NFL Players Do Their Daughters’ Hair And It Is Absolutely Adorable

Dad- do

The first time I saw these commercials of Football players doing their daughters hair as if they were in the middle of a game I couldn’t help but tip my hat to Pantene.

Well played Pantene, well played.

We are all so fascinated with dads doing their little girls hair because we all know with some men their hand eye coordination leaves much to be desired.

It seems so ironic when you think about football because word on the street is you need a ton of coordination to play your position.

I am no football player so who knows, but it was adorable to see these guys fumble over pigtails. The video series is part of a “Dad Do” campaign featuring Pittsburgh Steelers’ DeAngelo Williams, New Orleans Saints’ Benjamin Watson and the Dallas Cowboys’ Jason Witten.

This is also part of a bigger campaign being done by the hair care brand called “Strong is Beautiful”, which encourages daddy-daughter time and how important it is for little girls and daddies alike. In an official press release the brand made reference to this with the following statement:

“Research shows that quality time spent with dads is key in raising daughters who are more self-confident, self-reliant and more successful in school and in their careers.”

The coolest part about each video is that every single little girl was happy with her style rearguards of how it looked. They encouraged their dads just the way their dad would for them throughout their lives.

Check out DeAngelo Williams as he tackles twisted pigtails:

Then Benjamin Watson had a go at the infamous pigtails:

Up next was Jason Witten who failed the ballerina bun miserably, but nailed pigtails!

Then finally DeAngelo Williams tackles his little toddler with a Princess Puff:

We think these videos are two adorable for words and just in time for the big game tomorrow!

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