Wearing a face mask while wearing a wig

  • Posted on 20 January, 2021
  • Hot Topic
  • By wigs@Blog

Everyone knows that they need to wear a mask at all times when they are out and about in public, whether they are going to the supermarket, the gym or the hairdressers.

However, wearing a face mask when you also wear a wig can be quite tricky. You have to juggle the practicality of how to wear both simultaneously then you have to make wearing them together look good.

Read on to find out how we make wearing them look great.

Masks are a must

If you are immuno-compromised then wearing a face mask is vital, if you also wear a wig because of your health condition then it can be tricky to wear them simultaneously.

Our main advice is to make sure that your wig has been correctly measured and fitted. Doing this ensures that you feel comfortable when you are wearing your wig out and about. Like wearing a wig with glasses, it can be tricky to juggle placing both comfortably on your head and face.

Comfort still counts

However, if your head has been correctly measured you can check that the wig’s ear tabs are in the prime position to avoid rubbing the strings of your face mask. This is why we would recommend visiting us in-store if possible as we can make sure that your wig is the right size and shape for your head.

Once you have checked that the wig is the right size and shape for you, you can then decide whether to place the strings of your mask underneath the wig’s ear tabs or on top. If you put the strings of the mask underneath the wig’s ear tabs, then it will stay firmly in place for as long as you leave it there. This is handy if you are planning on being out for a while, i.e., visiting the doctor followed by doing your week’s shop at the supermarket.

Position is important

However, if you get hot and bothered in your mask (who doesn’t?) then it might be a nuisance to take it off for some fresh air when you are outside.

If wearing the mask’s strings underneath the ear tabs would be impractical, then the solution is to wear the strings of the mask on top of the ear tabs.

A final option is to adjust the metal wig stays. You can push these up to create more room for your mask to sit comfortably around your face. After that, it is up to you to experiment with what feels best for you.

Help is on hand

Wigs4U is a small family business who have worked in the industry for over thirty years. As a small family business, we pride ourselves on being able to help our customers by giving expert advice and guidance.

This means we can discuss lifestyle issues like exercise and wig wearing, swimming and wigs, wearing a wig to bed, and more easily and with a wealth of knowledge to inform our advice.

Give Wigs4U a call on 01945 587584 to speak to us today about anything to do with wearing a wig.

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