How To Grow Hair Long, Thick & Healthy Fast! (4 Easy Steps)

Hey! I’m here to share some super easy tips for hair growth that have worked for me! I’ve been doing these 4 things consistently for the past 9 months or so and my hair has done a complete turnaround for the better! My hair has always been short and pretty thin and now it is a lot thicker, stronger and LONGER. I hope these tips help you guys out as well. If there is anything specific you’d like more information on just let me know!



ON MY LIPS➟ '‘in demand’

w/ a bit of gold gloss on top



INSTAGRAM: @thechicnatural

SNAPCHAT: chicisnatural

Hey everybody so today, I'm here with a very highly requested, hair-growth video, those of you that have been following me for a while, have noticed um my hair transformation. You'Ve noticed how much longer it's gotten and how much thicker it's gotten, and so I just wanted to come and tell you guys what I've been doing to grow out my hair. I just want to say up front that some people, it seems like no matter what they do, they can style their hair everyday. They can diet, they can straighten it do anything to it and regardless of what they do, it just seems like the hair grows thick and long, no matter what - and I just want to tell you guys - I am NOT one of those people. I'Ve never been that person, I've always kind of struggled with my hair. It'S always been pretty short. It'S never seemed to want to go grow past a certain length until very recently, when I started doing a few things differently, and this is actually the longest. My hair has ever been in my entire life, so for those of you that have been struggling with growing your hair, there definitely is hope, because I never thought that my hair was going to grow this long and I just feel like it will continue to grow. Even longer with the path that I'm on so on, I've pretty much just been doing four main things that I feel like have helped my hair to turn around and get on the right track and to grow longer and thicker. So yeah, it's nothing crazy at all. It'S something that everyone can do so, let's get into the tips. Okay. So the first thing is, I avoid a heat like the plague. I kid you not. Obviously, my hair today is straightening just because I wanted to show you guys the length, but I very very, very rarely use heat on my natural hair before today. I think the last time I used any heat on my hair was maybe six or seven months ago, and really i only use heat when I straighten my hair, which is about two to three times a year. Just depends on how I feel, but I don't use heat very much at all, using things like flat, irons, curlers blow dryers, frequently and dry out your hair. It can damage your hair and it really can stunt your growth and, if you're struggling to grow out your hair, you definitely want to try to avoid or severely limit the amount of heat that you're putting on your hair. I did a video recently on my wash day routine, and I showed you guys how I achieve a blown out look without using heat, so that has helped me tremendously just try to come up with ways to style. Your hair just figure out different styles that you can do. I have a bunch of tutorials on styles that do not require the use of any heat whatsoever, especially on my natural hair, playlist, there's a bunch of styles on there. If you guys have not seen those I'd, definitely check them out, I personally used to use heat light flat, irons once or twice a week, and now I use heat only two to three times a year. It has helped me to retain my length a lot better. Just the limiting of heat goes a long way towards healthy hair. Another thing I do is daily scalp massages massages to the scalp. They really help promote blood flow and they get those nutrients to your hair follicles and they really do help to increase your growth and just get your hair to grow a lot faster. I actually started this not necessarily for hair growth. I just like getting massages, but I noticed that it really helped to stimulate my hair growth, so I just kept it up. So that's something! I definitely recommend if you are trying to boost your hair growth, do a scalp massage every single day, sometimes I'll, even do it two and three times a day, if I'm just sitting somewhere and not doing anything I'll, just gently start massaging my scalp, I don't use Any oil or anything when I do it just my fingertips is all I do if you want to you can, but I don't but yeah, I do daily scalp massages and I think that his def we helped my hair growth as well. The third thing I do a lot is protective styling when you're not manipulating your hair, so much, it lessens the chances of breakage. It lessens the chances of damaged cells where you can set it and forget it pretty much. Those are the styles you want to do so things like braids, twists, buns, updos, anything where you don't have to constantly manipulate your hair and styles, where your ends are protected, where they're not exposed to you know, rub it against your clothes or the elements. Those are the type of things that are going to help you to retain your length, and sometimes when people aren't seeing growth, it's not that your hair isn't growing. It'S just that your hair might be breaking off faster than it's growing, so you're not seeing any type of growth, so protective styling can definitely help. With that. I do braids a lot of the time cornrows. I do buns a lot of the time I do up. Dudes, are they really wear my real hair out like this? It has helped to curb breakage and it just has helped my hair to really thicken up. My hair has never been this thick. I have been shocked and amazed myself. You guys have noticed just how thick it's gotten, which is crazy to me, because my hair's always been pretty thin and then the fourth thing is to feed your body from the inside out: eat a lot more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, drink, a lot more water. Just try to lessen the amount of processed foods and junk food and stuff like that that you're putting into your body and again, like I said some people can eat a lot of junk food. Some people can eat a really poor diet and it doesn't matter the hair will grow like a weed, but some people you need that extra boost when you put good stuff in you get good stuff out and it just a healthy diet helps your body to run A lot more efficiently, which can help your hair growth and your overall health so definitely look into making some diet changes. If you don't have a really good, balanced diet. Right now, and I feel like when I made that change when I started eating more Whole Foods when I started eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking a lot more water. I have just been seeing the results in so many different ways. In my hair and my skin and my nails, my nails grow like crazy. My hair is growing and just overall you want to be healthy anyway, right so just making those diet changes. Being more aware of what you're putting into your body can help you a lot as well, so those are the four things I've been doing guys. I promise you that is it. Those are the only changes I've done and, as you can see, the proof is in the pudding with how my hair has completely taken off. I have not done anything drastic. These are just things that everybody can do. Some people have asked if I take vitamins like hair growth, aids or anything like that. I take absolutely no vitamins at all. I don't take anything to aid in the growth of my hair other than the foods that I eat. So no, I don't take anything like that. No vitamins whatsoever and then I just want to add two other points that are kind of like an aside from the four tips I gave. If you suffer from dry brittle hair, you definitely want to keep your hair moisturized find a moisturizer that makes your hair feel really nice and hydrated and moisturize your hair either every day or every other day and brighten it up twist. It up do whatever you have to do, but keep your hair moisturized and that will help to lessen breakage. I don't personally moisturize my hair a lot. I only wish dries when I style my hair, which is every week to every two weeks. So it's not something. I personally follow, but if you suffer from really dry brittle hair keep your hair moisturized. That can definitely help and then another thing is: if you have damaged ends, if you have split ends, go ahead and get them trimmed. You don't want to be hanging on to raggedy split ends on your hair because number one it's just. It doesn't look good and then number two that damage from your ends can travel up and continue to damage even more of your hair. So you want to nip it in the bud if you have split ends, trim them off practice, healthy hair habits and you know, grow your hair back out, but don't hang on to split ends? It will do you absolutely no good. Just FYI we'll be doing a video on my staple products that I use on my natural hair I'll be doing a video on that very soon. But I do want to stress that it's really not so much about the products. It'S just about implementing healthy hair practices and doing things that will nurture your hair. If any of you have questions, leave them down below I'll get to as many of you guys as I can um so yeah. I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope it helps you guys out thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one bye you

CurveApeal: Her tips: 1. Less heat/ limit heat 2. Scalp massages daily 3. Protective hairstyles 4. Healthy balanced diet, drink water.

naightengale101: I know for a fact that these tips work but you have to be disciplined enough to stick to it. That is the hardest part - being consistent

Why_ you_needtoknow: 2:03 avoid/limit heat 3:44 massage scalp daily 6:03 healthy diet + plenty of water

anajiki: Does anybody else think she looks like Nicki?

Maxi Max: For years I have eaten a healthy diet.  As I became older I noticed that my hair was growing on one side but not the other.  After a few years of trying different things I finally had my blood tested and discovered I was Vitamin D deficient mostly because I live in a cold weather state with little sunshine much of the year.  I was put on a high dosage of Vitamin D3 and Collagen with Hyaluronic Acid (for achy joints)  Within a couple of weeks my hair started growing all around and my joints much less achy.  I have always prided myself on not having to take any meds including vitamins but I must say that as I have gotten older I found this necessary to help maintain a healthy body inside and out.  I am an African American senior citizen and I have learned to always be willing to learn and try new things to help yourself as long as it is constructive.

Out The Blue Tarot: Love the advice - spot on! I suffer from hypothyroidism, so keeping my hair moisturized has always been an issue, until I started taking organic silica and collagen. Hair and nails are thicker, growing faster, and my skin is super soft. Im out of wig rehab, and digging the wash and gos... Hoping for shoulder length by end of Nov 2019..will keep u posted. Thanks again for the tip reminders

Jayden Cameron: Who else started messaging there head while watching the rest of the video

Nonye Iweanoge: I love thechicnatural. I have followed her tips for 9months now and my hair has grown thick and fast.From low cut to chin level.THANKS.

Sharhonda Joy: Love this video!!! I've been stuck with the same length for a long time now and this looks like something I need to start doing. I don't put heat on my hair so I just need to follow the other 3 steps lol...hope this helps!!! How long do you massage your scalp for?

Nicole Iheme: literally I had braids in my hair for 2 months and in that two months I did completely NOTHING but drink nearly a gallon of water everyday and change my diet, and my hair grew 2 inches. And my hair is the type of hair that refuses to grow, so yea I just wanted to share lol

Vika: ATTENTION!!!! Something very important, is the amount of sleep you get. I had a lack of sleep over the last few years, and now my hair is worse. I want it to be much thicker. Also, don't stress too much.

Asma M. Essa: I’m 22 with 4a hair that never grow past my shoulders although I do all the tips most natural talk about. I discovered that I’m anemic, and now taking iron tablets my hair is starting to grow. Thanks for the video I love you ❤️

Tiffany Jenkins: You are the ine that started these videos for me, you do an excellent job and I have taken your advice and I definitely see a difference in my hair especially as to not manipulating my hair, I see results. You didn't have to post a video to help others but I see that your confidence is amazing and the proof is in the pudding. Stay safe and thanks so much!!

Yvonne W: I know the hair struggle first hand. I've been struggling with alopecia for several years now and I had a recent improvement. My hair currently reaches the most inferior part of my scapula and I can definitely see some progress.

Vania's Vanity: will definitely use these tips and tricks! love your videos! stay beautiful! ❤️

M. I.: I am a slim 13 year old, and I have around 3c/4a hair. My hair is not hard to grow, but if I don't do anything, it dries up, and of course wouldn't grow. If you are looking to grow you hair, first please change your diet! Eat enough protein, like meat, and nuts. I eat enough meat everyday. I eat atleast 4 almonds a day. And drink at least 4 cups of water. I make smoothies once in a while: 2 medium bananas, almond & coconut beverage and nuts. (Doesn't matter how many and what it is, but I prefer almonds and walnuts.) I have seen a significant difference. In two months, it has grew about 2 inches! Also, try to stay less stressed. I have been under stress for a year, and it weakened my hair, and made it look dull. If you are stressed or not, you should also do hot oil massages on your hair, it really works! I hope this works for you guys! (My tips)

Carmella Sweets: Thank you for your dedication to yourself and helping others

Melina Zamir: Thank you so much girl!! My hair is doing better already!

Savage Minded: As a man growing his hair out I appreciate these videos. Most black men's hair videos are about "how to get curly hair" or "wash n go" routines. Both are dope but I want to know how to properly grow strong healthy natural hair to wear as my crown as a King! Lol this video was great, appreciate the advice.

Bev Carr: Great tips!! I’m gonna try scalp massage for sure! I’m a massage therapist I should’ve been knew this I’ve been natural for 2 years & the styles that I do the most often are either Bantu knots or braids. Recently though,I’ve worn an afro. I wet it,put As I Am Double Butter Cream in it,a headband & that’s it. The Bantu knot twists take awhile depending on how tight I want my curl to be,& I don’t have the damn patience so I just wear my afro. I wore braids for awhile actually & every single time its the same thing: THE DANDRUFF. The itchiness on a scale of 1 to 10 its probably a 12. I get it done & no matter what style of braids like clockwork,3 days later the itching begins & it does not stop until the braids are out ..& I wash my hair of course lol. I notice when I DON’T wear protective styles my hair RARELY itches!!! Help me☹️☹️

Kristen Johnson: Thank you! This video was extremely helpful! I'm definitely at a standstill.

Krystal Salaam: Thanks! So easy and Natural. We can do this!

svaiql: Omg this has helped me a lot! Thank you so much for this ✨❤️❤️

Samantha Y: Dang, taking care of hair is like taking care of a child -_-

Fine Natural Hair ROCKS: Such a great video! Thank you so much for posting this! It was comprehensive and answered all of my questions.

phebe •: love this video so much x thank you so so so much for uploading this, it's really helpful for me xxx

Miss Alana Jasmin: Thank you so Much I actually listened to you and absorbed the four concepts to growing your hair that works for you. Love this video

Remika Williams: I Love that bun!!!! I need a tutorial on how to bun my own hair like this!!!!! Please

Mindy Quamina: Hair's a big tip for maximum hair growth. - Braid your hair for an entire year of course do it over every three month's! - oil the roots every other week-clean the scalp with rose water or vinegar when needed .

Hannah banana: The 4K people that disliked have horrible damaged hair

Roshada Taylor: You have beautiful hair! I have been natural for a year, no perm. I am so happy I found this video because I hate detangling my hair after washing it. I always have to blow dry it to get it straight. My edges will not go a full day without curling up, even with 24-hour edge control. How do you get your edges so straight?

Sadie Bagne: 1. avoid heat 2. scalp massages 3. protective styles 4. healthy diet and hydration

Laila Stinson: Thanks for the tips! This is very helpful!

•Galaxy Star•: I’m currently following these tips and my hair is doing a big progress. I’m also thinking of being a vegetarian next month and avoiding meat products because that’s what can stop your hair from growing. She went vegan and avoiding animal products and now her hair is absolutely healthy and thick. ❤️

hoodie hoodie: I’m excited for my braids to come out! I think my natural hair is just over my bra now!

Larissa Eckhard: Omg girl i feel you i'm searching for so long how to let my hair grown faster

BeautyQueen 79: Anyone else reached for their scalp when she mentioned scalp massage lol. Great results.

Blues Baby: Hair goals. I'm pretty much doing everything you do except for the diet part. I use no heat, I protective style, I drink lots of water but my diet sucks lol. Looks like I need to make some changes

Nichole: I agree with this video when you take good care & love self eat well excersize drink water stay on a healthy regimen it will feel great inside the plus is you will look fabulous on the outside + feel good about urself Thanks for these tips Miss. Natural

LNM: These are such good tips! That’s it I’m stopping with the flat irons! ❤️❤️❤️ you’re gorgeous ❤️

Lynn E: Chic Natural thank you for your hair videos, you have helped me figure out my natural hair journey.

Sam D: Great Video ! Thanks for the 4 Tips.

ColderThanWinter: I love this video. I grew my hair to my shoulders by doing these things, but I recently (September) cut about 3-4 inches off. But these tips honestly do work. Especially not overly using heat in your hair. In 4 years, I only used heat in my hair about 5 times because I had a leave out with my sew in. When I get sew ins, I make sure to get a closure so I don't have to have a leave out. I trim my ends every few weeks. I massage my homemade oil into my hair after I do a wash and go. Just thought I'd comment and try to be helpful also lol. Love these tips, thank you for sharing! ❤️

xx xx: Over the summer, I cut my hair about to my ears. I hated it. Now, it’s almost to its original length (to my chest)! I’m so happy thank you

Bro Coli: I've not had a hair cut in like 8 years but my hair's stuck at about 40cm long D e f i n a t e l y due to breakage Big thanks for the tip

Penamon Perks: That's not true. Most Black gals always hot combing, perming, cooking and frying and messing around. Truthfully Black hair just doesn't want to be touched. That's why dreads grow so long. I don't wear dreads but I realized that our hair loves it's natural state. I used to where wigs and my hair grew so long that now I don't need any wigs. Our hair really doesn't want to be bothered at all. LOL

christine Kimball: I was looking for a hair growth video and this was the best one these tips are amazing!

Sneha Halder: Hi there, really find your video very useful, I have started a high protein diet now, I can see improvements in my nails.. I have very dry frizzy hair, and I am totally obsessed with the condition or moisturising aspect. But have a query like, how much time do we need to see such results.. Like it varies on person to person.. How much time did take for your transformation.. Really appreciate if you let us know.. Thanks

gotta love summer: Finally. Every hair growth video I watch is for white girls, this was perfect for my natural hair.

Kiwi Tropicana: My hair grow very fast about 2 inches every month but I just wanted it to be a bit thicker and healthy so thanks for the video

Aisha: I really REALLY find this method cool and I so really like Thumbs up! Edit: I actually tried this and my hair is long and frizzy and I LOOK LIKE A GODDESS LIKE DAMNNN I loved this video

Nini Amerlise: Girl, I have been watching you videos from the very beginning. Its truly inspiring to see this progress, not just in length but in thickness and volume. Slay sis slay!

sherry whitcomb: Thank you for your video, I had to get chemotherapy and my hair is shoulderlength now and curly. I definitely will do these tips.

Kaelor Gordon: Beautiful hair and beautiful lady! Thank you for this video and for the tips!!

Marcia M.F. Mullen: Your hair is beautiful. I have a hard time growing my natural hair. 2015 was the last time I used a relaxer or heat to my hair. I wear wigs, weaves&braids. I use to trim my hair once a month, but stopped 2016. Now I just shampoo&condition once a week and use moisturizers in my hair. But it doesn't seem like it has gotten any thicker or longer. Please help me.

Inez Alleyne: love the tips!! My country is hott 95% of the year. It a struggle to protect my curly hair year round. My hair was passed my waist and your tips showed me where my flaws derived from concerning my hair. thank you :)

Krystal Elle: Thanks for this great video. I too struggled with thin hair, but it thickened up once I changed my diet and exercise routine. Increasing protein intake seemed to really make a difference in my hair as well.

Mah Mah: Love your videos. I have been following you for a while now . Very inspirational

Annette J: And most of what she said is true. I have tried more fresh organic vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fruits etc, drink plenty water daily, massage my scalp more regularly during the day and I have been exercising 6 days a week and my hair has improved and grew alot within a 2 month period. You might be surprised yourself if you tried these tips.

Vanessa J: Love you boo! And what people fail to realize is there is no damn magic pill! I remember when you were making vids and you had the short hair. I remember seeing you couple years ago when I use to look at natural hair vids like I was studying for my masters degree! Hahahahaha!! Good to see your hair has come along way. My hair has grown long since then. Could've been longer by now but .... Heat damage! HAHAHHAHA . That heat damage ain't no joke! Haha. I feel like with heat it should be done once in a blue. And prior to doing so, us kinky chicks need to use heat protectant. If you see the heat is to damagin then stop. It's really simple. And also trim trim trim is yo best friend! Lol.

Jazmyn Brown: U can also use honey, egg, and olive oil. It'll help your hair grow as well.

ABIGAIL: wow you look so gorgeous

Marie Foster: Watching your video AGAIN because the #hairgrowthjourney. Hoping I can finally get it longer :)

Sasha S: I actually cut and then shaved my head bald, to get rid of the relaxed hair and start over. I am blessed through genetics and simple know how, to grow my mane out long, in no time, thankfully. Your vids, from what I have seen, are remarkable.

cdra baybee: Hey hon been subscribed to you for awhile now and yes I have seen your hair go from strength to strength ! You're skilled though I lack patience and I cannot canerow properly, or do half the things you do though it isn't without trying ... I get some cool styles when I really sit down and work at it but I am easily frustrated when hair is flying all over the place and strands are not thick and luscious! I don't know what type of hair I have I think it's a fine 4b but told by hairdresser there's a lot of it ! I don't use heat on my hair if at all though when I do blow dry there is hair EVERYWHERE!! Anyway just sharing my thoughts as I could go on n on but won't, just really inspired by your videos. Thank you x

Deisy Williams: Love your video, very good information your hair is beautiful...I'm working on my daughters hair to get it this long and healthy. thanks for the tips.

H. Michelle J.: Beautiful healthy hair. I'll be massaging daily. ✅

Adidas Lover: how long do I massage my hair for? or does it not matter

Aleda Schultz: Great video thank you so much!!

naima: Another thing if you have long hair is to wash it, and put oil in it when it's half way dry. And then rub your fingers against your scoup for 5-10 minutes and comb it after. Don't put a lot of oil ( preferred spray oil).

Keryn Foster: I’m gonna try these tips because I really want my hair to grow about the length of yours! And these tips sound so convincing soo yea I’m gonna try them

Heaven Williams: I watched this video with heat damaged hair that was extremely short, two years later I'm 4c natural with shoulder length hair.

Kymisha Kirkwood: Thank u for this i just had to cut all my hair off 1 month ago due to breakage which has left me in an low self-esteem stage and i had no idea what to do so thanks for this

For His Glory: Thanks for this Video. I've learned that cutting my split ends and wearing protective styles has caused my hair to really grow. It grew a lot in the last two months I noticed after I took out the protective style. Sometimes after seeing the growth, it looks shabby on the ends (split ends) and I don't want to cut any length of my hair, (I'm so proud of the growth) but keeping split ends cut seems to be my success on my hair growth. Also, I'm not natural. I relax and dye my hair black every so often and it's still growing well, the dye or relaxer hasn't damaged it.

Christy Cat: Thanks for the tips!

MrsLDC1: Yes ma'am I love your hair... I'm natural as well for about 7 years now..I was wondering if you could recommend a good moisturizer because I have yet to find one that is right for me. My hair is naturally curly. Thank you for any suggestions you may have. ✌️

2Keysdiy For you: I had super long hair but I cut it to my shoulders now it’s. Really hard to grow it back. Thanks for the tips love you so much

Bontle Modisane: Thank you so much dear. I started applying these tips 2 years back. And I must say they worked.

Vivian Smith Odom: Your methods make sense and is practical. Good Job!

icealene cain: absolutely amazing thank you blessings

Cherie C: Watching your hair grow has honestly been amazing, bummer that I couldn't keep up lol

Wakassa J: I love these tips, so easy to follow. I'll let u know of any changes

Island Girl Ruby: Love your tips, a little heat is great for 4C hair to help it stretch.

Angela Bass: Hi hun! When did you notice the change in your hair, as far as the thickness, as well as the growth?

Danille Collet: I am loving This woman!.. Thanks Lady! it's very clear , helpful aaaaaaand logic ❣️❣️❣️❣️

Dia Morales: I love your videos. You are so educated and communicate very well !

Beautiful ArtistTM: These are very good tips hopefully it helps mine!!

Johnnie Hornsby: I can't stress this enough: color is JUST as bad when you don't put EXTRA love and care into the part that is dyed. You have to prepare yourself mentally and get the products you'll need BEFORE you dye.

pa777billy: Thanks for being ; no nonsense and down to earth .

Spiritual Mason: thankyou for this video.....i started yesterday and im hoping it would work for the next two months

Givemesuga _: One major thing I did that made my hair grow was kept up with my regiment. I washed and conditioned my hair every two weeks did that for two months and it grew 6 inches

Nadessa Clarke: So I am totally new to your channel and I really do like and appreciate your advice on African hair care but is it possible that you can also consider doing a skin care video too specifically for African girls although, we all have different skin types. Thank you.

They love rahanna: Omg thank you sis this help so much!!!

Just Moi: Thanks girl I'm going to try this!!!

ryan williams: beautiful, very informative!!!

Mixed Emoticons: What's with the 698 dislikes? People sure are something...else! She is telling what worked for her to grow it long and thick! And what MIGHT POSSIBLY work for others. What did these 698 people expect her to tell them? smh!

Adeyanju Adesola: Hey, I'm having under grow and my hair is breaking. I'm trying to go natural, what's your advise, should I cut the relaxed or straight hair and leave the down part of my hair or I should just trim it

Prophetess Lady Of Wisdom: You look just like Nikki Minaj. You're gorgeous&love your hair. Thanks for the tips

Kim Guillory: Thank you for your help! I'm trying to help my grand baby hair to grow. She have some thick hair and it feel rough. I would love any help you can provide me to use.

Ykeme Smith: Also taking hair, nail, and skin pills to keep your hair from being weak, I use castor oil that's been something my mom always used on my hair, and after 30 we loos cologen so it's important to make diet changes.

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