Stylist Feature - Audri Howard

Stylist Feature - Audri Howard

Introduce yourself and which salon if any you work at…

Hello World,  My name is Audri Howard. I am a Hair Stylist/Hair Colorist; Make up Artist at Artistic Skillz Hair Salon 1547 E. 82nd St. Chicago IL 60619

Stylist photo - Audri Howard
Stylist photo – Audri Howard

How long have you worked as a licensed cosmetologist (or equivalent in your country) and where did you study?

Licensed since 2000, Harry S. Truman Cosmetology School…

What is your specialty, relaxed, natural hair, locs or anything special?

My specialties are caring for ones natural hair or relaxed hair, I promote healthy hair, I use great products. I am known for my beautiful haircuts, long to very short and everything in between.

I absolutely love hair color, all over, highlights or color corrections. Another one of my specialties is pressing out natural hair to absolutely beautiful bounce and shine!

On the other spectrum is my love for make up and beautiful brows…it’s the perfect compliment to a woman’s beautiful hairstyle and overall look!  Lastly barbering/shaving my male clients is how I actually started out over 15 years ago. They love me and I love making them feel like refreshed gentlemen.

What in your opinion is the most rewarding thing about working as a hair stylist?

My relationships with my clients that I’ve built over the years is irreplaceable. The joy I get from taking a head if hair that’s been over worked or totally ignored and making it come alive! Finally I love the sparkle in the clients eyes….the pep in their step when they are out of the chair.

When you meet that customer that has not had a great experience with a previous stylist, how do you make them comfortable while in your chair?

Thorough consultation. How are they feeling? What brings them in? A special occasion soon? How often will she able to return? I listen to their ideas and offer my professional opinion on where we should go with her look. The products I use are first rate and I offer at home use suggestions. Our conversation is genuine and can range from personal to current events. I’m grateful and thankful for their business and I’m always professional.

If you could change one thing about the cosmetology industry what would that be?

The price of classes, is too expensive in my opinion. I would make things more affordable for continuing education. Promote less weave* and go back to our own hair with weaves* for special occasions or vacations.

In the black community to have all our prices based fairly and pretty much the same so that those of us who know our work is worth the $$$ amount we ask without people thinking it’s too expensive. Our products costs, our rental cost, our tàlent, knowledge and skills cost all come together to create a fair price for our work.

Where do you see yourself a few years from now, what are your goals as a stylist?

I would like to become an instructor. I would also like to find consistent work at fashion shows or platform work and TV as a behind the scenes artist. At the salon I’d like to continue growing learning daily with continuing education and seeing my clientele grow tremendously and them being happy and satisfied with their hair and overall look.

How do you stay motivated and on top of your game?

Reading, studying how to achieve various cuts and color. Whats hot? What is vintage as well because I love a vintage look! My passion for this industry is just always high! I can’t wait to see where it takes me in the future.

Here is a chance to sell you ‘the stylist’ and your business, tell us why we should utilize your services?
I’m one of the best at what I do. I don’t do everything but what I specialize in…I’m meticulous at it. Our salon is comfortable, chic and clean. I am a true professional at my job.

Where can we find you and how can we contact you for an appointment?

Artistic Skillz Hair Salon 1547 E. 82nd St. Chicag IL 60619 (773)552-7251 they can view my work for now on Facebook search Audri Howard. Business site coming soon.

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