Reader Question: Help Growing Hair Long

tulipsReader Question:

Please i would like your advice on how to grow a long hair hair. I’m a 26 year old lady and I have never had a long healthy hair like my sisters do. My hair if not relaxed is short, thin and frizzy, when i apply relaxer it is even thinner. My hair line looks bald as there seems to be no hair there. I tried to use different hair-care products that promised to help grow my hair but i have never seen any results. I have been using organics hair relaxer and the stimulating hair therapy shampoo for a number of years, and i’m actually thinking of changing to Dr miracle’s hair relaxer and also started using the hot gro hair pomade about a week ago since it seems to be the new rave now. I sincerely hope you can help me on what to do. Thanks

Our Answer:

I think you need to invest some time in reading up about how to grow black hair long and healthy by reading the articles on the website! If you do, you will see that there is no magical product that will give you long hair if your hair care practices are not sound. The only way you will have a head full of long relaxed or natural hair is by having a sound hair care regimen.

If your hair becomes worse by using relaxers then they are probably not for you and you may want to consider going natural and pressing your hair if you want to wear it straight. All relaxers do the same job, they break bonds in your hair to take the kinks and curls out but this process means that your hair no longer has the same strength and elasticity as your natural hair. For this reason, relaxed hair needs more work to grow long than natural hair but if want to keep the relaxer then your will have to step up your protein and moisturizing deep conditioning plus protective styling.

Having long black hair is about getting the right moisture protein balance in your hair in order to retain length which can be done easily with cheap supermarket conditioners and plenty of water! You may want to try the regimen for relaxed hair on the website for an understanding on what a good hair care regimen for black relaxed hair is supposed to be like:

Good Luck!

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