How To Remove Facial Hair Naturally | Skincare Home Remedy | Shrutiarjunanand

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Hey there! Most of us suffer from unwanted facial hair, Right? Some people are lucky to have less or light color facial hair which easily blends with your skin tone but for those whose facial hair color doesn't matches the skin tone than it can be a challenge.

Though there are many products available in market but since its a matter of applying it on your face I never want to risk it. I always prefer my own home made remedy to get rid of them and as the solution is 100% natural so there are no risk of any side effects.

You can enjoy this treatment once in a week to keep your face clear of unwanted fair hair.

Products used in the preparation of that Mask

Gram Flour or Besan (If Besan doesn't suits you than you can try Wheat Flour or Atta)

Coconut Oil (You can use Parachute/Patanjali or any other good brand. Incase you don't want to use Coconut Oil than you can use Olive Oil or any other oil than can provide nourishment to your skin)

If you have Oily skin than you can use Castor Oil as it doesn't gets absorbed by Skin.

Rose Water - Dabur Brand





Lipstick - MAC Cosmetics - Mocha

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Hey guys shoot akela today, I'm doing one of the most requested video on my channel how to remove facial hair. Now there are so many methods out there for removing you know facial hair. First one is laser treatment. Now not everybody can go for laser treatment because it's very expensive and some of my friends got laser treatment done. But after like two or three years they got all the hair growth path. So yeah you need to do it like regularly after, like 2 or 3 years, so that's very expensive on site. Now you can get your waxing done or threading done. Some of my friends on me as well. If I do threading on my sideburns and on my forehead, I get that red bumpy thing on my face, which I don't like and if you guys have sensitive skin and this threading and there you know vaccine doesn't suit you, then you there's only one method for Removing facial hair very easily and affordably at home, and that is a home remedy. The awesomeness of this home remedy is even if you have acne, pimple, breakout or sensitive skin. Still, you can use them because they don't have any side effects because they are made of you know all natural products and they're very accessible. You can just go into your kitchen and make it very easily, so they are affordable as well. The results are really promising because if you can see I'm using this recipe for myself from past so many years and you can see - I don't have any hair growth on my face. It'S all because you know I'm using it regularly kind of on my face and that's the best part. The results are effective and long-lasting. This is a very old Ayurvedic treatment passed on to my grandmother to my mother and then to me, usually when we have any wedding in our family. We do this for bride-to-be to make her look extra special for her big day to make this mask. I call it upturn. You need two tea spoon of gram flour. Gram, flour is also known as Basin or Chennai Kolkata then add 2 TSP of coconut oil in it now mix it well together and form a dough like consistency, that's what we want now, I'm going to add the third and last ingredient, which is rose. Water 2. Tsp of rose water. If you don't have rose water, you can totally skip it with normal water. It'S not going to make that much of a difference but rose water. I just love the smell of closed water and it give a glow to my faith. That'S why I'm adding it now mix all the ingredients together to get a piece like consistency now apply this mask or obtain all over your face using your fingers or your brush, whichever you prefer and make sure you are leaving your eyebrows, your eyes and your mouth. You can apply this obtained on your neck as well. If you have, you know here on your neck, as well as on your chin area, now, leave it there for good 10 to 20 minutes until it's fully dried. Now here comes the most important part for removing the facial hair from your face. You need to rub this mask on your face. Now, when you are rubbing, your direction of rubbing should be in the opposite direction of your hair growth, so your hair grow in this direction, so you have to rub it on the opposite direction. Like upwards, you know. Always your hands should go up from your face. Like this now keep rubbing the area from where you want you to remove the facial hair for good 5 to 6 minutes, and that's it - you don't have to wash your face. You just have to rub your face with this face mask and it will automatically fall off because we added coconut oil in it and once the face mask is not on your face after like half an hour and an are just wait for that time and then Wash your face with clean water and apply wood moisturizer do not use a face wash after doing this treatment for tremendous results repeat the same treatment every week and within like four or five weeks, you will see a big difference on your face. If you still have any queries, do let me know by commenting below, and I will be happy to help you or reply you back and don't forget, to give this video a special thumbs up if you like my skin care videos, and I will see you guys In my next one thanks a lot for watching girls and don't forget to support me by subscribing to my channel juicy junyeong com just hit on that place a my button. I love you guys take care bye, bye,

munchkin mantisss: my happiness when I found that I have all the ingredients...

Vanessa Sharma: Loved this so much!!! Facial hair has always been a big insecurity of mine, this has helped me get rid of unwanted hair and I can’t be thankful enough!!

R H channel: I dont have any of the ingredients except water

Kirandeep Kaur: Can you do this daily without it ruining your skin? Also, I was told that coconut oil help hair grow longer so will it affect the hair already on my face??

Nida A: Hello, I have a few questions. I have noticed you have another video for removing hair which involves milk, gram flour, turmeric and rose water. Which one is best? Also, does it matter if someone starts using this remedy before or after already removing hair using a different method? For example, my sister recently threaded, should she wait until the hair grows back to start this or can she start this right away? And do we apply this to our whole face or only where the hair grows? I noticed you apply it all over your face but for example I don't have hair on my nose.. Thank you!

Ashwarya Sengupta_102: The video starts at 2:02

Mehak Saini: Can we use this 2 or 3 times a week if we have sensitive skin ??

Raina Toufiq: Can we use olive oil instead of coconut oil?

Nida Munir: Is coconut oil suitable for oily skin too?

Akanksha Jain: Wouldn't the rubbing be really harsh on the skin considering the mask has dried? Especially for ppl who get breakouts..?

Paramjeet Kaur: Can we use almond oil instead of coconut oil?

Coral: How long does the hair take to come back with these remedies?

sweetxbutterq: Is it usable for acne prone skin without breakouts?

Rutuja Dicholkar: You look so gorgeous with and without makeup! ❤️ Also you have the perfect lighting and background in your videos. I just love your videos, so pleasing and to the point!

Sarah Sayid: Hi, could the ingredients be substituted for example normal flour instead of gram flour and vegetable oil instead of coconut oil? Thanks.

Ashlee Sachdev: I tried it today it worked for me

Rajani Gurung: Very helpful video. I was regretting with the shaving of facial hair. I was searching for a natural way to remove facial hair growth. I will try this method soon. I have all ingredients extra virgin coconut oil, gram flour and pure rose water

Tulsi Rajput: Can we use mustard oil instead of coconut oil?

Disha Kukreja: hi shruti! congrats on 400k subs. i tried this face mask today and it kind of worked! thanku so much. while scrubbing i could see some of my hair actually coming off! i am so excited to do this weekly without fail and get rid of all my facial hair. thanks a ton dear! lots of love

Selma Sebastian: can we use wheat flour instead of gram flour?

PRATIBHA KOMAL: Can we add raw milk instead of adding rose water?

Rachel French: Hi shruti, I didn’t get a smooth consistency and it didn’t dry on my face after 20 minutes. I found it really oily. Should I try using another oil? Thank you x

onomonapoetikon monomonapoetikon: Is the gram floor the ingredient that weaken the hairs?

Vanessa Collado: I've been reading the comments and I basically came to the conclusion that this only works for ppl who have sensitive skin. It most likely won't work for ppl who have normal skin because you would need something strong to remove the hair growth and this treatment has ingredients that would only affect the skin that is sensitive

ANKITA CHOWDHURY: Can I use olive oil instead of coconut oil?

Guria Chuhdary: Mam can we use it for thick facial hair?

Simran Gupta: Does this reduce hair growth or remove hair temporarily?

Ashiwini Bhosale: Do we need to apply this remedy daily for 2-3 weeks?

syeda shah: Can we use another oil instead of coconut oil?

Madhumitha Mithra: Awesome sister... shall I use baby oil alternatively for coconut oil....?

Nav: Doesn't coconut oil promote hair growth?

Dru Desai: Great tip! It's hard to find time to get waxed so I'll try this mask out. Thanks Shruti! Also, I your backdrop;)!

nidha nashith: for how long shouldnt we use face wash after this treatment?

Harshitha N: I have a lot of hair growth on my legs so can I use it as a waxing treatment to remove those hairs? And also can this be used as a replacement of underarm waxing ma'am?

Emran Emon: Can we replace coconut oil with any other??

Monalisa Ghosh: Is it helpful for sideburns also ?

Lee Alexander: Can I use chickpea flour as an alternative for gram flour?

Vanshita Jain: Should we use this one a week or everyday for 4 weeks??

Ultaemately Aestaetic: Is there a substitute for coconut oil?

Shreeji Techno: Is it useful for THICK facial hair due to PCOS?

Jenifer: Shruti thank you so much for the sharing this...!! I m always worried about my sideburns but now I've solution..!!! Girl you always nailed it.,,!!! Lotta luv

ZeeBuggsButt: For someone with lots of hair due to PCOS, can we use this every day?

Sweta Salvi: Can I use this twice a week ? Or once a week ?

Ramiin: Can we apply this on other parts of the body?

Christina K: Could I replace coconut oil with olive oil?

Miya Lopez: Hi, can this be used and work on any other parts of the body with unwanted hair? Such as the underarms

mia sharma: Hi shruti Thanks for your video. Which coconut oil have you used ? And I just have one confusion... I have heard that coconut oil is used for good hair growth so is it okay to use that on face ? Thanks

RR Grows 😀: Really I took a closer look, 5-6 hairs I saw visible fallen from my face.. and this is absolutely natural ingredient,so no chances of side effects.

Dr Shivangi Sharma: Can I use coconut oil on acne prone skin?

Manami Kitty: This is awesome!!! Thank you so much!!!

Sumaiya hasan: You did a version of this video earlier if i remember! Memories apart.. This is one hell of a magical hair removal method! I learnt this from you and i have been doing it for long time.. It's amazing! It works on my arms as well.. As I am freaking sensitive to waxing.. Loved this video! As usual beautiful you and beautiful background! ❤

aniqa sattar: if we don't have coconut oil then can we use olive oil?

Shiza Saeed: Can I use Almond oil instead of coconut oil? Please help me. Love from Pakistan ❤️

ANNU KUMARI: We can use musturd oil instead of coconut oil?

Sunny Desai: Can we use it for arms and legs also?

Alia Malhotra: Does this remove underarm hair too??

Lakshmi TA: Are we supposed to use face wash after the day of this treatment?

Reshma Fathima: Can we skip the moisturizer?

Blue Baby: Can we use normal flour instead ?

Simran Chawla: Hey Shruti! Thank you for making such an amazing video. But can people with oily skin also use this? Won't it make their skin more oily because of the coconut oil? Also, if the mask is too dry and rubbing it to take it off causes redness on the skin, can we use some water to help us take it off?

Saad Afridi: Ma'am does this helps to remove thick facial hairs

Fun with luckylux: Can we use this for oily skin??

Sai Gagan: Is this useful for men's cheek hair?

Yashaswini BR Yashu: Can we use this for oily skin??

Alicia Satchi: Hi Shruti! I have always had naturally long sideburns. After making the mistake of cutting my sideburns, small light hairs grew towards my cheek area. What can I do to help remove them and prevent any more hair growth in other areas? Is this mask okay to use in this case?

Muskan Kaushal: I like that all ingredients r available in our home nd no side effect as it is natural

Sneha ravinder kudikala: Should we do it everyday for 4 to 5 weeks to get rid permanently

Fatima Saeed: Can i use caster oil instead of coconut?

Nidhi Khatri: Can we do this remedy twice or thrice in a week for better and quick results?

somorita ghosh: Do we have to wash our face with a face wash before applying the mask?

Manushree Bansal: What can we use instead of coconut oil

prakirti parmar: can we use this process in every two days?

RR Grows 😀: Now I can really feel a smooth and glowing face. Once again thank you so much shruthi mam...

Tamana Khurana: Can we use almond oil?

VIP GAMING: Hello Shruti, I want to ask if we can use this daily??

Ambreen Aamir: Is it necessary to use coconut oil? Can we use almond oil as an alternative to this?

Neha Singh: Is this remedy useful for oily skin ???

Bismah Ch: Can I use it twice a week or on daily basis ?

shana Naz: Can we use home made coconut oil??

Prachi Singhal: Can we apply it daily or once in a week?

Reshma Akter: This method Takes time, but I'm sure that It's 100% natural and effective thank you for sharing this remedy.

A -: this looks super easy and fun too, I'll definitely try this out, thank you!! :))

SAR BULAND: Ma'am what to do if you have hirsutism issues and unwanted thick hairs comes because of that?

Hailun: What if I use plain flour, water and olive oil?

38 syed Afsha: How many times it should be used in a week?

Kavya Sree Pulluru: I got a doubt...coconut oil is for hair growth right?, how can it remove hair

supriya singh kajal: Hey can u pls tell how many times do we need to apply this mask so that the facial hair is removed permanently from my face???

Swati Garg: Is this remedie good for dry skin?

Sahil Soni: Benefits of this pack 1.Remove facial hair 2.Remove dead skin 3.Glowing face 4.Remove tan 5.Brighten skin 6.Softer n smoother skin

Bali Malik: can we use another thing in place of Coconut oil...??

BEAUTY BOAT: I am allergic to chickpea flour so what can i use instead of chickpea flour?

Sujata Behera: Mam is this remedy is useful for thick facial hairs ??

𝐻♡𝓈𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶: Can I use any other oil expect coconut oil? Like olive oil or mustard oil?

JASPREET SINGH: Respected Shruti ma'am one query  @Sneha S  ma'am one query my little sister has facial hair , can she used licorice powder + turmeric + raw milk + gram flower ?? To slow down growth or remove hair ??? Actually some one told us about this method , you are experienced pls tell us about this method right or wrong ??..

Radha Ramaprasad: If we have oily skin, any other option instead of coconut oil?

Perfection 777: are there any alternatives to gram flour?

honey bun: can you use all purpose flour ?

Reeta Panwar: Can we use turmeric, basen, and milk instead of coconut oil nd rose water?

Jenny Selwyn: Shruti, thank you so much for sharing.

baku121: Shruti, Do we apply&masage ubtan on the face with facial hair or remove hair first and then apply?

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