Five Foods For Hair Loss - Diet For Healthy Hair


You probably think about your hair on a daily basis — fretting over a bad hair day or enjoying a nice blowout, or maybe wondering whether to try out the new style you noticed on your favorite celebrity. But you might be missing clues that your hair is revealing about your health. Research shows that changes in your hair's look, texture, or thickness can be signs of underlying health conditions. Here's how you can tell whether your hair changes are due to a health problem, genetics, stress, or a nutritional deficiency.










Hello and welcome to math simplified in this video we're gon na discuss about five types of foods that are extremely helpful in maintaining a healthy hair. Your hair cells are the second fastest growing cells in your body, second, only to the intestinal cells, but because hair is not a vital organ or tissue. Your body will never prioritize its nutritional needs so due to hairs expendable nature, a nutritional imbalance will often show up. First, in the form of hair loss, your hair cells, as well as all the cells throughout your body, need a balance of proteins, complex carbohydrates, iron vitamins and minerals to perform function at the best. Now there are a number of foods that contain essential nutrients that will maximize your hair's potential for growing healthily and looking beautiful, and these right nutrients can help promote hair growth, especially if you're experiencing hair loss due to poor nutrition. Now, since hair follicles are among the most metabolically active in the body, the hair growth is impacted by calorie and protein malnutrition, as well as micronutrient deficiency. So in this video we will look at the five types of best foods that contain these essential nutrients number one iron iron deficiency is the world's most common nutritional deficiency and is a well-known cause of hair loss. Foods rich in iron include veggies, like spinach legumes, tofu chickpeas and collard greens, nuts, like almonds, cashews and pistachios also contain good amount of iron. Non-Vegetarian sources are good sources of iron as they contain heme iron, which is more easily absorbed. Sources include chicken, breast lean, meat, fish, beef, liver egg, yolks, etc. Vegans and vegetarians are also at a higher risk of iron deficiency, as their requirements for dietary iron are considered to be 1.8 times higher than for meat. Consumers non-heme iron found in plants, has a lower bioavailability than heme iron found in meat and fish number. Two zinc zinc is an essential mineral required by hundreds of enzymes, so it has an important role in protein synthesis and cell division. It is therefore a critical component for development of a hair follicle zinc, rich foods include pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds, red meat, shellfish, nuts, like almonds, and cashews and vegetables like spinach and mushrooms. Number three biotin biotin, also known as vitamin b7 or vitamin h, is an important vitamin for hair follicle growth, as it is required for protein synthesis. It is also important for proper development of your nails. Symptoms of deficiency include skin rashes, conjunctivitis and hair fall foods like eggs, almonds, cheese, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, spinach and legumes are great sources of vitamin b7 biotin and zinc deficiencies are a very common reason for diffuse hair loss. So if you are suffering from excessive hair loss, you should consider using zinc and biotin supplementation. I have included links to some biotin and zinc supplements in the description box below number four is omega fatty acids. Omega fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid deficiency, is also very common and leads to symptoms like graying of air and loss of scalp hair. Since these fatty acids are very important for hair follicle growth, fatty fish, like salmon, herring and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish is also a great source of protein, selenium vitamin d3 and v vitamins nutrients that may help promote strong hair and healthy hair. Additionally, you may consider supplementation with omega fatty acids too number five is vitamin d data from animal studies suggests that vitamin d plays a critical role in hair follicle growth cycle. Vitamin d receptors are particularly increased during the growth phase of the hair. Follicle deficiency of vitamin d is very common and risk factors for vitamin d deficiency include inadequate sun exposure, dark skin obesity, gastric bypass and fat malabs option. Food sources of vitamin d include whole milk, cheese, butter, eggs, nuts, like almonds, fish like tuna, sardines, salmon and mackerels also make sure to give 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure every day, as that is essential to convert the vitamin d present in your body into Its active form so guys these were the five types of nutrients that are essential for healthy hair and also to prevent hair loss. In the end, i would like to wish you all a happy new year. Hope 2021 will be a good one. I hope you liked the video, if you did make sure to subscribe to mad simplified and follow us on instagram and facebook. Thank you so much for watching

Ssuger: Protein Veggies Nuts/seeds Fruits (papaya/ cantaloupe) Antioxidant rich fruits (berries) Lemon water Chickpeas/black beans Spirulina Aside from diet: De stress!!!!! Regular exercise / movement / hobby Sleep well As well as looking after the hair you have, good sulfate free hair care etc Patience but persistence and routine

3 eyed fish: 1- iron 2- zinc 3- biotin 4- omega 3 5- vitamin D

F1sh St1cks: Some things that affected my hair loss: 1. Iron deficiency - Make sure that you get your iron levels checked. It's especially important if you're a woman under 50 and you get your period regularly, if you have a thyroid disease or if you're pregnant. Your iron levels should be over 100 for your body to be able to function properly. If your iron levels are under 30 it's concidered as a serious iron deficiency. 2. Not eating enough - Suffering of an eating disorder has messed up my view of food and how much I should eat. I ate way too little for a long time because I was obsessed with loosing weight. My daily HEALTHY calorie intake is around 1800 calories but I only ate about 900-1300 calories. I also didn't get almost any protein at all. 3. Scalp scratching - I started scrathing my scalp as a result of anxiety. I didn't think it would affect my hair but I noticed that the place I scratched the most had less hair than other places around my head. Stopping the scratching has been the hardest part so far because I do it automatically...

Nane: I'm vegan and I grew knee length hair in 4-5 years, I can't wait to grow ankle length hair, I loved that you added in your video plant based sources!❤️❤️good video!

Ananya Akruwala: I was just worrying about how much I have been losing, and this video was uploaded. Thank you, you are a lifesaver. ❤️

Awais Alvi: Hi man u r amazing.. when I was in 2nd year MBBS ur videos helped me alot in understanding biochem metabolisms and also Cranial nerves.. thanks for everything dude. I'm in final year now. Love from Pakistan

Pseudonymous Being: It's great that you cover vegetarian, vegan, and omnivorous diets.

Sir Oswald Fortitude: In the U.K we have a sandwich spread called marmite, which is loaded with Vitamin B12. It is supposed to be very good as well

Pushpa Prasad: Thank you so much.You have described so many important things in just 5 minutes.Thank you so much again .

Andrea Ledet: I've been on the vegitarian ish diet for 5 days now and I've heard about hair loss so glad I'm on the right track for I eat lots of Spinach, cheese, hard boiled eggs, and mushrooms

Trendy Health: *You can use olive oil to make your hair look good and feel healthy.* It is _no secret_ that heat styling makes it hard for you to grow new hair, but the oils found in *olive oil work as a protectant against those high temperatures* by creating a shield around natural keratin which _contains antioxidants, vitamin E, and oleic acid._ Olive Oil also has _anti-inflammatory properties which may help with treating dandruff too!_

Anderson Malimpensa: Hey there. I loved the video so much! I have been trying to search for a YouTube video that really informs the ideas in this video!Your vid totally reminds me of the vids of this educational Doctor Ethan. Dr Ethan's videos are actually informative and I really learned a lot for my practice. He is an insightful med student in the UK and he explains health. Go watch his YT out and give the health enthusiast a like here! #LearnFromDrEthan

Natalia: I’m scared, I lost my hair because I’m not eating as much. I used to have very thick hair and now it’s almost non existent. If I eat the right healthy food will it grow back? Even if I lost it due to not eating enough?

Sabita Das: I always knew I had anemia. Now that my hair is just not staying no matter what I do I am leaning towards a good diet

Healthy N Happy Life: No matter what you do, your job is to tell your story. Awesome Video

Rizwana khan: very helpful thanks..for vegans flex seeds and chia seeds are also good options for omega fatty acids

Dr. dilip Gupta: Iron, zinc, biotin, vitamin b7 , omega fatty acids (omega 3 and 4) , vitamin D

max.m m: My hairloss was getting bad when washing it. Got hormone bloods done they discovered my iron levels were super low. Being a vegetarian is the culprit. Now taking supplement and no hairloss

Sam: Protein protein protein. Hair is keratin. Keratin is protein. The minute I upped my protein intake, my hairfall CEASED the Next DAY!


Rob Holz: beautiful video, well narated and researched, thank you

your dad: Sir i am 14 years old can i use all supplement that u have given on link... Pls reply sir ❤️

Kannan Unnikrishnan: Here’s what worked for me 1. Stop worrying about hair loss 2.Stop counting how many hairs you are losing a day 3. Exercise min half an hour daily and eat healthy 4. Meditation 5. Homely prepared hair oil application every day after bath(coconut oil and some herbs) 6. Eat a handful of green gram sprouts daily 7.Most important- rubbing finger nails 10 mins morning and before sleep(do it on an empty stomach for max benefits) Try it for a month and thank me later. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Junz Ellis: Thank you. Really enjoyed this. Needed it

luqman .t: I'm facing hairloss and I've been taking every vitamin and mineral and the only vitamin that I've a deficIeny OF is VITAMIN D . I'm thinking I'll get my normal hair back after having this for 2 months.

mabon davis: nice video, my uncle is suffering from hair loss. he visited planet ayurveda. they gave him hair care pack. after using that pack he is fine now.

Donna Leveron: Thank you! Great information!

//peachリア: Thank you for this.. Im 18 yrs old, experiencing hair loss.. and hair thinning..

Asdak Mohd: If I tell you a simple and easy treatment for hair loss, hair becomes white, etc. So we should eat Almonds 3-5 per day really it will also work for hair density

Donna Thornburg: Thank you, great advice.

ABU AL BATTANI: Very good video for us. We should obey it to decrease our hair problem.

anajaw1: Thank you, its very helpful information!

Healthy N Happy Life: video and image content can be more useful when it comes to influencing search and social results. Nice efforts.

abishek sharma: thanks for sharing such valuable information.

Triana M: I have been consuming somewhat enough of all these nutrients but no improvement! My hair keeps falling.

Jessye Heilman: Thank you. Blessings to you and yours this year!

Healthy N Happy Life: Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.

Zainab Fatema: Jazak Allahu Khair,may Allah (swt) bless u with goodness

Old_Money_Lady: When I wash my hair I feel like I’m getting bald XDD Theres a lot of hair, I take supplements and I have pretty long hair. I guess today’s for dinner is spinach-chickpea pasta haha

Manomoney Subramaniam: tk u for sharing with us n i hv learnt quite a bit of how to remedy of hair loss n i hope to change my eating life style most of the food u mention is easy available but most of us eat n not realise the importance of food in the diet as we most grab what is infront of us! shall try !! n keep up yr good work stay well safe n blessed too ⚘

fiver meditation: have you ever wondered what the world’s leading raw foodies favorite recipes are?

SahayaSelvi Vincent: Sooo beautifully and simplifed explanation. very , very beneficial for people like me. Thanks A lot. God Jesus Christ Bless U Abundantly. Pl comeout with a video for arthritis which will be beneficial for people like me

chirag sharma: Thank-you Sir . Happy New Year

Gokathoti Sivani: I am eating all this foods which include all the above mentioned even though there is huge hairfall

Shristi Gupta: Thank you so much for the video! And happy New year!

Brain FM - Relaxation and Stress Relief : Hi, how are you? Great video, thank you for sharing. Have an awesome week!

Priyanka Nathawat: It will be very helpful for me. Thankuu.

Omkar Rathod: Conclusion you eat anything for hair or not just eat almonds daily, except for omega fatty acids it contains everything

Water Girl: Great info

Shilpa Mind Body Soul: Very informative ☺️

shree kavi: Zing,iron,biotin,omega fatty acids,vitamin D,m

D C: I heard if you juice carrots and spinach then drink it a few times a day concentrate your hair will grow back

Ivalina Passe: Yes it's working Wonders Healthy Hair, with Salmon Spinach, Eggs Cheese Especially Fish. Thanks for the Tips Have a Wonderful New Year 2022!!!

Ice Burg: Best thing for hair to eat is liver it contains all essential minerals and nutrients

Aarti thaur: thank you for this ,,,i was worried about my hair loss i tried lots of products also took medicine ..but than I followed right diet and also took medicines from planet ayurveda,,Now my hair look so healthy and shiny. I am very happy with planet ayurveda's products.

ʀǟʝֆɦʀɨ: Thanks for tell us about these things

Simple Health: Has anyone tried any of these?

Prashant Kumar: Very Nice ❤️ Great information Happy New Year to you as well. Hope for the best in 2021

Jimrossel Gono: Very well explained

Rune L: FOR hair loss, or against hair loss?

Anubhav Raj lohansh: Please make a video how to get straight hair without any electronic appliance

Kaur_M: Nice Is stress responsible for hair loss?

Sheila Sheehan: Great video but I find it too fast to take it all in. Much appreciated.

The Drummers Club: Great info, God Bless you

PLANET AYURVEDA SEO: Hair fall is being continued for the last 3 yrs. Now I'm 22. Also, the tips of my hair are getting dried and pale in color and also are being torn. Now I have started taking herbal medicines from planet Ayurveda. these medicines give me hope. these medicines retard hair fall.

Priyanka Nathawat: Is it true that supplements have less absorbance in our body than the food?

Louisa Mendoza: Finally someone out there knows !!!!

Silly Boy: Cheese, eggs, and fish seem to have all the vitamins apparently

Jeny Urikouth: Good one. Thanks.

Benefits Hair: Thank you for the information

Sarang Gosavi: Its five foods to stop hair fall, not food for hairfall

Vishal Pawar: Make a video on Weight gain please.

swaliha: Thank you

Mark Santos: Does it matter if the eggs are fried ,scrambled or boiled ?

Rishabh Mishra: Eating healthy food is really necessary nowadays ...thanks for the amazing remedies and food suggested by Planet Ayurveda.

Hasta Luego: we need iodine, seaweeds or kelp.

Duhkimi Saiawi: Thank you so much I believing more than some cosmetics.

The Akanksha Rajput Creation: Eat almond for one month, it's too beneficial

Anupama prakash: I have vitamin d deficiency. I am sufgering from excesssive hair loss.

kimotheking95: Very Nice Video

Totuya Buisness: Zinc and vit D + a good diet that contains lots of healthy fats and proteins my hair is thicker and fuller than ever .

Remedy Hub: my dad and my grandad are both bald. genetics did its magic. i'm bald too

Sumaira Sultana: Almonds r 1 of the beat superfood fot hair. Eat daily a handful of almonds to get benefits for hair.

Umm e Farwa: Almonds are in all of the sources

Garima Kaushik: Any vegetarian food item for omega fatty acid????

Mahesh Shirsat: Should men wash hair daily??

shafi kitchen: Super hair tips ❤️

11.Banoth Shalini rathod: Hii , sir me having hormonal imbalance so becoz of that i lost all my hair can you tell me to regain my hair .

megha alosia: Good presentation.... Pronounce Iron as A-yan

RAJYA LAKSHMI KUPPILI: Post covid 19 conicvences hair falling which good shall I take

SM Sparks: Informational and good video, just change your pronunciation for Iron ( ai.urn)

I love Nature: I don’t like it only because you recommend supplements .there are plenty of foods rich of vitamin and you recommend the synthetic poison which will harm our liver

Neha Bhagat: Tysm❤

Amar Singh: Your are awesome bro I'm seeing soo much vedios But they're not help full.thnxk bro

James Yeh: Pls learn how to pronounce “IRON” ie. Eye - yearn, NOT Eye - ren!!!

moonchild: Thanks a lot

Abbas khan: Wow very good information

Safa W: Can someone plzz tell me what shall I do i have alot of hair fall my hairs gone so thin plzz any1 help

John davidson: Thanks for the amazing video!!! You had given great tips to all. I had also followed these diets as prescribed by Planet Ayurveda but with this, I had also used Haircare Pack by Planet Ayurveda. Which is really effective.

Tamanna: Sir actually my hair are turning white why so

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