Ultimate Hair Loss Guide | Dermatologist Tips

We talk about all things related to hair loss (androgenetic alopecia). Big shoutout to Bosley for sponsoring this video!

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0:00 Intro

4:32 What causes hair loss?

9:18 "Natural" treatments

10:28 Castor Oil

11:20 Low level light therapy

12:40 Minoxidil (Rogaine)

17:02 Microneedling

18:06 Finasteride

21:48 Spironolactone

23:08 Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

24:10 Hair Transplant

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Disclaimer: Dr. Muneeb Shah and Dr. L.J. Maxfield are not affiliated with Bosley Inc. or Bosley Medical Group. This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided in this video is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a physician regarding any health-related diagnosis or treatment.

What'S up everyone we're back dr maxfield, dr shaw, and today we have a long awaited video, so a lot of people. I don't know if you always talk about this, but dermatologists specialize in the skin, the hair and the nails, and so today long-awaited video about hair loss. It'S finally, here we've been dying to talk about this on rn2 and now is just the time. This is certainly one of my passions, one of your passions as well from a personal standpoint. Hair loss can be devastating for people. It can really affect your psychological state of mind. It really is important to a lot of people, and so we get a lot of questions and we're going to try to answer most of the questions that we get today bear in mind. We will do a lot more videos on this. This would be more of a series. Today is going to be our intro to hair loss. So when we think of hair loss, we kind of go into scarring and then non-scarring and there's like this huge tree of different types with the non-scarring there's the really common type and that's androgenic or pattern hair loss. So that's the one we're gon na focus on today. It'S the most common, so we're just gon na start there now one of the most important things about hair loss, i'm gon na intro it right here, because i think it's so important because some people might not get through the whole video. The most important thing with hair loss is that time is the most crucial factor about acting on it. The sooner you intervene on hair loss, the better results that you're going to have with any hair growth treatment, and if you have a scarring form of hair loss, if you don't stop the scarring, those follicles are done absolutely. This is by far the most important thing. If you let those hair follicles die, they are dead, they are gone and you are only going to be able to help them with procedures. If that everything about androgenetic alopecia. Here we go here, we go so most of what we're talking about in this video is offered by bosley. Now you may have heard of bosley. I heard about bosley growing up always there were always commercials about bosley like what is this place right? This is a place that focuses solely on hair restoration. They have hair restoration specialists that work at these places and, as a matter of fact, at our office, we do not offer a hair transplant, and so, when i came here and i had some patients that were candidates for hair transplant, i asked where do i send These patients - and they said we send them to bosley, because bosley is the nearest hair transplant location to us. So for years, i'm sending patients to bosley, we decided to partner with bosley for this video and before we decided to actually officially partner, i actually drove out to the bosley center in raleigh north carolina to check out the facility to see actually what they have to Offer first, i'm like: why am i sending all these patients here? I want to see what they're getting into and also, if we're going to do this video. I want to make sure that taking really good care of patients - and they are what's up everyone - we're in raleigh north carolina at the bosley hair restoration center, we're going to be doing a tour, we're going to be doing a walk through so come with us join Us on this journey, let's go all right. What'S up everybody, i have the wonderful dr phipps here and first of all before i just met her amazing personality right off the bat you guys are going to love her uh, introduce yourself i'm dr angela phipps, and i am the medical and surgical hair restoration for The bosley office here in raleigh north carolina all right, so we drove out here to kind of learn more about what bosnia has to offer. You guys are pretty comprehensive yeah, so we offer any medical therapy for people who have just started or early in their hair loss and they're, not necessarily in need of any restoration procedures, or anything like that. So we highly advocate the use of the oral medication called finasteride as well as topical medications like rogaine or minoxidil, liquid or foam, as well as low level light therapy devices that you wear externally on the top of your head for photobiochemical stimulation. And then, if your hair loss has progressed to the point where you actually have a bald spot or a significant area of thinning that you would like to have enhanced, we offer two different hair transplantation techniques or restoration procedures. One is called the fut and that's where we actually remove a strip of scalp out of the back of the head and sew it back together and dissect the individual hair follicles out of that piece of tissue and then implant, those in the hair loss areas. Or we offer the minimally invasive fue follicular unit, excision technique, where i remove every hair follicle individually from the back of the head, which does not leave a linear scar like the fut procedure does, and then the implantation process is the same for both of those procedures. Like with all things, we talk about what causes it first, because if you know what causes it, then you can kind of know how to treat it. The problem with androgenetic alopecia is that both androgens and genetics play a role and it's a very complicated role. How these things come together now you can't change your genetics, but what you can do is try to alter some of the androgen dependent issues that are happening. So what are androgens androgens are the hormones such as testosterone and dhea or dheas, and these can act throughout the body and then for our purpose is specifically the scalp and the follicle. So we have these circulating androgens throughout our body, they're like floating little communication signals and there's one receptor, maybe two, but one primary receptor on the scalp that this is mediated through and that's five alpha reductase. So this sits within the hair follicle. These little androgens act on it and this actually shifts the growth cycles in the hair shifts other things within the hair causes them to miniaturize and eventually stop growing, so it stops growing and then it falls out now. First, we have to kind of look at the cycle of hair, so hair goes from anagen to catagen and then to telogen. So antigen is the growth phase and then catagen is sort of this in between phase and then telogen. Is that resting phase? And then, after that, your hair falls out, so it kind of goes from it shortens that antigen phase and then shifts it to that telogen phase. Now this can manifest in male or female pattern, hair loss so for males you usually lose hair on the temple areas. First and then the vertex crown area and then for females, it's more of a diffuse thinning and they call this a christmas tree pattern of hair loss and basically it's just thinning in the center area. Here now it's worth noting that you really don't start to notice and other people don't just start to notice your hair loss until you've lost about 50 of the hair on your head, which means at this point, if you're starting to notice hair loss, you're really racing Against time yeah so interesting numbers here with this, you know we each actually have about 100 000 hairs on our head, so you would lose about 50 000 hairs before you even really notice that difference also, we all lose naturally about 100 hairs on our head. Every single day, so some conditions increase that tremendously by shifting the hairs from the growth phase to that shedding phase yeah, and we call that condition. Telogen effluvium and you often see that after really stressful events happen so pregnancy, a big move, a death of a family member. We saw this a lot when kobe was at its peak that people were starting to lose hair pretty rapidly. Now you start to lose hair. More rapidly and it's because of a stressful event and they sort of lose hair, so you get a little bit more stressed out, which makes it even worse right. So what ends up happening is that your hairs in telogen effluvium shift from that growth phase rapidly to that telogen phase, and it takes about three months for those hairs to actually fall out. And so you won't even sometimes remember what the stressful event is and then, when we're asking patients, we say: hey did something happen three months ago, four months ago and they're like yeah. Actually this really bad thing happened and then we kind of get to the bottom. That this is telogen effluvium, but if you start to lose hair more rapidly than you were before it may unmask androgenetic alopecia that you were already suffering from right. So let's say you have like 70 000 hairs left on your head and it looks pretty normal-ish. Then still genetic fluvium comes along shifts: 30 000 hairs into the shedding phase, all of a sudden you're left with what 30 000 hairs left. I forgot how many hairs you had on your head initially, but regardless you fall below that threshold and your hair just looks thinner overall and in the areas where you're already thinning like in in the temporal area there. It becomes very apparent. It'S like one of those math problems where they're like luke has a hundred thousand hairs. He loses thirty thousand years that he undergoes telogen effluvium. So basically, this is what happens and it's extremely stressful. It'S happened to me before i do have androgenetic alopecia. I do go through stressful moments, where i have telogen effluvium and those things combine exacerbate my stress, and so i completely empathize with anyone who is going through this yeah and we've said this in so many videos. I think we're both very passionate about this. I'M gon na out my dad here he is very bald and i've always been very concerned that i was going to follow in his footsteps. I might one day, but i'm doing everything i can to prevent that from happening. I also have a really bad family history of hair loss, so everybody in my family was pretty much bald at 25, and so i'm really trying to race against time, and so i've done everything that i can in my power, i've tried a lot of things that We'Re going to talk about today to try to fight hair loss. Now, not everybody cares about losing their hair. There are some people that have it like, dr maxfield. He looks like dwayne johnson, you know, so he can. He can go bald. I can't i have a very strangely shaped head. I cannot pull it off, so you know i'm doing whatever i can to stop it. So we'll talk about some of those treatments now, first, let's talk about some of the over-the-counter options that are available to you. So the big ones that come to mind are some of the natural supplements that a lot of people always ask us about, and i'm actually not against some of these, because some of them do have data other ones. Not so much we're just going to talk about them briefly and then we're going to do a whole video about natural supplements for hair loss and where the data is on some of those. So some of them here that do have some data are things like salt palmetto things like actually oral pumpkin seed oil has some data on it as well, then topical things like caffeine, topical things like green tea, topical things like rosemary peppermint, spearmint things like this do Have some data supporting their use um, but it is not fda or super high level evidence, but if you're somebody who wants to avoid some of these prescription medications, then i think would be reasonable to consider some of these yeah. I think that's fair and i think these all have that role. It'S a very supporting role in my opinion, because when you're going after hair loss, you need something that's kind of consistently effective, something that would also be pretty moderately effective if you really want to stabilize and prevent that hair loss, and then these all could come in As adjuncts now, the one thing that people always ask me about is castor oil. Now i don't know i mean there's a lot. I get a lot of questions about it, so i feel like that's something worth looking into from a scientific perspective. There'S no data on it, though. Unfortunately there's no data that castor oil can help with hair growth uh, but do a lot of people do mention that has helped them so yeah they do uh. Oh, it's just so tough to validate that, because even when you look at how castor oil has been used historically or used for other things, it doesn't have like a really strong, compelling reason as to why it would be effective for hair loss and then the fact That there's no studies backing up that it has ever worked consistently for more than like one person at a time. I'M really not on that train. Yet so it'll take a lot more to convince me about castor oil right and the other ones that we mentioned earlier. Do have some evidence that they have anti-androgen, or you know, testosterone or dht, inhibiting properties, and that's why they potentially do actually work next up low-level laser therapy, which we've talked about the benefits of light on the skin in our led video in the past. But now we're going to talk about the benefits of light or laser on the hair. So is there evidence that this works right, and so we kind of hinted this with our led video saying that there was - and there is the whole umbrella term, for this is going to be photobiomodulation and that's do these different forms of light therapy have a role In this case for hair growth and studies show that they do right, so you know you may see these devices. You may think that it is kind of wacky to use these helmets on your head. There is evidence that they work. I think that personally, i think that they work best when used in combination with other therapies that we're going to talk about here, so you know used in combination with minoxidil used in combination with some of these natural supplements that we spoke of oral medications. All these things combined, they work on different mechanisms to stimulate hair growth, and so, when you use them all together, they can have additive benefits yeah. I would not personally use just a light device therapy for hair loss alone. I just don't suspect i would get enough out of it, so i wouldn't use it by itself. Great additive, adjunctive thing and also people have done some studies. Looking at you know, is the comb more effective is the little ball cap more effective is like a slipper or something more effective. It doesn't really matter. You can just find whatever kind of clothing option you would want to use, and that would work fine next up. Topical minoxidil, so this is the big one. This is the one that's approved for both male and female pattern: hair loss. So let's talk about it. That in and of itself, is like enough to talk about alone. Minoxidil or rogaine has been around for so long and there's some really good studies about this as well. In fact, this is probably going to be the best studied most consistently effective over-the-counter treatment for hair loss, at least topically. Now i'm going to put a number to that. Some studies have shown that only about 40 of people will get like a meaningful result with treatment for minoxidil, and that requires six months at least six months of use. So it's not going to work for everybody, but out of everything we've already talked about this one actually works best right and the interesting thing about this is this was like a lot of discoveries in medicine was sort of discovered by accident um, so minoxidil started out As an oral medication that was used to treat hypertension now what they started to notice, they were people that were taking. This medication started to grow hair all over the place right, so they basically came to the conclusion that minoxidil may stimulate hair growth and they started to look further into this, and then they started to use it in topical formulations. Now people still use it in oral formulations as well, and so people do treat hair loss with it orally, but we're going to talk about the topical one right, so that leads us into. How does this actually work? So they use this originally to treat hypertension or high blood pressure. This medication can help vasodilate blood vessels, increase something called vegf or like a vascular growth factor, but for the hair it kind of works in three ways. One is that it actually increases that growth phase of the hair cycle, so that's the antigen phase and then it actually shortens the telogen phase that shedding phase of the hair cycle. Third, it can actually enlarge some of those miniaturized reverse hairs that happen during this pattern. Hair loss yeah - and let's talk about number two briefly here, because if you notice he said that it will shorten the telogen phase. So this is really important when you're starting topical minoxidil, that, if something shortening the telogen phase, what ends up happening is that you have a bunch of hairs that are already in telogen phase. Like i mentioned it stays there for about three months before it falls out. Now, if you, if you shorten that phase, a bunch of your hairs are going to start to fall out as soon as you start minoxidil, but those are hairs that were already planned to fall out right. So don't panic if you start to lose hair immediately. This is a treatment that you want to wait at least six months to see results with, and you may notice your hair loss get worse, which is painful to feel and experience, but just bear in mind that it's a normal function of this medication right, we're cycling Through that hair cycle, so don't freak out, don't panic and you do have to stick with it. You know six months is where you start to see results 12 months of consistent use is where you actually have like the stabilized new hair growth everything's more towards where you would want it and back within that hair cycle going through it with minoxidil, though you have To stick with treatment right, so you actually have to start using it once or twice a day, and you have to use it consistently, otherwise that growth effect that it has is going to diminish and eventually those hairs that are in that prolonged antigen phase, will shift To that telogen phase again and eventually fall out, and so it is something that you have to commit to long term yeah and i get that question a ton it's just like do. I have to use this forever and because i do, i don't want to use it, and actually that makes no sense, look we're all programmed to age. This is a normal process of aging, so until we can like reprogram our bodies to turn back the clock and like go back to puberty, we're going to have to use this and pretty much any treatment until the end of time until we pass away - or until You stop caring right. So basically, you know minoxidil is a long-term treatment and is something you do have to commit to, and some people don't want to do that. But if you do want to stick with it, i do notice that most people, in my experience, do ducey benefits from it. Do you want to know my favorite side effect of minoxidil? What'S that hair growth in all of the studies, hypertrochosis or hair growth, excessive hair growth is actually listed as an adverse event, and that's exactly what you want out of a hair growth, serum or ingredient. Now a lot of people will also ask. Well, if i stop using it, will my hair loss be worse than when i started it. Um not because of minoxidil may be worse, because your hair loss is just progressing during that time period. You'Ll go back to how you were before you started the treatment based on the mechanism that it works. There'S no reason to believe that it would cause your hair loss to get worse than when it started. So last thing worth noting here is actually the addition of microneedling plus minoxidil yeah, and this kind of marries the world of over-the-counter plus like procedural office and prescription, and the reason is micro, needling plus minoxidil has been shown to be effective. Actually, one of my favorite studies in hair loss is this micro, needling, frost, minoxidil, study you're, one of them amazing photos, amazing, study design, i love it, but the micro needling they used was 1.5 millimeters, which is more than is probably safe to use at home and Is available at home, so don't really recommend using this at home and the reason why this may be beneficial twofold to me. One microneedling does cause collagen induction or stimulation of sort of growth factors that could potentially stimulate your hair follicle. I'M not exactly sure how that mechanism, it works in theory, but the other thing is that it also helps your minoxidil penetrate better into the skin, and this is true that the stratum cortium, which is the top layer of the skin, is actually the biggest inhibitor to Topical medications entering the skin, and so, if you're able to disrupt that stratum, corneum layer, it does allow your topical medications to penetrate better. So next up, let's talk about prescription medications and the big one we have to talk about here is finasteride or propecia. So let's talk about it, so this is a very interesting one to me. My research in undergrad was actually on prostate cancer. I was just like a lab technician in the lab now for hair loss. In particular, this medication inhibits one of the specific forms of 5-alpha reductase. Now this was initially developed, like many other medications, for the treatment of other things, and then they noticed hair growth as well, and so it did have a role on shrinking the prostate in people that do have bph or benign prostatic hyperplasia. So let's talk about five alpha reductase: this is a little enzyme. It lives in your hair, follicle area and what it does is it takes testosterone and it converts it into dht or dihydrotestosterone, which is much more potent than testosterone. Now, if you inhibit that enzyme, you will lower your levels locally of dht now this can be very effective because dht causes hair loss. Yeah. An interesting thing here too, is that dihydrotestosterone axon receptors that are most prominent here. So that's the reason you know. Males traditionally would go bald here, but not here is the receptor density is actually much higher in this area. So if you decrease that enzyme, if you decrease that hormone, you will prevent and hopefully reverse some of that early hair loss in that area. So with finasteride, it's actually only fda approved for men now it does have some benefit in women that have excess androgens. But the body of data for hair loss and the safety of it is way more studied in males, and so it really is only fda approved for males. So we will do a whole video on finasteride, but some of the side effects that you should look into are things like: decreased libido things like an increased risk of prostate cancer, which actually a recent study came out that showed that it actually decreases the risk of Prostate cancer, but this is a conversation that you definitely want to have with your dermatologist, and the last thing is something called post finasteride syndrome which um you know. There'S been some new data. That'S come out about this and it has to do with mood swings. But again the studies that have been done on it are sort of low quality and we'll we'll talk more about that in a longer video yeah and the reason we want this to default, to a conversation between you and your physician is just we're so highly variable. In the way our bodies are, and the body of evidence for some of these prescription medications is either very weak, controversial or actually the body of evidence in the literature can go directly against what some of the recommendations from governing bodies are. So these are things that will always defer and would always prefer that you talk to your physician about it's just highly individualized and you need to have trust in them that they're guiding you in the right way. That being said, uh based on the evidence, that's out there. I do personally take oral finasteride, so you know it is what it is, and i do too, i think it's extremely effective. I think the literature is very much behind its use and the safety of it overall, so that takes us to dutastride, which is like a sister or brother of finasteride. There are different types of receptors, different types of 5-alpha, reductase, receptors and dutasteride inhibits two of them, and this is actually more potent than finasteride, which you know can be good and bad depending on what it does for you. So it's like at least three times more effective at hitting one type of enzyme up to 100 fold, more effective, inhibiting another type of this enzyme. So this medication shows a lot of promise. It'S not fda, approved and we'll kind of see how it does. I think, as we get more data about it right, but it has been shown to be more effective than finasteride, but then again you may experience some stronger side effects with it, depending on how you tolerate it. So, just something to keep in mind and something worth looking into. It is quite effective all right, so the last prescription medication we want to talk about is oral spironolactone, which is an excellent option for women with female pattern. Hair loss, so spironolactone was originally developed. Kind of like as a diuretic and then also used in antihypertension congestive heart failure has a myriad of rules outside of dermatology. For us, though, it inhibits some androgens androgen receptors and that's where it functions in the space of hair loss. So in dermatology we don't only use it for hair loss. It actually has a lot of different roles in women with skin conditions. It'S very effective for hormonal acne, it's very effective for hirsutism or increased hair growth. It'S very effective in women that have pcos. So it's an option that you definitely want to talk to your dermatologist if you're experiencing female pattern, hair loss now one of the side effects you may experience with it because it started out as a diuretic is increased urination high levels of potassium again, a conversation that You want to have with your dermatologist because it can also elevate your estrogen levels, so discuss with them, but it is very effective, especially at the low doses that we use in dermatology right and then you know hopefully they're coming out with some new topicals, specifically for Acne that kind of mimics bronolactone or ours bronolactone, even and you know maybe one day this will translate to the hair, but we're not there yet so. Finally, we're going to talk about some of the procedures that we do in dermatology to treat hair loss yep and this category could be broad, but most simply we're going to talk about some of the most common and then what i personally believe is the most effective Way to treat even kind of permanently your hair loss, so the first one we'll talk about is something called prp or platelet-rich plasma. So for this, basically, what ends up happening is that we draw blood from your vein and then we spin it down into centrifuge. What ends up happening is that platelet-rich growth factors or that plasma actually floats to the top of the centrifuge, and then we actually siphon off part of that, and we inject it directly into the scalp and that has tons of growth factors. It can basically stimulate your hair follicles back into that growth phase. Now, in my experience, it's like 50 50 of the benefits of this and there's more and more data coming out with this again. This is not an fda approved treatment, but it is something that we actually do at our office. Basically inject this prp directly into the scalp, and we've noticed that people do see. Hair growth with it right and people have tried this different ways, even microneedling in prp, but again the data kind of supports it. In some ways people respond people don't, and you know, i'm always looking forward to like large studies who can predict who will respond but again not there. Yet this may be a useful treatment option for some people and finally hair transplant hair transplant. This is something i actually love. I love this in theory, i love that it works, and so we've kind of gone down this road. I think differently. We'Ve talked about or thought about in our personal lives as well. Yeah we've talked about. When is the best time for us to do this right now, i'm happy with where my hair is, but if it does progress, this is definitely listen. I have no ego, i'm happy to get this procedure done myself, so this is something that i've always looked into for a long period of time. Now, basically, what this is is they take hair follicles from other areas on your scalp and they transplant them to the areas where you're missing hair? Now, as we said earlier, those receptors that cause hair loss or those enzymes that cause hair loss in the scalp have higher concentrations in different areas and so they're more focused on these areas and they're, not as focused on these areas, and so you can transplant these Hairs here to this area here and not experience, hair loss in those areas after they're transplanted right, and so this technique has actually progressively improved over years and we're at a point now that it's actually extremely effective and the results, i think, are very very meaningful, which Is for me probably the most important outcome when you see somebody, does it look like their hair's thin? Does it look like it's natural? Does it look like it's thick and natural, and this can offer ladder right and the interesting thing is it used to? You might see somebody with an old hair transplant. It looks like little doll hairs, it doesn't look very natural. We have made tons of progress, they're, really two ways that we do hair transplant. Nowadays you have follicular unit transfer or fut. This is basically where they take a strip of hair from the back of their head, and then they take out little follicles individually and transplant them into the scalp in a very elegant and artistic way. The other way to do it is follicular unit extraction or fue, where actually, they punch out little holes in the back of the scalp to basically remove those hair, follicles and then transplant them to the areas where you need them now. This doesn't cause a strip of missing hair. Instead, it's a little bit more natural. It does take a lot more time to do the procedure because you have to individually extract each group of follicles, so another important thing with hair transplant. Is you actually have to do more around this? So we've already talked about doing. Multiple things for hair treatment is very important, and this is actually no exception. Transplant, in my opinion, is like kind of the actual core or foundation of the most effective treatment, and then everything else is going to be supportive. So basically transplants like planting the seeds right, but you still have the water. That'S where things like minoxidil and your finasteride come in as basically your fertilizer and your water for the plants once they're planted and so um in combination now transplant can work well on its own, but in combination does even better and then the phototherapy, i guess, is The sun, the sunshine to grow the hair, okay, and so with this, how much does it cost? This is kind of a tough question to answer, because it really depends on how many units or follicles that you need to transfer. So if you have a small area to transfer, it can be less expensive. If you have a lot to transfer, then it can be more expensive, so the price ultimately depends on what treatment is required, but bosley does offer financing options through care credit credit cards which does allow you to pay over time. So when it comes to hair loss, bosley is the real deal. They offer a lot of what we're talking about today, but the biggest thing that i can stress to you - and i'm going to stress it again - is that time is hair act quickly on your hair loss, the sooner you act, the better your outcome will be for Hair restoration, you need to make sure you see someone who has an expert opinion who can weigh in for what you can do now. We can do later. We can plan for 10 years down the road. So when you have this problem, you can address it. Impactfully right so sign up, we have a link below. Basically, you click on it. We'Ll take you to the bosley website, they'll, send you a completely free booklet on hair loss and all the different options you have out there. You can get a free consultation, but the biggest thing i can say to you is: if you are concerned about your hair loss and if you're watching this video, you probably are see someone as soon as possible. That is how you're gon na have the best results and not have regrets later. So to summarize, we went over a lot of different treatments for hair loss today and there are a lot of options that are out there and we will do individual videos on each of these things that we kind of talked about, because i think they're much bigger Topics, so this is kind of more like part, one of a series, but the biggest thing that we can stress to you is if it's important to you, get an evaluation figure out. What'S causing your hair loss? Is it scarring? Is it non-scarring and then act quickly to restore your hair yeah? That is the most important thing in my mind, is getting that initial diagnosis, because you treat these things completely differently. These things end completely differently. So seeing an expert is one of the first steps and is the most important step to getting this fixed right so see a dermatologist see a hair restoration. Specialist bosley is really truly, i truly believe a great option. After visiting there, i was actually extremely impressed and you know i have a high bar for being impressed with things. But when i went out there, i truly was impressed by the quality of care that they were providing, but also just their sort of ethics and the way that they looked at hair loss and how they really wanted people to have the best results. Plus it was a really nice facility and dr phipps was amazing, so it was overall a really good experience and i think it's worth looking into for someone who's having hair loss more on hair loss to come. Please like comment subscribe. Thank you all so much. We really appreciate you yeah greatly, appreciate you, love being on this journey with you all. You

Shannaali: Thank you so much, very helpful information. My husband lost his hair at a very early age. When he was about 24 (genetic) and I'm worried about my three boys, this has surly put me on right track to be prepared as soon as I see the first signs of hair loss.

Demre Karatas: These guys are literally blessing us with free advice❤️❤️❤️❤️ We can't thank them enough

Min Nam: So detailed and thank you so much for putting headings along the time line. It really helps people like me who wants to go to a certain topic over again. Both of you are awesome!

Diana Shelton: I love how honest you guys are about losing your own hair and how it’s actually a worry for you. I have hair loss and it bothers me so badly. No other skin issue bothers me as badly as the hair loss. I don’t know why.

Ines Dalia: My mom is dealing with hair loss and it truly breaks my heart seeing her losing her confidence and hating herself more everyday, I’ve been looking for solutions for her I hope I can help her

Silken: I shed a lot of hair after loosing weight (despite me following a very healthy diet) - thankfully it stopped just as quickly as it stared...but it's really scary when you wash your hair and it comes out in strands. I still shed hair sometimes during the year, but it never resulted in visible thinning or bald spots so I stopped stressing about it. BTW- a lot of men look good bald- some even better than with hair. ;)

Kevin Parkinson: Definitely appreciate this content and the organized and evidence-based way it is presented YouTube is lacking this and is a cesspool when it comes to hair content, so thank you!

Tess T: I would love your perspective on supplements for skin benefits, such as collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid and phytoceramides. And also sunscreen pills such as Heliocare. Love your content! Thank you for keeping us so informed!

Y P: Ive been losing hair for over 4 years now and my blood tests were always “normal”. Fast forward to now, a dermatologist finally told me that my iron levels need to be much much higher than what I have. Even though they appear to be normal, ive been deficient all these years causing my hair loss.

Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation: Loved how you talked about the different types and stages of hair loss, and the possible treatments. This is something not many people know about. Thank you!

Maya: What about Revita’s nanoxidil? The mechanism makes sense, but I want to know what you think about it because I spend hundreds of dollars on their products and I haven’t gotten a ton of results. But it definitely made my hair loss slow down. I’m a bit nervous though. I’ve been using it for quite awhile because I’m scared to stop! Thoughts please!!! Thank you so much.

Coconut Climber: I am so thankful for your videos and advice. I wouldn’t have seen such progress in my skin without your advice. Thank you

Mercurychick: I feel like more younger people (20's) are experiencing hair loss today compared to when I was in my 20's. I always wondered if the different types of birth control pills played a role like maybe if it throws hormones out of wack. Would be nice if there was more research or stats done on the diff types and its possible effects on our hair.

Maria Gonçalves: My mom started losing hair a couple years ago, she then tried minoxidil, it worked but it started growing hairs in her ears and after stopping the treatment all of the new thin hair fell off. Last year she went to the dermatologist and we were told that actually she dindt lose the hair...it was only too thin...so since she has been using shampoos (Vichy Dercos stimulating shampoo) and she also stopped taking the pill and the hair seems to be getting thicker and some new hairs started coming up.... Can the pill cause hair thining????

Ghadeer A: I'm 3 months post partum and I've started losing my hair in chunks so this has come at the perfect time

Julia G.: In men it’s almost expected, as a natural consequence of aging, genetics, etc. In women I assumed that it was either a result of stress or some internal cause. My blood work came out normal so my internist merely suggested regrowth shampoo. Even the dermatologists I’ve been to for the most part blew me off and didn’t take it seriously, treating it as a “cosmetic” issue.

Debby Ritchie: Today is the first time I have discovered your videos. So glad I did. Thank you for all of the information you give on all concerns from hair, skin and nails. Wish I could find a dermatologist like both of you.

iakoli: My dad has tried applying castor oil with drops of rosemary essential oil, and we noticed new hair growth on his bald spot we jokingly call "tonsure" after 3 months of consistent use. Hope someone will explore this more in a controlled research.

CheetahBRFC: As a person who is dealing with hair loss #1 finasteride (very very very few suffer from side effects). #2 minoxidil (you will need to use this with finasteride, they go hand in hand and minoxidil will not stop your hair loss by itself. Also awesome video

thedailyclaire: Awesome video, as always. I love how detailed, yet approachable you two are!

Trevor Stackhouse: 20 years old. Last 7 months had insane hair loss and thinning. Started finasteride a month ago. Gonna buy some alcohol free minoxidil. Wish me luck

Sabrina S.: Can’t wait for Part 2 . Pls mention what’s safe to use during pregnancy.

Marieke Alkema: I have Alopecia Areata, I hope you will cover that too some time in the future. However, I do hope you mention the number one effective "treatment": acceptance and helper hair ❤️

Jose Aguilar: Not dealing with this yet but definitely one of my biggest fears! Glad these guys know their stuff, now i’m prepared.

Roxanne Perdue: So informative. Thanks to you both for always sharing so much insight and educating us!

Megg: When I went from vegan to eating meat and then back to vegan - I lost a lot of hair! It was definitely discouraging but I’ve been praying it doesn’t continue! Great video guys

JB: Love the videos! Question (hopefully, you see it - i'm late to this one)... How do you feel about Finasteride 1mg being taken once every other day as apposed to once a day? I've heard differing opinions on this. Some suggest since the medication stays in the system for 30 days, every other day can be an appropriate dosage. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

Kim Thoa: Hair loss is so stressful! But you two make learning about it so fun

Sheridan Ruth: There is a lot of importance to having two professionals share tips and information on such a delicate matter. Thank you so much for bringing this content to the hair loss community.

math11as: thank you for this video - since this will be a series i have 2 suggestions you could maybe talk about 1. does working out increases hairloss? - on the internet i have found conflicting information about this one - lifting weights => increases testosteron => increases DHT - some articles i red say the duration of the increase in testosteron is too short which does not result in faster hairloss 2. Is there something like a topical Finasteride which could replace the minoxidil? Thank you !

noonooshK: I respect and appreciate you both so much. You have been extremely helpful

Kim Husbands: In the UK the Belgravia hair loss clinc is useful. Castor oil makes the hair look thicker, but it would be nice to have a study for 4C type hair. Thank you both for good content.

daviessusan1000: What a gift thank you! And for being so open and honest

Jasmine: My hair has been falling out like crazy since I had COVID 6 weeks ago - really hope time gets things back on track as it’s really getting me down seeing all of it coming out out constantly…

Anand Ferco: Thx Docs! Booking Bosley in Texas. My mom has post menopausal fibrosing alopecia, my sister super thinning hair (for a girl that used to model hair that’s tough!!!), and Iv had 2 FUE surgeries but wasn’t told I had to follow up with minoxidil (but hated it when I did use it) so might just micropigment those areas. Thx u thx u thx u

Ashila Nuraini: OMG more of this please... i have been struggling with hair loss FORVER and I need more legit information about it. THANK YOU FOR THIS

Lily Brown: I have recently found 2 bald spots in my hair, went to a doctor and he said most likely from stress and not to worry about it they should grow back. They actually have started growing back, I’ve been washing my hair more regularly, trying to use mainly natural products on my hair, taking hair vitamins and trying to stress less . But I would love to know more about the causes and prevention of this, from my research on dr google I believe I have alopecia areata (but I was given no diagnosis by my doctor), would love to see a video on this

BHAVI SHAH: Hi Dr. Maxfield and Dr. Shah Thank you for this video. I did sign up for a zoom consult with Bosley and hope to see some difference. I have consulted with at least 3 dermatologists in the past but did not receive much help/insight/outcome for my hair loss. I appreciate your videos on skincare. You two are amazing on screen! Cheers!!! I

juhi jain: I am 23, female and I have been losing hair from past 3-4 months post COVID infection. Extreme hairloss started immediately after I recovered from covid (May) and hasn't stopped till now(almost September) Before I was losing hair normally. But after covid my hairfall has increased twenty times to an extent that my scalp is showing up. Is this happening with other covid infected people as well? If yes, when can we expect it to stop?

Meghan: I’m losing so much hair from COVID — please make more videos like these!

George Velez Junior: Hi Dr. Thank you for the video. This is actually one my favourite channels onyoutube. I'm obsessed with skincare and I am bald so you talk about everything I care about hehe I have a couple of questions. If i started losing my hair 15 years ago, do I still have the follicles? andwill they regrow if I take finasteride and minoxidil?

Parinita Mitchelle Mandhyan: What did we do to deserve Dr .Maxfield and Dr.Shah So grateful

Shaun Adams: I'm happily bald, but I know this info will really help my pre-balding friends. More content like this please :)

Remya Rajan peter: Hey...I am a big fan of you both ...its like a package of information in an entertainment box... Love u both ..love from India

Becky: Super helpful information -- I feel terrible about passing on the baldness gene to my sons. ☹

Udfulu Shilmi: Hi, doc. Thank you so much for this video. I’ve been waiting for this topic. I want to ask you about a few things. Is biotin really would help me to fight my hair loss? In shampoo, in conditioner, or take it orally, which one is the best way to use biotin. Also, could you please tell us about Stemoxydine. Does it really able to fight hair loss? Thank you so much

Vicki Weber: My issue isn't so much that I'm losing hair, but it seems like my existing hair is thinner than it was when I was in my teens and 20's

Ginger B: Great video so informative. I do not have a family of female hair loss except for me. I had a brain tumor removed in 2006 and it was wrapped around my pituitary so I started noticing hair loss several years later went to a Dermatologist and they biopsied my hair follicle diagnosed regular hair loss. I had so much hair I needed two roller sets to curl my hair, now 10 will do it. Over the last 16 years I started minoxidil and had the laser comb Hair Max 4 have no clue if they would work to lazy to stick to a routine. By the way no Doctor ever said the tumor had anything to do with hair loss. I use hair products with thickners and sprays. Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. It is all disheartening however I still have hair no really bald spots but thinning on my sides mostly and back that can be camouflaged with hairstyle. I will share look up Angela Christiano PhD out of Columbia Presbyterian University and Hospital, NYC she has been researching hair loss for years. I believe she will some day find a cure. Best wishes to all my fellow hair loss warriors.

Kritika P: What are your thoughts about oral minoxidil? Are the side effects stronger than the topical use?

thamara torres: Hi Drs! I'm experiencing a bit of hair thinning (nothing severe) and I want to promote hair growth. I'm using topical minoxidil around 3/4 times per week on average given that I styled my hair and don't wash it everyday. Is monixil still effective even if used a few times a week?

Matty V: What works for me has been using it all. Finasteride, minoxidil, saw palmetto, oils, laser therapy hat etc. You never know what's going to be helpful but it doesn't hurt to try everything you can.

Lady Sarcastic: I’m 42. I’ve birthed 7 children. I didn’t find out until a year ago or so that pregnancy causes hair loss. I’ve been pregnant the better part of 20 solid years! Back when I was around 33-35-ish I started noticing that it was easier to put my super long hair into a pony tail - I could wrap the hair tie three times instead of just two or it was less often that the hair tie broke trying to wrap it the second time, etc. But it didn’t really jump out at me at first. I thought maybe it was a different brand of hair tie or maybe they were making the product to be higher quality. I was too busy to really give it much thought and didn’t have reason to think anything of it. Fast forward to a year or so ago. I was getting my hair done - which I only get to do once every two or three years anyway - and my hair dresser said the most disturbing thing to me! I was warning her that it may take awhile to color my hair (I hadn’t colored it in over ten years at this time so it was a big treat!) because my hair is fine, but there’s a LOT of it. It can appear to be deceptively thin. This had been an absolute fact when I was younger and I didn’t know anything had changed. Once she dove in to my hair she said “oh sweetie! Your hair might used to have been thick, but it’s TODDLER THIN now.” Toddler thin y'all! I’ve tried a few things but nothing very extreme or expensive. Just some biotin and collagen shampoo and conditioner. Am I too far gone for any hope? What would you suggest I try first?

Caleb: Year on finasteride and 6 months on minoxidil and hairloss still worsening:') couldn't imagine how much worse it would be if i hadn't started. these treatments are sooo accessible with online providers, start!!

M R: Thank you for sharing your knowledge!! My mom had a full head of white hair at 37, she has also lost a ton of hair so she is very thin. I have a lot of white hair now, thank goodness for color, but I am afraid I will end up with 10 white hairs left as I continue to age. Genetics suck, thanks mom! Ugh! I think it’s due to her thyroid. I have had thyroid issues too along with heart failure because of it. At one point I thought I was going to have to wear a wig. I did start taking saw palmetto (DHT blocker), rhodiola to help w/stress, 5000mg biotin, & ashwagandha. My hair did grow back, it did take a while but it does work. I have not tried caster oil, I do have a friend that has had great results from it. Thanks again!

moon 14: Thank you for the information. Can you talk about rice water for the hair, a good shampoo and conditioner for fine hair? Also where can we find good places that have these treatments because not all dermatologists do these treatments.

Freaky Peep: Can't wait for the natural supplements and treatments for hair loss. There are so many it would be good to hear an educated concise review on them.

Andi Ha: Great what you said so far guys. thank you. But you didnt mention ,is it ok to continue the use of mionoxidil after the six months ,and if so in combination with dermarolling how often? i would also like to comment on the PrP . It is not enough to do it only ones in my experience,and it costs way too much for what it does ,and what kind of procedure that is. Thanks again for all the information .

Nick Pappas: Thank you guys. I’m a Cosmetologist so I’ll pass this on to others.

Jennifer K: Such an insightful and helpful video! Thank you for the great advice, as always! Looking forward to the series!

RachyPond: I’ve been dealing with alopecia universalis (complete loss on head, face and body) for 8 years. I quit my job and rarely leave the house. I’m only 29. Hoping for a miracle cure one day because I’ve tried everything!

Melanie Spindler: Love you guys! Thanks for doing androgenic alopecia! Will pass on info to patients!!

Sheryl Payne: I have started losing my hair over the last five years, I am 65. I have a friend, who is a guy and he is 36. He was losing his hair very quickly and had lost a lot before he went to a DR. This Dr. specializes in hair loss and has 2 facilities in Austin, TX. The Dr. started him on a prescription of Finasteride, Minoxidil, and Biotin. He has been taking it about 11 months and has a head full of hair now. I noticed you said Finasteride was for men. I called this same Dr. and he put me on the same presciption. I have only been on it for 2 weeks, so not near enough time to see a difference. I am sure hoping that this helps me , even though its mostly for men:)

CreationGaming: I’d love it if you guys did a review on the phyla probiotic skincare products. The idea of using bacteriophages to eliminate only bad bacteria sounds great, but I don’t know how effective It is in reality. Especially when you compare it to Benzoyl Peroxide which kills all bacteria, good and bad in the microbiome of your skin. Great videos guys!

Jenna Burroughs: Can you guys please do a video on pregnancy and acne ?? Would be extremely helpful ❤️❤️ thank you so much

Christie Robinson: This is a great topic. Coincidentally I purchased a big bottle of castor oil on Amazon recently. It says to work hands, massage into scalp then leave on for an hour.. or an overnight treatment then rinse thoroughly. I have very dry , curly hair so I was looking for something to offer nourishment along with taking vitamins.

Maria Skolnicki: I’m 22 years old. Has anybody heard of hair loss from overuse of dry shampoo? I noticed drastic hair loss recently, especially long, new strands that aren’t ready to come out. I did some research and I feel like a lot of women don’t know about this. I looked it up out of curiosity and everything I’m going through with my hair loss is exactly what I’m reading online. The timing, everything. The dry shampoo can clog hair follicles, causing them to be weakened, therefore making hair fall out. It also makes the follicles stick together which is why is takes the new strands out too. I have easily lost over 50% of my hair since October.

Erin Viera: Thank you for such an informative video! I was wondering if you are familiar with the product called Actsyl-3 with 3% Redensyl? It's marketed as a hair growth serum. I wanted to find out if it actually contained any active ingredients that will actually work? I do not have any pattern hair loss, however my hair has definitely gotten thinner over the years (I'm 40 years old) after having 5 kids and lately have noticed increased shedding when I shower. If you have the time to answer my question thank you so much!!! I absolutely LOVE you guys!❤❤❤

Sam: Having had suffered hair loss previously, I truly recall how distressing it was... I was constantly at the doctors and all my labs came normal. Then I came across these very words during my research: " Hair is keratin. Keratin is protein. Hair is protein"... the minute I upped my protein intake, my hairfall ceased the next DAY! Not only has my hairfall ceased, I've made a full recovery and you'd never guess I ever suffered from hairfall to begin with!

thespion: What are your thoughts on combination therapies of topical finasteride plus minoxidil? Is topical finasteride as effective as oral finasteride? Products that feature a dual topical therapy might be beneficial.

Swarali Doifode: It's devastating to face hairloss! I am 18 and have almost no hair left on my scalp! Have been losing hair for 4 years now. Doctors just ask me to eat more protein, I workout, so I have to eat protein, it doesn't help. I'm so scared and have lost so much confidence. I'm just 18 :(

Amber Abbott: My sweet 17yr old daughter is on Arava for juvenile arthritis and has lost most of her once thick and lovely hair. Any advice for that kind of hair loss? Hard enough to be a teen without adding this.

Hannah Smith: All of your guys recent videos have been so needed and appreciated ! Thank you

piecesofme: In graduate school, my two immediate advisors were married to each other. And were awesome. It’s completely okay for you two to be in practice with each other and to be in a relationship.

Nadia Barjesteh: I used minoxidil for my temple hair loss and surprisingly I saw hair growing in less than 3 months! And then I started to show allergenic reactions to it (my eye got swollen and my temple went super itchy with rash!) I stopped using minoxidil, lost the new hair. I tried 2 more times, each after couple of months hoping to not show such reactions but same thing happened after the first time use of it each time. I'm so sad now Is there anything I can do?

Summer Sadie: Great video! Very informative & helpful! Please share your thoughts on "viviscal" and "nutrafol" for hair loss.

John Smith: Would like to see more discussion about the use of micro needling, minoxidil and tretinoin. Would like to hear input from a medical perspective for the research that has been done. Also suggestions on how to receive prescription for a minoxidil/tretinoin compound.

BrokenShips: Omg, yes tell me all about hair loss.I’m a 33 yo and during COVID lockdown I noticed some hair loss, especially across the hairline on top of my forehead.I think genes play a big part really.I’m frustrated really.

walczukis: For someone who already had the FUE hair transplant procedure done a few years back but the procedure didn't really work.. should they try again because the technology is better now? How many times can you have this procedure done before it's too late?

E S: I wish they would have addressed Nutrafol. I got it at my big derm office. (Did anyone know that a lot of dermatology offices or chains of dermatology offices are owned by hedge funds?) The clinical studies they touted were done by the company so just because it’s touted by an MD office doesn’t necessarily mean irs indecently studied. I was told after 3 months it would work. When it didn’t , then 6 months. My hair grew like a corn stalk in spring but it didn’t cause my lost hair to come back. Minoxidil didn’t help either. I think it’s hair transplants for me. These guys are great, though!

Volgg: Had a horrible reaction with minoxidil after using it for a month and a half, and recently switched to Finasteride! hopefully the side effects aren't bad, but man it's much easier and cleaner compared to using rogaine on my hair.

Inês Campelo: Thank you so much for this video, it was very helpful! Next video can you please talk about scalp treatments, scalp massagers, silk pillowcases and microfiber hair towels?

Adina Lopez: So cool and interesting. Just like skincare, there should be more videos on scalp treatments and hair loss. How do y’all feel about hair growth products like Vegamour? Do they really work?

Merutokun: I'm 27 and I'm going through hair loss on my temples. My dad was bald so I already knew that I needed to focus on it. Right now I'm only using specific shampoos, conditioners and serums (such as loreal's botanicals line) and even though I feel like I'm not seeing any changes at least my hair is getting stronger. I don't wanna go through those medical procedures but I'd get any advice as much as I can about the "hair care" stuff. WE NEED A HAIR CARE ROUTINE VIDEO!! Thanks and love you!

Reba Lamba: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Consider doing a video (or having a part of a video) that deals with PCOS. I am struggling to find good trustworthy resources that deals with the cosmetic issues with PCOS. If they have already done this video, someone please give me a link Thank you in advance.

Brooklyn0484: What are your thoughts about these so called DIY for hair loss? How effective are they and how often would you need to do them to get results? You guys have a great set of hair by the way

Namita Jain: Hi, what do you think about PRP therepy? I am debating whether to go this route or not.

C. Lewis: I work out daily and take creatine, plus ashwagandha (300mg) at night, and I've heard both increase testosterone/DHT - so if I'm taking finasteride to block DHT, should I avoid creatine and ashwagandha?

My S: Need more videos on hair loss! Thank you guys

Gen Sa: Thank you for the video! Is it necessary taking a break from minoxidil?

March: Hey could you also talk about compounds like Redensyl etc that have recently popped up as a hair growth stimulant?

Sarah: Trichotillomania Could you please do a video on this? I have pulled out at least 50% of my hair, and I think it would help me stop if I knew all the consequences of this. I don’t know what happens to the hair follicles, I don’t know how it affects the rest of my hair, and I don’t know how to stop

Kat: What other topicals beside minoxidil do you recommend for breastfeeding mothers?

Our Happy Place: Can you guys do a video on OTC DHT blockers. That’s what I currently take and have definitely noticed a decrease of hair falling out and more hair growing. I have thinning in my temple area and currently have lots of new hair growing there

Tina B: Thank you for the thorough breakdown!!

valentina: I've had two hairdressers who advised me to stop using Wen Shampoo , which I have used for many years, but now at 74 I'm dealing with hair loss & breakage but have always loved the Wen hair shampoo. What is your take on this please? I also have had a itchy scalp for quite a while & I do wash my hair every couple of days. I don't blow dry my hair & I do add hair oils on my scalp to stop the itching. I do use the Hairmax light band that I have used for several years as a preventative.

Peggy Ng: Can you please add links to all the supplements that you are recommending? I am experimenting hair loss post pregnancy. Thanks!

You’re tearing me apart Lisa!!!: Do you have any tips for slowing down hair from turning gray (if such tips exist at all..?) I know aging is an inevitable process but I’m hoping there’s science out there that I’m not aware of that can help

Mallory C: Yesss I’ve been waiting for this one! Thank you for this wonderful info!

AngelFrosthia: I am merely 31 , woman, and My hair was thick and often long, no bleach, color etc. I heattreated when blowdrying more often letting it dry itself. Then came covid and after I suddenly began shedding and learnt it was common after covid, a sort of PTSD. If you’re supposed to act quickly I guess I did. Schampoo&conditioner specialized for hair loss, Priorin, switched to a softer brush and stopped all heat. Now use function of beauty sh&cond with hairgoals to keep my hair strong and heatprotected. No more Planning in good time to shower as with the other product it was like 3 min leavein for the sh & 5 min for the cond, such a Chore and added stress. Starting to bounce back now, shedding in chunks gone and the length have become more Me. Still waiting for thickness to return. This vid is inspiring.

Sabaah Muzaffar: My heart goes to you Dr Shah but you are managing it perfect just perfect

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