How To Grow Long & Healthy Hair | 10 Quick Tips

Yes, genetics play a big part in hair growth. However, there are things you can do to not only speed up your hair growth, but also ensure that you keep your hair healthy. In this video I go over 10 quick tips to grow long and healthy hair.

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So you want to grow your hair longer, whether you just want an undercut a long side part or go full on man bun length. You probably want to make sure it grows healthy and reasonably fast. So here are 10 quick tips to help you grow long and healthy, hair tip number one, don't cut it. It might sound obvious to not cut your hair when you're trying to grow it, but wait until you had that awkward stage. It'S gon na look bad and that's when you'll want to resist the temptation of going to your barber and getting a nice short fade. It'S gon na take a while to grow your hair anywhere from 3 to 12 month or even more, depending on what hairstyle you're going for so commit to it and just power through that awkward stage. Number 2, massage your scalp massaging. Your scalp is a great way to promote hair growth. It stimulates the nerve, endings and blood vessels on your head and with more blood flowing through your scalp. The hair follicles receive more nutrients and oxygen, which promotes the growth of hair. It'S something you can do while in the shower, or you can also get one of these scalp massagers if you've never tried. One of these trust me, it feels really good number. Three: don't use shampoo everyday, using shampoo, too often strips away essential oils from your hair, which can lead to a dry and flaky scalp. Personally, I find that twice a week works best for me. Number four be gentle with your hair, especially when it comes to shower time, it's normal to lose some strands of hair everyday. But what you want to avoid is to cause breakage. So don't rub and tug. Your hair, like a madman when you shampoo it and don't use a hairbrush on wet hair, wait until it's dry or at the very least, use a wide toothed hair comb like this part, as you can see right here, which is gon na be wider than this Part and it's gon na be less aggressive on your, for the same reason is number four. You don't want to go to bed with wet hair, because the friction between your hair and the pillowcase from moving around in your sleep there's a common cause of breakage. When your hair is wet, number six don't use high temperatures. This applies especially to hair dryers and heat styling tools. High temperatures weaken your hair fiber, so it's better to use medium temperatures when drying your hair or better. Yet if you shower in the evening a couple of hours before bed, you can simply let it air dry, naturally number seven be careful with sun damage. If you're going out on a hot sunny day - and you know you're gon na be outside for a while consider, bringing a hat or a baseball cap number eight get your vitamins right. Like any other part of your body, your hair needs a variety of nutrients to grow and remain healthy. In fact, many nutritional deficiencies are linked to hair loss. Some of the vitamins and nutrients that help your hair grow healthily are vitamins a b c and e iron and zinc. Real food is the best source of vitamins and nutrients you can get, but if you're, not getting enough in your diet, supplementing yourself with a multivitamin can be helpful. However, I am NOT your doctor, so please seek professional advice before taking any supplements. Number nine eat more fish oil. When the word fat pops up in the kitchen, we often attach a negative connotation to it, but the truth is there is such a thing as good and bad fats. What makes fish oil very healthy for you is the abundance of omega-3 fatty acids that it contains popul, promoting hair growth and preventing a dry and flaky scalp. It has many other health benefits like helping to prevent heart diseases, keeping your joints healthy and improving a vision, since the human body can produce Omega threes on its own. We need to get it externally from our diet or from supplements. Number 10 give your hair some downtime, try not putting product in your hair every single day, it's good to let the hair breathe a little, and if your hair is already long enough to tie into a bun just let it down once in a while, like when You'Re at home, for example, it's also good to vary the placement of your bun, which you can tie in low middle or high, and there you have it 10 tips to grow to long and healthy hair. Now, with that said, genetics also play a big role in hair growth. So, even if you follow all of these tips, you may just be genetically inclined to start balding at a younger age. If that's the case, maybe just go on and rock a bus cut like a boss anyways, I hope you enjoyed the video guys just hit the like button. If you did, it really does help the channel grow. If you're new here consider subscribing wish you all a beautiful day and I'll see you in the next one peace

scythE: 1. Don't cut it 2. Massage your scalp. 3. Don't shampoo often (or at all) 4. Be gentle with your hair (Use a wide-tooth comb) 5. Don't go to bed with wet hair. 6. Don't expose hair to high temperatures. 7. Be wary of sun exposure. 8. Get plenty of vitamins and nutrients (Vitamins A, B, C and E. Iron and Zinc.) 9. Eat more fatty fish like salmon or supplement with fish oils. 10. Give your hair some downtime (Avoid product, let it down once in a while.)

Just Some Guy without a Life: Hardest part: “when you gonna cut your hair? It gotten pretty long”

Eric Wagner: Had shorthair all my life, the pandemic hit and I let my hair grow for 15 months before getting my first "clean up" cut. Now it sits on my shoulders and I gotta say, I'm loving having long hair in my 30s. Thanks for the tips, feel like I learn something new everyday about having long hair. For all my other long haired ruffians out there, I recommend keeping some hair ties on you at all times...I love going out to eat and nothing is worse than realizing you just dipped your hair into your meal.

Zdarr: As a girl, I trust you more than most girl youtubers speaking on the same topic :P they just show 100 products sometimes..

ReDA Masarani: Tip 1 : don't have balding genes and thinning hair Tip 2 : don't cut your hair

Jonuel Gamero: “Be gentle with your hair” Mom doing my hair: brushing my ears, scalp and brain

YANIK KLAUS TV: Just started to try out longer hair because of the quarantine. Thanks for the tips man. I hope it grows fast( awkward stage scares me)

Onii-Chan: Well Eren Yeager Inspired me to grow my hair so i can bite my hand with inspiration

Arbel Dror: I shaved my hair a year ago, since I've been shaving my hair almost every month and now I wanna grow it for a long buzz cut with an undercut! I searched for a good vid that'll actually help me for DAYS and just found yours, guess how slipped into my favorites

Tim Mingers: I won't say I am easy to manipulate...but you literally got me thinking about skipping the barber for the next 3-12 months within only 5 minutes.

Dandi Apparently: I have a little tip for you guys who are currently in that awkward stage. I found out myself that the thing that triggers this awkward looks are the bangs on the side, just simply pull it behind the ear so it seems cleaner. Hope it helped

Abdullah Gerim: Hi Tim, I love the way you explained everything and going to change 4-5 steps on keeping my long hair healthy. Can you also show how you do a bun. I think I’m doing it wrong and it feels sometimes uncomfortable... thank you

UrPPhard: Not gonna lie, I'm impressed. You convinced me to grow my hair in literally 5 minutes. Good job

Aqiff Yassin: Note: 1.dont cut it 2.massage your scalp 3.dont use shampoo every day gentle with hair 5.dont go to bed with wet hair 6.Don't use high temperature careful with sunlight 8.get vitamins right more fish oil 10.give hair some down time

Daniel Kühner: For someone who has extreamly oily hair, how do you prevent that so you dont have to shower every day with soap to look decent going out?

Rron Krasniqi: Hi Tim! Thanks for the nice tips. I was wondering does putting coconut/almond/olive oil help with taking care of your hair while growing it out?

Doctor Nawar Sabah: I’d like to share my own experience with long hair 1- Don’t use anti dandruff shampoos everyday, i use it once/w if you repeatedly use these shampoos this may cause the dandruff to become resistance to most treatment. 2- use natural soap , i use coconuts oil when my hair gets dry after shower and i don’t use comb a lot. 3- if you have an increased hair falling you may try Minoxidil + Finasteride solution for controlling the Hair fall/Growth .

Don Hatter: My Tips to grow your hair 1. Don't wear hat every single day 2. Found your hobbies 3. Be patient 4. Use hair oil especially (Coconut hair oil) 5. Don't shampoo every single day 6. Use more conditioner than shampoo 7. Eat a healthy food that helps your hair grow and make your hair stronger 8. Massager your Scalp every single day 9. Drink a lot of water and milk 10. Don't not cut your hair 11. Don't put too much heat on your hair 12. Take Vitamins every single day 13. Sleep and Relax more often 14. Quit smoking and Drinking alcohol 15. Don't Give Up Your Hair Growth Journey

MULTIROLE: I watch this because i want to get Eren Jaeger's Hairstyle

Sonic2Metro: Wish you mentioned incorporating an essential oil into your hair washing routine. Using Coconut Oil is such a boost in hair’s health since it basically nourishes your hair as well as be a protective barrier, like if you went swimming and afterwards washed your hair. What I’ve been currently doing now since I’m a year into my hair growth is heating up coconut oil and mixing with Jojoba Oil, letting it stay in my hair for a few hours and washing it out. It’s a benefit if your shampoo is sulphate free, it will also nourish your hair if your shampoo does have sulphate.

Pisces Adventures: I've been growing my hair for over 21 years now. In the last 2 years I have not trimmed it at all so it is currently very long at some points below my waist.

Ethan Davenport: I honestly didn’t realize how bad shampooing your hair everyday was for you! Even if long hair doesn’t work out in the long run that tip alone is worth the watch.

Jutt Honey: 1 dont cut it 2 massage your scalp 3 dont shampoo every day 4 be gentle with your hair 5 dont go with wet hair on bed 6 dont use hight temparature 7 vitamins biotin 8 avoid sun damage 9 dont use daily hair products 10 use oils

KIRA QUEEN: Hardest part when friends tells you it's look bad on you and should get haircut but when you get one they tell you the opposite

HowsDaMonsoon: Hey Tim, do you have specific shampoo/conditioner you'd recommend to use or ones that you recommend to avoid?

John Nguyen: Hey Tim, did you do anything for your beard? As asian men I know not many of us are able to grow beards, mine is patchy so I was wondering if you had a beard routine or you did anything to help the growth of it?

Sabih Bin Masood: I grew my hair out and definitely tip 1 was the hardest.

TeamGalacticBeastDiety: I just started growing my hair out, and I’m going for the man bun stage. Should I get it cut at all? Trims or anything? Or just let it grow out, no haircuts at all until it’s the desired length

?: *E r e n Y e a g e r*

SuperZombiepimp: Only 3 months in and I'm already looking like the joker love it also shampoo once a week but use conditioner every 3rd day also like he said fruit helps a lot cut out soda and sugar drinks this cuts out toxins and actually helps your scalp

Challengemaster101: So I’m going threw puberty and my hair gets oily after like 1-2 days. What do you think I should do to deal with this?

Lolimancer: Me reading comments Everyone: "eReH jAeGeR"

Javier Teo: 1:14 important note: this doesn't apply if you're in a tropical climate because you're more prone to clogging your follicles than having a dry scalp or hair.

Gabe Mancino: Finally a video that gives actual tips instead of staying the obvious

Jonard 89: 1 year after watching this video my hair grow's 12" long .

Adrian Ruiz: Wow this is the video I didn’t know I needed. I’ve been trying to grow my hair out since like September and I’m currently at that ‘awkward stage’, it’s like whenever I need to know something you’re already making a video on it?! Love your vids!

82 Seconds: I took the hard way and let my hair get long. alot of people said i look like a girl but i dont care i love my hair and i plan to grow it out alot

Dan Dan: Because of the emerging musicians here in the Philippines who also have long hairs, I got inspired to have long hair too Thanks for the tips...✌ No. 1 might be the hardest...

Exploring With Devin: welp I'm 15 been growing my hair for 1 and a half years its down to my shoulders and I always worried that I might be treating it wrong but all the things in this video I'm already doing and more

CaptainRedDucky Supreme: So I know know you said to avoid sun damage and this might be it as well, but is it bad if I let my hair sun dry a few times a year? I don’t do it very often but I like the results and I just wanted to know.

_Dopeツ: This will amplify my range of haircuts, thanks for the tips!

WeirdKidBlu: So I want to grow my hair out, and the “Don’t Shampoo Your Hair Every Day” is kinda sketchy for me. Because I have some-what VERY OILY HAIR. So, for some one like me, should I still follow that step or can I use shampoo every other day?

Tukkleslay: this is really helpful for those who wanna grow their hair fast

Vilveswaran: Thank you for the 10 quick tips bro❤️

Viktor Hermansson: Nice video dude! I actually started growing my hair like a year ago and it's about your length. It was hard in the middle stages but now i love it! Might seem obvious, but any tip on where I can see different ways to tie my hair up? New to long hair, so never thought about that stuff before. Also in my case as a bearded white guy it makes me worried about looking like a 2010s hipster, while you rocking it makes you look like a badass samurai or something! I like these general skincare etc. type videos too. Most tips i personally know already(but i agree with all of them), but if i was just starting out and learning about this stuff again? Your channel would have been a tremendous help! ofc it still is, but i mostly watch it cause it's so well made and to the point. Keep up the good work dude! Man-bun squad assemble!

MuhammadAli_GOAT: How long did that hair take to grow? you should do a video on the duration results and what to expect in length on average. video was great!

Senuka Ranadeera: So do we just let our hair dry on it’s own, no towel or anything? And what would be an alternative to no shampoo. Or is it just simply no cleaning substances in hair too often?

Creeper x20: would any living conditions also affect hair growth, my family loves in a older house that need extreme make over, so i was wondering if that could also affect hair growth

POP ROADS: The video was really helpful Tim ☺️

DREWSKI DID IT: The last time I got a haircut was before my birthday may 2018. And I'm loving it. This is my second time attempting to grow since the first time I got fed up with the nappy stage since I have super straight hair with no volume and I went with the undercut on sides and man bun on top, but this time no matter how much it bothered me I didnt budge. Now my hair is so long ! The only downfall is my hair closer to my forehead is not quite there to tie in the back as I am forced to always wear hats and shampoo every day because I work in the construction business so that is almost impossible. Especially out here in the Coachella valley where we easily get 3 digit temperatures in summer. Anyway. Great video and for anyone contemplating on cutting their hair because of the nappy/ugly stage. DONT DO IT you will regret it instantly. Speaking from personal experiences lol. Always would get fed with my straight hair so there I went, hitting up the barber with a 3 on top and taper fade on side. But not this time

MrDudeMan: I really want to grow out my hair... Shoulder length hair really appeals to me. Unfortunately, I have really thick hair, and it's a bit difficult. Also, I need to convince my parents to let me grow it out. I am 16, and my parents are very strict.

Ezekiel: My hair is almost 5 inches now. My hair grows at a pace of 3/4 or 1 inch per month. Is it okay if i tie it often? Like 5 - 7 hours a day or even more than that. I wanna know if it will damage my hair or make it grow slower...

Hassan CR7: Can I leave hair oil in overnight? Atm, I am using this hair growth oil (trying to grow my hair out) that contains biotin, caffeine, castor oil, rosemary oil, olive oil and coconut oil. It's also a non genetically modified product. (:

Yuan: "don't go to bed with your hair wet" Me, already in bed, hair slicked back with water: fuck.

John Carlo Fernandez: Keanu Reeves inspired me to grow my hair lol

Larry The_P: I've been growing my hair out for two years now and I can't imagine cutting them off.

Alex Rodriguez: This December will be my 4th year of letting my hair grow. Doing it to donate it but it's sort off hard now that I've grown used to it. Hopefully after this quarantine goes down a bit more, I'll finally cut it. Thanks for the tips btw

M: Trying to go for that Johnny Depp 'Blow' hair but my hair's texture is Extremely thick/coarse. I'm gonna give it a shot before the summer, and if not, I will trim down to the perfect slick-back!!!

Grow: motivator always Tim! grown-up watching him. motivated me to make a vid on how to grow hair faster and thicker let's go need some support guys. cheers

Miika Mäki: Thanks. This gave me extra encouragement during my awkward stage ✌

Joshua Perez-Rios: Luckily for me my hair grows quickly. Thanks for the tips! Awesome vid! Eddie Vedder hair here I come lol

Abdullah Shah: Hello Tim hope so u will b fine .I wanna ask you something.Should we go to barber for a little bit trim after 3 or 4 months or no if we want long hairs like you.Btw that’s a great video and also helpful for us

Ameer Aiman: Any tips on dandruff. As i growing my hair out, dandruff start to become more apparent. Even when short hair, i have dandruff but usually after shampooing, it would take couple day for the dandruff to appear.

Alex Andersen: Seriously Tim - you have an answer for all my prayers.... Thanks, keep it up :-D

P Techs PC: Also another tip when washing your hair is to apply and work the sampoo only on your scalp and not on the hair.

FireCloud14: Thank god im in quarantine I won’t have to go outside during my awkward stage

Unknown: after i used a hair dryer around January this year on high heat, my hair started to get dry so quick after i shower. i started to get a lot of hair loss in the shower, my hair doesn't seem to be growing fast as usual, and please any products i should use for my hair because heads and shoulders shampoo and conditioner doesn't seem to be doing anything. ty and have a great day

angelico dacara: 1. Dont cut your hair 2. Make it grow 3. Dont use Shampoo everyday 4. Be patient and dont always think about it because it will slow it for some reason

mar juan: Tip: 1. Drink more water. 2. Eat Fish. 3. Sleep 6-8hrs. 4. Shampoo your hair 2x a week (to prevent dryness due to chemical contents and it also allows your hair to produce natural oil into your scalp that serve as fertilizer to grow your hair healthy and naturally). 5. Don't Smoke. 6. Avoid to much intake of caffeine (coffee). 7. Excercise ( i play Basketball 5x a week, this is to promote good blood circulation). 8. Eat fruits & vegetables. 9. Avoid sugarry beverages (soda). 10. Drink Milk before sleep. p.s i use pure aloe vera as my alternative pomade/wax since we have it from backyard plantation and now i'm on my 7th month progress and i look like turning into Lion my hair was so thick and so long and i love the result of my growing progress. by the way i'm asian from Manila, Philippines.

Attendre Espérer: How long do I need to keep my hair for Eren after timeskip hairstyle?

Diego: I have been wanting to do this for a while and I finally got my parents approval but what I am clueless about is, how do I style my hair when it growing out? I mean growing it out from a short length. Atm I have the Edgar cut and my hair is 1 inch long, is there a better way to style it? My brother suggested a slick back kind of styling and I wanted to know if that’s the best way I can do it. I want to do this but I’m also in school so I don’t want to show everyone my cow lick lol.

Plump Will: My hair is fairly long and I’ve noticed over the past week it is just falling out. Its not like I’m old either, I’m a teenager. Any tips?

Ugly Bastard: How do you bun your hair? Your man bun looks so good I'm undergoing in the awkward stage right now btw thanks for the tips it's very helpful

Michael Nikitine: The tip about breakage and being too rough with your hair after showering is a myth, your hair is stronger than you think and whatever hair falls out with your comb or brush was hair that was already lost to begin with

Kaneki: Wash your hair with a temperature between cold and warm. If your a person that sweats a bit more or works a in a harsh environment wash every other day. Condition 2-3 times a week. Let your hair down and don’t have it up all the time. i know from experience, the hair gets tangled and damaged.

Ralph Biggers: It feels like the kind of right one. I need to grow it out my hair. But this is something different. I didn't get a haircut though.

Ryan Putranto: For air drying it naturally, I watched Eric Nam skincare video and he says he was told it was important to dry your hair somewhat quickly after the shower because you don't want to dry the scalp?

Lynn P: First off, your hair is beautiful. I used to like the idea of having long hair since my childhood but I could only muster the courage to do so a couple of years ago, in my late twenties. I am never one to take care of my skin, face or scalp and by the time I started growing long hair, my hair is already pretty thin. As it grow longer, I encounter more hair fall. Time and time again, when I see my small bun and my thinning hair line and my scalp, I become very much depressed. Now, I am trying some home remedies like aloe vera and onion juice, coconut oil and egg. Seeing your beautiful hair gives me hope to keep it going.

nathan jualin: In regards to washing your hair, can you rinse your hair everyday?

Rampage Mango: Guys, I’m growing out my hair (4 months in) and my routine consists of washing hair everyday with Water only which involves letting water run through my hair. However, I still wash my hair with shampoo but 2-3 times a week, and in between I wash with only water. Am I doing it right? I’ve also been told to condition my hair but how often? I’ve hair fine/thin hair.

ㇱZero・Clout: My hair was 9 inches all around but sadly I cut it and now I'm going for a more longer hair growth

Poru Kun: Thanks Tim for the tips i learn a lot God Bless you and Keep safe

HappySaladd: i've done most of the tips but mannn curly hair took a long ass time to grow, but recently i just got a fade or undercut so it might giving the idea of growing top hair

Grizelda: Extra tip: hair ties will really rip up your hair when taking them out. Cut them off instead.

Akshant Prakash: I see, everyone wants Eren Jaeger's hairstyle

Rome: This awkward stage is super weird for me right now. I must endure.

Jay K: Step 1: Wait Step 2: No Haircut Step 3: More Wait Step 4: *Hair Go Longer* Mission Complete

Samuel Scarpati: Thank you, for the fantastic video, keep it up!

ᅳ zen: I'm a lady but I saw your amazing locks in the thumbnail and just stuck around. Do you also use the rule of not using shampoos with sulfate? I probably missed some steps multitasking, but I always use products that promote growth and don't carry much sulfate.

Moveshit Dan: Never though Charlie had another channel for hair growth Such commitment

Smarandescu Andrei: i started growing my hair much before eren was going for the long hair look even in the manga so i got to the level where i got to manbuns at the exact point eren got to that point too

Kaivan: Thanks a lot!! cuz i was always having a hairloss or something and i just realize that i was doing it all right like taking a shower after a hard day and heading on bed with a wet hair and i noticing that im having a lot hair loss or something and my hairline and my forehead suddenly keep losing hair and losing a lots of hair on my bed

Dejonn: my uncle makes me cut my hair, so growing my hair was never an option. still wont give up, i once retaliated by going bald.

Ali Al-Qasim: Awesome video thank you so much. I have grown up my hair from the upper side, but I cut the sides so now I am trying to grow the sides which is a bit challenging, I don’t know whether if it is a good idea to visit a barber to line up my hair while I am growing it?

Dynam1sk: So I’m not the only one who’s watching these videos cuz of my boy Eren Jaeger.

Daniel Rkman: I think I'm going to bald later in life, so I'm growing my hair out before that happens. Thanks Tim.

Arif: Had it at the same length for a while now buzzed since may of 2020 and it currently only 3 inch long hopefully I can get it back to around my neck… basically don’t cut your hair keep it long

Random Clips: Correction for Tip 1, cut the ENDS only if it shows a sign of frizziness or unhealthy.

Israel Arteaga: I think the chlorine in the water also causes hair loss. I would install a shower filter to reduce chlorine exposure on the scalp (can find filter at Home Depot, not expensive). This in addition to shampooing only 2 times a week should be fine (if you can get away with shampooing once a week, even better). Wear a shower cap if you find it hard to keep your hair dry while washing the rest of the body daily.

Guy with a Guitar: How to grow your hair overnight : make sure you drink enough water so you survive until you wake up the next day

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