Pam Oliver Responds To Hair Critics On Twitter

Pam Oliver various weaves

Ok so I watch football, after all I live in a house full of boys so football fever was bound to catch me at some point. It’s ok though, I’m not fighting it, I still wear pink and I love lip gloss.

If you happen to watch the games you must have noticed Fox Reporter Pam Oliver talking to the hottest players, figuratively and otherwise getting the best stories for her news station.

Now Pam has hair, much like her other female colleagues on the field, however ‘we’ tend to notice her hair more so than we ought to, the focus is probably less on what she is saying or even who she is speaking to but more so on that one strand that seems out of place, in 20 degree weather, fans screaming and with the wind blowing. #focus

The Super Bowl was no different and as a matter of fact because it was a wider audience, along with the ratings, critics were on fire. Pam wore a two toned blondish wig* on the big day and has been compared to countless things including Chewbacca which for me personally was a dig at more than her hair #justsayin.

It was so terrible that her hair was actually a trending topic on twitter at one point on Sunday #shameful We loved Pam’s response to the social media outburst, she did an interview with Philly news and here is what she had to say:

This whole thing is just comical.

I wish it were so easy. It’s a process. I do my own hair and makeup – insert joke here. I’m up early. I’m at the stadium about 4 hours before the game, just going over some last-minute stuff and then waiting for some players to come out, which is generally 2 hours before the game.

You’re out there, trying a to catch players, get some last-minute stuff, get your reports turned around quickly, and I may or may not have time to put on lip gloss or powder my face.

I know TV is a visual medium, but there are times when you kind of hope that people are listening to what you’re saying as opposed to judging you if a strand of hair is not in place or if you have only got one eye lined or something.

Pam-Oliver-WeaveThat’s naive of me, I get it. But there are times I get so tunnel-visioned and focused on what I’m doing to the point of maybe letting that other stuff fall by the wayside. It’s not intentional. You want to look your best on TV.

Yes folks Pam was working! That is what she does every Sunday on the field in the midst of the chaos; she brings us the best stories from the most important players. How do you think that happens?

On Sunday, at the end of the game, Pam was the first person to interview Seahawk’s quarter back Russell Wilson, don’t ask how she got there in the middle of all that hoopla with her microphone, but she did and we were able to get firsthand how he felt after winning his first super bowl.

This takes us back to the Gabby drama a couple of years back, remember little Gabby Douglas, Olympic gold medalist who got chastised because her hair wasn’t ‘fly’ as she jumped, spun, flipped, and stole our hearts and breath on a world stage.

Instead of focusing on her accomplishments we instead focused on her hair. Pam made a point to make sure we understood that her focus is on her work and making sure the message she is trying to put out there is clear without the typical distractions.

Usually, the most important thing to me is getting my information and getting it right and hoping that everything else is going well with the hair and what little makeup I have left and go from there. I’m a little focused on what I’m doing. Maybe too much for people’s liking.

You just hope that ultimately people will judge you on your body of work and what you’ve spent your whole career doing, as opposed to rather than if you have lines around your mouth.

We definitely stand by Pam’s response and how she handled twitter and the comments, she does a great job and that’s why she was standing where she was on the field in the midst of football greatness. I wish for a second that we could make an effort to support our women on the remarkable work they do in the public eye, and not make attempts at discrediting each other every chance we get.

There really is a time and place for everything, after all Pam was not at a beauty pageant or the Oscars. #canawomanlive

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