Styling and Caring for Relaxed Hair

After having your hair relaxed, the question as to what to do with your hair between appointments arises. There isn’t one standard answer to this question because a lot about styling and caring for your relaxed hair depends on a number of factors.

A factor such as your lifestyle counts towards how you would maintain your hair. So for instance if you are actively involved in sports this means that your hair would get wet frequently from sweat or water (if you swim) and this would require a different regime from someone who lives a more sedentary life. In this situation you would definitely need more frequent washes at the salon to get rid of the excess salt, chlorine and other chemicals in your hair.

Another factor that should be considered as regards caring for your relaxed her is the climatic condition in your environment. Humidity, dust, cold and heat all affect the texture of hair as well as the ability for relaxed hair to hold it’s styling. For instance, in a humid environment, one’s hair is less likely to hold a style because humidity tends to make relaxed hair go limp. Again in an extremely cold environment, the hair may become brittle and break easily.

To counteract the effect of these conditions on your hair, there are products you could use that could give your hair extra hold or strengthen your hair against brittleness as the case may be. But beware of overloading and having a product build up in your hair. Personally I prefer to apply simpler solutions to caring for relaxed hair when I am faced with varying climatic factors. For example, when I am in a humid environment, I am more likely to wear my hair up in a loose pony tail or chignon; that way the hair is up and away from my neck and face but still looks stylish and chic (this also works if you live in a windy city). In a cold environment I am more inclined to protect my hair with cute hats and scarves (I use this option if I’ll be outdoors a lot) alternatively choose a style that does not require constant brushing and combing during the course of the day.

Your profession or workplace could also play a significant role in how you wear your hair. Some offices are more conservative than others so you must bear that in mind when you choose a hair colour or hair cut/style. In a corporate environment, you always want to look polished and business like so an up-do would usually be appropriate or a sleek bob that frames your face.

From the above, it is obvious that caring for relaxed hair can be achieved in different ways. What’s really important is to know what best suits your lifestyle.

I should point out however that there are some basic relaxed hair care steps that I recommend you follow:

  1. Always keep the hair moisturised and silky with lightweight products that won’t weigh the hair down.
  2. Sleep with a silk or satin scarf, do-rag or hair bonnet. This protects the cuticles of your hair and reduces the incidence of split ends. (You may choose to wrap your hair around your head before putting on the scarf but this requires some practice and dexterity)
  3. Minimise the amount of times you run a comb or brush through your hair in the day and when you do comb your hair use a wide tooth comb*.
  4. Keep your hair and scalp clean and get your hair washed and conditioned as frequently as recommended by your stylist or as your lifestyle demands.
  5. Finally, have fun with your hair; don’t get stuck a hairstyle rut. When you style your hair, move it around, try a different hair parting or hold it up or use a hair accessory; you might just surprise yourself.
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