Habits That Change And Stay The Same When Going Natural


I know you still get questions related to your natural hair: “Why did you go natural?” “What do you like about being natural?” “What are your goals now that you are natural?” And you always have an exciting and optimistic answer for each question.

I know for me I get those questions all the time but one threw me off guard when asked about my natural hair journey: “Now that you are natural, what are some habits that have changed and what are some habits that have stayed the same?” Honestly, I never thought about it but now I had to come up with a quick list and thought I would share so you won’t be caught off guard like me:

Habits That Changed When Going Natural

Styling options – When you were relaxed, the two most common styles would be a flat iron* or a roller set. You can add a few flat twists and buns in there but that was about it. Now that you have gone natural, your hair is even more versatile you can do a flat iron*, roller set, Afro, finger coils, etc. Natural hair gives a broad range of options that relaxed hair is not able to fulfill.

Reading labels of hair products – Now I’m not the only one that reads every hair product that has come across my path. When I was relaxed, I did not do my own hair let alone buy hair products besides a comb, gel, and a satin scarf.

But once I crossed that line of being a naturalista, I would became selective in what I would put on my hair. I always want to make sure certain, harmful ingredients were not hidden in the hair products I would be curious about.

Hair routine – A naturals hair regimen is very different from being relaxed. You may have added more products or extra steps, for example: pre pooing and lets not forget detangling.

Detangling alone has really made the natural hair regimen very different than having relaxed hair because even though the technique is the same, it takes way more time in comparison to straight relaxed hair.

The effects of humidity and weather – Well, you may not run from your job to your car when it is raining because your hair is in an Afro puff or two strand twists…but best believe, we don’t do sun and the hot weather in general when our hair is straight.

No amount of serum, anti-frizz, or humidity-resistance potions and concoctions can save your flat ironed style from becoming a frizzy twist out-like style by the afternoon if humidity, rain, or even the wind are present.

pullcurlRFairy knots – My oh my! If you have not come across a fairy knot or single strand knot because you have a TWA don’t worry, it’s coming if you choose to grow your hair out.

It’s inevitable for a naturalista to get fairy knots, because the hair is curly and kinky* and wraps around itself, no matter how detangled your hair is. Try to keep them at bay with moisturizing and sealing your hair effectively, so the stands can stay lubricated.

Length and shrinkage – I know for myself, I am in the high shrinkage club by having full APL with NL shrinkage. I would love to show off my length and all the hard work I did to grow it out. So if you are bummed by shrinkage try: banding, threading, two strand twists for a twist out, blow dry, etc.

Now let’s look at the list of things that stayed a habits when becoming natural:

Habits That Stayed The Same

Wrap and protect hair at night – This hasn’t changed, relaxed or natural we all wrap our hair at night! Whether it’s a satin bonnet*, a silk scarf*, or even a silk pillow case, we are using something to protect the style, moisture, and health of our hair.

Deep conditioning regularly – Whether you get your hair done at the salon or if you are a DIY kind of gal, deep conditioning* has been drilled into us so much that it would be tough to have a wash day without your deep conditioning* treatment.

HIHS – Also known as Hand In Hair Syndrome, this has not changed. It may not be a habit like it is for others, but HIHS is very real when your hair has grown 3 inches in 6 months and you just can’t help to feel your length or when your Afro looks very luscious and your hands tend to caress your kinks. HIHS will always be a habit for all of us when we see that our hair is responding to the TLC given.

Wear protective styles – When you were relaxed, you may have done buns for a few weeks or got your hair braided to take a break from your hair. Well, that does not change when going natural. Actually, protective styling become more often to protect your kinky* hair from clothes, HIHS, and the environment.

Trim when needed – Now that you are natural, your hair is not necessarily trimmed less often but more when needed. You still have to make sure that the split ends that do occur are trimmed off, just like when you were relaxed.

People judge based on hair – This is a sad habit, but something you will have no control over. Whether it’s a job, going to the grocery store, or those who don’t agree with your hair choice, you are still judged.

When you were relaxed, people judged that you were trying to be “someone” you aren’t. And now you are natural, you are making a political stance or you are “unkempt.” No matter what kind of hair you have, people will always judge.

Hours watching YouTube for tips and styles – Of course! When we were relaxed, we watched YouTube of other relaxed gals. That has not changed at all! We just switched over to watching naturalistas for tips and styling options.

There you go; that’s my complete list of habits we kept and habits we ditched.

Do you have any others habits that have changed or stayed the same, since you became natural?

Comment below!

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