I Cut Juicy'S Hair...

  • Posted on 17 March, 2023
  • Hot Topic
  • By Anonymous

WELCOME TO MY SECOND CHANNEL! today i'll be cutting @juicyfruitsnacks 's hair... very well c:

watch these vids live on twitch:


this is my new channel for cut down twitch vods, music covers and whatever else I feel like that is outside the bounds of youtube's ever stinky, variety hating algorithm.

welcome!! and stay tuned for my return to youtube on my main channel also coming soon!!

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robbie: https://www.instagram.com/robbiestoray...

josh: https://twitter.com/joshcuthbert23

Yeah well because, as most you can probably tell I don't have a haircut yeah, he doesn't have a haircut juicy looks like Jesus. Yes, yes, I do he's not going to for long next person to give decides what hairstyle we do before it goes. Oh, you heard what I you heard what I said. Oh your options are man bun ponytail or piggy tails, man, bun ponytail or piggy tails, Dr Captain, sir, what do you want piggy tails, man bun or what was it ponytail, yep yep? He said ponytail, my man. Well, I want to see I want to see Pony time all right. You smell nice thanks just kidding. Okay, let me let me let me transfer what are you feeling yeah? I'M feeling feels all right, calm down now there it is chat there. It is the high pony. Yes, is this a piggy tales moment it is, it is up to um gift is the person who gets to claim that they are responsible for um the first side of his head, and you can pick the piggy tail big Richard pick. It Richard I can't come to the left hook up the left, one all right, please ma'am say goodbye to the left piggy. I'M gon na I'm gon na cry. Everyone cry say goodbye. I'M gon na eat it when it when I'm when we're done. I'M gon na eat it. Oh chat, chat! Look! What have you done? What have you done? What what here, Texas red, oh [, __ ] their hair everywhere? Oh God, what about these, though? The juicy mullet, not a mullet? Oh yeah [ __ ], a [, __ ], mullet wow. Look at that chat. Let me taper those bangs for you. Yeah go for it, see it's fun chat. You can do two different haircuts wow. If I look at you guys like this, it looks the same as it was before and then, ah, the time has come. Who wants to be responsible for taking away the the right piggy tail? Oh [, __ ] three, two one go [ __ ]. It you little [ __ ] off you're responsible for taking off this piggy. This piggy goes out to you dog, uh, gifting, the hair to charity. No, I'm gon na eat it all! I'M gon na eat all the hair. You got. Ta get the type of fade! Yeah I'm on it. What do you think Chad is it looking good? Is my style is doing a good job. So far, oh yeah, look at the mullet action. Wow, [, __, ] love a mullet. Please don't cut my ear off, give it up yeah and now give us an anime, intro sure. Bing chilling show the people what they want. I'M looking less homeless by the second chat, a skull it I'm gon na, go and get a bowl. Okay, yeah go get a bowl, okay yeah, who wants to be Pig Richard again, big Richard you're, you're responsible for this dude get a refund. You look like you got eight strands. What have I joined um? I? I was getting a haircut, but I think I think my barber might have messed my [ __ ] up dog. I don't know what you think. What are you doing quit making man quit making that face? Take the ball off. Count Me Down. Bull review start from 10, 10. 9. 8.7. Keep counting come on more numbers. Yes, what do they mean? Ah wow still got the party in the back. This is how the hair staying forever. Oh, that could be a good one. All right here we go chat. Hello. What'S up Lovey, I got a haircut, you did. No, it's not bold! You might want to see it though. Oh my God, I can't I got ta pull over hang on, I'm very nervous. I'M not gon na lie. Oh Lord where'd, you did you. Do this haircut yourself? No, I didn't do it. I did it. So is someone that does not have any type of certificate to cut hair cut your hair yeah, I'm talented at everything. You are very talented. Yes, I would never do your baby, like that. Oh Lord, let me see. Is that a mullet God? Sorry, I'm hoping that's, got ta get fixed. No! It'S good! Look at that! Oh my God! Look it's really! As far as mullets go, it's a great mullet, mullet, yeah, yeah love! You all right now that I've disappointed my mom. Let'S keep cutting my hair. I look like I eat dirt. All right we got ta keep going we! Ah, I look like I own. A comic book store God, damn it I'm just braiding. Oh thank you. Look at that Liv did a good job so far Broski. I know man yeah, look, you know it's not so bad chat. Look. You should do this boom. I'M scared to turn my head. I'M scared to turn my chat she's still going. I'M scared to turn my head and look. Are you just like on in my [ __ ] up mode now holy [, __ ]? Yes, look at that's uh! That'S a spicy meatball right there, that's uh! Ah, oh man, oh yeah! This is gon na. Be a look once you get this, what the [ __ ]! Have you done fun? I made you beautiful. I think you missed a bit yeah. This is a good cut. I like what you did yeah I'll, definitely well. This is what I'm thinking you buzz away. The middle yeah and just leave the sides in the back. You give me the male pattern. Baldness fade, the reverse fade so literally just cut. I like that, all that up there all that stuff. What if I told you I never used one. Oh remember that chat. Do you hear that sound? What have you done to our boy? Can I take the first swipe? Oh of course, of course I would never take that off all right. Listen to that what happened! I look like I sniff shoes. You know I could probably give myself this cut myself. To be honest, you never said that one all right, yeah wait, wait! Wait! Let me sit down like like I'm at the barber okay yeah, so my last Barber kind of my [ __ ] up a little bit as you can see like he sneezed and like shaved right down the middle. So I was thinking. Maybe you could like give me like that that reverse fade like I want, like a fade from the from like the inside out, oh yeah. So it's like you know what I mean yeah, all right, all right! Take it all the way back. You know just kind of like a it's like a ring right here. You know you, you got it, you got it one. Second yeah, I'm digging it. You know you just got ta like you ever seen like a bald 40 year old guy yeah like that's what we're going for yeah. Just. Are you sure yeah yeah yeah like no? I just want, like the you know, what I mean: yeah yeah, you got me yeah all right, how's it. Why are you laughing just think of a joke? What was it was a joke? Um I'll tell you in a second. I just really need to concentrate on my work: okay, yeah, no problem um, my dad's um he's like Bigfoot he's, like he's like one of those guys where it's like it's next Harry like his whole neck, he's got like crazy back here. Oh, we used to have like a family event where we'd all like get together and like braid it. Oh yeah that sounds sick Drive, ow slower. Yes, sir, that's pretty good! You just got ta clean up the top, though oh [ __ ] yeah, so the Top's. Looking like like, what's this oh yeah yeah, like that's ridiculous, sorry, you kind of you missed some of my bangs here, oh yeah, oh yeah, you got ta like you know, just make sure it's clean, yeah, yeah yeah, that's it yeah yeah tidy it up spit on. I look like I'm about to go pay my quarterlies my go pet. The dog, my molana song, hahaha, wait. Let me get a book, let me get a book if every relationship that you have ends up terribly, probably you and you're. Probably the problem is that good. That was good. That was good. Damn daddy, how do you change a tire figure? It out figure it out. I don't know you get a new tire, get rid of the old one. Have you ever watched, Dr Phil? I feel like you would like it. I feel like that, would resonate with you. What'S next chat, what should we do next about this uh really to improve this beautiful haircut? Leave it just like that all right! Thank you for watching you should you should fun, call someone else and give them a little advice: hey buddy, yep uh. I just want to check in with you baby, because I want to know if you needed any if you needed any advice with anything or how you've been holding up, because I I don't talk to talk to my boys enough. Do you need some grocery money or you know something or some gas money orders? You need some advice with. You know the girls or anything you know I'm here you don't go. Call your papi enough, but yeah I got. You sounds good. All right. Yep just wanted to check in you look stunning. Thank you. Yeah. I gave your daddy a little Aid. I got a fade. You look great Barbara hooked me up. It was great man. Thank you. Thank you very much. I wish I could kiss the top of your head right. There is. That was that, where you'd kiss right there like that, I'm happy for you all right. Well, I just want to check in with my boy she doing. I I appreciate it. I I love love. You both Gage uh. I love you too uh can't you catch you on the flip side, big oinker yeah of sayonara crocodile later, we do have more work to do. Where does the forehead stop and where does it end Loki, slay yeah? I think I might keep it. I got one of them Fades all the urban be talking about these days. Why did you let this happen? Well, even Momo's staring at it come on mama. I didn't expect to see it all go so fast man, you know, put it put it back on it's like nothing ever happened to you. You know, say goodbye. Yeah yeah, take your take your time. Ah sorry, sorry Momo's literally screaming and protest in the back. Oh, what's up, I just felt a breeze on my scalp. Almost not disappointed Momo, actually dead, stared me yeah when he walked in. He was like what happened to him. Is he sick, my head feels so cold? Are we done? How do you like it yeah? It'S like you know, I'm like two different people. It'S like I have like crazy, multiple personality disorder and once I she hit me on the other side of just someone's dad, oh my God. Oh my [ __ ] god, oh yeah, just leave this forever. Yeah and that'll grow it out to like down here it's kind of satisfying to watch. It'S almost over. It'S almost over watch, my flaps. Oh my God. I think. That'S it. I'M just gon na stare at chat for the rest of the Stream live in today's day and age women go outside. When did they get the idea that they could do that? That'S in Romania wait. I just got a text uh, there's a pizza on my door. The delivery's here pizza, delivery, yep be right back yeah I'll, be right back, I didn't do anything to Gage. He looks really good, I'm so sorry for what I've done. I truly am hey. It'S me, I'm back it'll or hey all right. It'S me all right, you're, good, good friend, nothing's changed. You know, it's close your eyes. It'S been your favorite e-girl. There'S me it's uh uh your favorite yep subs, subs. Now Subs! Now it's your turn. It'S not! No! Hey guys! You want to see a magic trick. All right, that's it! That'S it chat! That'S it! That'S the stream! Thank you to everybody who who's here. For this moment um, you know how they call Andrew Tay, top G yeah you're. Definitely a bottom G, Wow Wow, first, my hair than that thanks. Oh Lord, get this look at this goodbye. Everyone, boobs

Goobers Unite extra: I love how Juicy doesn't give one single f and would do anything in a video.

MONKE: KEVIN'S REACTION WAS PRICELESS LMFAO WOOOOOOOOOOO also welcome back liv good to see you :)

Branyan Towe: Welcome back Liv! I know it’s been a long road to uploading again but I’m so glad you’re in a headspace where you want to do it. What a hilarious way to return ❤

Lorganski: I love the “I look like I eat dirt” as if he doesn’t already

myda: Kevins reaction was GOLD

Stories of Reddit: No way that Liv uploaded a new video. I always loved your videos, you're one of the funniest people and I especially loved your dating simulator videos. I hope you'll upload regularly

Felisha St. Pierre: Kevins reaction is the best. The guttural scream got me

Angelica: This conveys juicy’s multiple personalities

Protect Omega X: I saw the whole stream and I still laughed my ass of watching this

Jayray: So excited that you stared posting again i hope to see you creating more and more videos in the future love you <33

Happy Daze: They my favorite couple now! this video made me keep laughing the whole way.

Kayla Brain: LMAO Kevin's reaction

EmpererOvansLoL: I could just feel Kev's eyes burst through his sockets.

VRónica: Omg welcome back Liv! We missed you so much!!

i heart your mum: welcome back liv! so glad u decided to post a video! hope your journey is amazing!!

ellieb: I love this, you guys are so adorable

ParitoshD: Oh my god, Liv! Sending good vibes!

TheDevilDogg: I've been shaving my own head for years cause my mom taught me and she went to school for it. The amount of tiny hairs that are going to be all over for the rest of forever makes my skin itch

MrSimpleman123: Haha this was a great vid, it was even better live lol

Charles Jennings: Juicy went from looking like Theo von w/the mullet to looking like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force to Andrew Tate

SalemArtz: Best Barber in the World Liv ❤ I'm so happy you posted today Queen ❤️

Peter Kuehn: Glad his mum tries to keep him in line

X_sally_X37: I started crying before he even cut his hair

kassiewassie: kevins scream was gold

Parker Meadows: you guys make a great couple :D

M. Taylor: And now Juicy gets to shave Liv! I'm just remembering Smashing's voice when he won that challenge with Josh "Shave Your Dome!"

Nick: From homeless looking to homeless looking. I love Juicy ✌️

Rosezell Veosa: Awesome this was great but I can’t help but wonder what you guys have done lol

Steezy.Christy: I think you guys are the cutest you YouTube couple that has ever YouTube coupled


Jacub Flowers: I missed Liv so much

Loren Batchelor: Oh my god I've missed the vids so much welcome back Liv!!

Coco Souvannakhamouane: I wonder if the boys would react to juicy hair that cut off

twicetea: Juicy looks adorable with pigtailssss

Zadow: MY BOYS HAIR NOOOOO I’m glad I got to see it at pax before it was all gone, let’s see what becomes of it by the same time this year

ellieb: Omg when juicys mom said "oh my god" she sounded like jennifer coolidge I said out loud "oh my god, makes me wanna hot dog real bad" lol, your mom sounds so sweet

Anthony Garcia: What a beautiful creation ‍

Hugo Sanchez: She is back ❤

Andrew 'Ichaerus' Reynolds: Juicebox fuckin' rocks the Ronin look.

Liz: Welcome back Liv.

Alex Hankins: Unsarcastically I like your cut, J

ke3coo: I'm so happy u started posting again

Tristin Garmon: Juicy is going to be the next Andrew tate with that hair cut.

Hugo Sanchez: Love the chemistry

Qyvfkrbt: The look on juicy face

Douglas McLean: Juicy was in the middle of high on life!

Anjovich: THERE aint NO FcKInG waY thIS Is A rEAl video. Best part is " The High Pony." CANT WAIT TO SEE MORE! Welcome back (:

Micnuggets Mckenzee: Juicy needs to show the boys

Madison: i love this so much. bro at 13:07 reminds me of pitbull

Koutheboss: 4:10 Juicy looks like “miss you” Oliver Tree

Jennifer Martinez: I’m so used to Baldi basics juicy now that seeing him with his hair again seems weird to me

tr0j3ng0d 81211: like 4 real tho juicy should have kept the danny levito look lol

Torgosknees: 10:29 My boy's looking like a scuffed David Cross in that frame.

Galaxy_Santiago: 13:48 Juicy 's magic trick

Ready Player Sean: Welcome back liv

AvaJade Media & Art: Juicy looks like shaggy with his mullet

Aubree St. Louis: At 9:56 juicy looks like he wrote a book

Dogwalker in Norway: Bro i cant wait for the next the boys video. Everyone will keep mentioning it

AnEpicPineappleYT: Juicy should grow a JoshDub beard.

Ayden Patterson: why did juicy look like that teacher dash had from the Incredibles?

Drew Darden: 11:54 “Boy get that shit outta here…”

Mench: SHES BACK!!!!!!

nate8930: Kinda sad he didn't keep the dad look

Jackdriver: Cast juicy as Lex Luthor

Lady Loki616: OMG SHES ALIVE❤️❤️❤️

Potato King: so thats how juicy got his hair cut. He looked like moist critical.

devil_ slasher: Juicyfruitsnaks is gonna be the next big man

Raptor: He needs the Walter White beard

Joshua Carlson: Juicy now looks like he takes chemo

Dogwalker in Norway: 9:45 his hair looks like my grandfather-

Dorian_Lopez: Juicy turned into Jesse Pinkman if he was form florida

Sasha Cruz: "Thats why mom named you Joe Dirt!"

Grease: Juicy looks like that cat who got his head shaved by florida man

Isabella Shoemaker: Gage looks like a sim‼️‼️

ORANGE: that hair is fire

Neo Skyrer: No wonder juicy look kinda bold on the recent boys video.

Kayla Jackson: The Greatest Stream Everrrrrr

baldski: ayyyyyyyyy she back bois

Torgosknees: 13:00 Yo. If Walter White and Jesse Pinkman somehow had a kid, this is the end result right here.

Mikkayla johnson: Welcome backkkk ❤❤❤❤❤

Persia Kaizuken: This is gonna be interesting

AnonymousMusic 2625: Damn, Look who finally uploaded

Dwayne Madden: your back

LadyFirefly: You look like Morgan wallen with the somewhat mullet

McBummly: He's turning into tate my gawd

Alexandria Spencer: Juicy is Walter White confirmed?

DJohnny Emaus: whoa whoa whoa, nice to see you!

noodles: Saw in the comments section in the vid, "juicy looks like the waffle man"

Torri Flame: should've given him a rat tail, lol

Kristoff Christiansen: Bro looks like he's about to invade/discover a country

Der hans: DO HIS BEARD

Klim Kadiddle: Finally

FANTM9: we hav lost juicy jesus

Saige Park: Omg First, Hi Liv And Juicy! I Love You Two, Y'all Are So Cute!

jorge hernandez: I don’t call you papi enough lmao.

The puppet crew: poor juicy..

EX0R3T: 6:25 looks kinda like a little jerma boy

Thomas Mack: She doesn't know but she was holding that buzzer backwards

Parker Meadows: my mom and her boyfriend just broke up we drove home at 12:00 only for me to find this video wth?

X_sally_X37: Because he was cutting his hair

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