Iman By Outre’

Heyyyy shug!!!!! This unit was purchased by me from GoBeautyNY

Link to unit:

Follow Me: I am ExcluZive_Brown_Beauty on both Instagram and Snapchat

Slang hey and welcome to exclusive brown beauty with you Lissa how y'all doing all right we're back with another wig review, and this is going to be on the sister unit to the unit I just uploaded by outre, which was Eva. This is going to be the sister Chiba, and this is Iman and I have in mind, as you all know, the 613 color, which is the bright blonde or if you buy her online she's, also considered the pre bleached blonde. So a little bit of the specs about this unit. If you have not seen the other video, this is the perfect hair line. Collection by outre is a fully hand. Tied 13 by 6 lace, wig fully hand tied 13 by 6 frontal no plucking required baby hairs. 6 inch deep parting, soft Swiss lace, adjustable wide elastic band heat, styling friendly, and it just shows you miss Iman and she's - got to be at least she's got to be she's longer than FIBA and I'm wearing even now, Eva on me, as about 22 inches, maybe 24, only because I'm only 5 feet tall and I have a short neck, so she's got to be, though at least 26 inches long. She'S super super super long, so she is also pre paraded in the front when you get her and again that looks absolutely amazing. The braids are tied off at the end and then they go back into the straight here. There are baby hairs on the unit. This is all Swiss lace. When we turn the unit inside out, we've got our frontal. We'Ve got our two combs here at the temple. We have a comb in the back and we have an adjustable strap as well. She feels a little bit heavier than Eva and I don't know oh I'll, let you know when I try her on, but she feels a little bit heavier than Eva. Her braid pattern is slightly different as well, so they both have the two little braids on the side, but then with Eva there's, only one braid in the middle, where there is two braids in the middle with Iman, so see. There'S just this one braid here and then these two Iman has two braids on the side and two braids in the middle, so she has four braids. Instead of three, so yeah we're gon na slap, her alone try and make her our own Oh see. Well, we working which I oh yeah and we are back, and this is miss Iman on and again I don't have on a stocking cap. I have not cut the baby hairs, I've just kind of slipped them over to the side. You can see where my hair is starting to peek through and where my forehead is, but the hairline is amazing, so that would change once I put powder there, which I would not put powder on this big, I would just put on a lighter week, have um, But yeah, so that is what the hairline is. Looking like, the braids look, nice and neat the hair is, I would consider a natural density for me. Some others may think my earring some others may think it might be thick, but I it's, it seems like a natural density to me or for me, in my opinion, okay, this is Missy man. She feels great. She is about 26 inches. She is shedding like the dickens, however, because she is this pre bleached blond, color. Typically, these colored wigs do especially after you cut the lace, but I mean she is she and like a mangy dog? Okay, I mean yeah. This is the lace I cut out with her. She was ear to ear lace. She is very, very comfortable. I don't have any complaints whatsoever. I think she would be super bomb and a number two as well. I mean number one as well. Does it tell me, outre doesn't usually tell you all the colors that it comes in, like very does I'm in Maine concept does, but she comes in some other colors. So if you love her like, I love her go ahead and pick her up, I did purchase that from girl Beauty in New York, so that is where the link will be to or the link to the unit will be in the description box, but she is Available on other sites so go ahead and price check. That is what I do so I'm and go. I just heard they let Jessie smiley out, yeah they drunk out of charges. Sure no! No! I didn't know what people's guilty and night I was just gon na wait and see what courts a pair of people like. I would hate to think that about him um. That was not ever something. I would think that he would do if presented with that question before this scandal came out, but I mean you don't ever know we weren't there. So we don't know. All we have is his version, those guys version and the truth, and unfortunately, sometimes neither one of those stories match that exact truth. So I mean we can't say one way or the other shoe. So I was just sitting back chat with my legs crowd singing running. My fingers, through my wig waiting on a decision, but the charges have been dropped. So congratulations to Chelsea, alright guys! Well, if you love her again, go ahead and pick her up and don't forget to wait, pray, slay and repeat and don't forget to be unapologetically unique. This is you, this is exclusive beauty, signing off love. You guys the smooches

WeR She: Look at them nails! Who do your nails girl?! Lol! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ love the unit too!

EMMA J: This is a good review

wigsandwanderlust: Yes sis yes!! I been waiting sis!!!

megajustme09: Cute style

Savannah .S: Lil Kim 2000 s vibes

Doris B.: Niceee

megajustme09: You're welcome

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