Wash And Go Technique For Kinky Coily Natural Hair

Wash And Go Gel Technique For Kinky Coily Natural Hair

Can I just say, I have so much appreciation for HD cameras and great editing skills, this video is on point and totally fun to watch. Summer is wash and go season, and all the naturals are trying it no matter what the hair type. Some will give up and say, eh wash and gos are not for me, others might actually stick with it.

Regardless of where you fall, we can all appreciate a great video and Joso Anani along with aucurlsnaturelle delivers. The wash and go technique they describe involves alot of moisture and alot of gel to get the desired look. How much gel you use really depends on you and your hair type, for me, I would probably use enough to ensure that my hair lasts, which it never does.

I also believe results vary depending on the length of your hair as well, if your hair is kinky* it is alot easier to maintain a wash and go when your hair is short versus when it gets much longer. One of the major problems with wash and go’s is tangling after an extended period of time, after the product has worn off and your hair strands realizes how attracted they are to one another.

This is the perfect recipe for matting and a perfect reason for you to stay away from the wash and go for life. At this point it would be beneficial to mention that you can actually apply the gel to your hair directly after your shower, or in your shower. Weird yes, but for some reason doing this really improves definition if that’s what you are looking for.

They call this the Anthony Dickey technique because that’s what he recommends at his Hair Rules salon. Personally I would probably co-wash, oil rinse and then add gel in the shower and then air dry or diffuse, but that’s me, check out Joso’s awesome video below:

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