3 Inexpensive and Easy To Make Crochet Braid Wigs

Fotor01023154746Yes, you are reading right: CROCHET. BRAID. WIGS. I know what y’all are asking, “What the heck is a Crochet Braid Wig*?” Well let me tell you, first of all, most of us know what crochet braids are: first, you cornrow your hair, either straight back or into any cornrow pattern that you see fit.

Then you would either use a crochet needle, bobby pin, or whatever tool works best to latch in and crochet the hair extensions* of your choice. Then voila, you have crochet braids. Now, a crochet braid wig is essentially the same thing sans braids. SANS BRAIDS?? Yes, sans braids. Keep on reading to see how Youtubers Lekita Antoinette, themukisa11, and uniquelyyou82 create their crochet braid wigs.

So before we dive into these tutorials, I wanna give a quick lowdown, a Crochet Braid Wig* Q&A if you will, on Crochet Braid Wigs* and their benefits!

So, what makes Crochet Braid Wigs different from just doing regular Crochet Braids? What are the benefits of making your own Crochet Braid Wig?

As I have mentioned earlier, Crochet Braid Wigs are “braidless” wigs that you create by attaching any type of bulk hair onto a weaving cap where as regular ole’ Crochet Braids requires for one to cornrow/canerow their hair and then attaching the hair via latch hook. So with that said, let’s get down to business on the benefits of Crochet Braid Wigs.

Are they are inexpensive and easy to make?

Depending on what kind of hair you use, Crochet Braid Wigs* can be really inexpensive. Most of the time these wigs are made with hair such as Kanekalon hair, Afro Kinky*, Marley hair, etc., which can run really cheap.

Is your hair is 100% protected from outside elements?

Like lace front or full cap wigs, with Crochet Braid Wigs all of your “natural” hair is completely protected , unless you make this wig into a U-part (which of course would mean that only a small section of your hair is not protected from the elements) and they are also a great way to rock “out styles” or straight styles without compromising your hairs health via heating tools or too much manipulation.

Can I still continue to incorporate a healthy hair care routine without sacrificing style?

What really separates Crochet Braid Wigs from regular Crochet Braids is that you have more freedom to continue your normal wash, deep conditioning*, co-washing, etc. without worrying about if you are going to mess up your Crochet Braid extensions*.

Additionally, speaking of healthy hair care routine, it is always a great idea to make sure that your hair is in the best shape that it can possibly be in before doing any style, whether it is with your own hair or not. It can be so easy to forget to take care of your hair underneath especially when you have the convenience of wigs trust me I know, with me being a full time student, wigs are a heaven sent, so make sure to take care of your hair before and during your wig regimen.

Alright so with all of that said, let’s get to the tutorials on the next page:

1. Curly Marley Crochet Braid Wig

In the tutorial below, Lekita Antoinette shows us how she makes her Curly Crochet Braid Wig using Marley hair!

Products Used To Achieve This Hairstyle

4 Packs of Marley Hair- In the video, Lekita uses Noir Marley Braiding Hair in color 350. However,  you can use any brand and any color of Marley hair that fits your fancy. If you would like to try hair color without the commitment, this is a great opportunity for you  to let your color beast roam wild!

Weaving Cap– To use a the base for the wig and weave in the hair

Crochet Hook– To loop in the hair

Sidenote: In the video below , Lekita Antoinette pre-curls her hair before she latches them onto her wig*. If you do not want to curl the Marley hairfirst, you can always just attach the Marley hair before curling. Whichever way makes it easier for you is all good!

2. Water Wave Crochet Braid Wig*

In the video below, Youtuber QueenPaul09 shows us how she creates her Crochet Braid Wig using Outre VIVID Bohemian Curl Hair!

Products Used to Achieve this Hairstyle

Hair– Outre VIVID Bohemian Curl Synthetic Bulk and Weft Hair or any Bohemian Curl hair to your liking

Weaving Cap– Mesh Wig and Weave* Cap or any Mesh Cap that you can find

Stocking Cap– Any Wave or Wig Cap* that you can find

3. Short Kinky Twist Crochet Braid Wig

So this Crochet Braid Wig tutorial really took me for a hoot! I mean , come on, a Kinky* Twist Wig?? How cool is that? Check out more below to see how Youtuber uniquelyyou82 creates her Kinky Twist Crochet Braid Wig!

Products Used to Achieve This Hairstyle

Hair- 2 packs of Golden Queen Kinky* Hair or any brand of Kinky Hair that you prefer in any color that fits your liking

Weaving Cap- Any Weave* Cap that you can find at your local beauty supply store

Latch Hook

Well there you have it, what do you guys think? Comment below:
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