The Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice For Natural Hair Growth

The nice thing about maintaining healthy hair is that it gives us an opportunity to live a healthier lifestyle from the foods we eat to our daily exercise routine. It is important to note that healthy hair grows with the right products, so today I would like to share with you what has helped my hair grow longer and stronger on my natural hair journey.

After careful research I found that the PH balance of black hair must stay around 4.0 to 7.0 pH in order to avoid the hair shaft from becoming to far alkaline or acidic. Having the proper balance with the hair care products we use such as conditioners and shampoos will make a big difference between our hair being dry and brittle or soft and manageable.

For me I learned that the use of Aloe Vera Juice* can actually help my afro texture hair cuticles to stay closed sealing in moisture. Once you start your natural hair journey and transition from relaxed hair one of the things you will notice is that moisture is the lifeline of growing longer stronger hair and retaining length.

Avoid using products that will strip away your natural oils*.  Once you use moisture rich hair products to seal the hair shaft your daily routines will take less time and your hairs luster and shine will last longer. Some of the benefits of Aloe Vera Juice* is that it can be mixed with your favorite leave-in conditioner* as well as part of your daily diet. Just add a few drops in a glass of water, in a few days you will see  your hair looks much better and your fingernails will start to grow as well.

The first time I started drinking aloe vera juice on a regular basis I was surprised at how healthy my nails had become, which is substantial since statistics show that our hair and nails are the last to receive any type of nutrients from the foods we eat. Adding Aloe Vera to your daily hair routine and diet will be the best step towards reversing the damaging effects of the sun, wind, and hard water deposits found in most metropolitan cities.

The use of Aloe Vera Gel* for the skin is well documented to treat burns, abrasions and skin conditions but the juice can help with boosting the immune system and the anti-inflammatory properties can help with acid reflex as well as digestion. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before taking any type of natural remedies, make sure that any medications you are taking will not be adversely affected by the use of homoeopathic treatments.

Some of the more popular brands include: Lily of the Desert, Aloe Farms Organic, along with Natures Way Aloe Vera Gel & Juice. There are a variety of products to choose from so do your due diligence and see which one will work best for you and your hair care routine.

Restoring your hair to its healthiest is possible with the right hair care tools, products and education. Learning how to take care of your hair and knowing what makes it grow is going to be a lifelong experience and as  you come across methods and strategies that work document them and keep a running journal.

Just remember that what works for one person may not work for another, each of us has a unique hair type and the condition of our hair will be based on our genetics, age, health, and geographic location.

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