He Wanted A New Haircut 3 Weeks After An Undercut

  • Posted on 26 February, 2023
  • Hot Topic
  • By Anonymous

After growing his hair from a buzz cut to long hair, Rich wanted a new haircut 3 weeks after having an undercut.












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All right guys welcome back to the Vega Japanese studio. Today, we've got rich in the chair. How are you doing man all right, yeah, I'm coming I'm good, so we spoke before then, when you you were. You were originally booked in to see me yeah, and it was it was it your wedding haircut is that right, yeah it was my wedding and then um, and then you had an idea of where you want to go with it and you weren't ready there. So I I made the decision to say: don't bother coming yet because yeah yeah it's. I wanted your opinion really sure I think so. Originally, when we discussed, I wanted to go for a kind of like Jason Momoa, I'm the kind of star which was yeah sort of like this yeah man. Originally it was that kind of style, um and then because of just going through it like normally I'd just tie it up. I'Ve got a little bit of an undercut now: okay, but then I'm gon na say a little bit. What are we talking about so normally? I would just tie it up so a little bit on the sides. Normally I'd go for like a number two, so it's just here and then yeah yeah. Normally I wouldn't wear it out. Normally I'd just tie it up in a bun or something like that. Okay, okay, then I've been looking at sort of this kind of middle part in messy, so it's still long on top and it's not like I'm guessing the sides. Aren'T there using a blade. It'S just cut with scissors yeah, probably uh yeah, maybe a little bit of a taper. I don't ever want to go short short again. I'Ve had loads and loads of styles, okay, so I've been growing it just oh geez, wow from that wow. It'S not even been two years yet when you have anything like an undercut in in such long hair and you've got such a disconnect yeah yeah. When you try something new, it's very you've got to kind of grow it up. You know what I mean yeah, because a lot of them haircuts there are like, as you said, scissor Cuts, but when you've got no sides and then yeah when you, when you separate the back inside yeah, you realize how important these little bits are when it comes To changing your hair stuff yeah, what I mean we when we're when we're thinking about a haircut, we have to break it down into the stages of back and sides, the top Etc. And then you go to things like a bit more a bit more in depth. Like The Fringe, the crown the Cyber ends and everything when you start to look at the hair, because they more than just looking at one picture of an image we as a barber in here just we have to look at how we're going to make that happen. Right yeah, of course we have to look at the stages, we're in a match. We'Re gon na meet, we've lost quite a big chunk of the sides. Yeah yeah join me, so we've got this left to play. So we've got this kind of triangle here now. If you look at that yeah, so we've almost got, maybe just over half of the sides left a graduation has to go from that length up into something yeah. Otherwise it's just going to be a wedge the whole time. So it's how do we? How do we make that way? The back, however, is different right, because there's a lot more area of the backup we can kind of just go for like a really tight fade on the neckline and then blend it out. That way, that's not an issue. It'S just the sides. You take away a lot of the temple as well, so that's essentially what you're taking away. So if I was to cover your hair, allow us to show you that you think you achieve sides, yeah yeah, but then you let it go, and you've actually got lots of hair so because I've got it because it's gone at that point there, which I understand, Why it's happened and it's worked really well for this hairstyle. You have now yeah yeah anything like a change, it's very hard to make with yeah, because when you shave up to there, that's the bit you never ever shave into when it comes to blending into something because yeah you normally keep it to like the temple here. But then, when you take it to there on that angle, we take away all the temples. So when we go to blend that in we've got to remove this bit and this bit and this bit and this bit, you end up with a mohawk right or into your Fringe end up going into because it looks very fresh. It looks. Maybe what is a couple of weeks old, yeah, something about three weeks: yeah um so three weeks from a shaved sort of undercuts into something like that. If you want something brand new, a blank canvas like a natural, blanket yeah yeah just think we need to kind of rethink a look for today. Yeah, that's gon na allow us to grow the undercut out. You know what I mean so yeah. Well, I mean whatever you think, is best mate, your your top juice huh, because I do love that haircut. I just don't. I just don't know what we can do. So I think what we can get to that point, because I want to try and keep the undercut in there and work with it, because it is only three weeks old, so fresh yeah. It'S really really. I mean I love all the Vikings kind of hairstyle and stuff like that as well, and I do I do prefer long hair now having long hair yeah, but you do yeah yeah you've got a couple of options where you could either fall. Viking shave. The sides have it hang a little bit or do something on a slightly shorter scale of the haircut now yeah and then grow the size up from what they are now so don't touch the undercut, leave the underground, hide it with your hair yeah and then throw It out from there I'd say: they're the two. Personally again, it's only my opinion, yeah the two best options in my head right now: yeah they work for you, so you're, leaning more towards the, like you said kind of this, but just shorter, rather than full-on voice. I'D say so yeah, I think chocolate that would work, because not a million miles away from what you've got now yeah yeah yeah. But if you want to go shorter instead of sacrifice and doing a Vikings like shave, sides yeah, which would end up. You know like we said it could grow up quite quite a lot and it would be you know you might. You might be in under a lot of stress when you're trying to grow like this yeah disconnected and then regretting it like uh, yeah yeah at least then, when you've got something along the lines like it's, not a million miles away from what you've got now. You'Ve got a similar look even in the beard as well, so I think it'd be a good transition into the eventually the haircut you want to go for yeah. That sounds good. I think so. Yeah, let's go for it all right, cool man, nice! Let'S give it a shampoo and condition all right and then we'll go from there. So I'm going to start off with a horseship because then it'll. Allow me to see the back and sides, and then we can kind of cut accordingly to that as well all right. So, let's start off with the Horseshoe section, and we've got like kind of 90s Johnny Depp sort of early 2000 look just as a reference point, but another another. Reference is like that kind of safe look which I think is also what he has as well. You know what I mean, I think it's just because it's on Johnny Depp, you associate it with Johnny Depp in a suit and whatnot put some beers and look like Jack Sparrow, then yeah, absolutely yeah. Exactly you got the SATs mate there. We go so much up to the other side now, so, let's go um. So when we're looking here, we've got got ta. Think we haven't got that bit, but that's not gon na be an issue for this time because we're able to keep a lot of length in, but I wanted to sort of frame the face. So I want to almost give these a bit of a sure to finish through here should sit a bit more around the phase shift. What I'll do just hug your face a little bit and bring the point of the chin, and I think it'll just really bring out your face. Yeah, I'm going to use two fingers in width as a guide, also taking some length off I'm going to take off about that, because we still need to leave something right. But the angle on my fingers is going to be like this, so it shows at the top and longer towards the bottom. Okay, let's make sure to finish up here and it gets longer down the bottom. Okay and then you'll see the angle of my cut like that, and just hang on my way my fingers put them more towards the wall. Bring that down - and all this is doing is giving me a really good guide for when I come to kind of at the top, it's on a wick through the top vertical and basically connect up to that angle. There so work on that angle there using that as a guide pulling it forwards, because this section is done now. So only do this when you've done the Section behind this because you're using this as a guide, if I was to cut this section in length primary shape, then pull it into the face, then let it fall back. The guide will be different, so I'm just coming to the last section now, so I'm pulling everything back so don't forget we're going to frame the face in a minute. So I'm going to pull everything back into that section like we did before got my guide still falling the same angle. There we go because I didn't I'm going to frame the face as well. So I love all money and that final question love our money um but yeah. I think I choose love mate yeah. If I could yeah yeah. I think so I mean honestly right. Have you have you got children Rich? I'Ve got two. You'Ve got two yeah. The luck, your kids give you when they, when you wake up in the morning right but not after teenagers, but you know, if they're your kids right. Let'S look at it right before teenagers right, the look they give you and you get that like unconditional love and feeling yeah, no money, no price can can be put on that right. Yeah. I don't think so. Anyway, kids, wake up moaning yeah most most days minded as well yeah, I'm not gon na lie, but um. You know think back to the days when they never okay, that look right. You know, but I'm just cutting the back uh shorter, so it obviously sits into that kind of like um more just over the shoulder length. You know that's the sort of look we're going for so here and then we'll take that and just have a nice balance through there. So again, that's safer kind of vibe a little bit shorter than the nape. So you get a little bit more kind of um solid length in a sense, nice texture in a second with the secondary shape, we're going to put in there. But I just want to cut the knife in now and then we'll start working on the sides of the neck. Everything else. As you can see, that's the angle we're working on. I want to frame in the face a little bit and just keep the angle going like. So what if that's straight down the bottom there right there is the backing sides done the secondary shape you put in and that's the kind of, so that is it without anything in it right and it's just trying on its own right. That'S the sort of wave we're creating it so we're creating that more beachy texture, okay! Now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut the top in to match and then I'm going to show you how the salt spray works as well, because I think the sauce may look really cool again. It gives you that beachy texture, that's the the idea, we're going for right. I'M gon na take a section right down the middle like so right on the center like that, and then I take another section just in between the session and the middle. It'S about there. I'M just gon na click that down yeah. I actually want to keep that Center Point and lift this up starting from this part here, so not from the temple. From that first section we took along the sideburns I'm going to pull that across and find the angle there. We go that's about left down both finger width sections because we're doing a transition here, so I wanted to kind of blend in so the section's a little bit thinner than what they were on the sides. Just following that guide pulling it back to pass the recession on the same angle, all the way around the head foreign angle. We just match up to the section, there's my section there same angle: there we go, let's see same angle, and we just follow it now. Finally, right down the center, this will match the two there we go a little Point. Let me just take it off a little bit. The camera can't pick up my belly rumbling Jesus mummy fast, and I couldn't believe that was that was just like that was like talking to me then, like you need to feed me now. You'Ve been doing that long about nine months, yeah yeah I mean I was gon na, say it to be fair. You can tell the difference. Yeah I've lost all five stonly and yeah yeah, it's mad, just intermittent fasting and not drinking mate. Yeah yeah yeah yeah 100, like 20 calories than that, so we eat between 12 and eight yeah well I'll have like one meal or I'll have like loads of fruit. In the day, yeah yeah I've just managed to lose so much weight without having to go to the gym once yeah, that's good and it's and I've toned up and all that like which is really strange. Actually, I was surprised how lean I got yeah without any gym work. Yeah I mean it was genuinely I've done. No. I'Ve done. I was on like maybe our three home workouts yeah in the whole time best way to lose weight. Obviously, you're gon na have to be in a calorie deficit as well right, yeah, that's right, because if you're in a surplus you're not going to lose weight yeah if you're in a calorie deficit, best thing to do is just a brisk walk, oh yeah! So if you've got a dog or if you've got a family, you just go out for a walk you're going to raise your heart, but a little bit, but not too much so you work in your cardio right. Okay, if that makes sense, yeah yeah, that's right! Yeah yeah, that's it, but no, it is it's one of them. Isn'T it mate you've got to kind of just there. You know you just got to keep yeah eat less work out more. It'S not rocket science. I suppose it's just having the mentality to do. It. Isn'T it you know, I think a lot of it is mine too. You'Ve got to be ready for it just like, but I've tried to grow my hair out a few times before and mentally I'm like now, I'm going to cut it off, but this time obviously growing it out. Yeah yeah solid with it. So anything is a mentality. Name: 100: I'm just doing a bit of freehand down the bottom now just to make it look really natural like so, and then I'm just going to slide into the ends a bit like what you do, the razor just a bit. Chunkier though so I just want the ends to be really flipped out, I think it looks a lot more beachy that way as well, and also don't forget, because because riches is almost like growing it to then get a new haircut. I want this to be like super super textured, so the more sexually put in it now in the right place, not just chunks out, you know like proper slide, cotton and whatever else. What you'll find is that as it grows out, it grows out with the texture as well, but just make sure you know, my shops is so again just using the raise and then using this. It'S just a really good mixture of technique, because the razor gives a bit more of a kind of slice kind of like more more finer in a sense where this is a lot chunkier but rich as it can kind of get away with it so cool. So I want to show Richard how to use a salt spray um to get the best out of the haircuts. So what I'm gon na do so just making sure we spray this in now be be quite um, quite heavy on the salt spray, okay, nozzle off diffuser on so high heat, medium speed. Okay, all you do like a like a hood right. You can chip flat and I'll just encourage you to sit in the wait and then flash away. All I'm doing is accentuating your natural wave. Okay, the razor the scissors all being in use as well just creates that similar effect as well foreign style. You know that's what I was saying to you like about products just enhancing it. You know so effortless, I'm just scrunching your hair and pinching your hair through that's, basically, what's giving you this look, you know press the cold air button on your head right. If you've got one or just it's just to speed it up really yeah just put a nice shine, it takes away any frizz, it sort of sets the style. For you know what I mean foreign, if you don't mind, come on forward and just shake it left and right for me perfect. So there's that kind of Johnny, deppesque, yeah, yeah loads of texture, just use the salt spray and that's the sort of shape we get. I think it looks really nice man, yeah man, so do I so with that and then we've obviously um the shorter hairstyle within like six months. However, it long to take with that in mind with my upkeeping now, would I still taper in The Sideburns or the back or just literally leave it right now, yeah, you can't see you've got an undercut right now. No, you can't if you walked up the street. No one would have a clue. You'Ve got an undercut and I think that needs to say I need you need to keep going with it. Yeah you can still get a hair. You can still get it up as well, though yeah yeah, of course, yeah you're. Just going to be the growing process for now, I've done a little bit here. So all you do is go on these sides yeah and the neck out. Yeah. Everything else is still got a nice haircut. You know what I mean, so I would probably just I just try and wear it down as much as you can. Okay and that'll cover it for a long time, and obviously, when you come to Tidal people, probably have a good bit of length in there anyway. Yeah and then go from there, but it looks great yeah. Thank you very much. Thank you mate. Thank you awesome. Thank you.

Will: Dan has cut Rich's hair so well that styling it will be a breeze. The texture created in the after shot looks natural which is what you want and watching how deliberate and precise the layering was during the cut was very pleasing. Keep up the good content and you look great Dan, IF has helped me immensely as well.

willbe939: Great job! I didn’t think the cut would make a difference but the change is really noticeable!

Jaspreet Singh: Majority of the haircuts on this channel are nothing but layering i.e removing split ends and extra weight,,that's it. It's the consistent conversation mentioning the detailing done between Dan and the client and the soothing voice of the scissors that makes the extra long pro Maxx videos damn interesting both things are usually missing with regular barbers as they do what suits them the most with close to zero conversation with the client and without bothering what the client actually wants. Dan's pleasing personality is icing on top and for sure every client sitting in front must be thinking that as much attractive he is, he'll make them his replica too.

Terrie Griffith: Fantastic haircut once again! I love how you take your time with the consultation to help find the closest style to what the client wants. He is one extremely handsome man with beautiful hair. I hope he will come to you again when the sides and back grow out and do another video. Much

Lee Brown: Wow, what a great cut! Looks amazing Dan.

Mr. James Cagney: Nicely done. The barber clearly enjoys his job and sincerely loves to please his customers. Very professional

thatguynamedben: Dan, you're looking great! Well done on moving towards a healthier lifestyle

David Berry: @regalgentleman have you ever had a haircut tutorial gone wrong? Would love to see that type of real life scenario and how you would handle that. Thanks mate keep em coming! Love from the US

bootsy chootsy: I don't understand going to a barber this talented and not changing anything.

Jimbo Jimbo: Haven’t watched your vids in a while but man you look incredible after the weight loss Like I’d hide my wife from you now

Sleambean: Fantastic work Dan! one of the best :)

Adam Szerszeń: Actually love the cut he came in with

crazylittlepartytifs: Great haircut and you look flippin fantastic Dan well done

Alejandro Alejandro: Hello there I'm a subscriber to your channel and for personal reasons I stopped using my YouTube account but now that I'm back, I was surprised with your physical change and I want to congratulate you for that since I'm in the same process. greetings

William Fleming: I noticed he didn't use the Balmain salt spray. I'm curious about the new product. Great restyle btw...well done as usual.

grayfox: i thought this was an older video being reuploaded. you look great man!

Gene Tierney: Looks great. Tell the men to stop with that ridiculous undercut.

AdveN: Looks soo much better. Nailed it with the Depp look.

mahmoud abdipour: The best barber in the world what a amazing haircut.

Sauce Laurent: That consultation was perfect bro

ImZeckAbstracts: Final result is sick!

William Gray: Dan’s jawline could slice a corridor through a crowd of babes. Looking good mate. I’m growing my hair out…

Colleen Parsons: His hair style looks very smart

miganoosh petrossian: Beautiful, well done

AFRH Music: Dan's razor sharp jawline is distracting me from the haircut

Richard Pittius: Always like your cuts but….. This time hair looked better before the haircut.

Coach Brandon: Closed Captions called this the Vega Japanese Studio, and now I'm sad that it is not it's actual name.

Lar Nook: very nice transformation.

Ari Shem: are you also almost bold but still watching those videos?

Dannsandiego: Smashed it!

paulcyr22: This guy lost a lot of weight in 10 months

Lyn PW: He still looks like a 70s throwback. Lose the girlie locks/whiskers and go for something more James Norton.

Finny: Well done on the weight loss. Do you have target weight or body fat trying to achieve?

MelissR: Again!!! Great haircut BUT the overgrown facial hair so takes away from the cut! Why do you neglect the beards?!

Nordin 1975: 12 stone is about 30 kilograms in my language ;)

relaxed_shhhhh: Nice cut!

FizzyPop: Very nice

macca3666: Didn't use Balmain's salt spray this time?

Mario: Anyone knows what scissors brand he uses?

Stephen John Hurlow: Pity his beard is such a mess.

Emily Tolman: I don't like it, it doesn't match his face very well just my opinion!

Tracey Bowden: Shorter looks better

Bernard: When can you cut my hair?????????????

Marcin K: Excelent


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