Dying My Hair Black :')

#arcticfox #hairdye #blackhair Arctic Fox Transylvania


I've wanted to dye my hair black for over 14 years, but I was never allowed to. Today is the day - I can't believe this is actually happening :')

What do you think about the end result?


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I'M about to dye my hair black, something that i wanted to do since i was in year eight at school. I would say: yep it's been about. What'S that 2007. 14 years, i've wanted to dye my hair black and today is the day and i'm just going to jump straight into it, because if i think about it too much, i will chicken out. So i have here arctic fox hair dye in the shade transylvania. I also have some friends for emotional support and also for technical support too, because i don't trust myself to apply this on my own head. So with that, i'm just going to we're just going to do it. I can't think about this too hard we're just going to do it. Okay, jinx! Oh, oh, are you okay? I'M fine! I got a frantic message from my mom a couple of hours ago. Don'T do it. Oh, my gosh tell her arctic fox is a good brand. The black will come out. It'S not like other blacks, where you can't get it out. Yeah, there's no peroxide. If you have to deposit only yeah, this isn't the poisoning. You can get this out, we dye hair yeah, you will be fine and she's kind of consenting adult you take the dead hair and then you paint you have such a cute ear. Oh, no! It'S that's not coming out all right. I got a little bit help me right now. Oh my god, babe got on the couch. Please put some paper towel down, perhaps put a towel down. It'S all right! Remember you have a lot of head and shoulders. No, don't put it wait! What about that thing, though, hold on oh um, guys for the thumbnail? Can you pull hold a strand up and pull like a really evil like maniacal like, and can you be like? Oh my god, what have i done? Okay and then we just have to do. Do a couple of like oh help me you'll get. It makes me sick how easy that was for me all right. You were like it's time to be a youtuber, i'm like it's time to do what i'm mastering like. I was born for this there's. This is this: oh, what did that land on the counter? No yeah, all right this time. It wasn't me, thank god. This is literally the only reason you invite me, because i'm the only one who's like hey shouldn't, we sam's on cleanup judy. What sam? Why are you shaking your head? Oh now he's clapping content. I love it. I honestly black hair was one of my favorites yeah. How long did you have before i had it when i was 13 until i was like 15 or something you were allowed to dye? Your hair black, when you were 13. well, i had ripped these things when i was 13., that's like connor. I know everyone in school was like you're not going to do it and i was like yes alex. I don't think you can use your mom as like a comparison prophecy. All right. Are you ready to fringe? I think i've got to be ready for the friends like massaging feeling good feeling great refreshing. Merry christmas. I love look at your side of the neck as [ __ ], i tied it up, so her neck wouldn't get all black and well. I can't sample help her. I want to even yes all right. Let'S do a fringe. I hate the skin, though i'm not a monster, you pee, how are you going to get it in a month? It'S a christmas lunch baby. Thank you! No, they block your throat with your tongue. You know what's really hot right now: men with tattoos machine gun kelly, pete davidson. So i want to give you a little bit of that on my neck. That'S actually a request. Now, please, okay, you can do it right at the very end, an interesting hairline, exactly you kind of got to get it on her face. He'S very pleasant. Look! Look at this pleasant boy! Look at this distinguished puppy, so pleasant! He has luscious locks. He really does his ears. Look like what my hair used to look like. We know, welcome, hey dan, say something, no idea what i look like. I don't have a mirror. What do i look like? Oh that's right, you have comedy maleficent at the moment. Hang on that means i look like angelina jolie. Oh, have you caught sight of what you look like or no wait what the reality just set in when they said we're done, and i was like they're done well, where are we done? I didn't do this. That was not me, you just call me james, i'm very happy to say i did it. Cedric can tell that i'm nervous and he's here to comfort me he's such a good boy. Cedric. You want to come up, oh good, all right. So while we wait for my hair to cure we're going to do some picking of some vegetables it's time to harvest, it's been two weeks since i gave you guys a garden update, so i'm very excited to present to you our first ripe tomatoes yay. There might be a little grub in there, but we'll see we'll see, i'm so excited. Oh, yes, oh yeah, hey hi, sabine, cabbage, cabbage cabbage cabbage. These cabbages have been growing for what, like three months, maybe longer all right. We do it together. No, it's fine! Ow, baby, okay and now now stand around me. Congratulations! It'S a cabbage and the chicken just packed my toast ouch, no pecking toes little miss! Well, it's been two weeks since i updated you guys on my cucumbers and look at this one. Two three: four: five look at my pumpkins. Look at that one that one's huge, oh, i thought it did smell like sherbet in here hi. What'S up what color is it? It could be the black one. I wan na go easy answer black, it's black! It'S not soup, it's not soup. No, no! It'S actual black! You excited you've lost weight. No! I haven't. This is not a proper video. I just want to give her this, so you got this from salvos yeah for me yeah. I won't look it. I might look. That'S the first thing: that's the first offering sacrifice. Oh so cute, look how nice it is right, beautiful! It'S bits! Oh, my god! It does fit it's so cute! Oh, i was gon na buy this. I bought it first. I swear i bought this. Well then, you didn't get it i bought instead, that's so i swear i bought this. I love it. I saw it floating around for a long time too yeah and i was like. Oh it's not my size, but it's like you. Oh it's beautiful. It'S really really real, really soft wow. This is lovely. Thank you. I got you this. Oh dude, were you looking at this one? It was like out of my price range, all right, so it's been at least half an hour, maybe even 45 minutes. So i'm going to jump in the shower and wash my hair out. I'M really really nervous. I'Ve had a little glimpse of myself in the mirror and all i see is blue. I look like an alien. That'S been stabbed in the side of the head. Well, there's no denying that that is a blue based black i've, never seen so much blue. It just wouldn't stop running off me and now my hands. I look like i have terrible circulation. My hands and my fingertips are all blue, but i'm now going to put a little bit of leave-in conditioner in my hair and i'm not going to look at myself in the mirror. I'M going to avert my gaze because i don't want to see what i look like until my hair is dry and it's time for the reveal also check this out. This is so cool. I thrifted this bathrobe. This is actually a disney bathroom. We'Ve got a little mini bow on the back and it was brand new with tags. It'S from the disney store says that it was 50 us dollars, so someone's bought this from disneyland or disney world, and then they just donated it. Okay. So while my hair is drying, michelle here has brought an assortment of her clothes in her style and she's, going to style me to suit my new hairdo piece number one love to true: it's a uk brand. Oh really zip it to tighten it yes see! This is cute. I like this yeah. This one looks so cool. This is the outfit i'm like one of the ones i'm most excited for and seeing on you, i love it. This is stupid. I'M like i'm sick, i'm like getting. I love your breath. Taken gee. This is nice, yes, devin, oh definitely, cool necklace! Oh that's my fate, one of my favorite necklaces. This is really cool too. That'S so cute! I like this. Well, these are so cool dude. You can keep them really yeah. Are you sure? Don'T they fit you? No! They don't fit in your [ __ ] all. Can i really wait? Yes, please so cool! Oh, please! It would make me so happy so gildan. I think i got it from red bubble. Oh red bubble, really yeah yeah, that's so cool. So it's actually an artist who made it and then i chose their print on this specific thai guide. Oh cool! Oh, this is such a full top yeah right, it's so cool! Actually i really, i don't mind it with the pants. Yes, yeah right. Look at this! Okay, wait and then with the shoes, those shoes. Oh you brought shoes, yes, specifically for this outfit, so cool. Where are these from uh doc martens? These are dog martials, yes, they're, amazing! Oh these would have been expensive. They hurt that. Oh, oh they'd be very careful. They do hurt. Oh they hurt a lot. Yeah, be careful. Why are the edges of them? Oh, my god, she's already cut. Look at my and look at my heel, let's discuss and then you guys will see the grand reveal with the final outfit of the final hair, oh and the makeup. What should i do for makeup? It depends on which outfit we choose. Okay, all right! You guys will have to stay tuned together. I'M gon na ask lucy to come and curl my hair for me as part of the great reveal i haven't seen myself yet in here. Yes, please, i was wondering if you could come and curl my hair. Oh, my god, it's so black! I haven't seen myself yet: oh you haven't seen it yet okay. So what do you think? It'S black? It'S black we're done! Yeah! You look like okay, either jane lane from daria or alice from twilight. Oh my god. Okay, all right and rolling whenever you're ready very close eyes closed, i think she says he's turned away and his eyes are closed. Is the camera definitely recording? It'S definitely recording, there's a big red dot and it has a time going up. Okay, may i present to you pretty punk, please oh wow, oh wow, it looks so wow. Oh your face is no i'm not i like it. I'M just trying to think of what movie it reminds i haven't looked at myself, yet i don't know what i look like: oh [, __, ] yeah. I have a mirror. I'M sorry, pardon my french. Okay, i'm ready! I'M ready! Oh my god, wow! Okay! I don't hate it yeah. Oh, i thought i would hate it. I thought i'd hate it. It'S so weird. Do you feel like you've gone back to high school? I uh. If high school me, you could see me now. This is okay. This is what i've always wanted. It'S just like, 10 years too late, oh, no, never too late! No! This is in prime time. This looks vintage yeah. I actually really like it yeah i like it yeah. So it's about telling us! I need to cut my hair sure it says you have cheekbones, i like it so much good yeah, i'm so glad you're really nervous, i'm so happy! I think someone said you were in tears. Sorry, mum, wow! I hope you don't want to bleach it out, though, wake up yeah totally. No, it will because it's arctic fox all right. Well, it's time for dinner time for me to uh get used to who i am now and it's time for me to never give your clothes back. This is me now you've got a phase. Mom should wear the pants. I will caitlyn gave me the bow for christmas and the apron for christmas, and i love it. I'Ve heard the brand pretty good. Oh it's so dense. We grew that

Fat, Fierce and Over Fifty Elizabeth Inman: My husband is 12 years older than me, 72. I’ve done almost every hair colour, shaved my head, etc and he’s always been so supportive and tells me I’m beautiful. Here’s to supportive men everywhere

aerith_rikku: The best thing about this videos is definately to see how much Dan loves Alex. If she‘s a pastel princess, or a gothic queen or everything that happened in between. For him she is the prettiest girl on this planet. And I Love the black hair!

Butters The Bean: It looks amazing!

Violet: The black is going to be a nice contrast with all the pastels she wears and I can't wait

sylligurl129: Dan's face going all red, all I could think was "You presented him with his hot goth wife" and then he picked her up and ran off with her. Simply amazing

Mari Santarem: It looks SO GOOD on you!!! And Dan's face was so adorable, so full of love and support <3 You are glowing, looking so happy!

bobbie mc: You know Alex, PASTEL GOTH is a thing... You look incredible! My hair is naturally very dark so I've been on a mission to brighten it up with crazy fun colours all my life, I'm currently an orange tone red and I love it, I don't actually think I've ever been a true black but very close!

Eleanor Heron: “AWH WOOOOOOW!”, Dan is an absolute sweetheart!! This is so cute so happy for you Alex, you look spectacular!!!

Lauren F.: Girl just a heads up that black bleeds ALOT so be careful with your clothes!! <3 I believe in you! Also you look amazing congrats on being brave <3

CrystalFier: Holy shit, Alex! Black is ABSOLUTELY YOUR COLOUR!!! Seriously, it looks so so beautiful on you. Bring out the pastel goth in yourself, and keep her!

frecklefreak14: Dan's reaction nearly made me c r y! He really loves you so much and you can tell in this video especially. I love seeing him on camera, especially when you get him to react to stuff you're wearing! Also, the black looks stunning on you. That's also the perfect length for it. I'm glad you finally did what you always wanted to do!

kei la: Ive never commented on your previous hair dying videos but this hair colour on you... Divine! I could not resist. Especially when styled as an updo, zoe deschanel, winona ryder esque. It looks so great makes your hair look so full and healthy!

Jay D'Artagnan: GORGEOUS! Keep rocking that hair! Also you can still wear pastel, or whatever you want, because as they say: black goes with everything. I am loving all of these friend collab videos this thriftmas as well <3 Thanks Alex and friends!

Aph elion: I’ve been dying mine black since I was 13… so for like 15 years and I still love it. The black compliments you so well. I wasn’t expecting to like it this much. Now I’m leaning toward the “DONT SHAVE IT” option lol

Dev: Black is my favorite color you've done so far! It definitely has a cute vintage feel on you, especially with this cut!

Katie HM: As a natural blonde, I’ve had black hair for the majority of my life because it always felt like my natural colour. The inner goth is strong. Dan’s reaction was the BIGGEST I’ve ever seen him have, so cute. You really suit it, really really. And black goes with everything. Embrace the black my friend, it works wonders for you.

Colbi Nicole: Alex, you’d have the most dramatic “one photo a day” for this year. I’d love to see a recap of every style you did with you hair in one vid!

Celeste Podeswik: I genuinely think the black is the prettiest hair color you’ve ever had, next to that really soft pastel pink that you got done in Japan. Would love to see you style some pastel outfits with this hair color! I think it would be just adorable

jupiter: This video was so cute! Not only did your hair look amazing, but watching how you and your friends interact and all the little things are so adorable, like when you and Dan were picking those vegetables in the garden I was like ❤ it's made me realise that I want that for my life, I want to have a place where I get to spend time with the ppl I love and just be happy, God I got emotional lol <3

Magically Pastel: Dare I say… is this pretty pastel’s final evolution? The black hair suits your skin tone so perfectly!

haleryan142: Alex you look drop dead gorgeous were so used to seeing you with light pastel colors and have seen some dark academia looks but full out punk/goth was something I never thought we’d see and didnt know it would suit you so well You literally look gorgeous with every look and love your personality of course. Thanks for the videos and entertaining us this month and as usual. And omg dan’s reaction was so adorable! Omg u looked soooo cute at the end with the headband and apron sorry just fangirling lol

Oh shit what: When the color was in her head I was a little scared cause it looked a little too cool toned for her skin but once it was dry it looked magnificent! It fit her so well!

Kathryn Moran: Alex you look INCREDIBLE!!! I love how supportive your friends are and Dan's reaction was just the best. your so lucky to have such an amazing group of people around you. and I think your mum will love it.

adeline.elizabeth: I’ve been loving your hair coloring journey so much! This color and style is by far my favorite!!! I feel like this is the healthiest it’s looked too. Love the little style makeover and I’m super excited to see you rock the pastels again for more of a pastel goth look. Could be a fun thrifting challenge!

NinjaOverlord NatNat: Dan’s just like “I need to bed my wife right now” adorable!

SilvaraDragontear: Dan is such a cutie! And you look so cute in black hair Alex, definitly a good choice to try black & that length of hair suits you so well. Definitly keep the hairstyle for awhile before the pixiecut.

titeno19: It looks so good!!! I love it! And it’s never too late to do something fun with your hair. It’ll fade and grow so enjoy having shorter hair. You look super cute with this haircut. I’m planning on cutting mine during New Years Eve with a friend and dye it. So excited!!

Lorraine Britton: All I can say is wow and thank you! You look blooming fantastic, Dan's reaction was my reaction my oh my hun absolutely stunning and so cute, if I hadn't just had my Christmas colours done by my amazing hairdresser, I'd be so tempted to go black on my undercut but I'm enjoying my red and peacock green hair too much. Brilliant video, thank you all xx

Jacey Blake: Aww Alex, I'm getting emotional seeing you so happy with the way you look! You have such amazing friends and husband, they're definitely you're little group of personal cheerleaders haha! Aww this video gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling!

Ky Rh: I must say three things : first, black hair suits you and I really wasn't expecting that because I have a similar complexion and black hair on me looks AWFUL. Second, I love that Dan seems more and more comfortable in front of the camera and we get to see his goofy side, it's adorable ! And lastly, Katelyn's "ohlala" was so French that it literally startled me (And that's coming from a French girl)

Katherine Holland: As a goth myself I am so STUNNED by how great you look in this style. You rock it!! And look so happy doing so :)

Tiffany Hartzog: I love how close you all are, without any jealousy and immature attitudes!!

Sharon Mahon: I just love this - such a fun happy and loving moment with you, your friends and your husband. Thank you for sharing xo

The Eyre Effect: ALEX YOU LOOK STUNNING AHHH. Dan’s reaction was my favorite thing. Every reaction he’s ever had to your hair has been so sweet but this was just the tops.

Tessa: Definitely DID NOT tear up when Dan saw the new look!! Every time you do something new to your hair, he is always there to tell you that you look incredible, and he truly means it!! It is so touching.. We love a supportive and loving husband ❤️❤️

Lisa G: I was 16 when I first dyed my hair black (this was in the 90's, kids) and my initial reaction to seeing myself in the mirror was "OhmygodIlooklikeJoeyRamone... I love it!" Had black hair for five years before going blonde in 2000. Arctic Fox Transylvania tends to wash out blue - it'll be fun to see the transition shade!

Mellie Ivy: the black hair looks amazing!! with the length, colour, and the fact you have thicker bangs going on right now, i'd LOVE to see some sort of pinup look if you'd be into trying it!! keep being your best self <3

Alex C: Dish soap, baking soda, and a bit of water. Cleans up hair dye from skin really well. I've used it when I did my hair bright red.

Joshua Davidson: I need to see Alex in a cute black and pink outfit! Will look so cute with this hair, so glad you went black ❤️

Sirama: This is honestly this is the dream! To a house fill of friends and loved ones. This was so enjoyable to see! Dan’s reaction was the ultimate what we all hope for significant others! Also, papa Sam cleaning the counter is definitely how I imagine him with a child!

xCatney: Been following you for so long and I'm so so happy to see you finally do what you want with your hair. You seem so so much happier and I LOVE the way your bangs are styled! You look amazing ❤️

jordi latu: Black hair looks so good on you! I also love the random dance breaks with Lucy

Poppy Rendall: I love how it looks on you! Dark hair also makes it look healthier

Megan B. Higgins: Friendly tips for anyone: Hair spray works really well for taking hair dye off of bathroom counters etc. Also putting Vaseline around the hair line helps prevent staining on the skin.

Edgyedgelord: It looks so good!!!!!!! The final outfit is also so cute and when Dan saw you I just melted bc of his reaction. Im sometimes insecure that I'm not pretty enough because I'm alternative and this made me feel better about myself

LadyTofu: How Alex is dressed at the end is how I would dress if I had money and confidence. :')

Veera Kaipio: Alex laughing and enjoying time w her friends is perfectly splendid ❤️

Lydia S: That genuinely looks SO good on you! You look absolutely fantastic!

Tiffany: it looks so stunning on you omg and seeing dan’s reaction is always one of my favorite parts haha

FrolleinMiez: Yay the black hair looks so cool on you! I think you'll love the dark hair with pastel clothes very much. I'm biased of course because I wear a lot of pastels and have dark brown hair. Love the contrast! Also the outfits you tried on were super cool! Glad you could have a "teenage me would be soo happy" moment. These are so special being able to live out something we couldn't before. For me it was bleaching and dying my hair all of the colours for some years. And wearing clothing I actually want to wear because there are better plus size options finally.

Genefruit: Pretty pastel goth! Black is just such a classic and when it looks good on you - and it looks very good on you - it fits with any style you want. Seriously love how excited you are to finally get to do this! And Dan's reaction was priceless.

Luna Vee: Alex this is legit the most beautiful hair color I’ve seen you with and it goes so well with the haircut!! I’m living for you with a pastel/punk aesthetic!!!

Jasmine Pugsley: I love how hard Dan blushed and how he just snatched her up it's like he fell for her all over again

MaskedOtome: So cute!!! Congrats on finally getting the black hair you always wanted, it's never too late <3 It suits you so well!

Kristina Baker: You look freaking gorgeous! Dan’s reaction was so adorable

Dencie: I wasn't expecting the black to look this amazing on you, wow!

Megan Anne: Watching your video and it showing you happy with the outcome instead of “well guess I look like this now” was so amazing. You look so good with black hair! Im so happy everyone was so supportive

Kuschelmonster: I love the new hair color on you! It looks amazing. Honestly you're living the dream - harvesting your own vegetables and cuddling with those fluffly chickens when they are not trying to eat your toe :D

ACWells13: I dyed my hair black using a 'lasts 6-8 weeks' hair dye from nice 'n' easy for a new years eve party. 6-8 weeks later it was still as black as night. I emailed the company and they said it was actually permanent dye and it just meant it needed the roots retouching after 6-8 weeks. They gave me a £10 voucher as 'compensation' for the fact I had to grow my entire hair out for 2 years because you can't add dye over black.

SawyerNotTom: I've been following you since about the beginning and I don't think I've ever seen you happier Alex I'm so so proud of you! Enjoy your black hair after 14 years of waiting!!

Jasmine Johnson: You look so happy!!!! I love this look on you. And feel like you’re getting closer and closer to “your look” and finding yourself❤️❤️❤️

DrGrukar McNinjaSixthGun: Me: I'm over my edgy phase. Also me: Likes everything Michelle picked out for Alex. The black looks great.

Katrinaluffskuya: Omg I did not expect you to look so good with black hair! I love all your hair transformations but I figured black would be too stark against your skin tone but wow was I wrong!! You look great by far my favorite color on you so far

realityisDEAD98: I think your bangs look adorable on you!!! I hope you decide to keep them C: Also, it is likely that the robe wasn't bought at one of the amusement parks. We have a ton of disney stores in malls and stuff that sell licensed disney merch.

kelly Martin: Lucy is so funny! Her sense of humor has really come out in the last couple of videos, and I feel like she must light up every room she's in. The hair looks great Alex! Also, I wore an outfit inspired by Michelle the other day (I think we have similar sort of body shapes) and I felt SO good. I usually wouldn't have worn the top I wore that day, but after seeing a similar look on her, I felt confident trying it.

TheMissLexi: Looks stunning. I, too dye my hair every colour under the sun and spend a lot of time and money keeping its condition perfect. Definitely get some Olaplex and/or Philip Kingsley Elasticiser in your life and mix it with a little of your black dye over the next few washes and in a couple months your hair condition, softness and smoothness will be restored

K: Heads up, Arctic Fox does NOT always come out, especially the darker colors I couldn't get Ritual out for literally months. I do love it though so even if it doesn't, you still look awesome <3

stacey hernandez: I adore this look on you!! The black is very retro and so dang cute!! And I’m so happy your happy! Sometimes it’s the things we’re most scared to do that make us the happiest! Enjoy! ❤️

Milktea Popcorn: I’m so happy for you I’m crying. I remember looking in the mirror being finally happy with my looks, because I did what I wanted. It’s easier said than done.

YOLNow 4Ever: This was such a great video and a beautiful new look that fits you amazingly! And to see you guys having a great time just being together, laugh, the joy of harvesting what you sowed, that's what life is!! And I would see 2 low ponytails looking quite good with the skirts, or anything else you feel like because you are genuine! You are not trying to become someone else, you are just expressing one of the many colorful sides that are part of the beautiful being that who you are! Love it all!!

Jedi Knight Deeja: You look so gorgeous in the goth style!!!! I know pastels are your thing but just know how stunning you look in this style also, as someone who was into the punk/goth style as a teen and has since drifted away from the fashion, I totally get living out your teenage dream PS this black hair proves that you look beautiful in any hair color ❤️

ForestQueen: The black hair looks so good on you, and with it in ponytail and bow accessories, just amazing ❤

Danish Plays: You make me wanna dye my hair black again! This looks amazing on you!❤️

Kyla Epp: I am so beyond jealous of the friendships you have. And how close you all seem and the fact that you all make time to see each other. I just moved to a new state and my only friends just moved away and its been so hard to meet people! You guys look so happy! Also the black hair looks gorgeous on you!

amy-leigh: If Dan and Alex ever decide to have kids, there is a 100% chance they will have the most beautiful red hair and I am so envious

sianymay96: Been living vicariously through you and your hair journey wanting to do everything and I think you have now convinced me to go black !

KΔSTLES Music: It looks fantastic! The great thing about black is that is definitely works even with pastel and kawaii styles. I had platinum hair for many years and opted to go black myself, only a couple of years ago. Thanks to genetics, my hair is actually completely white, and it was a relief from the maintenance and upkeep of other colours. You’d never know it wasn’t my natural colour. I’m so glad you’re happy with it! Great job!

Sennatjuhh♥: she looks absolutely magnificent, i legit have no words. she can legit pull off both styles!

Mette Bak: Big respect for doing it Alex and I LOOOOOOOVE the final look<3<3 and remember it is just hair, it is not that serious^^

mollevampielol: You look absolutely amazing! And the courage to try something you've wanted for ages it's do good to see!

Fleur_Pouvior: Pro tip from my stylist: if you get dye on the skin, spray it with hair spray and wipe it off before it dryes. Edit: clarification, befor the spray dryes. The dye can already be dry

Becca Mee: I've been thinking about having my hair cut shorter for a while but I was so unsure about it and scared that I would regret it immediately. But after I saw how happy cutting her hair made Alex I finally asked my mom to cut my hair, which she just did today! My hair was so long that even going to the toilet was a struggle and annoying and now it stops just below my shoulders! Right now it's still very choppy and not nice looking because my mom didn't have much time today but I'm soo glad my hair is shorter now!!

BillieTrixx: You look incredible!! I'm so glad you're having fun with your hair and style, living your best life!

Carola Ternestål: I absolutely love dying my hair black. It is such a big transformation and huge difference from everything else. It look really really good on you!

Abbs xo: It looks so goodddd!!! I’d love to see you style some of your pastel pieces with the black hair! We’ve had a very similar hair journey so far

kcbaby136: GAH!!! It looks SO GOOD!!! High school Alex’s dreams have FINALLY come true!! With the outfit she looks like she could be a character from Arcane! Like Jinx’s protégé!

Naomi Stein: Love the final look and the different outfits! I wish I looked like that in high school it was somewhat close, but not quite. I'm trying to bring back some elements, but also remember that I'm in my 30s Also, I wish I had your garden, it looks amazing!

Kristelle: I am convinced you have a face that's universal for all hair colors, literally everything you've done has looked so good and it turned out amazing! Also the way Dan picked you up was so adorable.

Kaitlan McLean: I love it! And I think it has a pretty mauve blue purple undertone (when they are applying it it looks like a purple blue blackberry undertone colour) now we’re all just waiting for that pixie Also Dan was adorable and it made my black lil heart go awww

TheNerdyVixen: I dyed my hair black for the first time in October, it took me a bit to get used to it, but I love it. Be sure to pick up a darker brow pencil so you can match your hair. Play with colorful eye makeup!

midsummermuse: This looks so AMAZING on you--love it!! <3

Candylooops: The final look came out incredible! This makes me want to change my look dramatically too how fun!

Meg Fee: The black hair turned out really good. As much as I like the goth look my mind somehow went that dressing retros 1950s with it would be amazing.

Tess McDonald: You look SO GOOD, this is my fav look on you ever!! The hair is sooo flattering ✨

Natalie Juarez: You look fabulous. Btw. The average Goth today is 40 years old. It’s a subculture that isn’t a phase for many people and will be with them for their entire life. For others it is a phase and that’s just fine. But you’re never too old or late to try something you always wanted to try.

Kimgi Sedai: YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!!! I have been dying my hair black for a couple of years now (I'm naturally med-darkish brown) and I'm now thinking of going pink lol. Have to let the black fade quite a bit first though. I used box dye which is the WORST at coming out. I will manage though! Eventually!

Misia Mazis: I loooooooove seeing Dan react to these I love seeing how much he loves you <3 the hair looks absolutely AMAZING on you!!!!!!!!

Rue is a Plum: Alex's outfit when she showed Dan looked so good!! You're living your dream!! Dan picking you up bridal style was so cute!! You look so happy with your new look!!

Jammie Clark: When you finally came down the stairs I was shocked, you just looked so cute. I think it looks really good either down or up.

Azur3Monst3r: This has to be my favorite on you besides blonde and natural! It's SO GOOD :3 you can tell Dan really loves it too

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