! One of my favorite shows! Would be awesome if you reacted to some medical scenes from “Check it Out! With Dr Steve Brule” especially the fertility episode!

Omar 94: I've had alopecia areata for almost 6 years now, so I get nervous about how much hair stays on my head as I get older, since I'm in my 20s now

TheWillster: Thanks for the video doc! Been losing my hair since 16 and it sucks

Austin .C: Been shaving my head since 17 and honestly I don't miss hair at all lol. It helps I started losing hair in my early 20s so I don't have much of a choice anymore.

Rachel Rachel: Wonderfully informative, thank you very much

Floaty Seagull: Hey doc can you do a video explaining frame size(bone structure)? apart from one Medline plus article, there is virtually no legit medical sources online about it

Im looking for booty: Wow... I had NO clue that my stress was doing this to me. I gotta find ways to relax. My ex really got to me for about a year.

Chris Ferguson: actually came here to learn how to speed up my hair loss so that I can stop shaving my head as much. I'll be trying some of these!

Blake Tindle: Fantastic educational video Doc!

DoggoGermanThing: I've been dealing with trichotillomania for a while now and I've lost a chunk of hair in 2-3 months how do i control myself from pulling my hairs everyday

Dr. K. Trucker: I just say "androgenic baldness". I am destined by my genes to stay bald in my 40s. And I am still at my late teens.

onion bubs: My hair loss is due to trichotillomania. I just finally grew enough hair back on my scalp that i don't have to wear hats and bandanas in public anymore.


Hope ' Lightnin' ' M: My hair falls out when I wash and brush it. And I can't get my hair to grow back after having it cut two years ago. I don't know how or what to do to get my hair growing. I also have Hypothyroidism, so I think that's why I'm losing hair, too.

Colby Whitmore: My hair is falling off and it has been falling off since I think I was 17. My parents want me to go bald, but I don't want to. I have long hair and I love it. I never wanted to have a mustache and beard but it's growing.

Nicholas Freitas de Lima: Sim por favor faça outros vídeos sobre esse tópico.

zedd luciano: Since 2030 I’ve been dealing with stress. Covid, back and forth hospital appointments and one thing leading to other. I recently been having my hair fall out only on the right side of my scalp. I have covid a week before new year then chest infection. I’ve Bren taking antibiotics and a few weeks before I had antibiotics to reduce sweat glands. So ultimately I reckon the hair fall is because of stress or the antibiotics, however I may have low iron to

THE REDEEMER: Is it possible to get number ten to work remotely on spots of my body? Possibly through the use of an epilator? Which pulls the hair out

Elizabeth Hall: If I have to go bald to enjoy my scalding hot showers, so be it. I'm 28 now, and have had struggles with trichotillomania. Not with the hair on my scalp, but my eyelashes, eyebrows, sometimes various other hairs below the neck...and it started when I was in 5th grade. I would lose focus during class and rip out almost half of my eyebrow. Instead of sending me to a mental health professional, my mom had my older sister take me with her to get my eyebrows waxed to try to make it less noticeable. If you or someone you know has this issue, know that there is help. I feel like pulling my hair out way less often, and when I absolutely can't stop myself from doing it, I just pluck belly or leg hairs. ---If anyone's curious how this started, one time my stepsister saw an eyelash on my face and told me to make a wish on it. So I started pulling my eyelashes out to make wishes. Wishing for friends. Wishing for happiness. Whatever. Then I learned that eyebrows are easier to pull out.

Paragon Robbie: So, I'm sorta outing myself here, but I want people to know they're not alone. My hair started thinning once I turned 20 and for 2 years I've been having to take hair loss products to stop it from progressing. I have yet to find out if I'm totally screwed due to genetics or I have a chance to get it back and it's a dietary/vitamin problem. Some of my friends have the same issue, and I don't know if it's a generational thing or whatever we grew up eating, but if anyone sees this and has the same problems at such a young age, you're not alone and you're not the only one baffled at how this is happening so early.

Mike AwesomeX: Just curious is it healthy to lift more than your weight? A few years ago I was at my relatives house my uncle got drunk I firemans lifed him back then I was like 130-40ish he's like 200ish

sophie寧寧: Luckily for me I don’t tie my hair , I don’t wear hats, I only eat vitamin pills , and what I eat is count as healthy. But I’m very stressed because I can’t let out my anger( unless through violence)

Panzermensch: The Gods have planned this.. My coworkers have said I've been going bald and I'm 20 years old, and it's infuriating. I've wanted long hair, not trying to lose it now. Dad says it's a receding hairline, since he and Gpa have one.

Juan Zapata: Even having stress leads to hair loss

Ruesen: I used to do tight ponytails and wear hats constantly. Managed to do looser pony tails, and now wear silk-lined hats so not to stress the hair much. I also switched to shampoos with less harsh ingredients. Would still love to hear ways to get hair to grow or slow it down though; my hair already is very thin and i have to wear it a certain way to not look off. Also wouldl iek to know if the silk lined hats actually do no/less damage thanother hats, or was i lied to. I like hats for my job or other days when i dont feel liek stylizing it, and hate to give em up. "Hair-Safe" hats would be cool to know.

NightBazaar: I'm a 76 year old male and have been taking warfarin and metoprolol for a number of years now. No sign of developing any hair loss or balding. My hair is generally blackish brown in color. I have seen a gradual increase of grey hair over the years though. When I wash my hair and comb it, there's usually a lot of hair in the comb, but again, no real sign of any hair loss. I suspect a lot of the hair in the comb is hair that has broken off but hasn't come out by the roots. That's just a guess though. Overall, my hair seems to be very full and thick. Genetics?

Ahti Jansson: i have pcos ive heard it can affect your hair. but my hair has thinned due to stress apparently, im so stessed and tired latly that i hace aches and pains every day on and off as well as really moody. covid hasnt helped neither and peoples selfish behaviour too

Terrorbot 300: I also heard that stress could be the cause of hair loss


Rachel Rachel: I noticed that you stopped introducing yourself before you start the video, does this mean you're feeling more confident? Because that's awesome and something to feel good about

ARIEL🤨: I have a question that is not related to the issue of hair. Have you had patients who do not notice even a symptom of a disease?

Quentin Wade: I've had a widow's peak since birth. At 26 it's more prominent, but thank God it's still growing.

Dead: Can rosemary water help regrow hair?

JustForFun😉: Please make a video, "how to prevent from hair loss ?"

Diego Aubry: I haven't seen the video, but I know it's going to be a good video.

thacaptain84: Please do a hair growth video :)

Loona the Hellhound Gaming: I started having my dad's hair loss at 16 >:/

Danny Rimes: All men balding should look into taking finasteride. It’s done wonders for me.

Mark Christensen: So, the main things I need to worry about are stress and diet. XD

DEADPOOL wrestler: 9:28 both options are awesome!

los vlog del chanchi papurri :3: when you watch the videos of Doctor ER with subtitles in Spanish (LSubs)

𝓚𝓾𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓜𝓪𝓯𝓲𝓪: Now explain why I can’t grow full beard I’m 27 people keep asking for my ID

Branden Wilson: I get steamy hot showers, i wear hats when i game bc i somehow put the headset on my head on the same place repeatedly so i thought a hat would help. And stress. Im bad with that especially for all the things that are going on in my life

Tattooed Gaymer Girl: I have some hair loss...but it's because I used too strong of a developer with my bleach

Nima N: Gettin bald at age 20 cuz of "genetics"

Terrorbot 300: This topic is some what related to your video but I just got a referral to see a dermatologist for Hidradenitis suppurativa which is cause by inflammation of the sweat glands or infection and another caused is when the hair follicles become blocked according to the internet.

Michael Skinner: I’ve been bald for two years now. So‍♂️

Sal Kin: I heard for Transperson there is a spezial Testosteroneblocking therapy against balding

Alexander Zurba: Stress is a cause due to hair loss, but heredity is also another cause.

MoonbaseBlue: I'm a trans woman and was told by my primary care doctor the meds Im on could essentially reverse any hair loss (which i didnt have anyway). Im on spironolactone, progesterone, and estradial valerate.

SnazzyjazzBro: Is like to know some tips on how to grow hair back in another video.

Woops valberg: Plzz do a reaction to haminations pain video. That video is just so funny and painfull :)

Erez S: Doctor, can we have a video on Dr. Glaucomflecken or WKUK?

Blake Tindle: Be careful Doc. Just mentioning Alopecia might trigger humor-impaired Will Smith to come slap you!

TheakNutz: how can I make my beard even more sweet? I just want it longer

Steve Blake: But shouldn't I use canesten on scalp??

sftrkrt07: Hair growth video for sure!

All You Can Do: the to make hair grow back will be interesting to know, i want the video

BmnGameBoy: i have a very small M hairline atm, my family doesn't go bald and even then we don't grey until we are 80

Murasaki: Should talk about how we can throw hair and talk about hair regrowth myths.

Waheed Abdullah: Please do a reaction of Victorious episodes (example: Tori Gets Stuck episode)

MASTER OF GAMING: Was waiting for a hairy video Im joking

Surpreem Leader Noot: Bill when he sees this: AAA so that's why I look like this

R W: I heard from Matthew McConaughey that he would scratch his scalp everyday for 10 minutes to grow back hair. Is this a real thing?

MaliseTiger: Guess who's never wearing a hat ever again, LOL!

Minimalist Lapcien: Yay, I have at least 3 Lamictal for my epilepsy Wore hat Always stressed

Nick B: The next king of the hill should include bill diabetes Bill lifts to much weight Kahn’s medicine Dale gets stung by bees

Rkay421: Guess there is nothing I can do then since mine is due to genetics

Cleo The Helpful Jack: My hair is really thick but it ends up everywhere.. blocks the shower drain, ends up in my food, in the washing machine, in my hairbrush, on my clothes... But no signs of it thinning. Do women shed like animals because I am a woman and I have a thick head of hair but my hairs get everywhere?

Wade Into Nature: I have never had hair so I don't have to worry about hair loss.

Fragg: I am balding at 11 #goated

Jervis-Jehan Laurent: My hair fall out when I play throw sticks in the roof

MASTER OF GAMING: Was waiting for a hairy video Im joking

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